Demon King

by Honda

©Copyright 2003 Honda-Matic, All Rights Reserved. This story may be reproduced only in its full, original, unedited and unmodified posting where: 1) full credit is given to its author and, 2) no commercial gain of any sort is realized as a result of its reproduction. No permission is granted, actual or implied, to reproduce a modified version of this story, in whole or in part, without the express consent of the author.


The demon king was the ruler of the underworld, the realm of the afterlife. Women and men that did not die a natural death, anyone that did not die of old age, would enter his kingdom in their afterlife and become his slaves. The women became his sex slaves and the men became his obedient guards. In this world there was no distinction between pain and pleasure. It was more or less the same thing. Also, the women in his world were indestructible. Body parts that were mutilated or cut off would heal and re-grow with time, and they had all eternity for that. Most women that enter his world become his willing sex slaves, but there had been a few that resisted. Their sole purpose of existence was for him to torture and dismember as much as he wished, but also for him to roast and eat. He did not really need to eat at all to sustain himself, but he enjoyed the taste of roasted women meat and thus frequently impaled a woman or two and slowly roasted them over a slow burning fire. The bones of the eaten women would then be thrown into a pile each. Gradually, they would re-generate and eventually, the pile of bones would have turned back into a luscious woman to once again please the demon king.

Unfortunately, his rival, the king of heaven sometimes managed to steal his subjects. The king of heaven’s warriors that called themselves angels could mysteriously appear in the demon king’s kingdom, overwhelm his guards and disappear with some of his slaves. Sometimes his losses were numerous with massive groups of women all being abducted at once. Such were bad times for the demon king and he had no way of preventing the theft of his slaves. He had no way of entering the kingdom of heaven to reclaim his possessions either. They were lost to him forever. He really hated the king of heaven for stealing his slaves, if only there was somebody to help him fight the king of heaven and his angels.

In such bad and depressing times, he would appear to his loyal servants in the world of the living, a cult that was devoted to worshipping him and provide him with additional women when he needed them. These servants, priests and priestesses of his demon cult would recruit young females for the sacrifice to their beloved demon lord.

At first they had kidnapped women from all over the world and send them to their lord by simply killing them. But when the lord of heaven started to steal the demon king’s women, he realized that certain women had a greater resistance from being abducted by the lord of heaven. After some investigation, the demon king realized that the women that had died the most terrifying and painful death would be the most resistant to the king of heaven.

The demon king had to wait until the next sacrifice before he could appear in front of his followers, and deliver them his new instructions. Fortunately, he did not have to wait long. At the next full moon, he could feel the calling from his followers. They were summoning him with the sacred chant. His head priest Jack was dressed in the ceremonial apron. The black fabric was decorated with bright red ribbons symbolizing the intermingling of darkness and lust. He was standing in front of the altar holding the sacrificial dagger high above his head and chanting the sacred script that would summon the demon king. Behind him were six scared women all dressed in white wedding gowns standing in a straight line like cattle waiting for their turn to be slaughtered. They were gagged and had their arms tied behind their backs and were surrounded by a full circle of priests and priestesses all enthusiastically chanting the sacred script of the demon king. In the background was a large group of devotees to the demon cult. They were all on their knees bowing and chanting.

Then the first of the women was lead forward to the ceremonial stone table. One of the priestesses quickly cut loose the rope holding the woman’s hands behind her back. Immediately, two strong priests grabbed a hand each and started stretching the helpless woman over the cold stone on her back. She shook her head frantically as the head priest approached her. Fear and panic was written all over her face. She was dead scared and stared disbelievingly at the dagger in the priest’s hands. During her month of captivity she had been told of this fait many times in disbelief and still could not really believe that this was actually happening to her. She would be dead in a few minutes, brutally killed for some sadistic ceremony. Tears started to flow from her eyes and she silently prayed for God to save her. Suddenly she felt a cold terrible pain burning in her chest. Then it intensified and spread across her body. In horror, she realized that the priest had plunged the dagger into her chest and was cutting her open. She was in a state of complete shock sputtering blood through her gag. Then everything became quiet and the priest was holding her beating heart with both his hands high above his head and kneeling in front of the alter.

Mystical cold smoke started to appear around the altar. All the priests and priestesses dropped to their knees and their chanting became more intense. When the smoke cleared, the ghostly image of the demon king could be seen hovering above the altar. The nine remaining women stared at the demon king with complete disbelief and utter horror but were too paralysed to do anything else.

The demon king began to speak slowly in a low uncanny voice, which sounded like thunder breaking out at his every word and echoing across the foundation of the temple sounding both hollow and yet powerful as if it came out of the earth itself.

“My loyal subjects, each of you shall receive their due rewards. As always my healing power shall be bestowed upon the chosen one. He or she shall not know sickness anymore.”

The priests and priestesses all bowed deeply in recognition of this honour with their hands straightened above their heads. The demon king’s power was incredible. His touch was able to cure any disease or abnormality and also provided immunity to any future diseases. Once blessed by the demon king all existing illnesses were cured and the lucky benefactor would never experience sickness again for as long as the demon king was happy and this was ensured with regular offerings of female sacrifices.

“But first, there need to be more sacrifices.”

Everybody bowed deeply again with their hands hitting the ground and chanting: “There shall be more sacrifices!”

“And each of them shall die a slow and painful death.”

Again everybody bowed again and chanted in chorus repeating what the demon king had said: “they shall die a slow and painful death.”

The bound women realizing that they would be tortured to death attempted to protest in vain, nobody cared about their feelings. In fact, everyone was thinking about how to increase their suffering, torture them most terribly in order to please the demon king, for the fulfilment of his wish was the most sacred duty of all his faithful followers.

There was a lot of murmuring and whispering amongst the worshippers and the priests. Then, two priests hurried away and returned carrying a big wooden cross and some tools of torture. The cross was set up in the middle of the room, just a meter in front of the demon king’s hovering manifestation. Then the next whimpering women in line was picked up by two priestesses and dragged over to the cross. The doomed woman begged and sobbed pleading for mercy and screamed hysterically when she was facing the cross and being ungagged. She did not want to die especially such a brutal and torturous way. She was forced onto the cross and bound securely and spread eagled onto it. Then she was whipped brutally until her skin was bleeding and she lost consciousness. She was awakened again with a bucket of salt water, which was poured over her bleeding body at which she immediately regained consciousness and writhed and screamed in absolute agony.

Then the head priest approached the cross holding a sharp knife. He held it at the woman’s eye level so she could get a good glimpse at the sharp edges of the blade.  Then he plunged it into her belly, puncturing her silky skin and sinking it halfway into her soft flesh. The shocked woman screamed out hysterically while the priest continued to cut her belly open. Then he slipped his hand into her open belly to pull out her glistering intestines until he had her completely cleaned out. Then he stepped back to admire his work. The woman was barely alive but her heart was still beating and she was breathing slowly, almost unnoticeable.

Another priest came up to the head priest and handed him the ceremonial dagger and left after accepting the gutting knife. The head priest took the dagger and looked at the horrified woman before opening up her chest to display her still beating heart. He reached for it with his left hand, wrapped his fingers around it and pulled the beating heart out of the woman who gurgled and coughed some blood before dying. She died with her eyes wide open with a look of shock captured on her face at the time of her death. Her dead carcass was thrown next to the other sacrificed woman that was lying on the ground next to the altar.

The next sacrifice was a brunette who kicked and screamed when she was picked. After witnessing the horrible torture and killing of the other two women, she was absolutely against being killed in such a brutal way and attempted everything she could to avoid a similar fait. However, she was no match against the two strong priests who dragged her screaming and kicking to the altar. There she received several punches in the guts for struggling and attempting to resist the inevitable. When the priests released their grip on her arms, she succumbed to the pain and dropped to the ground, clutching her hurt belly.

Then the head priestess kicked her several times making her crouch together like a cat before ordering her to stand up. She slowly got up despite the pain she was feeling in her abused body. The two priests that had dragged her before immediately took hold of her arms and tied her against the now vacated cross.

The head priest smiled at one of the priestesses standing closest to him and she immediately went away for a short while and returned with a hammer and a box of nails. The head priest took hold of the hammer and immediately used it to slam it against the bound woman’s left kneecap and smashed it. The poor woman screamed out aloud at the unexpected pain and then cried about her loss.

“You bastard. You crippled me. My beautiful legs! Now I can’t walk anymore”, she sobbed.

The head priest did not take any notice of her crying. He just slammed the hammer against her other kneecap as well. Then he broke all her toes, one by one. He led the big hammer slam onto her toes and shattered her bones. When does was done he also shattered all the bones in her legs and then broke her hips as well. Her complete lower body was shattered to pieces. All the bones were broken and shattered into many smaller parts. The brunette was crying and begging for mercy as she endured her slow and gradual destruction.

Then the priest opened the box of nails and took one out. He then placed it onto the woman’s palm with the head of the nail pointing towards him. Using the hammer he drove the nail into her flesh until it hit the wood. Then he handed the hammer to the priestess that was still standing next to him and instructed her to drive all the nails in into the brunette’s arms. The priestess immediately took the hammer from the head priest and began to do what she was told to. She first put a nail into the brunette’s other hand, and then began to put one nail into her arms followed by another until the nails formed a straight line from her shoulders to her hands on both sides. The brunette screamed from pain every time the priestess drove one of the nails into one of her arms. She screamed until her voice became coarse and almost lost her voice. By then, the box was emptied of all the nails.

At that time, the head priest took over and stood in front of the brunette with both of his arms outstretched in front of him, both clutching the ceremonial dagger. He then rotated the dagger so that the blade was facing her. Then he pushed forwards and the blade sank into her chest. It went in easily with the priest’s body weight pushing against it. The blonde gurgled and coughed up some blood. Not long after, the priest had expertly opened up her chest and had pulled out her beating heart and offered it to the demon king.
The demon king raised his hand and made a motion as if he was grabbing the heart. Then he made a squeezing movement. The heart in the priest’s hands as if by magic, floated half way over towards the demon king and then when he had made the squeezing motion, blood began to pour out of it like a squeezed lemon. It appeared that the demon king had telekinetic powers as well. Then suddenly the hearts vanished into thin air.

The head priest, and probably everyone else as well, was surprised but continued on as if that was something that normally happens. He signalled the other two strong priests to bring over the next sacrifice. A pale blonde was being lead over to the cross. She seemed to have resigned to her fait, as she was not struggling at all. She was bound tightly to the cross after the remains of her predecessor were untied and dumped onto the pile of finished sacrifices.

Then the head priest selected a young priest who was quite muscular and told him to beat the blond to death. The young priest did as he was told. He approached the blonde and on arrival punched her into the guts a few times until she puked. There was not much in her stomach only some clear liquids escaped her mouth. The young priest went away and returned with a bamboo stick that he swung over his head with his strong arms and hit the blonde on her legs at which she screamed and began to cry for mercy.

But her cries for mercy were in vain. The young priest continued to hit her body all over with the bamboo stick. Her legs, her arms, her breasts and cunt, and her butt and back all got to experience the intimate caress of the bamboo stick which got slammed down on her lovely body with all the might the young priest had onto all those lovely parts of the blonde. Soon, the pale blonde had gained a lot of colour. Her butt was rosy red, her back was black and blue and also the rest of her body had lots of blue lines and stripes.

After twenty minutes of beating, she was almost unconscious. The head priest signalled the young priest to stop and let the blonde have some time to rest before giving her heart to the demon king. In the meantime the head priest was cleaning the ceremonial dagger and when he had finished approached the blonde who had regained consciousness and was staring in horror at his approach. He then cut her between her chests drawing a soft line from beneath her neck to her belly. The cut immediately turned crimson red with blood slowly escaping the cut area. Then he placed the blade in the centre of the line on her chests and pushed it deep into her. In response she screamed loudly in pain and shock. Ignoring her pain and suffering he cut her chests open and pulled her heart out at which her crying stopped and her body trembled one last time.

The next woman was a black beauty. Her skin was flawless and smooth. She was to be skinned alive.

to be continued...