Marcus's Power (1 of 16)
Marcus' Power
by Matrix
Author's Note
This story is a pure work of fiction. It does contain explicate sex
scenes in it. But it also contains a plot. If either of those things
offend you please read no further. This first chapter does not have any
sex in it. It's mostly set up. This is my first mind control story so I
would appreciate it if you would tell me what you think.
I got the inspiration for this story from another story I read. It was
called _CAMP: Ron's Journey_ and it was written by a very talented
writer that goes by the name of Net Wolf. I really thought that story
was great and if I would recommend a good MC story it would be that one.
Chapter 1
Marcus Williams was not your average teenage boy, that much was for
certain. His looks were average enough though. He had light blonde hair
and crystal blue eyes that almost seemed supernatural. He was in good
shape, but this was not because he worked out. It was because it just
came natural. At seventeen years of age, his body was cut with muscle
and he never worked out or played sports.
His good looks came as natural as his silence and shyness did. That was
his problem. Marcus was just to damn shy. His adopted mother once said
that he had a dark spirit. It was just a joke, but she hit closer to
home than she realized. Marcus had a problem with trusting anyone. But
he also had good reason for this.
Marcus was thrown into the world of foster care when he was just an
infant. In his time, he had been through nine different foster care
homes. Marcus had been taken out of four of them for severe mental and
physical abuse. Some of them beat him until he was hospitalized and
there was two of them that actually stabbed him several times.
Over the years, Marcus put up a sort of mental shield that nobody could
penetrate. He did this so that none of the ridicules or harsh words
would affect him. But in doing so, he also locked out the people that
wanted to help him. Marcus loved no one for years. Then came a woman by
the name of Kathy Williams.
This woman took him out of foster care and adopted him. The people
around him called it foster care but he called it "Hell's Outhouse".
But what ever you call it, this woman had saved him from the hell that
he endured. He was eleven when she came. Marcus was very skeptical of
her at first, to say the least.
But over the six year period, he began to open up to her little by
little. Marcus did admire the woman. She had both beauty and spirit.
She hardly ever disciplined him, mainly because he never gave reason,
and when she did; it was just being grounded. The woman never raised a
hand to him. Never.
Marcus often found himself looking at her. Taking in her beauty. Kathy
had long lustrous black hair that went down to the middle of her back
and emerald green eyes that a boy could get lost in if he was not
careful. She was in her mid thirties but had the body of a model that
was in her twenties. Her breasts were rather large, but they stood
firm. Marcus liked looking at such beauty. It seemed to settle his mind.
The thing that amazed Marcus the most was the fact that she was single
when she had adopted him. The heiress to her father's fortune. Kathy
had all that money, but she wanted a child. Well, she already had a
child. A daughter. But she wanted a son as well. The daughter she had
was a year younger than Marcus.
The girl she had was full of spit and vinegar. She named her Elizabeth,
but for some reason everyone called her Mouse. Which was quite odd
because she was anything but quite at the age of sixteen. She had
already been kicked out of school several times for cursing and
fighting. This girl would fight anyone on the drop of a dime.
Her beauty matched her outlandish behavior though. She had short and
sassy black hair and deep blue eyes. At the age of sixteen she had
curves that made the girls at their school green eyed with envy. She
was a little over endowed in the chest department. Being a die hard
Tom-boy, she of course hated this. She liked to wear big T-shirts and
tight jeans. Even with the money her mother had, Mouse preferred to
dress in less expensive clothes.
Because of her outlandish rebelling against most figures of authority,
Marcus took an instant interest to her. He would not speak to Mouse or
her mother that first year. But he started to open up little by little
as he watched their actions. He liked to watch Mouse closely. She was
always unpredictable and he loved her for it.
After a while he opened up to Mouse the most. Within two years, she was
his best and only friend. He told her things that he never dreamed of
telling anyone. They would often sneak into each others rooms late at
night just to discuss their dreams and fears. Their conversations would
last for hours at a time. It would be safe to say that Marcus loved her
more than anything else in the world.
Marcus was strange in other ways as well. He never dressed in anything
that was not black. He usually dressed in black button-up Faded Glory
shirts. He preferred black Levi jeans and there was something else that
he never went without. Well, actually there are two things that he
never went without wearing.
The first was a pair of small, round and mirror plated sunglasses. They
were just big enough to cover his eyes and keep light out. He wore
these for two reasons. The first was that he was a firm believer that
you could read almost any emotion in a person's eyes and he did not
like showing emotion. The second was that his eyes were sensitive to
light for some cause. Never the less, people thought it strange he wore
them day and night.
The second item was a necklace. It looked to be a piece of smoked
crystal with a golden claw attached to the silver necklace part that
went around his neck. He has had it for as long as he can remember. He
don't remember getting it and he had a sneaking suspicion that who ever
gave him up for adoption put it on him. He thought that it was a
miracle no one tried to take it when he was smaller.
Marcus thought that he had come to the calm part of his life in the
spring of '95. Everything was going his way and it seemed that life had
finally been set into a firm rut for him. That things might be this way
forever and he really did not mind. This was the first time that life
had swayed to his favor and he wanted it to stay that way.
He woke on that fateful Monday morning to the blare of a very loud
alarm clock. It was that dreaded time for him. He had to go to school.
It was not that he did not like learning, in fact, he had read more
books than most of his teachers. Marcus hated school because of the
people that were there. It was not because he was afraid of them,
Marcus was not much afraid of anything. He just didn't trust them.
He crawled out of bed and got dressed in his usual attire. He looked at
himself in the mirror before he slipped his shirt on and realized that
he was more muscular than most boys his age. It puzzled him as to why.
With this puzzlement, he slipped his shirt on. Then he reached and
slipped on his mirror plated shades.
Marcus walked out of his bedroom and headed down stairs. The closer he
got he could smell beacon cooking. He thought this was odd sense he
knew that Kathy was not home. She left last night to help a friend in
need. Her friend's husband died in a car crash, so she was going to
lend support.
When he made it down stairs he seen Mouse standing over the stove. She
was wearing a large AC/DC T-shirt and a pair of tight blue jeans. She
was just standing there moving the beacon around in the pan. Marcus
just stood stalk still and looked at her through his mirror plated
'She's an angel in disguise, I swear it!' he thought with amusement. He
often said corny things like that to himself.
Mouse just happened to look up from the cooking pan or she would have
never noticed Marcus standing there. Marcus could move as silently as a
ghost. He was most defiantly the most quite and intelligent person she
"Good morning ugly! Do I have something green growing out of me? I must
have by the way you stare!" She said with a coy smile.
"Mouse, darling, you are good at many a things. But cooking is not one
of them." Marcus said in a low and charming voice. Mouse had learned
long ago, Marcus said everything in a low voice and pity yourself if
you didn't hear him. Because he won't repeat.
"Hey! Don't knock what you ain't tried!" Mouse said with predatory
smile that showed of her beautiful teethe.
"Are you saying that your cooking breakfast for Me?" Marcus said with
that same low charm. He liked going on with Mouse because she was the
only person he could really do that with.
"Well... Yea, I suppose. I'm gonna play MOM. Now be a good boy!" She
said, shaking the fork she was holding at him.
"I was hoping you were playing the part of the wife." Marcus said as he
slipped into a chair at the table with casual grace. He even chuckled
at his statement.
"Your impossible!" Mouse said as she blushed slightly. She had coined
the phrase about Marcus, 'That he is good at Psychological Terrorism'.
Because he could twist your mind until it screamed.
"I apologize. You just look to cute in the morning." he said with a
chuckle. Mouse was used to his compliments. She also knew that (to her
dismay) he would never act on them.
"Do you want your beacon on bread or just a plate? Or maybe I should
just hand feed you!" She said with a chuckle. She always tried to make
him blush but has never been able to catch him off guard. This was no
"Do what you will, fair child." He said quoting a poem that he once
She put the beacon on a plate and slid it across the table to him.
"Here's your food smart ass!" She said with a care free laugh.
Marcus just looked at the beacon passively and then back at Mouse.
"Were's your food?" He asked with a arch of an eye brow.
"I'll cook me something in a minute."She said as she took a seat across
from Marcus.
"You can have this plate. I'm not all that hungry." He said sliding the
plate over to her.
"Your not going to eat my cooking? Asshole." She said picking up a
piece of the beacon.
"How long have I lived with you?" Marcus said with a touch of coyness
in his voice.
"Six and a half years, but it seems a hell of a lot LONGER!" She said
with a chuckle and took a bite of beacon.
"Have you ever seen me eat in the morning?" He said with a slight smile
and in that moment Mouse thought he looked like a young Brad Pitt.
"OK, your off the hook this time. But if Mom ain't back by tonight, you
still have to endure the torment of my dinner plans!" She said trying
to use big words. She liked to think she could match him in
intelligence. But she knew that there was no way in hell of that
happening in this century.
Marcus only nodded and went into deep thought as he usually did. He
thought of the local school bully. The bully went by the name of Danny
Miller. He had promised Marcus that he was going to kick his ass today.
It all started because he shoved Marcus into the lockers and Marcus
being Marcus did not say anything or throw a swing at him.
What Danny did not know was that a teacher seen the whole thing and
took Danny to the office. The principal kicked him out for three days.
Danny blames Marcus for some unknown and very unrealistic reason. Or at
least Marcus thought that it was very unrealistic. Mouse did not know
about any of this.
".....Marcus. Earth to Marcus!" Mouse repeated a little louder.
Marcus looked up at her and gave the impression that she had his
"I asked if you cared if Jenny came over and stayed the night?" She
said with a mild look of annoyance
"I don't care, if you don't." He said with a sigh.
"Good, cause I talked to her on the phone last night and she said that
her parents have been fighting for days. She wants a break from it."
Mouse said with a touch of sadness.
Marcus had slipped back into deep thought. He was trying to figure out
what to do about Danny. The bully thinks Marcus won't hit back. The
reason being, that Marcus did not strike back when shoved. What Danny
did not know was that Marcus could hit a hell of a lot harder than he
could and that Marcus was a hell of a lot more dangerous. Marcus knew
this though. Lately it felt like he was holding back a freight train of
Marcus had seen and felt more pain than this pathetic bully could ever
dream of dealing out. Marcus just did not know how to deal with the
bully. If he dealt to harshly with him, HE would be expelled. Marcus,
above all, did not want to disappoint his beloved adopted mother Kathy
and getting kicked out would surely disappoint her.
"What are ya thinkin' about Marcus? How your going to flirt with Jenny
when she gets here?" Mouse said with a wide smile.
"Hardly. You know I only have eyes for you." Marcus said with a mock
puppy dog face.
"Seriously, What's on your mind? You've been sitting there staring off
into space for five minutes." Mouse said with a touch of worry to her
'What the hell. I might as well tell her' Marcus thought.
"I might have to put someone in the hospital today." Marcus said with a
low voice that was almost a whisper.
At first Mouse started to smile, thinking he was just playing with her
head. But then she remembered that Marcus NEVER joked about violence.
He had been through to much to have the heart to do that. She noticed
with dismay that Marcus had that dark and brooding look he gets when he
is trying to figure out a tough problem.
"Why? Who is it? Marcus your not the violent type! You'll get hurt!"
Mouse said this with passion in her voice. She was positive that he had
never been in a fight. She could not see him raise his hand against
anyone. It was not his style. She herself had been in several fights
Marcus gave a very capricious smile that sent a chill down Mouse's
"I'm a better fighter than you! If your gonna get into a scrape then
I'm gonna help!" She said with a look Marcus could only describe as
Marcus looked directly into Mouse's eyes and said "So you'll fight
Danny Miller?" He said this with a dead calm voice that was firm and as
loud as his voice ever got. Which was the normal loudness of a normal
person speaking.
Mouse could see the color drain from her face in Marcus's mirror plated
"Danny Miller is the toughest kid in the whole fucking school!" Mouse
said rather loudly.
Marcus just bowed his head and smiled to himself. Mouse was making to
much out of a school yard scrape.
"Promise me that you will stay away from him today." Mouse said with an
expectant look. She knew that if she could get him to promise, that he
would keep it. Marcus never broke promises.
"You know, when I was 10, I got stabbed four times by my foster mother
because I did not do the dishes. When I was 8, my foster father broke
my leg with a baseball bat because I failed to clean my room. I have
other little facts like that, that you don't want to hear. The point is
that I'm not scared of a hyped up school bully." Marcus said this with
a small and sad grin. It was the first time that he told Mouse a little
of his past.
Mouse had tried on numerous occasions to get him to tell her what
happened to him in foster care but he would either get a sad look on
his face and tell her she didn't want to know; or he would get a sad
face and fall into silence for days. The silence was what made her quit
asking questions.
Mouse did not know what to say to this. She knew Marcus well enough to
know that if she showed him pity, he would never reveal his past
experiences with her again. She wanted to know more about him, so she
just sat their quietly and said nothing. As did Marcus. She hated
silent and awkward moments like this.
Then with out notice, Marcus said "Well, if we don't get going we will
be late. Kathy would ground us for a month and never leave us alone
again if that happened." Marcus said with a small and impish grin as he
stood up.
"Yea, like you ever get grounded! You have Mom wrapped around your
fucking pinkie." She said with a small chuckle and headed for the door.
Marcus just gave her a warm and charming smile as he followed her out
the door. Marcus always followed slightly behind her when in public.
Neither he or Mouse knew why. That's just the way it was. He still had
the problem of Danny Miller rolling around his head, but he tried to
ignore it.
The crisp morning air felt good to him. It was little a chilly, but not
enough for a coat. The school was not that far away from their house,
so they always walked it. Marcus rather enjoyed walking. He could
always think better on his feet and now was a definite time to be
Mouse had bugged Kathy about getting her a car ever since she turned
sixteen, but Kathy told her that she would have to buy her own car. It
was not because she could not afford it, it was because she would feel
bad if one of them got in a wreck. Especially if the got in a wreck in
the car she bought.
Neither of them spoke when they walked to school. Marcus was silent
because he was in deep thought and Mouse was silent because she did not
like to disturb Marcus's thinking. She knew he was trying to think of a
answer to the problem of Danny Miller. She really hoped he would figure
out a way to get out of the fight.
Just then they seen a tall boy that was rather chubby and had red hair,
walking towards them. They were a couple of blocks away from the
school. She immediately recognized the boy as Danny Miller. She guessed
that Danny was not as stupid as she thought. He was not going to get
caught in a fight on school property.
Marcus never slowed his pace for one second. His face was set in a
stern way. Marcus did not slow his pace, but Mouse did. She fell
slightly behind him, but she was still close. She did not know what to
make of the situation. She knew for a fact that she would be no match
for Danny Miller. Like it or not, she was a girl.
Marcus himself was preparing his mind for battle. It was sort of the
way he did it before he got beat by foster care parents. Marcus knew
that Danny was bigger but Danny was also slow and fat. Marcus on the
other hand was lean with cut muscle. Marcus really wanted to avoid a
violent conflict at all costs though. He hated hurting people. That was
just the way Marcus was built.
Danny was the type of person that thrived on beating up people that
were smaller and weaker than him. He had put a couple in the hospital,
so Marcus knew that he had to defend himself if provoked. Despite
himself, Marcus was nervous as hell. The nervousness came from the fear
of the consequences of his actions though.
They were less than fifty yards from one another now. Then something
strange happened as Marcus approached the bully. A peculiar tingling
sensation came to the base of his skull, right were the neck met the
head. With each step he took, the sensation grew in intensity and
width. It began to spread to his temples. This sensation was not
painful, in fact it was rather pleasant.
Marcus tried to ignore the sensation and concentrate on the problem at
hand. He was now only 20 yards away from Danny and for some reason his
focus seemed to sharpen. His concentration on Danny became almost
clinical. Marcus could feel that something was going to happen.
"Marcus, don't do this!" Mouse said from behind him, but Marcus hardly
noticed her. His stride was still strong and his concentration was
The tingling sensation had almost doubled as he came toward Danny. Then
when the two boys were only five feet away from one another, Danny
stopped. The simple minded boy obviously wanted to say something.
"Hey fuck nuts! Were do ya think your goin'?" Danny said with a rather
large grin.
"Danny, don't you touch him!" Mouse yelled at him and was trembling
with anger.
"Shut the fuck up you dyke bitch! This is between me and fuck nuts
here. Isn't it? I got a score to settle with you!" Danny said and began
to close the gap between them.
Before he got closer than a step, Marcus said "This is a bad idea. You
should really back off." Marcus said this in a very low and deadly
After he said it he felt that strange tingling sensation leave from him
like a power. For some strange reason he could almost feel it jump off
him and strike Danny. It did not strike him like a fist would though.
It seemed to strike his resolve. Danny stopped dead in his tracks only
about two feet from Marcus with a strange look on his face.
Danny shook his head, as if trying to clear fuzziness that Marcus knew
nothing about. His eyes were out of focus for a few seconds, but then
they began to clear. Then he gave almost a comic look of fear to
Marcus. He backed up a few steps then. Danny was looking at Marcus
almost like Marcus was death itself
"L-L-Look, I-I'm sorry. It was my fault..." Danny stuttered and then
turned and walked rather rapidly in the opposite direction.
This puzzled the hell out of Marcus because he knew that Danny NEVER
backed down in a fight. Especially with someone smaller. 'What the hell
was that tingling sensation? Why didn't Danny attack?' Marcus thought
with great confusion.
"What the hell?!?" Mouse said in a statement rather than a question.
She was just as confused as Marcus, but showed it more.
"Never mind. We got to get moving or we will be late." Marcus said in a
voice that had a little nervousness to it. He knew that talking about
it would only confuse him more. Marcus knew that he had THINK on this
Marcus then started back walking the way they started out. Danny had
already made it off the block. Marcus walked with his hands in his
pockets and his head bowed down. Mouse knew that Marcus walked like
this when he was in VERY deep thought. So with that in mind, she said
When they got to school, everything seemed to be as usual. Mouse's
friend Jenny ran up to them and told them that Danny was gunning for
Marcus. She had obviously had not heard what happened. Mouse was about
to tell her the story when Marcus lowered his shades to look her
directly in the eyes. This was his signal for her to drop it. Marcus
got REALLY serious about few things. But when he was, he looked you in
the eyes.
Marcus took a quick note of the girl that stood before him. She had
shoulder length brown hair and puppy dog eyes. Jenny was a pretty nice
person in general, but she gave Marcus flutters in his stomach. He
thought of her as very attractive girl and wondered if Mouse would have
invited her home if she had this information.
"So your Mom don't care that I stay over? The only reason my parents
are letting me is because they don't know that you have a brother." She
said with a little chuckle and winked at Marcus.
"No, my Mom won't care. You know how big our house is. She'd be glad to
have the company. Problem is, she might not be there tonight." Mouse
said with a look of contemplation on her angelic face.
"So what your saying is, there will be NO parental supervision?" Jenny
said this with a look of excitement, along with mischievous looking
"I guess so! Can you sneak a bottle of whisky out of your parent's
house?" Mouse said, starting to catch on. Jenny wanted them to get
drunk tonight.
Mouse then looked over at Marcus. His head was still bowed and his
hands still in his pockets. Marcus was, basically, still in deep
thought. 'I felt that power when I focused really hard, maybe I can
reproduce it' he thought with a slight smile.
Marcus was a smart boy. He knew that what ever he felt a while ago was
connected to Danny's sudden fright of him. He also knew that he had to
do some tests. The problem was that he didn't want to do them on Mouse.
He had to much respect for her to do that. He had to come up with a
different test subject. Then he made a promise to do some tests on
Jenny tonight. Despite his shyness, he knew he was still a horny teen.
He thought this with a rather large smile. "I'm going to head towards
class. I'll see you guys later." Marcus said and started to walk off.
"Marcus, before you go, what do you think of getting drunk tonight?"
Mouse asked with obvious excitement on her face.
"What ever makes you happy." Marcus said with a coy grin and started to
walk off from the two girls.
His first class was Science and he rather hated Science. Well, he did
not hate Science, he just hated Science class. The teacher Mr. Robinson
always called on him when no one else knew the answer. Marcus always
knew the answer of course, but he hated talking in front of that many
Marcus was the first one in the class, as usual. He liked to see people
coming. He didn't like walking up to them. Plus, it insured his spot in
the back of the class. He liked to have his back to the wall and his
eyes on the door. It was just the survival instinct he developed in
Hell's Outhouse.
After awhile the class started to fill up and the bell rang, signaling
that who ever was not there, was late. Marcus took the seat in the back
corner that was close to the wall. It was the seat he always took. The
kids beside him were classified as the "cool" kids. Marcus just sat
there as the Mr. Robinson explained Atoms.
Marcus decided to do a little experiment right then and there. There
was a kid beside him by the name of Jimmy Goodman. There was nothing
good about this boy though. He was always making fun of Marcus about
something or another. The insults never effected Marcus though. He
still thought it would be nice to get some payback.
Mr. Robinson was going on about the atoms when Marcus put his full
attention and focus on Jimmy. Sure enough, that tingling sensation came
back. Marcus attained focus without looking directly at him though.
People would think him stranger than he really is if he just sat there
staring at Jimmy.
Marcus then shot a thought as hard as he could at Jimmy. 'THROW YOUR
PENCIL AT THE TEACHER NOW!' the thought carried the power of thunder
but was silent.
It sort of surprised Marcus when Jimmy actually did it. Jimmy did it
when the teacher was looking directly at him too. The pencil hit the
teacher right in the face. It did not harm Mr. Robinson, but it pissed
him off plenty. Jimmy just sat there with a look of total awe on his
face from what he did.
"Jimmy Goodman! You get your ass to the principal's office!" the
teacher said, accidentally cursing. Well, he actually screamed it with
a face as red as a cherry.
"B-B-But..." He started to say something.
"NOW! I will be there shortly!" Jimmy got up and left the class room
and Mr. Robinson put one of his "trusting" students in charge while he
left behind Jimmy.
Marcus leaned back in his chair with a coy smile and his thoughts were
racing. That test told him a couple of things. It told him that what
ever this strange and wonderful power was, it was real. It also told
him that he could do it silently and without looking directly at them.
Marcus's head was spinning with ideas and questions.
He was positive that he could initiate action, but he wondered about
emotion. He had other questions as well and they filled his head for
the rest of the school day. He did small tests, making people scratch
their shoulder and silly things like that, just to make sure that he
was not imagining this power. But he decided to wait until tonight to
see if he could control emotions. He would test that on Jenny.
Because he was deep in thought, the school day passed by like nothing.
Before he knew it the school day was over and he was standing outside
waiting for Mouse. Mouse always had her friends she talked to. Marcus
did envy her that. His thoughts kept asking him if he could really
control emotion though.
Mouse came out and gave him a rather gracious smile. Marcus knew that
she was looking forward to getting drunk with her friend tonight. She
wanted to act "adult", like most sixteen year old girls did. Marcus was
not sure that he wanted to drink though. He wondered if he could still
use his "power" drunk. Even if he could, he did not know how he would
act drunk and if he would mess someone up with it.
"Jenny said she could probably sneak a bottle of Jack Daniels out in
her tote bag." Mouse said this with excitement that Marcus liked to see
in her.
Marcus just gave her a warm smile. "And what if Kathy comes home?" He
asked this as he started walking on the road to their house.
"If Mom comes home, we'll just wait until she goes to bed!" Mouse said
with that same wild exuberance that Marcus had grown to love.
"What ever gets you your kicks." Marcus said with a chuckle. He was
walking with a constant stride.
"Your awful chipper this afternoon. Anything I should know about?"
Mouse asked while keeping stride with him.
"No, nothing in particular." Marcus said, his smile faded.
"Why did Danny run with his tail between his legs this mornin'?" Mouse
asked with a quizzical look on her face.
'Shit! How do I handle this?' Marcus thought. "I guess I'm just lucky
today." Marcus said with that same low voice and kept his eyes on the
road. He was not really lying. He did luck out with the power.
Mouse knew that Marcus was keeping something from her. Marcus could see
that in her eyes and if she could see his eyes, she would be positive.
They made it to the house rather quickly. Both of them were walking
rather quickly, but neither noticed. They were both thinking of their
plans for the night.