                        Mindnumbing Archive Repost
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From: an87648@anon.penet.fi (WILEY)
Warning:  this story has some (not a lot) of sexual content.
        I'm a thirty year old male (I don't flatter myself with the term 
man) and have had a very active, if not very imaginative, fantasy life 
for nearly all my life.  When I was young, I used to picture myself in 
the roles of my heros:  Robin Hood, He-Man, Dr. Doom, Superman, even 
Godzilla.  As you can see, these figments of popular fiction had the one 
thing I most certainly lacked--power.  Their boundries, whether it be for 
heroic acts, acts of strenth or intellect, or mere destructive power, 
were nearly unlimited.  For a young boy of my mediocre abilities, 
imagining myself without boundries was heady stuff indeed.
        As I got older and more and more awkward with the onset of that 
horrible time called puberty, when all your instincts tell you to do 
things that your upbringing has not prepared you in the least to do, my 
fantasy life, quite predictably, took on sexual elements.  No longer was 
it enough to perform heroic acts in my mind; I must perform heroic acts 
in my mind for one of the beauties in whatever class I was sitting, 
earning, of course, the hero's reward.  Great feats of strength, 
intellect, or destructive power were now geared to the fullfillment of my 
purile adolescent fantasies, which was as it should have been.
        I was not, throughout junior high and high school, the most 
popular of children.  In fact, I might have been considered one of those 
rare boys whom both the jocks and the nerds, as well as every girl 
concerned at all with the opinions of others (in other words, every girl) 
despised.  I don't believe it was because of my looks, which although 
plain, were not particularly repulsive.  Nor do I believe it was through 
any intellectual defect, since, although I was no genius, school came 
reasonably easy to me.  It is, to this day, like so much of the 
interactions between human beings, inexplicable to me why I was so 
        It does not matter, for it was so, and it drove me ever deeper 
into my fantasy life.  One of my favorite fantasies, one which I would 
replay over and over again in my mind, was the Genie in the Bottle 
fantasy.  Simply, I, through luck or need or the righting of the cosmic 
balance, would receive or come upon an old, elaborite bottle which 
contained a Genie.  Out pops the Genie, male or female or ether depending 
upon my mood, ready to grant me the three wishes every Genie seems to 
have stored away in some cosmic pool of wonder.  Of course, as every boy 
knows, Genies are apt to play unfairly, delighting in twisting every 
innocent sounding wish into something to torment the wisher.  No, in my 
fantasy it was not safe merely to wish for something from my Genie; I 
must, through torturous mental application, frame my wishes so exactly, 
with multitudes of conditions and exceptions, that sometimes I failed to 
complete even one wish before the real world rudely pulled me away from 
the attainment of my fondest desires.
        These desires were, without saying, mundane in the most extreme 
sense:  wealth, power, and the adoration of men and women, especially 
women.  I thought up thousands of ways to frame these wishes, and 
imagined thousands of ways in which I could enjoy their fruits.  It was 
all rather pathetic, I know, but I was young and unpopular, a curse worse 
than any witch or demon or goblin ever placed on some poor upright soul 
in all the literature in the world.  So that was the state of things as I 
entered college, grateful to escape the reality of high school and hoping 
to make new, or any, friends, and especially looking forward to my first 
sexual experience, since everyone knew college girls were easy.
        College, sadly, did not turn out to be the social bonanza I was 
hoping for.  That black cloud over my head, that evil mojo that I could 
not shake, that unknown quantity or quality which I possessed, followed 
me to my new society, subtly alienating everyone around me until I was 
left as I had always been left, alone with my fantasies.  Although it was 
something I was used to, it was nonetheless a terrible blow; I had raised 
my hopes so high, believed so much, that a new place would mean a new me, 
that I was devastated when it turned out to be untrue.  I felt betrayed, 
cast out, worthless.
        It was in this state I spent the first two years of my college 
existence, with only my increasingly complex fantasy life sustaining me.  
Now I was President or Governer or had Mental Powers or wielded some 
other great amount of power in some other way, and slowly revenge 
elements creeped into my fantasy world.  No longer was it enough to save 
the world from nuclear annihilation and recieve the gratitude of the 
world's supermodels, now I had also to crush some insignificant bug, some 
horrible person who I imagined had looked at me funny as he passed me on 
the street, grinding him beneath my heel before I could truly enjoy my 
rewards.  Even my purely sexual fantasies took on a violent edge:  I 
would be a martial artist fighting some ninja master evil woman, 
beautiful but deadly, who sat in one of my classes but refused to look 
in my direction; I would defeat her after grueling combat and force 
myself upon her sexually, punishing her for not wanting me.  In my 
fantasy, of course, although they fought tooth and nail, they all ended 
up loving it and begging to remain with me as my love slave.  More purile 
sexual fantasies, I know, but remember, I was twenty years old and still 
a virgin; I had no idea what I was fantasizing about.
        All that changed one night shortly before my twenty first 
birthday, because I finally, my wildest (well, my most realistic 
actually) dreams coming true, got lucky.  Lucky is the operative word, 
you must understand, since as I thought about it later I realized I, for 
once in my life, had been in the right place at the right time.  The 
right place and the right time was walking down frat row on a Thursday 
evening, coming home from a long day of fantasizing at the student 
library and trying to dodge all the drunken, partying students who 
frequented that area at that time.  Luckily (there's that word again) I 
couldn't avoid three drunked sorority girls who were staggering down the 
sidewalk towards me.
        It may help to show the depths to which I had sunk to say that I 
hardly noticed the girls except as obstructions to my journy homeward, 
even though they were, I will say, quite attractive and dressed very 
provocatively in high heels, mini skirts, and spandex tops.  To continue 
my story, I was walking down the sidewalk, lost in my fantasies, when a 
commotion up ahead distracted me and caught my attention; the commotion 
was the three girls, the two on the outside laughing and staggering a 
joshing the girl between them.  More obstacles, I thought, and began to 
make my way unobtrusively around them, only, to my great shock, to be 
stopped by a feminine hand on my upper arm.
        I turned, quite discomfited, and faced a tall, slim, attractive 
bleached blond sorority girl, who happened to be raging drunk and 
gripping my arm firmly.  I remember what happened next quite vividly, 
although I am sure my memory has adjusted certain parts to suit my own 
particular self image.
        "Hey," she said to me, "my friend here" and she nodded to the 
shapely brunette girl she and her friend were bodily holding up between 
them, and who looked at me happily drunk, "my friend here" she repeated, 
"needs a little company."  They all giggled and laughed at that.  "Come on,"
she said and started tugging on my arm, meaning for me to follow her.
        This had to be one of the most terrifying events in my life to 
that date, and I followed in a state of shock and not a little bit of 
dismay; I didn't seem to realize that all I had to do to escape was use a 
little strength to pull my arm from the girl holding it and walk briskly 
away.  Besides, these were WOMEN, and having never been the object of 
anything but negative attention from the female of the species, I was 
overwhelmed by what appeared to me to be very positive attention, or, at 
the least, soon to be very postive attention.
        I was not wrong in my estimation:  staggering and laughing, they 
dragged me, staggering and stunned, into a frat house, through the mob 
dancing and cavorting to a sound deafening even when compared to the 
noise of a jet engine, and upstairs into a bedroom.  Once there, her two 
friends threw the brunette against me, making sure, I am now convinced, 
that her momentum would carry us crashing onto the bed.  In that 
seemingly eternal second between the time she staggered into me and the 
time we landed together onto the bed, I felt for the first time the 
utterly unique sensation of a female grasping and groping my entire body 
while similtaneously trying to press her lips full against mine, her 
boozy breath strong in my nostrils and her luscious body squirming 
against my very, very stiff one.
        Once on the bed it was only a short while before her mini-skirt 
was bunched around her waist and my pants and underwear (she wasn't 
wearing any, much to my surprise and delight) were around my knees.  Her 
friends must have been watching us as we squirmed around together on the 
bed, her intoxicated state combining with my total inexperience to, I'm 
sure, make quite an amusing sight, but I, lost as I was by now in a 
sexual fog, did not care; all I cared about was finding the right hole in 
which to place my throbbing member, which is, for a novice, much harder 
than it sounds.  My fumbling did not upset my partner; on the contrary, 
she giggled and reached down and put me inside her.  Once firmly in place 
I had no more trouble, and started humping like a rabid jackrabbit that 
has discovered that it has only a few more minutes to live, and is 
determined to get the most out of that little time.
        Like that jackrabbit, I am afraid to say, that little death came 
quickly upon me, and as I lay soft and spent upon my brunette lover, I 
was overcome with a sense of reality.  The three girls combined to roll 
me off the girl and left, leaving me to face the ugly consequences of my 
actions; now that I had satisfied my formerly never before satisfied 
lust, I realized what a small and pitiful thing it was, how demeaned and 
degraded it had made me.  I quickly pulled up my pants to cover up my 
shame and walked home as fast as my legs could carry me, thinking that 
everyone I passed saw what a pitiful and malignant creature I truly was, 
and that was not the last of my worries:  what if I had caught some 
horrible venerial disease from that girl?  My mind recounted the 
thousands of miserable possibilities, all including various grotesque 
deformities, and for once I hated my overactive imagination.
        In the final analysis, my experience with those three drunken 
sorority girls left me with one, and only one (no, it was not a vd, thank 
god), thing, a deep abiding sense of disillusionment.  I had been, up to 
that point in my life, a romantic; all my fantasies, revenge laced as 
they may have been, saw good triumphing over evil and saw sex as a 
glorious experience of pleasure and binding.  Reality, I now realized, 
was completely different, with sex being a gross, ugly distortion of the 
way I had imagined it should be; no, not only imagined, but demanded it 
should be.  The next few months, needless to say, were unhappy times for 
me; with this conclusion, I must revise my thinking, and say that my 
encounter with these girls was far from lucky--unlucky would be more 
        In this state of depression and disillusionment I spent my twenty 
first birthday like I seem to have spent most of my birthdays, alone, but 
this time with a twist, since I had decided to go out and do something on 
this particular day.  So my birthday found me wandering along a sandy 
stretch of ground abutting the ocean, desolutely kicking at the surf 
which flowed over my bare feet.  At some point during this listless 
ambulation, a madness of a sort grasped me in its vicious claws, and I 
decided to take my own life, and what could be better, my mind, now my 
enemy, said to me:  here's the ocean, waiting to carry you back to the 
sweet oblivion of the womb, of eternal sleep.
        My body, obeying the traitorous commands of my mind, turned to 
carry me out to sea, to a gasping, painful death below the waves, 
deprived of the precious air that is life.  It was then that the divine 
intervened, for how can I explain what happened then except to say that 
God or some gods willed it to be so?  I stumbled over something lying in 
the surf, and when I looked down to see what had delayed me in my search 
for Nirvana, all thoughts of death fled my mind:  I beheld the stuff of 
my dreams, an elaborately blown glass bottle, opaquely reddish and 
stoppered firmly with a cork swollen by the salten waters of the ocean.
        I bent down to pick it up, my heart fluttering within my rib cage 
as my mind strove against itself to bury my fantasies under the reality 
of the world:  there were no such things as genies, this was only an old 
piece of junk which washed up on the beach at an opportune time, but I 
did not believe.  There would be, I believed with all my heart as I 
struggled manfully to pull the cork from the bottle, a genie in this 
bottle, a genie capable of granting me my every wish.  Imagine my 
surprise when I finally managed to pull out the cork and was greeted by a 
booming voice.
        "FREE, FREE AT LAST!"
        From my position on my ass I saw the air coelesce before me into 
the form of a giant bald head attached to an enormous barrel chest ending 
in a wisp of smoke.
        "AHAHA," the voice boomed some more, sending me deeper into 
down on me, a huge broad smile on its insubstantial face.  I rubbed my 
eyes and looked again--it did not disappear; instead, its smoky substance 
seemed to flow into a different form, until it stood before me as a 
naked, sexless, hairless manaquin with bulging muscles and bright, 
shining eyes.  I scrambled to my feet in time to meet his bow as he spoke 
one more time.
        I had gone insane, I was convinced, although I much prefered this 
madness to the one which sought to take my life.  There was nothing for 
me to do, though, except play along with my torturous mind, which was so 
willing for me to see my fantasies finally come to life.
        "Okay," I said boldly, "three wishes.  My first wish is..." and 
then I began to detail, in great depth, how I would aquire great, in fact 
nearly boundless, wealth, using all the experience of my fantasies to 
insure that there were no loopholes available for this nearly all 
powerful being to twist my meaning into a curse.  The genie listened 
patiently for five minutes before interupting.
        I don't want you to think that I believed him for a second, even 
though what he said turned out to be absolutely true, but I decided that 
if, in my madness, I had created a genie which said he was not going to 
try to trick me, then I was going to believe him; why doubt my own mind?  
"Okay, then first I want unlimited wealth."
        "DONE!" the genie roared.  
        I looked around me, hoping perhaps for a huge pile of gold to 
materialize from thin air, or for hundred dollar bills to fall from the 
sky, or any other sign of miraculous powers revealing themselves to me, 
making me instantly a rich man, but nothing had changed.  "Well...?" I 
asked accusingly to the genie; I began wondering why my madness had failed 
me now, just when I had begun to become interested in this little game I 
was playing with myself.
        I pulled my wallet from my pocket and gazed into the billfold, 
wondering if it would now produce endless cash; I was disappointed when 
all I saw was two fives and a one dollar bill stuffed where I had put 
them, crumpled up into one side of the billfold.  I was about to turn 
back to the genie and ask him what he was talking about when my eyes fell 
upon a thin piece of colored paperboard which I immediately recognized as 
a lottery ticket.  So I had been given a winning lottery ticket, I 
thought, and although properly impressed, I was also most certainly 
disappointed, for the million or so dollars this ticket would bring was 
nothing compared to the amount of wealth I had actually requested.  
        Holding the ticket I turned back to the genie and made ready to 
speak, but he, perhaps seeing the expression on my face, spoke before I 
        I had to say I was, if everything the figment of my imagination 
said was true; of course, I believed that in a few moments I would 
probably wake up face down in the sand with a rather nasty concussion of 
some sort, or maybe I was dying and my mind was hiding behind this 
childhood myth.  At any rate, I did not care; I was having fun.
        My next wish, since I, although only twenty one, was feeling my 
age, being of a rather morbid and introspective turn of mind, was for 
immortality fixed at the age of twenty six (an arbitrary pick of ages, 
really, since I did not see too many differences between the ages twenty 
four through thirty).
        I must make a comment before I continue this story:  I was, by 
this time, growing quite tired of the attitude this being, which anyway 
was only a temperary chemical imbalance in my brain, was taking toward 
me, calling me worm and worthless and dust.  Since, though, he was giving 
me everything I had ever wanted in life, I decided to put up with it, 
knowing that he would take off after he granted my last wish, which was 
the ability to control the minds and bodies of others.
words, the genie shot off into the air at an amazing speed and soon 
disappeared from sight.  At this time I fully expected to come back to my 
senses, for the lottery ticket to have disappeared from my hand and for 
reality to have set back in.  I had had my fun, and now it was time to 
get back to real life; it came as a shock then, when I looked down at my 
hand and still found it holding a lottery ticket.  A little bit dazed, I 
put it in my back pocket and began to wander back toward my car, lost 
deep in thought about what had just happened to me and wondering if it 
could actually be true or if it was just a figment of my imagination, 
like I had believed, but was beginning to doubt.  
        My revere was rudely interupted by the sounds of laughter and 
giggling down the shoreline, and I looked up to see a man and a woman, 
he wearing a bathing suit with his chest bare and she wearing a one piece 
bathing suit with a sarong wrap around her waist, walking toward me in 
the distance, talking and laughing and generally carrying on.  It was, I 
know, petty for me to become annoyed at these two human beings, even if 
he reminded me, with his bulging physique and dull expression, of every 
jock I had ever despised and she reminded me, with her long bleached 
blond hair and her small, pretty nose and splattering of freckles, of all 
the women who had ever tormented me in my retiring nature.  
        Annoyed I did become, though, and instantly decided that I would 
now discover whether or not the genie had actually granted me my third 
wish, or if I really had been imagining things.  To this end, I 
concentrated hard and imagined that the young man was peeing his pants; 
while I was so engaged, I felt the strangest sensations:  underneath my 
surface thoughts, my brain, or rather unknown subteranean thoughts, 
seemed to move, sluggishly at first, pushing this way and that, 
gaining speed and precision, until I imagined my mind was the innards of 
an intricate watch, going <clickity clack> as it set my desires into 
motion.  This feeling lasted only a moment, and I stood amazed as I 
watched the man I was concentrating on freeze, gaze down at himself in 
amazement, curse, look around in dismay, and then dash off into the 
ocean.  The woman was calling out to him what was wrong, what was the 
matter, and I, in my amazement at what I had accomplished, decided I 
would see what else my newfound power could do.
        <Clickity clack, clickity clickity clack> my mind went as I tried 
to speak directly to her mind, informing her that her companion had just 
peed in his own pants, and somehow I knew that I had transfered this 
information, that she now knew what I had meant her to know, but knew as 
if she had just come to the conclusion herself.  I continued <clickity 
clack> and thought that it made her hot to imagine him pissing, pissing 
on her, over her naked body, into her mouth, down her nose, all over her; 
in fact, I thought, it made her so hot she was going to orgasm just 
thinking about it.  As I watched, I knew just what she was thinking, for 
I had put it in her mind, and I saw her stop, her hand fluttering down to 
her groin area, and squeeze her legs together and slightly bend over at 
the waist, and I knew she was coming, just as I had mentally told her 
        Oh joy of joys, I thought, it was all true, all my dreams and 
fantasies had come true that day, and my life would be changed forever 
for the better, but I was not done with the woman yet, for now my 
sadistic side came out, wanting revenge for all the slights of my 
childhood and adolescence; I placed in her mind <clickity clack> that she 
loved being peed on, that every time a warm stream of uring struck her 
body she would grow excited and achieve incredible orgasms, that she 
would beg her boyfriends to pee on her, and would not be satisfied with 
sex, would never orgasm, unless it involved this bodily fluid streaming 
over her body.  I walked away more than satisfied with myself, and 
anticipating, really anticipating, my new life for eternity, with 
unlimited wealth and everybody in the entire world doing just exactly 
what I wanted when I wanted it.
        I will skip over the next few days in which, practicing with my 
newfound powers, I visited endless petty and mundane revenges upon people I 
didn't even know, but who had, by dint of their existence, somehow 
reminded my of my alienation and worthlessness.  Perhaps I should not say 
worthlessness, since my financial advisor had taken money I did not yet 
possess and magically created more money from it, until I was, within a 
few short days, the possessor of a fund of ever increasing wealth, which 
seemed unlimited in its growth potential.
        Finally, though, I screwed up my courage and decided it was time 
to get up close and personal, in a way that I had experienced only one 
very unsatisfactory time before; in other words, I was determined to use 
my powers to possess a woman of my choice for an afternoon.  Perhaps, 
though, I should not use the word woman, for women, even though I was now 
rich and nearly all powerful, still intimidated me in the most extreme 
fashion, to the point where I would find it difficult to talk when one 
was near; therefore, I decided to visit a junior high school (the area in 
which I lived had one college, one high school, and three junior high 
schools, one of which was private), the private one, during their lunch 
time, where I would choose a young girl to satisfy my lusts without 
making me nervous as to my status as a man.  I must say that, by this 
time, I was no longer concerned with my school work, for I was now an 
immensely wealthy man; besides, I could control the minds and bodies of 
others--what need had I for an education?
        I arrived at the school just as the students were being let out 
for lunch, and watched as their thin legs sent them streaming across the 
fenced in campus, their little voices high and loud piercing the air with 
a caucaphany of sound.  I stood and watched the girls at play, eating, 
talking, laughing, waiting patiently for one to strike my fancy, and 
finally one did:  she was as delicate as the pedal of a flower, and as 
innocent as a young dove, and I knew I had to have her.  Looking back, I 
now see that the main reason I was so instantly attracted to this small, 
thirteen year old chinese girl was that she looked so much like a young 
boy, with her boyish face and hips and walk and her short bob of a hair 
cut, that she both appealed to the streak of narcissism which ran through 
me and failed to threaten me in the way that all other women seemed to do.
        Once I saw her, I certainly did not waste any time:  immediately 
my mind went <clickity clack, clickity clack> and instantly the girl knew 
that she had met me yesterday (untrue) and liked me quite a bit, so much 
so in fact that she had agreed to meet me at my apartment, whose location 
she now knew, directly after school; she also knew that she was not even 
going to hint about what she was going to be doing to anyone, but she was 
looking forward to the meeting with great excitement, as well as a 
certain amount of sexual longing.  Imminently satisfied with my work, I 
lingered a few moments, fixing the image of my soon to be lover firmly in my 
mind, before returning home and waiting expectantly for my little chinese 
beauty to arrive.
        She arrived at 4:00 pm, knocking softly at my door; I told her to 
come in and watched, entranced, as this tiny, shy, thirteen year old girl 
stepped into my apartment, wearing a flowered summer dress which showed 
off her smooth, olive shoulders and her trim, firm legs.
        "He...he...hello," she stuttered out as I looked her over 
carefully, my heart filled with lust:  she was tiny, only about 4'8" and, 
at a guess, maybe sixty five or seventy five pounds, with a short, boyish 
haircut, full, pouting lips, a round, flattish face, and beautiful, 
narrow eyes.  Her small breasts, just beginning to form, heaved under her 
dress as I asked her to come closer.
        <Clickity clack> I went, increasing her excitement as she moved 
closer to me; <clickity clack> again as I put an idea into her head.  Now 
she was staring at the bulge in my pants, her look one of innocent lust 
as she went to her knees before me, her small, delicate hands caressing 
my penis through my pants.
        Excuse me if I rhapsodize poetic about this moment, but such 
flowery language is the only way I can correctly recount my feelings at 
this particular moment, in which I first used the powers of my mind to 
seduce this barely pubescent girl.  It was, I know, in reality a rather 
pathetic act of a pathetic human being, but at the time my sexual desire 
had consumed me, and my ability to play god with the minds of others 
swept me away with a feeling of overwhelming power--a heady turn on indeed.
        A moment later I had stepped out of my pants and underwear and my 
little asian girl had her lips stretched around the head of my penis; I 
was in heaven as she worked it around in the warm cavity of her mouth, 
each <clickity clack> from my mind improving her technique and bringing 
her a growing sexual excitement.  <Clickity clack> and my penis was down 
her small throat, making it bulge with my swollen member, and I was in 
ecstacy, the building pressure in my loins signaling an incipent 
explosion of come into my girl's mouth.  I pulled my penis from her 
throat at the last moment so she could taste my seed before it ran down 
her gullet into her belly, and <clickity clack> I drove a desire and 
longing for that taste deep into her subconscious mind, a wish to have 
warm come bathing her tongue and her mouth and sliding thickly down her 
        She kept sucking as I grew limp, the sensations almost 
unbearable, and did not stop until I was once again painfully erect.  
With her eyes opened wide and with a look of shy expectancy on her face, 
she looked up at me from her knees and said, "Pl...please put it in me."
        How could I refuse?  I lifted her up and carried her into the 
bedroom, placed her on the bed, and quickly undressed both her and 
myself, gazing in longing at her almost bare pubic mound, a mound I knew 
had never before been penetrated by a man.  I adjusted her light body so 
her buttocks were right on the edge of the bed, and then I slowly, 
gently, pushed her legs back until her knees were on either side of her 
head, my penis just an inch away from her fully exposed vagina, which was 
glistening a soft pink in the light.
        <Clickity clack> and I sent pleasure thrilling through her body 
as the tip of my penis pressed into her virgin folds; <clickity clack> as 
the pleasure built in my own loins as the head of my penis slipped into 
her tight sheath; <clickity clack> as I fed pleasure directly into her 
brain as I jerked forward, ripping through her hymen and burying my full 
six inches into her tight, grasping, virgin vagina.  She cried out then, 
as my penis tore away the sign of her innocence, both in pain and 
pleasure, and I <clickity clack> fed her sensations as I ground my pelvis 
against her, swirling my penis around inside her.
        Her young, never before used vagina was almost painful in its 
tightness, but I was undetered as I began to stroke in and out within her 
box; she was crying out in constant pleasure, little gasps and moans and 
cries escaping her young lips as I rodded her out.  A feeling of 
complete domination, of complete control, overwhelmed me, and I once more 
went <clickity clack>, this time making the muscles lining her sheath 
begin to milk my penis with a passion.  I groaned in my own ecstacy as I 
approached completion, riding the waves of euphoria engulfing me.  
<Clickity clack> one last time as I spat my seed deep into her belly, and 
my little asian girl began to buck and scream beneath me, held down by my 
hands and my penis as she howled her way through orgasm after orgasm.
        I think I probably overdid it with her pleasure, for some minutes 
after my member stopped unloading its contents into her she was lost in 
the frenzy of multiple and building orgasms, until finally she collapsed 
limply beneath me, exhausted.  As I rolled off of her limp, raggedly 
breathing form, I began to think:  she might get pregnant, and I 
certainly didn't want that, so <clickity clack> and I knew that I did 
have control over body and mind--she would not concieve from today.  I 
stared down at my now limp member and wondered if I had control over my 
own body:  <clickity clack> and my penis slowly began to swell with blood 
again.  I gasped in pain as my member achieved a rock like hardness in a 
matter of moments, and I gazed over at my little doll and thought to 
myself, I haven't had everything she has to give yet; I don't own her; I 
haven't possessed everything.  You see, suddenly I wanted to know that my 
come had filled every one of her tender young orifaces--that, in some 
way, mind twisted mind told me, she would always be mine.
        <Clickity clack> and she began to recover, began to grow sexually 
excited yet again, but this time with a twist--I made her ass and bowels 
burn to be invaded, burn to be taken to match the feeling she had just 
experienced in her vagina.  She moaned as I rolled her over onto her 
stomach and pulled her to her hands and knees onto the bed; I wasn't 
wasting any time now, my particular machinations on my own body having 
driven me to the peak of excitement.  A glob of vasaline and a <clickity 
clack> to loosen up her asshole later, and I was into her slender, 
grunting, thirteen year old body, thrusting my dick maniacally into the 
deepest recesses of her bowels, similtaneously reaching around her small 
frame to pinch and maul her small nipples and breasts.
        My orgasm was the best I had ever had, and hers, from the way she 
screamed and bucked, couldn't have been much worse.  I was finished with 
her though; besides, she was covered in sweat and leaking my semen from 
her nether orifaces--she wouldn't have been too much fun after that 
anyway.  So <clickity clack clickity clack> and she got dressed and went 
home, sure in the knowledge that she had just spent the afternoon in the 
library fantasizing about what had just happened in reality, any physical 
evidence still in her body would be cleaned up by her unthinkingly once 
she got home.
        Myself, I lay on my back on the bed, my penis now flacid against 
my thigh, and thought about the extent of my powers:  I could have any 
woman I wanted with merely a thought, and I could have her as many times 
as I wanted, since I had discovered that I never need to become flacid 
again with the powers over my body I had now.  It was, for one of my 
previous inexperience and unpopularity, a heady thought, a thought I most 
definately indulged in for the rest of the night before drifting off to 
sleep, tired by my exertions of the day and determined to repeat them 
come the next day.
        The next day I returned to the junior high and this time 
"pushed", as I now like to call it, two more girls to join me in my 
apartment after school, both girls, like the one the previous day, almost 
prebuscent and very boyish in their figures and bearings, one a small 
blond and the other a small African American.  I kept these two 
overnight, fucking them continuously, not stopping even when they both 
passed out from exhaustion from their racking, multiple, orgasms.  I 
don't remember myself how many times I orgasmed, but it was at least two 
times each hour, and I was with them about fourteen hours, the <clickity 
clack> of my mind burning up the fuel reserves of my body to turn my into 
a sexual demon, indefagible in my lust.  When I finally let them go, I 
<clickity clack> made them inseperable lovers who would always share any man 
they chose, thinking that it was only fitting that two who had given me 
so much pleasure should not be seperated.
        The next few days, my lust sated and my mind assured that I was 
now superior to those who thought themselves my superior, I had no need 
to use my powers to revenge myself on any of the many slights they gave 
me; I was, in other words, smug in my knowledge of supremacy.  During 
this time I arranged with my financial guru to purchase a large mansion 
on a hill overlooking the college I was attending, and the purchase 
quickly went through.  I quickly moved in, dropped out of college, since 
what need did I have of college when I was nearly a god, and began laying 
plans for my future, which was filled with beautiful women and beautiful 
        It had been over a week since my last sexual escapade, and I was 
beginning to feel the lack, so I, braver now and more sure of the 
effaciacy of my powers, spent the afternoon at the high school stadium, 
deciding that I was going to have one of the cheerleaders for my sexual 
toy that evening.  The way I reacted to my prize, once I had her, I am 
afraid to say, puts me and the viability of my existing mindset in a very 
poor light, although it would probably be better if I simply described 
exactly what happened to both myself and the young girl I so callously 
bent to my will.
        The girl I chose and <clickity clack> sent to the front door of 
my new mansion up on the hill brought back memories of my own high school 
days:  she had long blond hair falling to her lower back and beautiful 
elfin features, with a full, firm figure which, I was to learn later, 
although fully womanly in shape, lacked a certain maturity that the 
bodies of older women display.  The memories she brought back, 
unfortunately, were all negative; the moment my eyes had landed on her 
doing her high kicks and hip thrusts in her scanty cheerleading costume, 
she summed up for me all the girls, all those awful girls, who, throughout 
the first bloom of my sexuality, tormented me with their riducule and 
disdain--which is why, I know now, that I chose her.
        Before I continue, I must explain a little something about how my 
mental powers worked, but first I must describe the picture of mind I 
came to form from frequent use of my abilities:  imagine a flashlight 
shining on a small portion of an infinitely large rug--this is the entire 
mind, subconscous, id, superego, everything.  On this circle of light, 
imagine a laser beam near the center, moving around, placing into shadow 
some of the nearer, dimmer life--that is the conscous, a focused 
intelligence able to illuminate a tiny thread of the tapestry far better 
than the general dimness of the unfocused mind.  This little bit of 
conscousness is, in many ways, distinct from the majority of its surrounding 
unconscous, yet not completely divorced from it either.  Up to this 
point, I had used my powers (except for that very first time) to directly 
affect the conscous mind, or the subconscous very near the conscous mind, 
which then fed back into the subconscous my desires and warped the 
individual accordingly, having the effect of appearing to leave free will 
to the person so affected.  In other words, what I wanted them to do and 
think they thought they had decided for themselves to do and think, a 
very satisfactory situation, up to that moment.
        When the young lady, still wearing her cheerleading outfit at my 
"suggestion," arrived, I had already decided, having let the past abuses 
of girls like her affect my judgement, to leave her her conscousness 
while I took her body:  I wanted, I am ashamed to say, to see the fear, 
hatred, and loathing in her eyes as I made her body jerk in ecstacy as I 
used her.
        I embarked immediately upon my plan, and <clickity clack> 
commanded her to do a routine for my private enjoyment, smiling as I saw 
the confusion on her face as her body began to perform the precise, 
erotic movements of her cheer.  In the middle of her routine I began 
undressing in front of her, earning a horrified widening of her eyes, but 
a <clickity clack> definite tingling in her loins.  She finished her 
routine and I finished undressing at the same moment, and I allowed her 
the use of her voice, wanting to hear her pleadings before I had her.
        "Whe...where am I?  What's going on here?  Who are you?" she 
asked, looking around frightened and confused.
        I approached her, and although she wanted to run, I wouldn't let 
her, forcing her to stand there with her arms down by her side and her 
legs together, and said, "You, my dear girl, are here at my whim.  You 
see, I desire the use of your body for the nonce, and have decided to 
take it.  Do not worry, your body will be pleasured, and you will not be 
harmed."  With that I began to slowly remove her clothes from her body, 
knowing that feeling me doing so, but being unable to do anything about 
it, would torment her all the more.
        Slowly I revealed all her charms to my eyes:  her smallish if 
firm breasts with dark red nipples, her flat, strong stomach, her 
rounded, muscular buttocks and legs, and her sparse blond pubic hair. At 
that point I sat down on my couch and had her play with herself until 
she orgasmed, then I, seeing the loathing and fear in her eyes, made her 
beg to be penetrated, which I obliged.
        That was just the beginning:  before the night was over, I had 
not only taken her in every oriface multiple times, as well as squirted 
my semen all over her body, I had also urinated over her face and body 
and into her mouth, defacated on her and had her smear herself with it 
before licking my asshole clean; I had her beg for everything I did to 
her, even the spanking and whipping and piercing of her nipples and 
labia.  By the time I was done with her her conscous mind was in a state 
of horrified shock, and only my control over her body still allowed her 
to function; I think the worse thing I did to her was make her physically 
enjoy everything I did, which stunned her even more.  Still, my projected 
anger was not completely assauged, so when I sent her off with the 
command that she would always remember her time with me but never be able 
to communicate the least bit of it in any way, I implanted a subconscous 
inability for her to ever reject any sexual suggestion; in other words, 
from this moment on, she would always say yes to any sexual overture made 
toward her, and--I wasn't a complete sadist, or maybe I was--her pleasure 
would be in porportion to how disgusting and horrifying her conscous mind 
found the act.
        For the few weeks immediately following the abasement of this 
girl, I went back to the highschool on almost a daily basis and plucked 
one popular, beautiful teenaged girl to abuse in my mansion on the hill, 
and, after tormenting each one to my satisfaction, I would give them 
permanent commands which would follow them and torment them for the rest 
of their life.  I now remember only a few of the punishments I created 
for these innocent girls, victims of an unbalanced mind projecting 
humiliation from the past to the present, but even these make me cringe.
        A brunette with large breasts I made a pain slut, who only in 
breast torture could find pleasure, and yet who could tell no one what 
she truly wanted, could only travel from man to man hoping that she could 
find one who would pleasure her.  A small, slender redhead I made prefer 
beasts to men, and who would find her ultimate pleasure when she could 
find someone who would treat her like an animal and keep her penned.  An 
asian girl I made a nymphomaniac, whose pleasure increased with the 
number of partners, men, women, or animals, she had similtaneously.  A 
few girls I simply made so that they had a driving urge to copulate with 
everyone to whom they spoke.  A few more I made love the taste and feel 
of semen, so much so that they would do anything for it.  Another I made 
an desirer of scat and golden showers, and whose main pleasure was 
rolling in the excretions of others while people watched.  I made 
them all love the particular perversion I enforced upon them, as well as 
sterilizing them all, not wanting to torture innocents unnecessarily.
        Over time, though, I grew bored with these games I was playing 
with these girls; my pent up anger and frustration had been slowly 
exhausted until I held no more hatred for the beautiful girls of my high 
school years.  My revenge had run its course, and I was ready to move on, 
and move on I did, as I began to throw wild parties at my mansion for the 
sororities and fraternities on campus.
        Every week there would be another party, and if two or three of 
the more attractive coeds did not make it back to their sororities or 
their dorms right away, who would know?  Most would return home to their 
studies within a week, glad to have been blessed with my favor and 
disappointed that they did not share the fate of my favorites, who 
invariably dropped out of college and took up residence with me.  Within 
two months I had three perfect slaves, attendent upon my every whim, 
willing to do anything to please me.  By the end of the year, I had 
twenty such female slaves, every couple of weeks adding one or two more 
and discarding, with a million dollars to make up for a lost education, 
those with which I had grown bored.
        I lived in this manner, indulging my every whim, for over ten 
years, never growing older than twenty six and never at a lack for 
anything I desired.  I even managed to get my hands on various celebrity 
women, as well as several supermodels, to add to my amusement; I kept 
some of these.  One night, though, I went to sleep, thinking about moving 
on to greater things, when I woke up the next morning in a private room 
in a hospital.
        Now I come to the rather depressing part of my story, the part 
where I find out that, instead of living the life of Riley using the 
money and powers that a genie granted me, I had instead been, for the 
past nine years, lost in a fantasy of my own creation.  It seems that I 
had, that time so long ago on the beach, really attempted to commit 
suicide, saved only from my own folly by those two individuals walking 
the beach, whom in my fantasy I first use my power upon, who, seeing my 
plight, rescued me.  Near death, I was taken to the hospital, where I was 
taken under the wing of a certain branch of the government which was 
experimenting with various suicide recovery techniques.  Although I do 
not understand exactly how the technique worked, the technique to which I 
was subjected involved keeping me sedated and prodding my mind to create 
an elaborite fantasy within which I could solve all my psychological 
        This story, which my keepers and saviors have asked me to write 
as a final test of my renewed sanity, is both a confession and an 
advocacy for a technique which will allow human beings who are a danger 
to themselves or their society to live out the worst part of their 
beings, burning themselves clean of their hatred and pain.
        Now, as the memories of the past ten years, a ten years which 
seemed as real to me as the chair in which I am sitting and the paper 
upon which I am writing seem to me now, fade into the past like a dream 
half captured upon waking, I am ready to begin anew, ready to begin 
living, truly living.
Brian C. Ladd, Curator, Mindnumbing Archive
MNA is *not* affiliated with the University of North Carolina; it is a
personal project which the University will neither acknowledge nor condone.
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