From!!!mintaka!silver!zonker Tue Jun  4 21:16:50 CDT 1991

This is a part of what will eventually evolve into a larger work in
progress.  It's sort of a mood setting piece...  A beginning, if you

Enjoy.  (I hope)  (or should I be more Top about this... "You're going
to enjoy this, now aren't you??")

Love, Life, and Laughter,
--Zonker the sudden (adjective courtesy of a Ray Bradbury story)


The room is stark, a montage of blacks and browns and warm colors and
warm scents of sex and love and passion.  Light sifts in through the
high windows and scatters across the floor; shadows fall and ripple
like leaves.  Patches of sunlight warm my skin.

She stands before me , beautiful and strong. 
I kneel before her, bound, with my head high.

She caresses my hair and I lean into it, nuzzling her.  Then she slips
the blindfold over my head and tightens it.

And she whispers to me, casting a spell over me.  I sink into it, into
her power, surrendering to it, giving in as my gift of trust.  As
her gift of trust, she accepts this.

Her voice is slow, simple, but with undertones of seduction and
danger; it slips into my mind like the soft underbelly of a tarantula
in my hand.


Shhh.  Relax.  Relax into it.

Inhale deeply.  Hold it for a moment, then exhale and feel all the
tension go with it.  Again.  Inhale.  Hold it.  And exhale.

There now.  I bet that feels better.  Mmm?  Good.  Very good.  

You see?  Resisting it will no no good for either of us, really.  I'm
gonna take you to a space you can't find alone.  I'm gonna lead you
out of the here and now and into a timeless place without a place
inside of both our heads.  Both our heads because we're gonna build it
together, you and me.  I'm gonna lead you in and follow you in and
we'll leave time and space and here and now behind and we're gonna
just live the moment and each moment will be our time and space and
here and now.

There are choices in this life.  All our lives are choices one after
the other and again and over and continually.  But we can't fight our
choices.  We have to accept each choice into our souls and make it a
part of us.  We have to live each choice.  To live it, we have to make
these choices and submit to each choice.  You have chosen this.
Submit to your choice and let it wash over you like the baptismal
waters.  Let it bear you up ad carry you along.  Live the experience.
Live the moment.

I have submitted, too.  I have chosen to lead you into this place and
follow you into the space we are making.  We are magic and we are
creating magic.

We are creating magic and building ritual space and in this space you
will be sacrificed and reborn and I will be sacrificed and reborn on
the altar of our choices and our submission to our choices.

I am taking you to a place you cannot reach without me.  I will lead
you in and follow you in to a place I cannot reach without you.  We
are building it together and with each moment we make it larger and
stronger until the power of our magic and our choices and the power of
us as two who are one carries us off like a roaring current in a river
spiriting us over the rapids and thru the land our souls inhabit ...
to soar free, bound together.

To do this, you have to give me something of yourself, but I give you
something of myself in return and together we become one and travel to
the place we are going.

Together we become the magic and the moment.

And so we begin.


In the room I can hear the sound of leather sliding on itself and metal
clattering softly.  In my darkness, I wait.  Expectant.

copyright 1991 by Regis M. Donovan.  this work may not be reproduced
for profit or without this notice.  please.  have fun.  play safe