List of stories in the "Other Stories" (not by Richard UK) category

(Nothing more sexual than forced nudity)

Last updated 2004/03/30

OTHERS.ZIP   Contains all of the following files, in compressed PKZIP format.
!README.TXT  This file, containing the list of stories.

LOSTMOD.TXT  Lost Modesty (gg/b)      Forced nudity during a tie-up game.

BANDPRAC.TXT Band Practice            Some tie-up and tickling at band

BD&CAGED.TXT Bound and Caged (g/bg)   As if being hogtied wasn't enough!

BUSTED1.TXT  Busted. (GGG/B)          Don't annoy your sister and her friends.

TIEDAT8.TXT  Tied At 8 (BB/b)         8yo JJ annoys his big brother and is
                                      tied up naked.

LOSTKIDN.TXT The Lost Kidnap Victim   Always tell someone where you left
                                      your prisoner!

REALTHNG.TXT The Real Thing (GF/BB)   A boy discovers what it is like to be
                                      tied for real.

FORGETMV.TXT Forget The Movies!       When someone escapes in the movies, it
             (BB/bbb)                 takes a lot less than half an hour...

SCHOLBUS.TXT The School Bus (b+/b)    A slightly "naughty" game which some
                                      boys played many times while travelling
                                      on the school bus.

RELIVNH.TXT  Reliving History (M+/B)  Only bug your big brother for info
                                      about his fraternity initiation if
                                      you want to go through the same thing.