Xth Dimension

This Story or any other story posted in this directory is 
readily available anywhere throuout the internet.I have chosen
not to claim any of them as my personal work.As I start to write 
stories,they will be posted in this directory.

Note:Xth Dimension is my trademark.though not recognized,this
trademark will be thoroughly defended as seen fit by myself.

Clara's Cleavage by DDDave

Clara's Cleavage

It was pig nite at my frat house. As a recent pledge I had been one of the guys 
assigned to finding a date. For those of you not familiar with this barbaric 
ritual it involves deliberately asking the homeliest girl you could find to a 
party at the frat house (a highly prized invitation in our opinion) for the 
express purpose of seeing who could find the ugliest girl. I know. Looking back 
now from my vantage point of twenty years later, I'm appalled too. But at the 
time I was young, impressionable and wanted to be accepted by my new frat mates.

Anyway, my date, a young lady from my English Lit class, wasn't so much ugly as 
she was different. And she was really different!

Clara was not attractive by any stretch of the imagination. But Clara wasn't 
stone ugly like Matilda Freidrich who was also in attendance. That girl could 
shatter stone when she smiled. And Clara wasn't obese like several of the other 
girls my brothers had dragged in. But Clara had her own "charms". One was a 
personality and attitude that could be charitably referred to as "whacked out of 
her mind". Clara was into saving every thing - the planet, people in far away 
lands, whatever. No cause was too far out or too wacky to have Clara's attention 
and none was likely to hold her attention for more than a week or two.

As I was returning to her side after getting us both a cup of "punch" I heard 
her talking to one of my frat brothers and his "date" about how her parents were 
both white witches. "Mom's a clairvoyant and dad's a really excellent diviner 
and a white mage as well. Both Mom and Dad can trace their families back to the 
Druids in England and Mom has proof she is descended from Morgan Le Fay!"

I didn't feel like getting into THIS conversation! So I held back a little as 
Clara chattered away about her various ancestors with their magic, mind reading, 
miracle cures and spells. It was all crap. As I waited, I wondered why Clara 
bothered repeating it. No one believed her and her earnest presentation just 
made it seem all the more ludicrous.

If there was one other noticeable facet of Clara that everyone remarked upon it 
was her lack of any fashion sense. Personally, I had never seen her dressed any 
differently than she was this evening. Hair pulled back into an unruly ponytail, 
bulky man's sport coat (usually corduroy although tonight she was wearing an old 
tweed number - probably her Dad's hand me down) bib overalls for god's sake! and 
a flannel shirt. And sensible walking shoes. Which she did - everywhere. She 
didn't own a car or a bike.

She was a little shorter than my own 5"7' and looked about as delicate as a 
fireplug - squat, strong and thick.

The other couple did a fast fade into the crowd as I interrupted Clara to hand 
her her drink. The punch she got was spiked, of course. Mine was straight fruit 
punch. Another old frat tradition. This was Clara's third and her cheeks were 
glowing a bit from the drink. Her speech was still unaffected but I figured that 
wouldn't last long as she drank most of this glass without stopping.

"Why don't you give me the nickel tour?" she asked, turning toward me.

"Sure. " I replied, gesturing grandly around. "This is the main room where we 
have our parties. And if you'll follow me, around to the left is the study room. 
Through here is the kitchen. Let me refresh your drink while we're here. And 
this is another room we use for studying when there isn't a party going on and 
now we're back where we started." I finished as we regained the living room. By 
this time the party was really rolling and the sound level was high enough that 
I was practically shouting even though Clara was clutching my sleeve as she 
finished her drink with a flourish.

"I need another drink, Richie." said my date, it's all gone." she pouted as she 
demonstrated by turning the glass upside down to show it was truly all gone. 
"And I need to find the little girls room too," she giggled.

I figured Clara was about gone by this time. So I led her back to the kitchen, 
refilled her glass and started to explain that the temporary ladies room was 

"You show me, Richie." Clara declared as she grabbed my wrist and dragged me 
toward the stairs. She wasn't even giving me a chance as she towed me up the 

I pointed out the bathroom that was, thankfully, unoccupied at the moment. And 
heaved a sigh of relief as Clara closed the door behind her. She was getting 
looped fast and I didn't want to have to haul her back to her dorm room 

Just as I thought this the door popped open and Clara's hand thrust her glass 
under my nose. "And fill me up again, Richie! This punch makes me thirstier the 
more I drink!" The door snapped shut almost before I got a grip on the empty 

"I gotta taper her off" I grumbled to myself as I wound my way back to the punch 
bowl. Returning with a full glass of non-alcoholic fruit punch I planted my self 
outside the bathroom figuring I'd get her downstairs and back to her dorm before 
things got out of hand.

When Clara finally came out of the bathroom the glow of her skin was readily 
apparent. Her eyes were sparkling and somehow all of the lines of her face were 
looser. Her lips were a little puffy and were redder than before.

"So what's up here Richie?" She asked as once again she latched onto my wrist 
with both hands. "I've never been upstairs in a frat house. Do you naughty boys 
keep secrets up here?" Oh yeah, Clara was soused - big time! And I really wasn't 
that interested in showing a tipsy girl the sleeping rooms of a bunch of frat 
rats... most of whom had the housekeeping habits of a bear!

But Clara was not to be denied. With a death grip on my arm she proceeded to 
haul me down the hall. The first room she barged into had the usual clutter; an 
unmade bed, clothes tossed everywhere and a couple of Playboy centerfolds tacked 
up on the wall.

She was entranced by the pictures.

"Are these girls real? Do guys really like looking at these pictures? Have you 
ever met any of these girls? She's kinda pretty but look at her boobies. They're 
so big! Do guys like big boobies?" She was chattering away and I don't think she 
knew what she was saying most of the time. Her eyes were sparkling and the color 
was rising in her face. I think she was a little embarrassed to be looking at 
semi naked women but wasn't going to admit to it.

She proceeded to pull me from room to room. In each room she examined all the 
pictures and pinups and kept up a running commentary. "Look at this one. She 
looks bored in this picture. Her boobies are big too, but not as big as this 
lady. This one has bad hair. Why is she pushing her boobies together like that?. 
Wowee, this on can lick her own nipple!

"Do boys like women who look like her? Why has she got her finger in her mouth?" 
As always she was off on another tangent before I could begin to respond.

"All of these pictures are of girls with big boobies!" This seemed to be a 
revelation to her.

Quickly she pivoted to the door and pulled me into the hall.

"Where is your room, Richie?" she asked. "Do you have pictures on your wall?"

My room is right here." I said. Once again I found myself seized by the wrist 
and dragged by Clara - this time into my own room. There were no pictures on the 
wall. I hadn't had time to thumbtack them up. Yet.

Clara suddenly pushed me backwards. The back of my legs hit the bed and I found 
myself looking up from my bed at Clara. But as I grasped the situation she 
toppled onto me like a Ponderosa Pine falling in the forest.

"Umph!" All the breath was knocked out of me as Clara landed full force on my 

"I like you Richie. You're cute" she said as she squirmed around. Her breath was 
sweet despite the alcohol. I winced as she placed an index finger on the tip of 
my nose and pressed it flat. "And you don't have any of those naughty pictures 
on the wall. Don't you like girls? Don't you like me?"

"Hey, I like girls just fine."

"Well I'm a girl. I got boobies." Who could tell under all the clothing? "I got 
big boobies. Bigger than any of the girls in those pictures." Didn't seem likely 
to me. "Hey, you're poking me, Richie."

Christ almighty. With Clara squirming around on top of me, my body had done the 
natural thing... sprouted a boner. Even if she wasn't the most attractive girl 
the body of a teen age boy will spring to action at the slightest provocation. 
And Clara's actions and conversation had been provocation enough. "What's poking 
me, Richie? What have you got in your pocket? Oh, Richie, are you being rude? Is 
it my fault? Did my talking about boobies start you poking out like that? I've 
never seen a... you know...a...ah...guys...ah..." she was winding down in 
confusion and embarrassment. But then she gathered all her courage and as she 
wriggled to a sitting position on my stomach she finished her sentence. " A guys 

"It's not a "thingie". " I said in exasperation. "It's my cock. Or call it a 
dick. Or anything but "thingie". God Lord! How had I gotten into this? Could I 
get out with out becoming more embarrassed?

"Okay, your dicky.." She started "Not dicky!" I practically shouted. "Quit 
adding a "Y" to everything. My name is Rich, not Richie. You just about crushed 
my dick. Not my dicky, not my cocky. Christ, how naive am I supposed to think 
you are?"

"Oh Rich, I'm sorry. I didn't mean to hurt your feelings. Or your ...em...dick." 
She leaned over me and planted two little kisses, one on each cheek. "I know. 
I'll make it up to you! I'll show you my big boobies if you'll show me your 
dick! You like girls, right." She was talking a mile a minute. "Do you like 
boobies? I mean boobs! Do you like big boobs? I hope so! Do you like mine?" And 
as she said this she shed her sport coat revealing her bib overalls and green 
flannel shirt.

She waited a moment. Hands on hips, still straddling my stomach.

"Well?" She asked.

"Well what?" I responded.

"Well, do you like my boobs?" she asked in exasperation.

"What are you talking about?" I said. "You're sitting on my stomach, fully 
dressed and asking me if I like your boobs! I can't see anything with the only 
light coming from the door behind you and with you still fully dressed. Now stop 
being silly and let me up so I can take you home!"

"NO!" in a blink of an eye she bounced off my stomach - knocking the air out of 
me once more - slammed the door shut and turned on the bed stand light. In one 
motion she kicked off her shoes, reached up and popped the clasps off of her 
overall's straps. Her overalls fell right to the floor and just as quickly she 
had regained her seat on my stomach. Of course I had just about regained my 
breath which was once more forced out of me with the impact of her landing.

As I struggled to relearn to breath Clara placed both hands on her hips and once 
again demanded, "Do you like 'Em?"

Truth to tell, it did seem that Clara had a fairly substantial rack under her 
flannel shirt. The bib overalls and sport coat had done a good job of disguising 
her boobies... I mean boobs. And with the light now shining from behind me I 
could see Clara very well. She didn't look half bad with her hair mussed, color 
in her cheeks and a sparkle in her eyes that I had never seen before. But I was 
pissed enough at her for knocking the breath out of me that I wasn't about to 
give her any satisfaction.

"Like what, you crazy woman?" I demanded. "You knock me down, jump all over me 
and demand to know if I like something that I still haven't seen and which 
probably aren't near as big as you think they are. Those pinups are some of the 
best built, prettiest girls in America. You are a college freshman who's had too 
much to drink. Now let me up and let's forget this ever happened."

"NO! Richie, I mean Rich. You don't mean that. I can still feel you poking me 
you know. And I do so have big boobs. See?" She grabbed her shirt in the back 
and pulled it taut, bunching it up at the small of her back. Suddenly there were 
gaps between each button and stress lines all over the front of her shirt. She 
did have tits!

"Well , maybe." I said doubtfully. I was suddenly much more interested in where 
this was going. Truth be told, I loved big tits. And I had never dated a girl 
with large tits I was always intimidated when the girl I was talking to had a 
big rack.

"Oh yes, I do. Bigger than any of those old pinups. You watch." She unbuttoned 
the lowest button and moved up to the next. "If I show you my big boobs will you 
show me what's poking me in the butt right now?" She had unbuttoned four of the 
seven buttons by now.

"Yeah, sure."

"There!" She cried in triumph as she whipped off her shirt and threw it behind 
her to flutter to the floor.

What ever I had expected to see was not what was revealed. Instead of bare flesh 
or a bra being revealed, what I saw was a dark blue tube top that stretched from 
just below her armpits to cover the rest of her body. It was only after puzzling 
over this for a few seconds that I noticed it was fully packed it was with her 
pot belly.

"Gotta get this off" Clara mumbled as she reached up and hooked her thumbs under 
the top of the tube top. "It gets damn uncomfortable after a long day!"

With a grunt of effort she pushed both hands down to her hips.

And out rolled her tits.

I have read somewhere that in order to describe something that the other person 
has never seen and do it successfully, there must be a well understood common 
reference point from which to start. To describe Clara's now revealed breasts I 
had to start at ... well, big. No, BIG. Really, now that they were out from the 
confines of Clara's restrictive top I couldn't imagine that they had ever fit 
into it. They were bigger than BIG! I had never seen, never imagined, a set of 
breasts could be this large. Softballs were much smaller. Volleyballs? That was 
closer. Somewhere between basketballs and volleyballs I decided. What made them 
seem even larger was their unusual placement.

Clara's boobs started low on her chest. The top slopes swelled gently at first, 
well below her armpits, and then exploded out and away in a startling abrupt 
swoop that ended at a pair of chewable looking nipples and then slowly swept 
back to meet at her lowest ribs. Her nips pointed slightly upwards and outwards 
at a 45 degree angle. Each breast was quivering firmly, still shivering from 
having been so abruptly revealed.

She was still sitting on my stomach with her hands back on her waist. But I 
could not see her waist, her hands or the first part of her arms. All were 
blocked from my view by these massive breasts that protruded beyond the side of 
her body by several inches. And yet they still rubbed against each other, 
forming a cleavage that appeared to be able to swallow up a major city yellow 

"My God", I croaked. "You're immense!"

"Told ya so!" the breastacular Clara said triumphantly. "Now it's my turn."

Before I could react, before my shaking hand could make contact with the 
incredible sweep of breast flesh before me, it vanished in a tangle of arms and 
legs as Clara spun around and plopped herself back on me facing my feet. This 
left me with my arms pinned under her legs, looking up into the closest view I 
had ever had of a young girls nylon covered, slightly moist crotch. Which 
smelled, well, delicious in a funny sort of way. Remember here that my 
experience with women had, until this moment, ranged from the fantasy to the 
hypothetical. Aside from a few half hearted good night kisses I was a complete 
and utter virgin.

But maybe not for long. Clara was making short work of my belt and zipper, 
exposing my tented underwear.

"Ohhh, what did I find?" Clara cooed as I felt her fingers gently caress the 
length of my cloth covered dick. "Is this the nasty thing that was poking me? I 
want to see!" If I had thought Clara was shy that thought was disappearing over 
the horizon on a fast horse. This was no shrinking violet!

Grabbing pants and shorts in both hands Clara simultaneously lifted her top half 
up off me and stripped me naked to the knees exposing my stiff erection in all 
it's glory.

Now before I go on I have to admit that I wasn't what I'd call "hung". Just 
under five inches long (yes, I'd measured!) it almost completely disappeared in 
Clara's hand as she grasped it gently in a full fisted grip. At the same time 
that I felt her hand clasp my hard dick I became acutely aware of the warmth of 
her insanely large breasts as they squashed out all over my stomach.

All I could see was her crotch. Her panties were slowly becoming more and more 
transparent as her natural lubrication continued to flow. Clara had a sparse 
growth of pubic hair with well defined labia and ... my observations were 

"Oh, it's pretty! And so warm," Clara breath bathed my twitching cock as she 
looked at it from all angles. Pushing and pulling at it. One moment stroking it 
up and down, the next giggling as she tried to force it to point toward my toes 
and watching it spring back to point right at her.

Sure enough, I knew what was going to happen next.

"Look out," I cried as I did what any red blooded college man would do when 
finding his abdomen buried under two gigantic tits while the possessor of those 
tits had her pussy inches above his nose and pushed and pulled on his cock. I 
blew like Mount St. Helen's.

The first spurt almost achieved ceiling height and fell back onto Clara's back 
while the next had a somewhat more horizontal trajectory and I swear I heard it 
hit the headboard behind me. The remaining squirts landed variously on Clara, me 
, the bed and who knows where as she scrambled out of the way without ever 
taking her hand off my dick or missing a stroke.

"Wow, that was something else!" Clara exclaimed. She was now kneeling on her 
haunches next to my right hip and was still clutching my now quiescent rod. "You 
were like a fountain! And so much! Look, you got all over me!" She pointed to 
pecker tracks all over her shoulders, upper chest and down onto her massive 
boobs. There was one wad just above her left nipple that she dabbed at with a 
finger tip. "Its still warm." she reported. "It feels kinda slippery. But it 
doesn't taste like much of anything." she told me as she removed her finger from 
her mouth.

I was still gasping for breath, somewhat at a loss after having come so hard and 
so quickly. Who could have predicted that my first sexual experience would be a 
premature ejaculation with a semi ugly girl with the biggest tits in the 
world?!? No not semi ugly I decided as I watched Clara. She really was more 
plain with no fashion sense and no self confidence. But those had to be the 
biggest tits in the world. Seated next to me on her haunches, her boobs hung 
slightly away from her chest as she leaned over to continue to look at my dick, 
those massive spheres dangled down to rest comfortably on her upper thighs. The 
were being squeezed a little as she rubbed at one and then the other. The 
movements that this created were fascinating. Her tits seemed to jostle one 
another for room on her chest. There seemed at least a hands span between where 
her nipple quivered at the tip of her breast and where the mammoth sphere met 
her chest wall.

She turned her head and looked at me. "You're not done are you? I want to play 
some more! I want to see what it feels to have you inside me! I've overheard 
some of the other girls in the dorm talk about it and I want to discover for 

As she was saying this she was slowly rubbing the last of my cum into her left 
breast while her right hand still had a grip on my dick.

"I'm not done." I assured her as I kicked off my shoes and pants. "With a little 
encouragement from you I'll be ready to go again in a few minutes."

In fact I could feel my dick starting to revive just watching this busty young 
thing rub her tits and slowly stroking my dick.

"Oh goody, here, feel my big boobie," all of Clara's eagerness seemed to have 
returned as she drew my right hand to her left breast. Her flesh was warm and 
very smooth. There were just a few stretch marks near her armpit. The texture 
change where her breast flesh became aureole and then nipple were subtle but as 
I slowly moved from her rib cage to the tip of her nipple I tried to memorize 
each nuance and difference. And as I'd estimated my hand spread as wide as I 
could did not quite reach from nipple tip to chest.

I gently stroked down from her shoulder to the stiff nipple that was pointing in 
my direction, then ran my hand under and, squeezing gently, lifted her tit up. 
It overflowed my hand in all directions and I quickly lost control of the 
incredible bulk. Her boob slipped out of my grasp and bounced off her upper 
thigh. I grasped her nipple and pulled and squeezed it. Clara seemed to enjoy 
the gentle caresses as she leaned over and with a confidence that I hadn't 
expected sucked in the head of my cock and proceeded to vacuum up all the 
remaining cock juice from my dick and her hand.

"Ohhh, yes" I moaned, "that feels incredible."

"UM, grow bigger for Clara" she said to my now rapidly reviving dick. The tingle 
that I felt at that was a rush all over my body but centered in my crotch as my 
dick seemed to spring to attention with a twang! "Grow bigger for Clara" she 
repeated, never letting go of my cock and continuing to stroke faster and 

"Ahhh, careful there Clara," I said, "I don't want to disappoint us again and 
come too quickly."

"Oh, you won't will you? Please don't. Can I get on top? I've heard that's one 
of the best ways for girls and guys don't come so fast that way!" What did she 
do? Read sex manuals on the long cold winter evenings? Who cared. I would love 
to lie here and watch her bouncing about on top of my now rock hard stiffie! And 
anyway, she had stripped off her panties and was already swinging a leg over me. 
With a bit of clumsiness she managed to slip the head of my cock into the well 
lubricated center of her slit. She either was really aroused or was naturally 
wet cause I slipped in without any trouble.

"Oh, god, that feels.... feels, ohh, sooo good" I'm not sure which one of us 
said that, we may have both done.

With just the head inserted Clara leaned forward a bit, placed both hands on my 
chest and started a slow, subtle up and down movement that took a little more of 
my shaft into her with each repetition. Maybe because it was my first real fuck, 
maybe because she was on top, but it seemed that my dick was reaching further 
into Clara than I could have imagined. I could feel every ripple inside her as 
her movements grew more assured and just a bit faster. I was powerless to move 
as I watched Clara get into the groove.

I watched her eyes slowly close as her tongue licked first her upper then her 
lower lip. She was moaning softly as her movements sped up. With her hands 
together on my chest Clara's arms were forcing her breasts together and out away 
from her body while her up and down motion imparted a mesmerizing bounce which 
in turn produced a slow rolling ripple thru her breasts. From the nipples 
outward to the limits of her breasts there was a constant movement. Because her 
breasts started low on her chest her nipples were within a few inches of my 
mouth on her forward rock. A temptation I was no longer willing to resist. Using 
both hands I corralled her left breast, leaned my head forward a few inches and 
licked and caressed the nipple that was spiked up a full 1/2 inch. The reaction 
from Clara was a long low moan that rose in intensity as I sucked more firmly.

"God, yessss. I love that. I had no idea...." Her voice trailed off as her 
movement picked up speed again. "Suck it hard. Squeeze and suck. I love that 
feeling. More, Rich, suck harder. Please, I've...never... felt... so...good. OH 

As she was climaxing I quickly switched to her right tit. I continued to suckle 
and chew at her nipple as she recovered her rhythm and began to add some side 
ways movements to her crotch pounding movement.

I was getting close myself. Have I mentioned that Clara had large breasts? I 
know I have. But as I was nipping at her right nipple I discovered that while I 
was using both hands to hold her breast up to my lips my hands were outside my 
ears. Clara's boob was bigger than my head even when I was squeezing it between 
both of my hands!

Clara was moaning louder again now and I could feel her clutching at me with her 
hands and with her cunt as she slammed herself up and down. Abandoning the huge 
breasts that continued to sway and bob in front of my lips I grabbed Clara's 
hips and urged her to faster and harder efforts. Finally, I held her hips still 
above me and slammed my cock as hard and as fast as I could while licking and 
biting the boobs that were now mashed into the lower half of my face. I seemed 
to be getting longer strokes. It must be the position, I thought to myself, as I 
let go with a roar that was half smothered in Clara's breasts. My climax pitched 
Clara over the edge as well and we clung to each other as the tremors slammed 
through both of us.

"Boy," Clara sighed as she rested on top of me, "if this is fucking I want to do 
it more. I have never felt such intense..."

"Shut up", I muttered and kissed her.

"Oh, right, guys don't like to talk about feelings do they?" Clara smiled. 
"Well, okay." And she started to giggle.

"What's funny?" I asked.

"Well, that was the first time a boy's kissed me." She replied. "And it was 
after I showed him my big boobies, stripped him half naked and practically raped 
him. Twice. You have to admit that's not the usual order is it?"

"I suppose not." I had to agree.

Clara shifted to cuddle under my right arm. This left her left breast crushed 
against my side while her right breast flowed up and over onto my chest. While 
she nestled her head in the crook of my neck she twined her right leg over mine 
tucking her foot under my left leg.

Not knowing quite what else to do I just lay there and enjoyed the moment of 
silence. Meanwhile Clara's free hand was slowly stroking and patting my chest 
and upper stomach. Feeling the need I reached down to adjust my cock and balls 
so they were not caught between my legs and I got a shock.

I was not the same. I mean, I felt okay but there was something, different. 
Looking down, all I could see was the tremendous swell of Clara's vast boob 
completely blocking my view. Without saying anything to Clara I scratched my 
crotch. I was, well, bigger. Could sex cause a man's cock and balls to enlarge 

My train of thought was derailed as another hand joined mine.

"Penny for your thoughts, Rich" Clara said. "Are you thinking what I'm thinking? 
I'm wondering when we can do it again."

Her hand stroked up and down, gently, slowly. It felt great. Hell, I was young, 
I was thinking, I could go another round. But I really wanted to spend some time 
with Clara's boobs.

"Here, baby, shift over a little." I said as I moved down a little and onto my 
side facing Clara. In profile, lying on her back, her tits spread out and filled 
every inch from her collarbone to just above her bellybutton. With her holding 
her hands together over her crotch her breasts were forced together in the 
center of her chest while the outer slopes trembled, over flowing her arm pits 
and just even with the outside of her arms. Her nipples reached up toward the 
ceiling. The depth of her rib cage from back to sternum was almost exactly 
matched by the depth of her breasts from rib cage to nipple.

"Boy, Clara, you do have some really big tits. And when you get excited your 
nipples really stretch out." I reached over and gently grasped her right nipple. 
I rolled it slowly back and forth between my thumb and finger. As it started to 
spring to attention I gently drew it up. Holding it firmly I lifted it up as far 
as I could. Drawing her breast up into a huge cone shape I was able to stretch 
her boob up until it seemed her nipple was at least a foot and a half off her 
chest. Letting go her breast dropped and quivered, ripples continuing to spread 
and rebound for almost 30 second.

"Oh, that feels good. I had no idea how sensitive my huge breast were. I love 
having you touch and caress them. When you were sucking on them earlier, I felt 
like there was a connection between my breasts and my, um .. my, you know, down 

Jeez, practically forces herself on me, brags about and then shows me the 
biggest tits I've ever seen because of some .. well who knows why, fucks my 
brains out and now can't say the word cunt.

"You could call it your pussy or cunt or most anything else." I told her.

"I'm just a little shy still I guess" she confessed.

Using both hands I kneaded her breasts. First the right, then the left, then 
switching back and forth between them. I gave them quite a working over and 
Clara was loving it. Her breath was now coming in little puffs and she was 
moaning from time to time. Leaning over I used both hands to force her left 
breast into a huge cone shape and sucked the nipple into my mouth gently at 
first and then I began sucking and releasing harder and harder until I was 
practically chewing on her tit, drawing it up and as far off her chest as I 
could then forcing my face down into her massive breast flesh until all light 
and air was cut off and then just nipping and licking gently before switching to 
her right breast and continuing to work her tits harder and harder. Finally I 
managed with difficulty to get both nipples into my mouth at once and as I 
stroked and kneaded her boobs I suckled on both at once. Clara's arms snapped up 
to hold me tight to her chest as she crashed into an orgasm that left her 
trembling and weak.

I was just congratulating myself and thinking that that ought to hold her for a 
few minutes when I felt her hand caress the inside of my thigh.

"That felt so wonderful. I had no idea I could have an orgasm from having 
someone pay attention to my breasts like that. WOW! Now I want to do something 
special for you!"

Where did this energy come from? But, still, Press On!

"What did you have in mind?" I asked.

"Well, I understand that boys like it when girls put their mouths on them down 
there." Her hand fluttered over my crotch as she spoke.

"Well, yeah." I responded. "And boys like it if you use the sexy words. Do you 
know what it's called when you Use your mouth down there'?" I asked.

"Blow job." she said faintly. "It's called a blow job! And I want to give you a 
blow job." Her voice strengthened as she repeated herself. Her voice now sounded 
confident and assured.

"I want you to sit on the edge of the bed here, watch me kneel between your legs 
and use my mouth on your cock and balls. I want you to feel me stroke your dick 
in my hand and lick the shaft up and down." Her voice was getting louder and 
more excited. The more she talked the more she seemed to get into it. "I want to 
see the look in your eyes as I swallow as much of your shaft into my throat as I 
can. I want to ...."

"Okay, stop talking about it or I'll waste a load on the bed sheet again. You 
sure picked up the sexy talk in a hurry Clara!"

You know? I like the sexy talk." She exclaimed. "I could see the excitement in 
your eyes growing. That really gave me a rush, like I was in control. Come on, 
shift over here. I want to do this now!" And she grabbed my arm and pulled me 
into position.

Still holding my hand she stepped back from the bed. It was really the first 
chance I had had to see all of her since we had entered the room. The odd thing 
that struck me was that her toenails had polish on them. I don't know why that 
struck me but it did. No makeup, no fancy hair do, no fingernail polish but her 
toenails were perfect. Strange.

"I know my body isn't real well proportioned" Clara said ,misinterpreting my 
look. "My boobies are way too big for the rest of me. But I keep in shape. I 
like to exercise." She cuddled her tits in her arms. She could pillow them up 
under her face and practically bury herself in her boobs. "And I think some guys 
like girls with big boobies. Right Rich? And I have really big boobs!" Her voice 
was teasing as she stepped between my legs and pulled my head between her boobs.

Twisting her shoulders back and forth she battered me with her mammoth 
development for 20 or 30 seconds. It was completely dark in there! Her boobs 
brushed back and forth over my shoulders and covered my entire head with flesh 
to spare. Gasping, I pushed her back slightly so I could look up through the 
Grand Canyon of Clara's cleavage. Her eyes were bright with lust.

"Clara," I said in all honesty, "you have the biggest boobs I've ever imagined. 
And I think you like having me play with them as much as I like to play with 
them. Right?":

"You're right, Richie and I really thank you for letting me learn how much I 
enjoy all this! Now sit back and let me do something I've thought about and 
wasn't sure I would ever get a chance to do."

With that she slowly dropped to her knees between my legs, sensuously caressing 
my body with her tremendous tits as she did so.

Tenderly, she grasped my dick in her hand and lifted it up off my crotch. It did 
seem larger than before to me. A little bit more was extended from her hand as 
she brought her lips to it and gently kissed the tip. Both my cock and I 
twitched in response.

"I like your dick, Rich." She murmured just before she slipped the head into her 
mouth. My head fell back as I felt her tongue slip around the head of my cock.

"Oh, yes, nice. What a nice dick. Does it feel good when I lick the shaft like 
this? Yeah, I can tell it does. You tremble real nice when I suck just the head 
in and out like this, don't you?"

Her hand kept up the pace and she sucked each ball into her mouth for a moment 
and then she cradled them both in the palm of her left hand as she beat my meat 
with her other hand. Honest to God, my dick seemed to be about seven inches 
long! At least two inches longer than I'd ever been before!

"Ummm. Come on, honey. Grow bigger for Clara" she murmured. "Grow bigger for 
Clara. I want to suck out all the nice juice."

That weirdly strong tingle came back as Clara said this and over the next couple 
of minutes I could see and feel my dick slowly expand in her hand. What the hell 
was going on? As I watched in disbelief Clara gave my dick the kind of blow job 
that I'd dreamt of. Now she was using both hands to stroke my dick. And she had 
to if she wanted to hold all of it at once. Every once in a while she would take 
her hands off the shaft and try to take me into her throat. Each time she would 
get a little more but never quite all of it. The effect was thrilling. I was 
getting a first class blow job from a girl that had never done this before. Most 
of the guys I knew that had girlfriends complained that they would never really 
suck them. They just went through the motions. Clara was way past that! Her eyes 
were on mine as her face rode up and down my cock. They glittered with lust as 
she teased the tip of my cock head with her tongue tip.

"God, honey, you're so big! I can't get you all in my mouth!" Clara exclaimed. 
"Do you like it when I rub you between my big titties. I can make you disappear 
in my cleavage. Watch! This is so sexy!" Clara hefted both jugs up and caught my 
cock between them. She eagerly rubbed them up and down against each other with 
my dick trapped between them. "You like that don't you? I can feel your 
excitement building up. Look. Your big dick disappears between my boobies when I 
mash them together. Then, look, the head just pops out when I relax a little. So 
I can lick it." Her tongue darted out and circled the head of my shaft.

"Ohh, I like doing this so much. I can feel you throbbing in my mouth. Mmmmm. So 
nice, so big. See?"

Like I was watching anything else? This was the most exciting thing I'd ever 
seen. Clara could easily enfold my dick in her cleavage and was pounding her 
boobs up and down my shaft. The delicious soft pressure of those two mammoth 
pads of flesh was rapidly bringing me to a climax.

"No, no. You come in my mouth, honey." Just as I was about to blow off Clara 
dropped her phenomenal tits, and crammed my cock in her mouth. The suction she 
applied felt like it was going to suck my toenails into my feet and I came like 
a rocket!

With out missing a beat Clara caressed my balls, stroked my cock and, as my load 
started to diminish managed to swallow me right up so that her lips were pressed 
tight against my crotch. None of my cock shaft remained in sight as she 
swallowed and swallowed. The sensation on the head of my prick almost made me 
pass out it felt so good.

Exhausted, I tumbled back onto the bed and felt Clara crawl up next to me.

"That was really cool, Rich. I almost got off from watching you get off. And 
watching your dick between my breasts, whooo that was exciting but not as good 
as when you came in my mouth. I thought you'd never stop!" Clara was going at 
top speed again.

"Well, I'm glad you liked it because it was awfully terrific from my end too. 
Watching you work on my dick... you seemed to really enjoy it. But.. it seems 
like my dick got bigger."

"Well of course silly, everyone knows a guys dick gets bigger when they get 
excited. I take it as a compliment!"

"No, I mean... before tonight my dick was never more than, well, about 5 inches 
long. When you were giving me a blow job it seemed a lot bigger than that."

"Well , I didn't really notice. I was just so excited watching you get off. I 
liked that. A lot"

"Honey" Clara's voice turned soft and velvety. "I really got excited giving you 
that blow job." Her hand was caressing my chest lightly. "I really liked making 
you get all hot and bothered but it made me all hot and bothered too. Can we do 
me again, please?"

"Whoa, give me a minute to recuperate" I said. "I need to use the bathroom too. 
hang here while I freshen up."

I slipped down the hall. The party downstairs was still going strong. Glancing 
at the wall clock I noticed that only an hour and 10 minutes had gone by. Wow. 
All that sex in such a short time. As I relieved myself I confirmed my 
suspicion. My dick was bigger. Not much larger in it's now flaccid state but 
still noticeably larger.

As I stepped back into my room I paused after closing the door. Clara was in 
front of the full length mirror on the closet door.

She was looking at herself in the mirror and holding her breasts up. Not an easy 
task given how titanic the boobs were and how small her hands. Slowly she let 
them drop to their normal position. I was struck once more by how low on her 
chest they sat. It was probably what made it possible for her to have disguised 
their size. Exposed as they now were I would have bet that they would be 
impossible to hide. Yet Clara had done so for most of the school year and 
probably for a long time before that.

I stepped up behind her and placed my hands on her hips. "What are you doing?" I 

"Oh just looking at myself." She replied. "I haven't really looked at myself in 
a long time. Do you really like my boobs? I mean, really?

"What makes you ask?" I wondered as I reached up from her hips and caressed the 
sides of her tits.

She didn't respond as I began to slowly knead the tips of her boobs, pulling at 
her nipples, rolling them between my fingers and then using my palms to try to 
press them back into Clara's body. This made great mounds of breast flesh splash 
out on the sides, the bottoms, the tops. I moved my hands in large arcs. Her 
boobs, when pressed down, overlapped her belly button almost to the top of her 
bush. When pressed together from the outside they extended out with a massive 
cleavage of at least 2 feet. When I put my hands between her breasts and pushed 
outward her nipples were a foot outside her rib cage and when I pressed upwards 
from the bottom of her breasts you could just see Clara's eyes peeking over the 
mountains of flesh in front of her. I still hadn't answered her and Clara's eyes 
were clouding over with lust as she sighed and moaned softly as I continued to 
manipulate her boobs. I slid one hand down and lightly fingered her moist pussy 
lips as I whispered in her ear.

"You have magnificent breasts. You have the largest breasts I've ever seen ... 
the largest I've ever imagined. You should be proud of your body. Most women 
would kill to be half as voluptuous as you are. Men would fight to get a date 
with you if they knew. If they could see even a hint of what you've shown me. 
Why do you ask?", I repeated.

"I've always had really big boobies." She said. "When they started to become 
really big I was 14 and Mom started to help me dress to hide them. Mom always 
told me that boys would cause trouble for me if they knew how big my boobies 
were and so I've always hid them. Until tonight. When I saw those pictures and 
realized that guys really like big boobies I wanted to know if you would like 
mine. I guess I always have felt embarrassed by my big tits. Mom is pretty flat 
chested and I think she was uncomfortable with how fast I developed. My Aunt 
Helen had pretty big tits, I think. Maybe if Mom had bigger boobs...oohhh, that 
feels so good when you squeeze 'em like that. Don't stop now. I think Mom and 
Aunt Helen had a big fight. They haven't spoken in years. I wonder where she 

She twisted around in my arms. Her arms went around my waist and she snuggled 
her immense tits against my lower chest. Looking down, it was a vista of 
cleavage and breast flesh rising in mammoth swells.

She went on. "I heard Mom and Aunt Helen fighting about me when I was about 11 
years old. It was weird, Aunt Helen told Mom that she only had to look at me to 
see my potential and Mom told her that she'd never help her and to get out."

"Anyway Mom told me a couple of years ago that while I have a lot of potential 
that I would have to wait till I was a lot older to begin witch training. And 
that was the pretty much the end of it. And I think maybe Mom should have talked 
to me more about boys and girls. I've always been afraid of what boys would say 
if they saw me in a dress or bathing suit. And the girls I've known are always 
so giggly and everyone talks about sex but I don't think nearly anyone I know 
has done it.

"But boy, if I had known how good it could feel to have my big nips sucked... 
and how tingly I get all over when you knead my breasts, ungh, yesss like that 
...and the quiver that shoots right to my cunny when I twist my nips up tight 
like this, ungh, I, think...I think..... OOOHHH yes GOD that feels so good.. 
I...think.. I know I would have done this a lot more. Now that I know how good 
this feels I feel like I could want to do it all the time!"

She lifted up one huge breast while drawing my head down to meet her nipple.

"I could... God, it seems like I can come just from having you suck my tits. 
They feel so good. Come on, lets do it again." and with that she started groping 
for my slowly reviving cock.

Using my dick as a handle she gently drew me to the bed and sat on the edge. "I 
want you on top of me this time," she murmured. She was looking me right in the 
eyes as she gently drew the head of my cock into her mouth and sucked lightly 
for a moment. "I'm so hot for you, baby. I want to feel your big dick in my 
cunt. I really love your big dick!"

And it was a big dick! This morning my piss hard-on had extended, maximum, 5 
inches from my crotch. Now Clara was just able to hold all of my cock in both 
hands. It looked to be about 9 inches long. And considerably thicker, too.

"Ohh, what a pretty dick. Grow bigger for Clara, baby, grow bigger for Clara! I 
need your big dick inside me."

I groaned out loud as a tremendous rush went thru my body and centered in my 
crotch. I knew what I was going to see even as I watched in awe as my dick 
continued to grow in Clara's grasp. It didn't swell up like a balloon but as 
Clara kept stroking, with each stroke it seemed my dick grew a little thicker, a 
little longer as the rapture rose, crested and subsided. It was all I could do 
to avoid coming. My toes gripped the rug and my fingernails dug into the palms 
of my hands as I concentrated on not blowing another load in Clara's face.

By the time Clara fell back onto the bed she was holding a dick that would have 
put most porn stars to shame. It was almost a foot long I guessed and so thick 
that Clara's fingers only just met her thumb where before they had easily 

"Oh, Rich," Clara moaned, "Fuck my cunt with your pretty, pretty, dick. Slide it 
right up into my hot wet cunt. I need to feel you deep inside me. Fuck me. Fuck 
me, now!"

She was lying on the bed, with one hand still on my cock while the other stroked 
up and down the well lubricated slot between her legs. There was no mistaking 
the drops of wetness that clung to her sparse bush and the slick moistness of 
her cunt lips. Clara was one hot and ready woman!

Her amazing tits continued to quiver and shake as she stroked herself and kept 
tugging on my dick to get me into position between her legs. Feeling the 
incredible rush finally start to fade I clambered onto my knees between her 

Settling onto my haunches, I grasped the shaft of my dick and stroked myself two 
or three times. I was definitely the proud owner of one big dick! Clara was 
watching me with half closed eyes as she continued to fondle her cunt and now to 
twist and pull on her nipples as well.

"Come on honey," she whimpered. "I want to feel you fuck me now. Stop teasing 
me. Give Clara what she needs. Push that great big hard dick into me! Do you 
like to watch me suck my nips? That turns you on doesn't it? See how big I can 
make 'em! I love the way this makes me feel. It would feel better if you did it. 
Here, you suck my other one. But give me that dick!"

She sounded, and looked, desperate and I didn't want to keep her waiting. 
Watching as she chewed on her right nipple while still attending to her own 
dripping snatch and twisting her other nipple was one of the most erotic things 
I could imagine seeing.

I leaned forward and slowly slotted my cock head between the lips of her cunt. 
The moan of happiness that she let out made my spine shiver. "More, more, more, 
please, Rich, now more." she begged.

As soon as my dick head moved between her lips hers hands jumped to my waist and 
she tried to pull me further into her. Her hands plucked and twitched as she 
writhed before me. Her eyes were shut tight and her mouth was locked in a 
grimace as I slowly fed her another fraction of an inch and then another and 
then one more.

"Quit teasing me you bastard!" Clara shouted in frustration. "You got me all hot 
and bothered. You better make me feel real good. Give me more! I want to feel it 
deep inside me. Come ON. FUCK ME!" She was really screaming now.

Her hips started to buck up and down, trying to clench more of my shaft in her 
hot cunt.

"You want more, huh?" I teased. "Why should I give you more? Do you deserve 

"Yes. Yes. Please. Give me what I need. PLEASE! Suck on my big boobs. You like 
them. See how big my nipples have gotten. Won't you suck them for me?" She 
pleaded. Her nipples were spiked out almost an inch. Her aureole were puffed up 
off the breast almost like small tits themselves.

"Alright, push 'Em together for me so I can suck both nipples at the same time. 
You know how much you like that, Clara. That's it, push 'Em together real 

Clara pressed her whopping, gargantuan breasts together as hard as she could and 
managed to rub both nipples together. "Please, I really need to feel you suck on 
my big nipples, suck me hard." she begged.

I leaned forward and took both her nipples between my lips and teeth.

"God, you bastard, that feels so incredible," Clara panted. "You know I love 
that. Hard, you bastard, suck hard! And feed me that cock!"

As I continued to suck and chew on both tits I slowly crammed my dick further 
and further into Clara tight, hot snatch.

"FUCK YES!! YES!! YES!!" Clara was pulling on my butt with both hands trying to 
speed up my thrust but I refused to be hurried. "Ugh, ugh, ugh, now, more, more, 
more, harder. FUCK!! FUCK!! OH GOD!!

As I finally reached the bottom of my stroke Clara legs which had been trying to 
climb up my back shot straight out and she grabbed both heels and pulled her 
legs almost flat on the bed. Her pelvis slammed up and down as she let out the 
most horrendous shriek!

"THAT'S IT, THAT'S IT, THAT'S IT" She cried in cadence with her pelvic thrusts. 


Clara was totally out of control. Her face was tight and flushed, she was 
pulling her legs back so far it looked like she could tuck her heels behind her 
ears, her breasts were crushed into my face so hard I couldn't breathe and her 
abdomen was knotting up with one orgasmic spasm after another. I didn't even try 
to move. I just held on for dear life. My dick was pushed as far up her as I 
could get it and I felt like she was trying to snap it off inside her. Finally, 
after several frenetic minutes Clara started to calm down.

"Christ that was incredible," She exclaimed. "I felt like the whole world was 
melting. That was... unbelievable."

"You okay?" I asked.

"Boy, howdy, yeah! WOW!! I've never imagined it could be like that. And you're 
still hard and inside me aren't you? I can feel you. Can you feel this?"

As she spoke I felt a definite clenching around my dick.

"Yeah. I can feel that. Can you feel this?" I teased as I slowly withdrew until 
only the head of my dick was still within Clara lips.

"Oh, Rich." A shudder went thru Clara as I backed out. "That feels... that long 
stroke! It just makes me feel all melty."

I slid slowly back into her. Then out again. Then, more quickly into her. 
Stopping at full thrust I ground my pelvis against her making my huge glans move 
around inside Clara's hot clenching snatch.

"OH RICHIE. You make me feel so good. Please don't stop!"

Stop? I wasn't going to stop until I'd fucked Clara blind!

Resting atop the wonderful soft shelf of Clara's boobs I stroked and pushed, 
slid deep inside and pulled almost all the way out only to cram my dick as far 
up her pussy as possible. I could feel her nipples harden again as her desire 
rekindled and built higher and higher. I was giving her full length strokes and 
trying to ride up on her so that her clit was being heavily stimulated by my 
thick hard shaft.

"Suck on your own tits, Clara." I ordered. "I know you like to feel your 
fantastic tits sucked while I fuck deep into your cunt. And it turns me on to 
see you do it! Suck 'Em hard."

Clara looked up at me with smoldering eyes and she used both hands to cup her 
giant left tit to her mouth. "You love to watch me play with my big tits don't 
you Rich? I know you had no idea how massive my tits were when you asked me out. 
Were you surprised to find out how immense they are?" She was nipping and 
licking at her nipple as she talked. The look in her eyes was one of incredible 
excitement. She seemed to really enjoy talking dirty to me. She was teasing me 
and I was loving it!

"See how they shimmy and bounce when you slam your big dick into my hot cunt?" 
she let her tit slip out of her mouth and we both watched as they bounced and 
rebounded from the pounding I was giving her. At the apex of their bounce 
Clara's face almost disappeared except for her sparkling, coquettish eyes. "I 
love the look you get in your eyes when you watch me. It turns me on seeing you 
get all hot watching my jumbo boobs, Rich. I had no idea it was so much fun to 
tease and flaunt. I really thank you for turning me on to this. Oh, yes. Fuck me 
hard! I love that. Are you going to come soon Rich. Ungh. Ungh. I hope you can 
hold out. I feel like, oh, yes. Let me twist my nipples. YES, YES, GOD DAMN THAT 
FEELS SO GOOD YOU BASTARD I'm coming coming, coming. YES GOD GOD GOD!"

"Lets do it doggie style" I gasped. I had been pounding away and was just about 
on the verge of coming. I figured a change of position would give me a chance to 
catch my breath and calm down a bit so I could last longer.

I slid my dick free of Clara's grasping snatch and watched as she scrambled to 
her hands and knees. Her breasts almost brushed the bed sheets as she looked 
over her shoulder and wiggled her butt at me. "C'mon Rover", she giggled. "I'm 
your hot and horny bitch. You can't stop 'till you make me cum again."

I quickly moved into position and as I slid my cock head into her pussy from 
behind Clara slammed her hips back at me.

"JESUS, THAT'S DEEP" She shrieked. "I LOVE IT. LOVE IT. LOVE IT." She emphasized 
each statement with a harder and harder thrust. She was nearly pushing me off 
the bed!

Clara slumped down, resting her head on the bed, crushing her monstrous breasts 
between her chest and the bed. Then she bounced up and placed her hands, palm up 
on the bed under her breasts and dropped her shoulders back down.

"You really like to squeeze your nipples? Don't you?" I asked.

"It feels so good. You are going so deep inside me this way I feel like I could 
just fuck like this all night long." She moaned. "I love to pull on my nipples. 
It's almost as good as when you suck and chew on them. Oh God. Here I go. Here I 

I was right behind her. As Clara crashed into another orgasm my cock started to 
pulse and shoot deep inside her. Burst after burst shot deep into Clara's snatch 
as she moaned and pleaded for more. I felt like every organ in my body was 
melting and squirting out my cock into Clara's hot sucking snatch.

Finally, with a groan I collapsed onto Clara's back and we slid together onto 
the bed with my wilting dick still trapped in her pussy.

"I think I've died and gone to heaven" I said as I lay on top of her. I was 
exhausted. Four times in one night. Must be some kind of record for the frat 

"I know I've seen God. Several times!" She replied. "Now roll off me. I have to 
sneak to the bathroom and clean up a little. I'm past dripping!"

With that she wriggled out from under me and was out the door before I could 
stop her. Several minutes passed and just as I was getting concerned she was 
back closing the door quickly behind her.

"No one saw me." She grinned at me. "But it was a close thing! What would your 
frat brothers say if they knew you had a girl in your room?"

Most of them wouldn't have believed it, I thought. If I told them it was Clara 
most wouldn't want to think about it. Unless they could see her as I could see 
her now, with out her disguises in place. Clara serenely strolled across the 
room and stood again in front of the mirror. She seemed, oh, more confident now. 
She was standing looking at her reflection, slowly pivoting from one side to the 

"What do you see?" I asked.

"A young woman." She replied. "A young woman who feels like she's just waking up 
from a long sleep. Not Sleeping Beauty perhaps. More like Sleeping Busty!" She 

She kept surveying herself.

"You know," she went on, "I don't think I've ever really spent any time studying 
myself without thinking how grotesque these were!" She emphasized her point by 
grabbing both tits and crushing them against herself. When she snatched her 
hands away her breasts tumbled back into their normal low attitude and continued 
to quiver and shake as Clara declared, "My breasts are NOT ugly. They ARE really 
big. But they are also well shaped and quite firm for how big they are, right 

She turned to glance at me over her shoulder and I smiled and gave her thumbs 

"Guys like big breasts, they should like bigger breasts even more, right? I 
never felt I could attract a boy. I know I am not real pretty. I'm kind of 
plain. But now I feel different and I owe it all to you."

She walked over to the bed and plopped herself down on the bed. We both watched 
and waited until her hooters had finally come to a rest.

"Rich. We've just fucked our brains out. Can I ask you a question and will you 
give me an honest answer?"

Uh oh. Where were we going now?

"Well, you know we guys don't like to talk about our feelings. Ouch! Hey!" Who 
knew she could punch like that? My shoulder was going to be black and blue!

"Rich, c'mon be serious. For a moment at least. Now tell me the truth. Do you 
think I'm pretty?"

"Well, Clara, um. well. Ahh, honest?" She nodded her head which did some real 
interesting things elsewhere. "You aren't ugly but you're not pretty either. 
When you said you were plain you were right."

"So if I want to attract a boy is it right if I try to use my body? My Mom made 
it clear that guys were only interested in one thing and that I shouldn't let 
them see my body or let them touch me. She taught me to dress so that no one 
could see how big my tits are. And it works. No boy has ever given me a second 
look until you asked me to this party.

"I was so glad to be invited tonight that I went out to buy a real dress to 
wear. But I gave up. None of the shops I went to didn't have anything that would 
fit. The clerks seemed real rude when she saw how I was built." I saw a tear 
start to form but Clara dashed it away.

I was a little embarrassed too. Clara didn't know what had motivated me to 
invite her to this party. I vowed then and there that she would never learn 
either. Besides the fact that we had mutually taken each other virginity and 
fucked our brains out, I found that I really liked Clara and didn't want to hurt 
her in any way.

"So I'm no beauty. Right. That's okay. I have other assets. You said earlier 
that I have magnificent breasts. The largest breasts you've ever seen you said 
... the largest you'd ever imagined. You should be proud of your body you told 
me. You weren't just saying that were you?"

"No, Clara, "I said. "It was all the truth. You also seem to be a reasonably 
nice person when you don't start in about being a witch or warlock or whatever?"

"But I am descended from witches!" She stated. "But never mind that now. Lets 
get back to the subject. I've got a good body. I'm not fat, my legs are fine, my 
butts real tight from all the walking I do every day and I have really great 
big, stupendous tits! Is it okay for me to use my body to attract a man. And 
would it work Rich? Would a man be attracted to me?"

"What do you want me to say, Clara?"

"Tell me the truth, dammit."

"Um, well. Stand up for a minute. Yeah, good. Turn around. Slowly, do it again. 
Okay you can sit down. Clara, you have real good legs, if you wore heels I 
suspect you're legs would be terrific. You've got a nice tight butt and stomach. 
But Clara, you are unique."

"How so?" I think she knew where I was going but she wanted to hear me say it.

"You have the biggest and best set of tits in the world. I've seen my share of 
pinups. I've never seen anyone that comes close to having breasts as large, 
firm, shapely and tremendous as you do. They stand out proudly, they have a span 
that is incredible. I still can't believe that you would want to, or be able to 
hide your shape the way you did. It's almost criminal. And you seem to have a 
natural sexual freedom about yourself that really sets you apart from all the 
other women I've ever known." Well, that part was true but she didn't have to 
know that I'd not really "known" any other women.

"Clara, let me tell you the truth. If you stood next to Ms. Miller in English 
Lit with both of you dressed the way she usually dresses I doubt that most guys 
in the room would even notice her."

"Really?" Her eyes were as big as saucers. "Do you really think so, Rich? Wow!!"

Ms Miller was one of the sexiest women on campus. A sultry, willowy bodied 
brunette with an impressive set of tits. She usually displayed a little cleavage 
and always flashed some thigh in class when she sat on the edge of her desk in 
front of the class. She was the reason I had fought for a front row seat and 
ended up sitting next to Clara. She was said to be dating the quarterback coach 
of the football team who was regarded as the campus stud in most circles. Guys 
said she was a hot number and a dedicated crotch watcher. I think they were just 
blowing smoke.

"Ms. Miller is so hot. I couldn't compete with her!"

"Yeah, Ms. Miller is hot. She dresses to tease more often than not, she seems to 
know what attracts men and is not afraid to dress to attract attention. And she 
is pretty. But seriously, try to imagine how you would look in a form fitting 
skirt, good fitting bra and a tight sweater with a scoop neck under a fitted 
blazer instead of an oversized men's sport coat, bib overalls and flannel shirt. 
You'd cause accidents. Men would walk into light poles as you passed. Girls 
would be trying to claw your eyes out! Don't misunderstand. You may not be 
"pretty" but you could attract as much attention as you wanted to if you dressed 
to show off your assets." Jeez. I was tired. But thinking of Clara dressed as 
I'd described was a stimulating thought. Could we knock off the chatter so I 
could get some sleep? I guessed not as Clara continued.

"So you think if I spent a little more time with my hair and makeup and dressed 
a little differently I could really attract some attention, Rich? Rich?"

"Um yeah, sure." I mumbled wearily. "Clara, I'm bushed. Can we continue this in 
the morning?"

"Oh Richie, Rich, I mean. Hang in here with me. This is so exciting to me. I 
think there are new horizons opening up before me. I'm going to start a new life 
tomorrow. And I have you to thank in so many ways."

She leaned over me, crushing her leviathan breasts into my chest and planted a 
scorching kiss on my lips. As her tongue worked its magic in my mouth I wished I 
had more energy but I was about fucked out. Nevertheless, I did manage to 
respond to her kisses and returned them with interest.

Clara slowly broke the kiss and settled herself on top of my chest. With her 
arms crossed over my upper chest her boobs completely covered my lower chest and 
upper stomach. I slowly stroked her back which caused her to wriggle in 
pleasure. This, of course, caused all kinds of interesting movements on my chest 
and upper stomach but I was almost too far gone to notice. I did feel her 
nipples trying to dig into my chest however.

"So first thing tomorrow I've got to find a good foundation specialist." She 

"Huh? What? A what specialist? What are you talking about?" I asked sleepily.

"Oh honey. Honestly. You said! A good fitting bra." In response to my still 
baffled look she went on. "Women's underwear are called foundation garments. Who 
knows why?"

She sat up next to me and proudly jutted out her chest. "A girl built like me 
can't find much off the rack in the way of dresses. I proved that to myself 
yesterday!" A frown flitted over her face and was gone to be replaced by a smile 
I can only describe as proud.

"I sure can't expect to find a bra in my size in J. C. Penny's!" She seemed to 
gather some satisfaction from this pronouncement.

"Why?" I wondered aloud. "What size do you wear?" It was a thought that had 
flitted through my mind before but I'd not thought to ask it.

"Well, lets see." She looked thoughtfully down at the huge swells of flesh that 
hung from her so solidly, jutting out over my chest. "I had to measure myself 
before I went shopping yesterday. My chest right here below my boobs is 37 
inches. Add five to that. That means I would wear a size 42 bra. But the real 
measurement of breast size is the cup. That's the difference between the size, 
42 in my case, and the fullest part of the breast which was, um, uh, well," she 
was almost blushing! "This is kind of embarrassing, Rich." Maybe so, but my ears 
had perked up, so to speak.

"No, go ahead. You have my full and undivided attention!"

"Oh," she chuckled, "you guys are all alike with your pinups! You just want to 
know how big a girls boobies are."

"You wound me." I shot back. "There are no pinups in here. You said yourself 
that I had no idea how built you were when I asked you to this party! And you 
were right." Which was God's truth. No one could have been more surprised than I 
was when Clara's tits first surged into view from under her wrappings.

"Well, I suppose so. And," Clara continued happily, "if I'm going to attract 
attention I suppose I'll get used to people wondering and, in some cases, 
asking." She paused.

"Well?" I prodded. "How big is the fullest part of your breast measurement?"

"Zizdy tinches" Clara mumbled as she turned her head away in embarrassment.

"What? You tease! Go on then, don't tell me. I'm going to sleep." I said as I 
rolled onto my side away from Clara.

"Richie, I said I was embarrassed. But I do want you to know so roll back over 
or I'll tickle you till you puke." The fingernails in my ribs weren't moving but 
the threat was there so I rolled back over.


"Sixty Two inches. Around the fullest part, that is."

"Yuh, I would say so. Sixty two inches? SIXTY TWO Inches?" You could hear the 
capital letters in my voice. "Your breasts are, um, sixty two take away thirty 
seven. Um, TWENTY FIVE inches bigger around than your chest?

"Twenty five inches. But only twenty inches larger than my chest band 

Clara was watching me closely. I think she wanted me to ask.

I had to ask.

"So what cup size does that mean you would wear?"

"Each foundation manufacturer has their own system. Each cup size is an inch in 
most systems. So that means that , um, well, if I can find one or have one made, 
I wear a 42T bra."

Christ. I'd dreamt of dating a girl with a D cup. Clara was a girl that was 
developed so far beyond that she was in a different world entirely. Wow!

"Thirty seven inches. Sixty two inches," I was mumbling to myself in exhaustion. 
"Twenty five inches. A T Cup for God's sake." I was having a hard time putting 
all the numbers together. Some how, knowing the facts, the stats, made Clara's 
improbable bust even larger!

"Yes the fullest part of my breasts is sixty two inches and two feet, one inch 
bigger than my chest. And in case you want to write it down my hips are 40 
inches and my waist is 28. And I'm five foot five and one half inches tall and 
weigh just over 140 pounds. I'm a VERY healthy young lady!" She said this last 
with a real note of pride in her voice.

"Yes indeed you are!" I agreed.

"And, Rich?" Clara murmured as she nuzzled my neck.

"Yes, Clara?" I responded as I started to drift once more.

"I'm a very HORNEY young lady. Can we do it one more time? Tomorrow starts a 
whole new life for me and I want to start it out with another bang." She 
snickered to herself at her pun. And licked my ear. That made me shiver.

"Clara, we've already done it four times." Or was it more? I'd lost count. 
"You've worn me right down to the nub! I don't think I can go again tonight."

"Oh, give yourself some credit. You've got tremendous stamina. I always know 
about these things. I can tell you have untapped reserves. And I'll help you. 
Besides," she said as her right hand spider walked its way down to my groin, "I 
don't think this is exactly a nub."

Sure enough, despite the lethargy that was sweeping my body my dick had started 
to raise its head, and shaft, in response to Clara's conversation and clever 

"See? It wants to come out and play with Clara." Seeing my eyes open a bit Clara 
leaned over and shimmied her boobs in my face. "Here. Suck on Clara's big, big 
tittie. Yeah, like that. Oh, good. That feels so good. My breasts want lots of 
attention and you're the guy to do it aren't you. Oh, yes suck them hard. You 
know I love that."

"Here, wait a moment. Let me show you something. You like to watch me suck my 
own big nipples? There, see? Have you ever seen bigger nipples that these? And 
they so love to be sucked. You showed me all this tonight and I'll never forget 
you for it.

"My life is going to be so different now. No more hiding all this every day. I'm 
going to flaunt and tease and take any man I want. I'll jiggle these huge tits 
in their face like this, oh you like that? It feels so good to jiggle and shake 
them. I've seen the way men watch the girls that go without a bra.

"Can you imagine the reaction when I wear a skin tight T shirt and let all this 
bounce and shake all over my chest? Watch how they dance when I shake my 
shoulders. I like shaking my tits for you. It feels so sensual. I can see you 
get excited. You like to hear me talk about how big my boobs are and how much I 
like to have them squeezed and sucked and licked? Oh you DO like that! I felt 
your dick twitch. That's good, you can suck this one for a while.

"If guys ask, I'll let them feel me up in the park, in the supermarket, at the 
beach - I can buy a bikini! With T cups! I'll have guys crawling over burning 
sands to meet me and I owe it all to you Rich. Every time I let a guy catch a 
glimpse of cleavage I'll think of you. Every time some lucky guy gets to run his 
big dick between my huge breasts I'll tell them about you. When I press these 
mammoth tits into the back of some unsuspecting subway rider I'll thank you. And 
if he turns around I just may let him pinch and play with my big sensitive 
nipples. Just like this. Watch. See how I twist them and pull on them? Oh, God, 
yes. And look, your big dick is standing at attention already. You really like 
to watch me tease you with these giant titties of mine don't you? And you like 
to hear me talk about them too, I can tell by how big your dick is!

"Golly, it's so big I can barely get my hand around it." Clara's voice seemed to 
fade in and out. Her hand was clutching and stroking my thick shaft, pounding up 
and down as her voice grew more and more excited talking about her breasts and 
how she was going to change her life. Her nipple in my mouth seemed to pulse and 
grow harder and larger as her excitement grew.

"Rich, I love how big your dick is. I can just barely get the head into my 
mouth. Mumph, oh I want to feel you fuck my titties and slam into my cunt and 
everything. Mrumph. slurp, slluupp. MMMM. Yeah, baby. Yeah, oh YES, come for 

And I was! Once again my balls were being emptied. Not nearly as much as before 
but Clara went after every drop with real dedication. I could feel her immense 
breasts spread and rub all over my stomach, groin and legs as she crawled all 
over me in her eagerness to collect all of my seed.

"That's enough, Clara" I whimpered. "I'm all worn out. Please let me rest."

"Oh Rich, don't be a spoilsport. You've had your fun, now its my turn."

The next thing I knew one of Clara's grape sized nipples was tickling my lips 
and out of reflex as much as anything I latched on like a hungry baby.

"There honey, I knew you weren't done. You suck on Clara's tremendous, big tits 
and you'll be ready to go in no time. There, that's right. You like how my huge 
titties feel as I rub them all over you? Look, Rich," she went on, "my boobies 
are so big and sensitive, I love how it feels when you squeeze them like that. 
See how my nipples just get larger and longer? Oh yeah honey, squeeze me, touch 
me, suck me up!" Clara's hand was still stroking my dick which was twitching, 
unsure whether to respond to her urging or to curl up and die. As I nursed at 
one breast Clara mashed the other against the side of my face.

The last thing I remember as the darkness claimed me was hearing Clara crooning 
softly, "Grow bigger for Clara, Honey, grow bigger for Clara."