My Eyes

by Maureen Louise Reardon

Copyright © 2003
This is an original work and as such is protected under the copyright laws of the United States. Please do not duplicate, copy, print, distribute or exchange this piece without the expressed written permission of the author.

Be understanding of my heart, the weight of life, that weighs down upon me in its own retention. I have attended the same place, which now lies hollow behind my eyes, filling my veins, with a me to arrive again. I remain excluded from everything, I feel my life and its measure. Short to taste. Such a long road, which never seems to end.

Could a drop of love magnified, that would give me a return? To the once thought Life. Security of my known eats at the marrow. We might do so much yet, do so little. For dreams only last a short while. When they pass they are no more. The very skin and scent that flowers, the near-pleasure of being together, terrifying in its appetite for, I would want for more.

Would It be like a metamorphosis, that butterflies from a cocoon.

Would I vitally become once more? As in a Dream without one. I have starved of knowing of your flesh, my fingers longing in their touch. I feel all of you that I might with the loving caresses of thought. I run away from myself.

For Love makes nonsense of caution, and I love you because, I am the you of me. Swift as sunrise never was, I have grown to love again, yet have always loved you. Like the horizon. We are like two birds that cannot fly. But share the same sky. Forever yearning for the same flight and the courage to be. As I wonder In unknown's, and the myth, the dream the longing to be, set free. Once again.