The Saga: Running Down

The day of Sweet Rain’s departure from the tribe of Wild Horse was hard. She welcomed all the chores that had to be done in order to make the move. They kept her mind busy…so that she couldn’t dwell on what she would be leaving behind. She’d never known what it would be like to be away from her father and her mother, but more than anything; her heart ached at the thought of leaving Wild Horse. Her soul belonged to this man…a man she would hardly ever see anymore. They had been discrete since her wedding to Lone Wolf, but they had managed to find time together.

It was midday before the caravan of Indians departed on their journey. Tending to Fighting Bear, as she rode upon Lightning, diverted her attention from the home she was leaving behind. As they arrived at their new camp, there were still many things to do. The teepees had to be pitched and all the goods had to be unloaded. Sweet Rain hardly had a moment to herself, between her responsibilities to arrange things in the teepee, and tending to her baby. That evening sleep came quickly for the exhausted Sweet Rain. She was so tired she entered a deep state of sleep and dreamed of Wild Horse.

She was startled by the gentle nudging of Lone Wolf in the middle of the night. "Sweet Rain," he whispered, "Sweet Rain, the baby is crying."

Sweet Rain ordinarily heard his every whimper, but this time she was simply too tired. She groggily awakened to feed the baby. As soon as he was sleeping again, she laid her head down and fell immediately back to sleep. Her busy day and exhaustive sleep helped her not to dwell on her lost lover.

The next day there was still much to do and the day passed quickly. However, by suppertime, everything was pretty much in place in the teepee. That night when Sweet Rain and Lone Wolf slipped under the buffalo blanket, he gently kissed her cheek. She knew the signs and realized that he wanted to make love. She dutifully surrendered to his advances, as she always did. He was, after all, her husband. As he entered her, she was thankful for the darkness in the tent. It would hide the melancholy tears running down her face. She couldn’t afford to weep…lest Lone Wolf be alarmed. But inside she was screaming. Her heart and mind were conflicted. Lone Wolf was a good man…a good husband. He deserved her love. According to law and tradition her body belonged to him. It had been the decision of her father and the Council. But her heart and body ached for Wild Horse. She had surrendered her heart to him when she was but a girl. Lone Wolf’s sweet lovemaking made Sweet Rain feel violated. The tears quietly streamed down her face, as Lone Wolf grunted and climaxed inside of her.

The following day was slow for Sweet Rain. She had dutifully accomplished all her chores. The loss of Wild Horse overwhelmed her, like a dark cloud hovering over the ground. She remembered vividly all the emotions she’d felt as her husband made love to her the night before. She was screaming inside. She had to get away…somehow…she had to go somewhere…anywhere but here. She had to escape, if only for a little while, lest she go crazy.

Sweet Rain took Fighting Bear to Lone Wolf’s mother and took off riding into the desert. She rode hard and fast, not paying much attention to where she was going. After riding for a couple of hours she looked up and saw familiar surroundings. Lightning had taken her to the secret place. She dismounted her horse and began to walk through the thick vegetation. She tied Lightning to a tree and proceeded to the pool in the stream. When she saw it, she burst into tears. Every memory of every stolen moment with Wild Horse flooded her mind. Every memory reminded her of their separation…of what she had lost. It was more than she could bear.

She threw off her clothes and ran into the water. Her mind was conflicted. Why did she feel dirty after making love to her own husband? Why was she in such agony? She wanted to wash it all away. She quickly swam to the waterfall. She remembered making love to Wild Horse behind the waterfall. Everything reminded her of him. She tried to let the sound of the water drown these thoughts from her mind. She stood under the torrent. The water was running down…running down…running down upon her head. She hoped the water would wash her of her guilt…of her sorrow…of her despair. She screamed with all of her might while submerged in the cascading water. The roar of the water was so loud it drowned out her screams. It was as though she was crying out into a sea of silence.

She then began to call his name, "Wild Horse! Wild Horse! Wild Horse! I need you, my love! Where are you?"

The water washed away her tears as they ran profusely down her face. How was she going to survive without him? At that moment, misery covered her soul like a dark cloud. She didn’t want to live.

Then she opened her eyes and through the water she saw a form. It was the form of a man. For a moment she thought she was dreaming. She stepped out from under the waterfall, her eyes still blurred by her tears, mixed with the water. As her eyes began to focus she saw a man. He stood on the far bank of the creek, high atop a rock. His shoulders were broad…his arms were muscular. His hair was black and shining, falling down upon his shoulders and down his back, stirring in the breeze. The man stood naked before her. He was stunningly handsome. It was her Wild Horse.

He dashed into the water and into her arms. Tears of joy were streaming down her face. He kissed her deeply, hungrily. He hugged her close, pressing her firm tits against his chest. Her nipples were erect from both the cold water and her surging passion. Neither would break the kiss, wanting it to last forever. His manhood hardened against her stomach. She longed to touch it and took it into her hand. They were now standing in water that was knee deep. He put his strong hands around her and grabbed her ass, picking her up off of her feet. She spread her legs around him as he lifted her so that her pussy was against his hard cock. She was dripping with desire, and he easily entered her. His cock filled her pussy as his love filled her heart. This was where she belonged. He thrust in and out of her…taking what was his. Taking what had been wrestled from him by the tribe. With every thrust he rebelled against all custom, driven by the rage of his love. He shoved his cock in and out of her. She began panting, loving his forceful lovemaking. It was brutish. It was animal-like. They had no other choice. The need gnawed at them both. She began to shake all over, crying out in a loud voice as she climaxed around him. He held himself deeply inside of her, penetrating her with his whole manhood, issuing his seed into the depths of her womb. Both gasped for breath.

After a time, Wild Horse made love to her again upon the rocks…this time with gentleness and care. As they lay in each other’s arms she asked, "How did you know I needed you?"

Wild Horse responded, "I just knew and I knew where to find you."

He then looked into her eyes and said, "Many times we will ache for one another, and we will not find each other; but there will be those times, when you need me most. When you need me most, I will find you."

Sweet Rain felt so safe in his arms. She knew he would be true to his words. She knew he would find her, when she needed him most…somehow…someway.

Lone Wolf watched Sweet Rain, as she rode back into camp just before dusk. He didn’t inquire where she had been. He knew that the move was hard for her. He knew that she would miss her home and her parents. He had no idea how much she missed Wild Horse. He could never know.