Catherines Moon

by Maureen Louise Reardon

Copyrighted ©2002

A veil of clouds covering the moon gave it the appearance of being suspended. Catherine stared at the sky for a long time, almost as if waiting for something. There was magic in the moon this night. It touched part of her It touched her in that place that made her warm. The lust that rose in her was natural and pure, filling her with a powerful feeling.

The longer she held the gaze of the moon, the lonelier she became. Catherine slowly lifted her arms. Broad hands reached toward the sky, as powerful fingers curled into tightly balled fists. She threw her head back, shook the hair from her face, and unleashed a howl into the humid night air that came from the depths of her soul. The magic was powerful indeed.

Flared as her mind played cruel tricks on her, teasing her with a wisp of her scent on the night breeze. Instinctively, she whirled and tensed. Sculpted thighs flexed with the urge to run. There was another urge that forced her into an even stride in the direction she imagined her to be waiting.

The wind lifted her hair from her shoulders as she ran across the smooth face. The tree line of blue spruce were ahead of her with an iridescent glow, as the clouds released the moon into blackness. Stopping at the edge of the forest, she turned and looked once more at the sky. Once more the magic reached out and touched her in that place. It was Amy's who touched time. It was Amy coming to her through the magic of the moon.

Catherine's ached, throbbing with every beat of her heart. She collected herself in Amy's hand and squeezed against a raging desire that threatened to split her open. Wide green eyes locked onto the glowing face high over head that held her fast, taunting her with memories that came alive in the flood of magic moonlight. She could smell her. She could taste her. Through clenched teeth she exhaled with a crisp grunt of frustration. Catherine wanted Amy. What she wanted, she took.

Night sounds from the darkened forest pulled her from her trance. The urge to run came upon her again, as her eyes adjusted to the dim trail. Catherine's legs carried her into the forest. Slivers of moonbeams that managed to slip through the trees slid off of her form. as she ran. Her pace quickened when she recognized familiar landmarks. She was closer now. Catherine could smell Amy again feel her. She Remembered how.

They would lay together for a few minutes without moving. Their bodies twitched and quivered, as they slowly recovered from the violence of their sex. Finally, she would roll off of her and onto her back. She looked at her in silence, then turned away to look up at the moon and the backdrop of a million stars. A shooting star streaked across the heavens, and she would sit up and pointed, grunting excitedly. When she would laid down again, her head came to rest on a thick shoulder and an arm that pulled her closer to her. She would turned to look at her again, watching her as she studied the heavens.

Out of the corner of her eye she saw another shooting star flash overhead. As she stretched her arm to point, she reached up like she was grabbing the wayward star before it could fall to earth. Her little hand blocked her view, as she appeared to close her fingers around the falling star. Catherine brought the hand that held the star to her chest and turned to look at Amy.

She smiled and reached over, opening her hand and softly placing the star between her breasts. The magic of the moon was strong this night. And the magic of this moment never left Catherine's mind. For Catherine, Amy was always alive.