Humm,maybe I'll kill that cheerleader bitch!!

I'll follow her thru the deserted practice field,and into the locker room.

She showered quickly and started to dress.

The teasing bitch was putting on spike heels and nylons.

Little miss innocent!!

I grabbed her long blond hair and pulled her to me,then twisted her hair around her throat.

As her mouth opened to grab a breath,I stuck my tongue down her throat and put my mouth tight against hers,sucking her life out as I twisted the hair tighter.

She was pulling and scratching against her own neck,cutting herself with her shape long nails.

She was also pressing tighter to me.

Her hips pounding to push off me,but only getting me harder.

Her legs rubbing up and down mine as if mine would somehow collapse.

The rustling of her nylons against my pants legs,only made me begin to drip.

Slowly she began toi relax,as I sucked her mouth till her cheeks were hollow.

Her scratching stopped,and her legs rested on mine as she slummped in my arms,finally at last.

I finally got to hold her in my arms,much tighter and longer than I had ever hoped for.
