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Part 1 - The Test

by SweetDarln

Carl's mother had been troubled about him for some time.

Everything about Carl seemed incongruent for a boy of his age.  He was =
11.  He had a very small frame for his age.  His movements were fluid =
and feminine.  The other boys at school teased him about that =
constantly.  His reaction?  He didn't get mad, he cried!  He liked to =
wear his hair longer than other boys and parted it in the middle.

Before his father passed on, he had tried to interest Carl in toys that =
other boys liked.  When Carl seemed to express no interest in them, his =
dad thought that he just didn't like the violence of playing soldiers =
and -after all - a lot of families were not bringing up their boys on =
toys fueled with testosterone and leading to negative, violent =

But it was after his dad passed on that Carl showed what toys he did =
like.  His sister's!  He loved to join Janice when she played with her =
dolls.  He relished dressing them.  He would only pick up a male doll =
like Ken to represent himself when Janice insisted for the purpose of =
their play.  Otherwise, he would relish speaking the part of the girl =
dolls he held with some affection.  His mother did not object to his =
choice of toys - perhaps because she was so glad to see him and Janice =
getting along so well  (rare for that age!).   Janice loved his company =
when her girl friends were not around and sometimes even when they were =
because Carl seemed to blend right in.

It was - his mother reflected - not so much any one thing about her son =
that worried her so much as the total picture it presented.

There was cause for real concern in the boys teasing Carl at school.  He =
would not fight back even when he was hit and his crying in front of =
other boys seemed to bring out their ugliness further still.

Carl was a rather pretty looking boy.  It was not just his delicate =
features.  He had eyelashes to die for!  Everything about his face was =
soft, warm and inviting.  As eyes are lenses to the soul, there was a =
very different spirit in his eyes than she had seen in any male.

His mother decided that two minds were better than one and approached =
her daughter.

Janice was going on 14 and was a lovely, confident and happy girl.  It =
is lovely when mothers and daughters can have a healthy parent-child =
relationship and also be good friends.  Janice and her mother were good =
friends and helped each other through many difficult times, like the =
passing of her Dad two years ago.

"Janice, do you have a moment?  I need to talk with you about Carl."

"Sure, Mom.  What's bothering you?  We better talk soon.  He's coming =
home in half an hour."

"I know dear."  She then went over all the aspects of Carl's behavior, =
appearance, and tastes that she found troubling.  Of course, Janice had =
observed most of the same things and even some additional problems that =
her mother hadn't thought of just then.

"Mom, Carl asked me to teach him how to sew this last week.  I don't =
think that's a normal hobby for a boy his age, do you?"

"Well, its good if men like to sew too and aren't boxed in by gender =
roles.  You'll appreciate that if and when you have a husband and want =
to share a bit more in household responsibilities.  But I know what you =
mean.  With Carl, it's just one more trait that makes him stand out to =
the boys who make his life so hard at school."

"Mom.. I don't know but.. do u think.. do u think Carl is more like a =
girl than a boy?"

Wendy gulped - visibly.  "Im afraid.. yes.. I do sometimes."

"Maybe we could support him by at least letting him be what he feels =
inside when he is at home.  Well, I mean if he really feels more like a =

They both stared at each other for a long moment and then Janice spoke =
again.  "We don't know how he really feels, do we?"

"No, I suppose not.  Shall we talk with him this afternoon, do you =

"Well, Mom, I have a test in mind.  I hope you wont think I'm crazy or =

"I'm sure I won't dear. You've given me much good advice in the past and =
- frankly - Im a little at a loss about how to help our Carl."

Janice then told her mother her idea.  When she finished, her mother =
nodded and shortly thereafter, they left the house together.  And headed =
for the mall.

* * * * * * * * * * * * *

His mother had told him she was getting him some new school clothes - =
some pants, shirts, underwear and socks.  So Carl was not surprised to =
find a bag from Benson's on his bed when he got home. =20

He pulled out their selections and hoped they would be clothes that were =
in style at school then.  His mother missed the boat on that sometimes.  =
So he was quite pleased to see some stylish jeans, t-shirts, and shirts.

But the last package inside was somewhat puzzling.  It contained two =
packs of underpants - no panties - in assorted pastel colors.  Misses =
sizes.  This must be a mistake he thought and he started with them =
toward the door, but then stopped. =20

The panties were simple and aside from their color, lack of briefs =
openings, and the lace trim on the legs, did not look overly feminine.  =
And he had to admit he liked them.  They looked better than the stupid =
briefs he wore to school most days.  Just simple, practical underwear he =
thought.  Would Janice miss them?  How could he wear and launder them in =
this house without attracting undue attention from his Mom and Janice.  =
But heh, they bought them for HIM, he reasoned.  Why not at least try =
them on?

He took off his clothes - more hurriedly than he himself realized.  Then =
he opened the first 3-pack of panties.  Hmmm.. yellow, baby blue, pink.  =
He never got to wear pink before.  That settled it.  He pulled the pink =
panties up his legs and was surprised to find how good the material and =
the fit felt.  When he looked down and saw the lace trim at the top of =
his legs, he felt that it looked right, but didnt understand why he felt =
that way.

He then put on his other new clothes and went downstairs to help Janice =
prepare dinner.

* * * * * * * * *

Janice was - of course - insatiably curious.  It was devious of her, =
yes, but she just couldn't help herself.  She dropped the salad tongs =
right in front of Carl.. by mistake.

Carl bent over to retrieve the tongs and - as he did - Janice could see =
a thin, unmistakable line of pink with a rather distinct elastic band =
peeking above the top of her brother's jeans.  Bingo!

Later at dinner, Janice exchanged a knowing glance with her mother which =
her mother interpreted correctly.  Carl chose to wear the panties.

* * * * * * * *

Over the next few weeks, a few patterns evolved. =20

Carl wore his new panties to school every day except gym class days.  He =
seemed to know that the boys would kill him if they saw his take off his =
pants in gym and saw him wearing misses panties.  But he really didn't =
understand why they would be so harsh, just that they would.  For his =
part, Carl found wearing the panties was very natural.  He liked pretty =
fabrics and styles.  Why not?

He did worry the first time he put panties in the hall clothes hamper.  =
But he needn't have because the panties were washed, hung out to dry, =
and returned to his bureau drawers where they shared space with his male =
briefs.  His mother and Janice said nothing about it.  So why should he?

* * * * * * * * *

The next time that his mother bought clothes for him, there were even =
more treats!  But he did feel worried for a moment.  I mean, he could =
tell himself that the panties he had been wearing were kind of unisex =
(even though they decidedly weren't!).  But the new panties mom had =
bought - for him? - were - without a doubt - very feminine. =20

He opened the panty packages with more excitement than when he opened =
presents at Christmas.  The first pair was white cotton with a pretty =
floral print and a wide, white lace band at top.  He couldnt wear these =
to gym class, he thought!  Another pair was in a pink silky material and =
had a full ruffle at the top and a sweet little pink bow with a cloth =
rose at the center.   Then he opened a package of 3 panties in black, =
red, and pastel green that were all-over stretch lace. =20

There were five or six other panties and Carl realized he had enough =
panties to totally replace his briefs but thought better of it.  Gym =
class - what a nuisance!

He wondered what it would feel like to have lace all around his bottom, =
so he donned the pastel green panties.  Yummy.. they felt wonderful!

In his heart of hearts, Carl did not feel that he was doing something he =
shouldn't.  He didn't even think he was acting like a girl.  He just =
liked the style of the panties!

* * * * * * * *

Of course, it did not take long for Wendy and Janice to know that their =
son/brother was wearing the new panties.  Which prompted Janice to say =
to her mom "He definitely seems to have girl desires, doesn't he mom?"

"Yes.. it does look that way.  I liked your idea earlier that we should =
give him room to make whatever choices he wants and not interfere.  Then =
they will be his choices, and why would we want to deny his being the =
way he feels?  We may find that he just has a few feminine traits and =
likes to wear panties.  Or he may exhibit more feminine yearnings.."

Part 2 -  Painted Desires

Carl, Janice and their mom really enjoyed their week of vacation in the =
nation's capitol.  The Smithsonian had so much to offer.  They =
particularly liked the many art museums.

While looking at the paintings in an area devoted mostly to painters of =
the late 19th and early 20th century, one of the museum guards took it =
upon himself to be an unofficial tour guide.  They were glad of the =
chance to hear any details and insights into these most beautiful of =
paintings and so they appreciated it that the guards loved what they =
were guarding, took a strong interest in it, and shared with them.

They all approached the next painting.  It was, explained the guard, the =
only painting by Tissot in the entire Smithsonian and they were quite =
proud of it.  It was called "Hide and Seek"

The painting was a rich oil depicting a Victorian parlor.  In the parlor =
sat what appeared to be a mother and her three daughters.  The mother =
was sitting in a chair by a window overlooking a rather Impressionist =
garden and the sunlight that broke the afternoon darkness of the room =
was quite magical. =20

The girls were playing hide and seek, two of them hiding from the one in =
the center of the painting.  The girl who was looking for her sisters =
was dressed in a white party dress with pink bows and sashes.  She had =
curly blonde, Shirley Temple hair and was adorable.  Janice and Carl =
were remarking on how cute she looked.

The guard waited until they had taken in the scene before unleashing his =
surprise.  He proceeded to tell them how - during the period and in the =
place of this painting - there had been a great many abductions of boy =
children.  Many mothers were very concerned and many of them protected =
their sons by dressing them as girls while they were little.  It seemed =
to work.  The abductors were only interested in boys.  The sweet little =
blond girl with the curly locks was a boy.

Carl's mouth fell open.  He continued to look at the painting long after =
this explanation.  He looked intently at the little "girl" in the =
painting.  His mother and sister had gone on to look at other paintings =
while he continued to gaze at her.

When Wendy came back his way to round him up for lunch, she saw that her =
son had a tear forming in the corner of his eye and another rolling down =
his cheek.

"What's the matter, honey?"

Carl was shaken.  "I don't know..just that..her dress is so pretty" and =
Wendy could tell he meant the prettily clad son in the painting.

Wendy used the feminine reference as he had.  "She does have a pretty =
dress.  Why does that upset you?"

"I..boys have such dumb clothes"  He could not quite say what he felt =
and just repeated "That's a very pretty dress."

Wendy could see that Janice was still looking at a painting that caught =
her eye and was glad because she didn't know if Carl would open up with =
his sister around.

"Do you like dresses, Carl?"  Wendy was careful to word the question in =
such a way that the answer did not reveal more of Carl's feelings than =
he wished.

"Yes, Mother, I think dresses are so beautiful"

But even with her caution, it was very apparent that there was an =
opening to be more direct.

"Do you like the feel of them?"

"Oh yes!"  He didnt sense the question that was coming.

"Would you like to try one on like that 'girl' in the picture?"

Carl couldn't believe his ears.  His heart skipped a beat.  Maybe more.  =
At first, he replied with caution, not knowing what to make of this.  =
"Mom, boys can't wear those!"  But even as he said that he reflected =
upon how he had worn panties most every day of the last six months and =
knew that his mother and probably even his sister were fully aware of =
what he liked.

"There's nothing wrong with that Carl.  Your sister likes to wear men's =
shirts sometimes and a lot of women would rather be in jeans than =
dresses.  So I see nothing wrong with it, if that's what you want."

Carl looked up at his mother, his eyes full of pleading.  "Could I?  I =
mean could I try that once.. you know, just to see how it feels?"

"Sure honey"

Carl wanted to at least appear to be nonchalant, but his heart had other =
notions.  He flung himself at his mother and hugged her tightly, his =
short frame putting his head right between her breasts.  "Thank you, =

End of Part 2

Part 3 Preview:  What dress will Carl want to try on?  Wearing panties =
is one thing, but how will he be able to wear dresses?  What additional =
feminine wishes will come true for Carl?

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Part 3 - The Die is Cast

by SweetDarln

Carl turned in the mirror.  Swishing came naturally to him.  It wasn't a =
concious decision. =20

His Mother had made him a dress exactly like the one he had admired in =
Tissot's painting.  He could not have had a better birthday present!   =
Mother had even made his full petticoat.  What a thrill that was - the =
feel of it, the delicious crinkling sounds!

The best part was the huge pink sash and bow!  He loved it.  It set off =
the white party dress so well.

The first time Carl had twirled in front of the mirror that day he =
wasn't entirely pleased.  His face - although naturely very feminine - =
did not seem right.  His hair didn't look "right" either.  He asked his =
sister Janice if she could help him make his hair look more =
"appropriate" with the dress (My what big words he used for a 12 year =
old!  He didnt say in a girl's style.  In fact he had never referred to =
anything he wore or did as being like a girl, just part of being =

Janice was glad to help and understood completely when Carl cautioned =
that the style not be permanent because of school.  Yet - when Janice =
finished with his hair and applied a little makeup to her brother's face =
- he looked like he was definitely a girl for the day!  Janice also made =
sure to explain everything she did so Carl could learn to do his own =
hair.  He was grateful for the lesson and the results!

That day - spent wearing his new pretty dress and in the loving company =
of his sister and mother - who had made it all possible - was the best =
in his memory of the 12 years of his life.  And that it should also be =
his birthday - when wishes come true - made it the best of treats.

He did feel very sad when - as he prepared for bed - he had to hang up =
his pretty party dress.  He took off his panties and put on his boy's =
pajamas.  They felt like a gunny-sack compared to what he had worn all =

He pulled back the covers of his bed, resigned to wearing those icky =
pajamas for the night, but was greeted by the sight of something lacy =
under the covers.  It was a nightie, a nightie like his sister wore and =
he had secretly admired for so long.  Like the panties his mother had =
given him  months ago, the gift of the nightie brought with it an =
unspoken understanding.  His sister and mother felt he would like it and =
approved of his wearing it.

He cried softly - tears of joy.  Who could have a better mommy and =
sister than he did?

The nightie was in a silky, baby blue material with wide white lace =
trimmings and v-neck and he saw that it even had a pair of little =
matching panties. =20

As he slipped into bed, the nightie felt so good around him, caressing =
his whole body.  The panties felt warm and snug.  This is heaven he =
thought.  Carl would never wear pajamas again.

* * * * * * * * * * *

Part 4 - Some Boys Will Be Boys, and Some Boys Will Be Girls

Afternoons became Nirvana for Carl.  He would come home from school each =
day, literally leap up the stairs, tear off his jeans and shirt and put =
on a dress or a skirt and blouse.  He now had several - some that he had =
made as he was now sewing a great deal, some of his sister's handi-downs =
and some that his mother and sister had bought for him.  He hadn't yet =
shopped with them.

He also styled his hair each afternoon, in such a way that he would look =
every bit a girl to anyone who observed him, but also in a way that he =
could return his hairstyle to the just feminine looking, but not =
obviously girlish, boy he was.

As far as his mother and sister were concerned, when he was at home, he =
was a girl.  They included him in conversations that would only be of =
interest to a girl and commented on his hair styling, sewing abilities, =
and newfound cooking talents.

Weekends were even better than afternoons.  When they werent seeing =
friends or family, he would often spend the entire weekend in girl's =
clothes.  He and Janice would often come down to cook breakfast in the =
morning in their nighties and giggle and tease and whisper like the best =
of girlfriends.  Carl even had girl's jeans and T-shirts that no =
red-blooded male would be seen dead in.  The jeans had no back pockets =
and his little buns looked just like a girl's in them.  He also looked =
ever so sweet in his pink shorts - that clearly showed his panty line - =
and his white cotton blouse with flowers he had embroidered himself.

It was on one of those weekends when his mother was observing how sweet =
and pretty he had become and thinking how those pink shorts were made =
for him, that she - quite accidentally - called him "Sissy."  She didn't =
really think about it, it just came out of her mouth that way.  She =
called him by that name.

Now Carl had been teased by that name by some awfully big, mean boys in =
school who called him "sissy" as they pushed, shoved and yelled at him.  =
So the appellation would normally have made Carl wince if not cry.  But =
his mother had said that name like she was stating a fact, saying who he =
was.  And she had said it - as she always spoke to him even in =
discipline - with a lot of love.

Carl, Janice and their mother were all a little stunned for a moment =
after the word had left  Wendy's mouth.  But then they started giggling =
and laughing.  And like he had in front of Tissot's painting, Carl found =
himself embracing his mother, as if in gratitude for being recognized.  =
She knew him.  He was a sissy.  He always had been a sissy.   And Janice =
and Mother knew it - and loved him.

From that time on he was referred to and called by the name Sissy or =
sometimes "Carla"  when they were home together.  The name Carl was =
never again used between them.

* * * * * * * * * * * * * *

School was another matter.

He got along very well with all the girls.  That was quite remarkable =
since they did not often associate with other boys except in teasing and =
whispering among themselves.  But Carl fit right in and seemed - for =
some reason :) - to appreciate what they talked about and not to intrude =
with male energy.

The boys teased him constantly - even ones who were the target of the =
barbs of other boys (perhaps because they somehow felt compensated for =
their suffering by inflicting some on someone else).

One Friday morning, he stood before his dresser with a sinking feeling.  =
Gym class today.  He disliked the boy games and his inability and lack =
of desire to compete in them.  And even worse, he couldn't wear panties =
on that day!

But this day, he decided to rebel.  If he had to endure gym class, at =
least he could be a little himself in what he wore.  Now he wasn't about =
to wear all-over pink lace panties or anything like that!  He wasn't =
suicidal.  But he did chose a simple pair of white cotton panties that =
had no lace trim.  Not his favorites by any means, but better than no =
panties at all!

* * * * * * * * * *

The bell rang in his math class at 1:00 in the afternoon.  Gym class was =
next he thought, a little depressed.

The locker room was an invention of Dante, Carl mused to himself.  The =
locker room is where bubbling, boiling testosterone seemed most in =
evidence and some boy's cretin nature came into full play.=20

He had chosen to use a locker in the overflow locker area so he would be =
mostly to himself when he changed.  He usually felt very shy when he =
changed out of his clothes around other boys because most of them had =
started to change.  Their bodies were beginning to enter a new phase.  =
But not Carl.  He was still very small in most every way and he thought =
he must have some Indian blood for his general lack of body hair.

Today, he was suddenly concious of the fact that he had to pull of his =
jeans and put on his gym shorts in some quick, deft movements so that he =
wouldnt be seen standing there in panties.

But then the worst possible thing happened.  He tripped.  He tripped =
because he was taking off his jeans in such a hurry and his foot caught =
in the jean's leg.  Well, his jeans came off, but he found himself on =
the floor with several boys rushing into the room to observe his =

At first there was just the usual nasty adolescent laughter around such =
a circumstance.  But then Joel Jenkins saw what he was wearing.

"Heh!  Take a look at our sissy boy.  I do believe he is wearing =
panties!" he cried out in glee.

A couple of the other boys pounced on Carl to hold him down and they =
quickly verified Joel's assertion.  Carl had not remembered or noticed =
that his "plain" panties had a little bow at the top with a rose.  But =
the boys did and teased and roughed him up until the gym teacher pulled =
them off.  The gym teacher was as male chauvanist as the rest but at =
least his adult sense of responsibility intervened and he sent Carl home =
with a note.=20

* * * * * * * * * *

Carl was still shaking and crying when his sister came home and his =
mother was reading the note, all the while trying to comfort him.  =
Mother rocked him gently, stroking his head, telling him she would do =
her best to see that something like this never happened again.  "Carla, =
I am so proud of you.  You have nothing to be ashamed of!  Those boys =
are just jealous.  The world would be a much better place if there were =
more boys like you!"

After Carl had stopped crying, he went up to take a nap.  His mother and =
Janice stayed in the kitchen.

"Mother, what are we going to do?  Carl could really get hurt!  He was =
lucky is wasn't much worse."

"I know Janice.  At least summer is just a couple of weeks away.  But =
these next two weeks could be very difficult if he makes a mistake like =
wearing panties again.  And it is such an easy mistake.  After all, he =
wears panties most of the time."

Once again, Janice had a possible solution to suggest to her mother.  =
"Maybe.. maybe Sissy could move into my room.  That way I could at least =
see what he puts on in the morning and make sure he doesn't do something =
that will get him hurt.  And I think he will feel a lot less alone and =
like having me around to confide in."

They both agreed that would help him through the next couple of weeks =
and would have the added benefit of freeing up his room to use for many =
of the sewing projects they all worked on.

* * * * * * * * * *

Carl was more than happy to move in with his sister.  Here was his =
chance to learn first hand about all his sister's clothes and outfits.  =
Her room looked so much more interesting than his, even though he had =
long since acquired some dolls and teddy bears of his own and his mother =
had bought him a pink bedspread and a vanity last month.

Every morning, Carl would help Janice with her hair.  He had learned =
quite a bit just listening to his sister and mother and reading teenage =
girl magazines.  Now - with constant practice - he was becoming quite =
skilled in many hair styles.  In the afternoons, Janice would return the =
favor and brush out his hair which was growing much longer.

One morning, Janice had just stepped out of the shower and wrapped a =
towel around her hair.  She was not at all self-concious about being =
naked in front of Sissy.  He was just as comfortable around her except =
that he felt ashamed about his "plumbing" and would quickly don panties =
after taking a bubble bath.

Sissy started to brush out Janice's hair as he stood behind her.  At one =
point, he sat down in a chair opposite her as he continued to touch up =
her hair with a brush and comb.

Mother and Janice decided that what happened next was not at all sexual. =
 Janice certainly did not feel that kind of energy, but understood =
Sissy's touch for what it was.

Sissy stopped brushing Janice's hair as he beheld his sister.  After =
what seemed like an eternity of eye-contact, Sissy reached out and =
touched her.  Janice remained still as if she knew all along that her =
brother was exploring her just as he had learned more about himself when =
he put on his first dress.  It was more like remembering who he was, =
than it was anything about his sister.  All the curves he touched were =
like memories of himself awakened.  He was thorough and Janice did not =
say a word but just looked at him lovingly.  Sissy explored the contours =
of her face, her back, the soft, tender, budding swells, the downy and =
moist places. He was becoming one with himself.

* * * * * * * * * *

The remaining two weeks at school couldn't have gone by fast enough.  At =
least Janice could see to it that he was dressed as any young boy during =
those two weeks.  Dressing properly for gym class was not enough.  His =
secret was out.  Besides, he had every afternoon and weekend to be =

Carl had no doubt that news of him had spread as fast as the most =
virulent virus.  He almost swerved out of the way of any boy, trying to =
avoid any conversations with them.=20

But - while he spotted some girls in whispers and giggles looking his =
direction - he found that - in general - the girls who were already his =
good friends seemed even friendlier to him.

On Thursday of the first week after the "incident,"  his friend Nancy =
approached him while he was putting things in his locker at the =
beginning of the school day.

"Hi Carl!"

Carl was a little unsure of himself after all this and hesitantly =
responded "Good... morning Nancy."

"Heh, listen, I heard all about how the boys treated you in gym class" =
and putting a finger to his lips she said "Joel and his friends can be =
so-o-o savage sometimes.  But don't worry.  Mindy, Darlene and I will =
always be your friends and we see nothing wrong in how you dress."

Carl was grateful to hear that and said so.

"Since you know we 'support' you, how about coming over to our party =
tomorrow night?  It's at Mindy's house."

"Oh..why thank you Nancy. How sweet of you to invite me.  What sort of =
party is it?  Should I bring anything special?"

"Well, yes, as a matter of fact.  It's a slumber party so make sure to =
bring your toothbrush" she teased.  Then she leaned close to him and =
said quietly "And bring WHATEVER you would like to wear for the =

Carl was taken aback and at first got slightly defensive.  "I..I don't =
know what you mean.  Something other than this?" he gestured with a =
sweep of his hands indicating his jeans and t-shirt.

Continuing in hushed tones, Nancy said "Just wear whatever you want.  =
But remember you are among friends who know you and accept you.  Be as =
pretty as you like.  That's all I meant."

With that, she turned and left him for her next class.

Only girls get invited to teenage girl's slumber parties he thought.  It =
was the first time that it dawned on him that most people thought of him =
as a girl.  But who did he think it was?  Maybe he was a special kind of =
girl, he thought.

* * * * * * * * * * * * * *

Part 5 - Slumber Parties and Summer Havens

That night, after he and Janice had slipped on their matching nighties =
(they took special delight recently in wearing the same or similar =
clothes) and were in bed, Carl broke the silence of the dark.


"Yes, Sissy?"

Carla told his sister about the invitation from Nancy to Mindy's slumber =
party.  And then he added what she had said last about what to bring.

"How do you feel about that Sissy?"

"I don't know-w-w.  You and Mom have always been the only ones who knew =
about what I like to wear."  And then recalling his earlier powerful =
realization, he added "And about who I am."

Janice was silent for a moment.  "It seems, Sissy, that nearly everyone =
knows about your wearing panties to gym class and probably suspects that =
you have worn them many times before.  So aren't you glad that some of =
those who know accept you as..."

Janice stopped herself, but Carl pressed the point "As?"

Janice had gone that far. She might as well get it fully out between =
them.  She and mom had never said it, but it was time it was out in the =

"As a girl" she said.

Some crickets and other night sounds could be heard outside their =
window.   It was a sound background that became louder for the silence =
that followed.

"Is that what I am, Janice?  Am I a girl?  How can I be a girl?  I am a =
boy for crying out loud" He said in several quick, ardent protests.  =
Then he began sobbing.

Janice instinctively moved closer to him in the big bed they shared and =
pulled his head to her bosom to comfort him.

"Oh, Sissy, Sissy.  Mother and I love you very much.  I could speak for =
Mother too, but I will just speak for myself.  I think you've been very =
brave to be yourself.  You could have tried to be a boy like other boys, =
but you are not like other boys.  You are like other girls.  I've never =
known a girl that didn't like you, that didn't feel comfortable with =
you.  I have always thought of you more like a sister than a brother and =
since you have begun to dress and be the pretty girl I believe you are =
inside, I have been very happy to share it all with you.  I feel very =
fortunate to have you - can I say it?- as my sister, Sissy.  Don't you =
feel happier too when you allow yourself to wear panties and dresses, do =
each other's hair and makeup?"

There was no doubt as to this answer of that question.  "Yes, I do like =
to be pretty Janice."

"Sure you do, Sissy.  Girls enjoy being pretty."

"I guess I am more like a girl" he said doubtfully.

"Are you sure?"

"Yes" he said.

Janice softly sang a pretty song as she stroked Carla's hair.  Was it an =
hour?  It was a healing, a healing, warm moment.

Janice stopped singing and said "Why don't you go to that party and just =
enjoy being the girl you are?  Give it all you've got.  I'll help you!"

Sissy smiled.  "OK, I will!"

* * * * * * * * *

Nancy told Carl at school that they had to change the party to the next =
weekend.  That first disappointed Sissy, but he soon realized that it =
presented him with a better oppourtunity to be fully himself at the =
party.  Because next weekend was the weekend after school ended.  And =
that meant he didn't have to worry about what he looked like on Monday =

Mother and Janice were like genies let out of a bottle.  They were soon =
in action, helping Sissy plan how he could be his best as a girl at the =
upcoming party.

Thank God school ended early on Friday because Mother had much in store =
for Sissy.  One of her beautician friends was going to do Sissy's hair =
and pierce his ears and even give him a bikini trim (since they planned =
to swim at Mindy's).

Of course, they had to use the evenings to do some shopping.  This was =
the first time that Carla had shopped for his own clothes and it was an =
exhilirating experience.  The clothes he bought he would wear many =
times, but he bought them with the party in mind.  Mother and Janice had =
helped make him quite the pretty girl so that he could go shopping as a =
girl and not have to worry what the salesladies or anyone else thought.  =
They were quite confident that anyone would see him as the adorable =
little girl he was!=20

He first purchased some white satin panties with a lace front and =
"pearl" beads sewn in a pretty pattern in the lace.  While in the =
lingerie department he saw a nightie to die for!  It was a see through =
blue baby doll nightie with matching panties.

Then he, Janice and Mother went to the dress department.  It was Janice =
who picked the dress he finally decided on. =20

"Go on Sissy!  Try it on dear" urged his mother.

He had hesitated because he had never been in a women's dressing room =

"That's where girls try on their clothes" whispered Janice, with a smile =
for support.

Sissy came back out wearing the blue, floral pattern dress.  The dress =
had puffed sleeves and a lovely lace trimmed scoop neck.  It looked =
lovely on her and her mother and Janice both said so, but she could tell =
that her mother was bothered by some detail.

"My fault, sorry Sissy.  I forgot we have another purchase before that =
dress looks right.  Follow me."

As soon as Sissy realized they were walking in the bra section of the =
lingerie department and that her mother was stopping to look at some of =
them, she whispered urgently to her mother "Mommy, I can't wear a bra!  =
I don't have..u know.. titties"

"But darling, many girls your age are starting to develop and many who =
aren't or are a little slow in that department are still wearing =
training bras.  We can get you a nice padded one."

Despite his misgivings, Mother and Janice finally decided on a couple of =
bras for Sissy.  Janice went into the dressing room with Sissy to show =
him how to put it on.

When Sissy and Janice emerged, the dress looked just right.  Sissy now =
had the gentle swelling you would expect with a girl her age.

Next they went to the ladies swimwear department.  They all agreed a =
one-piece suit would be best for now.   They found Sissy a lovely =
fuschia-colored suit with a few bright striped accents and flared =
ruffles at the legs.   Sissy noticed with approval that the cups were =

Just before Sissy emerged from the dressing room, Janice was afraid that =
she would emerge with the small, but still tell-tale bump denoting her =
born sex.  But then she recalled with relief that Sissy had instintively =
begun tucking his privates between his legs as he drew up his panties =
each morning.  So when he emerged he was smooth and round where he =
should be and looked every bit the excited girl with a new bathing suit.

There were also stops for shoes, new skirts and blouses.. and jewelry!  =
A whole new world for Sissy!  They bought some pierced earrings knowing =
that she would soon be able to wear them.  Sissy's mother bought her a =
girl's delicate watch, a gold necklace and an amethyst ring.

All this time shopping had left Sissy with a sudden urgent need.

Janice could see Sissy holding his legs together tightly and teased =
"You'll want to go to the little room with the picture of  a skirt =
printed on the door" she said to Sissy.

Sissy then looked paralyzed with fear.

"Janice!" admomished her mother.  "I can understand Sissy's afraid of =
her first trip to the ladies restroom.  Let's all go together."  Mother =
then explained to Sissy about how to make the appropriate sound when in =
the stall and what to expect in general.

There was a certain magic for Sissy in passing through a door marked for =
women.  It was not marked "Women, girls, and boys who feel effeminate =
and wear panties."  This was a woman's room and she was entering.  Sissy =
would never again use a men's restroom except when she was out with =
girlfriends who were frustrated with waiting for stalls in the ladies =
room and "snuck" into the men's room.

After following her Mother's precautions about the sounds she made on =
the john, she pulled up her panties and skirt and joined her mother and =
sister to freshen up her makeup as she had been taught.

At the end of school on Friday, Sissy fairly breezed out the door of the =
school to the curb where her mother and sister were waiting in the car =
to pick her up for her date with feminine destiny.

Wendy had told her friend Beverly all about her son.  Beverly was the =
perfect beautician to work with Sissy because her sister had long been a =
gender counselor and she was very supportive of TVs and transsexuals.

To put Sissy right at ease, Beverly greeted her as "Carla" when they =
came into her beauty parlor.  Beverly handed Sissy a pink smock and =
asked that she take off her nice purchases and put this on as they had a =
lot of work to do and didn't want to ruin any of her new clothes.

Sissy was a little embarrassed to strip down to her new bra and panties =
in front of a complete stranger but she remembered Janice's advice to =
always think of herself as a girl and everything would work out just =
right.  Why wouldn't a girl be wearing a bra and panties?  What else =
would Sissy be wearing?  Boys clothes? Of course not, Sissy thought.  =
She put on the pink smock.

Sissy had the works - a facial, manicure, pedicure, and ear piercing.

"Now, for your bikini trim" announced Beverly.  "Would you remove your =
panties please Carla?"  This was perhaps Sissy's most embarassing moment =
of the last few days of shopping and beautifying.  Even though her =
little member almost seemed feminine in its size and the sweet way it =
slowly, almost relunctantly unfurled from between her legs, it was =
embarassing to have others see it.  And all three of them would be =
looking at her wee-wee while Beverly worked on her. But Sissy complied =
and pulled down the bright yellow lace panties she was wearing.

Even though Sissy had no chest, face or underarm hair even threatening =
to appear, she did have a little pubic hair.  It was not in the right =
lengths and distribution for a girl Sissy's age, so Beverly set about =
trimming it.  As she explained what she was doing, she always referred =
to his privates as a pussy which made him feel a lot more at ease.  When =
she was finished there was no danger of it interrupting the lines of =
Sissy's new swimsuit.

Then came Sissy's favorite part.  He had long secretly dreamed of what =
it would feel like to have his face framed with soft curls in a cut that =
was on no borderline, but was truly feminine in every way.  Even the =
strong chemicals and tight curlers that Beverly worked into his now  =
a-bit-past-shoulder-length hair was a joyful event for him.  He was sick =
and tired of having to return his hair to some boring unisex look so as =
not to jostle people's sensibilities at school.  He was a girl and he =
wanted to look that way!

Sissy sat under the dryer while Janice and his mom looked at hair styles =
in the magazines in the foyer.   Then came the moment of truth.  Beverly =
took out the curlers and brushed out Sissy's hair.

It was a sight that brought tears to everyone in the room.   All the =
hopes that Wendy and her daughter Janice had for Sissy's emerging =
femininity seemed crowned in that moment.  And Sissy was feeling and =
looking at hair that finally matched her image of herself.  Blond =
highlights in beautifully curled auburn hair, wispy thin curls framing =
the edge of her face.  Even Beverly had wet eyes. =20
