Christmas Gift

"Hey, Rick. How was the Christmas party?" his mother asked.

Rick wished she hadn't. "Same as usual. Lousy."

"I'm sorry, Sweetheart. Is there no one at these parties you can talk to?"

"Oh, there are lots of people I can talk to... just no girls."

His mother smiled sympathetically. "Anything... bad... happen?"

"Depends. Is being made fun of by an entire pack of teenage women considered 'bad'?"

"Yes," she said with a frown.

"Ah. Then I guess something bad happened. That's when I left. Anyway, you said you needed help with something?"

"Yeah. That gutter outside the back door has come loose again. You think you could fix it?"

"I'll have to wait until tomorrow. It's too dark out there now."

"Oh, right. I didn't think. Sorry."

"S'okay, Mom. I think I'm going to go shower and go to bed."

"Okay. Good night, Sweetheart."

Rick kissed his mother on the cheek, and headed for his bedroom. He passed his sister's bedroom on the way. Her door was open just slightly, and as he walked past, he thought he saw her lying on her bed. He didn't stop to check, because that would have been impolite. He merely went and got his things for his shower, and headed to the bathroom.

Once she heard the water running, Connie stepped out of her bedroom. She wasn't wearing much of anything, except a pair of panties. She frowned, having heard the conversation between Rick and their mother.

Why do they have to be like that toward him?

Rick was the proof that good looks will not get you a date by themselves. He was also proof that girls do not date 'nice' guys. Rick was nearly six feet tall, and he worked out regularly. His dark brown hair framed a handsome face... at least it was handsome to his sister.

When their father had died, four years ago, the family had nearly come apart. Their mother had to take a second job, to make ends meet, and she drove herself to exhaustion trying to keep up with everything. Rick was fifteen back then, and it only took a little while before he stepped in and started to handle some of the chores that their mother had tried to bear on her own. Soon, he'd become the man of the house, and their mother even deferred to him on some decisions. It just seemed natural, and Rick always put his family before himself; it was part of the way he was raised, yes, but it was also just his nature to think of others first.

Connie was three years younger than her brother, and she idolized him. She wasn't nearly as attractive as he was, at least in her own mind. She had long black hair that came down to her ass, and brown eyes that, in her estimation, were dull and lifeless. They were also too prominent behind her glasses, which tended to enlarge their appearance. She felt that she could lose some weight, though she admitted that her pudginess gave her a nice set of tits.

So why are guys always hitting on me, but girls ignore my brother? It doesn't make any sense! Connie rejected almost all advances from boys, because the boys who hit on her were sleazy bastards. She'd dated a couple of times, but had never gone all the way. She often fantasized about what it would be like, when she decided to get popped. Every time she had that fantasy, the boy who took her cherry was her brother.

But he'd never do it. He'd probably hate me if I even tried to arrange it. I mean, I can get us alone when Mom's not around, that's easy. But getting Ricky to agree... Connie was the only person who could get away with calling him 'Ricky' without getting a dirty look. She'd called him that since she was little, and he had long since given up trying to change her ways. She went back into her room to consider these things.

Still, even if I can't have him... Ricky needs someone. And maybe, if he got more comfortable with girls, maybe then we could... But the point is that Ricky really needs to get laid. Connie knew that her brother was still a virgin because she had once asked him. He promised, then, to tell her if he ever had sex, though he made it clear he would give no details. He'd wanted to know why she was interested, but she couldn't tell him that she was hoping to have first-hand knowledge, could she? Their relationship was close, but not quite that close.

Connie lay on her bed for a long time, trying to decide what to do about their problem. She dozed off before she came up with an answer.


Connie bounded out of bed the next morning, awake and happy. During the night at some point, she had awakened to an answer: a solution to her and Rick's mutual problem. She rushed through her shower, and gobbled down breakfast, before heading out of the house.

Their next-door neighbor was a long-time friend of the family. Her name was Serena Pelayo. An immigrant from Spain, Serena had a complexion dark enough to be considered a permanent tan. Her dark auburn tresses fell in tight curls around her oval face, and her dark eyes flashed with secret wisdom. Connie often wished for a body that looked like Serena's, which she had seen nude twice while visiting when Serena was doing this or that, and had changed right in front of Connie.

The other important things about Serena were that she was very liberated in her thoughts concerning sex, and that she was very fond of Rick. Though Serena was by no means a slut, there were very few sexual acts she wouldn't at least consider trying. Her fondness for Rick was something that Connie had never asked her about, but sensed that it came from Rick's polite manner and his responsible attitude.

Connie knocked on the door, and shivered a bit while she waited. It was cold out, and she hadn't bothered with a jacket, since she was only going next door. In a few seconds, Serena answered the door. She was wearing a dark blue sweater over faded jeans, and she looked spectacular.

"Connie! C'mon in! Are you insane? It's twenty degrees out! You could catch pneumonia walking around in this weather without a coat." Her Spanish accent was faint, but readily discernible in her speech. Connie thought it sounded exotic, which mirrored her appearance.

Serena led Connie back to the kitchen, and motioned her into a chair. Without any discussion, Serena put a kettle on the stove. In a few minutes, the water was boiling, and she made two large mugs of hot cocoa. She then came to the table and sat down, pushing one across to her visitor.

"So, what brings you over today, my loco neighbor?" Serena said with a smile. She sipped at her mug of cocoa, waiting for Connie to respond.

Connie stuttered a little. She hadn't really thought how to start this conversation; she'd only worked out how it ended. Finally, she decided to try the semi-direct approach.

"I'm a little worried about my brother."

"Oh?" Serena set down her mug and stared at Connie. "What is the matter with him?"

"Well, he's... lonely. I mean, he keeps going to parties, to try to socialize, but... there's something about him, the girls seem to think it's more fun to make him the butt of jokes than to ask him out. He told me about what happened when he asked a girl out once... I wanted to find her and strangle her... but he wouldn't tell me who it was."

Serena's eyes took on a soft, far-away look. She nodded in understanding and sympathy. "Si, I have noticed this as well. I have seen him come home from some of the parties... it was clear he was not happy."

"He just went to another one last night... a Christmas party, of all things. You'd think that at a Christmas party, the girls could at least be charitable enough to be nice to him..."

"This is something I have never understood about America. Some young people delight in making others miserable. And often they all seem to choose the same person. Your brother is a fine person. He is strong in ways they cannot even fathom. If any of those... putas ever took the time to know him, they would be truly blessed."

"Don't you think there's something we... I mean, something I can do?"

"Like what?"

"Maybe I could talk a girl into going out with him? Set him up on a date? I mean, I really think that if they just got to know him..."

Serena looked at Connie for a long, judging moment. "It is more than a date you're seeking for him, isn't it?" Connie blushed crimson. "If your brother ever found out..."

"I know. But Serena, he's... he's all alone. I mean, there's mom and me, but we don't really count." I wish I did... "He doesn't have anyone. That's not fair."

"No, it's not. But who do we know that might be suitable?"

"Let's see if we can think of someone. What about Rachel?"

"She is too snobbish. Perhaps Cynthia."

"Are you kidding? She only dates football players. Yvonne, maybe."

"She is already attached. Hmmm. What about Gina, from down the street?"

"Not after the things she's said behind his back. Carmen?"

"She won't date 'gringos', she says. Andrea?"

"She's going with some guy named Bobby. Besides, I don't think Ricky's her type."

"I'm running out of choices here, Consuela." Connie's actual name was Constance, but Serena had immediately nicknamed her Consuela upon their meeting. It was a running joke between the two: Connie was so pale, no one could possibly mistake her for a Hispanic.

"There's one more girl... another Hispanic girl... what was her name... oh, yeah... what about Serena Pelayo?"

It took Serena a couple of seconds to actually register her name. She almost spilled her cocoa as she choked for a second. "Don't joke with me when I am drinking!" she said with a smile. Then she looked at Connie's face. "You are joking, aren't you?"

"Serena... I know you feel something for Ricky. I've never asked about it, but I know something happened."

"Si. Do you remember, a few years ago, when I was dating that... cabrón that beat me?"

Connie nodded; it had been an ugly experience.

"Rick was the one who found me. He was taking out the trash, and heard me crying in the yard. He picked me up and carried me into the house... he is so strong that way, too. Without a word, he found the first aid kit and a washcloth, and he spent a half hour cleaning and bandaging my bruises. He called the police, too. That was unpleasant, but he sat right there with me while the cops asked all their questions. When Miguel showed his face, I thought your brother was going to kill him. There was a good thing, that the police were still here. I have never forgotten what he did for me."

Serena looked deep into Connie's eyes, and she thought about her own feelings. "Yes, there is a reason for my feelings for your brother. But what you ask..."

"He's nineteen now, Serena. It's legal."

"But what would he want with an old woman like myself?"

Connie snorted. "You're how old now? Twenty-eight?"

Serena laughed. "I wish! I am thirty-four now. In his eyes, I am sure I am an old woman."

"You'd have to be very persuasive to get him started. But I don't think he'd resist you for long."

"It would be good to have a lover again... Dios Mio, what am I saying? Consuela..."

"Serena," she said, cutting her off. "He needs this. My brother has nothing for himself, all he does is work for us. He can't go to college, because of us. He doesn't socialize much, because of us. He doesn't do a whole lot of things, because there is always us."

"This will change things between us all," Serena said, marveling that she had not once said "if" in that sentence.

"Is that necessarily a bad thing?"

"Perhaps not... I do not know. There is more to this than you're telling me. What is it?"

Connie told her.

Serena gathered herself, after a few moments of shock. "Your brother, he is working today?"

"No. He has the rest of the week off, for Christmas. He's been switching days with some of the other guys who don't have any family, so that he'd have a few days off with us."

"He really does work that hard." It was not a question.


"I will... think of something. When it is done...?"

"I'll know," she said with a very womanly smile.

"Very well. You should go. I have thinking to do."

Connie got up and, on impulse, gave Serena a hug. "Thanks."

"Do not thank me until I have managed to convince him of the rightness of your plan!" she said with a smile. She escorted Connie to the door, and closed it behind her.

Do I dare? It would be good to have a lover again... and he is fine, strong, and gentle... to teach him...

Serena did the rest of her thinking without clothes on.


"Did you get the gutter fixed, or was it hopeless?" Rick's mother asked as he came in. He saw Serena, their neighbor, sitting with her. He smiled and nodded, then turned to answer his mother's question.

"It's good for the winter, I think. We might want to replace that section in the spring, though."

"Well, you know that stuff better than I do." Turning to Serena, she said, "I don't know what I'd do without him. I can't fix a leaky faucet, and if you want to hire someone these days... the costs are just unbelievable."

"Always nice to have a man around the house," Serena said with a warm smile. Rick blushed and turned away, retreating to the refrigerator to get something to drink.

"Might I be able to borrow Rick for an afternoon? One of the curtain rods in my bedroom fell off the wall, and I'll need someone to help me put it back on." It had fallen off the wall after she'd yanked on it for a good five minutes.

"Well, I don't have anything for him to do, but it's up to him. Rick?"

"Sure, I don't mind. You want to head over right now, or you want to talk with Mom some more?"

"I'd like to get it taken care of. I don't feel comfortable sleeping in there without a curtain, even if I do have blinds."

Rick nodded, and finished his glass of juice. He rinsed the glass, as he'd been taught, and put it in the dishwasher. He kissed his mother on the cheek, and told her he would be back later. Serena watched all this with a growing smile.

He's such a gentleman... Do girls today not want that anymore? Serena got her coat, and headed out the door - which Rick held for her - and led him over to her house. She'd turned the heat up in her house, to encourage the removal of clothing. Rick shucked his coat immediately, hanging it in the hall closet.

"Wow, it's warm in here," he said.

"Well, take off your sweater, then," she said with a smile. She'd already stripped off her outer layers, and was now wearing only a T-shirt. Rick dumped his sweater on the back of a chair, which left him in a pullover and jeans.

"Are you ready to start?" Serena asked with a smile. Rick nodded, not aware of what he was actually starting.

"Would you grab the stepladder please? It is in the hall closet." He found it quickly, and followed her back to her bedroom. He was almost embarrassed to be in her private area, but that was where the work needed to be done.

"If you would set it up in front of the window... please, set it up to face the window, I don't like you or me trying to reach sideways on a ladder." Actually, she had a whole different reason for wanting it set that way. She had moved the bed - that had been a bit of a struggle - so that there was just enough room to put the ladder there, and only a few inches extra. The stepladder was normally in the garage, as well.

"First, we will need to fix the hole," she said.

"If you have Spackle, I can get that repaired in a snap," Rick said. She handed him the tub and a putty knife. He climbed the ladder, and still had to stretch a bit. Serena put her hand on his lower back, to steady him, since he had to stand so high on the stepladder.

Rick tried to ignore the feel of Serena's hand, which was causing a warm, tingly sensation where she touched him. He shook his head, and returned to the task at hand.

Keep your mind on the job, you pervert, he thought to himself with an inner chuckle. He would readily admit that Serena was a fox, but he didn't want to think of her that way, because he didn't stand a chance with her.

He thought.

About a half-hour later, Rick had repaired all the holes. He got down from the ladder, and wiped some sweat from his forehead. Though standing at floor-level was reasonably comfortable, all the heat had gathered up near the high ceiling, and it was very warm up on the ladder.

"You look like you could use a glass of tea," Serena said. Rick nodded, and followed her out to the kitchen.

"Really, you should let the Spackle dry for at least a day before trying to re-hang something there..."

"Can we not put the rod in a different place?" Serena asked. "I do not like sleeping without the curtain. It makes me uncomfortable."

Rick nodded. "We can either move it up a few inches, or to the side a few... it looks like you had quite a bit of extra. Of course, if we go to the side, it might look lopsided..."

"Of course. We should go up a little. They are long enough to cover the windows even if we go up another half a foot."

"Okay, good. We'll do that, then." Having finished their drinks, they returned to the room.

It took another half-hour before Rick had finished mounting the long and heavy curtain rod. The only thing left was to hang the curtain itself on the rod.

"I will need to hang the curtain myself," Serena said. "It has to be hung just so, and I don't expect you to know how to do it." She was being honest, without being condescending.

Rick nodded. "Okay... do you need me to hand it up to you, or..."

"I only need you to steady me as I work."

"Not a problem."

As Serena started to work, Rick placed his hand on her lower back, as she had done to him. It helped keep her steady, but Rick had to control his thoughts, and his hand, because the skin beneath her T-shirt felt very soft and silky.

Down, boy.

When Serena worked in to the middle, she was attempting to do something decorative at the top of the curtain, and she couldn't reach. She stepped up on the top of the ladder to adjust the valence.

Rick was immediately nonplussed. He could no longer easily reach her back to steady her. The only reasonable target for his hand was her butt.

But I can't touch her there, can I?

Serena looked down at him, and giggled slightly. "It is all right, Rick. I do not mind you touching me there, and I need the stability."

Rick gulped as he placed his hand against her ass. He repeated constantly in his head, Don't move that hand, don't move that hand, don't... He realized it wasn't working; his fingers were moving in small circles on her ass. He blushed fiercely, but Serena said nothing.

Finally, she finished creating the little rosette at the top of the curtains, and she moved on to the last part of the job, which didn't require her to stand up so high. Rick was relieved that he could stop blushing now, though he would admit - only to himself - that he had enjoyed fondling her.

As Serena finished up with the curtain, she turned to step back down the ladder. She 'accidentally' caught her foot, and tripped. She fell against Rick, who was still standing there in case she fell. He caught her in his arms, but her momentum was too much for him not to be knocked backward. Unfortunately for him, there was noplace 'backward' that he could go, except to be dumped onto the bed. He fell, taking Serena with him.

This was, of course, all part of Serena's plan. She knew that once she landed on top of him, she was in control. Rick's polite nature would absolutely refuse him the ability to just shove her off of him, and so he wouldn't be able to get up until she let him up. And she had no intention of letting him up.

The two landed together, the air rushing out of Rick's lungs, even with the light weight that Serena bore. Out of instinct, Rick wrapped his arms around her, in an effort to keep her from getting injured. Serena highly approved of this, even if he hadn't meant it that way.

Serena could see the blush on Rick's face already, as he stuttered in an attempt to apologize. She smiled, and then leaned down. Her lips mashed against his, effectively silencing him. Her tongue slid into his open mouth, and found its playmate, sliding wetly over his tongue in an effort to arouse him.

It didn't take long before Serena felt the proof of her success pressing strongly against her abdomen. It was only at this point that she broke their kiss.

Rick was flabbergasted, and had no idea what to do at this point. He finally managed to gasp, "Serena, I..."

"Shhh," she said. "Will you do something for me?"

"Uh, yeah, anything, I mean, um, that is..."

Serena giggled at him softly, and then kissed him again to stop his rambling. When she leaned back from him again, she grabbed hold of his wrists. His hands had still been pressed against her back, but that wasn't where she wanted them. She moved the unresisting hands downward, until they were resting on her ass.

"What you were doing before felt so good. Do it some more, please," she said with a womanly smile. Rick's eyes widened, but she gave him no time to protest as she kissed him again. Eventually, Rick's fingers seemed to regain their own mind, and began to move in small circles as they had before, kneading Serena's ass through her slacks. He would admit that he loved the feel of her against him, but he was too disconcerted to really enjoy the experience yet.

After long moments of this, Serena finally slipped her hands downward, reaching for Rick's pants. She had them undone in seconds; Rick had no time to react to what she'd done. By the time he even realized what her motions meant, she had pulled his shirt free of his pants and forced it up his body.

She broke their kiss as she forcibly removed the offending garment from his body. With his mouth free of the pleasant but insistent attention of her own, he was able to try to voice an objection.

"Serena, what..."

"Hush," she said softly, but firmly. When she'd finally manhandled his shirt off, she reached down and grabbed the hem of her own, which was not tucked in for a very good reason. Her hands flew up, pulling her shirt off and exposing her bare chest; she was not wearing a bra.

Rick gasped at the sight of Serena's tits. Her areolas were the size of half-dollars, and almost the same tanned color as her skin. Her nipples were erect, and standing out, begging for attention. Rick was mesmerized by the sight before him, and he once again lost the ability to speak. He lay on the bed with his arms beside him, totally confused.

Serena, realizing how lost he was, reached down and took hold of his hands once again. She moved them up.

"If you do the same thing to my breasts that you were doing to my rear, you will find it even more enjoyable. Or, at least I will," she said with a coy smile. Rick's fingers moved of their own accord, massaging the flesh beneath them. Serena tilted her head back and moaned. Rick watched in fascination as his own hands did things he couldn't yet readily comprehend. Serena reveled in the feel of his soft touch - she wondered how he could be so good at this without practice - for quite a while.

Serena could feel her heat rising, and she could also feel Rick's iron-hard dick pressing up against her crotch. She reluctantly withdrew from his touch, moving down his body. Her hands grasped his pants and yanked them down. Rick finally got the idea, lifting his hips up to help her. She didn't even try to take his clothes all the way off; she was too interested in what was under them.

Rick's briefs were more carefully pulled on, but no less insistently. As his underwear slid down off his hips and his cock came into view, Serena hummed to herself. Once she'd gotten his briefs down at his ankles with his pants, she slid her hand up his leg, keeping in contact the whole way, until it encircled his shaft.

Serena leaned down, and was about to wrap her lips around the head of his cock, when she remembered something that Connie had once told her. She smiled wickedly to herself, and only gave the head of his cock a little kiss. Then she sat up and stared at him hungrily. Her hands were already working at her own pants fasteners.

"Serena, what's gotten into you?" Rick asked. He was in no way upset, but he was certainly astonished at what his neighbor was now doing. He wasn't going to stop her, though.

As she began to push her pants and panties down off her hips, she responded, "It is not what has gotten into me, but what is about to get into me, that you should be worried about!" She arched her eyebrows at him as she rolled herself onto her butt to get her clothes off. She did this so fast that to Rick it seemed she never stopped moving, and was back on her knees next to him in a flash.

Serena reached down and stroked Rick's stiff member. He groaned at the feel of her soft fingers. It was obvious he was more than ready, and so Serena straddled him, holding his dick in position. She rubbed the tip of his cock along her pussy lips, and they both groaned. She knew it was time, and so she sank her body downward, impaling herself on his hard prick.

Rick groaned in awed wonder at the new feeling washing over his body. The tingles were radiating from the tip of his cock to somewhere about three feet beyond his head, or so it felt. As Serena reached the base of his dick, now fully impaled on his rod, he felt a familiar and, right now, unwelcome sensation.

"Oh, God!" he screamed, and he came. He blasted his cum deep up into Serena's cunt, splashing it against her womb. Serena shuddered in a small orgasm at the feel of his seed pulsing into her. She rocked her hips throughout his climax. As he started to come down, Serena saw the stricken look on his face.

"Aw, shit," he said. Serena leaned down and kissed him briefly but passionately. She felt his dick beginning to wither, but she had a cure for that. She rippled her pussy muscles along his rod, and he shivered.

"You're not getting away from me that easily, lover," she purred into his ear. She continued to pulse her cunt muscles, massaging his dick. It wasn't long before his retreating dick had decided it wanted another go. She felt him begin to harden, and she rocked her hips against him, encouraging it to its fully erect state.

Once Rick was hard again, she began to move her hips more, sliding on his shaft in small, quick strokes. She smiled when Rick groaned in pleasure. She loved the feel of his hard cock within her; it awoke in her passions she had long laid to rest.

Rick finally began to get into the act, his hips bucking up to meet Serena's downward movements. She grunted as their bodies collided most sensually.

"Rick, will you do something for me?"

It was an unnecessary question; at this point, he would have killed for her. "Anything."

She stopped their movement briefly, and leaned down to take him into her arms. She rolled on the bed, taking him with her. As she landed on her back, she spread her legs to wrap around his waist.

"Take me," she said finally.

Rick wasn't quite sure he understand what she meant, but her legs pulled him inward, and so he figured he knew the first part, at least. He raised up onto his knees, and used his arms to keep his weight off the beautiful woman beneath him. He began to slide his cock in and out of her in long, smooth motions.

This was not what Serena wanted. "Harder! Faster!" she growled at him, pressing her lips to his ear as her tongue explored its recesses for a moment. Rick got the idea, and he began to slam into her. Serena's head slammed backward against the bed as she let out repeated grunts of satisfaction.

"Go, yes! Oh, God! Fuck me!" she cried out. Rick was shocked to hear that particular word come out of her mouth, but it didn't cause him to lose his rhythm. He could feel his body rising toward its second peak, and he only hoped that he could satisfy her before it got here, because he didn't think he had a third one in him.

Serena grabbed her tits and began to pinch and roll her nipples. Rick watched in fascination as she did so, and then he very hesitantly reached out to caress the upper curve of her tit. When he did so, Serena grabbed his hand and moved it forcibly to her nipple.

"Do it!" she nearly screamed. He knew what she meant, and mimicked her own actions. Serena thrashed her head back and forth, her body's passion rising quickly. Rick kept thrusting into her as hard and as fast as he could, her legs encouraging him to push in as deeply as he could.

Rick continued to grope Serena's nipple, and he was ramming into her at full force, which caused her tits to shake with each thrust. He loved watching it, and he wished it would never end.

Serena, however, had her eyes tightly shut. Her mind was going into overload, and the pleasure was beginning to be too much. Her muscles tensed in preparation, and her pussy contracted on Rick's dick, making it an even tighter place for him to slide in and out of. He didn't slow his pace, though. As her orgasm overtook her, Serena screamed loudly in pleasure. Her body began to thrash beneath her lover, and her cunt squeezed his cock in waves, trying to milk his seed from him.

Rick had been managing to control himself until this point, but the pleasure that was shooting through his dick was just too much. He let out a loud grunt, and poured his cum into Serena's grasping pussy. The pair bucked and twisted together for several long moments before either of them was able to come down from their high. Rick would have rolled off his partner, but her legs were still locked around him. He settled against her, still using his arms to keep most of his weight off her.

A sudden, wonderful lethargy came over Rick, and he laid his head on Serena's shoulder. As she finally came down from her own climax, she rolled to the side, but did not let go of her lover. She felt his dick shrinking inside her, and she longed to keep it right where it was. She moved her leg out from under him, but kept a firm hold on the rest of him. Lying like that, together, they both fell off to sleep.

When Rick finally went home, he was dazed and more than a little confused. When he'd woken up to find Serena holding him softly in her arms, he hadn't known what to do. He had no idea what 'polite' procedure was at that point in time. Serena kissed him and giggled, and then she finally let go of him. She rolled to the far side of the bed, and got up to go to the bathroom, and while she was gone, he'd gotten dressed. It was the only thing he knew to do.

They hadn't talked about what they'd done; it didn't seem like the right time to Rick, and Serena hadn't engaged in a discussion. She only gave him womanly looks and a very sexy smile. She kissed him once more, to thank him, she said, for helping her.

He didn't realize that he was walking a little lopsided, nor did he realize he had a goofy expression on his face. Luckily, he didn't run into his mother. He did, however, run into Connie.

So, she got to him. Good! "Okay, lover-boy, who was she?" Connie asked, shoving him into his bedroom and closing the door. She knew this was the only way he'd discuss it at all.

He knew what she meant, of course. It was hard not to. "It was... Serena."

"Whoa," Connie said appreciatively. "Good score, bro!"

Rick blushed several shades darker than crimson. "I guess it's your turn to break the sex barrier, huh?" he asked. It was an old joke between them; Rick had never thought he'd break the 'sex barrier', as they'd never expected to break the sound barrier.

"Hmm," Connie said noncommittally. "So, was she any good?" Connie wanted to know.

"You know I'm not going to talk about that. It's private."

"Awwww. Spoil sport." Connie giggled as she went to the door. She turned back to him. "I'm happy for you, Ricky."



Life was very confusing for Rick for a couple of days. He couldn't seem to wrap his mind around what had happened in Serena's bedroom that day. He had been intentionally avoiding her until he could figure things out, or at least come to some better grasp of what he was feeling, but he realized that it just wasn't working.

Summoning up all the courage he could muster, the day before Christmas he walked over to Serena's house, and rang the doorbell. He had the intense urge to run from the situation, but he knew that would only make it worse.

"Well, hello, Rick!" Serena greeted him. She smiled warmly, and let him in. "What brings you by today? Would you like some hot apple cider? It's awfully cold outside."

"Yes, thank you," he replied, following her back to the kitchen. He watched from his seat at the table as she prepared the drinks. He spent a great deal of time studying her curves, and the way her face looked in profile. He realized he was staring, but he couldn't help it.

Finally, Serena was done, and she walked to the table with the mugs. She set his in front of him, and sat down in her usual spot. She smiled at him again, in the same way she had that day.

"So, what brings you over?" she asked casually.

"Serena... we need to talk... about... what happened."

"Ah. You are having... regrets?"

"I'm having confusions," he corrected her. "What... I mean, I know this is a dumb question, but... what happened?"

"If you do not know that, perhaps you need a better health teacher." She giggled at him, and then turned more serious. "It bothers you, what we did?"

"Yes. I mean, no. I mean... shit. Serena... you probably already know I have no experience with girls..."

"It was your first time."

He lowered his eyes. "Yeah."

"You did not wish to give this to me?"

"Yes!" he almost shouted, and blushed, "I mean... uh... well, I mean, I didn't mind giving it to you. That's not what's got me so confused. Damn... now talking to you is as hard as talking to any other girl." He slumped in his chair, and then took a sip of his cider.

Serena moved from her chair, to sit beside Rick, instead of across from him. She laid her hand on his, and rubbed it gently. "Rick, there is nothing for you to be embarrassed about with me. I have known you for many years now. I know most of your secrets. I know what kind of boy you are, and you are a wonderful person. There is no reason to hold in whatever you want to say."


"There is no 'but.' We have always been open with each other. I do not intend to stop being open with you, and I will be upset if you stop being open with me. What is it that troubles you?"

"I guess it's... why we did it."

"Did you enjoy it?"


Serena shrugged. "So did I. Do we really need more of a reason than that?"


"Rick, you know how I am about this. I haven't been very active in my dating life since... well, you know when. That doesn't mean that I have not felt the urge. But I am afraid. I am afraid of getting hurt again, like before. I knew that you could never do that to me."

"I still owe that guy something," Rick said, his attention momentarily diverted.

Serena moved her hand up to his arm. "When I saw how protective you were of me, that is when I first began to have feelings. Of course, it would have been improper, back then, to do anything about them. They did not go away over time, however. Now that you are a man, I decided that it was time for me to act on my desire. I am not ashamed of what we did. It was a very wonderful afternoon."


"Does that... is that sufficient why for you?"

"I guess..." he said, his voice trailing off.

"There is something else?" she asked, fairly sure of what was bothering him now.

"Can we... Will we ever do it again?"

Serena gave him a very womanly smile. "We should wait until after tomorrow to have this conversation. For now, just consider it... my Christmas gift to you, and yours to me." She leaned forward and pressed her lips to his. He kissed back readily, enjoying the feel of her mouth against his. Their tongues were soon playing happily together, and their kiss deepened.

After a few minutes of necking, Serena gently pushed away. Rick let her go, though he would certainly have liked to continue.

Serena was a little out of breath. "Those girls at school do not know what they are missing!" she said with a smile. Rick blushed, and said nothing. "I think that you should go now. We will talk again, after tomorrow."

"Okay. Serena?"

"Yes, Rick?"

"Thanks for the Christmas present." He kissed her again softly, and she let him. Then she walked him out, and closed the door.

Madre de Dios! I think my toes are still tingling from that boy's kiss!


Though Christmas had ceased to be much of a gift-giving holiday for the Tucker clan, their mother always made sure that they each got something. Rick saved up money for most of the year to buy the gifts for his mother and sister. Still, they didn't amount to a whole lot.

From his mother, Rick received some much-needed clothes, and a few books that he'd been wanting lately. She tried to hide the fact that she despaired at only being able to provide her children with the most mediocre of gifts. Rick didn't care; she'd put a lot of thought into what she'd given him, and that meant more to him than the gifts themselves.

Connie was the one family member who didn't have any income. Rick and his mother worked hard to keep it that way; they wanted at least one of them to have some freedom. It did, however, leave her a little nonplussed as to what to do for Christmas. That is, until she learned to knit. She'd made a fairly fancy scarf for her mother that was colorful and contained a very intricate pattern of stitching on it.

When Rick opened his present from his sister, he found a very finely knitted, deep-blue sweater. He pulled it out gently, and held it up. It looked to be exactly his size.

"By the way, you can have your other sweater back now, too," Connie said. "I had to have one for size comparison." She smiled at him, and he laughed. When he went to set the sweater back in the box, he noticed an envelope lying in the bottom of the box. It was the size of a Christmas card.

When he pulled it out, he found it was, in fact, a Christmas card. He didn't pay a lot of attention to the mushy card message, but opened it, to see what this was about. They didn't usually get cards for each other. In the card, was a note:


Although I'm proud of the sweater, it's not enough to give my dearest brother for Christmas. I have something else to give you, but it's private. I'll find you after Mom goes to work.

Merry Christmas!

Rick looked over at Connie quizzically, but he saw her shake her head fractionally, her eyes darting over to their mother. He nodded as slightly as she had moved, and put the card down.

"Thanks, Sis," he said with a smile. She grinned at him, happy that he liked the sweater.

Neither of the children was happy that their mother had to go to work on Christmas Day. Connie, however, was less upset about it than Rick was, since it gave her an opportunity to carry out her plans. She knew that it would be hard enough for Rick to accept what she wanted; she only hoped that having already experienced sex with Serena would have awakened or released whatever was necessary for him to be with her, as well.

Connie waited until their mother had been gone an hour. That way, Connie knew she wouldn't be coming home for something she'd forgotten, and she would have a good seven hours to fulfill her dream. She was dressed as if she was going to bed, in her nightshirt. She wandered down the hall, looking for her brother, but she found him sitting in the living room, drinking a soda and watching the twinkling lights on the Christmas tree. She watched him for a bit, secretly, just admiring him from a distance. She then took off her glasses and set them on the shelf. Things were a little bit blurry now, but for what was coming, she didn't think she'd need to see perfectly.

Rick turned his head smoothly when he heard Connie walk into the room. He kept his eyes firmly fixed to her face when he saw how she was dressed. The last thing he wanted was for his sister to think he was checking her out, though he had often studied her form when he knew she wouldn't see him. He smiled at her now as she crossed the room and slipped down beside him on the couch. He was startled when she slid over right next to him, and turned to face him.

"You know," he said quietly, "the sweater really was enough. It's beautiful."

"I'm glad you like it... but it's just a bunch of yarn. You deserve something more... special than that."

He looked at her curiously. He noticed for the first time that she wasn't wearing her glasses, which she only took off to shower and sleep. Without them, he thought she was even prettier than usual, though he thought she was cute anyway.

"So... why couldn't you give me whatever it is this morning?" he asked.

"Mom wouldn't understand," she said. Before Rick could ask the question that Connie could see forming in his mind, she leaned forward, rising up on her knees. "She really wouldn't get it if I did this in front of her." Saying that, she leaned the final way in, bringing her hand up to her brother's cheek, and pressing her lips to his.

It was a long moment before Rick was able to respond properly, or indeed at all, since his reaction might not be considered proper by some. He moved his arm out from between them, and wrapped it around his sister's back, pulling her more tightly against him. He was very surprised that Connie was doing what she was doing, but the only way to fight her off would be to use force, and it was much more pleasant to just kiss back.

Rick barely noticed as Connie's hand slid from his cheek and down his chest. It escaped his conscious awareness that she was unfastening his pants - her tongue made sure of this, as it demanded admittance into his mouth. It wasn't until her small hand reached in and caressed the outline of his hardening dick through his briefs that he had an inkling that the kiss was not where this present ended.

He moved back away from Connie, breaking their kiss. "Connie, what-"

"Shh. That was just the unwrapping part. Now we get to your present." Connie loved giving head; the two boys who had tried to pressure her into sex had been more than happy to receive her blowjobs. She reached in and very, very carefully extracted her brother's growing dick through the slit in his underwear. She looked down and admired it as her soft fingers encircled it, stroking its length gently to bring it to full erection.

Serena had told Connie that she had almost blown Rick during their lovemaking, but she'd remembered that Connie liked doing this, and so had refrained. Connie thanked her for that; she loved the idea of being Rick's first. She bent over, noting that, despite his very uncertain reaction, he wasn't going to stop her. As her lips touched the tip of his cock, he groaned out her name. She didn't stop to see what he might have wanted.

Connie ran her tongue around the head of his cock, and then slid it down one side, using her lips and tongue to arouse him and prepare him for sucking. She slid back up the other side, and then kissed the tip of his cock again. With a slow, sensual motion, she slipped his dick into her mouth; her lips kept contact all the way as she pulled more and more of him in.

Rick threw his head back against the sofa as he felt his sister's mouth engulfing his cock. He could feel his cockhead come up against the back of her throat, and he was astonished when she didn't stop. He marveled as she continued to pull his cock into her mouth until she had all of it. Her tongue slipped wetly along the side of his dick, and he groaned at the sensation.

After just a couple of seconds to adjust, Connie began to bob on her brother's prick. Her lips and tongue worked together to cause wonderful friction. Rick thought he could feel her trying to suck his entire body out through his dick, and the tingles shot from his head to his feet and back again. His hands flew to the back of her head, not pushing her down, but certainly encouraging her. She would have smiled if her mouth wasn't full, and she increased her pace on his throbbing dick.

It wasn't long before Rick could feel his impending orgasm. He grunted in warning, twice, but Connie didn't care. She continued to suck on him until he simply couldn't hold back any longer. With a final, loud grunt, he blew his load into her mouth with such force he almost expected it to push her head off his lap. It didn't, and Connie continued to suck and slurp every drop of his seed. When his climax began to subside, he felt her swallow, which caused another couple of spurts of his dick. Only when he was fully deflated did Connie let his dick loose from her mouth.

Reaching over, Connie grabbed Rick's soda. She took a mouthful, and swished it around. She loved the taste of his cum, but since she was about to kiss him, and didn't figure he would like the taste, she was trying to remove it. She set the glass back down, and climbed into her brother's lap, straddling his waist and trapping his dick between them.

Connie plastered her lips to her brother's, and kissed him hotly. Rick admitted her tongue as soon as it slipped out of her mouth, and he was more eager to participate this time. Connie thought that was good; it meant that he wasn't rejecting her, which was something she had feared.

When Connie finally leaned back slightly, to give them both a chance to take a breath, Rick smiled at her.

"That was a hell of a Christmas present."

"I'm not done yet," she said. "There's more unwrapping to be done... and I guess I'll have to do that, too." She reached down and grabbed the hem of her nightshirt, crossing her arms as she did. In one smooth motion, she pulled it up and off her body, letting it fall to the couch beside them. Now she sat in her brother's lap, completely nude, for she wasn't wearing any panties.

Rick's first impulse was to turn away; he had been raised with a certain amount of modesty, and it was impolite to watch people undress. On the other hand, she was intentionally undressing in front of him, and his other impulse - to take in her wonderful naked body - took over. His eyes roamed her form until they locked on her ample tits. Connie blushed at his evaluative gaze; she didn't think she had much to look at, except that her boobs were a nice size.

Rick gulped; it was hard not to think of his sister sexually when she was sitting in his lap, naked. He wanted to... but could he? Would she slap him?

"Connie, can I... touch them?"

"Absolutely," she replied.

Rick brought his hands up and gently cupped his sister's tits. She moaned as his fingers tenderly manipulated her flesh. When his fingers found her nipples, she gasped in pleasure.

Rick wasn't sure what was happening, but he figured he'd better take his chances before she came to her senses. He leaned in hesitantly, and brought his mouth to one of her nipples. His tongue flicked out, and swiped over it, and Connie cried out.

"Oh, God!" she yelled, and her hands went to the back of his head, trying to force her tit into his mouth. He got the idea, and kept up his tongue motions. Connie began to squirm in his lap as he let his hand play with her other tit, to keep it occupied. After a while, he switched nipples, giving the other one the same treatment.

By this point, Connie was almost completely lost in pleasure. No guy had ever even seen her naked before, though one had managed to cop a feel beneath her blouse. She had wanted Rick for a long time, and this moment was the culmination of her fantasy, if...


She very gently and reluctantly pushed him off her breast. He let go of her instantly, and looked up to see if she was angry or upset. The look on her face contained neither of those emotions, though he wasn't quite sure what he saw.

"Ricky," she said, her voice purring smoothly from her throat, "There's one more thing I wanted to give you for Christmas."

Rick gulped before asking, "What's that?"

"My cherry," she replied. She saw him go pale in shock and surprise. "I've had dreams about you for months. Every time I go out with one of those sleaze-balls from school, I can't help but compare him to you, and of course he looks like... well, a sleaze-ball, when I do that. There's only one guy I want to give my virginity to, and that's you."

She slipped off his lap, and stepped across the room a ways. She knew this was a dangerous move; he could get up and run out on her now. Still, she was resolved to do this in a very specific way. She lay down on the Christmas throw rug that their mother put in front of the tree each year, normally to set the presents on. This was part of the message to her brother. She looked up at him, and tried her best come-hither expression.

"Come get your present," she said in a husky voice.

Rick sat, flabbergasted. He couldn't believe that his sister was asking him to screw her... to be the first to screw her, even. He also couldn't deny that staring at her naked body, lying on the floor with her legs spread slightly and her hands running up the insides of her thighs, was causing his dick to harden.

"Connie... are you serious?" He feared she was playing some kind of joke, even after what she'd already done.

"As a heart attack. C'mon, get over here."

Rick shook his head, trying to clear it, or to let the ideas settle into place, he wasn't sure which. He sat for a moment, trying to decide what to do. He loved Connie dearly, but wasn't this supposed to be 'wrong'? On the other hand...

Hell with it, he thought to himself. He pulled his dick back through the slit in his underwear, and then pulled his pants and underwear down as he stood up from the couch. He stepped out of them and walked over to where she lay, removing his shirt as he went. By the time he reached her, he was as naked as she was. He knelt down beside her, and placed his hand gently on her abdomen.

With the way he was positioned, Connie had the strong urge to take his dick back into her mouth again, but refrained; she wanted it somewhere else now. He rubbed her stomach gently, looking down at her with brotherly affection... and something more than that.

"Connie... you know this is probably going to hurt..."

She nodded. "I'd rather suffer it from someone who cares that it's going to hurt than someone who just wants to get off," she replied.

"You're sure?"

She nodded, trying to encourage him with her eyes. He slipped down to lay beside her, and she turned to face him. They kissed, tenderly at first, but their passion built quickly. Rick fondled her breast, and she stroked his dick, until they could no longer contain their fervor.

Rick rolled on top of his sister, and she parted her legs for him. He couldn't believe he was about to do this, but he also couldn't stop. He looked down at her, smiling back up at him, and he melted inside.

"You're beautiful, Sis," he said. She blushed; he'd never said that to her before.

He rubbed the head of his dick back and forth across her slit, but he could tell she was definitely wet and ready. Very carefully, he positioned himself, and began to push in. As the head of his dick pressed into her hole, Connie groaned in pleasure.

"Oh, God, that feels good..." she moaned.

Rick moved slowly in and out until the whole head of his dick was in. It was shortly after that when he felt her barrier blocking his way. He didn't stop moving, but he did slow down a little.

"This is the part that's going to hurt," he said to her. "There could also be some blood."

"I took health class, too," she said, smiling up at him. She stroked his sides, encouraging him to take her.

Rick kept moving, though he pushed more forcefully into her. He could feel her barrier stretching with each push, and finally, he felt it tear. Connie gasped in pain, and he froze, afraid that it was more pain than she could take. He looked down at her, to see a wince cross her brow, but then it cleared, to be replaced with a look of determination.

"Go... slow," she said.

Rick pushed ever so slowly into his sister's depths. Occasionally, she winced, but she never asked him to stop. It was a long moment before he finally was fully buried in her pussy, and he stopped then, rocking just slightly back and forth. He waited for her to say something.

"That... feels... really, really... big." she said to him, her eyes filled with wonder. Rick blushed; he didn't really know if he was big or not, but to have his sister say something like that at a time like this...

"What do you want me to do?" he asked, uncertain of his next move.

"I want you to do to me what you did to Serena," she said. "She made it sound like a lot of fun," Connie watched Rick's face as she revealed her little secret.

"She told you?" Rick gasped.

"Told me? Hell, it was my idea!" She giggled at him. "I wanted to give you something really special this Christmas." She looked up at him, and a frown crossed her face. "You're not mad, are you?"

Rick leaned down and kissed his sister, hard. He broke the kiss after only a few seconds, and smiled. "How can I ever get mad with you? Besides, you were only trying to do something nice for me... and you succeeded. But I can't do to you what I did to Serena."

"What?" she cried. "Why not?"

"Because Serena wanted it... er... hard and fast. I'm afraid that would hurt you."

"Oh," his sister said, her eyes going wide. She realized how much her brother cared about her, even with his dick buried in her pussy. "Well... then... I mean, you know more than I do..."

"Not by much, Sis!" he said with a laugh. He leaned down, and wrapped his arms around her, and then rolled to the side. "I have read a few things, though."

After a little arranging, Rick was able to slide his cock in and out of his sister while they were lying together on their sides. He moved slowly and gently, watching her reaction carefully. In only a couple of minutes, the pain was almost completely forgotten. The slow, rhythmic moving also helped him control his own arousal, which meant that they could spend a long time together.

After a while, Connie began to roll her hips against her brother's movements. He took this as a sign that she wanted him to move a little faster, and so he did, pushing into her more forcefully, but still keeping an eye out for any discomfort or pain he might be causing. Connie let loose with a long moan as he seemed to hit a particularly sensitive spot. He did it again, and she really began to move her hips against him.

"Oh, fuck yes," she said, almost reverently. "Damn, that feels good!"

Rick smiled, and continued to thrust into his sister, trying to keep moving across that same spot. Soon, she was squirming against him, and her pussy was clamping down on him. The pleasure of that began to ignite his own arousal, pushing him towards his pinnacle of pleasure. Connie began to grunt and moan, urging him to thrust into her harder.

The pair began to buck together, their bodies seeming to merge into one as their movements united toward a singular goal.

Connie reached it first, a loud scream erupting from her throat as the largest orgasm of her life washed over her body. Her back arched, thrusting her tits into her brother's chest. Her hips rocked and bucked, riding his cock faster and harder. Her legs contracted, pulling him tighter against her.

With all the different sensations that Connie was sending through his body, Rick couldn't hold out any longer. With a final grunt, he thrust his dick deep into her, and let his load burst forth, spewing deep inside his sister's waiting cunt. She screamed again at the feel of his seed filling her depths. After another cry of ecstasy, she collapsed, overloaded with sensations.

As he came down from his own high, Rick gathered his sister into his arms, and held her tightly. He laid his head on top of hers, and rubbed her back while she slept.

Connie woke up after only a few minutes, and was overjoyed to find that her brother was still holding her - with his dick still buried in her pussy! She could feel it softening, and she sighed when it slipped from her hole, hoping against hope that it would be in there again soon.

"Merry Christmas, Connie," her brother said softly. "Thanks for the present."

She looked up at him, and saw the soft smile on his face. She knew then that this would not be the last time they made love. She got an impish grin of her own just then.

"You just wait and see what happens to you on your birthday!"

