Shadow Knight Chronicles
The Shadow Knight Chronicles  

By Gambit
_Chapter __Five_
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Joanna Remfield always prided herself on *trying *to be strong—she
never much succeeded—but she always tried. She promised herself that
she would not cry when this day came. And the day was here. Moreover,
here she was still all misty eyed as she watched her little Ethan pack
his bag in his room.
This was her handsome boy. She could not help but cry. She watched how
his gentle, light blonde hair fell over the mirror-plated shades that
she had gotten him just last year. The boy had well over seven pairs.
Joanna should know, she bought most of them for him.

She knew this day would hurt, she knew. However, that didn’t help one
Ethan looked over at his adoptive mother and did something he rarely
did; a tear slipped out from behind his shades. “I have to go, Mom. You
know this is the only way. Just take care, all right? I promise to

That was all it took, the blonde headed woman broke down into sobs.
That, in turn, lead Ethan to do something that he hardly ever did
again. He walked over quickly and gave her a very hard and warm hug.
“It will be all right. I promise. Hey, when have you ever known me to
land on anything but my feet?” He asked this jokingly but his voice was
“You get yourself back to me, you hear. And I mean in one piece,
Ethan.” Joanna stated in a stern voice. Such a stern voice that it
manage to break through her teary voice.
“I promise, I promise.” And with that, he picked up his bag and headed
out of his room and down the stairs. He knew Shawn wouldn’t be there.
He never was much for goodbyes. 

He didn’t dare look back at his mother’s eyes, for fear of losing his
nerve and staying. If what half of Jesse said was true, his people
really needed him. He was The Chosen. But he still wasn’t completely
The trees seemed to pass by in a blur for Ethan. He could hardly
believe that he was really leaving the only *real *home that he had
ever known. It was almost surreal. The circumstances *were *surreal. He
tried to keep all thoughts of Shawn and Joanna out of his mind and just
keep his eyes on the scenery.
Two hours and twenty minutes into the trip, Jesse got a phone call on
her car cell. As it turned out, Shain didn’t want her at his Zone at
the time that they had allotted. He said that it was much too
dangerous. There were warring factions in the city of New Orleans and
he didn’t know how many people would try to use her against him.
He even suggested a two-week wait at the cabin. Jesse shut the phone
off. *I’m not going to argue with that. *“Guess what kiddies? We’re
going camping.” She said in an overly chipper voice to raise their
spirits. She knew they hated leaving their home.
“What, did you’re brother change his mind about us going up there?”
Ethan asked. 

“Yeah, he’s having some trouble up by New Orleans, until it’s finished
he wants us at the cabin.” Jesse replied.
“What’s this cabin like anyway?” Tosh asked from the back seat. She had
a pair of earphones hanging around her neck. She had listened to ACDC
almost the entire trip.
“Well, it’s not exactly a cabin. It has six rooms and all the modern
conveniences. Shain just started to call it *The Cabin* because it’s
out in the middle of nowhere.” She replied, never taking her eyes off
the road. She saw a motel up the road a ways. “Hey you guys, let’s take
a pit stop. We’ll crash at that motel and then head out in the morning.
Besides, I want to teach you a few things while we are in this town.”
She directed the last statement at Ethan.
They pulled up to the motel and made a complete stop. “So when we get
to cabin, we’ll be the only ones there?”
Jesse let out a snort. “Are you kidding? You have obviously never met
Shain. He said that since there will be three spare rooms we won’t be
using, he’s sending three Blade Runners.”
“What’s a *Blade Runner?” *Ethan asked. His mind was starting to go
into overdrive. He was starting to doubt himself and even he knew that
that was a bad thing. 

Jesse gave him a small smile. “Blade Runner’s are basically the bottom
line. When it comes to efficiency, there is no one better. To put it in
a way you might understand better, when it comes to Shadow Knights,
Blade Runners are the special forces.”
Looking at Jesse get out of the car and go to the front desk of the
motel, Ethan couldn’t help but have a small flash back, one where he
was nine years old. He probably had about a kilo of cocaine on him. His
foster father had given it to him to take to the motel, and then he was
to bring back the money. It was simple. Right?
He made it to the person he was supposed to give it to, but right when
he went to hand him the bag—it fell to the floor and busted. That
little accident caused him four weeks in the hospital.
The guy beat him un-mercilessly with a pair of brass knuckles.
Snapping fingers that were in front of his face brought him out of his
reverie. “. . . Yo, earth to Ethan. Man, are you there or what?” Tosh
asked with a little nervousness in her voice. Ethan just grew a little
pale for about three minutes. Three minutes: that was how long it took
her to bring his eyes back into focus.
Tosh couldn’t blame him for having a lot on his mind. But she thought
that he was thinking about being the Son of Dakrin. In truth, Tosh had
a lot on her mind as well; like being a Latent.  She didn’t know how
she should take that. She was a little glad that she *could *be like
Ethan. But on the other hand, it was more than a little frightening.
At the beginning of the trip, Tosh shot questions at Jesse as if they
were bullets. She wanted to know all there was to know about being a
Latent. She found out three things. One she already knew.
That was; to become a Shadow Knight a Latent had to go through a
traumatic first death. Jesse said that first death would not be
permanent unless she was beheaded. She didn’t like the sound of death.
If fact, she hated the “D” word.
The second was much rarer. If a Latent went through *extreme *emotional
duress, they might be able to reach, what Jesse called, Knighthood. She
didn’t even want to consider what she would have to go through to get
that upset. She knew it would have to be something bad, because she
just didn’t get upset easy.
The third she liked *much *better. All she had to do was talk Ethan
into it. And she thought that it shouldn’t be too hard. It would be
difficult but not impossible. The third way to become a Shadow Knight
was for a Master to release it. The only other way it could be released
was by four First Adepts. 

The reason she knew that Ethan would be reluctant to do it was because
of what he told her it was like when he went through the change. For to
solid days it felt like his blood was on fire, was what he told her.
That was when she promptly yelled at him for not saying anything. He
also gave her a strange reply. “In the back of my mind, I knew it was
supposed to be this way.” It was a strange response, but she respected

The reason she knew that she would have to argue with him, was for a
simple and uncomplicated fact. He hated seeing her in pain. Jesse said
the pain would be worse for her because if someone opened her up to
Knighthood; those two days of torment that Ethan went through would all
be added up and it would hit her in a change that would only last for
an hour. And it would be a very long hour, where her body would go
through the change. 

Tosh looked over at Ethan, who still had his birth father’s book in his
lap and sighed; to her knowledge, her stepbrother had never opened it
up. It was almost as if he were afraid to do so. It was as if he was
afraid of what he would find. To look at him, a person would swear that
he was as solid as a rock. But all of this was starting to where him
down. She could tell by how tightly he was holding onto the leather
bound Chronicle. It was almost a white-knuckle death grip, but not
quite. She had no idea it was from the flash back he had.
She had to smile a little as she thought about the past they had
together. He was always bailing her out, or trying to anyway. She
didn’t know how many times he took the blame for something she did. He
usually wouldn’t get away with it though, and that was for a simple
reason; she wouldn’t allow it. If she messed up, she claimed the
responsibility. But there were times that she let him take the blame,
for the little stuff. She did this because she knew that it made him
feel better to help her out of jams.
“Why such serious faces guys?” Jesse asked in a light voice. She
watched them both jump. They were both obliviously in deep thought. “I
got us a room. It’s number seven. Let’s hope seven lives up to its
luck, huh?”
“Yeah, let’s hope.” Ethan said with a chuckle as he got out of the car.
He held out a hand and helped Tosh out when he got out. “Your room
awaits, my lady.” He stated with a goofy accent. He was trying his best
to lighten his mood. The way he figured it, if he could go through the
motions long enough, maybe he really wouldn’t be so wound up.
Apparently, Tosh was in harmony with the idea. “Why thank you kind sir.”
Jesse just laughed at their antics. “C’mon, I want to get settled in.
We’ll rest an hour and then you and I are going to the mall that is
about a fifteen-minute drive from here. The manager told me about it. I
want you to practice your mental skills,” She told Ethan. Jesse then
looked at Tosh.  “You’ll have to stay here. I don’t his concentration
straying.” She told Tosh in a gentle voice. She didn’t want to hurt the
girl’s feelings, but Ethan was capable of really messing someone up if
he lost his concentration.
“That’s cool. I could use a nap anyway.” Tosh replied as the three of
them walked towards the room. They got situated in no time flat.
Ethan never was one for crowds. He pretty much hated them his entire
life; now was no exception. But this was sort of a different situation.
He was looking for something. Or to be more specific: someone. A guinea
pig to be exact. Jesse wanted him to *flex his mental muscle*, as she
put it. He really didn’t know if this was right or not, but he was
willing to go along with it.
The boy had a plethora of emotions running through his mind. Was he
worthy of being called the Son of Dakrin? Was he even the *real *Son of
Dakrin? And why did Jesse follow him so blindly? Sure, he might be a
Shadow Knight, but The Son of Dakrin? How is she so positive? These
were the questions running through the boy’s mind.
He looked at all the people that were walking through the mall.
Ordinarily he would have not even come to a place like this. It wasn’t
that he had anything against the people here, he didn’t, there was just
that there were *too many *of them. Just off the odds alone, there had
to be at least one asshole out of every twenty.
He looked over at Jesse, who was slightly smiling, and looking as
beautiful as ever. She had on the same leather jacket with a sword
attached to it, just as he did. Jesse got him a cool looking leather
jacket at the leather shop. A biker’s jacket that cost around two
hundred and fifty dollars. They got it free of course. Then they went
to Ace Hardware and got a latch to put on the jacket, for the sword. 

Because of her mental abilities, no one said a word about the two
swords she was carrying, or about the fact that she took things freely
and attached the latch to the back of the jacket. From that moment on,
he had his on sword on his back, even if he had no clue as to how to
use it.
And then there was the leather belt and boots that she got him. He was
carrying all five daggers that he brought from home on him now. The boy
felt like a walking arsenal. There was a dagger in each black boot and
three that were attached to the back of his belt. They were all very
light and shiny; Jesse said they were titanium.  With all the blades
that he was carrying, they made him feel—deadly. 

If it wasn’t for Jesse’s, what she called, *mental vibe*, he knew that
he would have been picked up for carrying deadly weapons, or at least
Ethan looked at his reflection in the mirror and his jaw almost
dropped. The boy standing in front of him was not the boy he
remembered.  Here stood a boy, in the reflection, that had a dark black
leather jacket with an all the zippers and pockets someone could want
and a pair of expensive rich black silver tipped boots. The daggers
were inside them. Jesse said they were just for back up. The main
daggers he would be practicing with were the ones on his belt.
But what got his attention the most was the sword on his back. It was
slanted at a slight angle that went to the right, so that he could pull
it easily. Jesse’s words floated back to him as if they were dust on
the wind.
 “A Shadow Knight will live and die by his sword. None of them will use
guns. Even the ones who have undesirable morals, will live by that
code,” She clipped the sword to his jacket. “At the cabin, we will
mainly work on your swordplay skills. I said swordplay, but there is
nothing playful about it. If you fuck up, you’ll lose your life.” She
told him sternly.
“I promise to give it 100%.” He replied.
“You had best give it 110%, ‘cause we’re running out of time. I would
be teaching you swordplay now, but I think you need to relax a little.”
She added softly, laying a hand on his forearm. Even through the
leather jacket, the hand made his skin tingle.
And an hour later, as he stood in front of the shiny window, he could
swear that he could almost feel that slight tingle. He came to a sudden
realization at that moment. He was in love with Jesse. Either that or
he really, *really *liked her a lot. But he was sure that she was half
of the reason that he left his home. The other half was because Shawn
told him it had to be done.
He only hoped that he didn’t disappoint her. 

When it came to battle, he wondered about himself. When it came down to
it, could he take a life? *That’s stupid. Yeah, I *could*, but am I
*capable *of it? Can I take a life? Can I watch the usual brightness of
a person’s eyes slowly flicker out like a candle in the wind? *He
thought morbidly. Then he just shook his head, as if trying to rid
himself of such thoughts.
A light cuff to the shoulder shortly startled Ethan out of his
thoughts. “Whatcha ya thinking about that’s got your face in such a god
awful frown?” Jesse asked, standing to the right of him. She could
hardly believe she snuck up on him. She had read Tosh’s thoughts and
they said that he was almost impossible to surprise.
“Nothing important,” He fibbed. “So, Boss, you got me decked out in all
this gear, what’s next?” He was carefully trying to steer the
conversation from what he was thinking.
Jesse saw through the tactic but let it go anyway. “I thought that we’d
start with something easy. I told you about the vibe that I put out
that make people not notice my sword. Well, I’ve been adding you into
that ever since you put the sword on—I want you to do it yourself now.”
She told him with a quirk of a lip.
“And just how do I do that?” 

Jesse frowned for a moment. “Well . . . Well, what I usually do is
imagine my mind flowing out in all directions. And at the same time
give the command that they do not see the sword on my back. You can
also make it so that they don’t see *you *at all.” She added. Then her
eyes lost focus just for a second, then looked at Ethan. “Ok, nobody at
all can see us now. They’re subconscious can see us and they will walk
around us, but that’s about it.”
Ethan nodded at this.
“Ok, I want you to tell me when you’re ready and then I’m going to take
my barrier off you. If you’re not using yours, they *will *see you.”
She stated, sitting down on a bench that was near a water fountain.
“Are you ready?”
Ethan made himself imagine that he was sending out radio waves that
told people not to notice him., He thought it would be easier this way
than what Jesse told him to do. “Yeah, I’m ready.” He replied, nodding
Jesse let the barrier go on Ethan, but left it on herself. She then
watched in amusement as he walked into one of the clothing stores where
a woman was looking at some clothes on a rack. She laughed outright
when he waved his hands in front of her face like in a classic movie
scene. He turned back towards her, walked over, and sat down. “Now
what, Boss,” He asked jovially. He was getting a kick out of his new
“Now you are going to learn how to enter a person’s mind.” She stated
simply. She had to laugh again at look of astonishment on Ethan’s face.
“It really isn’t that hard. You look around in their head and rearrange
a few things. If you mess up, I can fix it.” *He really is very moral.
I suppose that’s good if he’s going to lead our people. *She thought.
“Well? What are you waiting for?” She asked, standing up. 

Ethan stood up with her. *This will probably be the hardest part. *He
thought. “Ok, is there a specific person I should pick out or will any

“Pick someone you’d like to fool around with, you look a little tense.”
Jesse replied cheekily.
Ethan gave a mock scowl and walked off in search of a subject; leaving
Jesse to think. Jesse might have been putting on a good act, but the
truth was that she was a nervous wreck. She had emotions that she
didn’t know what to do with, the first and foremost being Ethan.
She didn’t know how, she didn’t know why, but she was completely
certain that she was head over heals for the boy. She knew that she
shouldn’t feel this way—but she did. She felt the love as if it were
rooted deep into the very depths of her soul. The only thing that she
could even possibly come up with that would explain it, was the legend.
The legend that said there really were soul mates out there. It was
just that most people were not lucky enough to find theirs.
But there was also more on her mind besides love. She had to train him
the best she could in the way of the Shadow. She was having doubts if
she could do that well enough. Jesse also knew that part of that was
pride though. She wanted Ethan to be above just par when Shain got a
hold on him. She wanted to prove to her brother that she was more than
a pretty face.
The last time she tried to prove herself to him, he ended up furious,
but had to go along with it never the less. She managed to get herself
to become a spy in the Shadow Zone in New Mexico. She would send him
reports when she could and give him the vitals on how strong they were.
Overall, she had put herself in a very dangerous position. And she blew
her cover by killing another Knight.
She didn’t tell Ethan or Tosh that Shain was sending three Blade
Runners for her safety, and hers alone. Shain always tried to look out
for her. In truth, Shain didn’t believe in the myth of the Son of
Dakrin. On the phone, he said that he would *indulge *her and find out
for himself when he met the boy. And Jesse knew that Shain would put
Ethan through the ringer when he started testing him.
What surprised Jesse the most was the fact that Ethan acted like it
wasn’t a big deal that he wouldn’t age. In fact, he hadn’t even asked
how old she was. It was all for the best though, she supposed. She
really didn’t want to tell him that she was one hundred and seventeen
years old. It wasn’t something that a person bragged about to someone.
Especially since she didn’t look a day over 16. She had seen many
things in her life. But, by far, Ethan Remfield was the most
She just hoped that her unbelieving brother would go easy on him.
Just then, she looked up to see Ethan making his back to her. Behind
him was a girl with brown hair and blue eyes. She was wearing a Dallas
Cowboys’ jersey that was a little big on her. To accompany the shirt,
there was a Dallas Cowboys’ ball cap that she had on backwards, and far
enough back to show off her bangs. Other than that, the girl was
wearing a pair of jeans and sneakers.
Jesse did a quick scan on the girl. She was scared out of her mind, but
that was understandable. Ethan was just useing what he knew and nothing
else. He had just commanded her to follow him and to act as if nothing
was wrong, and not to talk. But on the inside, the girl was terrified.
Ordinarily, Jesse would have relieved her fears, but she wanted Ethan
to do it. The girl was very pretty, though. And Jesse liked her name.
Her name was Kasey.
*She would make him a good follower. *Jesse mused. *He’ll need to get
one eventually. It might as well be now. *“Good, choice.” Jesse praised
Ethan. “Let’s find a place that’s a little quieter. I saw a janitor’s
room that way, on the way over here.” She said, motioning with her head.
Ethan just nodded. “You got it.”
As they started walking towards the janitor’s room, Jesse was doing an
in-depth scan on the girl. She was 16 years old. But that was not what
pissed Jesse off. No, what pissed Jesse off were the scars on the back
of her thighs. They were very light, but there, nonetheless. They were
there because her father, the preacher, decided that he needed to beat
*The Devil *out of her at least three times a week. When Ethan saw
this, she knew he would feel better about what she was going to ask him
to do.
The janitor’s door was locked, but with no more than a flicker of a
thought, it was just as easily unlocked. The three of them walked in.
“I’ve decided something, Ethan.”
Ethan looked at her with curiosity.
“Kasey Williams here is going to be your follower,” She started,
holding up a hand to forestall the protests that she knew were coming.
“I want you to look into her mind first. Look at her home life. Look at
what she has to live like. Then make a decision.” She finished.
Ethan let out an explosive sigh. “All right, but how do I look into her
mind?” *I can’t believe I’m actually doing this. *He thought. *And I
*definitely *can’t believe I’m considering getting a slave . . . Oops,
I mean follower. *He thought with a little sarcasm.
“All you have to do is reach out with your mind and close your eyes,
soon it will find a connection with hers. You will be able to see all
of her memories and emotions. And you should be able to manipulate
erase or create new things in her mind at your will.” Jesse replied as
if she were talking about the weather. She was acting as if it wasn’t a
big deal on purpose. She didn’t want Ethan too nervous.
Ethan closed his eyes and felt a moment of dizziness that didn’t last
no longer than a few seconds, then his mind suddenly connected to
Kasey’s mind. It was amazing, or at least it was to him. The first
thing he saw was how terrified she was. He erased that immediately and
made her completely comfortable around him. He could see how her mind
operated her body. He could see her memories. He could see her fears
and hopes. Then he grew angry when he saw her father. 

He would make her his. But he would leave her personality; she would
exist just for him. If he were truthful, he would say that this rather
put him on a power trip, totally dominating someone. He was the only
friend that she had. That and she was *very *sexually attracted to him,
and wasn’t shy about it either. The one thing that he didn’t make her
do was call him *“Master”. *He would be called “my Lord” instead.
Ethan couldn’t believe some of the things that this girl’s father did
to her. He would beat her if he thought that she had even kissed a boy.
And at the same time, deep into the night, guess who would sneak into
her room? That’s right, her uptight preacher father; and he would do
all the things to her that he beat her for thinking about.
It was almost scary to Ethan how natural all this seemed. It was very
easy to rewrite someone-- very easy, but also very exhausting. He
changed many things on her body as well as her mind. The girl would no
longer have to shave and her nipples were more highly sensitive to
pleasure now.
When Ethan pulled out of the girls mind, he was breathing very
raggedly, not to mention almost exhausted. He looked over at Jesse, who
was leaning against the wall of the small room. He had left the silence
command on the girl, for now. He wanted Jesse to look her over. “Care
to check my work, sensei?” He asked a little breathlessly. He was too
tired to chuckle at the small joke.
“That’s a sure thing, grasshopper. But first let me do something.” She
walked over to him and laid a bare hand on his cheek.
Ethan could feel the power flow into him. In a matter of seconds, he
felt just as good as he did when woke up that morning. Then her hand
was gone and she was breathing just a little heavily. Ethan looked at
her with awe. “What did you do?” He asked with wonder.
“I just shared some of my Kinetics with you,” She stated. “It’s not a
big deal.” She stated, and she was already starting to breathe

Ethan quit talking at that moment because he saw that Jesse was staring
at Kasey. Jesse stared at her a good five minutes. Then, with her mouth
agape, she turned towards Ethan. “Jeez, Ethan, do you know what you
“What you told me to?” He asked, clearly confused.
“Yes you did that, but you also burned the commands into her head so
goddamn deep that I couldn’t remove them even if I tried.”
“Is this a bad thing?” Ethan asked. He was getting a little worried

“Not unless you think its ok that the girl can’t be away from you for
more than a couple of days. If she’s gone any longer than that, she
slips into a severe depression. I’ve seen it happen before and it’s not
a pretty sight,” She watched as Ethan began to grow a little pale. She
decided to reassure him a little. “But look, if you’re strong enough to
put the commands in that deep; you can most likely take them out.”
“Yeah, maybe I can. I’ll definitely look at into it at the cabin.”
Ethan replied, but it sounded as if he was trying to convince himself.
Jesse smirked at him. “Nobody is going to get mad at you for being *too
*good, Ethan,” She looked over at the girl, then back at Ethan. She
then lowered her shades. “Why don’t you and her get to know one
another. I think I want to do some shopping.” She stated, giving Ethan
a wink and pushing her shades back up. Then she promptly walked out the
door before Ethan could even say anything.
Ethan watched as the lock locked by itself and knew it was Jesse’s
Kinetics at work. He looked over at Kasey and was surprised. He had
programmed her to be happy with him, but her eyes were misted over in
tears. He pulled off the silence command and she started openly
sobbing, which startled him. “What’s wrong?” He asked, but thought it
sounded more than a little lame. He rushed over and engulfed her into a
“You don’t really want me.” She cried out. 

“Yeah I do, I promise.” He stated. *What have I gotten myself into?*
* *
“Really, my Lord?” she asked, eyes full of hope.
He knew one way that she would be positive that he wanted her. He
leaned down and caught her mouth in a deep kiss, making sure to press
his thigh against her jean-clad crotch. She moaned into his mouth and
ground her crotch into his leg. She was very sensitive do to the
reprogramming and it was showing.
Ethan broke the kiss and took three steps back. “Undress for me.” He
ordered gently.
“Yes, my Lord.” Was the response that was given.
Ethan watched as the brown-haired girl undressed for him and had one
thought: *Mine. *She took off the jersey and bra first and gave Ethan a
view of her very beautiful tits.  “Are they to your liking, my Lord?”
She asked demurely, giving the objects in question a little jiggle.
“They’re perfect.” Ethan responded immediately. He was being turned on
to a high degree by this girl. He was even more turned on when she
slipped her sneakers off and pushed down her jeans, leaving her only in
her socks. 

She would have taken them off, but Ethan made his move. “Lie down.” He
told her, holding her hand as she slid to the floor. 

When she was completely laid down, Ethan started by kissing her neck,
listening to her soft mewing noises. He worked his way down her body
further. When he sucked a nipple in his mouth, Kasey’s back arched and
she screamed out, “MY LORD!” Then her body was racked in a mind-blowing
When she settled down somewhat, Ethan slowly worked his cock into her
well-lubricated pussy. He started out with slow and steady strokes. All
the while Kasey kept moaning. The longer he went, the louder she
moaned. After about five minutes, she was moaning constantly and
chanting. “My Lord, my Lord, my Lord.”
That was all Ethan could take. He came with a loud grunt; setting off
another orgasm in Kasey. Her back arched and she squealed loudly, then
promptly passed out.
Ethan rolled off her and looked up at the ceiling. *Being a Shadow
Knight does have its benefits. *He thought with a smirk.