THE AZTEC EARRINGS            by K. Moore


     I have always seen movies and read books about people who led "double
lives," like spies, serial killers and so forth, but never in my wildest
dreams did I expect that I might one day experience their world in a
fashion so incredible that only a person with a super imagination could

It all started about a year ago when I went on a camping trip with my best
buddy, Ron.  Ron and I had always enjoyed outdoor spots that very few
people knew about.  We had gone to various wilderness areas in the Southern
United States, never ceasing to marvel at the just how far away from
humanity we could get.  Caves, canyons, mountain name it, we
went there!  This time, we had planned an excursion to an island off the
coast of Florida that had been designated a National Wilderness Area.  It
was so deserted and inaccessible that we actually had to charter a boat to
drop us off on it, directing the captain to pick us up after a five day

We talked with our boat captain on the way out, and he informed us of the
myths and legends associated with the island.  He told us of a mystical
tribe of Indians said to have once inhabited the place.  Supposedly, they
were the remnants of the Aztec tribe conquered by Cortes way back in the
early 1500s.  When the conquistador had arrived in their Mexican city, the
Aztecs were known for their peace-loving artistic way of life.  They
worshipped a female sun god, and for them, life and all its pleasures were
gifts to be cherished and revelled in.  Once Cortes had massacred their
leader and their people, most of the Aztecs that were left were forced into
a life of slavery and slow assimilation into the culture of their Spanish
conquerors.  Only a few remote pockets of Aztecs refused to bend to the
harsh ways of their uninvited guests.  One of these rebellious bands
supposed fled to the north into what was to become the U.S., taking with
them their mystical charms designed to reinforce their religious and social
beliefs.  This band, said our captain, eventually found peace on the island
that was to be our destination.  There they lived happily for about a
hundred years, growing more and more dedicated to their faith in the
feminine sun god and the wonders of fertility and joys of the flesh that
she had bestowed on them.  They believed, said the captain, that all
earthly things were originally female in nature, and thus there was no
greater honor than to be a woman in their tribe.  Various stories had been
told by sailors of the time of the incredible, almost mystical beauty of
the female inhabitants of the island.  People who had supposedly been
shipwrecked on the reefs surrounding the island had been taken in, nursed
back to health and shown only love and compassion by these perfect
specimens of femininity.  It was said that many sailors, upon being made
aware of these incredible people, decided to forego their lives on the land
and live out their days in this tropical Garden of Eden.  In fact, said the
captain, there were so few sailors who chose to return to the mainland,
that their stories were largely looked upon as fabrications, especially
when they pointed out the fact that the only males on the island were
outnumbered by the women by at least two to one, and that of those few
males that were there, all were no older than their teens!  
As we neared the island, the captain finished his story by saying that a
great hurricane struck in the mid 1600s, completely submerging the island
and all its inhabitants.  The storm was so strong, he said, that the island
resurfaced only after fifty years, leaving no remnants of its former
civilization.  Since that time, archaeologists had found only a few pottery
shards and broken building materials...nothing that could ever prove or
disprove the many stories told about the last tribe of the Aztecs!  Now,
the captain told us, only a smattering of vacationers and hearty campers
like ourselves went out to the island, bringing back stories only of
beautiful and secluded sand, sun and sea!

After hearing these stories of our island, Ron and I were only more excited
about spending some time there.  Since there was no dock, the captain let
us and our gear off in a little rubber raft about 100 yards from shore,
saluted us, and told us he would be back in 5 days.  As we paddled for the
beach, listening to the rapidly diminishing growl of our boat's motors, we
were both grinning with the thought of the adventure that awaited us!

                        CHAPTER TWO - - THE DREAM!

We made camp not far from where we beached our rubber raft and walked
around surveying our beautiful island.  No one could have wished for a more
incredible place!  The beach was filled with sand as fine as sugar
granules, and the ocean itself was as blue as the sky on a cloudless day in
paradise!  The island was only 3 miles across at its widest point, and in
between the shores was a pine and rock forest filled with dense vegetation
and beautiful tropical flowers.  We were in heaven!  That night, we ate a
typical camp meal, then drank and talked under the starry sky feeling the
soft, cool breezes and hearing the tranquil sound of the waves lapping
against the beach.  I crawled into my sleeping bag early and fell asleep
with a smile on my face, dreaming of the beautiful Aztec women of the
captain's tales.  

One of my dreams was especially vivid.  I remembered walking through the
forest being led by the hand of a dazzling dark haired beauty clad only in
an animal skin bikini.  She was laughing at me and hurrying me along,
turning fully around every now and then to show me her beautiful flashing
white teeth and sexy flowing hair.  Her supple, silken body with all its
incredible curves and long tanned legs only added to my encouragement to
keep up with her.  After a short time, we came to a clearing in the forest
bounded by a large outcropping of rocks that towered above me.  As graceful
as a deer, she leapt up onto a ledge a few feet above the ground and
beckoned to me to join her.  I jumped up with considerably less grace and
took her small hand when she offered it to me.  With her help, I pulled
myself up onto the ledge and into her grasp.  With a tinkling giggle, she
nestled her body into mine and wrapped me up in her arms.  I felt her warm,
soft lips against mine as her firm breasts pressed against my chest.  My
hands traced the pliant curves of her back and waist as we kissed, her
hands roaming over my chest and shoulders.  She broke the kiss and stepped
back from me, placing my hands on her breasts.  With a wonderful passionate
sigh, she tossed her head back as my hands began to squeeze and play with
her nipples.  I bent toward her and felt her hands on the back of my head
pressing my mouth into her cleavage.  She murmured girlish sounds of
approval as I suckled her breasts, her hands running through my hair and
over the sensitive skin of my neck.  After a moment of this, she took my
face in her hands, kissed me once lightly, and then motioned for me to look
around at our surroundings.  I took in the rocky vista that was in front of
me, noting the little cave that was just off to my left.  Then she wrapped
me up again and I felt her hands travel down toward to my crotch as we
kissed again.  My cock had grown extremely hard already, but when I felt
her hands go inside my shorts, it seemed as if it would explode!  With her
mouth against mine and both her hands squeezing my manhood, I heard her
utter the only words that I would ever hear her say.  In a soft whisper
between kisses she sighed, "Remember, my love, and join us!"  Her
manipulations had brought me to near climax, but just as I was reaching the
point of no return, she suddenly began to shimmer and grow transparent. 
The next thing I knew, I was inside my sleeping bag with a throbbing
erection!  As I came out of my dream, I could swear that I could still feel
the warmth of her body next to mine and hear her delicious passionate
laughter.  I lay back in my bag watching the sun rise and luxuriating in
the souvenirs of my dream.

                        CHAPTER THREE - DISCOVERY!

As we prepared our breakfast, I asked Ron if he had had any strange dreams
the previous evening.  He replied that he had been so tired and happy that
it would have been too much work to have dreams!  Not being a believer in
the "reality" of dreams, I shook mine off and put it down to having an
active imagination.  The plan of the day was to explore our paradise from
stem to stern.  We decided to start on the north side of the island beach
and hike all the way around it if we could.  The day was as pleasant as
could be...warm but not hot, and with a steady sea breeze that cooled us
off constantly.  It was during one of our many breaks that something
strange occurred.  I was half-dozing in the sun with my eyes closed,
letting my mind wander, when I could swear that I heard a soft feminine
voice murmur in my ear.  I couldn't be sure, but I thought it had said
something like, "We're here," and "Find us!"  I immediately opened my eyes
and sat up, but all I saw was Ron sipping a drink and the beautiful horizon
of sea and sand.  He looked at me curiously and raised his eyebrows
questioningly.  Not wanting to appear a total fool, I told him that a
mosquito had bitten me and let it go at that.  He nodded and said that we
should probably get started again.  As I strapped on my pack with the
woman's voice still reverberating in my head, I looked inland at the
forest.  Something about it looked familiar.  As if by pure instinct, I
motioned to Ron and suggested that we explore the inland for a while.  He
agreed, and we veered away from the beach into the forest.  Though the
undergrowth was thick, we both expressed surprise that it was not nearly as
inaccessible as on the other side of the island.  In fact, it was almost as
if there had once been a path along the route we were taking!  

As the trees began to hide the sun, the forest took on a mysterious look. 
Ghostly shadows hung from everywhere, and the absolute silence made us feel
as if we were in an arboreal cathedral.  Again, I was struck by the
familiarity of it all...I was certain I had been here before, when of
course, I could not have been.  As we walked along experiencing the wonder
of this hauntingly beautiful place, it suddenly dawned on me that this was
place I had visited in my dream!  It was enough to make me think again
about my disbelief in the "psychic" nature of dreams.  I had had deja vu
before, but never anything like this.  I took over the lead from Ron and
felt as if my feet had taken on a life of their own and were guiding me to
a specific place.  Sure enough, after only a few minutes, we came to the
clearing in the forest that I so vividly remembered from my dream.  There
was the rock garden that I had kissed my fantasy woman on, and there was
the ledge that she had so nimbly jumped atop.  Ron sat down, his eyes
moving back and forth over the fantastic scenery.  "Wow!  Look at this
place!" he said, "I could sit here forever and look at this!"  "You do
that," I said, "I'm gonna take a look up here."  I climbed up onto the
ledge, knowing what I would find.  There it was;  the view, the rocks, the
cave...everything from my dream.  I knew what I had to do.  I took out my
flashlight and brushed away the cobwebs from the entrance of the cave.  The
opening was a tight squeeze, but I managed it, and with a little effort, I
found myself able to stand upright in a small room.  I shone my flashlight
against the wall and saw with delight the faded cave paintings there.  They
were expertly drawn, but the ages and their time underwater had reduced
them to bare outlines.  I looked closely at one of the murals and could
make out a group of wonderfully drawn beautiful women dressed in colorful
costumes.  Another showed two naked women embracing each other
passionately.  I was just about to shout for Ron when my beam played upon
small half-buried metal box in the corner of the cave room.  Excitedly, I
ran over to it and dug it out of the sand.  The top of it was worn to
perfect smoothness and badly tarnished, but I realized that it must have
been made of silver.  The clasp was rusted, but with a bang of my
flashlight, it came off.  I opened it up and gently dumped out the sand
that had gathered inside of it.  As the sand fell to the ground, my beam
hit upon something that glinted merrily in the light.  There, lit by my
flashlight was a pair of beautiful gold earrings.  They were small, but the
delicate metal sculpting was astonishing!  On each one, there was a carving
of the head of a beautiful Indian woman in a sort of helmet-like headdress. 
Her face was exquisite with huge alluring cat-like eyes and high elegant
cheekbones.  So detailed was the metalwork that the earrings looked almost
like a portrait painting.  I stared, nearly hypnotized by their beauty,
when the sound of Ron coming into the entrance of the cave started me back
to reality.  "You down there?!" he shouted, and I responded, "Yeah! Come
look!"  Before I realized what I was doing, I had closed the box with the
earrings inside and slipped it inside a hidden pocket in my pack.  I felt a
little selfish hiding my discovery from my good friend, but something told
me that it was the right thing to do.  As his light came into view, I
gleefully shouted to him, "Look at these paintings!  They must be hundreds
of years old!"  He gave a low whistle as his light ran over the murals. 
"Guess those stories the captain told us were at least partly true!" he
said.  We looked at the cave walls for a while longer and even dug around
in the sand floor, hunting for artifacts, but found no more.  As we exited
the entrance, we talked excitedly about the importance of our find.  "The
archaeologists are going to eat this up!" Ron said as we made our way down
from the ledge.  Suddenly, we felt a strong gust of wind and heard a rumble
of rock.  We looked up just in time to see a large stone teeter and fall
from the top of the bluff!  We scrambled to get out of the way as it
tumbled violently down the face of the cliff and came to rest right in
front of the cave entrance, sealing it off completely!  "Or not," I said
forlornly as small pebbles bounced around us.  "Now, why did that happen?"
Ron said...."That boulder must have been barely hanging up there!"  We
climbed back on to the ledge to inspect the damage and realized that only a
few sticks of dynamite would allow anyone to enter the cave again.  "Oh
well," I said, "we can still tell people about it."  

                           CHAPTER FOUR - MAGIC!

We talked about how lucky we were on the way back to our camp, still
marvelling at how we, of all people, managed to find something that 
professionals had missed for all these years.  I thought about the dream
that had pointed the way for me, and why I had unsharingly taken the
earrings and jewelry box for myself.  I could gather no plausible
conclusions, and decided to leave it alone until I could get a better look
at my finds.  We trudged tiredly into camp at just about sunset, and it was
all we could do to prepare dinner and collapse into our tents.  I waited
until I heard Ron begin to quietly snore before I got the box out of my
bag.  In the light of my flashlight, the earrings were just as beautiful as
I remembered.  The woman in the gold looked back at me with her enormous
eyes just as before, but I could swear that this time she had a smile that
had not been there before!  Probably just my imagination again I told
myself.  I turned one earring over and examined the back.  There was a
small peg on one side, and opposite it was a tiny bar with ridges on it. 
The workmanship on this artifact was amazing and I could tell by pushing
the bar and peg together that the mechanism was still working even after
all these years.  Just to prove it to myself, I undid the clips and reached
up to put the earring on my earlobe.  With a little snick, the bar and peg
came together with my lobe between them, fastening the earring securely to
my ear.  I removed my hand tentatively to test how secure the earring was
attached.  It didn't move, even when I shook my head a little.  It was kind
of fun feeling the weight of it on my ear, and, for some reason, I was also
feeling a little pleasant warmth emanating from around my ear.  I decided
to test the other one, and it was then that my life changed forever!  

The other earring fit just as snugly as its counterpart, but as soon as
both earrings were securely attached, I felt the peculiar warmth grow much
more intense.  Suddenly, it was as if my body had been taken hold of by
dozens of strong hands.  I couldn't move an inch!  The warmth around my
ears began to spread to other parts of my body and I could feel myself
being twisted and wrenched from the inside out.  The feeling wasn't exactly
painful, but I was terrified!  What was happening to me?  I tried to cry
out for Ron, but found that my voice, like the rest of me, was paralyzed as
well!  The warmth turned into an electricity that tingled throughout my
every limb.  I felt my body spasm, forcing my head forward so that I now
looked down from my sitting position.  With uncontrollable shakes and
twitches, I saw what I could not believe.  My formerly broad and hairy
chest had shrunken and become entirely devoid of hair...My legs, equally
hairy and masculine had taken on a feminine smoothness and become girlishly
shapely.  My body shook again, and I saw out of the corners of my frozen
eyes that there was now long black hair surrounding my face and growing
longer by the second.  My chest, even smaller than when I had last looked
at it was suddenly swelling around my nipples.  I watched with horror as my
nipples expanded to twice, then three times their normal size, their color
changing from my normal dusky brown to a bright pink.  The area around them
was metamorphisizing even faster than they were, swelling quickly until
they had become an astonishingly ample woman's bosom!  I felt my head
thrown back as my body was wracked again with another spasm.  My eyes
rolled back in my head, and though I was blind to the changes that were
taking place, I could feel each and every one of them.  My flesh seemed to
crawl, taking on a new texture and rearranging itself in different
proportions.  I felt a thousand tingles around my face as my cheeks
quivered and puckered as they changed while my lips underwent a swelling
sensation that made them feel heavier and larger.  Even my nose was not
immune to the transformation as I felt it shrink and become smaller.  I
thrashed once again with an even more powerful spasm, feeling my very bones
shifting within me.  At the same time, I could feel the area around my
waist tighten and shrink while my hips broadened and became rounder.  By
this time, I could feel myself regaining some body control though the
electric tingles were still swirling all over me.  I could hear my breath
gasping through my mouth, but I subconsciously noted that the gasps I was
hearing were nothing like I was used to...They seemed breathier...Perhaps
even daintier?  Suddenly, the last of the tingles concentrated their force
around my crotch.  I felt an almost unbearable heat between my legs that
just as suddenly began to abate into a pleasant warm sensation.  As the
tingles finally subsided, I found myself almost able to move freely. 
Exhausted, I fell back onto my sleeping bag, unexpectedly finding that I
now had a cushion of ebony hair that I hadn't had before.  Still gasping
for breath, I brought my hands up to my face to wipe the perspiration from
my forehead.  Even by the dim light of the flashlight that had been tossed
about during my spasms, I knew that the hands that were caressing my face
were not my own.  They were small and delicate with tiny wrists and long
feminine fingernails.  In fact, not only were my hands not my own, but my
face was just as unfamiliar!  Instead of finding the coarse black beard
that I had worn for 15 years, my new hands played over soft cool hairless
skin!  I traced the outline of my nose, finding it to be just as small as I
had imagined during my transformation.  My tiny fingers pinched thick
sensitive lips and a ran lines over a mouth that was much wider than my own
had been.  As my heavy breathing slowly came back to normal, I was aware of
the extra weight on my chest heaving up and down with my gasps.  With an
effort, I propped my head up with my elbow, blowing away stray strands of
black hair that swirled about my face.  I looked down at my chest and saw
that what I had hoped was a dream was, in fact, real!!!  There, before my
eyes, were two proud and firm breasts perched atop a flat stomach and
narrow chest.  My large nipples were perfect pink roses standing at
attention.  With my left hand, I moved to touch these strange things
adorning my body.  As I grasped one of them, I was amazed both at the sweet
softness of it as well as its extreme sensitivity.  I clutched at my new
breasts in amazement as one pinches oneself to wake up.  I didn't wake up! 
In fact, my ministrations had had an effect on me that I didn't expect...I
found myself growing aroused, but in a fashion far different from my usual
masculine self.  I could feel a pleasant warmth between my legs as I
kneaded first one breast, then the other.  I was just about fully recovered
now, so I sat completely up with both hands still cupping my breasts.  It
was stunning how easily and lithely my body now bent upward with almost no
effort!  I eased one hand into my shorts, almost resigned to what I would
find.  Sure enough, as my dainty fingers explored where only moments before
a decent sized cock had been, I felt a small fringe of trimmed pubic hair
surrounding a throbbing moist slit.  Heat radiated from it, and when I felt
a finger slip inside of myself, I heard a voice that was not mine utter a
high pitched moan of pleasure.  I could have easily gotten lost in the
wonderful sensations of exploring my new body, but, logical man that I am,
I snapped back to reality and put aside my explorations for later.

I reached for the flashlight, momentarily distracted by the movement of my
new breasts as I leaned toward it.  With my light in hand, I opened my
little shaving kit and got out the tiny mirror I carried with me.  I took a
deep breath, trying to compose myself before I looked in it.  Even though I
thought I was ready for what I would find, nothing could have prepared me
for the sight of an exquisite young woman's face staring back at me from
the mirror.  She had a beauty so rare that one would consider oneself lucky
to behold such a sight of feminine perfection once in a lifetime!  Behind
dark curly lashes, enormous flashing brown eyes glittered seductively.  An
upturned button nose paved the way to a generous wide mouth with lips that
practically begged to be kissed.  Ornately fragile high cheekbones framed
this goddess' smooth unblemished face, and swirling luxuriously about it
were locks of jet black shoulder length hair that could be tossed coyly or
trailed teasingly across a lover's chest.  How could this vision be me, I
thought to myself as I watched the girl's luminescent eyes grow even wider
with curiosity.  I threw aside the mirror and stood up carefully inside my
tent and pulled off my shorts.  I shone the flashlight beam over my now
naked body and saw that the goddess in the mirror had curves that matched
the beauty of her face.  Tanned and lean, she had narrow shoulders,
perfectly shaped breasts and a tapered wasp waist that flared out into
womanly round hips.  Her legs, brown, smooth and shapely, would never need
pantyhose or stockings.  From the tips of her elegant fingernails to her
tiny sculpted feminine feet, this woman was beauty in the extreme!...And
she was me!  A six foot, 200 pound bearded male with a receding hairline!

                   CHAPTER FIVE - - BEAUTY AND THE BEAST
I sat back down, pulled my knees up to my chest with ease, and began to
think.  I was sure that my dream and my discovery of the cave had something
to do with my transformation, but what did it all mean?  Did the cult of
the Aztec tribe still have an influence over visitors to their long drowned
island?  Was this the "gift" of their female sun god?  While I would admit
to having wondered what it would be like to be a woman from time to time,
to be forcibly transformed into one for the rest of my life was not what I
considered a "gift."  I shook my head in confusion and frustration, and was
suddenly conscious of the weight that still adorned my ears.  I reached up
through my mane of ebony hair and found that, yes, I was still wearing the
earrings.  They had not fallen off during my metamorphosis as I had
expected!  I ran my hands over the sensuous curves of my body one more
time, said a little prayer to any god that was listening, and undid the
clasps of the earrings.  The effect was instantaneous!  With far less
intensity than before, I felt my body begin to rearrange itself again.  All
the sensations I had felt minutes before occurred again, but this time in
reverse order.  I watched as my beautiful breasts shrank, my big nipples
fading back to their original color and size as my chest expanded and grew
hair anew.  Where nothing had been moments before, I felt my cock restoring
itself, the testicles themselves finally emerging from somewhere within my
body.  In moments it was over.  I reached up to my face with now familiar
hands and found my normal rough skin and coarse beard.  I immediately
reached for my mirror for confirmation and was rewarded by the sight of the
face that I had worn for 34 years of life.  I cautiously inspected my body
and found that everything had returned to normal.  I clasped my hands in
relief, raised my eyes skyward, and said, "Thank you!" to whoever was
responsible for my restoration!

Now that I knew what had caused my transformation from a fairly strapping
man to a heartstoppingly beautiful woman, I was faced with the decision of
what to do with my new found knowledge.  Would I try it again?  I knew that
I would...Already I was regretting my decision to stop the sexual
exploration I had done while in my female body prematurely.  Having
experienced a very small section of the world in womanly form, I knew that
I wanted more.  How much more, I wasn't sure, but I figured that a little
experimentation would take care of that.  For some reason, I was aware that
while I was a little shaken by my experience, the fear that I would have
expected from trying it again was nowhere to be found.  I was suddenly
confident that the Indian woman who had appeared in my dream wanted me to
have the earrings and use them any way I desired.  I remembered that the
captain had said that the tribe was dedicated to goodness and compassion as
well as life's pleasures, and that they revered women as the embodiment of
these virtues.  Now, while I am no living saint, there are few people on
this earth that would describe me as a bad person.  Whether because of
proper upbringing, or just a moral sense of right and wrong, I have always
strived to be as good and compassionate a human being as possible.  Though
I am sure that I have had failures, I am equally sure that my successes far
outweigh the deficiencies.  Perhaps the ghosts of the lost Aztec tribe had
been waiting for someone like me to bestow their gift on. I hoped I was
correct in assuming that I had been chosen specifically for this gift,
because I planned to use it...starting now!

I put my shorts back on and slipped the earrings and my flashlight into my
pocket.  I checked to see that Ron was still quietly snoring, and then, as
silently as I could, I unzipped my tent and walked out into the still and
warm night.  Since I didn't want to use my light for fear of waking my
camping buddy, I managed to find my way out of the campsite with only the
illumination of the stars to show me the way.  Once I was a couple of
hundred yards away, I turned on my light and followed the path to the
beach.  I walked down it a ways until I was sure that I was a safe distance
away from Ron and possibly unexplainable confrontations.  With adrenaline
pumping through my body, I sat down on a driftwood log and buried the
flashlight in the sand so that it shone its beam upward.  I took the
earrings carefully from my shorts pocket and put the left one on.  Again, I
felt the warm sensation that I had experienced before almost immediately. 
With my heart beating rapidly, and my fingers shaking, I clumsily attached
the other one to my ear.  In an instant, I began to change!  With a cry, I
felt my body jolted by the electricity of transformation.  Though the
spasms and jerks were much less than before, the feel of my body going
through so many changes was more than enough to make me nearly pass out. 
In seconds, it was over and I lay on the sand gasping, once more a
beautiful woman.  I looked down to make sure that everything was as it had
been before, and the sight of my perfect breasts gently moving up and down
in rhythm with my breathing was all the confirmation I needed.  Still prone
in the sand, I reached my tiny hands to them and cupped them gently.  The
now familiar wave of womanly sexuality washed over me immediately.  I felt
myself smiling with happiness and said aloud, "This is fantastic!"
marvelling at my dreamy soprano voice.  With a girlish giggle, I jumped up,
feeling a vitality and litheness that I couldn't ever remember feeling
before.  The cool breeze tossed my hair this way and that, and the tingly
sensation of the sand blowing against my bare sensitive legs made me
realize just how different it feels to be a girl.  I jumped up and down
just to feel the bounce of my new breasts, stopping momentarily to tease my
nipples into tiny volcanic erections.  My shorts, which had fit snugly only
moments before, now fell down around my ankles with my new shape.  I
stepped out of them, pointed a delicate toe, and kicked them away from me. 
My hands again ran down the many slopes of my new body, feeling the
delightful outward curve of my hips from my waist and the full roundness of
my heart shaped bottom.  I ran up and down the beach, laughing the whole
time!  Here I was, a gloriously naked beautiful woman full of life and
energy, revelling in the wonder of her own body.  I realize that this is
the way the Aztecs must have felt, and I hoped that they approved of my
joy.  "Thank you, Aztec Goddess of the Sun," I said in my new voice as I
whirled about tossing my hair in a wild exuberant dance.  I heard the waves
crashing against the shore and I felt as if they had a rhythm that only I
could hear.  I stopped my dance and faced the ocean, my hands gently
cupping my breasts and my legs slightly apart.  I closed my eyes and
listened to their song, one leg tapping out the beat of their melody.  My
body seemed to become more and more attuned to the pounding crash, and I
found myself kneading my breasts in time with the surf.  I felt a stirring
between my legs as my private concert continued, and soon the fingers of my
right hand found their way to my vagina, drawing ever narrowing circles
around it in rhythm with the music of the ocean.  I heard myself singing
along with the waves, uttering feminine sighs and passionate moans as I
pinched my bloated nipples and plunged my fingers in and out of myself in
perfect harmony with the sea.  The rise and fall of the waves seemed to
enter into me as my concentration got more intense.  Crescendo and ebb,
crescendo and ebb, until finally, I felt my new body sensations rise to the
height of a tidal wave and then crash down upon me in a billion waves of
total release.  My head was thrown back as I bolted with my first female
orgasm, and through it all, I could feel my hair sensuously tickling the
soft skin of my back.  It was like nothing I had ever felt before...Was I
an animal in heat, or was I woman in love with being a woman?  The surge of
the waves inside me and the warmth radiating from my vagina made me want to
experience this pleasure again and again and again.  As the orgasm
subsided, the joy of my newfound femininity only swelled.  How could I have
not known that this is what a woman feels?  How could they have kept it
from us for all this time?  And more importantly, how did it feel to have
an orgasm when you were not alone?  Brushing the sand from my shapely
smooth legs, I began to think about what it would be like to make love like
this with a man!  Never before had I had such thoughts, but then again,
never before had I looked and felt like this!  

------------ Coming soon!  Chapter Six:  The Future! -----------------

I'd love to hear any comments you might have about my story.  You can reach
me through The Sierra Connection or any Feminet echo using the name "Kevin
Moore."                                        THE AZTEC EARRINGS      By K. Moore

Previously, two camping buddies had landed on an island off the coast of
Florida for a nice wilderness vacation.  According to legends, an Aztec
tribe that was dedicated to femininity and pleasures of the flesh had made
their home on the island.  After a hiking expedition, one of the campers
discovered a jewelry box containing two gold earrings.  Hiding them from
his partner, the camper found to his delight that wearing the earrings
transformed him into a beautiful young woman!  Unbeknownst to his buddy, he
experimented with his new body, finding a joy that he had never known
before!  Now, with the gift of the earrings his forever, he must make
future plans on how, where, and with whom to use them!

                       CHAPTER SIX - - FUTURE PLANS!

As I sat on the beach with my pretty head still swimming from the intensity
of my orgasm, I considered the future.  I very much enjoyed being a man and
had never regretted my sex once, but now, looking at the world from the
eyes of a beautiful woman and feeling her physical and mental sensations, I
began to realize that there were definite virtues in being able to switch
from male to female.  As I looked at my perfect breasts and flat stomach by
the dim light of the stars, I still felt a little guilty about not sharing
my treasure with Ron, my good friend.  Still, he was far more "macho" than
I was, and even though we could surely make some kind of monetary profit
from my find, I wanted the earrings for my personal use.  I didn't think
he'd be as enchanted as I was about being able to assume the guise of a
gorgeous girl!  I thought about Ron some more and realized that along with
my new shape, I detected a definite change in my sexuality.  Yes, I still
had all the memories and thoughts of my male self, but there was something
about owning a perfect pair of breasts, shapely thighs and legs, and a
moist, warm vagina that had changed the way I thought about my old friend! 
I suddenly imagined myself in bed with him, trailing my long, black hair
over his muscular chest, feeling his cock growing in my dainty hands, and
finally succumbing to his physical power over me, parting my legs to let
him have his way with me!

I almost ran back to camp and attacked him in his sleeping bag, but decided
that that would be a mistake.  Even though I was now the opposite sex from
him, he would never accept the fact that he was making love to his formerly
masculine bearded pal.  I'd have to wait until our camping trip was over to
be with him the way this body wanted to be with him, or any other man for
that matter.  With a sigh, I realized that the sun was just about to peek
over the ocean horizon and I knew that I had to get back.  One last time, I
let my slender hands and fingers run through my soft hair and linger over
my curvy body.  I let my musical voice utter a final pleasurable moan as I
massaged my firm breasts, then took off my earrings.  Once again, the
transformation process began and ended almost immediately, and I found
myself gasping for breath in my male body only moments later.  I rubbed my
now masculine hands over my hairy muscular body and thought wistfully about
how much nicer it was to feel smooth supple skin and curves under the probe
of my fingers.  I heaved myself up, found my shorts, slipped the earrings
in my pocket and used the flashlight to make my way back to camp.  I
managed to slip into my tent and sleeping bag without waking Ron and slept
soundly for about three hours before the smell of bacon and coffee awakened

For the rest of our trip, I kept my secret secure.  By day, we explored,
hiked and swam in our island paradise, acting just like the young men that
we were.  But by night, I would creep away from the camp, don my earrings
and become the nimble feminine creature of my fantasies.  I found that the
woman I became was increasingly insatiable sexually!  When I wore my
earrings, that was nothing that I didn't fantasize about.  I played with
myself while little movies showed inside my mind of naked men, naked women,
orgies and gang bangs.  I imagined myself being raped by huge, hulking
masculine monsters, and enjoyed every minute of it.  I imagined beautiful
women doing slow strip teases in front of me, then pressing their soft
bodies into mine as our nipples caressed each other.  Once, I even imagined
that my flashlight was an enormous cock, and slid it in and out of my sweet
mouth while my small fingers brought me to climax between my lovely legs.

Needless to say, I enjoyed my time on the island, both day and night, but
when the boat came to pick us up, I was ready to leave...Partly because I
was anxious to get back to civilization, hot showers and electricity, but
also because I was looking forward to introducing my female self to the
world at large!  


With my earrings and jewelry box securely packed away in my travel bag, Ron
and I began our trip home.  We excitedly told the captain about our cave
find, and he seemed very interested.  He took out a detailed map of the
island, and we did our best to mark the approximate location of the cave
and the paintings.  Even though the captain assured us that he would get a
team of archaeologists to work on the blocked entrance, something told me
that the secret of the Aztecs would remain hidden from all but me!  

Once we had arrived back on the mainland, we still had a two day trip in
Ron's truck before we got back home.  Tired and dirty, we drove for only a
couple of hours the first day before the lure of a hot shower and
comfortable bed overcame us.  Ron wanted to save some money by sharing a
room, but I had a hidden agenda that he didn't know about.  I persuaded him
to go with two rooms this time since the rates were cheap.  Finally, alone
in my motel room with a full length mirror, I immediately decided to see
just how beautiful I was in my womanly form.  Quivering with excitement, I
stripped off my clothes, got out my earrings and stood in front of the
mirror.  I saw with disgust the dishevelled, unkempt man reflected in the
glass.  My hair was filthy, my face dirty and stubbled.  I realized that
even the magic of the earrings could not wipe out the dirt and grit of my
present masculine state, so I decided to take a long shower instead.  I
thought how exciting it would be to transform in the shower after I was
clean, and brought the earrings into the bathroom with me.  

As the hot water began to steam up the bathroom mirror, I walked back out
into the bedroom and looked myself over one last time.  I wanted to
remember every detail of my dirty male body, then compare it to the
unearthly beauty that I would return as.  I memorized how I looked, then
returned to the warmth of the shower.  I was revolted to see the clear
water wash over my body and then change to a muddy brown when it hit the
shower floor.  I scrubbed and cleaned every bit of dirt and sand from my
body, then shaved my face and washed my hair thoroughly.  Satisfied that I
was as clean as a man could be, I reached around the shower curtain and
retrieved my golden earrings.  Knowing that the metamorphosis was sometimes
violent, I sat down in the shower with the water playing off my chest.  I
washed the earrings off and looked closely at them again.  The beautiful
Aztec goddess carved in the gold gleamed back at me lovingly, and I smiled
at her in reverence.  I clipped on first the left earring, then the right,
and sat back to await the change.  As it had before, the process started
right away...I felt myself lock into a paralyzed position as the tingles of
electricity spasmed through my body.  I could feel the now familiar
swellings and withdrawals as my body rearranged itself into feminine
perfection.  When I felt myself come back to consciousness, the first thing
I noticed was the water from the shower playing across my torso.  Where
before the only sensation I had felt was a slight pressure against the hair
of my flat male chest, now the water was a stinging spray against my full
breasts.  I shielded my sensitive large nipples with feminine hands, gently
massaging them into prettily erect points.  I stood up in the shower,
feeling the different sensations the water caused in my now female body.  I
gently soaped my face and hair once again, marvelling at the feel of my
soft skin and curves.  I allowed one finger to roam between my legs and
felt the familiar stirrings of arousal start to overcome me.  Even though a
climax in the shower would have been pleasant, I had decided to save myself
for the mirror in the bedroom.  I turned the faucets off, realizing as I
did that it was far more difficult to turn them with my woman's strength
than it was when I was a man!  I got out and purposely avoided looking at
myself in the steamed up bathroom mirror, preferring to get my first look
at my alter ego in the clear full length mirror in the bedroom.  I
carefully dried myself off, loving the feel of the clean fluffy towel
against my smooth delicate skin.  Once dry, I padded daintily into the
bedroom, closed my eyes and stood in front of the mirror.  

I had looked forward to this moment ever since I had viewed my face in the
small tarnished travel mirror I brought camping.  As I slowly opened my
face, I knew immediately that that reflection had not done me justice. 
There before me stood a bronze skinned goddess.  I was feminine perfection
personified!  From the gorgeous full red lips and the narrow dainty
shoulders to the luxurious mane of black hair and the perfect shape and
curves of my breasts and hips, I was every man's ideal.  Magazines would
pay a fortune to have me grace their covers; male eyes would lock onto my
face and body immediately and create instantaneous erotic fantasies.  Oh,
would I turn heads!  It was almost frightening how beautiful I was.  I
thought about how little strength this petite feminine body had, and how
easily I could be forced into situations I didn't want to be in.  I decided
that I would have to be careful in public since, as a male myself, I knew
what kind of primitive reactions a man would have upon looking at me.  I
turned around gracefully in the mirror, tossed my damp hair over my
shoulder and peered at myself from the rear.  I was just as attractive from
this angle.  My long slim neck gave way to a small lean back, then tapered
inward to a tiny waist.  The sexy flare of my hips and the teardrop shape
of my dainty bottom only added to my shapely appearance.  Long, smooth,
golden legs and tiny feet finished off my reflection in perfect feminine

I turned around again to face my reflection and mimicked a few model poses
that I had often seen women do.  I was a darling innocent nymph when I
smiled and put my hands on my broad hips.  I was an alluring seductress
when I pursed my lips and leaned forward with my hand behind my hair.  And
I was an insatiable lioness when I threw my head back, opened my mouth
seductively and put my hands over my breasts.  Seeing myself in this pose
made me start to get more aroused.  I kneaded a breast sexily and watched
my reaction in the mirror.  Seeing my eyes close and listening to the sexy
womanly moan that escaped my full lips allowed my exploration to get more
daring.  I positioned myself on the bed so that I could see my reflection
and began to stroke myself with purpose.  I watched as the woman in the
mirror began to writhe with passion, her vagina growing wetter and hotter
as her movements became more fevered.  My hair flew into my eyes as I began
to utter little whispered "Oh"s.  With one hand furiously massaging a ripe
breast and the other running violent circles around my clitoris, I saw my
hips begin to thrust forward uncontrollably.  The sight of this prettily
flushing woman in the mirror, undulating her pelvis in rhythm with her
ever-increasing sighs of passion, made me climax titanically!  I felt my
back arch and heard a high pitched whine of animal happiness coming out of
my mouth as my orgasm surged through me.  My legs shot out straight and I
felt the hot release of juices from my dripping vagina.  Not even on the
island had I felt such satisfaction!  I was riding the crest of a storm of
pleasure that I never wanted to end!  My every nerve ending was tingling
with erotic stimulation as I slowly came down from my climax.  I lay back
on the bed feeling the heat radiating off my soft skin, smiling and shaking
my head at the utter unbelievability of my situation.  "All right,
Goddess," I said in my magical feminine voice, "time to see what it's like
out there in the real world!"  I gathered myself up and began to think
about how I could make my debut!

------------------- Next time, CHAPTER EIGHT - - THE DEBUT ----------------
              THE AZTEC EARRINGS (Part 3)        by K. Moore

Previously in chapters 1-7, a man discovers a pair of magical Aztec
earrings while vacationing on a wilderness island.  He hides his discovery
from his camping buddy, Ron, especially when he finds that once he puts the
earrings on, he is transformed into a beautiful woman.  For the most part,
he is happy with his life as a man, but after experimenting with his new
body, he realizes that being a part-time woman is a fantastic experience! 
Now on their way back home from the island, he has just seen for the first
time what he looks like when he is transformed and has decided it is time
for his new alter-ego to make "her" debut in public!

                         CHAPTER EIGHT - - DEBUT!

As I lay on the motel bed, still coming down from my incredible orgasm, I
thought about the problems my new identity could create for me.  As much as
I wanted to experience the world in the body of this delectable creature, I
was at a loss as to how to do it!  Of course, I had no women's clothes, and
the clothes that I had, in addition to being filthy from a week's worth of
tropical island dirt, would hardly fit around this tight, curvy body.  I
sat up, subconsciously tossing my long, black hair out of my eyes and
looked in the mirror again.  I was still dumbfounded by the sight of this
incredible beauty in the mirror.  I surveyed my nude reflection more
closely, admiring the soft curves and the angelic face that suggested just
a hint of devilishness.  "Well, missy," I said in my musical voice, "What
do we do now?"  Obviously, clothes were the first thing I needed to tackle. 
The question I needed to answer was which was potentially more
embarrassing--To buy women's clothing in my male body, or to be seen in
public as a woman wearing dirty men's clothes?  I also had the fact that I,
of course, had no drivers license identifying me as female.  I thought it
over while I gazed at my reflection, my pretty head furrowed in
concentration.  I decided that the thought of bringing a lacy bra and
panties to a clothing store cashier as a 200lb bearded man was too much to
bear, so I set about trying to find something of my own that would contain
this petite, though amply curvy body.  

I first put on a pair of my men's underwear.  I heard my tinkling laughter
as I pulled them up over my hips, only to see them fall back down around my
tiny ankles as soon as I let them go!  "Okay," I said to myself, "forget
the underwear!"  I rooted around in my backpack for a pair of hiking shorts
that I had only worn a couple of times on the island.  Luckily, they had an
elastic belt that went with them, and I thought I might be able to cinch it
tight enough to where they might stay on.  I stepped into them, feeling a
little nasty about going out in public without underwear, and found that
they would stay on if I pulled the belt as tight as it would go.  I looked
in the mirror to see a topless beauty wearing VERY baggy shorts!  The next
problem I had to tackle was my breasts.  The Aztec magician who had created
these earrings must have had a thing for amply endowed women, because my
breasts were quite large for the rest of my petite body.  I knew that if I
put just a T-shirt over them, I would have a gaggle of enamored men
following my every bounce and jiggle!  I decided on the one button-down
shirt I had brought with me.  Even with the extra flesh of my chest, it was
still way too big and hung down to nearly my knees.  Rather than tuck it in
as I had originally thought, I tied the shirttails together around my flat
belly.  I looked at my handiwork again in the mirror and realized that I
while I looked kind of sexy in my man's clothes, my breasts still jiggled
way too much when I moved.  I got out the dirty hunter's jacket that I had
brought and let it swallow my narrow shoulders.  It was far too big to
button, so I just left it open.  I looked in the mirror again and muttered
a silent prayer of thanks that the "grunge" look was still in vogue!  My
tiny feminine feet would no way fit into my man's sneakers, so I slipped on
a pair of flip flops and let it go at that.  My long, ebony hair looked too
elegant for my outfit, so I pulled it back into a precious pony tail kept
in place by a rubber band I had found in the motel room.  Of course, I had
no makeup, but decided that it would probably look out of place anyway on
this cute ragamuffin!

I sat down crosslegged on the bed and began to write down a list of what I
wanted on the memo pad by the phone.  Of course, I needed the essentials:
bra, panties and makeup, but what else?  I decided that since this was to
be my first night out, I only needed either a decent dress or one nice
skirt and blouse to wear.  I also needed shoes!  Maybe some low heels would
be nice...Nothing too showy, though!  I jotted all this down while thinking
about how I knew nothing about women's sizes!  I decided that I would just
do like I always did when shopping for men's clothes...Size it up in the
store!  I got up, still slightly amused by the feel of nothing between my
shorts and my crotch, made sure I had plenty of cash in my wallet, and
shoved it inside my jacket pocket.  

I grabbed my duplicate set of Ron's car keys, took a deep breath, and
quietly opened my hotel room door.  I sneaked a peek at Ron's room and let
out a relieved sigh when I saw that the lights were out, then made my way
cautiously to the truck.  I unlocked the door and piled in, still unused to
the extra padding my wide girlish hips gave me when I sat down.  I giggled
when I realized just how much shorter I was in my woman's guise when my
feet stopped short of the pedals by a country mile!  I moved the seat up
all the way and put on the shoulder belt.  It felt strange how the belt
passed between my breasts and forced them to jut out a little more.  I
passed a small hand over them sending a little sexy shiver down my body
before I started the ignition and drove out of the motel parking lot.

                        CHAPTER NINE - - ON TARGET!

As I slowly got used to the different feel of driving in my new body, I
realized that I didn't really have a destination in mind.  Perhaps my
desire to just get out and show myself before I lost the nerve was what
possessed me to move so fast, but aimlessly.  I wondered just why I was so
interested in showing myself in public...Was I becoming a convert to that
old Aztec belief in experiencing all the pleasures life has to offer, or
was I just looking for confirmation that I was actually as beautiful as I
thought myself to be?  Either way, here I was, a small inexperienced female
in a strange town dressed in dirty men's clothes driving around without a
license.  Too much!

The town I was in wasn't too big, but it did offer the regular Americana
shopping experiences.  Since I was after women's clothing, I figured that I
ought to try as inconspicuous a place as possible.  As I approached a
fairly major intersection, there on the corner stood a brightly lit Target
Store!  Perfect!  I wasn't after anything fancy, and I figured I would
hardly be noticed amidst all the happy clientele there.  I pulled in,
making sure I obeyed all the traffic laws in the book...Wouldn't do to get
picked up out here in my situation!  Once parked, I took a quick look in
the rear view mirror to make sure I still looked as presentable as I could. 
My pretty face had more of a nervous look about it than I would have liked,
but it would have to do!  I took a deep breath and lightly stepped out of
the truck, visible to the public for the first time as a woman!

As I walked toward the door, I was aware again of just how light and airy
this body I wore was.  It seemed I took two steps as a female for every one
step I took as a man...and every step I took was accompanied by a
noticeable bounce from my unencumbered breasts!  I tried to put a self-
assured look on my face as I walked into the light.  I wanted to give the
impression that I was just a normal girl going about my everyday business. 
Still, when I opened the door to the Target, it seemed that every eye in
the place was on me!  It was so bright!  How in the world could I have
expected to "hide" in a place so well lit?  I got myself a little plastic
shopping cart and started pushing it, keeping my head down so as to let my
long hair mask my expression of sheer terror!  I thought I was doing all
right as I steered toward the Women's Department until a middle aged man
who was obviously looking me over stopped me with, "Hey, Sweetheart, do you
know where the fishing equipment is?"  As I looked up at him, I couldn't
help but smile a little as his eyes took in my face for the first time. 
His mouth opened a little wider, and I saw his eyes flicker for a moment in
surprise and appreciation of my beauty.  I tried to answer as casually as I
could.  "No, I'm sorry, but this is my first time here," I said.  He paused
a moment too long as he looked down at first my chest, then my bare legs,
then realized that he had taken too long to answer, and stammered, "Well,
er, uh...thanks anyway!"  I'd swear he even blushed a little as he turned
to go!  A big smile lit my face as I pushed onward a few paces, then a
thought occurred to me and I turned back around quickly!  Sure enough, the
man had half turned around so he could watch me walk away!  By pure
feminine instinct, I smiled naughtily at him.  He turned his head quickly,
embarrassed at being caught inspecting the rear end of a strange woman.  I
giggled audibly, amused at this demonstration of the incredible effect I
seemed to have on men!  I continued on, with my head held up now, and
counted at least 5 different men who gave me more than the once-over as I
passed them, and at least one woman who gave me a either a look of jealousy
or a look of scorn at what I was wearing!  

The lingerie department was a large one, full of racks of bras, panties and
slips.  I had estimated that from what I knew of women's chests (which was
not a lot) that I was probably about a 34C.  I picked up a bra in that size
and looked at it closely...It looked like it would probably fit, so I threw
it in my basket.  As I wandered around the table with the bargain bras, it
occurred to me that I'd probably like something a little more sexy than
these plain cotton ones.  I went to a nearby aisle and found a skimpy black
lacy bra with matching black panties.  A girl I had dated not long ago had
expressed her opinion to me that women like nothing better than the feeling
of wearing sexy underwear beneath their clothes..."Makes us feel wicked,"
she used to say!  I snatched them up, threw them in my basket and even
added a silky black garter belt, a couple of pairs of stockings, and a pair
of "nude" pantyhose to my purchases.  As I worked my way out of the
lingerie department, the reality that I would soon be wearing the things
that I so loved seeing other women in began to take hold.  I shook my head
lightly, loving the feel of my hair tossing with this slight movement!  I
was really starting to enjoy myself now...Maybe it was true that there is a
"shopping gene" found only in women!  I found myself inspecting many
different dresses, skirts and blouses before deciding on a cute midriff
baring halter-type top in warm red, a black mini-skirt, and a soft-but-
daring sundress.  I held up each of these items to my body, having even
less an idea as to whether they would fit me than before I had done so! 
Luckily, they were all "Medium," and I figured that when in doubt, always
go with medium!  A quick stop in the adjoining footwear department found me
nodding approvingly at a pair of medium heeled black leather shoes.  I
tried three pair on before determining that I wore a women's size 6.

The rest of my shopping trip was spent in the Cosmetics department, buying
stuff that I thought would look good, but clueless as to whether I needed
it or not.  I bought a pretty deep red shade of lipstick, some black
mascara, and a little reddish eye shadow that claimed it was "So natural
that it looks like you!"  The endless looks from the men in the store were
making me a little nervous now, so I decided that I was ready to go.  As I
was pushing my cart up to the front, I passed the Swimwear department...Why
not?  Before I knew it, a bright pink with blue polka dots bikini lay on
top of my basket!  

The young boy at the checkout counter practically burned all my clothes off
with his searing gaze.  I wondered what sort of vivid fantasies he was
conjuring up about me as he totaled up my purchases!  I looked at his young
face and strong body and had a few myself!  I gave him my best pout when he
announced that the total was $120, and he grinned at me, picking up the
garter belt as he put it in the bag commenting, "Plans tonight?"  I showed
him a quick wink as I gave him the money and said, "Don't you wish!"  His
grin got wider as he worked the register and said, "I surely do!"  With a
feminine laugh, I was on my out, marvelling at the two accomplishments my
shopping trip had brought...Not only was I now in possession of clothes
that were appropriate to my new sex, but I had also actually flirted with a
man and enjoyed it!  

----------- Next time:  Swimming In A Pool, and A New Name! --------------              THE AZTEC EARRINGS (Part 4)        by K. Moore

For the past nine chapters, this story has chronicled the adventures of a
camping vacationer who discovers a pair of earrings on a wilderness island
that will change his sex when he puts them on.  He learns that the earrings
were made by ancient Aztec Indians who revered all things female.  Keeping
the incredible earrings secret from his camping buddy, Ron, the young man
experiments with his new found treasure, unexpectedly finding that he
enjoys being a beautiful young woman.  Determined to find out how it feels
to be female in public, he goes shopping as a woman and picks out a very
small but tasteful woman's wardrobe.  In this part, he tests his resolve to
find out what it really means to be a woman...


I returned to the motel Ron and I were staying at without further incident. 
I carefully parked Ron's truck exactly where I had found it, removed my
shopping bags, and stole quietly up the stairs to my room.  By now, the
movement of my breasts as I walked was almost second nature to me, but as I
climbed the stairs, I was suddenly aware again of just how light and bouncy
this new body of mine was!  It seemed as if every step I took caused a
jiggle first at my front, then at my rear.  I wondered if wearing a bra and
proper underthings would put a stop to this, but then again, I kind of
liked it!  

I became a little frightened when I saw that the light in Ron's room was
now on.  I quietly slipped my key into the lock of my room, thinking
horrible thoughts about what would happen if Ron came out of his door and
found a beautiful woman going into his male buddy's room.  I couldn't even
think of what I would say!  Luckily, I managed to close the door and throw
my bundles on the bed before any such thing happened.  I took a quick
glance in the mirror, and giggled quietly when I saw again the beautiful
punk princess in her grunge-look men's clothes.  I tried to imagine that
wondrous form clothed in appropriate fashion and decided that it was time
to do a little modeling session for myself.  I had just opened one bag and
was preparing to try on my first bra and panties set when I heard Ron's
door open.  Purely by instinct, I quickly yanked off my earrings.  Since I
had been doing this quite frequently, I had become accustomed to the
transformation process, and indeed, it had speeded up considerably since my
first metamorphosis.   Through the warm tingly sensations, I heard a knock
at my motel room door.  In seconds, I was thankfully male again, though
still quite weakened from the transformation.  I groggily threw my shopping
bags under the bed and stumbled to the door.  Ron greeted me happily, then
took notice of my exhausted condition.  "Oh, man!  I'm sorry!  I didn't
know you were sleeping!" he said apologetically.  I mumbled something quite
incoherent, then asked him if he wanted to come in.  He said, "No.  I was
just about to go down to the pool and take a swim and wanted to see if you
felt like coming."  I looked at him and realized that he was wearing his
swim trunks and an unbuttoned beach shirt, and he had a little cooler in
his hand, undoubtedly containing a good supply of beer.  Suddenly, a plan
formulated quickly in my mind.  I told him that I was really tired and was
just going to go back to my "nap."  He waved cheerily and said, "Okay!  See
ya!  I'll be down there for a while if you change your mind!"  I smiled and
closed the door, thinking that it wasn't my mind that I was going to

"Do you really want to do this?"  I asked myself as I stood naked in front
of the mirror.  I tried to think of how Ron would come across to a female
mind-set, but realized that I couldn't while still male.  I guess I
considered him good looking from my male perspective, but I knew that quite
a few women found him attractive enough so that he was hardly ever without
a date on the weekends.  I decided that I was confident enough in my new
persona to give it a try.  I clipped on my earrings and sat down on the bed
in front of the mirror, trying to maintain consciousness enough so that I
could actually watch the transformation.  I was successful enough so that I
saw my features blur and reshape themselves, my body shrinking in some
places, expanding in others.  Finally, when the big change came, I couldn't
keep my eyes from unfocusing and my head from thrashing about, and I
"awakened" moments later to find myself once more the beautiful woman who
was the "Miss" Hyde to my Dr. Jekyll!  I contentedly cupped my breasts
while staring in the mirror and thought of Ron again.  The difference in my
perception was amazing!  No more was he just my "good buddy," but now
desirable prey to be hunted!  The thought of him in his skimpy trunks and
his broad chest made my female body shiver with anticipation.  

Even though I was confident in my ability to seduce Ron if I wanted to, I
still had to be careful.  Could I really act like I didn't know him?  Could
I really turn the jovial friendly male relationship we enjoyed into
something completely different?  As I pulled on the new pink polka dot
bikini I had bought and turned to inspect the result in the mirror, I knew
that the answer was a resounding, "Yes!!!"  The bikini was, as most are,
very revealing, but, unlike too many bikini wearers, what was revealed of
my body was well worth revealing!  The french cut sides bared my shapely
thighs and accentuated my long smooth legs while the one-size-too-small bra
lifted my beautiful breasts and created a daring cleavage most women would
kill for!  I brushed my long black hair out, then pirouetted in front of
the mirror just to make sure that this wondrous water nymph was actually
me!  It was so different to wear things that were actually tailored for
this female body!  The sheer sexiness of my bikini reassured me that this
body looked just as good with clothes on as it did with clothes off!  I
thought about experimenting with makeup, decided that this was not the
time, and satisfied myself with just a generous swipe of lipstick on my
full lips.  With a quick pucker and kiss at myself in the mirror, I was
ready to try out my feminine wiles.  I had finished putting on my baggy
shorts and was just about to draw a T-Shirt over my ample bosom when I
realized that Ron would surely recognize these clothes!  Since modesty was
not something terribly important to me at this moment, I decided to just
wrap my body in a motel towel for the journey down to the pool.  It was
amazing how when I was male, a towel like the one I chose would barely
cover my front, but now, as female, it wrapped me completely, even leaving
enough slack to be tucked and tied around my chest!  I took a deep breath,
grabbed my room key, and headed quickly out the door before I could change
my mind!

I padded barefoot around the motel corridors, noting thankfully that the
halls were unoccupied, and peered through the swimming pool gate before I
opened it.  Perfect!  Only Ron was there!  He was doing laps when I entered
the pool area, using his powerful arms and legs to propel him effortlessly
through the water.  The sight of his muscles tensing and straining with
made a shiver of delight run through my petite body.  He hadn't seen me
yet, so I made a point to drag a chair loudly out from under an umbrella. 
I heard him stop swimming, and with my back to him, I purposely bent over
gracefully to arrange the chair, and I was acutely conscious of his eyes
taking in my incredible feminine form.  I wondered if the sight of me, my
bikini panties peeking out from under my towel showing my delightfully
shaped bottom, was having the effect on him I wanted it to.  I turned
around and found him uncharacteristically gawking at me.  Ron was usually a
man of the utmost discretion, but seeing him standing in the shallow end
with his mouth open nearly made me giggle!  I decided to pretend I hadn't
seen him looking at me and continued the "unveiling."  With deliberate
slowness, I untied the towel from around my breasts and let it slowly drop
to the concrete.  I reached both of my arms over my head, loving the lithe
nimbleness of my new body, and stood on tiptoes in a mock stretch.  I let
out a little feminine squeal of happiness as I did this, then looked at
Ron.  "How's the water?" I asked.  Ron, nearly overcome by the spectacle of
the barely clad angel in front of him, took too long to respond and
stammered when he did.  "What's the matter," I asked coyly, bending over to
wiggle my slender fingers in the water, "Cat got your tongue?"  Ron
regained some of his composure and said charmingly, "Cat's got nothing to
do with it!  I just wasn't expecting to be spoken to by someone as
beautiful as you."  "Why thank you, kind sir!" I said with a dramatic toss
of my head and slowly stepped down the pool ladder.  The shock of the cold
water did things to my new female body that it had never done to me as a
man!  I felt my soft skin break out in goose bumps all over, and, to my
amazement, I felt my nipples stiffen so that they felt like hard pencil
points!  "Brrrr!" I said, my arms clutching my body as I shivered.  "It's
great after you get to used to it," said Ron, "C'mon! Do a lap with me!"  I
smiled my best smile at him and kicked off the side of the pool to join him
in the middle.  He smiled back, motioned with his head toward the deep end,
and we were off.  I was still amazed at how supple and lithe this new body
of mine was as I smoothly glided through the water.  While the drag of my
breasts slowed me down a little, the tininess of the rest of my body was
easily and gracefully propelled by swift kicks from my shapely legs.  Out
of the corner of my eye, I saw Ron swimming with ease beside me, watching
my form as he purposely kept himself from going all out so that I could
keep up with him.  

After about three laps, even though I wasn't tired, I stood up in the
shallow end, wrung the water out of my long hair, and said to Ron, "I've
had enough...You're too strong for me!"  He laughed and swam over to me. 
"You seem strong enough to me...My name's Ron, by the way," and he put out
his hand.  I suddenly realized that I had a problem...I hadn't thought up a
name for myself!  Quickly, feminine names raced through my mind.  I
discarded them all until I thought of the golden material my mystical
earrings were made of!  "Nice to meet you, Ron," I said, shaking his hand
warmly, "My name's Amber."  It was so weird to see my buddy Ron acting so
differently...It was as if he was dumbstruck by my beauty!  I've never
known Ron to be shy, but as I caught him looking at my prominent bustline,
he actually looked as if he might blush!  Yes, it was weird to be looked at
like that by my friend, but it was also kind of neat, and it made me feel
really sexy!  "Amber, it's my pleasure," he said gallantly, "Would you like
to join me for a beer?  I have some extras by the side of the pool."  Here
goes, I thought!  "I'd like that, Ron.  I could really use a drink," I
said.  He climbed up the ladder, then offered his hand to help me out. 
Even though he wasn't really pulling me out of the pool, I was stunned by
how much strength he had!  I bet those arms would feel great wrapped around
me, I found myself subconsciously thinking.  As we walked over to his
chair, Ron offered me his towel, draping it kindly over my narrow
shoulders.  I smiled at him gratefully and did what I hoped was a slow and
sensuous dry-off, being extra careful that my breasts received more than
enough attention, and making sure that I was bent toward him when I reached
down to dry my legs.  Ron's body language as he dried himself showed me
that he had indeed appreciated my little show, and I was also a little
pleased to notice a little bulge in his swimming trunks that hadn't been
there before!  I sat down in a beach chair and adjusted it so that I was
sitting up enough to face him.  He moved his chair right beside mine so
that our faces were only inches apart.  He reached into his little cooler,
got two cans of beer and popped the tab on both of them.  He offered one to
me in a dramatic gesture, then clicked his can to mine and we drank.  

After we had sipped in silence for a few moments I said, "God, this really
hits the spot!"  Ron looked at me funny and said, "I don't meet too many
girls who like beer...Especially ones that look like you.  Come to think of
it, I don't meet many girls who look like you, so forget I ever said
anything at all!"  I laughed girlishly.  "You're sweet," I said, "But don't
sell yourself short...You're not bad yourself!"  Even the most
unintelligent person on earth could tell what kind of effect my comment had
on Ron!  It was as if his whole unconfident attitude changed in a second! 
He subconsciously drew up his body and his face lit up with the knowledge
that he might actually have a chance with me!  

I had already thought up a story to explain my presence here, and I figured
that this was as good a time as any to try it out.   "I wish all guys were
as nice as you," I said to him with a pretty pout.  "My ex-boyfriend sure
wasn't!"  Ron took on a concerned look that almost looked sincere and asked
me to tell him what happened.  For the next ten minutes, I was amazed at
the ease with which I lied to him!  I talked about how I had been seeing a
guy named Brad for two years, and how I had found him in bed with a friend
of mine, and how I had left our apartment two days ago, taking almost
nothing with me, jumped into the car and just driven with no destination in
mind.  I talked about how I was beginning to think that I couldn't trust
anybody, especially men, and how I had decided that it was time for me to
make a new start in a new town.  I talked so much about my past that I
found myself actually starting to believe it!  Ron listened intently,
adding a word of sympathy now and then and expressing his hope that "Brad"
got what he deserved!  I had always liked Ron when I saw him through a
man's eyes, but now, through my woman's eyes, I saw his compassion and
genuine gentleness.  It made him very attractive!  Oh sure, I'm no fool,
and I knew from past experience that a man will act any way a woman wants
him to if he thinks it will get him into her panties, but I was sure that I
could detect in Ron a sense of caring about my bogus history that was the
real article.  It made me feel warm all over!

After I was done giving him the details of my "life," he told me a few
stories of his own about women that had done him wrong, or that he had done
wrong.  As his former buddy, I had heard most of them before, but talking
to me, as a woman, he added a sense of intensity and emotion that had not
been present in our male-to-male chats.  I found this even further
endearing!  During the course of our talk, I realized that we were
punctuating our conversations with gestures that were becoming more and
more intimate.  First, I felt a light touch on my shoulder from him, then I
found myself gripping his arm to emphasize a point.  Finally, he was
holding my right hand and his left hand was on my knee.  My mind began to
drift away from what he was saying as I concentrated on his touch.  His
hand in mine was warm and wonderful, and the way he traced little circles
on my leg was quite sensual and even a little bit sexy.  " what I'm
saying, Amber, is that I hope you'll find out that not all men are as
rotten as Brad..." I heard him saying as I came out of my reverie.  I
looked at his earnest eyes closely and decided it was time to really try my
female self out.  I put my hand on his cheek and brought my face close to
his.  "I think I'm finding out about nice men right now," I said and parted
my lips and closed my eyes.  My first kiss as a girl was one that I will
remember forever!  As Ron brought his lips to mine, one hand still gently
enfolding mine, the other reaching around to press against the soft skin of
my back, it was if a flame ignited inside me!  "Mmmmm," I said softly,
drawing back from him an inch or two, "That was nice!"  "Practice makes
perfect," I heard him say as our mouths locked again.  I felt my arms
unconsciously threading their way underneath his and coming to rest on his
shoulder blades as our bodies turned and moved even closer to each other. 
I felt my lips part and my tongue flutter inside his mouth as he pressed me
urgently to him, my breasts melting against his broad chest.  We stopped
our kiss and I put my delicate head on his shoulder in a big hug.  The feel
of his hard muscular body against my small curvy one started a riot inside
me that I knew could only be put out one way.  He nuzzled my ear and
whispered, "Would you like to go to my room?"  I trembled with the
wonderful sensation of his breath in my ear and nodded unspeakingly in his
arms.  I drew back from the hug and kissed him warmly again, looking deep
into his brown eyes as I did.  I gathered up my towel as he got together
his things, then I took his hand and pressed up against him again, "Mr.
Ron," I said in a sexy whisper, nibbling his earlobe as I spoke, "We're
about to have an evening we won't soon forget!"  His hand ran down my back
and thighs and came to rest on a bottom cheek which he playfully squeezed. 
"Count on it!" he said with a smile and began to lead me toward his room
and my first sexual experience as a woman with a man!

-------Next time!  Chapter 11-- A Virgin No More!---------------------                      THE AZTEC EARRINGS (Part Five)        by Kevin Moore

***Sorry it's been so long since I've written a chapter of the Aztec
Earrings saga...Too bad that the reality of life has to get in the way of
fantasy all the time, leaving little or no time for pleasure!  Anyway,

For the past ten chapters, this story has chronicled the adventures of a
young man who discovers a magical pair of Aztec Indian earrings on a
tropical island.  To his amazement, he finds that when he puts the earrings
on, he is transformed into a stunning young woman whose beauty is beyond
description!  Now, on his way back from his island vacation with his buddy
Ron, he is unable to resist the temptation to first, see what it is like to
be a woman in public, and now, see what it is like to experience love
first-hand as a woman!  When we last left him, he was in the process of
seducing his very own male buddy, Ron, down at the motel pool...


As we walked up the stairs of the motel, I was never more acutely aware of
just how much differently this magical body of mine was from my normal male
one.  It seemed that, along with the view of the world from 5"2 instead of
6"1, my senses were heightened.  Things looked and smelled more
interesting, and sensations themselves were certainly incredibly different. 
I gazed at the man gently holding my tiny hand and saw, not my buddy of 10
years, but a lover-to-be...someone I wanted to hold me protectively,
whisper sensual secrets in my dainty ear, and caress me with his hands,
mouth, and, I realized with a gasp, even his penis!  As we climbed the last
step, the feminine feeling of my breasts bouncing sexily and the cool
breeze on my silky bare legs added further justification to the decision I
had made to see just how far I could go in my new form.  As we approached
the door of his room, I saw him take a quick glance at the door to my own
room.  I had purposely left the TV on to create the illusion that I was
still inside it, and I hoped that this would make Ron think that I was fine
and everything normal.  If he only knew that the man he thought was inside
that room was actually right beside him with the heat of anticipation
coming off "her" body in excited waves!  I held his cooler for him as he
smiled at me and went to unlock his door.  My new eyes were fascinated by
him!  The quick, cute look of concentration as he put the keycard into the
lock, the brief bunching of his biceps as he forced the stubborn door open,
and the sexy smile he gave me as gestured for me to go inside...He was

Still smiling at me, he took the "Do Not Disturb" sign from the back of the
door and placed it outside on the handle.  Knowing Ron to be a bit of a
slow starter, I immediately took the initiative as the door was closing.  I
reached around his bare back and pressed my body up against his.  With my
lips only millimeters away from his, I whispered, "That sign doesn't
work... You've already got me more than a little disturbed, mister..."  He
smiled and kissed me deeply.  I was still amazed at how much I enjoyed
being kissed by a man...none of the lingering hetero-male thoughts about
acting gay seemed to be around to stop me.  He broke the kiss and looked me
up and down lustfully.  "If I 'disturb' you half as much you 'disturb' me,
then I think we're about to have one hell of a time!" he said as his eyes
practically burned holes in my bikini.  "Why, sir!" I said with a hand on
my forehead in mock outrage, "I do believe that's a proposition!"  "You
better believe it sister!" he said in a humorous tone, his hand twiddling
an invisible cigar and his eyebrows going up and down Groucho-style.  Then,
the humor was gone...He pulled me to him forcefully and we began to kiss in
earnest again.  My hand strayed over his shoulders and arms, gleefully
feeling the strength of his muscles, my breasts molding into his hairy
chest as he pressed me against him with urgency.  The kiss began to get
more and more passionate, our tongues intertwining and our breath coming
out in hot staccato gasps.  I felt his hand move over my silky back to my
curvy hips, coming to rest on my full bottom.  My hands moved in tandem
with his until we found ourselves in a wonderful liplock, our pelvises
being pushed and ground into each other's with help from our hands and
arms.  I felt myself getting wet between my legs as Ron squeezed my dainty
bottom cheeks with enthusiasm...It felt hot, moist and deliciously nasty! 
I knew that in only moments we would be making love standing up if I didn't
do something about it!

Reluctantly, I pulled away from him, wanting my first time to be slow and
perfect.  He tried to kiss me again, wanting to continue as before, but I
put a small finger to his lips and said, "Wait a minute, lover.  I want to
wash the chlorine off me from the pool first.  Give me five minutes in the
shower and then you can join me if you like!"  I gave him a quick peck on
the lips and walked toward to the bathroom.  As I entered the shower
alcove, I turned back to find him watching me walk away.  I feigned
indignation with a look, then reached around my back with my fingers on the
knot of my bikini bra.  "You won't forget about me while I'm gone, will
you?" I cooed sexily.  "No ma'am!" was his instant reply.  "In case you do,
here's a little something to remember me by," I said and undid the knot of
my bra, letting it fall to the floor.  The look on his face as my beautiful
breasts were laid bare was adorable!  I heard him gasp an almost inaudible,
"Ohhh" as I revealed myself to him.  I shook them coquettishly at him, blew
him a kiss, then turned into the shower room.

As I turned on the water, I thought quickly about why I was doing it this
way...I didn't really need a shower now, but I probably would have in about
twenty minutes!  I realized that the last vestiges of my male thoughts had
provided me with a brief escape from the impending sex play of the other
room.  Now alone with the warm water flowing over my naked female body, I
let them come to the front.  They said to me, "You are a man!  You're not
supposed to react this way to another man!"  I looked down at my flat
smooth belly, the curve of my womanly hips, and the perfect roundness of my
breasts.  I remembered Ron's sweet caresses and the urgency of his kisses
and immediately watched my nipples get extremely hard.  I grasped them both
with my hands, loving the sensual feeling.  I pushed the male thoughts down
with hardly any effort..."Look at this body," I said silently to myself. 
"This is NOT the body of a man!  This is the body of a very horny young
lady with a very willing an able young man in the next room!  I know from
experience that he's a nice guy, and if I've been given the power to change
sexes whenever I want, I might as well see what it's like from the other
side with a guy I know is terrific!  Case closed!"  I soaped my body
quickly and rinsed out my long black hair.  As I was doing this, my hand
brushed against one of my earrings.  It dangled loosely but remained
clipped to my lobe.  A sudden sense of panic came over me...What if one of
my earrings came off in the throes of passion???  What a nightmare that
would be!  I tugged on them experimentally, trying to gauge just how much
pressure would be necessary to pull them off.  They were pretty secure, I
thought...I'd just have to be a little careful.  

Just as I was finally convincing myself that I had little to worry about, I
heard the door to the shower room open.  I felt my heart flutter in my
small chest as the curtain opened to reveal Ron, naked and erect.  I smiled
at him and moved aside so he could come in with me.  He immediately took me
in his arms and turned me so that the spray covered both of us.  "Your five
minutes are up, lady," he said with a leer.  "Looks like that's not the
only thing that's up," I said with a smile as my tiny hand reached down to
grasp his hard penis.  "Can't help that, ma'am," he said with a laugh. 
"You're more responsible for that than I am!"  We both exploded into
giggles that turned to passion as his mouth found mine again.  With my hand
still around his penis, it occurred to me that this was the first time I
had ever held a man's cock besides my own.  I found it to be very, very
different.  As my hand began to move up and down its length, I could feel
the rough ridges and the bulging veins inside it.  The fact that I was
indeed responsible for the hardness of this mysterious organ made me want
it inside me even more.  I felt Ron tremble a little as I stroked him a
little faster.  I felt him turn me in his arms so that my back was to his
front.  Not wanting to let go of him so soon, I reached around my back with
my left hand and grasped his cock again.  His hands, around my flat belly
at first, began to move upward to my breasts.  He cupped them both and
began to roll my hard nipples between his thumb and forefinger.  My new
body immediately came to life.  I heard myself utter a very female moan and
felt my back arch against his chest.  My right arm shot up to grasp him
behind his head, forcing it down against my neck.  As his hands still
worked on my breasts, I felt the added sensation of his mouth nibbling the
back of my neck.  This was always an extremely sensitive area for me as a
male, and now, as a female, the pleasure had increased tenfold!  Nearly
unable to control my movements, I pulled on his penis in rhythm with his
kisses, my bottom and back moving up and down against his slippery skin. 
One of his hands dropped away from my breasts and slid underneath my left
arm.  It snaked its way over my wet belly and over the broad curve of my
hips, then began to run circles just outside my small thatch of black pubic
hair.  God, he was good!  He knew just what to do!  The circles began to
shrink ever inward in synch with his other hand which still massaged my
breasts.  I felt a heat coming over me that I had begun to know well. 
Without even actually coming into contact with my pussy, I knew that I was
well on my way to orgasm!  I moaned and jerked on his cock as the circles
terminated on my vaginal lips.  I felt his teeth nip my neck as a finger
worked its way inside my opening.  I was now audibly gasping for breath as
my passion built.  No longer was I an intelligent human being...All that
was left now was animal passion!  As Ron's finger entered me and rubbed
against my agitated clitoris, I exploded as never before.  The feelings of
Ron's mouth on my neck, his hands on my breasts and pussy, and his own
penis in my grasp made my orgasm surge through me like a white hot knife
through butter.  I felt my hips thrusting forward uncontrollably, my right
hand running crazily through his wet hair, and my mouth uttering high
pitched wails of absolute pleasure!  My first orgasm as a woman with a man,
and we had only just begun!

As I slowly came down from my orgasm, I could feel Ron's experienced
fingers slowly lessening their probing.  I let my body go limp and fall
back into his, my eyes peering at his face gratefully through my wet hair. 
I kissed him on the neck gently as his hands still caressed me softly. 
"That was wonderful, Ron," I whispered.  "It's not over yet," he said as he
bent down to kiss me on the lips.  "Not by a long shot, lover," I said
sexily, still savoring the feeling of my orgasm.  "Meet you in the
bedroom?" he said as he lovingly stroked my hair.  "Can't wait!" I said
with a playful tug on his incredibly erect penis.  We hurriedly got out of
the shower and only half dried off before I found myself pushing his strong
naked body onto the bed.  I stood over him and peered at his form in the
dimly lit room with lustful eyes.  I tried to remember how I felt when, as
a man, I had looked at my lover just before we made love.  There were
certainly differences...Before, I had revelled in the soft curves and
fragility of the female body.  Now, since I had become the owner of the
those very same curves and fragility, I revelled in the strength and
hardness of the male body.  I was, beyond the shadow of a doubt, a woman
with all a woman's desires.  

Still standing, I picked up Ron's hand and gently put his fingers into my
small mouth.  Looking him straight in the eye, I sucked and lightly nipped
each one of them before kneeling on the bed.  I took his hand from my mouth
and placed it on my breasts.  He began to reach for me with his other hand,
but I stopped it and put it back down beside him.  Without bending any
further, I put my left hand on his chest, running my fingers through his
soft chest hair.  Remembering how he had so aroused me in the shower, I
began to let my hand drift downward until I, too, began to trace circles
around his pubic hair.  As I did this, I felt his hand begin to squeeze my
breast a little harder.  I pushed my hair out of my face with my free hand
and bent down to his penis.  I watched as my hand squeezed it harder,
loving the way it tried to get even harder with my attentions.  Pushing
away any lingering male thoughts, I slowly lowered my mouth onto it.  I
kissed it tentatively at first, then eagerly when I found that I enjoyed
it.  I felt Ron's hands running through my damp hair, then pushing my head
downward as he let me know what he wanted.  I took him full in my mouth
then, sliding my lips up and down the length of his cock until I could fit
no more inside me.  I let my tongue wriggle over it sexily, amazed at my
feeling of delight at giving my first blowjob!  I began to increase my
rhythm, bobbing my head in time with his slow pelvic thrusts.  I
experimented with letting my fingers caress his testicles and his moan of
pleasure indicated that I was doing the right thing.  Just as I was really
getting into it, I felt his hands pulling my head off of him.  I looked at
him curiously, and he smiled and said, "Much more of that and there'll be
nothing left for you."  I smiled back at him with a certain amount of pride
at having done such a good job.  "I'm a girl that aims to please," I said
with a sexy toss of my head.  I crept up his body until I was lying on top
of him, my body tingling with anticipation as my breasts crushed against
his chest.  I kissed him hard, and then, with a look of pleading in my
eyes, I whispered, "I want you inside me...Now!"  I rolled off of him and
watched as he climbed on top of me.  He kissed me lightly and asked, "Do we
need a condom?"  I smiled, knowing that Ron had had negative AIDS test only
a month before we went on our trip.  "No,"  I said gently.  "I'm on the
pill and I can tell that you're a healthy boy."  With that, he began to
kiss me gently but passionately.  My hands ran over his broad shoulders and
back as his began to stroke my pussy again, making me hot and wet.  I broke
the kiss and said pantingly, "Now, lover...Do it now!"  He needed no
further encouragement as seconds later I felt him enter me expertly.  There
was no pain as I thought there would be...Only utter unearthly pleasure! 
He drove inside me violently as I used my new vaginal muscles to squeeze
him.  I began to thrust into him as urgently as he was thrusting into me,
my legs wrapping themselves around his waist to pull him further inside me. 
I felt completely in his power as his thrusts came faster and faster,
bringing me ever closer to the brim of orgasm.  An earthquake of passion
overcame me just moments later as I felt him tense and shudder, the hot
surge of his orgasm shooting powerfully into me.  I moaned, then felt the
release of my own orgasm come as my hips spasmed against his with wild
undulations.  With my release came the knowledge that at that moment, there
was only one man in that bedroom, and I was not him.  Thanks to Ron, I had
become truly a woman!

--------Next, the finale!  I've got it mostly planned out, but if you have
any suggestions, drop a line to Kevin Moore at this BBS-----------------              THE AZTEC EARRINGS (Part 6)     by Kevin Moore

**For the past eleven chapters, this story has followed a young male
vacationer who discovers a pair of magical Aztec earrings on an island
where he and his male buddy, Ron, are adventuring.  To his surprise and
delight, he finds that when he puts on the earrings, he becomes a beautiful
young woman!  Determined to experience this aspect of his personality to
its maximum potential, he goes out in public, goes shopping, and, in the
most recent chapter, makes love to Ron in his female guise.  Now, in this
finale, he discovers that his life, as well as Ron's is about to change


As Ron and I lay basking in the afterglow of our love session, I felt that
secure and protected feeling that so many women tell their lovers about,
but so few of us males actually experience.  Sure enough, just like I had
been told by several of my female lovers, I had a desire to snuggle and be
held by my man after making love.  Sure enough, just like the typical male
that I, myself had so recently been, Ron was trying to fight back that
overwhelming desire to go to sleep after making love!  As I lay nude next
to him with my tiny hand stroking his chest hair and my smooth face
snuggled into the hollow of his neck, I could feel the happiness surging
off my body.  I was very pleased with myself...Not only had I worked up the
nerve to experience just what it was like for a woman having sex, but I had
also actually "performed" very well!  Ron seemed pleased in many different
ways, and he had expressed his appreciation in more ways than one!  I could
feel his heart beating in his chest, and I enjoyed hearing the sounds of
his breathing becoming heavier and deeper until they were those of a
sleeping man.  

After a little while, I got up and went to the bathroom.  Trying not to
wake my new lover, I crept into it and turned on the light.  I peered at
myself in the mirror, noting the slightly dreamy expression on my face as I
looked into it.  There was no doubt about it...I definitely looked like a
woman who had just been made love to.  From the slightly flushed face to
the sexily dishevelled hair, my body reeked of sex!  I fondled my new
breasts, finding them to be still ultra sensitive from Ron's touch.  I
loved them!  I loved the feminine way they made me feel, and I loved what
they did for me, and Ron, during our little passion play!  It suddenly
occurred to me that I was beginning to think like a woman naturally as well
as look like one.  What was happening to me?  Was I really ready to give up
30 years of life as a man based on just a few nights as a beautiful woman? 
I thought about it some more, then decided that I didn't need to give up
anything!  Thanks to those wonderful mystical Aztecs, I could be both male
and female anytime I wanted to!  I began to play with my image in the
mirror, trying to find out just how womanly I could be if I did what came
naturally.  I tried a variety of poses, trying to look like an innocent
maiden first, then a voracious tigress in heat, then a determined woman of
independence.  It was easy...With just a slight change of posture or facial
expression, I could be all those things in a wink of an eye.  A world of
possibilities was opening up for me.

I decided that at this point in time, I liked the look of the tigress the
best, so I practiced some more in the mirror, playing with my breasts,
tossing my wild hair around, licking my full lips, and letting my legs part
just enough so I could see the moist pinkness around my vagina.  Suddenly,
just as was about to masturbate to my reflection, I nearly jumped out of my
skin as I heard a voice say, "I knew it!  You're an escaped stripper from
Hollywood!"  I turned to find Ron looking in at me.  "How long have you
been there??!" I said with slight embarrassment.  "Long enough to have
enjoyed the performance enough to request an encore," he said with a sly
smile on his lips as he opened the door completely.  Having been more than
a little aroused by my show in the mirror, I was more than ready to take
him up on his request.  "Oh yeah, " I said as I rolled up to him with my
slinkiest walk, "Think you can handle it, buster?"  "I think so, but please
don't hurt me," he said with mock fear on his face.  "Move it, then," I
said as I pushed him with all my feminine force out of the bathroom and
back into the bed.  I was feeling aggressive this time, so I decided to
take the "masculine" role.  I pushed him back on the bed so that he lay on
his back, his slightly erect penis pointing up at about a 45 degree angle. 
"Grrrrr!" I said playfully through clenched teeth, and I jumped on top of
him.  As I straddled him across the chest, I began moving my hips back and
forth, grinding against his cock so that I could feel the life returning to
it.  I grabbed his hands and put them on my breasts, then placed my own
hands on top of his as I began to grind with a little more vigor.  At the
touch of his hands on my breasts, I could feel his penis begin to jerk as
it filled itself to near readiness.  My own pussy had become very wet
again, and I could feel my juices really begin to lubricate.  I stopped my
grinding for a second and removed one of my hands from my breast so I could
guide his now fully erect penis into my waiting orifice.  Ron was smiling
with amusement at seeing this new aggressive side of me, but his amusement
turned to desire as he slid neatly inside of me.  I moaned with pleasure
when he entered me, then I began to slowly raise myself up and down until I
could feel his full length inside of me.  I really liked being in control
of the situation, and could vary the rhythm as it pleased me.  Having
experienced sex this way as a man, I knew that Ron would enjoy whatever I
did, so I concentrated on pleasuring myself.  I began to feel the now
familiar sensation of my orgasm rising, so I increased my up and down
movements until I was bucking furiously against his hips, my hands
squeezing his on top of my breasts tighter and tighter.  Suddenly, it was
upon me and I arched my back against him, uttering a girlish squeal of
utter delight as I did so.  Waves of pleasure began to wash over me once
again, and I released my hands from his so that I could press against his
hard thighs.  I began to slow my rhythm as I slowly came down, but was
surprised to hear Ron beg me not to.  I knew that he was about to come,
too, so I did my best to accommodate him.  I felt him tense and was
expecting to feel that wonderful hot gush inside me, but instead, he bent
at the waist and raised his upper torso off the bed so that he could get in
one final colossal thrust.  It was then that the dream became a nightmare!

Just as he was beginning to come, he grabbed at my head to pull me down on
top of him.  Unfortunately, when he reached for me, his left hand tangled
with my right earring with enough force to pull it off!  Instantly, I began
to change back into a man.  I could feel my curves shrinking and fading, my
body turning tall and muscular, and, to my horror, my own penis growing
forth from my crotch and forcing his out of me!  I threw my head back and
screamed, "Noooooo!" but knew it was too late when I heard my voice go from
sultry soprano to male baritone in mid-scream.

Ron went from that one perfect moment of ecstasy to absolute horror in only
seconds.  As I went through my undesired transformation, I tried to keep my
eyes open so as to make sure that my one time pal and recent lover didn't
try to kill me while I was changing.  Though I had grown somewhat
accustomed to the amazing metamorphosis of my body, it still rendered me
nearly unconscious for a few seconds.  I felt my eyes roll back in my head
as my beautiful breasts flattened into hairy male nipples, my broad, smooth
hips receding into the straight lines of a male rear.  I came back to
reality in seconds, just in time to see Ron leap naked from the bed with a
yell, trip over a tangle of clothes on the floor, and careen into the
bedroom wall.  He sank to his knees, his eyes wide and staring, seeing his
male friend of many years where moments before a sexy goddess had been.  I
could only imagine what he was going through...He was panting loudly,
trying to form words that just would not come, his whole face a mass of
confusion.  For the life of me, I did not know what to say.  I wished that
I was female again so I could go and comfort him without rejection, but I
knew that to just slip my earring back on would not be explanation enough. 
I felt his intense gaze on me and I lowered my eyes with embarrassment.  He
began to mutter almost inaudibly..."A dream...Gotta be a dream," he said
over and over again.  I felt terrible.  I had seduced the best friend I had
in the world in a false female form under false pretenses, for basically my
own selfish reasons.  Now had come the time to pay the piper.  As a man,
Ron was somebody I relied upon to return my friendship without question; 
as a woman, I not only found him to be someone I felt comfortable showing
my vulnerabilities to, but also a wonderful, passionate lover.  I didn't
want to lose either of him!

While he still sat with his back against the wall, muttering his "Gotta be
a dream" mantra over and over again, I scrambled out of the bed, walked
over to the flask he had laid on the dresser, took a long pull off of it,
then tossed it over to him.  Without taking his eyes off of me, he opened
it and gulped down enough to pickle an elephant.  I returned to the bed,
sat cross legged on it, and put a pillow over the important parts of my
nakedness.  "Better?" I asked him.  He just sat there, his eyes locked onto
mine, his head shaking back and forth, back and forth.  I unclipped the
remaining earring from my left ear.  "It's these," I said, searching the
covers and finding the other one that was responsible for my current
predicament.  I held them up close to him so that he could see what I was
talking about.  "They do pretty incredible things, man," I said with a
sardonic smile on my face.  "I found 'em on the island, tried them out,
and, thing lead to another..." my voice trailing off at the end. 
"I'm sorry, boss...I didn't mean for you to ever find out, " I said with my
head shaking in apology.  For the first time in a while, I saw a momentary
gleam of coherency in his eyes.  He started to speak, couldn't find the
words at first, then continued, "You mean you...You're really...It really
was you that I..."  "Um-humm," I said with a slight nod of my head.  Ron
moved a hand toward the earrings that I was holding out, then drew it back
quickly.  "No way...can't be...How?...No...Gotta be a dream, gotta be a
dream," he said, taking another healthy tug off the flask.  I could tell we
were getting nowhere fast at this rate, so I decided to take a little more
drastic action.  "Want me to prove it to you?" I asked.  Ron just sat there
shaking his head muttering, "Can't way."  I clipped on one
of the earrings, looked at him and said, "I hope this doesn't blow your
gasket completely," then clipped on the other one.  I felt the familiar
sensation of transformation with all the pullings, tightenings, expansions
and withdrawals, and in seconds, I was once again the woman he knew as
Amber.  "Oh my God...Oh my God!" he wailed as I tried to take on a
comforting feminine look of sympathy.  He put his hands over his eyes as I
got up off the bed to go to him.  I could feel the fairly familiar, but
still strange bounce of my breasts as I padded over to the wall where he
sat.  I bent down to him and placed my soft tiny hands on his, gently
tugging them away from his eyes.  He looked into my beautiful female face
and I smiled at him.  "It's okay," I said, taking his handsome face in my
hands and looking him straight in the eye, "you're not nuts.  I'm real, and
I'm just who you think I am.  Now pull yourself together and lets talk
about this!"  I felt a brief triumphant flash when I saw him set his jaw,
purse his lips, and begin nodding his head in agreement.  

For the next half hour, we sat on the bed across from each other, him in a
chair, paying rapt attention to every detail of the story I told him, me on
the bed, trying to find the best words possible so as not to make him want
to kill me!  It was interesting that I felt more comfortable sharing my
story with him as a woman instead of his more familiar male buddy.  Perhaps
it was because I knew that I could talk more intimately with him in a half
hour as a female than I had ever talked with him in a lifetime as a man. 
Finally, I heard myself saying, "So because I knew that you were such a
nice guy to me when I was a man, I thought that you would be perfect to try
out as a woman." "I'm sorry I put you through this," I said, my voice
lowering to a whisper. "I never meant for it to end this way..." and,
incredibly, I felt my eyes filling with tears.  I couldn't remember the
last time I actually cried, but in this body, in this situation, it was
something that came totally natural to me.  I dabbed at my eyes with a tiny
feminine hand, and then, even more remarkably, I watched as Ron stood up
from the chair and sat down next to me on the bed, stretching a comforting
arm around my small shoulders.  I lay back into him, my tears flowing
freely now, and grasped him around his chest, squeezing him with all the
minuscule feminine strength I had.  "It's okay," I heard him say through my
sobs, "It's okay, Amb...Jeez, I don't know what to call you."  I sniffed
daintily, then turned my face up to his and said with a pout, "Amber...I'm
Amber right now."  "Okay, Amber. Okay," he said comfortingly, gently
stroking my moist cheek.  I sat up, giving him a look of gratitude. 
"Thanks, Ron," I said with a final sniff, "Thanks for being so
understanding."  We both straightened up from our intimate positions, and
looked at each other.  I cocked my head at him and said, "So..."  "No. 
Wait," he said, "There's just one thing I can't quite figure out."  "What's
that?" I said.  "Well, don't take me wrong, but...Were you gay when you
were a man?  I mean, did you think about me..." "No, no!" I said, stopping
him before he could finish.  "It's these earrings...They change everything! 
Body, feelings...desires."  He shook his head in amazement at me. "That's
incredible, but so is everything about this whole thing!  Are you sure that
you weren't..."  Almost without thinking, I yanked my earrings off before
he ended his sentence.  The world went black for a second, and then I was
again a man.  Ron looked a little shaken by my transformation, but nothing
like the basket case he had been the first time it happened.  "Here!" I
said in my accustomed baritone, offering the earrings to him.  "Give it a
whirl!"  He looked at them distrustfully and made no move to take them from
me.  "Here!" I said a little more firmly, opening his hands so I could
force him to take them.  "You'll never completely understand unless you try
it for yourself!"  He took a deep breath and let it out with a dubious
sigh, then nodded his head in determination.  Just as he was about to clip
them on, I stopped his hands.  "Wait," I said.  "Before you do it, I want
you take a good look at me."  I stood up and turned around in all my male
nude glory.  "Now, do you see anything you like?  Anything that turns you
on?" I asked forcefully.  "Yuck, no!" he said with a laugh.  "No offense,
but I much prefer Amber to you."  "Okay, then," I said with a grin, "Now
you can put them on."  

It was incredible to actually watch someone else besides myself change from
a well-built, almost strapping man, into a petite alluring woman.  I gazed
in awe as I saw Ron's broad chest shrink and soften, two beautifully shaped
breasts taking the place of his hard male nipples;  his face changing from
a masculine visage with a nearly permanent five-o'clock shadow, to a soft
feminine pouty lipped woman's with high cheekbones and pencil thin
eyebrows.  His body shrank and contorted before my eyes, shapely smooth
legs replacing hairy male ones, soft feminine arms and hands taking over
from pronounced biceps and rough thick fingers.  The new goddess's head was
thrown back as the final change began, and I stared in amazement as his
flaccid penis first pulled inside two womanly thighs, then reshaped itself
into a glistening, nearly hairless vagina.  I heard her gasp in a tiny
female voice as she came back to consciousness.  Her adorable wide eyed
expression of wonder as she explored her new body was the very picture of
girlish innocence.  I felt myself becoming aroused as she fondled her new
prominent breasts, experiencing for the first time as I had not so long
ago, just exactly what delightful sensations they created in her.  She was
beautiful, but I noted with interest, she was not the same woman I became
when I put on the magical earrings.  She was a little taller than my female
self, a little bustier, and her face perhaps a little more worldly looking
than mine.  All in all, she was beauty in extreme with her long mane of
auburn hair cascading over her small shoulders almost all the way to her
tiny waist.  I was almost hypnotized simply by looking at her, and I nearly
jumped when I heard a small delicate voice say, "I see what you mean."  I
moved my gaze from her breasts to her face which was smiling at me.  "What
do you think, angel?" I asked gently.  "I'm kind of ashamed to say," the
nymph responded.  Then she crinkled her button nose in an adorable look of
confusion.  "Everything feels so soft and small.. so...
different!" she said, trying to find the right words.  She tossed her head,
her long hair swirling over her shoulders and covering her beautiful
breasts.  She smoothed it back over her neck, then glanced up and saw a
hint of her reflection in the mirror.  She got up delicately, and moved
slowly toward it.  I watched in appreciation at how her perfect hips swayed
as she walked away.  She stood staring at her reflection for a full minute
before turning to me and saying, "Is this really me?"  "Yes, ma'am," I
responded instantly.  "And personally speaking, I think it's a real
improvement over that other guy!"  She giggled marvelously...In all my
years of knowing Ron, I could not ever recall a time when he actually
giggled!  She resumed looking at herself in the mirror, doing almost
exactly the same things that I had done myself on first inspection.  She
examined herself from the rear, nodding with appreciation, then took on a
few provocative model poses.  I grinned and shook my head in approval at my
drastic experiment having proved so successful.  I decided to take one more
chance then. I came over to her and stood behind her, grasping her around
her tiny waist.  A brief look of disgust crept over her face, but turned
into something else entirely as my hands worked their way up her slender
torso to cup her breasts.  I heard a distinctly unmasculine moan escape her
pouty lips as I squeezed her hard nipples gently, then turned her in my
arms to kiss her.  Ron had always been the first one of us to try new
things or take on difficult challenges, and this time was no different.  In
minutes, my male buddy had taken on the characteristics of a sexually
deprived female nymphomaniac!  I almost felt inadequate to the task of
satisfying her.  She couldn't get enough of me, and I couldn't get enough
of her.  She wanted to try virtually all the sexual positions ever
described to her, ultimately deciding on a "doggie style" variation with me
taking her from behind while she lay on her side.  It was heaven to hear
the dainty growls and wails of pleasure coming from her as I pounded in and
out for all I was worth!

After nearly two hours of non-stop experimentation, we finally took a
break.  She nestled in the crook of my arm as we gently caressed one
another, not bothering to speak.  Finally, she looked at me seriously, and
said in a small voice, "What happens now?"  In all honesty, I had thought
about this very question ever since my earring had come loose at that
inopportune time.  "Now, my love," I said, tracing the wonderful curve of
her tiny chin with a finger, "Now, I think we move in together and become
the happiest husband and wife, wife and husband, ever seen on the face of
this planet or any other!"  "I think I love that idea, 'Amber'," she said
with a giggle as she squeezed my depleted cock with her tiny hand.  "Why
thank you, 'Ron'," I said, taking a firm breast in my mouth to stifle my
laughter!.....And so we did...


This week, I'm Amber on Monday, Wednesday and Saturday night, and Ron is
"Tina" on Tuesday, Thursday, Friday and Sunday night.  Neither one of us is
willing to concede the unequal night to the other, so next week I get to be
Amber for four nights and he gets to be Tina for three.  Just as I
predicted lo those many months ago in a small motel room in a non-descript
town, we are the happiest couple (or is that foursome?) on the face of this
planet or any other!  Ron and I plan to go back to the island during
Christmas vacation this year.  In addition to doing further exploration in
hopes of discovering new artifacts, we also plan to set up our own private
version of a shrine to those mystical Aztecs who have brought us such
happiness.  I wonder who will be in attendance when we "dedicate" our
little holy gift of gratitude?  I hope it will Amber, but then again, Tina
is always such fun at parties!

**** I hope you have enjoyed this story, and, as always, I would love to
hear your comments and criticisms----Kevin Moore, November 1995 ********