


Subject: Pleasure Upon Pleasure (1 - 7)

Date: Sun, 21 Jan 1996 23:02:09 UTC

Organization: Anonymous forwarding service

Message-ID: <>

                                   Chapter 1

     As he pulled into his parking place at Apex Manufacturing, Bob
Bonner wished for the hundredth time that he had another manager
available to him to handle some of the dirty work.  Someone who had
at least some experience in dealing with hourly employees and their
problems, so he'd someone to talk to who would respond
intelligently.  Being the General Manager of the little company was
all well and good, but he was also the only manager.  He smiled
ruefully as he thought of the first problem he'd discuss, or give
to them to resolve.
     Nina Moran.  His supposed secretary. Ha! A walking disaster,
stumbling through life leaving chaos and destruction in her wake.
He shook his head as he thought of her, She'd been with him for a
month now.  Had been recommended by Manny Abel when he had to lay
her off.
     Before he interviewed Nina he thought that perhaps Manny had
laid off a problem child, that there'd been a little hanky-panky
and Manny needed an excuse to dodge trouble.  But unless Manny had
changed his taste in ladies, that wasn't the situation.  Manny had
a thing for petite, dark-eyed brunettes.
     Nina was a young lady in her early twenties, of medium height,
a quiet face and startling wide blue eyes under medium length, soft
blond hair.  She had the creamy complexion of a milkmaid, with a
rather square jawline and a somewhat wide mouth, whose lips were
just a little too thin.  She couldn't be called beautiful, but was
rather pretty.  Her Germanic heritage was more than a little
evident in her features and build. Manny also seemed to prefer the
vivacious kind of chick, and Nina was rather quiet and demure,
whose manner and mode of dress was more than a little modest. 
Definitely not Manny Ables' type.
     She started out like a house afire.  Caught on to the
procedures and paper flow quickly, handled the phones and FAX with
competence, and did rather well all in all.  And then, just when he
thought he could leave her alone to handle her work, she began to
screw up.  She did OK the first couple of weeks or so, and then she
went to hell.
     Nothing major, really, until yesterday, with the Quarterly
Report.  Of all things to screw up on, it had to be that report. 
It had to be at Corporate by Monday, and not latter than noon for
it to be included on the Quarterly Summary for the Management
review, and now it was a total disaster.
     Figures transposed, data in wrong categories, or missing
entirely, words misspelled or missing.  Even whole sentences
missing!  He'd stayed up until well past midnight last night, at
home, trying to straighten it out, but there was too much data that
had to be researched from the files here at the plant to do it
properly.  So, here he was at 6 A.M. dragging his ass in here to do
it properly.  She should have been at work at 6 A.M. doing the
damned research, and she would have been too, if he'd had her home
phone number with him.
     Damn, he was tired.  It had been a rough week all by itself,
without this.  He'd completed the draft of the report Tuesday,
after a couple or three long days, spend all day Wednesday working
out the Production and Delivery schedules with the Corporate
Marketing Rep and his own supervisors, rushed to the Marina to meet
his crew, rushed out after the rest of the fleet to the race area
for the weekly Beer-Can Races, and had a pretty good series.
     He'd promised Charley and Dan that they could get some skipper
time in, so he'd worked the foredeck.  Man!  The next time he
allowed that to happen, he'd get some practice time in beforehand
and get the muscles tuned up.  He still hurt, he thought moving his
shoulders around.  Well, it had been the last of the Beer-Can
events, and probably worth the pain and strain.  But between that
and the beer bust afterward, he had been in no shape to confront
that disaster of a report yesterday afternoon.
     Now, after having been able to see the scope of the
catastrophe, he was in a particularly foul mood.  He'd have to
watch himself closely today, or he'd snap some innocent employee's
head right off for no reason.  His reputation as a hard-ass was
well enough established now.  He didn't need to help it along any
by losing his temper because of the way he  who had it coming.
     An hour and four cups of coffee later, he was interrupted by
a small voice coming from the outer office.  "Good morning, Mr.
Bonner.  May I get you some coffee?"
     He glanced at the desk clock.  Ten minutes late, for God's
sake!  "I got my own coffee at 6 o'clock this morning.  May I ask
where in the hell you have been?  Starting time around here is
seven o'clock.  Not 7:02, not 7:03 and for damned sure not 7:10!"
Nina Moran flinched visibly at the outburst and began to blush in
embarrassment.  "I'm sorry, Mr. Bonner.  I got c.. caught in
traffic.  I am sorry," she stammered, looking at him as if she was
ready to run.
     "You sure the hell are.  Where's the draft copy of the
Quarterly Report?"  he snapped.
     Nina stepped back into her office, and was in his doorway a
moment later.  "I don't know, Mr. Bonner.  It's not in the file. 
I found the file open on my desk, but the report is missing."
     "I know that, Miss Moran.  Who the hell do you think got the
file out of the cabinet, the Tooth Fairy?  I was hoping that you
were smart enough to have a copy tucked away somewhere and we could
get this disaster taken care of quickly.  I suppose that would be
hoping for a miracle."  Bob growled.  "Just out of curiosity, what
the bloody hell were you thinking about when you typed this piece
of garbage?  Or were you thinking at all?"
     "I don't know what you mean.  I haven't typed any garbage.  I
don't know what you mean,"  said Nina, plaintively.
     "Well let me show you what has me a little upset this
morning," he snarled, advancing toward the frightened girl, the
papers crumbled in his outstretched hand.  "Read this mess,"
thrusting the papers at Nina.  She put her hands before her in a
defensive move, as if he was about to hit her.  "Is this anything
like the draft I gave you?"
     Nina took the sheaf of papers and scanned through them, trying
to decipher the marks and scribbles Bob had made on the pages. 
"Yes sir, this is the report I typed," Nina said quietly, looking
at Bob.
     "That might be the garbage you typed, but it sure as hell
isn't the report I wrote!"  Bob exploded.  "Look at the spelling,
the missing words for God's sake!  You left out whole sentences. 
You moved whole data blocks!  Can't you even read?"
     Nina's face crumbled and she buried here face in her hands. 
She was totally cowed by his outburst, and flinched at his tongue
as if he were beating her physically.
     "You, young lady, are going to retype this just as soon as I
am able to reconstruct it, even if it takes you all weekend. 
Either that or get the hell out of the office, and I'll get a real
typist in here."
     "Yes, I understand.  I'll do it.  I'll do anything you want,
Mr. Bonner.  Please don't be angry with me."  Nina sobbed, trying
to wipe her eyes, one hand extended toward Bob in supplication.
     "Sure you will!  I ought to paddle your butt 'til you can't
sit on it!  I'll have a list of the files I need in a few minutes. 
Then you get them and bring them back here, and don't get lost in
traffic doing it."  Bob growled.  "In the meantime, call Angelo,
Felica and Wong and tell them I want to see them, here, in 20
     Later, as Bob was rewriting the report draft, his mind kept
reviewing what he had said to Nina.  Had he really said he should
spank her?  He'd warned himself about letting his temper loose
today.  Now he'd done it.  If she heard him, and there was no way
she didn't, he could expect a rather nasty assault suit, or at
least sexual intimidation claim.  He'd have to find some way to
mitigate the situation with Nina.  Maybe if he explained the
importance of the situation, she'd understand his reaction.
     All she was going to understand is that your goose is cooked,
and she's the chef.  Forget it!  You did it, now take you lumps
like a man!
     Nina had been extremely quiet and unobtrusive since she'd
delivered the files to him and got another reprimand for her pains. 
Well, he didn't blame her for staying out of his line of fire.  He
was really surprised that she was still here.
     At 3:30, he sat back with a sigh of relief, tossing his pencil
down amidst the clutter of paper and a lunch he didn't remember
eating.  Done.  Finally.  He glanced a the clock.  Damn, he'd
better get to the floor with the paychecks.  People would be
getting antsy, wanting to get a jump on the weekend.
     "Nina," Bob said, coming into her office, "here's the rewrite
of the draft.  Get started on it.  Where are the checks?"
     Nina had spun around as he spoke to her, and was alertly
poised in her chair like a deer ready to bound away at the first
sign of danger.  "I gave the checks to the Supervisors.  I told
them that you were tied up with something that needed your
immediate attention and you couldn't get away.  I told them that
you wanted them to express your wished to all the crew for a good
weekend.  They are happy to do that for you, sir.  I hope that was
alright," Nina said, reaching for the draft.
     Bob felt his ire rising.  Damn.  He hated people making
decisions for him, especially subordinates.  He opened his mouth to
deliver yet another blast when a breath of cool reason filtered
across his thoughts.  'Why get upset?  She made a good move and
handled a situation that needed resolving without bothering you. 
Isn't that what she's supposed to do?  She got the people paid, and
let them think you were thinking of them, even when you weren't.'
     "Thank you, Nina.  That was thoughtful of you," he managed to
say.  "I also want to apologize to you."
     "No, Mr. Bonner," Nina immediately interrupted. "I was wrong,
and you were right in what you said.  I caused you a lot of trouble
and I apologize to you.  I'll get right on this now."
     "Yes, but I lost my temper and said some things I shouldn't
have.  It's just that this report is so important...."
     "You had the right to be angry, because I failed you," she
     Bob stood looking at the girl, not knowing quite what to do
next.  Well, he had tried to apologize.  Maybe that would count for
something in the lawsuit, anyway.
     "Yes ... well thank you again," he said, turning back to his
     At 4:15, Bob had given up trying to accomplish anything
constructive and was ready to leave.  He was too beat to sit around
and wait for Nina to finish typing the Report, so he picked up his
coat and briefcase and headed for the door.
     "Nina, I'm leaving.  I'm going directly down to the boat, if
anyone needs me.  I'll be leaving early tomorrow and be out all
weekend, so I want that report early Monday morning."
     "Yes, sir.  It will be on you desk when you get in Monday. 
I'll make sure of it.  Have a good weekend," replied Nina, without
looking up for her typing.

                                   Chapter 2

     "Mister Bonner?  Mr. B, are you there?"  came the insistent
call, again.
     Bob Blinked himself awake.  'What the hell was going on?  Who
could that be,... at 0450?' he thought, looking at the bulkhead
     "Mr. Bonner,?" came the soft hail, accompanied by a light
tapping on the coachroof.  "Yes,... who is it?" Bob called,
slipping on his pants.
     "Mr. B, is that you?  It's me, Nina," came the muffled
     Bob slid the hatch back, and found himself looking at Nina,
standing dripping and bedraggled on the pier.  A soft rain was
falling and she was obviously soaked despite the coat she was
     "Nina?  What are you doing here at this time in the morning?" 
he exclaimed, opening the companionway doors.  "Is there trouble at
the Plant?  How the hell did you find me here, anyway?"
     "No, sir," replied Nina.  "Nothing wrong at the Plant.  I had
to make some corrections to the report, and I wanted you to approve
them.  I paid your parking rent for you boat and remembered the
     "Yes, that's find, but good grief, Nina, that could wait unit
Monday couldn't it?"  he asked, a little exasperated.  "You'd
better come below out of the weather, and show me what is so
important it couldn't wait."
     He grabbed a shirt and slipped it on as he switched on the
lights and the electric heater in the lounge and galley.  He turned
around in time to see Nina struggling down the ladder in her heels
and skirt.  He was struck by the shapeliness of her legs and feet,
outlined graphically by her actions negotiating the steep ladder. 
By the time he realized he was staring, and that she obviously
needed assistance, she was standing on the deck in front of him.
     "Uhh... forgive me,... I'm still a little muzzy in the head. 
Sit down there in front of the heater and warm up.  I'll put some
coffee on and you can tell me again what it is you need,"  Bob
mumbled, escaping toward the galley.
     "... yes, but Nina, I could have easily taken care of these
things Monday morning.  You didn't have to come down here this
morning with it." Bob was explaining again.
     "I promised you that it would be on you desk when you arrived,
and I wanted to keep that promise, Mr. Bonner.  I don't want to
lose my job with you.  I have to keep it, and I told you that I
would do anything you wanted."
     Bob looked at her face and saw tears shining there.  "Well,
that's OK, Nina.  No need to get upset, now.  It's taken care of. 
Uh... have you had breakfast this morning?"
     "No," she replied.  "I finished too late last night to bring
it then, so I got up early to get here before you sailed you ship
out for the weekend.  I'll make something when I get home, thank
     "Well, I need some breakfast now, so I'll just make some for
the both of us, if you'd care to stay," said Bob getting up from
the table.  "Anyway, you're shivering and cold, so why don't you
get out of those wet clothes and into something dry while I fix
something?  You'll find some clothes in the hanging locker on the
left through that door," he continued, pointing toward the forward
cabin.  He watched as Nina slid around the table, rose and walked
     Later, as they cleared the table, Bob asked, "What are you
plans for the weekend, Nina?  I don't think I heard you say."
"Nothing special.  Just work around home," she replied.  "I'll get
my things and get out of your way now, so you can leave.  Thanks
for the breakfast.  I didn't know you could cook on a ship this
     "It's a boat, not a ship, Nina, despite what the Navy says
about one vessel carrying another.  And you can do lots of things
on a boat this size," Bob said, looking at her.  "Haven't you ever
been aboard a sailboat before?"
     "No.  There aren't many sailboats in Wisconsin where I'm
from," Nina replied.  "I always thought ocean-going sailboats were
     "Well, how would you like to go sailing for the day, with me?" 
Bob asked.  'What in the hell are you saying, Fool?'  Bob asked
himself.  'This is an employee, not some date.  And an airhead to
     "I don't want to disturb your weekend any more than I already
have," she answered.
     "The question was, would you like to go sailing.  If you
wouldn't like to , then say so.  If you would like to try it, and
you don't have anything pressing to do, just say yes," Bob said.
     "I would like to sail sometime, but you have your plans for
the weekend and I would be a bother," Nina said.
     Bob was shocked to hear himself say, "No, you'd be no bother
at all.  I was just going out to the islands and drop the hook for
awhile, and it would be no problem."
     "I'd love to sail if you want me."
     She was dressed in one of his shirts with the sleeves rolled
up, a pair of old dungarees cinched tight around her wait and a
pair of wool socks.  She looked like a waif, dressed in cast-offs.
     Bob realized with a start, that as Nina leaned over, the too-
large shirt had fallen away from her chest and he had a clear and
nearly unobstructed view of her right breast, nipple extended like
a hard berry.  It was full, smooth, symmetrical, and... he snapped
his attention back to what he was doing, aware that Nina was
looking at him with an odd look in her eyes.
     He felt himself flush, embarrassed at being caught like a
schoolboy sneaking a peek.
     "Yes,... well,... we'll,... ahh,... get these things put away
and get started," he sputtered.  "You'll find some foul-weather
gear in the locker behind you, and there should be some boots that
will fit with enough pairs of socks on.  You get dressed and I'll
get us under way."
     "Oh... Is there someone you should call to tell them where
you'll be?"  Bob asked, his mind starting to work again.
     "Yes there is, if you don't mind.  I can go up to the parking
lot and use the pay phone," Nina said.
     "No need for that, unless you want to, of course.  There's a
cellular phone at the Navy station behind you."  Bob pointed out,
"Feel free to use that, if you like.  It's drier at least.  I'll
just get into my gear and be on deck if you need anything." 
     Later, as Bob was securing the diesel and getting the sheets
coiled and secured and getting the boat settled on course, Nina had
emerged from the cabin warmly dressed in foulies that were too
large for her.  She had watched his activities with interest, and
was a little shocked when she figured out that he wasn't steering
the boat, but the wheel was turning by itself.
     Bob waited for the inevitable questions about the auto-pilot,
the sails, why were there so many 'ropes' and how did he know which
'rope' did what, etc, etc, and was a little surprised when no such
questions were asked.  Nina seemed content to just watch him, and
look at the scene around here.
     The rain had turned to showers and there was patchy fog,
obscuring most of the coastline.  The waves were cresting slightly
in the freshening breeze, imparting a lively, but not unpleasant,
motion to the boat.
     "How do you know where you are, and how to get where you want
to go?"  asked Nina as Bob settled into the windward side of the
cockpit, by the wheel.
     "Several ways, actually.  I have the chart, a map if you will,
giving me a lot of information, and I just follow the guides to
where I want to go.  We have the knot meter to tell us how fast
we're going, the compass to tell us which way, and using a distance
and time equation, I can figure how far I've gone in a certain
direction and how much further I have to go to get there.  If all
else fails, we have Radar and a radio," he said pointing to the
mast antennas.
     "You could really go anywhere you want to in this... ah...
boat, couldn't you," Nina said.
     "Yes, given enough time and supplies, you could.  And
sometimes I'm tempted," Bob said with a smile.
     He fell into the rhythm of checking the horizon, checking the
sails' trim, noting the course and speed, watching the Radar
display make a sweep and then the horizon again.  Commercial
shipping was heavy enough in the channel to demand attention and
caution on the part of small boat skippers.
     A glance at his watch indicated that they had been underway
for an hour and a half.
     "Nina, would you mind answering a question for me?"  Bob
     "No, anything you may ask."
     "It may be personal, and you may not wish to answer, and I'll
understand if that's the case, but it was something you said
yesterday that intrigues me," he said.
     "Nothing would be too personal if you wish to know, Mr.
Bonner," Nina answered.
     "Well... you said that you needed your job, and seemed more
than a little anxious about losing it.  I was wondering why you
needed this particular job so badly?" Bob said.
     "When I left Wisconsin, my uncle gave me a round trip ticket
and enough money for three months, and said if I didn't make it in
that time I had to return to Wisconsin.  I don't want to go back,
but I can't afford to be without work.  I know how you feel about
people who don't want to work, and about bad workers, and I was
afraid you'd fire me.  I'll do anything you ask," she told him.
     He became aware that he was a little chilled from the wind,
and when he looked at his passenger he noted that she seemed
huddled down inside her clothes trying to stay warm.
     "Nina, why don't you go below and warm up a little.  You
should have said something sooner.  I'm afraid I'm a pretty poor
host after all."
     "Thanks, I will go downstairs.  I am just a little cold.  I
guess I'm not used to the wind,"  she responded, moving toward the
     "There's hot water and coffee in the thermoses in the galley. 
I heated the water before we left so we could have tea or soup. 
Make something hot for yourself.  You can bring me a cup of coffee
when you're warmed a bit.  Why don't you check the stove too, and
see if it needs some more coal," Bob said.
     "Coffee," came Nina's voice minutes later.  She was on her
knees on the top step of the ladder leaning into the cockpit with
a cup of steaming coffee held out to him.
     As Bob reached for the cup, he was again treated to a view of
one of Nina's breasts as the shirt fell away from her body. 'Damn,
she has beautiful tits,' he thought.  'Why didn't I ever notice at
the Plant?'
     His attention was wrenched painfully back to the cup of coffee
by the searing pain of the hot liquid slopped on his hand.  He put
the cup down quickly on the seat beside him and managed to only
slop a little more of the scalding liquid on himself. 
     "Oh... oh... You've burned yourself.  Here let me help.  Oh,
I'm sorry, I must have spilled it on you.  Oh, please forgive me." 
As Nina was speaking, she moved from the hatchway and knelt before
him.  She took his hand and, holding it against her, began to blot
the coffee off with the tail of her shirt.
     As the immediate pain subsided, Bob became aware that his hand
was pillowed against a very firm breast.  Just as he made that
discovery, Nina turned his hand over and began to wipe his palm and
wrist, and his fingers were cupping the underside of her breast. 
He was mesmerized by the warmth, the feel, the weight and the
softness of it.
     He also became aware that she had creased her ministrations
and as her face moved up toward him, he snatched his hand away from
the warm, soft burden and stammered, "Uhhh... thank you, Nina.  It
was my fault entirely.  Ah... nothing to worry about... it feels
fine now... why don't you go below.. uh... before you get cold
again.  Thank you, that's... uh... fine," he blustered, trying to
regain his composure, glad that his bulky clothing hid the swelling
in his groin from here view.
     Nina took the cup and moved toward the hatch.  "I do
apologize, I'll get you another cup."
     "Thank you, Nina.  That's very kind of you.  I... ah... would
like another," he said, watching her move away.  As she stooped
over to enter the hatch, Bob glimpsed the swelling shape of Nina's
thighs and bottom as she moved under the loose fitting dungarees.
     'God dammit, man.  Keep you mind on what your doing!  That's
an employee, and a screw-loose one to boot.  You're already in
enough trouble with that one.  Just watch yourself!'  Bob thought
furiously to himself as he shifted around to move his burgeoning
penis to a more comfortable position.  'You're reacting like a
teenager in lust for God's sake.  You've seen a tit before, and
that one belongs to your secretary.  It's nice, but not worth you
career, stupid!  Get hold of yourself!'
     Bob purposefully averted his eyes as Nina emerged in the
hatchway with his coffee.  She placed it on the seat beside him and
went below again.  He glanced at her bottom again as she stepped
over the bridgedeck and stooped to go below.  'Yes, there is a lot
more woman to Nina than was apparent at the Plant, that's for
sure,' he thought to himself.
     A couple of hours later, the island had come into sight and
Bob altered course to come into the anchorage on the lee side. 
He'd called Nina to come up for a look, and she watched enthralled
as the island emerged from the mist, taking on form and color as
they approached.
     Noting that they had the anchorage to themselves, Bob
maneuvered into a favored location first dropping the stern anchor
and then the bow anchor.  After he secured the sails and was
assured that the anchors had set securely, they sat and looked
about them, talking quietly, with Bob pointing out some of the
features and points of interest to the enraptured Nina.
     After some time, Bob noticed what time it was, and that he was
hungry.  They went below and he was treated to Nina's cooking. 
After pointing out where the canned goods locker, the cooler and
the utensil storage were, he sat back and watched as she very
efficiently and quickly prepared the food.  He had even offered to
wash the dishes, but was deftly maneuvered out of the galley.  He
had then gone on deck and busied himself checking the anchors again
and dropping the dinghy over the side, securing it to the stern.
     Nina had come on deck dressed in one of his down-lined jackets
and had immediately agreed to a walk on the beach.  They had rowed
ashore and spent three or four hours puttering about the beach and
walking the near trails before returning to the boat just before
     "I'm sorry to have kept you this late, Nina.  I meant to start
back a little sooner than this, so you'd get home at a decent time. 
Especially since you didn't get much sleep last night," he said.
"Let me get the dinghy aboard and we'll head back."
     Nina was standing before the hatch, looking out to sea.  "Is
it always this quiet here?"  She asked.
     "Not during the summer season.  There are usually several
boats in here then,"  Bob responded.  "That's why I almost prefer
this time of year to go sailing.  It's quiet and hassle-free, and
usually the wind is better too," he finished, chuckling.  "But yes,
this  time of year it is quiet here."
     "Is this where you'd stay for the weekend, if I hadn't come
along?" she asked, turning toward him.
     "Yeah, probably," he said, "But I'll be back out tomorrow, or
maybe to one of the other islands.  I don't know yet.  Have you
enjoyed your first sail?"
     "Oh, yes.  It's been beautiful, and I'll remember it forever," 
she said, searching his face.  "May I ask something?"
     "Certainly, Nina.  What is it?"
     "Would you consider staying here tonight, with me aboard?  I
mean... would... would you think it presumptuous of me to suggest
it?  I... I... I've caused you a great deal of trouble,... and I
know you may not wish to have me out here,... but... well... I hate
for you to have to go all the way back tonight,... and... then have
to come out again tomorrow,... and,..." she faltered to a stop, her
head down.
     Bob stood looking at the girl, watching the expressions
fleeting across her face, aware of the conflicting emotions within
her, and amused at the blush of embarrassment on her cheeks.
     "Well, that would be fine unless you have people expecting you
back tonight.  It might not look right to some people if we spent
the night out here alone, together," Bob said quietly.
     "Would it bother you?  It would not bother me."
     "No.  No, it wouldn't disturb me.  I've enjoyed our day, but
there are others waiting for you, right?"  he answered.
     "Not really.  When I called, I told them I was with a friend,
and I might not return until Sunday night,"  Nina said, with a
furtive glance towards him.  "I didn't know how long we'd be, and
I didn't want to have to give a long explanation.  And I'm not
worried about what people will think, because they won't know
unless you tell them.  And if you want them to know, that's alright
with me," she finished in a hushed voice.
     Bob watched her wringing her hands in front of her as she
spoke, suddenly aware how much she wanted to say, but not wanting
to intrude on him.  He was also suddenly aware of how much he
wanted to stay, also.  If Manny ever found out about this, he'd
never let it go!
     "Alright, Nina.  If you want to, we'll stay tonight and return
tomorrow."  Bob had the quick impression that Nina had moved
slightly toward him as he spoke, but put it down as the motion of
the boat.
     Later, as they sat comfortably in the lounge after dinner, the
conversation had slowed to a halt, the warmth of the stove, and the
activity of the day taking its toll.
     Nina excused herself, and went into the forward cabin that Bob
had told her was hers, stayed for a couple of minutes and returned,
standing beside Bob in his seat.
     "May I ask you something?"
     "Huh?  What is it Nina?"  He said looking up at her, noticing
that she was clutching her dungarees before her.
     Nina was staring at the deck at her feet, her cheeks flushed. 
"You said you were going to spank me until I couldn't sit down, and
I was just wondering when you wanted to do it."
     Bob stared at the girl before him, not comprehending what he
had heard.  "What?" he said, stupidly.
     "Well, it was a condition of my staying on with you, and I
didn't know when you wanted to punish me, that's all," she said
quietly, tears shining in her eyes.
     "Oh, Nina.  I'm sorry I said that.  I didn't mean that like it
sounded.  I... wouldn't... I couldn't..." Bob was stuttering.
     "Oh no, please Mr. Bonner.  I know I deserve it," Nina said
sobbing, "and it was a condition of my continued employment,  and
I understand why, and I want to work for you."
     As she finished speaking, Nina move to the table in front of
Bob, loosened her hold on her dungarees which slid to the floor. 
She placed her thighs against the table edge, and lifting the shirt
she was wearing up, just below her breasts, laid herself down on
the table, her head resting on a forearm.
     Bob sat there in shock staring at the girl.  "Nina,... what
the hell is going on here?"  he gasped out.
     "Do it hard and quickly like my Uncle did, so my fault will go
away with the pain," she said sobbing quietly.
     The way she said that, Bob was sure it was something that had
been said to her many times in the past.  What in hell was he going
to do now?  "No, Nina.  No, I'm not going to spank you.  Ah... No. 
No Way!..." he finally managed. 

                                   CHAPTER 3

     Bob turned and walked around the nearly naked girl lying on
the table before him.
     "Please, you must.  You said I deserved it, and you must do it
so I can work for you!  Please, please Mr. Bonner, I beg you!"
     "NO!... it's not right, Nina.  It's... just... not... not
done..."  The thought of this young girl stripping herself before
him, and then... offering herself to him... to beat... her ass!
     He was aware of the strain and discomfort at his groin.  The
sight and closeness of the girl was having an effect. He looked at 

the sobbing figure on the table, her skin made golden and rich by the 

glow of the kerosene lamps, and while he thought he should feel pity 

and empathy for her, he felt a rising urge to reach out and stroke her 

flanks,... and caress her ... and if she wanted it,...
     'God, she is beautiful,' he though, looking at her lying there
helpless and vulnerable before him.  Her white, smooth skin.  The
round firmness of her buttocks flowing into the graceful columns of
her thighs.
     Almost of its own volition, his right hand reached out, and
laid itself on Nina's waist just above the left hip.  The fingers
feeling the smoothness of the flesh and the beginning of the
fullness of her hip.  The palm registering the heat of her, and the
thumb moving slowly, stroking over the softness of her left
buttock, feeling the play of the muscles under the silkiness of her
skin moving in response to his touch.
     His hand slid slowly down her backside, up onto the glob of
her buttock, his fingers gently kneading the ripeness there, the
thumb sliding into the groove between the hillocks.  The warmth,
the sheen of silky smoothness, the form and flow of her he felt and
savored as his hand move over her.
     Nina moved under his hand, breaking the spell.  He snatched
his hand away as if he'd touched a hot coal.  'My God, what am I
doing,' he thought.
     Nina sighed, shifting her weight slightly.  "You must punish
me for the trouble I've caused you.  I deserve the good spanking
you promised me."
     "Please?  I do need it," came the plaintive request.  Motion ceased 

in the space for a long minute.  The only sounds were that of the sea 

outside the hull, the incessant creak of the rigging, the chronometer 

ticking on the bulkhead, and the breathing of the two locked in this 

     Bob stared at the rich form before him.  His hand reached out
again, slowly, toward the girl.  It paused, hovering over the left
buttock, and in a flash, rose and drove itself into the pillowy
 softness with a sharp CRACK!
     "Arrhhh..." came a cry from the reclining girl, as she
flinched away from the blow.
     Bob stared fascinated as the milky flesh immediately displayed
the outline of his hand in a pale whiteness which immediately
flushed a deep pink as the blood rushed back into the impact area.
     Smack ... smack... POP, came the sounds of his hand slapping
her exposed buttock, with the last resulting from his striking the
very crown of the fleshy mound.
     He felt the heat of passion rising in him as he began to spank
the girl.  His engorged penis pushed against his pants, tenting
them in front.  He ceased his activity long enough to move the
hardness again to a more comfortable position, and raised his hand

     His target was the near cheek for this volley of slaps, and
Nina began to move in discomfort as the blows landed.
     Bob paused and decided to move to the other side to give him
a better angle.  He rested his hand on Nina's right ass-check and
as he moved behind her, he found himself looking at the little fig
of her sex.  His hand drifted down and the fingers caressed her
nether lips.  He was surprised to feel the moisture of her lips,
and his fingers sleeked down the length of her to the prominent
button peeking its head through the lips there.  Nina gasped as his
fingers contacted her clitoris, and her backside surged
involuntarily toward him.  "Please," she moaned softly.

    Bob gritted his teeth, as he placed his left hand on the small
 of her back, and raised his right hand again.  "You wanted this,"
and he began a new series on her right buttock.
     He began to vary the interval of the strokes, and to work the
target of impact from the crown of her cheek up and down the fleshy
topography before him.  After some minutes of this he became aware
of the pain of his hand, and the ache in his arm from the impacts
and the exertion.

     When he stopped to survey his work, he saw that Nina's ass-
cheeks had taken on a rosy glow, with the highest color at the
crown of the globes.  She was moving around in some discomfort, but
not in any distress.  Her loins were moving against the edge of the
table, evidence by the rhythmic tightening of the muscles of her 

     As Bob watched, breathing deeply as if he had been running, he
was overcome with a desire, almost a lust, to see Nina cry from her 
spanking, like a little girl.
     Knowing that his hand would never stand up to the task, he
looked around for a better implement.  There!  On the shelf!  The 
perfect thing.  A three foot long length of half-inch nylon anchor
rope.  Perfect.  He had seized and wrapped the ends of the line
planning to use it as a stopper on the anchor line if he needed
one.  That would be just the thing.
     He doubled the line and wrapped it around his right hand,
leaving a loop of about 12 inches protruding.  He placed his left 
hand on Nina's back to hold her, and brought a full armed  swing 
crashing down on her exposed buttocks.
     The effect was immediate and electric.  Nina arched up off the
table with a gasp, her legs snapped backwards, leaving her body
poised on the edge of the table for long seconds as the searing
fire of the lash burned through her.

     "Aaaaarrrghhhh..." came the scream, wrenched from her throat
by the pain.
     Her arms flailed backwards, her hands seeking to protect the
punished flesh, but never quite reaching it.  Apparently,
adolescent training prevented her from doing what blind instinct
     Her head laid back on the table top, her hands found, and
gripped the sides of the table above her head, the knuckles turning
white from the pressure.  Her legs thumped back to the deck, and
her feet scrabbled for purchase, tangled in the dungarees bunched
around her ankles.  Her thighs surged as her weight shifted from
foot to foot in an effort to alleviate the burning pain.

     Bob, more than satisfied with the result of his blow, snapped
another across her ass-cheeks, with similar results.

    "Ennngggghhh..." Nina grunted.
     Bob shifted to his left slightly, and pushing down on Nina's
back, rained several slices diagonally across her lower cheeks and
upper thighs.  "Oh... Oh... OH... Please not... not th..there..
please," Nina gasped out as she thrashed her bottom around.  Bob,
ignoring her pleas immediately moved to the other side of her
proffered backside and began to thrash her ass-cheeks with a series
of backhanded diagonal cuts matching, and criss-crossing the first.
     "Aiiiieeeeeeee..." screamed the distressed girl, again arching
into a bow of pain, and broke into near hysterical sobbing and
crying.  "Ow... Ow... Owwww.. ahhh.. ahhh. Ow..." she sobbed,
gasping for breath, her eyes streaming with tears.  She lay limply
on the table, her face buried in her arms, as she sobbed.
     Bob had frozen at her scream, the line dangling from his hand, 
watching the sobbing girl in fascinated horror at the damage he'd
done to her.  Her bottom was streaked with scarlet lines where the
nylon had seared against her flesh.
     Without thinking, Bob dropped the stopper and took the sobbing
creature by the shoulders, lifting her up and into his arms,
holding her against him.  Nina's arms went automatically around his
neck, and she clung to him tightly, her legs and thighs working
together against his in her agony.  Her gasping sobs deepened into
the cries of the released anguish and pain, her upper body moving
against his as she cried.
     Bob held her against him, and his left hand move down her 
back, and stroked down over the bruised flesh of her buttock.  His
hand moved over it, cupping it, pressing her closer to him.
     Nina's first reaction was to move away from the discomfort his 
hand caused, and as her body came against Bob, moved again 
towards the hand as though seeking comfort from the touch.

     Bob became aware of the distress he was feeling from the
movements of her body against his groin, adding to the nearly 
unendurable pressure he had from the erotic experience of spanking
and whipping the young girl's ass.  As he tried to move his lower
body away from her, she curled hers against him, as though refusing
to be parted from the comfort of his closeness.

     As her crying ceased, and the tension left her body, Bob 
turned Nina slightly and lowered her gently into the seat.  She
stiffened and caught her breath as she came in contact with the
fabric of the seat, then relaxed her weight into it.  His hand
cupped her left cheek gently, and Nina turned her head and grasped
his hand so it lay along the side of her face.

     "Nina... Nina I'm... So... s," Bob began.
     Nina moved her face again in his hand, and began to kiss his
fingers and palm.  "Thank you for punishing me so my fault may be
forgiven," she said softly, almost lovingly, to him, continuing her 
kisses, and stroking her face against his hand.
     She opened her eyes and found herself staring at the obvious 
bulge in his pants.
     "Oh... Mr. Boner,... forgive me.  I was only thinking of
myself.  Let me..."  she said as she released his hand and grasped
the zipper of his pants.  She smoothly opened the zipper, and with
the other hand grasped his throbbing manhood and gently disengaged
it from his clothes and brought it out.

     "May I, please?"  Nina asked him, grazing at his throbbing 
glistening manhood.
     Bob could only watch, mesmerized as Nina leaned forward and
began kissing and laving his penis with her lips and tongue.  She
kissed the length of him and then began running her tongue over and 
around his stiffness, finally opening her mouth, taking as much of him inside as she could.
     Bob shuddered involuntarily from the intensity of the feeling
of her tongue and warm, wet mouth, a groan of pleasure escaping
from him.  He placed a hand on the back of her head, and began to 
move gently in and out of her mouth.
     He could feel her move her tongue around his meat, licking and
caressing it, the suction of her mouth tugging and encouraging...
and the sperm rising in him, building toward explosive release.
     "Nina... Nina, you'd better... better st .. stop.. now.  I'm 
go.. goinggg to... tooo.. toooo.. come... Let... me.. go..."
     As he spoke, Nina moved her hands from the front of his pants
around to clasp his legs and hold herself to his burgeoning cock. 
Bob tried to remove himself from her mouth by rolling his hips 
back, but she clung to him, her mouth never pausing in its 
     "Oh.. God... here.. here... Ahhhhh..." Bob exclaimed, his body 
taking over and dictating the savage thrusts into the girl's warm 
mouth as his hand locked her in position with a handful of hair.
     He felt the near-painful spasms of his seed ejaculating into 
the girl, once.. twice... again.. again, his legs trembling with
the strain and frenzy of release, his breath ragged and gasping,
his head thrown back, his mouth drawn back in a grimace of
delicious stress.

                                   CHAPTER 4

     As the storm of passion passed, his hand relaxed the grip it
held, releasing the girl's head.  He stood, gasping for breath,
reason and awareness returning.
     He looked down at the crown of the head of the girl kneeling
before him, and began to stroke her hair.  He saw that she was
cradling his still stiff cock in the palm of one hand, caressing it
with the other, holding it close to her mouth.  She was swallowing
convulsively, but her attention was clearly riveted on his
glistening, sperm-stained member.
     As he opened his mouth to speak, Nina lowered her mouth to
him, and began to lick and suck the residue of his passion from his
     When she was through cleaning him, she took him gently in her
hands and began to stroke and fondle him, her hand flowing softly
up and down his length, gently to his scrotum, lifting his balls,
and bringing them out of his pants.  She bent once, and kissed the
sack of its cargo, taking his testicles into her mouth, gently
laving and feeling with her tongue and lips, releasing them to
return her attention to the shaft.
     Bob noticed too, that she was breathing deeply and somewhat
raggedly, affected by the act just completed.
     She lifted her face to him, her eyes shining, "Would you love
me?... I need it..."
     She remained, looking into his eyes, almost passively, except
for the obvious urgency of her request.
     He smiled at her, slipping his hand around the back of her
head.  Relief was evident in her eyes, and a flicker of a smile
fleeted across her face.
     She rose from her position even before he could help her, and
stood before him as if waiting for something.  His hand fell to the
table to steady himself and she glanced a it, then to his face. 
she seemed to make a quick decision and began to move between him
and the table, lifting herself on her toes, gathered the shirt-tail
at her waist and slid her bottom onto the table, kicking the
dungarees of her feet.
     "Would you like my shirt on or off?"  she asked, her head
bowed and her face hidden by her hair.
     "Off," answered Bob, without conscious though.
     Nina's hands lifted the top of the garment and began to slowly
unbutton it.  Bob watched fascinated as the shirt front opened more
and more, exposing the valley between her breasts, then her navel,
her abdomen, and with the dark blond motte visible at the junction
of her legs.  As the last button was released, her hands lifted to
grasp the shirt pulling it apart exposing her breasts to him.  The
shirt slid down her arms as she moved them behind her, causing her
breasts to lift toward him, moving and bobbing on her chest in
response to her actions.
     Bob's eyes drank in the feminine beauty exposed before him. 
Nina's breasts were set high on her chest, protruding firmly to the
areola with its prominent, crimson nipples.  They were shapely and
     Bob's hands moved to cup the warm, smooth fruit presented to
him, his fingers and palm sliding under its weight, the thumb over
the top to encircle the nipple.  Nina gasped at his touch, and
looked down at herself, watching his movements.  Her mouth was 
open slightly and her breathing deepened as he manipulated her,
thrusting her rib-cage and breasts toward Bob's hand.
     Bob released her for a moment, stripping his own shirt off and
releasing his belt and buttons, dropping his pants to the floor
where he stepped out of them.
     He move between her legs and grasping her breast in both
hands, forced her gently back on the table.  As her body laid back,
she lifted and separated her legs allowing his body to come even
closer to her, his rigid man-flesh upthrust like a lance came to
rest in the forest of her pudendum as he bent over her.
     Bob lowered his head to her breasts, taking one of the sweet
crimson berries in his mouth.  A part of his mind noted with
interest that there was very little flattening of her tits, and
that they stood up proudly from her chest, inviting his oral
salute.  He began to suck and kiss them alternately, fondling and
squeezing them with his hands as he did.  He caught the nipples
between his upper teeth and lower lip, flicking and worrying them
back and forth with his tongue.
     He then began to slide his mouth down onto the rich fruit,
opening his mouth and sucking as much of her into his mouth as
possible.  Nina moaned at the delicious tension she felt in her
nipples from his sucking and chewing, her nipples becoming more and
more sensitive as he continued.  He dragged his teeth along the
skin of her breast as he released it, causing little shocks of
emotion to flow through her.
     He began to squeeze and pinch her breasts with more and more
passion as his mouth sought to reach more and more places to them. 
Baring his teeth, he began to nip and bite the sides and underpart
of them, alternately licking, and sucking and biting the smooth,
resilient firmness of her.
     Nina's head was back, her chin pointing toward the overhead,
eyes closed, lost in a whirl of sensations and emotion.  She began
to move under his attack, small, unconscious moans and squeals of
passion emitting from her.
     Her loins, too began to move in a response to her rising
emotion.  Her legs were drawn back and to the sides, exposing her
sex to him, her pelvis moving languidly in a dance of passion as
old as Eve.  She reposition her lower legs so her heels rested
softly on Bob's lower back, gently encouraging him to complete the
     Bob's pelvis was moving in concert with her, his lance nestled
in the groove of her labia, rubbing and stroking itself against her. 
Her clitoris, thrusting itself upward, was being stroked and
inflamed by his movement, causing Nina to tremble and shudder as
her fires rose even higher.
     The bruised and sensitive skin of her buttocks and upper legs
was sending feelings of delicious pain to her brain as Bob thrust
against her, his testicles slapping and moving against her sex and
the inner slopes of her buttocks.
     Nina's head began to thrash back and forth, her arms flailing,
her hands gripping the table edge, then sliding over his back and
down to her own legs, gripping and grasping convulsively as her
senses became overloaded with sensations and heat.  The moans and
squeals had changed to a keening coming from deep within her,
pulsing with the rhythm of her needs.
     "Now!... Now... Oh my lord,.. now, my Master..." Nina gasped
as she crushed Bob to her.  "Oh,..please... now!"
     In an instinctive response to her cry, Bob thrust himself into
her pelvis, his shaft crushing against her, pressing and punishing
her clitoris and vulva.  As he did, his hands squeezed the fruit in
them, his head swooping down to engulf a protruding, turgid nipple
in his mouth, biting and chewing upon it in the fury of his
     As his teeth closed around her nipple, Nina felt the searing
arc of desire flash to meet the discharge of energy from her
clitoris, galvanizing her whole body.
     Her legs flexed, her heels digging into his lower back, her
pelvis curling upward, thrusting against him.  Her arms tightened
around his back crushing him even tighter against her, her head
snapping downward, her mouth straining open with a scream that was
wrenched from her depths.
     "Aaaaaiiiiieeeeennnnnggggghhhhh..."  Their bodies locked
together as shocks of lust and passion shook Nina's body,
convulsing it as it shuddered and thrashed in its release.
     When the last tremor had passed, the tension flowed out of
Nina's body and she slumped back to the surface of the table, her
arms and legs relaxing their grip upon him, sliding downward to a
position of rest.  Her eyes were closed, her face relaxed, calm and
placid in repose.
     Bob had raised his face from her body as she emerged from the
maelstrom of her passions, and let his gaze wander from her face
down the beautiful body beneath him, glowing with the response to
her climax and the sheen of perspiration from the exercise.
     A small spasm of his muscles moved his still-hard lance
against her, causing an instant involuntary response from the girl
beneath him.  Her eyes flew open to gaze at him in wonder and a
tinge of fright.  Color rose in her cheeks and down the column of
her throat, as she froze in utter stillness as if awaiting his next
     Bob smiled at her, and slipping his left arm around her,
lifted her upper body to his, and using his right arm, maneuvered
both of them to a vertical position.  As they came upright, his
right arm moved to pull her lower body against him and lifted her
from the table.  As she was lifted, she tightened her legs and arms
around him, hugging herself to him, helping to support her weight,
his right hand moved to her buttock squeezing and fondling as he
picked her up.
     He turned toward the forward cabin with his burden, passing
carefully through the doorway, proceeding to the double bunk
within.  He reached down and grasping the covers, stripped them
downward, then bending down, lowered her to the cool sheets.
     She relaxed her hold on him once again, allowing him to
straighten himself above her.  As his hands came from behind her,
he palmed her breasts, pressing the recumbent nipples with his
thumbs, then moving them leisurely down her sides over her hips and
up under her legs, pulling them to his sides.
     Her eyes had opened as her back touched the cloth, and their
glaze locked.  As his hands touched her breasts, she inhaled
sharply, her nostrils flaring softly, and a small tremor passed
through her as his hands moved downward.
     He watched her intently as he began to move his pelvis,
thrusting gently against her.  She caught her breath again at the
sensation of his movement awoke in her.  He maneuvered himself so
his hardness sleeked gently back and forth inside of the lips of
her labia, seeking and searching ever lower in her moistness.
     He watched as the play of emotions and sensations passed her 
face, his eyes never leaving hers.  She stared back at him as if
mesmerized, unable to release herself from his power and control.
     A mutual spasm announced the arrival of the sensitive helmet
of his lance at the portals of her vagina.  A small smile and the
flaring of his nostrils signaled his triumph, as a small tremor
reflected her anticipation. He eased his rock-hard charger into
her, savoring her heat and smoothness.  As he slid ever deeper into
her body, he lifted her legs to his shoulders, pinning them there
with his upper arms as he reached once again for her upthrust
     Nina had been slowly inhaling in tempo with his entering into
her, holding it as he bored deeper and deeper.  Her eyes closed and
she exhaled almost explosively as his pelvis collided gently with
hers, mingling the hair of their pubes together.  He stopped all
movement, holding himself thrust into her depths, soaking in her
heat and wetness.
     As she opened her eyes slowly, their gaze once again locked,
his eyes bright with triumph and lust, hers soft with surrender. 
He began to move gently within her, thrusting in and out in small
increments, increasing in length and fervor until he was
withdrawing almost to the tip, burying again to the limit.
     His rhythm was steady for the most part, varying from time to
time with short quick thrusts, so he could watch her reaction.  For
long minutes he continued this delicious friction, heating the
fires of passion within her once again.
     Her eyes closed and her head turned to the side as her
breathing became deep and irregular.  A small grimace of emotion
pulled at her lips as she began to move and thrust back against him
in her desire to have him penetrate her to her core.  Her arms
remained at her sides where they had fallen, but her hands were
alternately clenching and splaying open in response to the ebb and
flow of her emotions.
     His breathing had become ragged and he was gasping and blowing
as he inhaled the oxygen to fuel the labor of his lust, clenching
and squeezing the breasts in his hands.  As his efforts began to
climax and he felt the burning pressure of semen rising in him, he
began to slam his body into hers, jolting her with his convulsive
need to ejaculate his seed deep within her.  She answered with
equal energy as her body responded to the primordial signals of his
     Her body snapped like a whip as her own peak of passion broke
upon her, arching her back against the cantilevering of her arms,
trying to force him deeper into her.  The song of her orgasm
keening in her throat again as he felt the griping of her vaginal
muscles on his stem, triggering his release.  He strained against
her, his manhood buried to the limit within her, his hands
squeezing and bruising the softness of her breasts, his head thrown
back, the muscles of his stomach, shoulders and neck corded and
straining with the tension within him.
     "Ahhhrr,.. arrgh... arrr... ahhh" he cried out in cadence with
the spastic release of his sperm into her.  His body convulsed
rhythmically as he instinctively drove himself into her, hammering
her with his need to complete.
     As he finished his labor, he relaxed with the sudden release
of energy, leaning himself against her legs, gasping for breath. 
As the singing in his ears diminished, he realized his position,
and pushing himself up, pulled her legs past his face, rolling her
on her side and sliding himself into the bed behind her, without
uncoupling.  He thrust his deflating member gently into her,
seeking to insure its nest in her warm, wet cunt.
     His last conscious thought was to pull the blanket over their
cooling bodies to ward off the impinging chill.

                                   Chapter 5

     Bob awoke some hours later after becoming slowly conscious of

the fact that he was not alone in the bed.  The information was

hardly distressing, and he opened his eyes to find that he was

gazing at the side of a tousled blond head.

     He reveled in the feel of her sleep-warmed body against him. 

They were lying almost spoon fashioned with her buttocks snuggled

against his hip, his right leg between her legs, nestled against

her.  Nina was lying slightly on her back, her left arm across her

tummy, cuddled under his left arm.  His hand was cupping her right

breast in a proprietary manner and he could feel it stirring with

her breathing.  His right arm was under her pillow supporting her

head as she slept deeply and securely.

     His mind drifted sleepily over the events of the previous

evening as he lay soaking up the feel of her lush body so relaxed

against his.

     He squeezed the warm weight in his hand slightly which caused

the sleeper to stir.  He decided that he shouldn't disturb her, and

slowly and carefully worked his way out of the bed, and went to the

main cabin closing the door behind him.

     After stirring the fire up and refueling it against the cold,

he dressed, made a pot of coffee in the galley and went quietly on

deck to drink a cup.

     The squalls of the day before had cleared away and the

cloudiness of the lightening eastern sky darkened into starry

display of the pre-dawn hour in the west. He moved quietly about

the boat checking the anchors and the rigging for any indication of

slackness or disrepair.  Finding no cause for concern, settled

himself in the cockpit to enjoy the sunrise.

     Some time later he became vaguely aware of stirring below, but

was so relaxed and caught up in the morning awakening around him,

he didn't respond.

     He began to ponder the events of the night before.  He was at

a loss as to how such a thing could happen.  He wasn't at all sure

how he was going to face Nina without acute embarrassment.  My God,

he thought, to not only spank her bare ass, which was bad enough,

but to actually whip her with a piece of line like some antebellum

overseer.  But her reaction!?!!  It actually made her hot for sex!

     He'd read of such things, of course, and had some daydreams

about it, like any other man.  But to actually participate in such

a thing!

     Actually, it was kind of interesting.  It made him horny as

hell just to think about it this morning.  It made him damned near

psychotic last night!  He couldn't remember wanting a woman as

badly as he did Nina last night.  And, it wasn't that Nina was

special to him, it was that she was there!  She was the target of

his erotic activity, and he wanted to dominate her totally.  Well,

he guessed that he did that alright.

     He'd never kidded himself hat he was a sensitive, romantic

kind of man.  He knew he was a rather direct sort, who could be

affectionate when he wanted to be and the occasion called for it,

but a Romeo he wasn't.

     Hell, his courtship and marriage to Carolyn for two years was

ample proof of that.  And her infidelity, and geared rottenness

when he caught her at it hadn't helped his outlook on romance any

either.  Well, to hell with that.  That was over, period.

     But what the hell was he going to do with this little

creature?  How the hell could he keep her on at the plant after

this episode?  Be that as it may, how was he going to get rid of

her?  What was he going to say, "Hey Honey, you're a great lay, and

I enjoyed the hell out of spanking your ass, but you're fired"? 

Certainly not.

     But to keep her was begging for trouble.  The next time she

decided she wanted a raise, she'd probably get it.  Or worse, if

she decided she wanted to have herself spanked again, what then?

     He turned as the hatch slid back, and watched Nina's head and

bare shoulders emerge from it.

     Her hair had been brushed and caught into a pony-tail at the

crown of her head; her face freshly scrubbed and with lipstick

applied gave the appearance of youth and beauty.  Her eyes were

bright with curiosity about her surroundings as she looked about,

finally to rest them on him.

     "Good morning, Mr. Bonner.  Would you like some more coffee?"

Bob could now see that she had wrapped a blanket around her for

warmth, and she was holding a steaming cup in her hands, before


     "Good morning, Nina.  Yes, I would, thank you," he said rising

from the cockpit seat.  "I'll trade cups with you, how's that?"

     He saw that she had only opened the hatch enough to get her

head and shoulders through, and the doors braced her from the

front.  Smiling, she passed him the full cup, taking his empty on
while affording him a look at her breasts as she loosed the front

her to stretch her arm toward him.  She took his cup and slipped

back down into the cabin, emerging again in a couple of minutes

with a fresh cup of coffee for herself, the blanket snugly around


     At least she was in good spirits, and didn't seem to be

harboring any ill-will.  Bob felt some relief from that.  And not

afraid to pique his interest a little with a display of her charms,

he thought with a smile.

     "Sleep well?"

     "Wonderful.  I never knew how the rocking of a boat could be

so restful."

     'To say nothing of exhaustion from some rather kinky sex,' Bob

thought, and blushed as he thought of it.

     "Did you find everything you needed below?"

     "Yes, thank you.  It's interesting to see the amount of

storage there is down there, and the tones of things you have."

     "Well, aboard a sailboat the old saw that there's a place for

everything and everything's in its place is mostly true.  You also

learn to do more with less.  Care to join me?"  Bob asked.

     "If you don't mind, I'll stay here where it's warm for a

minute.  I took the liberty of starting breakfast so I'll have to

go soon."

     "Well, I've failed as a host again.  I'm supposed to be the

one getting breakfast for you."

     "You're the Captain.  And Captains don't cook and things. 

They run the ship and the crew."  Nina smiled.  "I'll be the crew

on this voyage.  I'll call you when it's ready, Captain," she said

as she disappeared down the hats, sliding it closed.

     Bob went back to his ruminations, and kept coming back to the

point that was really bothering him.  What he had done to her, and

the hold it gave her over him as a result.

     "Breakfast, Sir," came the call some minutes later, Bob got

up, and with a last look around, opened the doors and hatch and

went below closing them after him.

     The cabin was warm and full of breakfast smells.  As he passed

the galley he noticed that Nina was wearing the wool shirt from

yesterday, and was bare legged below it.  It made an interesting

costume, and he found himself trying to peek under the shirt-tail

as he took off his coat and boots.

     He seated himself at the table and Nina came from the galley

with a loaded plate.  She bent over as she set the plate before him

and he looked to see if the shirt would afford him the same view as

yesterday, and was amply rewarded.  Nina had not buttoned the top

three buttons, and as she bent over her body was bared to the

waist.  A fleeting glimpse indicated she had put on her panties.

     Bob felt the immediate response stirring in his groin as he

drank in the view of her right breast moving and wobbling as she

move about.  He glanced at her face as she straightened up, but

Nina's attention was elsewhere, and she turned to the galley.

     "Is the crew allowed to eat with the Captain on this ship?" 

she asked, returning to the table with another plate of food.

     "Only if they are ready to sit by the Captain and accept

compliments," Bob responded, smiling.

     Nina set her food down and Bob was rewarded with another view

of her.  She slid into the seat beside him, he watched the front of

her shirt, and the breasts underneath.  He was glad he had the

forethought to adjust himself while Nina was in the galley, because

he was now fully erect, and barely comfortable, and glad he was

sitting down.

     The conversation was limited to general topics, and he ate

with good appetite despite the distraction Nina's closeness and the

view afforded.  When the meal was completed, Nina immediately

remove the dishes and began washing them in the galley.

     Bob got up from the table as she completed her tasks in the

galley and went in and stood behind her, placing his hands on her

shoulders.  As he touched her, she stopped all movement, waiting to

see what he was going to do.

     "Nina, I think we should talk about last night," he said


     "I want to thank you for what you did.  I forgot to thank you

last night."

     "Yes, but what I did was..." Bob started.

     "Was what I deserved for my mistakes,"  Nina interrupted

hurriedly.  "Say I'm forgiven and can continue to work for you."

     "But Nina, after what I did to you,..."

     "I know it won't be easy for you, after what I did, but I promise

to try harder.  And if I displease you again, I'll expect you to

punish me any way you see fit."

     "Well, yes if you want to.  But, Nina, we've got to have a

definite understanding about our relationship.  There are things we

have to discuss," Bob said, feeling totally confused.

     "I quite agree.  I know you are my boss, and I'm your

secretary, you servant.  And I'll really try to serve you well.  I

won't let my inadequacies keep you from doing you job.  You only

have to tell me what you want, and I'll do it.  If I don't, I know,

now, that you'll spank me, to remind me of my duties," she said

primly, her hands clasped in front of her.

     "Yes, but, Nina, you understand that no one must ever know

what has gone on here.  I mean, they would never understand and


     "I understand that everything that goes on between you and me,

here or in the office, is strictly confidential."

     Bob sighed, feeling that he wasn't making his point at all,

and he was sure it wasn't because he hadn't tried.  Nina was very

skillfully avoiding any discussion of details of the previous

night.  It wasn't that she didn't know what he was saying, she just

didn't want to discuss it.

     Bob was worried.  There was no way he could ever explain what

he had done to this girl.  She could say anything she wanted, and

she should be believed.  The marks on her buttocks would condemn

him to prison for a long, long time.  If he thought he was in deep

yuck before, it was nothing compared to where he was now.

     "Nina,... we have to leave now.  So we can get back while the

good weather lasts," Bob mumbled.  "You go ahead and finish up here

and I'll get us started."

                                   CHAPTER 6

     They had been underway about a half hour when Nina came up

from below still bare-legged and wearing his shirt, and tossed a

blanket onto the seat beside Bob and retreated into the cabin

again.  She appeared again with a mug of coffee in each hand.  She

set one down beside Bob, making sure it wouldn't spill, and then

retreated to her blanket.  The wind had cooperated, lifting the

shirt tails giving him glimpses of her smooth legs and firm round

bottom cheeks as she moved about.

     She wrapped the blanket around her and leaned against the

cabin bulkhead, leaving the front of the shirt open, displaying the

inner curves of both breasts and her belly to her navel.

     "Can I stay up here with you?"

     "Certainly," he replied looking at the lovely view before him. 

"Do you always dress so formally when you dine alfresco?"

     "No.  Only with you."

     "Don't you think you'll get cold?"

     "Only a little, perhaps.  But that's alright," she responded.

     "You're beautiful, you know.  And you're going to raise hell

with my navigation."

     "Thank you.  I don't want to disturb you.  I just wanted to be

with you, and I thought you might prefer me this way."

     "I do, or at least I would have if I thought you would do it."

     "I will do anything you want me too, at any time, anywhere,"

she said, looking at him seriously.

     Bob looked at her for a long moment before speaking.  "How

come I never noticed this great shape at the office?"

     "I didn't want anyone to notice me particularly, at the plant,

so I didn't dress to show myself."

     "Why did you decide to show me now."

     "Because I want to be your secretary.  I want to be with you

and serve you, and I want you to keep me," she said.

     "Is this weekend a bribe or something?"  he demanded.

     "Not the way you mean it," she said leaning toward him.  "No,

I couldn't believe my good fortune when you asked me to go sailing

with you.  I don't know why you did that, but I thank you from the

bottom of my heart.  I thought I had lost you, and here you gave me

the very opportunity I have been praying for.  I have wanted you to

punish me from the second week I was with you.  To show me that you

cared enough to spank me and be my master."

     "Punish you and be your master?  Sweetheart, that kind of

thing went out with the Civil War.  It just isn't done."

     "You just did it.  Last night.  I love you for it.  You are my

master, and I am your slave."

     "Oh bullshit, girl!  Master?  Slave?  What the hell are you

talking about?  What I did to you last night was criminal.  I've

never done anything like that before in my life."

     Nina looked stricken as he exploded in reaction to her

statements.  She set her cup on the deck and scrambled to him,

knelt between his legs and placed her head in his lap, her hands

holding his right calf through his pants.

     "Please, don't be angry with me.  I'm not crazy, or sick or

anything like that.  I just need you,... to be my master,... my

boss,... my guide.  I need your direction, and your caring, that's

all.  I need to be yours."

     "Nina, Nina,... Sweetheart, if that was a marriage

proposal,... the answer is no.  I don't love you, Nina, at least

not that way.  I'm not the marrying kind.  I need a wife like I

need a third nostril.  And Nina, if you'll be honest with yourself,

you don't love me either.  Do you?"

     "I do love you, but that's immaterial.  I'm not proposing

marriage to you, because that's inconceivable.  But I am fit to be

your slave.  And I want to be," she said, tears running down her

face.  "I won't be a burden to you.  I won't interfere with your

life.  I just want to be yours, and if the office is the only place

where I can be, then that's where it will be.  Please don't send me

away," she murmured quietly into his lap, holding herself close to


     Her put his hand on her head and gently stroked her hair. 

"Damn!  What the hell would I do with a slave?  Well, you can stay

on as my secretary, but we'll leave it at that for the time being."

     Nina scooted over to the hatchway and went below with a happy

smile, and a fervent "Thank you."

     He sat thinking about what had transpired.  'Master!?  Slave!? 

What civilization did this girl grow up in?  He suspected that

Wisconsin may not be the leader in social convention, but slavery? 

Good God, no!  Not even there.'

     Nina emerged and came to him with a pot of hot coffee, and

poured some into his cup. As soon as she was through, she stood up

with her breasts framed for his view by the open shirt.

     She watched Bob's face, smiling at him as their eyes met.  She

watched the waves around them and the seagulls overhead in perfect


     "What the hell am I going to do with you at the plant?  How am

I going to behave around you?"  he asked her.

     "You can do anything you want with me, to me or around me,"

she answered.  "I am yours to do with as you please."

     "Oh, bull, Nina.  Thinking of you, sitting like that, will

drive me nuts.  I'll never get anything done!"

     "You won't have to think of me, I'll be right there for you to

play with, or punish, if that's what you want."

     "You keep coming back to that word 'punish'.  Do you like to

be punished?  To be spanked or... whipped I guess is the only way

to describe what I did to you?" he asked.

     "I don't like the pain, at first, but I do like you doing it

to me.  I like having you dominate me, and proving that I'm in your

power and there's nothing I can do to prevent it.  If that means I

have to endure the pain, I will, and gladly."

     "Nina, that's stupid.  Don't you realize the danger you place

yourself in by doing that?"

     "I do realize that if I offered myself to just anyone, I could

be injured, or worse.  But not with you.  You will take care of me,

and treat me just as I deserve."  She smiled at him.  "I do need

you as my Master."

     "Now, you lay off that 'Master' business.  That carries some

connotations that I don't think we want to deal with.  You can call

me Mr. Bonner, Bob, Hey You or whatever, but not Master. OK?"

     Nina looked at him without saying anything, then nodded

slightly without changing her expression.

     "Nina," said Bob, suddenly serious.  "If you're setting me up

for something here that will harm the company or my position in it,

you are going to be a very sorry young lady."

     "Mr. Bonner... Bob... I would never do anything to harm you,

or anyone else.  I do love you and I only want to be yours and

serve you.  I must make you believe me."

     He regarded her in the waning sunlight, and decided that as

fantastic as it seemed, she was very serious about this thing.

     "Did you ever do this kind of thing with Manny Able?"  He

asked with a sudden thought.

     "Oh, no sir.  I would never do anything like that with Mr.

Able," she said earnestly.  "Never."

     "Why me and not him?"

     "Because, he's not like you.  He doesn't give me the same

feeling of security and control you do.  I had the feeling that he

doesn't really like women, that he's afraid of them in some way." 

She paused, looking at him as if trying to read his reaction.  "I

may be wrong, but it was just the way I felt around him."

     "How come he let you go?"

     "I don't know.  He just called me in to his office one day and

said that they had to cut back.  He said he was sorry but  the

board, or somebody, told him that he had too many clerk-typists,

and because I was junior I had to be laid off.  He said that I

should apply at your plant and that he would put in a good word for

me.  Mr. Able is a very nice man, but he's not like you."

     "OK... What the hell!" he sighted.

     Nina stayed in the cockpit until they were within view of the

coastline.  Bob sent her below to dress and she returned as they

were approaching the breakwater.  There were several other boats

out, some of which Bob knew and exchanged greetings as they passed. 

Nina sat smiling and waving shyly to them as Bob spoke.  Some of

the others looked at Nina and smiled and nodded to her in a

friendly manner.

     "They're nice people, aren't they.  So friendly," she

commented to Bob.

"Most people who own and operate boats are friendly and outgoing. 

If you aren't at first, you will become that way.  It's like a bid

club.  You get to know them, and they you, and you find you have

common interests and you make friends.  There is a feeling of

family among most boaters.  Some are knotheads like any other

group, But most are very nice people."

     Bob brought the boat into the slip, tied it up and began

securing it for the week.  Nina went below and cleaned up the

galley and cabins and appeared on deck in a few minutes dressed in

the clothes she came aboard in.

     "I loved sailing.  I hope you will take me again, sometime,"

Nina said standing close to him, her head down.

     "I enjoyed it too, Nina.  And I hope I'll have the opportunity

to take you sailing again, too," Bob said rather formally.  "You

realize that I have to be careful about being seen with an

employee.  Rumors get started that way, and they sometimes get


     "I know how that can be," she said quietly.  She looked up at

him with an obvious intention, but seeing the look on his face,

changed her mind and said, "Thank you, I'll see you at the plant

tomorrow morning."

     Bob watched her as she walked down the finger pier and up the

ramp to the parking lot.  When she was out of sight, he sighed and

returned to his tasks.

                                   CHAPTER 7

     The week had been strained with Nina being around him in the

office.  It really  wasn't her fault, he admitted.  It was just

that he had thought about the weekend and he just wasn't adjusting

to it, and his role in it, very well.

     To tell the truth, he felt guilty as hell. He had invited this

little girl along on a day sail for some unknown reason, then had

totally dominated her, physically forcing her to undergo a beating,

no, a God damned whipping, and then raped her like some conquering

savage.  It was undoubtedly the single stupidest thing he had ever


     This poor girl had told him she had to keep the job at any

cost or be shipped off to Wisconsin to live with her uncle, or

something.  Whatever it was, it was bad enough so she didn't want

to do it, and was willing to take a spanking to avoid it, and he'd

brutalized her.  She had seemed perfectly rational about it on the

trip back, even seeming to encourage him by her actions. But that

didn't stop the growing feelings of guilt and shame that built as

he thought about it.

     He didn't feel too big about it, and having her look at him

like she did, didn't help a bit.  What the hell could he say to

her?  'Gee whiz, I liked whipping you, and oh by the way here's

some typing?'

     And then, out of the blue, Alexander Sinclair, his C.E.O., 

calls and all but orders him to come to his house for cocktails. 

Well he didn't order him, but if the Chairman of the Board invites

you , the junior manager, are you expected to refuse?

     So here he was, dead on time, after cruising around the

neighborhood a while to burn up the extra time he'd allowed to get

here, making his command performance.

     The neighborhood was obviously expensive, and not new money

either. The houses where set back into the properties, and barely

visible from the street, nestled into the hills up here above the

city.  The owners obviously wanted privacy and got it.

     As the electronic gate swung open before him and he drove

forward, he gained a view of the big, Spanish ranch style house. 

It was big, of nearly authentic architecture, very well cared for

and very expensive.

     He parked the car and walked to the foyer, admiring the

gardens and manicured lawn.  He rang the bell and looked at the

greenery again.

     He turned when he heard the door open and felt himself go cold

with shock.

     Nina was standing at the open door!

     Nina in a long blue gown.


     What the hell?

     Bob walked into the house as Nina stood back and gestured him

to enter.
  After her initial look at him, Nina had dropped her gaze, her 
 on his feet.  "This way, sir.  My uncle is in the library," she


     Bob was still unable to think straight enough to stop her and

ask what was going on.  She stopped before a pair of elaborately

carved doors and knocked. After waiting a few seconds, she opened

the door and led him through.  She stood aside after entering and

Bob saw Alexander Sinclair stand up from a chair and turn their


     "Mr. Bonner, sir," Nina said, curtseying slightly.  She then

stepped through the door and closed it softly behind her.

     "Welcome, Robert.  Thank you for coming out here tonight.  I

do appreciate it, "said Alexander Sinclair, extending his hand.

     "I am honored by your invitation, Mr. Sinclair. Thank you,"
Bob managed as he shook the extended hand.

     "You look a little puzzled, Robert, and I can imagine why," 

Alexander chuckled.  "Please don't be concerned about anything

tonight.  I promise to explain everything before the evening is

over. And please, call me Alex. Only strangers call me Mr. 


     He took Bob by the elbow and they moved through the room

toward the French doors at the back.  Bob looked at the room as

they passed through it, and was impressed by the number of leather

bound books in the bookcases lining the walls, the large natural

stone fireplace, and the art works that were original masters, if

he remembered his college Art Appreciation classes.

     "I thought we might have a light meal out here on the patio,

or just our drinks, if you've already eaten," Alexander said as he

opened the doors to a large flagstone covered patio.

     "No sir, I didn't eat before coming.  A little problem came up

at the plant and I didn't take the time," Bob said.

     "Nothing serious, I hope," Alexander said, conversationally.

     "Oh, no. Just a small glitch in the shipping orders, and it

needed to be handled before the weekend."

     "Good, good," Alexander said.  "I think you'll appreciate the

view from here. I'm fortunate to have this piece of property

because it's right out here on the tip of the ridge with an

unobstructed view and a foundation of solid rock."

     Alexander led Bob back under the patio cover to some chairs

and tables, and gestured for him to be seated. As Alexander sat

down, a petite redhead wearing a green version of the other wing of

the house.  She walked up to Alexander, curtseyed and asked him if

he wished the dinner to began to point out some of the areas of the

city that could be seen from their seats.

     As they talked quietly, the redhead pushed a covered serving

cart out of the door followed by a brunette wearing a similar gown

in yellow, pushing another.  They busied themselves setting out

some food, plates and silver on a table, lighting propane burners

under other dishes in the covered part of the carts.

     "I took the liberty of arranging a small buffet for us

tonight, Robert.  I hope you will find some thing you'll like


     "Oh, I'm sure I will, sir.  Anything will do for me, thank

you," Bob responded.

     "The young lady in the green will be serving you tonight,

Robert.  Her name is Margaret.  She will take care of anything you

may need,"  Alex said, gesturing toward the girl, who curtseyed to

him, smiling. "The other young lady is Priscilla, who will be

serving me."  She looked up and smiled at Bob shyly as she too


     "I'll have a little fish, some vegetables and salad,

Priscilla.  Some Chardonnay with it, please,"  Alexander ordered. 

He turned to Bob as the girl moved to fill his order, and said,

"The doctor has restricted my red meat intake lately, but there is

a nice roast I recommend. I like the smell of a good cut of meat,

even if I can't enjoy it as often as I used to."

     Margaret moved up beside Bob and stood looking at him as

Alexander spoke. "What may I get for you, sir," she asked softly.

     Alexander, noting Bob's momentary confusion, asked, "Are you

hungry, Robert?  If so, Margaret can prepare a man sized plate for

you, and you can eat what you like.  That suit you?

     "That would be fine, Alex. Thank you."

     Margaret moved away toward the food, and Bob took the

opportunity to look her over. He could see her legs and buttocks

moving under the skirt of the gown.  He was pleased to see that it

had been split up to the waist on one side, allowing the girl's

legs and one hip to be seen as she moved.  As she moved about the

table filling his plate he noticed some interesting movement under

the bodice of the gown.  It occurred to him that she was nude under

it, which piqued his  interest even more.

     As she walked toward him carrying the plate and silver, he

noticed that her nipples were distended and pushing out against the

fabric.  The material was so sheer and silky that he imagined that

he could see the outline of her areolae too.

     There seemed to be something slightly odd about the nipple

outline as she came closer, but he couldn't figure out what is was,

and didn't want to stare at her anymore than he had already.  She

passed behind him and came up beside him and put the plate, napkin

and utensils on the table beside him.

     "To drink?"  she asked softly.  Bob looked around at her and

was confronted with a view of her breast almost to the nipple.  It

was smooth, tanned and firm.  When he was able to lift his eyes to

hers, he found them looking at him with a slight smile on her lip. 

She had planned for him to have a peek, and seemed amused at his


     "Coffee, black, please," he said, looking back at her bust. 

If she wanted to show, he was perfectly willing to look.  As she

moved, bob caught a flash of metal, which puzzled him momentarily.

     He turned to his food and began to eat as Margaret returned

with his coffee and retreated behind his chair.  He looked over at

his host and noticed that Priscilla had brought his food and was

kneeling behind his chair, just behind him.  Bob turned his head

and with his peripheral vision, caught sight of Margaret in a

similar position behind him.

     'Well,' he thought, 'what the hell was going on here? 

Alexander Sinclair was the Chairman on the Board of the whole

conglomerate.  Why was Nina here?  And she had called him uncle! 

Shit!  He was in deep trouble here.  Does he know what happened on

the boat, is that what this is about?  Sweet mother! If Nina told

him, it was all over but the arrest.'

     He became aware that Alexander had begun to talk, fortunately

about general subjects that didn't require a direct response.  Bob

focused his attention on his host and began to participate in the


     "How are things going at the plant, Robert?"  Alexander asked


     "Fine, generally.  No real problems, just the usual bumps and

jiggles," Bob answered warily.

     Alexander chuckled.  "I hear you're a little rough on the help

down there.  It that true?"

     "Well, I guess it depends on you point of view," Bob said,

becoming uncomfortable.

     "Yes, I suppose it does at that," Alexander said, amused.

     "Would I be out of line if I asked the source of your

information, sir?"  Bob asked, deciding to take the bull by the


     Alexander looked up at Bob.  "Just the usual source, Robert. 

Did you think you were operating in a vacuum down there and

headquarters doesn't know what's going on?"

     He chuckled again.  "For the most part, you're right, they

don't.  They read the P&L sheet, and think they do, by they're

mistaken.  You could go down the drain next week and they wouldn't

know if until the creditors started calling, the damned fools.

     "But I made it my business to know.  And the information is

there for the asking.  I assure you that nothing was done behind

you back.  I don't talk to Nina about her job.  And she knows

better than to volunteer anything.  I want to assure you that

whatever we talk here tonight is strictly between us and will never

go beyond this house, unless you desire it.  You are in no danger

personally, professionally, or financially.  We will return to talk

of Nina later, I assure you.  I know seeing her here tonight

troubles you, but please set it aside and we'll get to it in due


     Bob glanced briefly at the girl kneeling quietly beside

Alexander and wondered how he was going to keep them from talking,

but decided that there was nothing he could do about it anyway.

     Alexander watched Bob's face and noted his glance and smiled

slightly at if he know the thoughts going through Bob's mind.

     "As to my sources, that Accounting Department is complaining

about all the new payroll files they have to handle for you, and

the Unemployment Insurance payments they have to make.  The

Personnel Manager is in a tizzy about what the State might be

thinking about it.  The usual twaddle.

     "I don't know why we keep that twit of a personnel director. 

He's always in a lather about something, and I've yet to see him do

something positive for us.  He's always trying to give the store

away to the employees.  Makes you wonder who he's working for?"

     Bob smiled as he heard Alexander echoing his own sediments

about the fag he was force to deal with.  He was the single most

frustrating individual in the organization, and he had heard his

sexual preferences speculated about on several occasions.  Hearing

the comments from Alexander made him think that if he survived

this, he might not have to deal with Dobbins for very long after


     "But tell me, Robert.  Why do you have such a high turnover

rate?  It is expensive, and it comes right off the top of you
profit side."

     "I work my people hard, but I pay them well.  If they want a

job, we have one for them, with reasonable advancement.  If they

don't want to work, they're gone.  Period.  If Dobbins and the

State can't understand that, well, I guess we'll have to talk about


     Alexander chuckled again.  "We just did. Don't you worry about

that.  It's your job to keep the profits up, it's Dobbins' job to

handle the State and it's mine to handle him.  I approve of your

methods, my boy, and my investigations indicate you're more than

normally careful about your handling of the problems so you just go

right on.

     "And speaking of investigations, you're been the subject of a

fairly intensive one for the past three months.  Mine."

     "May I ask why?"  Said Bob.

     "You may, and I'll tell you in good time.  I have reason to

want to know all about you.  And I do, now."

     "I wasn't aware of any investigation," Bob said, a little


     "If you had been, someone would have been in a lot of trouble. 

I pay good money to keep people from knowing they're being

scrutinized, while it's being done.  But, nothing to worry about. 

I know all I want to know about you.  I know your bank balance to

within $200.00.  I know about your marriage, which I consider your

greatest error to date.  That slut was attractive, I grant you, but

you didn't have to marry her to satisfy your urges.  No one else

did.  Weren't you aware of her reputation?  She was, by the way,

faithful to you for a whole six months, which is a record for her. 

I know about the incident with the car in your senior year of high

school.  Very inventive solution, I thought.  Too bad no one else

can appreciate it."  Alexander smiled.

     "You and I are very similar in many respects.  We hold many of

the same outlooks and attitudes.  Don't assume that is a

compliment, because it may not be in the test of time.  But because

of these things, I have decided to proceed, and I hope I'm right,

because if I'm not, the Corporation will probably lose a valuable


     Bob was increasingly puzzled at the turn of the conversation,

and didn't think it was prudent to remind Alexander that he as a

manager, not an officer.  There was clearly something on the

Chairman's mind, and Bob wanted to hear what is was.

     As Bob sat back in his chair, he was suddenly aware that they

had completed the meal, and the girls had cleaned up the plates and

had stored the food away, cleaning the tables and were closing the

carts, all without him being aware of it.  They certainly were

proficient at serving, and wondered where Alexander had found them. 

It must cost a pretty penny to hire them and get them to wear those


     "I want to show you something, Robert," Alexander said.  "I

think you'll find it interesting."

     "Priscilla, position!"  The command was given quietly.  The

girl got up from her position at Alexander's elbow and moved around

in front of him, kneeling again at his knees.  She sat on her

heels, her back straight and her shoulders back, spread her legs

slightly and placed her hands on her thighs, her palms turned

toward Alexander. Her head was down and she was looking directly at

his belt buckle.  She became very still, barely breathing.

     Alexander watched her closely, a small smile of pride on his

lips.  He nodded slightly as she settled into her position.  Bob

opened his mouth to ask a question, but Alexander silenced him with

a small movement of his hand, never taking his eyes off the girl

before him.

     Priscilla was a vision of femininity as she knelt there.  She

was a slender, fine boned girl, perhaps eighteen or twenty years

old.  Her dark, thick hair framed her pixie face with its small

finely molded features, and tumbled freely down her back, almost to

her waist.  Her skin reflected the warmth and texture of tanned

good health.  Her skin was smooth and taut, and her face was almost

devoid of makeup.  Her breasts were large for her frame, which

emphasized the smallness of her waist,  and the swelling of her

hips.  Her thighs were slender and well muscled as were her calves. 

She remained almost motionless under the gaze of both the men.

     "Display," came the quiet command.

     Priscillas' eyes flicked toward Bob and a slight flush rose in

her cheeks.  She hesitated a few seconds, and just when it seemed

that Alexander was going to speak, she moved her hand slightly to

the left shoulder strap of her gown.  She worked the material of

the gown, clearly trying to unfasten it.  Her movements ceased and

she remained unmoving for a moment, then let her hand fall away,

carrying the material with it.

     With a stroke she was bare to the waist, the gown folded

around her waist.  Without a pause she placed her hand on her right

hip, where the gown was split, and unclasped it there and pulled

the material away from her body and from under her bottom.  Her

hands then returned to her thighs, palms outward, and she assumed

the same upright pose she had adopted before.

     Bob was stunned at the tableau before him.  He could only

stare at the young loveliness before him.  Her full breasts perched

proudly and firmly on her chest, their nibbles protruding a full

half inch above her large areola.  Her belly dipped inward to a

deep navel and downward to her pubic arch.  Her dark pubic hair was

visible, as was the top of her labia.

     Her cheeks were flushed and her breath was coming in small

rapid bursts, and she waited, tensed for the next command.  He

became aware of the pressure of his rigid penis against his

underwear.  His condition was painful, but he didn't dare move and

draw attention to himself.

     "Present yourself," Alexander told her.

     Priscillas' hands moved from the tops of her thighs to the

outside of her legs and began to move up the outside of her body,

and as her elbows rose behind her, the girl's breasts became more

and more prominent from the arching of her back.  Her fingers

traced up across her rib cage and flowed up under her breasts,

cupping them with her hands; she lifted them and presented them to


     Her thumbs moved across her nipples, slowly flicking them,

making them dip and spring back to position.  Her hands come

forward until her thumbs and forefingers had captured the nipples,

and she began to tweak and roll them back and forth, causing them

to deepen in color and the areolae to pucker in passion.  She

continued to play with her nipples for a minute or two, and then

cupped her beast flesh again and began to knead it gently, making

the flesh flow in her hands.

     She then left her breasts and slid her hands down the front of

her body, caressing and kneading the flesh as she proceeded

downward.  Her breathing had changed to a deepened, regular rhythm,

her chest rising and falling.  Her body began to move with her

rising ardor, the muscles quivering as she touched herself.

     As her hands again touched the tops of her thighs, they turned

to press against the inner leg and slowly stroked downward to her

knees, seeming to press them outward, moving her legs further

apart.  She stroked her inner thighs slowly back and forth, her

hands just touching the pubic hair at the top of their travel and

massaging in  a circular motion on the way down.  With her legs

spread as far apart as possible, she rubbed the smooth flesh of her

inner thighs traveling upwards slowly.  When her hands contacted

her hair this time, she rotated her pelvis forward and pushed her

hands together to frame and pose her pussy lips.  She massaged the

labia for a few seconds and then moved her index fingers to rub

along the outer lips, pulling them apart and releasing them

rhythmically.  She finally allowed her fingers to slip inside her

labia and pulled it apart to expose the crimson wetness of her


     She played with her pussy lips for a few strokes, never

allowing her fingers to penetrate, just to tease.  she removed one

hand from its erotic task and placed it beside her as a brace, and

languidly turned herself over to present her back to Alexander. 

The fingers of her other hand never left her pussy and as she bent

forward they could be seen caressing her lower slit and perineum. 

She lowered her head and chest to the floor, her heavy breasts

seeming to fall away from her and reach for the flagstones beneath

her.  She turned her head so her face was toward Bob, her eyes

closed, a small smile on her face.

     Her supporting hand now reached behind her and with the other

began to rub up and down her exposed pussy and ass-crack, flirting

and caressing her anus.  She continued her display for a couple of

minutes more and slowly removed her hands and repositioned herself

before Alexander, her face flushed, her breathing deep and ragged. 

Her pussy lips were now extended and opened from her handling, her

sensual excitement.

     Alexander watch her for a moment, his face holding a look of

pride and pleasure.  He stretched his hand to the girl's cheek and

caressed it tenderly.  She turned her face into his hand and kissed
