Yak was on the phone and he was pissed. It seems carmine's father was not going

to defect now that his daughter was dead..sharon had fucked him up again.

"marlene i need sharon DEAD NOW'

" I can"t do it for a month at lest"

"you MUST"

"look,i told you after my movie pr is done"

yak was not happy with that answer and reminded her of the growing list of

sexually mutilated bodys of young girls whose only crime was being related

to cold war adversarys of the us.

suelee was 19 and a freshman at florida state.

her father was trade repersentitive to the florida citrus growers

assocation on behalf of the peoples republic of china.after ted bundys

murderous streak it seemed safe to go to florida state again.they didnt

know about sharon.

as suelee got out of her shower she thought about what to were to the

dinner tonight for her father.as she flirted with clients to help daddy.

she decided to dress in a tight black mini with white blouse and 3inch

heels.at 4feet 8 she was tall by chiness standards but not american so she

needed the heels and figured give em a leg show while shes at it.she only

got one stocking on when a bullet hit her in the back.

sharon had climed threw a window ,waited for suelee to start to dress then

shoot her with her wather ppk

now the fun begins,tho suelee was already dead sharon had to do her sexual

mutilation thing and was really starting to enjoy making love to a corpse.

first she bound the body with rope to scare it as the blood settled then

took out her bowie knife and cut of her left nipple and ATE IT.the blood of

the enemy

then while the blood was still fresh in sharons mouth she skinned the dead

girl left side and used the skin as a towel to clean the piss from the

girls cunt so sharon could lick it .sharon liked blood not piss after

sharons tongue had enough she cut the girls right arm off at the elbow and

proceeded to ram the arms hand up her OWN ASS

sharon was dizzy with passion,this was the best kill yet !

she was coming uncontrolably now .once ,twice, three times,each more

powerful then the other

the dead girls arm had shatterd long ago as it ripped the ass open and was

now usless as a dildo

no matter sharon had what she came for

another cold war enemy punished

another satisfing kill


end part 4