From: (b1223 )
Subject: Lisa's TG Library: "Goddess" (1/3)
Date: 1 Sep 1995 00:14:06 GMT
Organization: Netcom
Message-ID: <425j8e$>

Didn't write it, not responsible for it. Enjoy it!

-Lisa Blades


     This work is Copyrighted.  All rights reserved.  You may, 

however, upload this file to any person or service as long as it 

remains unaltered.  Hard copies may be produced so long as 

everything below "CUT HERE WITH A SHARP KNIFE" remains unaltered. 

     This is a recurring dream, or perhaps nightmare, I once had 

for twelve consecutive nights.  A man awakens in a two-room 

prison(?) with no memory or knowledge of anything.  When he 

notices the statue of what must be a Goddess bizarre things begin 

to happen. 

     It is a reverie about large breasts, a confused guy, large 

breasts, transformations, large breasts, a voluptuous statue, and 

of course...large breasts. 

     I would greatly appreciate any and all critiques.  If you 

hate it, let me know.  If you love it, let me know.  If you're 

completely impassive, let me know.  Please send all critiques or 

comments to 

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> CUT HERE WITH A SHARP KNIFE <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< 


                      Cheyenne Chaste Moon 

     His eyes snapped open.  He awoke startled, scared, 

apprehensive, unsure of where he was, how he got there, and... 

who he was.  He sat up and thought, but nothing came.  He prodded 

his memory, but it remained blank.  There was nothing to focus 

on, nothing to remember.  It was then he noticed his 

surroundings.  His eyes swept the area and found it all very 

unfamiliar...and depressing. 

     There was a very small fold up cot which he was lying on.  

Like his own nakedness, so was the cot.  It had no sheets, no 

blankets, and no pillow.  The room itself was a small ten foot 

cube.  In the center of the ceiling was a lone, dim, bare bulb; 

the walls were a dirty grey; and the floor was cold, smooth, 

uncovered cement.  There were no windows, but mounted on one wall 

was a full length mirror, and on another wall was an open 


     He stood up and looked in the mirror, and a stranger stared 

blankly back.  He did not recognize the body, or the face; his 

face.  It stirred no memories, and, in fact, only strengthened 

his confusion. 

     He turned and stepped through the doorway, entering another 

room which held no answers, but many more questions.  This room 

was larger than the first, but still a small twelve foot square.  

The walls, floor, and ceiling were the same as in the smaller 

room.  In the center of the room sat a large, overstuffed, easy 

chair.  To the left of the chair was the open doorway in which he 

was standing.  Directly in front of the old, easy chair was a 

door; a large, dark, heavily reinforced, wooden door. 

     He walked to the door and pulled on the huge ornate handle.  

Nothing happened.  He pushed, with the same result.  Perhaps it 

was locked, but if it was, it was done so on the opposite side of 

the door, for, though he searched, he found no lock or latch, nor 

did he find the door to be stuck in the frame.  In frustration, 

he lashed out and injured his toes.  He let out a curse, grasped 

his foot, hopped about, and finally came to rest in the easy 

chair, where he sat for a very long time, trying to think, trying 

to remember. 

     As time went by, he grew more and more restless.  Who was 

he?  Why was he here?  Was he imprisoned for some hideous crime 

which he refused to remember.  Maybe he was insane.  Perhaps he 

was dead.  He wished he could remember something...anything.  He 

stood up to pace the room, to search the room, to try and open 

the door once again.  It was then he noticed, for the first time, 

the statue. 

     The statue was directly behind the chair, standing a foot 

from the wall.  He wondered why he hadn't noticed it before.  Had 

it been there all along?  But, of course, it would have to have 

been.  Aside from the doorway to the little room, the only other 

door was the one he had been staring at for so long.  Of course, 

it had to have been there, he just hadn't noticed it. 

     The statue was made from something he couldn't identify, and 

appeared to be hand painted.  It was a life-sized, and extremely 

life-like woman, although, he noticed, parts of her anatomy 

looked to be other than life-sized.  She was standing, feet 

slightly apart, leaning slightly forward from the waist.  Her 

shoulder length hair was the color of chestnuts.  Her eyes, 

bluish-grey, seemed to peer right through him, to his very soul.  

Her nose was small and cute, and her lips, painted satin pink, 

were lush and inviting.  She stood at five-foot six-inches, and 

had hips measuring thirty-six inches, with buttocks which looked 

firm and round. 

     One of the things which seemed strangely wrong with the 

statue was her waist, which measured a mere seventeen inches.  

The other thing, which seemed to him as odd, were her breasts, 

with the creamy pink nipples, which she was holding up and 

outward toward him, temptingly.  More than holding them, she 

seemed to be cradling them; one in each arm; for they were 

colossal.  He thought, that for her height, thirty-six to thirty-

eight inches would be average, forty to forty-five would be 

large, forty-five to fifty would be huge, while anything larger 

would truly be a physical impossibility.  With that being the 

case, the breasts on this statue were indeed beyond the 

impossible, and even beyond the imagination, for they measured 

one hundred inches. 

     He stepped back and took the sight in.  Even with the 

outrageous size of the breasts, which made the petite waist 

appear even more diminutive, the statue was still quite 

voluptuous, and enticing. 

     Time passed.  He had no idea, and no way of knowing, just 

how much time.  The dim bulbs stayed on constantly, his 

biological clock didn't exist, his hair never grew, he never 

thought about food, or even once was thirsty, which was good, for 

there was no food or drink.  It was as if he was living outside 

of time, existing in another universe, in another dimension... 

all alone. 

     ...Time passed.  He didn't know how much.  He suspected it 

was years.  It had been so long, he had given up all but living.  

He had given up hoping for answers to the many questions he had 

once asked himself; given up hoping to be set free, trying to 

escape, trying to open the large wooden door.  The only thing he 

did anymore was walk aimlessly about the two little, drab rooms, 

or sleep on the bare, narrow cot, but he was finding that harder 

and harder to do. 

     He awoke from a fitful sleep, with his mind numb.  He knew 

he couldn't survive much longer, at least, not without going mad.  

If only he wasn't alone.  If he just had some one, anyone, to 

talk to, perhaps he could save his sanity.  He climbed to his 

feet, stumbled into the larger room, plopped himself into the 

chair, and stared at the large, wooden door which held him 

prisoner.  How he hated that door.  He sat and glared. 

     The hatred swelled inside him until he had to act on it.  He 

rushed to the door and hammered on it with both fists.  He knew 

it was useless, but he continued, hoping to hold onto his sanity.  

Finally he stopped and slumped to the floor. 

     Opening his eyes, he saw, standing across the room, the 

statue of the woman, which was the most beautiful thing in his 

world, or, he thought, in any world, anywhere.  As he sat staring 

at the statue, which, when he first saw it, he thought had 

breasts which were ridiculously gigantic, he concluded that he 

would not go mad so long as it remained, for suddenly he saw her 

eyes sparkle, and, for the first time, he realized that the awe 

inspiring breasts weren't oversized for the statue of this 


     He closed his eyes and quickly shook his head, then gazed 

again into the eyes of the statue, which once again twinkled, 

bringing him to the conclusion that the statue was of a goddess.  

If only she was real, he thought, then he surely wouldn't go mad, 

but, perhaps he already was. 

     He rose to his feet and walked across the floor toward the 

statue, with his eyes perpetually mixed with the seemingly 

effervescent eyes of the beauty.  As he reached the woman, her 

eyes seemed to glow of their own accord, and he reached out with 

both hands, and, for the first time ever, touched the statue.  

His hands were seemingly, magnetically, drawn to her awesome 

breasts, which were alluringly being offered to him.  He was 

expecting them to be cold and hard, made from stone or ceramic, 

but, as he touched them, they felt warm, soft, and life-like.  He 

closed his eyes, began to rub the vast mounds, and fantasized. 

     He suddenly stopped, his hands still on the breasts of the 

statue.  He opened his eyes and shook his head.  Perhaps he was 

already mad. 

     It was the first time he had spoken since he awakened to 

find himself a prisoner, alone, in a strange, little universe.  

"Goddess," he hushed to the statue he had been stroking, since he 

was convinced such a beauty could only be a goddess.  "I wish..."  

He stopped there and thought to himself, again, that he must have 

gone mad. 

     "What is it you wish?" 

     His eyes snapped open, he turned, then spun around, 

searching the room.  "What?" he asked, though he saw no one. 

     "What is it you wish?" he heard again.  It was a very 

feminine voice; soft, soothing, and...heavenly.  It wasn't coming 

from any one location, it wasn't coming from anywhere, and yet, 

it seemed to be everywhere.  He knew then he wasn't mad, for he 

could never, ever, invent such a beautiful, perfect voice. 

     "Who are you?" he asked, still searching the room with 

lingering hopes, or fears, of finding hidden speakers somewhere, 

although he knew there wasn't any; he had searched his small 

universe thoroughly before, more times than he could count. 

     "I am Goddess."  Something in his mind clicked, and he 

believed the voice, reverently. 

     He turned and knelt before the statue of Goddess, then 

raised his bowed head to stare into the shimmering eyes of the 

heavenly, unmoving statue, and spoke solemnly.  "Who am I?" 

     "You are number twelve." 

     He didn't question this.  He wasn't about to question 

anything he heard.  "Where am I?" 

     "You are here." 

     "Where are you?" 

     "I am all around you.  I am within you.  I am everywhere." 

"May I see you?" 

     "In the statue, you see me as you wish.  Is this not 


     "Yes," he told her.  As his eyes fingered their way along 

the statue, intimately becoming acquainted with every hill and 

valley, every shadow, every curve and line, he was pleased, but 

he was still curious.  "Why am I here?" 

     "Because I brought you here." 


     "You will know in time." 

     "When will I leave?" 

     "Is this what wish; to leave?" 

     He stood up, looking longingly at the august breasts which 

the statue was offering, then into the eyes of the idol.  "Yes.  

More than anything." 

     Absolute quiet swept through the room, and a cold shiver ran 

up his spine, and, after a long period of time, he whispered, 

"Goddess?"  Silence answered him, and he wondered why she didn't 

respond, and where she had gone.  He, hesitantly, placed his 

hands back on the statue; back on her breasts; and found them to 

be just as warm, and soft, and heavenly as before, hoping that 

maybe this would manifest her, as it seemed to have before.  

"Goddess?" he inquired again, louder.  There was no answer, but 

his thoughts of madness were gone. 

     He was content. 

     He awoke from a long, very restful sleep; the first he'd had 

since he could remember.  It was immediately that he noticed 

something wonderfully strange had occured.  Two feet away, 

parallel to his own, stood another small, bare, fold-up cot, on 

which was a sleeping person, who, though turned away from him, he 

could tell by the svelte frame, and seemingly flawless curves, 

was most definitely a woman.  He sat for a period, thinking 

himself to be dreaming, although, to the best of his 

recollection, he had never dreamt before, then he noticed her 

arms.  While she was lying on her side, her arms were both behind 

her back, and appeared to be restrained. 

     He got to his feet, took a step toward her, then stopped as 

she stirred, sat up, wobbly got to her feet, without the aid of 

her arms, and turned to face him.  The first thing he noticed was 

the gag.  He stepped closer and saw that it was a very efficient 

and permanent device which spread her mouth to the extreme 

limits, packing it solid, allowing not even the slightest of 

sounds to escape, while being held in place by a one-piece, 

unbroken, irremovable band of steel which encircled her head, 

going underneath her hair, which, like the statue of Goddess, was 

long and brown. 

     He was stunned by this, and her other restraints.  Tightly 

about her wrists was a thick, heavy, wide, single band of 

polished, cold steel, which forced them together unmercifully, 

while around her elbows was a similar, wider, steel band, which 

brought them together, touching snugly and securely, and causing 

her small, pert, attractive breasts to be thrust forward as if 

she were exhibiting them proudly for him to see. 

     He reached her, and, with great urgency, tried to remove her 

restraints, while she stood, unfearful of him, and seemingly, he 

thought, unconcerned as to whether her strict and obviously 

painful bondage was removed.  He quickly realized they could not 

be removed, and asked for help.  "Goddess?" he called quietly. 

     "Yes, number twelve?"  Her voice was as before; heavenly and 

soothing, relaxing and peaceful. 

     "Can you help me remove these bands?" 

     "I cannot."  He did not question this, just as he did not 

question anything she said. 

     "Who is this woman?" 

     "She is your companion." 

     "Where did she come from?" he wished to know. 

     "From your heart." 

     "And you brought her here?" 


     "Why is she bound?" 

     "She must be." 

     "But, she is my companion," he quietly reminded her, 

thinking that, perchance, she had forgotten. 

     "Yes.  She is yours to speak to, and to gaze upon, 

must never touch any manner." 

     This, also, he did not question, although he felt, ever so 

strongly, that he may not be able to obey it, for the woman, he 

reasoned, was exquisite; the quintessence of mortal femininity. 

     ...Time continued to pass, only now it didn't seem to matter 

to him, for he had someone to spend it with.  It seemed he spent 

all his waking time conversing with, viewing pleasantly, and 

dreaming about the woman whom Goddess had chosen for him. 

     His reveries were fantastic things, filled with fiery 

emotions and passionate, physical probing, in which they were 

both in complete harmony with the universe.  His dreams were 

aroused by the enchanting, practically unbelievable beauty which 

only his eyes were allowed to caress of his lovely companion. 

     Although their conversations were always one sided, they did 

seem to progress as his companion became more adapt at using 

physical gestures, other than a simple nod or shake of her head.  

He was now more unsure than ever of how much time was passing, 

only now it no longer seemed to matter. 

     They were both asleep, and he was having a beautiful, erotic 

vision of his companion, when he was gently and serenely awakened 

by Goddess.  "Number twelve?" 

     "Yes, Goddess?" he answered, coming to a seated position. 

     "I have something for you.  Please come to my statue." 

     He obeyed, and instantly noticed something lying atop her 

generous breasts, as if being offered on a golden platter. 

     "Pick it up," coached Goddess. 

     He did so, and examined it, still not discovering, to the 

best of his recollection, what it was.  But then again, he had no 

memory of anything, except the two rooms and what few things were 

in them, and this strange thing had never before been one of 

them.  "What is it?" he asked Goddess. 

     "It is a corset." 

     "What am I to do with it?" 

     "You are to place it on your companion." 

     "What is it for?" he inquired. 

     "It will make her beautiful." 

     He did not understand this, for he thought her to be 

beautiful from the first moment he saw her.  How could this be, 

he thought. 

     "Go now.  Make haste," Goddess told him. 

     Carrying the corset, he entered the little room where he had 

left his sleeping companion and found her awake, waiting his 

return, and seemingly anxious to wear the gift from Goddess.  She 

met him halfway and offered herself to him.  He slipped the 

garment around her torso and latched the hooks down the front of 

it.  It fit snugly as it covered her from her shapely hips to the 

bottom of her round, perky breasts.  He was amazed at his sudden 

knowledge of the garment, and he tightly cinched the laces until 

her breathing dramatically changed, and her slim twenty-four inch 

waist was compressed and molded in the corset until it measured a 

mere twenty inches.  When he finished, he tied the laces into a 

bow and stuffed them under the edge of the vestment, then he 

stepped back to look at the creation. 

     "Why do you stop, number twelve?" Goddess asked of him. 

     "It is done." 

     "No," Goddess corrected him, in a voice which remained 

unchanged since she had first spoken to him.  "You have yet to 

finish.  Her waist must be the same as the one which adorns my 


     "That is not possible, Goddess.  The corset is painfully 

tight now.  It cannot be tightened further." 

     "It cannot, or you will not?" she asked gently of the man. 

     "It cannot.  It is not possible." 

     After a time, they both laid back down and slept.  He 

dreamt.  His visions now, however, were not of his companion, but 

rather of a different, strange, wonderful, new world which was 

filled with dazzling colors, and harmonious sounds, and beautiful 

people of all shapes and sizes, none of which existed in his 

dull, depressing little universe.  How he longed to be a part of 

this new world. 

                         ( CONTINUED )