Disclaimers: No, the X-MEN are most certainly not mine
_Weapon-X: Cougar_
_By Gambit_
_Chapter One_
In the forest behind Xavier’s School for the gifted, the winter air
blew through the trees without remorse or thought. The ground was
liberally covered with white snow, reminding whoever was out in the
weather of the bitter cold. The only one’s that seemed to not mind the
cold were the animals that had taken up residence in the Westchester
Them, and a young lady that went by the name of Rogue. Well, most
people called her Rogue, even the Professor. But for some reason,
beyond her understanding, Logan always called her Marie.
Logan. He was part of the reason that she was out in the woods on this
cold day. *No. If ah am goin’ to be truthful with myself, Logan is the
*only *reason ah am here. *She thought, but it wasn’t a bitter thought.
In fact, she had a little half smile on her beautiful face.
The fact was that Marie still had some of Logan still in her head. And
even though this thought made her semi-happy, it also confused her
somewhat. The remnants of Magneto had long ago quieted. But not Logan.
Every once in a while, when she was annoyed, she would let a small
growl out, that would do Logan proud, if he knew. She shuddered to
think of how he would react, though.
He was already feeling guilty enough that he was inside her head. She
knew that he would go on a *real *guilt trip if he knew that she some
of his . . . Well, some of his less charming traits would be an
eloquent way to put it.
But for some reason, she didn’t have his fight or flight instinct. She
was the same old Rogue in that aspect. She usually would beat up on her
self for being a coward sometimes. And she would always berate herself
for crying so much.
The school had accepted her for what she was mostly-- but there were
still those that wouldn’t come within ten feet of her, after hearing
about how she usurped Logan’s gift temporarily. They were scared. Rogue
could understand that, but it still made her sad to no end. She had a
feeling-- no, scratch that, she *knew *that she couldn’t have made it
without her best friend Jubilee. The girl was an absolute jewel, even
if she did talk all the time.
Sometimes it was nice to have Wolverine in her mind. Sometimes.
But she had decided a long time ago that she would never tell him that
he had never completely faded from her mind. For one simple reason.
Every time the subject would come up, Logan, the bad-ass Wolverine,
would get a haunted look of guilt and sorrow just at the thought of his
dark and inconsolable past in her head. So, Marie tried to avoid the
subject as much as possible.
Marie took a seat on a rather large rock, and let out a very explosive
sigh. A frown suddenly marred her face as she suddenly remembered what
she was thinking about when she entered the woods to begin with. She
was thinking about Logan, and his undying stubbornness. 

She knew that she loved Logan, she loved him with all of her heart. Or
at least she thought she did. And not that brother-sister kind of love
that most people thought that she had going. And the people that didn’t
think that, thought that it was merely a teenage infatuation that would
eventually go away. She knew that it wouldn’t, or at least she thought
But they were all wrong. It was more of a gut-wrenching-need kind of
love that had brought the young woman near tears more than once. But,
it seemed at every turn, he would look at her as nothing more than a
*Damn, ah could use a beer. *She thought, twirling the white streak of
hair on her head. Then she realized what she just thought and slapped
herself in the forehead as if that would help the thought from coming

It was another one of Logan’s ‘Personality Quirks’, as she had begun to
call them. She gave in once when she had a sudden craving for whiskey.
Her friend Jubilee told her that she had some stashed.
Marie drank three-fourth’s of the bottle . . . And the next morning she
swore off alcohol for good. That and cigars. But not cigarettes. She
was quite fond of her Marlboro Reds, and had no wish to give them up.
Much to Logan’s dismay . . . He could be *way *over protective

Pulling out a cigarette and lighting it, Marie thought some more. She
thought of a subject that she loved, as well as hated. Ways to catch
the Wolverine’s eye. “Ah could wear less clothing . . .” *But nawt with
this skin. *Her thoughts added bitterly. Sometimes she thought that
nobody *really *understood what it was like not to be able to touch
anybody- ever.
And that made her more lonely and cold inside than any winter could.
“Enough of this pity-party shit.” Marie said miserably, standing up and
getting ready to walk again, in hopes of clearing her head. She knew
that her last comment was most likely one of Logan’s thoughts. She
found that walks usually helped a lot when it came to clearing her
thoughts. And when she had to clear her thoughts *and *Logan’s . . .
The walks tended to be a little long.
The young, girl mutant made it about thirty steps before it happened.
She tripped and fell. Sitting back up, she let out a slew of curse
words that would have made a sailor blush. *Logan’s thoughts again . .
. *She thought idly.
Marie’s deep brown eyes scanned the ground that she had been walking on
to see what tripped her, at first she saw nothing. But on gazing
closer, she spotted what looked to be a tip of a boot, the snow
covering the rest.
After she got to her feet, her steps were timid as she edged closer to
the object of her curiosity. *There just cain’t be nothin’ attached to
that boot. *She tried to console herself. Her mind thinking of a dead
Marie slowly knelt down to the boot in question, and stretched out a
hesitant hand, slowly brushing away the snow to reveal more of the
boot. The girl was a little pale when she realized that there was
indeed a leg attached to the boot. A stray thought wondered how he
could have gotten so covered in snow while in the forest. And her mind
told her that it must have fell from the trees.
Then Rogue began to work in earnest and started removing snow as fast
as possible, on the slight chance that whoever was under all the white,
cold snow might still be alive. Something she highly doubted, but clung
to the hope none the *less*.
When she saw the body completely uncovered, she gave a sharp intake of
breath. The boy, that looked to be only a year or two younger than
herself, was a pale blue. But it was not a natural blue, like that of
Mystique. It was unnatural. The kind that only prolonged exposure could
His shirt, or what was left of it, looked to be shredded by some kind
of claws and covered with dried blood. Lots of it. Whether it was his
or someone else’s, she didn’t know. The hair on the boy’s head was a
light, light blonde and was matted to his forehead do to snow and more
than a little blood.
*He looks so peaceful. *Came an odd thought.
Rogue was more than sure that the boy was dead and felt more than a
little sad that someone so young would die like this. But her sadness
was for nothing when she caught the shallow movement of the boy’s
chest. At first she thought that she imagined it. 

But when she saw it again, it set her mind into doing something useful.
She remembered that Jean had somehow set it up so that she could call
her telepathically if she tried hard enough, and wasn’t that far away.
*Well, ah think ah betta give it a shot. *Marie thought, then screamed
as loud as she could in her mind. *<‘JEAN!!!!’>*   

                                _                        Two Hours
Mason Creed’s first thought was: *Where the fuck am I?*
* *
He made sure to keep his eyes closed as he let his other senses do the
work. Mason really didn’t want whoever was walking around him to know
that he was awake just quite yet. In fact, he wanted to prolong it as
long as he could, or at least until he could get an idea of where the
hell he was.
A nose that was so sensitive that it would put a wolf to shame, picked
up many things as he laid on his back. It picked up enough to know that
he was in some kind of med lab. It also picked up perfume. 

*Perfume? Must be comin’ from whoever is watching me. *He thought. The
muscles in his face twitching slightly.
His nose and other senses could also pick up the fact that someone went
through the trouble of cleaning him up. He could feel the cotton of a
new pair of sweats on him. The blood he was drenched in from the forest
was gone. He was still shirtless though, and there were wires hooked up
to his chest.
It was all he could do to keep the animal under control. If he was
truthful with his self, he would have admited that he was scared. The
smell of the lab and the hard table he was laying on was reminding him
way too much of his nightmares . . . And Mason had NO intention of
reliving those.
He was trying to remember how he got here. The last thing he remembered
was running from one very big, ugly mutant that was dead set on tearing
a pound of flesh from him. Although, why, Mason didn’t know. In fact,
he couldn’t remember anything from before the forest.
That worried him. Only being able to remember the fight in the forest,
his name and his nightmares. Nothing else. Well, he would have rather
forgotten about the nightmares.
As Mason laid there, his ears picked up a new sound, that of a door
opening. His noise twitched slightly as he smelled the newcomer.
Whoever he was, (and he could tell the person was a *he*) he liked
spending a lot of time outside and he liked to smoke cigars.
*Cigars. I’d kill for some nicotine . . . Great, I’m about to,
probably, be a lab rat and I want a fuckin’ cigarette. *Mason thought
sarcastically. But then he focused his attention on the conversation
that had just started.
“Logan.” Was how the woman that had been watching him greeted the
Mason was surprised to hear a low growl from the newcomer named Logan.
A growl that sounded almost like his did in the woods. “‘Kid’s got tags
like mine.” The voice was gravelly and more than a little dangerous.
“That’s not all ‘The *Kid*’ has that resembles you,” The woman started.
Mason noticed that she put the emphasis on the word *kid*, like she was
trying to protect him. But he just as quickly dismissed it. *It’s
better not to put any faith in anyone just yet. *He thought darkly as
he listened to the woman continue.
“His entire skeleton is covered in adamantium. He also has the same
*‘accessories’ *as you do. His healing factor is just as good, or maybe
even a little better than yours. I won’t know for sure until the
computer finishes running the blood tests.” The woman said. Only
getting a grunt in return.
*Adamantium? Accessories? Drawing blood?!? Like Hell.* Mason’s thoughts
were racing. 

Pretty soon it started to build. That feeling inside that took away all
the fear. The only word he could think of that described it was
‘*animalistic*’. It would make him see red, wallow in rage and not
think straight. It also made him want to destroy whatever was in front
of him. But it also put a damper on his fear. The only time he
remembered feeling it was in the forest, but he was pretty damn sure
that he had felt it before. 

Mason tried to still his mind, but that didn’t work. And when he felt
the pin prick of pain in his arm, just like in his nightmares . . .
Logan stood back and watched as Jean (Her name was Red to him) walked
towards the boy with the needle and shivered in revulsion, remembering
the flash backs he had been getting lately . . . That was when his
sensitive hearing picked something up. The Kid’s heartbeat.
His eyes flashed as he smelled the rage roll off the kid and put two
and two together. He let out a growl and yelled, “Get outta the way,
A *Snikt! *could be heard as all six of the kid’s ten inch adamantium
claws popped out quicker than lightning, plunging right for Jean as he
sat straight up. 

Jean would never have made it if the Wolverine didn’t shove her, quite
hard, straight into the wall with such force that it knocked her
unconscious. He did it on purpose. If the Kid was anything like him, he
wouldn’t consider an unconscious woman a threat.
Unfortunately, it put him right in the path of fire, or claws, if you
will. They cut all the way through his shoulder muscle, all the way to
the bone. With a growl, Logan leaped back about five feet, hoping the
kid would come out of the blind rage.
It was all the Wolverine could do to keep the animal in check, so that
he could, maybe, get control of the situation. In a mere matter of a
few seconds, Logan sized the kid that was in front of him up. 

The kid was solid, sinewy muscle. Very well defined. It wasn’t the
muscles of a weightlifter. It was functional muscle. The muscle of a
soldier. And Logan could tell by the kid’s stance that he was no
stranger to killing. 

Not to mention the look in the kid’s eyes. Logan had seen that look in
himself more times than he cared to remember. But it stood out in the
kid’s bright, bright green eyes all the more. Logan could swear that
those eyes looked damn near supernatural. But he knew for a fact that
they looked more like a trapped animal’s eyes than a human’s at the

Logan took a deep breath, starting to regain his temper as he felt his
shoulder start to heal. He also stood stalk-still, knowing that
movement would set the kid off, again. If he was in the kid’s shoes, he
knew that he would certainly think he was in enemy territory.
They stared at each other, like a pair of wild animals, for almost a
full minute.
When Logan started to see a bit of sanity come back into the kid’s
eyes, he still stood very still, but he also spoke. Even if it was a
half growl. *But, then again, nobody ever accused me of being ‘nice’.*
Logan thought wryly. 

“Look, kid, I don’t know who the hell ya are, but unless yer ready to
go a round with someone a might meaner than you,” *Snikt! *Logan’s
claws popped out in all their glory. “You’ll put those damn claws back
where they were.” The Wolverine had what could only be described as an
evil glint in his eyes when he said it.
Logan knew that the boy knew that he was in trouble, and that he was in
his right mind again, because he watched his eyes become wary. But the
boy still had the ten inch blades out and his body tensed even more,
awaiting an attack. “Fuck off.” The boy growled out.
If it was anyone but the Wolverine, they probably would have run out of
the room at the sound of the kid’s voice. It was filled with murderous
intent. “Kid,” Logan started, trying to think of a different tact. Then
found one. “We ain’t the one’s that put that metal in ya. And we sure
as hell don’t want ya as a lab rat. We ain’t gonna hurt ya.”
The boy seemed to relax slightly at the words, but *only *slightly.
Then another thought came to Logan. This one made him smile just a bit.
If you didn’t know him, you wouldn’t even think it was a smile though.
“Red said yer a lot like me. You got heightened senses?”
The kid nodded. Though he didn’t know why.
“Then tell me if I’m lyin’.” Logan considered that to be one of his
best senses, being able to smell and hear if people were lying to him.
That, and being able to tell if a woman liked him in a sexual way. Took
the guess work out.
He watched as the kid’s noise twitched, albeit very slightly. Then,
with an inaudible sigh, watched as the kid’s blade’s popped back in.
His eyes were still wary though, and he was still very much on guard.
Logan popped his claws back in as well, before he spoke.
Logan then nodded his head towards Jean. “I’m gonna check on Red.” It
was meant to be a show of faith. Turning his back on the boy. For some
reason he felt that the boy could be trusted, if he wasn’t provoked.
Mason stood as still as an oak. But he was also confused, scared and
still a little angry. But the anger came from being confused and
scared. And to top it off, he would be lying to himself if he said he
didn’t want to know more about Logan. *Maybe he can tell me where I can
find the bastards that are in my dream. That’ll be a few killings that
I’ll be more than happy to do. *The thoughts in his head were very
dark, but he meant them.
He then looked over to where Logan walked, taking in what he looked
like. Logan wasn’t much to look at . . . He was wearing a pair of faded
blue jeans and a flannel shirt, along with a brown duster. And he was
about Mason’s height. But, somehow, Mason believed the man when he said
that he was ‘a might meaner’ than he was. 

Mason had no wish to tangle with the man.
Seeing the shredded shoulder of the duster and the one Logan called
“Red”, Mason felt more than a little guilty. In fact, he felt damn near
ashamed. He only had the vaguest of ideas of why he went into a blind
rage. He schooled his face into an expressionless feature and thought:
*I shouldn’t even be allowed to be around people. I’m nothing but a
And with that thought, Mason got a tight rein on his emotions.
Promising himself that he would only answer questions to be civil, but
he would not lose his cool. No, Mason Creed no longer trusted himself.
Not at all. Closing himself off to people seemed to be the only answer.
Little did he know that wouldn’t work very long at all.
“Red? C’mon, Red, wake up.” Logan said in his usual gruff manner,
gently tapping the side of Jean’s face. Then watched as Jean slowly
came to her senses.
“Jesus, Logan. Why did you push me?”
“Kid was gonna turn ya into a shiskabob.” Logan stated in his usual
blunt manner.
Jean looked over at the kid. He was just standing very still. Though,
Jean could see the guilty expression in the kid’s eyes. She had read
his surface thoughts when they brought him in. The good news was that
he was safe. The bad news was that he had been through just as much, or
more, than Logan. The weird news was that she could only read his
thought if she touched him.
Jean crawled to her feet, albeit a little slowly, giving the teenager
that almost ran her through a warm half smile. “Hello,” She started,
trying to sound as friendly as possible. The kid looked like he was
strung tighter than a bow. “Welcome to Westchester. My name is Jean.”
Mason gave Jean a brief nod, only his eyes saying he was sorry. But not
bothering to give his name in return.
“I think we should go see Chuck.” Logan growled out. Being in the
med-lab always set his nerves on edge. And an edgy Wolverine was a
dangerous Wolverine.
Logan saw the protest in Jean’s eyes before she even spoke. “But I
still have a test I nee-”
Logan cut her off, looking over at the boy, or what looked to be a boy.
“Do you want to meet Chuck?” He asked with a glint in his eyes, already
knowing the boy’s answer.
“Yeah, I think I do.” Mason replied. He caught on quick. He could tell
that Logan didn’t like this lab anymore than he did.
And on the other hand, Mason was more than a little curious as to who
*Chuck *was. *Maybe he’s got some answers. *He thought.
Jean knew when she was beat. It was almost funny looking at the kid and
Logan standing side by side. It also looked more than a little
dangerous. She had entered Logan’s mind one time, at his request, and
it was an awful lot like that Kid’s. The kid had Logan’s berserker rage
and that could pose as a big problem. But she hope that the school
could help the young man. 

If he was a young man. With the adamantium covered skeleton and healing
factor, he could be just as old as Logan, or the Professor for that
matter. Or he could be just as old as he looked. It was all very
confusing to the Doctor.
“Where’s my clothes?” The boy asked, bringing Jean out of her thoughts.
“I threw them away. Your shirt was torn to shreds and your pants were
matted in blood. Not to mention the fact that the boots you were
wearing were blown out on one side from running so much.” She replied
in a matter-of-fact voice.
Mason looked irritated at this.
Jean said something that seemed to spark some interest in him and wipe
the irritated look off his face, though. “You had a few personal
effects, though. There on the counter over there.” Jean said, pointing
to a counter by the far wall of the lab.
Mason took about five brisk steps until he was at the counter. He was
hoping for something that would tell him a little about himself. What
he found disappointed him a little even if it would have made any other
student at the school jump for joy. 

There were three *very *thick rolls of money on the counter and deck of
cards. The deck of cards were warn and looked well shuffled. Just out
of curiosity, Mason took off one of the rubber bands on a money roll--
they were all one hundred dollar bills. Three thousand dollars all
together in that one roll. He rolled the bills back up and replaced the
band. He repeated the process with the other two. What he found out was
that he had a little over eight grand.
Then he spotted something silver looking. Dog tags. Code Name: Cougar /
Ser. 874-35-5587. Cougar sounded familiar, but he didn’t know from
Then his mind went back to the money. *Where the hell could I get this
kind of money? *He thought, his brow furrowing, trying to remember. But
it was impossible for the him to do so. Jean broke him out of his
thoughts though.
“Maybe your memory will come back later?”
“You’re a telepath?,” Jean nodded. “Stay the fuck out of my head, Red.”
He replied with a growl, using the name Logan called her. He was
beginning to get pissed that he couldn’t remember anything.
Jean didn’t seem to be phased by the growl. After all, she had been
hanging around Logan an awful lot. She was getting used to people with
bad tempers. “Mason, why don’t you go out into the hall, there is some
clothes on a rack there. You can get you a shirt, some socks and a pair
of shoes. I got them for you when I figured out you had a healing
factor. I need to talk to Logan for a moment.” Jean said in a polite
voice, with a smile.
Mason just gave her a nod and walked out of the room, the door shutting
behind him.
“Damn Red, if you wanted to be alone with me, you could have done it
before now.” Logan said after the kid was gone.
Jean just blushed at his comment. Logan was always flirting with her,
but he never got anywhere. Then her face got serious. “Logan, there’s
something you need to know about Mason.”
“What’s that?” He asked, leaning against a counter.
“His last name’s Creed,” She watched as Logan’s eyes grew as hard as
flint. “But Logan, he has no memory of Victor Creed or anyone else, for
that matter. And it could just be a coincidence. Off the mental probe I
did, it looked to me as if he wasn’t violent unless provoked or under
serious stress.”
Logan relaxed a little. “I’ll be the one to tell him, when the time
comes . . . If Creed is his Pa. When will the tests be done?” He stated
in a gruff tone.
Jean gave him a funny look. Logan usually wasn’t one for the sensitive
chats. She wondered what she saw in the boy that he didn’t see in
anyone else. Whatever it was, she thought it was sweet. But she wasn’t
about to tell Logan that. He’d have a coronary even if a person *tried
*to compare him to sweet. “By tomorrow, the computer is acting up
again. I’m going to have someone to look at it.”
Jeans eyes lost focus for about five seconds before she spoke again. “I
just told the professor that the two of you were on your way.”
With a grunt of assent, Logan walked out into the hall, finding Mason
leaning against the far wall. “Ready to see Chuck, kid?” Mason just
shrugged his shoulders and followed Logan down the hall.
Mason just gave a nod of assent as he looked around. The place looked
like a damn military bunker to him. Then they made it to a elevator.
*Ah, a military bunker with a damn elevator. *He thought with wry
When the elevator came to a stop and they both stepped out, Mason was
nothing short of stunned at the change of scenery. “What the hell is
this place?” He asked before he could stop himself.
Logan gave a humorous chuckle, remembering his first time here. “Relax,
Kid. It’s nothing more than a school for mutants, like yer self.”
“‘Name’s Mason. Use it. How would ya like me to call you ‘Old Man’?” He
asked with a crooked smile. He couldn’t help it. 

Logan just smirked at the kid. You don’t know how close to the truth
you would be on that,” *After what I found in Canada . . . I know I’m
at least as old as  Chuck. *He thought sadly. That was the only thing
he found. A date on when they started the experimentation on him. No
name. No birth date. Just Code Name: Wolverine. Everything else had
been burned in a fire.
Mason just looked around as Logan was lost in his thoughts. He didn’t
want to intrude on them. Mason would kill to be able top sit and think
things out, and that would require deep thought. He saw Logan’s eyes
come back into focus and then he spoke.
“Who’s Victor Creed?” He asked without breaking stride, but then he had
to because Logan stopped dead in his tracks.
“Where’d ya hear that name?”
Mason just gave him an arched eyebrow.
Logan almost slapped his head. “Heightened Senses, right, I fergot.”
Logan looked the kid over. He could tell by the Kid’s facial expression
that he wasn’t going to let it go. He gave an explosive sigh. “Victor
Creed has killed dozens, maybe hundreds, of people. He goes by the name
Sabertooth. We haven’t heard from him in well over a year.” He stated
bluntly and without emotion. He wasn’t the type to sugar coat things.
Mason took all of this in with a stoic face. It hurt that his father
may be a mass murderer, but not that much. After all, he wasn’t his
father. “Gotcha. These mean anything to you?” He asked, lifting his dog
tags over his head and handing them to Logan.
Logan took them. They were heavy. And he had a gut feeling they were
made out of adamantium just like his were. “Yeah, I got a pair just
like them. Only mine says ‘Wolverine’ and has a different serial
“Ya know who gives these trinkets out?” He asked, the tone of his voice
made it clear as to the pain he would inflict on them if he did.
“Kid, if I knew that, you wouldn’t have to worry about findin’ the
bastards.” Logan replied, his eyes were cold as ice and his voice was
the sound of death.
Mason almost took a step back at the sudden change. If these bastards
hadn’t done what they done to him, he might’ve felt sorry for them. But
Mason didn’t even flinch. If you ever find out, you’ll let me know?”
The Wolverine looked indecisive for a moment. But then nodded his
assent. The boy didn’t know it, but the Wolverine had just gave his
word, and he would die before he broke it. “Chuck’s waitin’, let’s get
a move on.” He replied, handing the tags back to Mason.
Mason put the tags around his neck and started to follow again.