From Mon May 05 23:03:36 1997
From: (Storysman)
Subject: "Intent" (Cheat, Intimate)
Date: 6 May 1997 03:03:36 GMT
Organization: AOL
Lines: 625
Message-ID: <>

By Storysman

All comments highly encouraged to

This story and all Storysman stories are available at the Storysman Web

	The sound of the chorus echoed through the the church as the
congreation slowly exited. Sometimes it seemed as if the people were
completely unware of the singing, and were more intent on getting home
than enjoying the music. That's what Carol thought, anyway, and rarely had
any reason to doubt it. The beautiful, young brunette continued to hit
her notes, enjoying herself despite the apparent lack of interest.

	But one man did seem to appreciate the effort. Carol caught him
out of the corner of her eye, and realized she didn't recognize him. She
just about everybody at her church, at least by face if nothing else. But
this man was new, and completely unfamiliar.

	Carol let her eyes focus on him for a moment. He was looking
towards them, evidently basking in their serenade. Carol's thoughts paused
for a moment as her voice continued. He wasn't staring at them... he was
staring at her! She quickly averted her eyes. 

	The last notes cascaded through the chapel, and Carol ridiculed
herself for being ridiculous. He couldn't be staring at her, she was just
imagining it. After all, she was married, and the robe she wore completely
hid the enticing figure underneath. How could be looking at her?

	Of course, from this distance, the man might not be able to see
the wedding ring on her finger. And, Carol knew she was considered to be
rather attractive. No matter, he would soon learn of her attachment, and
the issue would be closed.

	She laughed at herself as the choir moved into their ready room.
Here she was, concocting a romantic fantasy in church! She doubted the
stranger's intent was anything more than the appreciation of music. Was
she so desperate for romance that she couldn't escape the thought even in
a house of worship?

	She had been married a year earlier. Will was basically a good
husband, but sometimes she felt more like his trophy than his love. He
always paid her a lot of attention when they were out in public, slipping
his hands onto her waist, legs and even her breasts. He sometimes teased
his friends about having the best-looking wife or girlfriend, then he
would kiss her in front of them. Carol hated it when he behaved like that.
She wasn't in competition with the other women, and didn't like being
treated like a mere possession. Will did the same thing with his car, his
golf clubs, or whatever else he felt surpassed the possessions of his
friends. She especially didn't like being touched in public, at least not
her more private areas. Hand-holding, hugging, and kissing were fine. But
pushing his hand between her legs or squeezing her full breasts were too
much for a simple, nice, church-going girl.

	But these things weren't earth-shattering. She didn't like his
behavior sometimes, but managed to tolerate it. What really bothered her
was his LACK of attention when they were alone. He was never attentive,
never tender, never gentle, and never romantic. When he wanted sex, he
would start touching her. But within a few, quick moments she would be
undressed, he would be doing his business, and the moment would be done
with. He was a classic roll-over and go to sleep man. He fucked his
beautiful wife, and then returned to his own self-indulgence.


	Carol slipped out of her choir robe and headed out to the lobby to
meet her husband. Some people did stick around after the service to chat,
drink coffee, and sometimes plan get-togethers. She remembered she had to
meet with the picnic committee! She had almost forgot! The church picnic
was two months away, but they always liked to plan in advance. 

	Carol stepped into the lobby, and found her fellow committee
members. She quickly waved to Will, who was across the room, then joined
in on the planning.

	Will watched his wife chat for a moment, then went to the coffee
machine. With his luck, their meeting would take an hour, and he would
have to sit around bored to tears. He poured himself a cup, then noticed a
man he didn't recognize step behind him. 
	'How's the coffee here?" The stranger asked.

	"It's usually pretty good." Will answered.

	"Hello, my name is Mason. I just moved here." The stranger
extended his hand. 

	"Nice to meet you." Will answered as he met Mason's hand with his
own. "How long have you been in town?"

	"Just a couple of days."

	"Well, it's good to have you. Welcome to our humble church."

	The two smiled, but couldn't find any sentences to continue their
conversation. They looked out into the lobby full of people as if it was
the most interesting thing in the world.

	"Looks like a nice group of people. " Mason finally said. "A
friendly group of men and some very lovely women."

	"Are you married?" Will asked as he sipped his coffee. He had just
realized with Mason's comment that no wife or chidden appeared to be
with him.

	"No." Mason answered.

	Poor fellow, Will thought. All alone in a new town, in a new
church. "Well, some of these women are single. Who knows?" he said

	"Oh, it is my intent to make love to one." Mason said assuredly.
His candor caught Will a little off guard. Most men didn't make such bold
statements to people they just met, especially in church!

	"Oh really?' Will said back with a smile. "Do you know which one?"

	"Oh yes. The most beautiful one." His eyes locked ahead. "Her..."

	Will followed his gaze, and felt a sudden flash of shock, anger,
and jealousy. He was staring directly at Carol.

	"Um, that's my wife."

	Mason turned to Will.

	"I'm sorry." And then he walked away.

	Will was stunned. He knew his wife was gorgeous, and admired by
many men. He knew any number of them would eagerly take her to bed. And it
wasn't a great surprise that a stranger would voice his intent to him when
he couldn't know Will and Carol were married. But the tone in Mason's
voice couldn't be overlooked. He wasn't apologizing for stepping on Will's
toes. He wasn't apologizing for an offensive comment he would withdraw. He
was apologizing as if he knew HE WAS GOING TO MAKE LOVE TO HER, and he
felt sorry for Will.

	Will stepped over to his wife, his beautiful wife, and took her
arm. He looked nervously for Mason, and then at his wife's puzzled face.

	"We're leaving." And though Carol didn't seem so eager, they went

	Mason, the stranger, was not an issue for the week. Carol never
brought up the staring man who watched her at the end of the service. Will
never talked about the staring man who proclaimed his intent to make love
to her. Both tended to feel the issue was over.

	But the next Sunday bought the staring back. Carol felt his eyes
on her from the sea of people collected in the pews. She located him
quickly in the front, smiling at her, even during the choir's silence. He
paid attention to the service, but often trailed his eyes over to her
direction. Carol was uncertain who was looking more, the stranger or
herself. Eventually, she forced herself to look at him no more, whether
she thought he was looking at her or not. The service ended, and Carol was
happy to discard the choir robe and find her husband. 

	She walked out of the ready room with several other members of the
choir. They, however, kept going as Carol stopped at the sight of the
stranger. He smiled at her as the surrounding people disappeared down the

	"You have a very lovely voice." he said.

	Carol smiled back at him, appreciative of the compliment, but a
little uneasy. "Thank you, thank you very much."

	"Of course, I would expect such a lovely voice from such a lovely

	Carol didn't smile as much this time, especially now that she paid
attention to the look in his eyes. She wasn't an idiot, she had been
through this before. She knew his intent. There was no mistaking it now.
He was attracted to her. "Well, " she brought her hand to her neck,
displaying her wedding ring, "I certainly am flattered by such praise."

	"My name is Mason..." He hadn't noticed the ring, or at least, it
hadn't phased him. Now Carol was uncomfortable. She could sense this man
desired her, and may not be swayed by something as simple as marriage. But
she didn't want to be rude, so she extended her hand to him. "I'm
Carol..." Maybe he wouldn't notice the ring now.

	Mason took her hand softly. "I believe in recognizing beauty. In
appreciating it." He lightly rubbed his thumb across her hand, the ring
buried under his palm.

	"Um, that's a good thing, I guess." she stammered for thoughts.
OK, the ring's not working, she thought. But what to do? what to say? If
she acted like she was oblivious to her flirtation, perhaps he would leave
her alone. "I like beautiful things, too--" 

	"I'm not surprised. You must be spoiled by the image you see every
morning in the mirror. That beautiful face, those beautiful eyes..." he
spoke with such confidence, with such assuredness, "and those beautiful,
tanned legs of yours." Now he was going too far! Carol suddenly wished her
skirt was longer. She normally wore full length skirts to church, but this
one came only mid-way down her thigh. Carol struggled for something a
reply, but couldn't think straight. 

	Mason continued holding and lightly caressing her hand. Carol
hadn't responded to his admiration of her legs. The look he gave her
warned her he was upping the ante. 

	"And those wonderful, incredible, beautiful breasts..."

	Carol was aghast. Her mouth hung open with rage, but it was
constrained by her shock. How could this strange man walk up to her,
compliment on her beauty, and then proceed to remark on private things
like her breasts? And in church!

	Yet she couldn't think of a response. Not a vocal one anyway. She
quickly pulled her hand back, turned, and walked away. She half-expected a
whistle behind her, but none came. She ducked into the bathroom, livid
with rage.

	"How dare he!" she grunted through clenched teeth. She could still
see his smiling, intent face. He had absolutely no fear in speaking his
thoughts to her. He wasn't embarrassed or hesitant. But how dare he? Never
in her adult life had a man so blatantly come on to her! If she had stayed
another ten seconds, she was sure she would have received a very detailed
proposition for sex, despite their unfamiliarity and her marital status.
How dare he??

	She had been approached by men before, 
but they always acted so cool, so around-the-bush. Even Will had never so
straight-forwardly proclaimed his admiration for her body. Sure, he told
her she looked beautiful from time-to-time, but to say she had wonderful
legs and breasts? 

	Carol re-composed herself, then headed back into the church. She
nervously expected to see Mason, but he was nowhere around. She found her
husband, and started holding and touching him the way a devoted, truly in
love wife would hold him. Mason was in the lobby. She knew he saw her.
Without her knowledge, Will saw him watching her as well. He smiled,
confident his wife's display of affection would clearly indicate to Mason
he hadn't a chance with her.

	Carol thought about the encounter often the first few days of the
week. She knew nothing about the man. Not his last name, not where he
lived, not even if he was married himself. She had been so caught up in
her own fears she never looked for a ring on his finger. At the same time,
she also couldn't help but feel a little flattered. His actions were
shocking and unusual, but he did them because he was attracted to her.
because he WANTED her. As much as she hated to admit it to herself, she
liked being attractive. She liked the idea of men looking at her body.
True, she wore long skirts and dresses at church, but that was mostly
because her normal wardrobe wasn't always appropriate. She loved to wear
short skits and dresses, which revealed her long, slender legs. She didn't
dress like a slut, just pretty. She felt pretty strolling through the park
next to her home in a nice, short summer dress. Her legs got some sun, she
got some exercise, and any passing men got to look at a beautiful lady.
How could she be completely upset at Mason? All he did was express what
she hoped all men felt. Now, maybe he went from church to church or
wherever and attempted to seduce the most beautiful woman he could find.
If that was the case, then he considered Carol the most beautiful woman --
at the moment anyway. Was it wrong to be desired and adored like some
fairy-tale princess with swarms of suitors?

	No, but she realized she no longer had suitors. She was married,
and Mason's intentions, no matter how flattering, were inappropriate and
had to end. He could no longer tell her how beautiful she was.

	Carol had always known she was attractive, but had forgotten just
how much in the past few years. Wills' appreciation had waned pretty
rapidly after they were married. She had refused to have sex with him
until she was properly wed, despite Will's continuous attempts to get her
to give herself to him. But she wanted to be a virgin on her wedding
night. She wanted to do everything right, and be the sweet, innocent,
pretty wife for the man who truly loved her. Sharing herself before that
moment would shatter her purity, and her desire for true love.

	But a terrible thought had started to pop up in her mind from
time-to-time. She barely acknowledged it, and quickly pushed it out of her
thoughts. Had Will proposed to her only to sleep with her? Did he join
with her in the vows of wedlock only to join with her in a  bed of lust?

	He had been an eager lover on their wedding night and the few
weeks thereafter. But even the first time they made love he seemed less
intent on kissing her, touching her, and loving her and more intent on
just fucking her. He put his penis in her vagina, humped her wildly for a
couple of minutes, came, then went to sleep. His greatest love for her
came when his jealous friends commented on how awesome it would be to have
a wife like her.

	The next Sunday came after Carol had finally put the incident with
Mason out of her mind. She decided she didn't want a repeat of the
incident, and decided to stay close to her friends and husband constantly.
Surely Mason wasn't so bold as to compliment her body or proposition her
in front of others. Was he??

	The plan worked. Mason continued to look at her, smile at her, and
obviously want her. But she never gave him the chance to approach her. She
wouldn't walk down a single hallway without someone with her. 

	A month went by with no incident. Then  a second month. Things
looked they would be OK. Mason was starting to fit in with the church and
make friends. But most importantly, he had seemed to accept that Carol was
not only married, but off limits. They even began talking in groups. Mason
proved to be intelligent, witty and caring. He was active in church
functions, and gave up much of his free time to help on various projects.
Slowly, Carol became comfortable with him, and slowly started to be
willing to be left alone with him. It hadn't happened yet, not since that
single incident where he had touched her hand and revealed his intent, but
Carol felt she wouldn't be afraid if it did happen again. Strange, though,
that even in the more relaxed company, she couldn't help but wonder what
was going through his mind. He had so boldly stated his attraction to her.
He had so boldly pointed out his appreciation of her body. She knew he
wanted to make love to her. That fact hadn't changed. But it dominated her
thoughts when she was near him. What was he thinking about? Was his mind
imagining he was caressing her smooth legs, and slowly lifting her skirt?
Was it imagining that he was slowly kissing her lips and cheeks, deeply
staring into her eyes? Was it imagining he was unbuttoning her blouse,
slipping his hand into her bra, and gently massaging her soft, full
breasts? Mason hadn't made any such comments to her, but she didn't
question his intent. Despite her commitment to her marriage, despite his
amiable behavior, the fact was simple: when they were together, she
thought about having sex with him. And that scared her.

	Her fears were soon put to the test. But not on Sunday, and not in
church. She found Mason in the most unexpected of places: the neighborhood
park. It was Wednesday, and Carol was taking a walk through the pleasant
section of nature. As usual, she was wearing a pretty little dress that
left her pretty little legs open to the sun above. The color was peach,
and the sleeveless top helped her shoulders catch some sun as well. She
was too conservative to sit outside and tan in a bikini, but still loved
to add color to her creamy flesh. Dresses like these were perfect for that
task, even if they were unwearable in a church setting.

	She walked alone at a slow, comfortable place. She smiled as she
caught the eyes of men watch  her stroll by. Why was it that every man
seemed to appreciate her beauty but her husband? Why was it that every man
seemed like he would make a better lover than her husband? She hated
herself for that thought, but couldn't erase it from her mind. If she was
so attractive, if she was so special and alluring, why didn't Will take
the time to truly worship her body with slow, awed love-making? Why didn't
he touch her, kiss her, and feel her over every square inch? She had
pretty legs, but never felt them caressed or massaged. She had a flat
smooth stomach, but never felt a slow line of kisses that moved gently
downward.  She had full, round breasts, but they were never tenderly
nibbled or lightly sucked. At best, they were rammed into by uncontrolled
hands, slobbered on by an uncaring mouth. Shouldn't she receive the
delicate attention of an awe-struck lover? Shouldn't her body be a temple
he worshipped with hours of loving, delicate attention? Shouldn't she be
idolized and revered by her husband, and treated as such whether in
private or with a group of friends.

	Somebody, it seemed would treat her that way. Somebody like--


	Mason was in front of her, alone. Here was where her fears were to
be tested. Here, in this park, was where she could test his intent.

	"Why, Carol, hello!" The delight on his face was certainly
noticeable. Carol caught her breath, curious and fearful of the inevitable

	"Um, hello Mason,"

	"What are you doing here? Do you live near here?"

	"Yes, we live about a mile to the east."

	"Amazing! I live right around the corner!"	

	Carol smiled nervously, and began twiddling her fingers as the
impact of his statement sunk in. He was so close, closer than she ever
realized. She wondered if he knew where she lived all along. She wondered
if he had been watching her, desiring her.

	"Well, nice to see you..." she started walking again, hoping to
get past him before he had a chance to speak again.

	"I'll walk with you."

	Carol felt her heart begin to race as Mason caught up beside her.
She kept her eyes locked forward, and towards the path beneath her feet.

	"Do you walk here often?' he asked.

	Carol felt a slight panic. Should she be honest? Should she lie
and say no, or tell him yes and risk running into him all the time?

	"Sometimes..." she said. 

	She was instantly aware of her dress... how much leg was bare...
how much of her arms were bare... how much of her chest was bare.... Mason
had never seen her dressed like this. He had been so good, so unoffending
lately, but could he resist now that he was alone with her? She had been
so confident she could handle being alone with him, but now that it
happened, all she could he about was what he was thinking about her. 

	"You look absolutely radiant today."

	Oh no! It's starting! Carol continued to walk and mumbled a
thanks. Where could she go? How could she escape? They walked by a group
of boys. Mason smiled as they glued their eyes to the lovely woman in the
peach dress.

	"You're really turning heads..."

	She knew she was, but nobody was so bold as to call her on it. She
didn't need to look at Mason to feel his eyes on her. She was wearing a
peach dress, and underneath, a matching pair of peach panties. But she
felt completely naked, as if Mason's eyes cut through the fabric and
clearly beheld the full shape of her breasts, the soft pink of her
nipples, and the enticing opening of her vagina.

	"When are we going to make love?"

	Carol stopped. The moment she feared was here. She looked at the
ground, trying to build the strength to face him. She clenched her fists,
and looked at the man.

	"We're not going to make love." Is that all she could muster? Is
that all the rage she could display?

	"Yes. We are."

	Carol looked into her eyes, too dumbfounded to answer. He was so
sure, so absolutely sure! His arrogance was infuriating, and yet

	"Carol... you are beautiful. It is my intention to be your lover.
I worship you, I dream about you, I think about you every passionate
moment of the day."


	"I know that you know you need more. I know that you need the pure
adoration of a devoted man. I know that you need someone to love you,
spiritually and physically."

	"I'm married! My husband--"

	"Your husband is nothing. We both know that. He can't love you the
way I can. He can't touch you the way I can."

	How dare he? How dare he talk to her like that? How could he put
down her husband like that!

	"God, Carol. Have you looked at yourself? Have you realized just
how truly beautiful you are? How inspiring you are? I thought you were the
most exquisite woman from the moment I saw you. I didn't think you could
be any more beautiful. But now that I see you in that dress, oh that
dress, I realize there's no capturing your beauty in a moment. I want to
see you in this dress again, Carol. Then I want to see you slide the dress
off, and bare yourself to me. Then I want us to make love."

	Carol felt her eyes welling up. Why couldn't this be Will? Why
couldn't this be her husband? Why couldn't she be made love to by such a

	Because, she was married. If she was to touched, if she was to be
worshipped, it would have to be from the man with whom she exchanged vows.
At least, he had to be given the chance. She stiffened her expression, and
held her eyes on Mason.

	"I'm going home now, Mason. I'm going home to make love with my
husband." She started to walk away.

	"No. You're going home to make love to me."

	Carol froze in confusion. "What are you talking about! I'm not
taking you to my home!"	
	Mason smiled. That warm, devious, confident smile that suggested
he not only knew the future, but shaped it. "Don't you understand? From
this moment on, you will be making love with me. Whenever his eyes long
for you, you will see my eyes longing for you. " Carol studied Mason's
gaze. His eyes were burning, wanting... 

	"Whenever his hand touches you, it will be my hand touching you."
What was he talking about? She pictured her husband's hand on her exposed,
tan leg, moving up her thigh... Mason's hand... 

	"Whenever his lips press against yours, it will be my lips
pressing against yours." Her husband, Mason, ... kissing her...

	"Whenever you bare yourself to him, you will be baring yourself to
me." Her arms... lifting the straps from her shoulders, baring her naked
breasts to him -- to Mason. What was he doing to her? What was he doing to
her mind? Carol gasped with fear as she realized he was right. Even if it
was for a moment, she would remember his words when she was with Will.
Damn him! Carol's lip was quivering. Shock, despair, lust... Anybody would
have wondered what she felt at that moment. Anybody but Mason. 
	"Whenever his body enters your body..." Mason stopped.   Carol
finished the sentence in her mind. "It will be your body entering my
body..." He had tricked her! He had let her mind draw the conclusion, and
now she could see Mason, naked above her, moving his penis inside  her.

	Carol quickly shook the image from her mind. She desperately
cleared the image of Mason's hips pushing his penis slowly into her
vagina, her legs eagerly wrapped around him...

	"Here is my house." She followed his pointing finger. Mason walked
to his home. He didn't need to add to his last sentence. He had made his
invitation, and now she knew where the invitation was for. Carol turned,
and quickly walked down the path. She wasn't going to his house. She wasn't
going to make love to him. She wasn't going to speak to him again!!

	She went home in a sight jog. Walking wasn't fast enough. To had to
be with her husband. He had to love her. And, she had to prove to herself
that Will could make her as happy as she wanted to be, as she NEEDED to
be. She didn't care if the hem of her dress bounced high and revealed
flashes of her peach panties beneath. She didn't care if the men on the
path got a magnificent sight of her loose breasts swaying from

	She burst into the door, desperately looking for her husband. She
walked through the house in a near panic, and finally found him in front
of the TV.

	"Will... Will, honey?"

	Her husband stirred in the couch. "What? What the hell do you

	"How do I look?"

	"What? What are you talking about?" He blinked his eyes and looked
at his wife.

	"Do you like my dress?"

	He turned back to the TV." Sure, it's nice."

	Please! Carol thought. Please, Will, love me.... She took the
strap over her right shoulder, and let it slide down her arm. She jiggled
her body, causing he right breast to emerge from the fabric. "What do you
think now?"

	Will turned again to his wife, and did a slight double-take as his
wife's pink, erect nipple poked directly towards him.

	"Looks like a little girl I know wants some attention!"

	Yes, yes Will! Could be catching on? She hoped so...

	Will stood up, and moved his hand to his crotch. "You want some of

	Carol continued to pray in her thoughts. Please Will, compliment
me, be enamored with me. Worship me...

	"I'll give you a good fucking!"

	Carol winced as he squeezed her nipple hard. He pushed her against
the wall, then unfastened and dropped his pants. He wasn't wearing
underwear, and he stroked his rising penis to attention. 

	"Well, aren't you going to drop those panties?"

	Come to me, Will! Kiss me! Massage me, undress me! She wanted to
scream at him. She pulled down her panties, and dropped them to the floor.
Will moved to her, and without so much as a kiss rammed his cock into her.

	"Ohh! Ohh, Carol. Yeah, baby, this is what I like!"

	Carol bit her lip. It wasn't what she liked. He was fucking her,
but she didn't matter. By his intent, Carol figured as long as he came, it
didn't matter if it was in her or any woman. Or maybe even his own hand
for that matter. Maybe she needed to coach him, maybe she shouldn't expect
him to know how she wanted to be loved.

	She looked at her husband as her body rocked against the wall. The
	"Kiss me," she breathed!

	 Will slobbered his lips against hers, then to her exposed breast.
The lips!

	"Touch me! Oh, caress me!"

	Will moved his hands to her hips, lightly rubbing her flesh as
they continued to her buttocks. He squeezed her flesh in his hands as he
drove into her. The hands!

	"Mas-mmm!" Oh God, it was Mason! It was indeed his eyes, his lips,
and his hands that she pictured loving her! She wanted to call his name!
Oh thank God, she had caught herself! Will hadn't seemed to notice, he
continued to pump his penis inside her, working to an orgasm as fast as he
could so he could return to his comfortable couch.

	Carol wanted an orgasm. She wanted her pleasure too. She didn't
fight the image that clearly formed in her mind. She didn't fight the
image of Mason's naked body smoothly moving into her own. Mason...
Mason.... she called the name in her mind as the penis inside her plunged
into her as deeply as it could go.

	"Ohhh!" she moaned out load as Will ejaculated into her. She
finished the moan in her thoughts. She completed the only pleasure she
could receive. "Ohh, Mason..."

	Carol's walks were over. She knew now that she couldn't be with
Mason alone again. Only two times had they been together in private, and
already he had her making love to him in her thoughts and in her dreams. 
She made love to Will in the dark now. It was so much easier to picture
Mason that way. 

	Now, it was the picnic. She had avoided the offensive, wonderful
man that tormented  her. But the picnic! She couldn't back out of it, she
was on the planning committee! Mason would be there, she was sure. She
gained some comfort in the knowledge that she would be surrounded by
people. The company should be enough to strangle his... and her own...
thoughts of being together. She wouldn't step away from Will. She wouldn't
for one moment leave the collected group and leave herself exposed to him.
And, she wouldn't dress prettily.

End part 1 of 2

From Mon May 05 23:13:34 1997
From: (Storysman)
Subject: "Intent" (2 of 2) (Cheat, Intimate)
Date: 6 May 1997 03:13:34 GMT
Organization: AOL
Lines: 495
Message-ID: <>

	Carol pulled out a pair of sweat pants. She followed that with a
billowing plain T-shirt and an unadorned pair of white cotton panties. She
carefully eyed the sweats, making sure they weren't a tight pair that
would suggestively reveal her shape. Perfect, she thought, and started to
pull the panties up her golden, slender legs. Her eyes caught a glint of
peach from her open drawer. She immediately thought of Mason and how
exposed she felt to him during their last encounter. She had felt the
satin, rubbing softly against her, catching the wind and the sensation of
Mason's eyes.
	She reached over to the drawer, and lifted the panties into her
hand. She turned them over a bit, watching the light reflect with an
enticing sparkle. The cotton panties slid back down her legs, and onto the
floor. The peach pair slid smoothly along her creamy legs, and came to
rest against--
      "Ohh..." Carol cooed, wondering what Mason would think of her now,
topless and naked except for the thin pair of peach panties. These would
be OK to wear. He wouldn't be able to see them through the sweats. And if
he could... Carol knew how amazing that would be.
   The afternoon was magnificent. The sun beat down with a late summer
day's warmth. Nearly the entire church had shown up to play games, cook
food, and be all-around happy. Mason was there, too. He sat a few tables
over, but offered that same confident smile. Carol looked around, noticing
the much-more revealing outfits of some of her fellow young ladies. But
Mason kept staring at her, despite her simple attire.
	Most of the people weren't drinking, but Will was one of the few.
He started off casually, but soon seemed to be downing beers faster than
they appeared in his hands. He had a couple of friends with him, and they
were getting just as drunk.
	Carol had wanted to stay by her husband's side, but not at the
cost of being totally embarrassed! This was a church-outing, and Will was
turning it into a frat party! Nobody had seemed to notice their
inebriation, but it was just a matter of time. Maybe she could get him to
stop before he made a complete fool of himself and her. Maybe she could
get him to drop the booze, and take her lovingly into his arms. She
basically knew the answer, but decided to try anyway.

	"Honey, don't you think you're having a little too much to drink?"

	Will spurt out a stream of beer as if completely appalled. "We're
just having fun, dear! We're not doing anything wrong."

	"You really shouldn't be drinking at the church-picnic. There are
kids here!"


	Why didn't he ever know how to act? Why didn't he know how to

	"Stop drinking, Will." she looked at him sternly.
	"Why are you being such a goodie-goodie? Look at you! You're not
even dressed nice! Here I am, with my friends, and I want them to see what
a hot babe I'm married to! Where's your bikini?" He pulled her into him.
Carol stumbled as she almost lost her balance. She turned her head away
from the beer-soaked breath coming from her husband's lips.
	"Come on, baby!" Will's hands cupped her breasts. Carol quickly
yanked them down as the hoots of Will's friends echoed from behind him.
	"Will! Stop it! People will see!"
	"Oh, people will see! People will see!" He swung her around to his
friends. He brought his hand to her right breast, and squeezed.
	"How about this? Will people see this? Look guys, look at my wife!
Isn't she hot?"
	Carol struggled to break free. Will reached his hand between her
legs, grabbing her crotch.
	"What a piece of ass, huh? What do you think, guys?"
	They hooted. Carol flushed with red as her husband squeezed his
hands between her. At last, she broke his grip. She quickly moved away
from her laughing husband, realizing she never wanted him to touch her
again. She turned in a huff, and headed down the path into the woods. She
couldn't stand to be near him!
	The sounds of the picnic quickly faded as she scurried down the
dirt path. She didn't know who had witnessed the event. Fortunately most
people were off somewhere in their activities. Most people probably had no
idea what just transpired.
	"I know why you wear short-hemmed dresses." Carol turned. It was
Mason.  "I know why you wear those little dresses that barely cover your
	"Mason! What are you talking about! I am not in the mood for
	"Shh! I know why you wear short-hemmed dresses, and parade around
the park. I know what you like. You like to be adored. You like to be
	"What?? I... like..."
	Mason leaned close her. "It's not that you particularly like the
color of those dresses, or even the design itself. Or even because they
magnificently display and keep tan those slender, heavenly legs."
	"It's that I think they are nice!" she retorted.
 	Mason shook his head. He looked back at her, assured his reason
was correct, "It's that you like wearing short dresses because when a good
bit of wind blows, it billows between your legs, tickling and caressing
your thighs and your most private, sensitive areas." 
	"You like the feel of a cool breeze slipping under your dress,
curling around your legs, and squeezing itself into your undergarment
where it soothes and caresses a heat you're too embarrassed to consciously
realize. You walk with a fear, a fear that the wind main gain enough
strength and flip up your pretty little dress, and that all the world can
see. But the funny thing is, that fear is really a hope. A hope that the
wind will lift the restraints on your womanhood, and fully caress your
body before God's creatures.
	"That's ridicuc... ridiculous.. I"
	"It shows on your face, my dear. I've watched you. I've watched
you for longer than you can know, for more times than you can count. I've
watched your eyes widen with hidden pleasure, and your body come to rest
in a patch of swirling wind. I've watched as your hips have squirmed
slightly, and a delighted smile blesses your beautiful face. You don't
have to keep that delight from me. I neither condemn or judge it. I adore
	Carol stood still as his words rang true. She had never wanted to
admit to herself she received sexual pleasure from something as simple as
a caressing wind. But it was true! How could he know that? How could he
perceive those slight little details that she herself had tried so hard to
conceal. She loved the soft ripple the breeze made in her panties, and the
smooth, tingly sensations it created in her. But she had almost forgot,
she had almost let her mind nullify the effect, for fear it wasn't
something to do for a good, church-going, married woman. Mason's voice,
Mason's acceptance. She didn't feel naughty or dirty now. She felt pretty.
	"I also know that you long for a man to so deftly touch you with
that same soft, delicate gentleness. To caress you as lightly as the wind,
and spend an eternity worshipping your heavenly body. You want a man who
will love every inch of you. Who will kiss you slowly as he tenderly
strokes your stomach... your legs... your arms... and your breasts."
	"Mason, please stop talking like this.." Once again he was
speaking of her body. Once again he spoke to her with words a man should
not speak to a married woman. But this time, she felt no offense. She only
felt an awakening in her body has he called off each part of her anatomy.
	"I know these things, " he continued, ignoring her request,
"because I know you."
	"Carol felt her voice grow meek. "How?"
	"I've always known you, as you've always known me. We were meant to
be together. You married the wrong man. He can't understand you. He can't
worship you. Not like I can. I can read your mind, and more importantly,
your desires, your sexuality." He looked carefully at Carol's eyes. She
couldn't help but look back. "I am that man you have longed for. I am that
man that can make love to you." He paused for a moment. "Make love with
	Carol felt her entire body swept with a tingle. She felt the wind
swoop around her, encouraging her. It was as if he had summoned it.  As if
he had created a means to carry away her old life, and gently rest her in
a new one.
	Carol finally was able to move her eyes. She looked around, and
realized she hadn't separated herself from the picnic as much as she had
intended. There were faces, too hard to count and too hard to recognize,
staring back at her. They seemed to melt in quiet shock as they heard
Mason's intent. A hush, a gasp fell over her onlookers in their
expression of disbelief. To Carol, it sounded like ecstasy. A stifled
desire that she now had the power to interpret her unfulfilled longings.
	Somebody approached Mason. Her eyes were too blurred to make out
the face, but her ears managed to hear his words. He said to Mason, "I
think you'd better leave."
	Mason turned, and looked back at Carol. She saw his face. She saw
his intent. Make love to me...
	Mason started to step to his bathroom, when a flash of peach
caught his eye. He moved closer, trying to look outside the window. He
pulled back the curtain that obscured his vision.
	A lovely woman stood on his porch. A lovely woman who had returned
to her home to correct her mistake. A woman who had the intention to put
things right, the way they should be. A woman who changed from an old pair
of beat-up sweats and a T-shirt, and into a pretty, delicate peach dress.
	She paced slowly across the porch, twiddling her fingers and
possibly mumbling her last sentences of doubt. Or possibly working up the
courage to walk to the door, knock on it, and wait for it to open. Mason
	Carol interrupted her twitching hands as the front door creaked
	She was aware of the soft fabric of the peach dress down the
length of her body, yet it felt invisible at the moment. Mason's eyes
possessed the power to see under the short hem, right down the low-cut
top, and right through the fabric in general. He could see her intent, and
he knew her thoughts. Turning back now would be pointless because he
already knew what was known in her heart. He already knew she was going to
make love to him. He already knew he had won.

	"Are you ready?" he asked. He didn't need to ask why she was
visiting. He didn't need to banter around the issue with small talk. In
fact, his question was really rhetorical.


	Mason outstretched his hand, and Carol stopped twiddling hers to
take it. She stepped past him, and he closed the door behind her.

	He still held her hand as she entered his home. She wondered how
he would love her. Was he going to rip off all her clothes in a mad
frenzy? Was he going to throw her to the ground right then and there and
mount her like a wild dog? Of course not... Carol silently bid farewell to
last images of her husband. To the last images of emptiness.

	She felt a kiss on her shoulder, and the hot breath that spilled
down her chest.

	"Uh-uh!" she caught her breath as though something was trying to
knock it out of her.

	"You're tense..." Mason said, and Carol knew it was true. She was
excited, yet terrified. But her mind was made up, whether by her own will
or Mason's she wasn't sure, but it was decided nonetheless.

	She expected Mason's touch to gain more private ground in a hurry,
but he seemed in no hurry at all. He guided her into his home with a touch
no more intimate than that of a good friend. Surprisingly, he indicated
for her sit on the couch. She did, and he sat beside her.

	"I know this is difficult for you..." he said. He smiled warmly at
her, but still didn't touch. Carol was amazed at his confidence. She
expected to be ravaged the moment she was inside, attacked with a passion
and fear that suggested she had to be made love to before she changed her
mind. But Mason was so sure, so calm, and so relaxed. Just as he had
always been. Making love with him seemed more and more like the natural
course of her life.
	He poured a drink for each of them, and relaxed into the couch
beside her. He continued to smile at her, and reached out a hand to stroke
her hair. Carol's eyes looked to the floor.
	"I can't believe I'm doing this..." she said.
	"Shh..." Mason whispered, and caressed her cheek. She could hear
the sound of it. She could hear the sound of his flesh on her flesh, of
his breath on her flesh. Carol involuntarily flinched, and she wondered if
Mason would get angry. 
	He didn't. He continued stroking her hair. "You are so incredibly
beautiful." He whispered to her. "Believe in who your are, and what you
are doing. Believe you are the greatest essence of a woman, for that is
what you are."
	Carol took a gulp from her drink as he kissed her neck. It was a
light kiss... a tender kiss,  but she felt her entire body tighten. Again,
she could hear the sound. A light, wet sound of his lips. Why was this
happening? If she wanted to be with this man, why was her body still
acting so hesitant?
	She closed her eyes. Relax, Carol. Relax, she told herself.
Mason's kisses felt good, but still distant. She was married. She
shouldn't be doing this...
	His hand rested on her bare leg.  She sensed he wished to kiss her
lips, but she turned her head away. Still, he didn't seemed concerned or
worried. It was as if he knew exactly the stages she was going through and
was prepared to wait for her eventual acceptance. It was that same sense
of knowing he displayed from the moment they met. That same assuredness
that told her, "I'm going to make love to you." 
	His hand moved up her leg, caressing the soft flesh in his hand.
The silence in the room and her sensitive ears made it easy for her to
hear the rubbing sound of the touch. The sound of pending adultery. She
again tightened with the thought, and at the new sound of her rustling
dress. His hand was bringing up the hem.
	"Ooh!" She flinched again. His hand hadn't probed down between her
legs. It still rested firmly on top. But it was much higher than a
friend's hand would be. Of course, Mason wasn't meant to be a friend. In
fact, he never really had been. She had been too afraid of what he was
supposed to be to let him be anything less. Carol squirmed slightly at his
touch, at the touch of her lover.
	Mason lifted his hand, but not in surrender. He was grasping the
edge of her dress, and he lifted it up her waist. Carol opened her eyes
again, and watched as he folded the dress over her matching peach panties.
They reflected the light of the evening sun in creases, and were tightly
pressed against her body. Carol squirmed again as his breath caressed the
satin. She was exposed. She was more naked to him now than she had been in
those moments of fear. But now she felt she wasn't naked enough.
	Mason continued folding the dress along her hips as though he was
setting a table. He knew he didn't have to touch her to keep her from
trying to pull the hem back down. He knew she would sit there, quiet and
ready, as he soaked in the beauty of her peach-pantied vagina. She was
here for the stretch of time, for the eternity of bliss. Mason sat back
slightly, looking down on his lover's naked hips and legs, and the
beautiful satin in the tender area between her legs. He wasn't saying a
word, yet his expression and attention conveyed an appreciation of her
beauty unlike any she had received before. It was pure adoration, and like
any object of unspeakable beauty, he was afraid to touch it lest he ruin
it somehow. He just watched for awhile as her chest and abdomen filled
with air, then lowered with an exhale. The folds in her panties opened
slightly with breath, and reformed as the air escaped her in slow breaths.
She felt her senses grow in power, and felt could now sense Mason's breath
flowing between her legs,.
	Again, she expected him to move on her at any second. But that
thought was tempered with the understanding that such action was from her
past. The expectation came from her unappreciating husband, and the crass,
uncaring way in which he took pleasure from her body. It was blasphemy.
Now, with Mason, it wouldn't be a mad rush of lust. This was going to be a
slow, wonderful love-making. The old thoughts melted from her mind as she
sensed the warmth of Mason above her, watching her. The past dripped into
the couch as she gained strength from Mason's worship.
	Mason stood, and outstretched his hand. Carol hadn't even wondered
if she was to be made love to on the couch. She didn't want to think about
the details. She wanted to let go, and let this man love her. However he
chose, wherever he chose.	
	She took his hand and stood up. Her carefully folded dress
remained so, and failed to cover her panties as she let herself be led
down the hall. She was a little surprised when he turned into the
	Mason continued to hold her hand as he reached into the shower.
The water sprayed down with a soothing crash, and Carol realized where
their love-making was to be.
	The sound constant spray of the water seemed to ooze the last
tension out of her. The sound of her breath was obscured by the thundering
water. The sound of his rubbing hand up her arm was imperceptible.
	It was true. Mason's hand moved up her arm, but she couldn't hear
it. She couldn't hear the sound of his flesh on hers. They seemed joined
in the sound of watery spray, and as Mason's lips pressed against hers,
she didn't flinch.
	It was like a dream. Mason's smooth, wet lips met hers and moved
across them in sweet satisfaction. The sound of the spray drowned out any
thought in her mind that could have tried to hold her back. She was
kissing him. She was loving him.
	Mason stepped away from her, but left his eyes on hers in a 
locked stare. He unbuttoned his shirt, and let it drop to the floor. Carol
smiled at him as he unfastened his pants, and let them, too, drop to the
floor. He was naked except for a pair of briefs, and now standing still as
he looked back at Carol.
	She knew exactly what he expected, and moved her hand to her right
shoulder. She slid off the strap of her dress, and repeated the process on
the left side. All the while, she didn't break the shared gaze with Mason.
The dress fell down her body, exposing her bare, well-tanned breasts and
nipples. She jiggled and pulled as it gathered at her waist, then let it
drop to floor. She stood opposite from Mason, now dressed only in her
peach, satiny panties. Mason seemed in awe, and offered no spoken word.
Carol could hear his voice from the past, his one-time offending comments
about her legs and wonderful breasts. She knew how he felt at this moment.

	Mason took her hand, and the two stepped into the shower. No
sooner than the water hit them they were in a tight embrace. Their hands
moving up and down each others bodies, exploring and feeling the pleasure
of each other and the water trickling between their fingers. They kissed
equally, and Carol felt he last of her constraint wash down her chest and
through the drain below. 
	She reared her head back, letting the spray pound directly on her
chest until Mason's head intercepted it. His mouth closed on her dripping,
erect left nipple. Carol cried her first moan of ecstasy as his mouth
sucked and his hands moved to her rear. He massaged her buttocks slowly,
and moved his tongue between her breasts. He drank the water that
collected between them, and licked the glistening flesh with his slow,
writhing tongue. Carol saw his glistening erection stretching his briefs
near her hips. She smiled as she knew it would be held at bay. It wasn't
	Mason continued loving her breasts. He kissed slowly, licked
tenderly, and rubbed his face gently into them. He pulled his hands up,
and stared into her eyes. She noticed the wetness of his hair, the
contours of his face, and the flecks of his pupils as he took his finger
smoothly over her breast. He didn't move his gaze or his body... just his
finger. It moved from the top of her breast, along the side, and
underneath. He moved it slowly inward, covering every centimeter of flesh
with his fingertip. Still, his eyes never left hers. Carol felt her lip
quiver as the finger pushed against her nipple. It jumped with
sensitivity, holding the potential for orgasm just from this delicate
touch. She opened her lips, and let her breath flow freely. But she didn't
break her gaze with Mason as he moved the finger between her breasts. He
moved it up her chest. She felt it dip between her ribs, and circle her
collar bone. She felt her left nipple ache for its turn at the touch. She
felt her left breast pulse with the anticipation of his lowering finger.
She could feel the water running down her chest, preceding Mason's touch.
Finally, his finger pressed against the soft, cushiony skin. She bit her
lip as it traced its way to the left nipple. Her voice cracked slightly as
it touched. His hand now spread open, covering and taking her breast into
his hand. He leaned against her, meshing their naked flesh. He used both
hands now, slowly lifting and feeling her breasts. 
	Carol was moaning. The quiet church girl was vocally responding to
Mason's touch. She could barely hear herself at first over the crashing
spray, so she allowed herself the extra volume it took to reach her ears.
She felt uninhibited and free with Mason. Somehow, all the old rules of
good-girldom seemed pointless. Ohh, she moaned simply at Mason's caressing
of her breasts! She moaned at the attention to her body that had already
outlasted any intercourse she ever shared with her husband.
        Mason was now kissing her softly, slowly over her breasts and
stomach, His hands lovingly caressed her as they slid up and down her
legs,. He paid attention to every part of them as well. Kissing and
touching her legs as if he didn't understand them, and needed the touch to
discover her. He moved to her ankles, her feet, and her arms. He loved her
as if her elbows and shoulders excited him as much as her breasts and
vagina. Will had never loved her like this. No man had ever seemed to get
past her obvious attributes and appreciate her so completely.
	"Ohhh! Ohhh! Ohh!" Carol moaned with each tender placement of his
lips. She lost the ability to stand, and slid down to the shower floor.
Mason gabbed a towel hanging outside the glass, folded it, and put it behind
her head. Carol leaned against the back of the shower, her legs
outstretched as far as they could in the tight space.
	Mason moved between them. Carol let every ounce of strength ebb
from her as she realized she needed no exertion of her own. All she had to
do was rest there. She breathed low, long moans as he worked his lips on
her legs. His fingers softly caressed her feet and ankles as he kissed her
shins. She opened herself to him, letting her legs rest against the shower
wall and door. Mason kissed her knees, tickling underneath with his
tongue. His hands moved up her thighs in long, smooth strokes. The water
partly beat against her stomach, and partly against Mason's back. She kept
her eyes closed as much from the spray as she did the sublime ecstasy
building inside her. She was so close... so close to being loved.
	His hand moved up between her legs, palming the delicate area
covered by her soaked panties. His lips moved up her dripping thighs, and
Carol finally moved her hands. She rested them on his head, inviting him
up higher... patiently waiting for his lips to reach her panties. She felt
her chest heave as his first kiss pressed against the satin. A wonderful
burst of energy glowed beneath the fabric, patiently waiting to be filled
and loved. She wanted him. She wanted him inside her, but was learning his
lesson in patience.
	His fingers worked down into her dampened panties, and massaged
her awaking pussy. Delicate touches. Soft presses. Carol moved her hands
between her legs, pressing them against his as he worked his fingers under
the fabric. His index finger found her clit, and rubbed it with a slow,
forceful pressure.

	"Mason..." she could say his name now. She could express herself
now. She was glad she wasn't completely naked at this point. She was glad
she could offer this one last gesture of invitation. Carol slid her
fingers under the panty straps, and slowly slid them down her legs. Mason
took over when her reach hit its limit, and dropped the peach, satin
panties onto the watery shower floor.

	She felt glazed over with pleasure as she watched Mason slide his
own briefs down and expose his penis. She lay there, completely naked and
helpless before the erect man. She figured it had always been as such...

	"Oh, Mason!" His penis moved inside her slowly. It felt wet, warm,
and wonderful. His size slowly filled her, and she felt her cunt tighten
around the welcome intruder. He was positioned carefully, holding himself
up so that his entire weight didn't push her into the hard shower tiles.
He pulled out of her slowly, watching her eyes as she received the
pleasure he gave her and knowing she was watching him as he received it in

	The look contained a hundred messages, each in a language beyond
the spoken word and far more intimate than speech could be. They were
loving each other, feeling each other, pleasing each other... Mason's
penis continued its gentle penetration of her vagina. Each stroke seemed
beautiful and complete with destiny. This is the man to love her, she
thought. This man, and no other. Oh, how she felt him! How she felt the
water tickle her body as it throbbed with wonder. How it washed away the
sin, how it washed away Will... 

	She realized she was rubbing her breasts, something she had never
done during sex before. She had never touched herself before, but now did
it comfortably. It wasn't just for her. She knew Mason would enjoy the
sight of her nipples poking through her fingers and the contorting shapes
of her rounded flesh. She knew he would be pleased that he made her feel
so good that touching herself was a needed, natural experience.
	Mason continued his gentle thrusting, apparently gaining
inspiration from the increasing arousal of his lovely partner beneath him.
A thought passed through Carol's mind... she was ready for him to quicken
his rhythm. Just as she thought it, it became so. Mason's cock plunged
deeper, more powerfully into her.

	"Ohh! Ohh!" Carl winced from the mixture of pleasure and swelling
pain that filled her cunt. She pinched her nipples as she felt his penis
slam into the back of her pussy. The two sensations seemed to eliminate
all pain, and leave only orgasmic ecstasy.
	"Ohh, Carol.. Oh, my love! " Mason breathed between grunts. His
powerful arms still held his body slightly above hers. She wanted to feel
more of him. She wanted her body to be against his as much as possible.
She reached up, and massaged his chest, stroking the short hairs scattered
across him.
	"Ohh! Ohh!" their moans joined in harmony. Their eyes remained
locked on each other, conveying as much of their shared satisfaction as
their sounds and bodies. Carol couldn't imagine greater love-making. She
couldn't imagine a greater fucking. She moved her hands to his hips,
feeling the power of Mason's body driving into her. She wanted his penis.
She wanted his body. She wanted his love. And she wanted his sperm.
	Her eyes closed for a moment as she reveled in her private
thoughts. She wondered if Mason could ever understand how incredible he
was making her feel. She was a woman. Not from her age, not from the
marriage to her husband. But from his love-making. From his patient,
intent, dedicated love-making that Carol realized began the moment he saw
her. The previous months had been foreplay. This was the orgasm.
	Carol cried out. Her voice screamed with pleasure sounds that had
no English meaning, but pure sexual meaning. Her moans crashed in her
ears, obscuring every sound from the slurps of Mason's penis in her pussy
to the crashing of the water around her. Her body flinched as she felt his
sperm shoot inside her. It was an ecstatic flinch. It was a flinch of
digging her fingernails into his hips and tightening her body for fear she
would explode if she didn't.  She could hear Mason moaning with her, and
the sound of their two primal voices was perhaps the greatest sexual
satisfaction she had ever known.
	They had made love. They had fucked, or whatever term one wanted
to use to describe the union of their bodies. But words seemed unable to
capture the sensation of the bond. They were together, and perhaps nothing
could describe it better than that.
	They rested in the shower a few moments. Mason lay atop her,
kissing her breasts and gently rubbing her pussy. Carol basked in the
after-sex attention, kissing his forehead as her body continued to nurture
his love. Eventually, Mason turned off the shower and pulled a dry towel
to her. He alternated kissing the water from her flesh and dabbing it way
with the towel. Carol relished the feeling of his semi-hard penis brushing
against her. She loved being naked with him.
	Their lips meant in a long, lingering kiss. Their arms wrapped
around each other and their bodies made complete contact. At once the
desires hit her again. At once she wanted to re-love this man, and again
feel his body inside her. But new desires sprung up inside her. She didn't
want to be selfish in the sex and receive his attentions. She wanted to
return them. She wanted to do things to him that would make him feel as
much a man as he had made her feel a woman. She wanted to take his penis
into her mouth, she wanted to receive him from behind, she wanted to feel
his smooth, warm penis hump eagerly between her breasts.. She broke off
their kiss, and smiled at Mason.
	And with no other words, Mason read her intent. He read what was
going to happen to him, and the unbelievable pleasures that awaited him.
He carefully picked Carol up into his arms, her wonderfully naked body
heaving in his grasp. He carried her to the bedroom, where her intent
would be carried out..
--The End ----