Broken Scream

by Maureen Louise Reardon

Copyright © 2003. This is an original work, and as such, is protected under the copyright laws of the United States. Please do not duplicate, copy, print, distribute, or exchange this piece; without the express written permission of the author.

It's so close beneath the surface. I can feel it there; boiling, writhing, tortured by fires of longing. It is a constant part of me, a gift rendered by the haunting memory of you.

Separated by more miles than I can count; I sit in the darkness that closed eyes offer. Wishing, and remembering; I am lusting after a precious wisp of memory.

The silence is broken by a scream, heard only by my soul and yours. The look in my eyes gives the only evidence, that verbal anguish was released: quietly, privately, in desperation.

Sitting in silence, the echoes of my cries fade into a solitary seclusion. I feel your presence. I feel you reaching from the prison of your own reality. Reach out for me. Reach. Pull me to you. I know you are there.

Distracted by a scent long since departed, I remember, as if it were a mere moment ago. I hunger for your quivering lips to settle lightly on mine. All that is primary to my current reality slips to idle, as I am lost once again, in the chaos of past choices made. I ponder those very same choices.

No matter, I am there, even now. My life is a private, unshared, and totally unforgiving. It is blatantly ignoring whatever logic was used, to nullify the surety of its existance.

Unfinished love drives me to the edge of insanity. I challenge the burden of breaking the rules of this lifetime. I challenge the forbidden rightness of our secret ecstasy.

The strength of your arms holding me, validates me. For I deserve nothing less than us. But I remain, forever silent.

The End