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Conclave of Conspiracy
Copyright A Strange Geek, 2006

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Story codes: MF, Mf, mf, Ff, ff, Mdom, Fdom, toys, bd, rom, magic, oral, 1st, spank

Conclave of Conspiracy -- Chapter 6 of 33

Rennis dashed up the path to Roquan's quarters, smoothing down his hair as best he could. He cursed himself for oversleeping again. He was loathe to admit that this constant shuttling back and forth between his own Manor and Roquan's was starting to take its toll on him. It was a full day by boat and another half day over land to get from the D'glounaas Manor to the D'ronstaq Manor. He sorely wished Roquan's father had founded the Manor closer to the island's only port.

When he burst into the outer chamber, he was panting lightly from the exertion. It was still early morning, but the heavy humidity made it feel as if the heat of the day were already upon him. He immediately saw that he was indeed late, yet the expression that Roquan cast at him was neutral, and his voice bore no ill will when he spoke. "There is Rennis now."

Rennis took a moment to catch his breath, tugging at his tunic to straighten out the last of the wrinkles before stepping over to Roquan and into the sight of the Farview form of Doran.

"Ah, good Rennis!" Doran said with a wide grin.

Rennis returned the grin with a smirk. "'Good'? You weren't saying that just a few days ago when I bested you for that contract to Lord K'yaran."

Doran laughed heartily. "Business is business, and not worth holding a grudge."

Roquan raised an eyebrow at this and glared at Doran. "At least no one ran to the Emperor over it this time," he said coolly.

Doran withered slightly. "Ah, yes, well (ahem), on to the business at hand, now that Rennis is here."

Rennis cast a sidelong glance at Roquan. "Apologies for my tardiness."

Doran waved a beefy hand. "No need, no need. We had only just begun."

"Doran was about to tell me who, if any, he managed to sway to our side."

"Realize, my dear Roquan, that you should not count anyone as a given. The Conclave's the thing! That's where it will be decided."

"I must admit that I am growing impatient for it to start."

Doran chuckled. "And pass up the wonderful learning opportunity in etiquette from Rennis here?"

Roquan bristled, but said nothing. Rennis hid a smile.

"And just how has that gone, Rennis?" Doran asked.

"Ah, quite well," Rennis said at the unexpected question, forcing his face to a more serious expression. Yet he could not resist a joke at the Overlord's expense. "I don't think he'll quite insult everyone the first day."

Roquan folded his arms and gave the two of them an indignant look. "If you two are quite through ... evaluating me ..."

"Roquan, sorry to put it bluntly, but this is no time for your ego," said Doran flatly.

Roquan blinked at this. This was the second time now in his life someone had said something like that to him. The other time had been his Healer Vanlo, back when they were still trying to piece together what troubles had befallen the Manor.

"Nevertheless," said Roquan loudly. "I would hope that my words and my evidence will carry the day where protocol may fail. What has happened is of such great import that it should transcend mere custom."

Rennis sighed inwardly. He still had a long way to go with the man.

Doran did not hide his disappointment at this statement, but chose not to agitate Roquan further. "Rest assured, I have relayed your words and your evidence to each of them. Yet even then, they will insist on something in return. And I must admit, Roquan, you are doing me no favors by your aggressive push into the domestic slave market."

"And what would have me do, Doran? I'd remind you of why I am being forced to do this. I am doing what I can to stay ahead financially."

"But not at the other Overlords' expense! Not until you convince them of the merits of your case."

"And even then, Roquan," Rennis said. "As I told you before, they will expect something in return."

Roquan sighed, exasperated. "I have little to give."

"No, you just don't want to part with anything."

"If I were to trade slaves away for a promise of support, that would leave me in no better position than if I left the matter alone."

"I never said you would have to trade slaves away."

"Then what? What is it they want? Doran, do you know?"

"Oh, I do," Doran said with a smirk. "But you don't want to hear it."

Roquan paused, then took a good guess, his eyes growing hard. "No, I do not. I have had enough of hearing about the Urisi."

"Roquan, you're going to hear about it a whole lot more when the Conclave arrives," Rennis said.

"I have made my position on that very clear ..."

"Get over it already, Roquan!"

Both Roquan and Doran fell into a surprised silence at Rennis' outburst.

The days with too little sleep had caught up to Rennis, and he was giving vent to his frustrations over both it and Roquan's stubbornness. "Stop treating your slaves like they were fragile glass, ready to shatter if you mishandled them in the slightest! Give some of your older ones credit for having a little more resilience than that."

Roquan cast a hotly indignant gaze at his friend. "And who are you to decide what I should do with my slaves? You are not one to talk, Rennis. You have also shunned trade with the Urisi."

Rennis gave Roquan an even look.

"Ah," Roquan said simply, an icy edge to his voice as he looked away. "I see."

"He did it at my suggestion, Roquan," said Doran. "Very soon after we first spoke."

"The Urisi are not quite as bad as you think they are," Rennis said, forcing his voice into a more calm tone. "Yes, their Slavemasters are rather more strict and punishment-oriented than most Overlords, but if you send them the right slaves, they do well."

"And they do not deny orgasm until the slave begs for sexual release? They do not make slaves go days at a time without touching them sexually? They do not restrain them in uncomfortable positions for half a day at a time?"

"And we don't do that to our slaves on occasion?"

"That is merely a training exercise, to teach submissiveness, and to prepare them in the case ..."

" ... in the case that client might happen to do that to them! You just made my argument for me!"

"But we blacklist clients that do such a thing!" Roquan thundered.

"You blacklist them, Roquan," Doran interjected firmly. "Not all Overlords are so limited in their thinking!"

Roquan gave Doran an amazed look. "Limited?" He turned and stared hard at Rennis. "Is that why you did it? So you would not appear limited as well?"

"No, Roquan, I did it to help you," Rennis said.

Roquan looked nonplussed at this and said nothing.

"Rennis speaks the truth," Doran declared. "Roquan, you suffer from a lack of respect among the other Overlords. Rennis, however, has some better ties with them. They know you two are close. If they see Rennis concede a point, they will hold out hope that you will as well. They know how Rennis can be, ah, persuasive where you are concerned."

Roquan paused for a long moment. What he did not want to admit was that Doran's logic was unassailable. Finally, he was beginning to believe that perhaps he should have "played the game" more, as distasteful as he found it to be. Yet he did not want to yield so easily. He did not want to appear weak in front of them.

"Then answer me this," he said in a calmer voice. "If they do not wish the competition on the domestic front, why would they want me in the foreign market to the east?"

Rennis chuckled. "Never heard or riding on the coattails of someone else's reputation before?"

"Of course I have. I simply have never had to do it."


Roquan paused as enlightenment came to him. So that was it. It was another tacit admission from the other Overlords of the simple fact that Roquan's slaves were the best in Oceanus.

"The other Overlords are not penetrating the Urisi market as far as they would like, are they?" Roquan asked. He rarely felt smug about anything, but this time he felt justified in indulging himself.

"The Urisi enjoy private ownership of slaves, as you know," Doran commented.

"Yes. Utterly barbaric."

"Be that as it may, that's considered a huge asset. We're competing with their native Slavemasters, who have been training slaves for as long as we have."

"And not very well, I might add. They break a slave's spirit."

"Not everyone can make a Draught of Forgetfulness like we can," Rennis commented lightly.

Roquan rounded on him. "As I stated before, Rennis, we do not speak of such things ..."

"Fine, we won't speak of it. But know this: the nobility over there knows you. By name. They want your slaves. That will whet their appetite for more. You can't possibly satisfy all of them, so the rest of us go in and offer our slaves right behind you."

"And make money from my reputation," Roquan scoffed.

"Roquan, get over yourself! You can't just ...!"

"Gentlemen," Doran said suddenly.

Both Roquan and Rennis turned to face Doran. His image had faded a bit.

"I fear the energies in my Farviewing pearl are waning, so we must wrap this up quickly. I will have to leave it to Rennis to further convince you on the merits of the Urisi option."

Roquan's eyes burned at this, but he said nothing.

"Now, I have finished arrangements. The Conclave will arrive in a little more than a half-moon from now."

Rennis' eyebrows shot up. "That soon?"

"And Roquan, let me tell you this now so you may prepare. The one you want to work on the most out of all the Overlords is Freya."

Now it was Roquan's turn to look surprised. "Freya D'yros?"

"Hellfire, she hates Roquan. How did you manage to sway her?"

Doran frowned. "I suspect she has her own agenda. She wants something, I could sense that much. Just don't know what."

Roquan exchanged a look with Rennis. Each of them knew having Freya on their side would be a huge advantage. As the only female Overlord in Oceanus, she tended to attract the most attention from the other Overlords. Where she went, the rest generally followed. Where Doran used his way with words to sway others, Freya used her charisma and her voluptuous body.

"I will likely not contact you again before the Conclave, Roquan, so I look forward to seeing you in the flesh. It will have been a long time indeed."

Roquan gave a single respectful nod, temporarily speechless at this possible hopeful turn to his fortunes.

Doran gave them one last smile before his image quickly faded and vanished.

"I don't like it."

Roquan looked askance at the other Overlord. "I beg your pardon?"

Rennis' face was drawn into a deep frown. "Freya is not one to be trusted, Roquan."

"And here you were telling me I should listen to Doran!"

"Doran sometimes overestimates the power of his words, especially when dealing with Freya. Most men -- even Overlords -- tend to have little reasoning ability around her."

"But to have her on our side, Rennis ..."

"Yes, wouldn't that be wonderful?" The sarcasm was heavy in Rennis' voice. "But I suspect that whoever she supports in this will be whoever's bedchamber appeals to her the most. Unfortunately, that is usually how she also gets someone to give her what she wants."

Roquan straightened, anger flickering in his eyes. "If you think me some addle-minded boy with more lust than sense ..."

Rennis raised a hand. "I didn't say that, Roquan. One coupling, no matter how intense, would not be enough to sway someone like you, but that's just one thing she may try. Now, if you were paying attention more closely to what the other Overlords were doing, you'd know that she visited Gronnus' Manor just before the Emperor canceled the agreement. Right after, Gronnus generously parted with some of his best slaves. Guess who got them?"

"Freya is not purchasing any of my slaves," Roquan declared. "None will be for sale, regardless of her appearance of lack thereof in my bedchamber. Not from what I hear of how she treats her slaves."

"Just the same, watch your back around her."

Roquan considered for a moment. "Do you believe she may be swayed to Gronnus' side, Rennis?"

"I've been so busy going back and forth between your Manor and mine that I have not kept as close tabs on them as I would have liked," Rennis said sourly. "But I do know that Gronnus has been absent from his Manor for days at a time."

Roquan sighed. "It is getting such that I will be unaware of who I can trust. If anyone."

"Me you can trust. Doran you can trust. Anyone after that, let them prove they can be trusted."

Roquan was silent, his eyes subdued.

"Will you be ready for this, Roquan?" Rennis asked earnestly.

"As ready as I can be," Roquan admitted.

"What about Amanda?"

Roquan was surprised at the question, but chose not to show it. "Improving."

"Not exactly a ringing endorsement."

"Sirinna has accelerated her training. It appears she is picking up her new skills fairly quickly, at least at a basic level."

"And her attitude?"

"Better than it was, for the most part."

Rennis frowned. "Still doesn't sound good."

"Would you care to see for yourself?"

Now Rennis was surprised. "Are you quite serious?"

Roquan cracked a small smile. "You were the one who told me I should adhere to custom more closely. Would you, a visiting Overlord, not care to see my Trainee, then? I shall be highly insulted if you refuse."

Rennis laughed. He gave his friend a wry grin. "You'll be insulted anyway, since I'm shamelessly using it as a chance to see Sirinna again."

The first thing that Amanda noticed that told her there was going to be another change to her routine was the fact that Sirinna left her wrists bound behind her when they arrived at the Circle that morning. Normally the first thing her mistress did was remove them, so her hands would be free for more practice.

She was almost disappointed. She was actually starting to enjoy what she was doing. Using her hands seemed to come naturally to her once Sirinna showed her the basic techniques. She particularly enjoyed the one where Sirinna showed her how to hold and gently tug on the balls to prolong the rise to orgasm; it made her feel like she was in control rather than the other way around.

Garas was already there and standing near the center of the circle. He gave Amanda a small smile, his cock already half-hard in anticipation. Amanda blushed lightly at this, but considered it a compliment. So whatever was going to happen, she knew it would at least involve him.

Unfortunately, Marisa was there as well. With her hands still restrained, Amanda felt very vulnerable as the older slave looked her over appraisingly. Worse, a few days before, Sirinna had applied a salve to Amanda's sex that removed all her pubic hair, leaving her pussy completely bare. She didn't think she could feel any more naked than she already was, but since then she blushed anytime someone happened to look at her for more than a few moments at a time.

Sirinna grasped Amanda's arm and made a gesture with her hand. Amanda knew what it meant but was confused at why it was being asked of her, and she hesitated a moment. Sirinna repeated it and gave the chain a gentle tug. Amanda carefully lowered herself to her knees.

Marisa cast a dubious look at both Trainer and Trainee. "Advancing to this already, Sirinna? You've barely touched on what she can do with her hands."

"I believe she's far enough along for this, Marisa," Sirinna said evenly, a polite smile on her face. "She has been picking up things very quickly."

Amanda allowed herself a small and slightly smug smile at this praise, which she made sure Marisa noticed.

"I haven't seen what she can do with a female yet."

"I have had prior experience with her. I can assure you her skills in that area are quite good."

"I'd like to see that for myself at some point."

Sirinna smiled brilliantly at her. "At some point."

Marisa raised an eyebrow, but said nothing more in reply. Instead, her attention appeared to be distracted for a moment by something behind Amanda and Sirinna. After a moment, her lips curled into a sly smile that made Amanda nervous, but she did not dare try to turn around to see what was happening. She glanced up at Sirinna, but it did not appear that her mistress had noticed it.

So was Roquan watching them now again?

"Now, Amanda," Sirinna said, startling her a bit. "I'm going to start teaching you something else today. You've shown yourself to be very good with your hands. Now I'd like to see how well you can do with your mouth."

Amanda's eyes widened. She turned her gaze forward and saw Garas approaching her, his manhood rising to full hardness.

Her heart started to pound. She knew she was going to have to do this eventually, just not so soon. For the past week or so, she could not shake the feeling that Sirinna was rushing her. Each day was something new, before she had a chance to get used to what she had learned the day before. At first she thought it was just her, but now Marisa's comment had confirmed it.

Her eyes locked on Garas' manhood. It seemed unnaturally large to her, lightly pulsing with his heartbeat as it stood barely inches from her face. Somehow she felt this was more intimate than having it inside her pussy.

Amanda nearly jumped when Sirinna placed a hand on her shoulder. Sirinna could feel Amanda's body quivering. "It's okay to be a little nervous," Sirinna said softly.

"Mistress, d-do you need to keep me restrained like this?" Amanda asked in a small voice.

"It's just to help you concentrate on using just your mouth, that's all. Later I'll teach you to use both your mouth and hands in combination."

Amanda nodded quickly. She tried to take a deep breath to calm herself, but it did little good. For the first time in awhile she was very conscious of the others watching her.

"Like everything else, we'll take it slowly. One step at a time. Now, I'd like you to slide your knees apart just a bit more ... "

Amanda complied, heat flashing over her skin as more of her hairless pussy was exposed. She felt embarrassed for the first time in a month.

"Lift your head and look straight ahead."

Amanda was forced to lift her gaze to Garas' cock again.

"Now, Amanda, just remain still until I tell you. Garas, place the head just on her lips."

Garas complied, and now Amanda trembled with the familiar mix of fear and excitement as she remained posed in a still, soft kiss on his head of Garas' cock. A very slightly musky odor tickled her nose. In her mind, she compared it to what she would smell from Sirinna's aroused pussy. It was different, but subtly familiar at the same time.

"Lay your tongue flat on the bottom of your mouth," Sirinna directed. "Then, we start it like we did when I taught you to use your hands: slow and light. Part your lips and lean forward, and start to take him inside your mouth."

Amanda hesitated a moment, taking a deep breath and letting it go through her nose. She opened her mouth and let Garas' cock slide inside.

Her heart hammered in her chest as his swollen head penetrated past her lips and slid over her tongue. She heard a soft intake of breath from Garas. It didn't feel as overly large as she thought it might. At the same time, she was hardly placing any pressure on his penis at all.

She had him halfway into her when Sirinna intoned, "Now stop there and remain still for a moment."

Amanda was trying to resist the urge to clamp her lips around him more firmly. She need not have bothered, for Sirinna cupped one hand under Amanda's chin and coaxed her into doing just that.

"Like when you used your hands, it's not as delicate as you think," Sirinna explained. "Just use only your lips for now."

Amanda felt her mouth growing wet. It made her want to continue on to the next step, if for no other reason than to avoid drooling from having him in her mouth for so long.

Sirinna placed her hand behind Amanda's head. "Now ... slow and gentle ... let me guide you at first."

She carefully pushed Amanda's head forward. Amanda's mouth slid further down Garas' cock, her tongue pressing firmly against the underside of his shaft. Sirinna relented just as he filled her mouth completely, just short the head growing uncomfortably close to the back of her throat.

"Now back ..."

Amanda drew back a little quickly and he nearly popped out of her mouth. Her cheeks flushed bright red.

"No, it's okay," Sirinna said in a soothing voice. "Just do it a little more slowly next time and keep his head inside you. Now, let's try again ..."

Amanda felt the pressure on the back of her head again. Her heart raced as she bobbed her head forward and then back, this time avoiding the mistake. Sirinna's touch grew a little more insistent, making her increase the pace slowly. Finally, Sirinna lifted her hand away.

Garas' cock slid steadily over her tongue and lips, the muskiness of his arousal increasing. He even seemed to harden more inside her, and she heard his breath quicken. Amanda could scarcely believe she was doing this.

"Very good, Amanda. Now, just keep that pace for a bit. Don't go any faster yet, or you'll drive him too far too fast. But here's what you can do. Try tilting your head back a little as you pull back."

It took Amanda a few times to coordinate it, but she quickly managed to do as she was told. She angled her head back each time her mouth slid back, opening her mouth a bit each time.

"No, no, keep your mouth clamped around him. Trust me on this."

Amanda hesitated, but complied. When she heard a groan from Garas, she initially was sure he had hurt him, as it seemed to her she was placing more pressure on it on the back-stroke. It took her a moment to realize it was a noise of pleasure.

Sirinna grinned. "See what I mean? It's more flexible than you give it credit for."

Amanda was suddenly quite pleased. Her first time doing this, and it was already eliciting a pleasant reaction from her partner. She wished she could see Marisa's face right now.

"All right, now slow down a bit, and I'll have you do something else."

The next thing Sirinna showed her was how to use her tongue on his shaft. She had Amanda release him from her mouth and turn her head to one side. She guided Amanda through balancing his cock on her tongue and running up and down his length along the underside.

"A little faster ... oops, tilt your head back more and he won't slip off ... much better!"

Garas was panting by this time, rising slowly from Amanda's ministrations.

Sirinna smiled. "Hear that? You're having a very nice effect on him, I'd say."

Amanda felt another flash of heat over her, and a familiar tingle started in her sex. She wasn't sure whether to feel shocked or relieved that she was growing aroused over this.

"Take him back inside your mouth and go back to what you were doing before, only a little faster now."

Amanda did so even before Sirinna had finished with her command. Her head bobbed back and forth eagerly as she sensed she was doing something right. Garas' pants rose, and Amanda could see his balls trying to slowly draw up towards his body.

"Oh, very good! I think you'll pick this up quickly as well."

Part of her renewed enthusiasm was simply because she was growing increasingly excited sexually. Her pussy was wet and ached to be touched. Yet it caused mixed feelings inside her. Was she reacting this way because it was normal for her, or was she finally being "conditioned" properly in her training?

Or perhaps she wasn't feeling quite as pressured as she had initially felt?

"Now, let me show you one more thing."

Sirinna had Amanda pull her head back until just short of letting him drop from her mouth, his head squeezed between her lips. At Sirinna's direction, Amanda tilted her head back and balanced the head of his cock against her open lips. She then extended her tongue under him and lashed back and forth at the spot just behind the head.

Garas uttered a low, loud groan, his body tensing.

"Relent, and take him back inside," Sirinna directed.

When his cock reentered her mouth and she next took a breath, she was surprised to find a new odor emanating from him, the same one she smelled right after he had climaxed by her hand. She shuddered softly, and tasted a small bit of salty stickiness on her tongue.

"Normally I don't make a Trainee do this the first time, Amanda, but I think you can do this. I'm going to let him cum in your mouth. Slow down a little so he doesn't get there too quickly before I can explain it to you."

Amanda eyed Garas' balls warily. They had ascended quite a bit. He was already very close.

"Now, when I tell you, you begin quick, firm strokes. Not too deep. When he starts to cum, slow down and use your tongue to massage him just past the head. Keep your lips around him, don't try to swallow until I tell you. Okay, begin."

Amanda took a breath through her nose and bobbed her head back and forth relentlessly on his shaft.

She had been right. He had already been very close. Barely four or five into it and he uttered a low cry, his cock throbbing in her mouth. The first splash of his warm seed caught her by surprise, spurting a bit far towards the back of her throat. By the time she managed to remember to change her strokes, it seemed to her as if he were filling her mouth with his cum, even though she knew there was simply not that much to be had. When she exhaled, the very strong aroma of his seed nearly overwhelmed her, causing her to moan softly.

"Slow down. Slower," Sirinna intoned as Garas' climax faded. "Tilt your head back more. Pull back. Keep your lips tight."

Amanda felt his seed pooled on her tongue as his now softening penis slipped from her mouth. One small drop escaped and rolled down her chin.

Sirinna smiled. "Now, pull back ... and ... swallow."

Amanda had to do it twice to feel like she managed to get all of it down, but after she did, she let go with a long, soft sigh. Her body trembled with both relief and lingering excitement.

"That was very good, Amanda," said Sirinna.

"I think I would agree with that, Sirinna, if this were indeed her first time at it."

Amanda did not even flinch at the sound of Roquan's voice anymore. She had caught so many glimpses of him watching her training that it no longer bothered her to have him there. She was rather curious as to why he was so intent on keeping such close tabs on her. He rarely visited the Circle before Amanda had been collared. Surely she was not the source of his renewed interest. She assumed she would be just another slave to him by now.

It was the second voice, however, that made Amanda flinch in surprise.

"Of course, she's that good her first time, Roquan. After all, look who was teaching her."

Sirinna's face lit up as she turned her gaze towards the two Overlords. "Good day to you, Master Rennis! Thank you for honoring us with your presence at the Circle."

Yes, Amanda had been right. That was Rennis D'glounaas. She felt oddly embarrassed. After all, it had been her words that originally got him kicked out of the Manor, making Roquan believe Rennis had been the one behind the poisoning of Roquan's slaves. It had been the most reprehensible act possible against an Overlord: administering an herb to his slaves such that it subjected them to random acts of disobedience. While Amanda had reported only what she had seen and heard -- herself having been tricked by the Imperial agent -- and despite the fact that it had turned out all right in the end, she still felt bad about it.

Sirinna gave the chain a tug and made a quick gesture. Amanda rose to her feet, suppressing a small whimper as she realized that her pussy was still very wet and very warm, her movements stimulating it mildly for a few moments.

Both Overlords stepped forward as Amanda turned to face them. Rennis gave her a wry smile, his eyes darting down her nude body and back up again. "So you are the same girl I remember from a moon or or so ago, hmm?"

Too nonplussed at being addressed by him, Amanda did not answer at first until Sirinna gave her chain a light snap. "Uh, y-yes, master."

"I can still see the same fire in her that she had before," Rennis commented to Roquan. "It's in her eyes. Very good that she's kept that."

"Indeed," Roquan said evenly, his eyes coolly evaluating as they gazed hard at Amanda. "Sometimes it is to her detriment, however."

Rennis gestured briefly towards Amanda's nether regions. "At least she managed to enjoy this aspect of her training today."

Amanda blinked and glanced down herself. Moisture glistened clearly on her still aroused mound. The realization that a lack of pubic hair announced the level of her sexual excitement to the world made her blush scarlet.

She felt another tug on the collar. "Eyes up and forward when in the presence of the Overlord, Amanda," Sirinna admonished softly.

"As you can see, she still has a lot to learn about protocol," Roquan said with some disdain in his voice as Amanda lifted her gaze.

"Ah, but the focus is on her pleasuring skills, remember?" Rennis said with a grin. "And there Amanda appears to have a good start, at least with the males."

"That will be her primary focus, yes."

"It would be good for her to learn how to pleasure a woman as well. After all, you might need that leverage with Freya."

Roquan glanced at Sirinna, who gave him a nervous look in return. His eyes flicked down to Amanda briefly. In the space of a few seconds, Roquan realized that Amanda had yet to be told about the Presenting. "We'll discuss her at another time, not here."

Rennis looked a bit surprised at the mild rebuke, but decided not to push it. "In any case, I would be interested to see how she fares in that capacity as well at some point."

Amanda puzzled at the conversation between the Overlords, and the looks exchanged between Roquan and Sirinna. What was that all about? And who was Freya?

Before she could contemplate the matter any further, she caught movement out of the corner of her eye, and saw the attention of the two Overlords shift.

"If I may suggest, masters," said Marisa in a reverent, respectful voice, though a wicked smile played at the corner of her lips. "Sirinna has said that Amanda already has considerable skill in this area. Perhaps she might allow her Trainee to show her ability for you?"

Amanda's mouth fell open as if to protest. Instead, she whipped her head around and gave Sirinna a stricken look.

"You're Marisa, correct?" Rennis asked.

Marisa smiled and bowed her head once. "Yes, Master Rennis. I am honored you remember by name."

"Roquan has mentioned you on occasion."

"Master Roquan has been gracious enough to allow me to assist Sirinna in training Amanda where I can."

Sirinna's hand gripped the chain she held more tightly, but otherwise she showed no overt reaction. Amanda side-stepped closer to her mistress.

Roquan paused. He, too, thought Marisa a bit audacious in her forwardness, but as his oldest and most experienced slave with a near spotless record, she was allowed some leeway. "This is true. At Sirinna's discretion, of course."

"Of course, master," Marisa said immediately. "And I would be happy to assist here, if Master Rennis wished a demonstration of Amanda's prowess."

Rennis smiled. "I have to admit, I wouldn't mind a look, Roquan."

"Sirinna, is Amanda skilled in this area?" Roquan asked.

"Yes, master, she is, though only I and Tanyee have been her partners."

"Then this is perhaps a good opportunity for her to branch out, as it were. If you concur, that is."

Sirinna's hand tightened reflexively again on the end of the chain. "Of course, master."

Amanda let a despairing sigh loose through her nose. No, she didn't hate Sirinna for that. She knew Sirinna had no choice. To refuse the Overlord like that in front of so many others was simply not possible.

Sirinna looked over to Marisa. Her expression was polite and respectful, but there was a cool edge to her eyes. "Shall I remove her restraints for you?"

"No need. After all, the purpose of today's lesson was to teach her how to use her mouth. I'm sure she'll be just fine."

Amanda swallowed, her hands clenching and unclenching. The cuffs now felt more restrictive than ever. She felt trapped.

Marisa gave Amanda a sly smile and a wink that made her shudder before turning towards one of the larger trees near the edge of the Circle. Sirinna snapped the chain lightly when Amanda initially hesitated before following. Marisa stood under one of the thicker branches and reached up, stretching a bit as she grabbed at something. The next moment, what looked like a large piece of hard leather dropped from the branch and swung from two thick straps attached at either end.

Marisa grasped the straps and wriggled her ass into the curve of the leather, forming a snug seat against her cheeks. The seat was low enough that her feet could sit on the ground with her legs bent at the knees. She smiled and spread her legs wide, revealing a moist and gently swollen mound. She reached down between her legs and spread the labia apart, revealing the wet pinkness beyond. Her clitoris was rather well-pronounced, more so than in any other partner Amanda had had.

"Bring her over here, please, Sirinna."

Amanda swallowed again and had to be gently nudged by Sirinna into moving. Trembling, she staggered a bit as she approached Marisa, and hesitated again before dropping to her knees before Marisa's aroused sex.

"It's all yours, Amanda," Marisa said in a low, wicked voice. "Make me cum."

Amanda leaned forward. The smell of Marisa's arousal was very strong and musky, and for a moment she thought she could not breathe. Before she could consider pulling back, Marisa had put a hand behind Amanda's head and pushed the girl's face into her pussy.

Amanda whimpered and briefly struggled, earning another snap of the chain. She obeyed and subsided, and began to lick at Marisa's womanhood. Her movements were quick and furtive at first, until she felt Sirinna's hand on her shoulder, gently squeezing. "A little slower, Amanda. Take your time."

She wanted to do anything but take her time. She wanted to get this over with. It had been as she feared it might be. She held little enthusiasm for pleasing the likes of Marisa.

At the same time, she did not want Sirinna to look bad in front of the two Overlords, after she practically gushed about Amanda's prowess in this area. Amanda tried hard to forget for whom she was doing this and concentrated just on giving pleasure, as if she were doing it for someone like Sirinna.

Amanda's tongue now played more carefully about Marisa's womanhood, slow and firm strokes that made it swell even more under her ministrations. She shifted her attentions downward a bit, and used the tip of her tongue to flick at the tip, alternating between this and furtive thrusts at the entrance to Marisa's tunnel.

"Mmm ... not too bad for a beginner," Marisa commented in a husky voice, her fingers playing with Amanda's hair. It was too much like a tender gesture of Sirinna's for her comfort. "Thought not as enthusiastic as I'd expect."

Sirinna dropped down to her knees behind Amanda. "You're doing fine," she said softly into her ear. She placed her hands lightly on Amanda's shoulders, paused, then slid them slowly and sensuously down Amanda's sides.

Amanda suddenly drew in her breath sharply at her lover's obviously provocative touch. Her body trembled as Sirinna's hands explored her hips and flirted with the insides of her thighs. She let her breath go as a soft sigh through her nose, pressing her lips to Marisa's pussy and sucking at Marisa's womanhood.

Marisa flinched in surprise. "Oh! ... Oh my ... that's rather better ..."

Sirinna's hands cupped Amanda's breasts. Amanda whimpered again, her nipples hardening in Sirinna's fingers. She tilted her head back and sucked harder at Marisa, her lips closing around it as her tongue lashed.

Marisa moaned. "Oh yes ... good ... mmm ..."

Sirinna played with one of Amanda's nipples while her other hand slipped over Amanda's mound. Amanda moaned as fingers slid into the renewed wetness.

Marisa smiled at Sirinna. "Some might say that's cheating, Sirinna," she said in a very low voice.

"I have no idea what you're talking about, Marisa," Sirinna replied evenly.

Amanda panted hard through her nose as she felt herself rising. She pressed her face against Marisa's hot pussy, licking hard and fast. Now Marisa started to pant as well as she was driven upwards along with Amanda. Marisa gripped the straps holding her seat with both hands and leaned back.

"I take it you have no more doubts of Amanda's skill?" Sirinna asked sweetly.

Marisa moaned again, her muscles tensing as she soared upwards, her head tilting back. Amanda was shaking, Sirinna's fingers relenting, leaving her hanging high but short of her peak.

She understood. She had to finish Marisa first, then she could have her own reward.

It did not take long. Marisa shuddered, then uttered a single, long, low moan as her cunt pulsed hard, her hips jerking in the seat. She panted hard and arched her back as Amanda sucked the woman's clitoris between her lips again. She let it pop from her mouth, causing Marisa to gasp and jerk again. Just as it looked as if Amanda would relent, she dipped forward again and lapped again at Marisa still over-sensitized womanhood.

"Oh ... gods ..." Marisa croaked, her hips jerking violently.

Amanda did not stop. She did it to Marisa again. And then again. Marisa's breathing came as loud, ragged gasps.

"I think she's had enough, Amanda," Sirinna said, a slightly admonishing tone to her voice.

Amanda finally pulled back. She gasped as Sirinna's fingers sank into her still very wet cunt. She closed her eyes and moaned in ever-strident tones as she soared upwards again. This time, Sirinna did not relent, and she barreled over the top.

Amanda uttered a loud moan and leaned back into Sirinna as she throbbed, letting Sirinna's skilled fingers draw out her climax to a slow, pleasant drop. She drew in her breath and let it go as a deep, satisfied sigh as Sirinna's fingers withdrew from her slot.

Marisa drew herself up in her seat. "Not too bad, Sirinna," she said in a still breathless voice. "A bit crude. Could use some work on her follow-through."

Amanda ignored Marisa's criticism. She felt like she had given some small measure of revenge. She knew she could not string Marisa along just short of cumming; she wasn't experienced enough to know how to do such a thing. But she remembered how she had made Sirinna orgasm continuously until she had to be told to stop. That had largely been born out of ignorance at the time, but she had since refined that technique and used it to more pleasant ends during her time with Sirinna in the evenings.

When she had done it to Marisa, it had been on purpose, and not intended to be pleasant. And from the way Marisa looked at her, Marisa knew this as well.

This suited Amanda just fine.

"Very good, Amanda," Sirinna said, and bid her to rise to her feet.

"Interesting," Rennis said with a humorless smile to his friend. "Wouldn't you say?"

Amanda turned her head. Roquan's cool gaze met her defiant one. In that moment, Roquan came to the sad realization that in her time as a slave, Amanda had learned nothing of what it means to be a slave.

"Yes, indeed," he finally said in a carefully controlled voice. "Quite interesting."

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