Soul Search Conclusion

CHAPTER THIRTEEN - The gathering of the four

	Elisabeth had watched Karen with concerned consideration 

during the time she was under some form of hypnotic state inside the 

tent. She sensed it best not to wake her but remained vigilantly alert in 

the event she were needed. After Karen slumped to the floor Elisabeth 

helped her friend to the car and drove them to Karen's hotel.

	"I understand now." Karen told Elisabeth gravely as both 

women sat tentatively in Karen's hotel room. 

	"I know." Elisabeth responded with sincerity. She too had 

experienced some of the understanding. Not as much as Karen but 

enough to know Karen understood.

	Karen stood up and walked toward the large window on the 

other side of the room to view the city skyline. It was a rare night in 

beautiful downtown McNeil Arkansas. The usually overcast night sky 

seemed an almost royal black-blue illuminated by a full moon that also 

drenched the surrounding glass and steel buildings with a pale gold.  

Unlike her past self this Karen could almost feel the warmth of the 

moon's rays through the plate glass window. She turned and looked 

into Elisabeth's dark eyes as she spoke philosophically. "If knowing is 

truth. I've lived a lie all my life."

	"We all have." Elisabeth gestured with sympathy. "Want to 

fill me in?" 

	Karen snapped her mind back to reality and answered. "Sure. 

But first, can you tell me why you went to the tent. You were supposed 

to be taking a hot bath. Remember?" She already knew the answer to 

her question but she wanted Elisabeth to reflect on the answer herself.

	"Don't know." Was Elisabeth's simple response as she 

shrugged her shoulders.

	"Hmmm... you don't know? Come now. Surely there must be 

some explanation." Karen prompted.

	"No. I can't think of one." Elisabeth shook her head holding 

her arms out in frustration. "I honestly don't know. One minute I'm 

getting ready to take a bath, the next I'm sitting in a cab heading 

toward Magnesia Springs."

	"Well, knowing what I do now," Karen said thoughtfully. 

"it's a good thing you were there. If not, I would have gone in to help 

that girl, and we both know how that would have turned out."

	"Yeah... I know." Elisabeth offered a weak smile. "There are 

forces at work here I don't fully understand. I guess it was one of those 

that put me in that cab."

	"You know," Karen commiserated. "isn't it funny how easily 

you can come to except all this super natural mumbo jumbo stuff after 

its touched you." The remarkable encounters both women had recently 

experienced had forged an even stronger bond of friendship between 

the two of them and Karen felt completely comfortable airing out even 

her most personal thoughts or dilemmas.

	"I've always held a spiritual conviction about there being a 

God, but I've never really considered Satan as a solid entity on earth to 

be contended with." Elisabeth remarked casually, then continued in a 

more deliberate tone. "That's what he is you know, the anti-Christ..... 

or at the very least one of his disciples, here on earth to gather soul's." 

She paused and shook her head.  "Just listening to myself  I sound 

crazy, but I know what I know. Just as you know Karen.... Just as you 


	Karen walked over to Elisabeth and stroked the length of her 

hair gently. "Yeah. I know." She said quietly. "I know."

	"So what now Karen?" Elisabeth ask looking up into Karen 


	"Now we gather the four." Karen smiled down at her friend.

	"The four?" Elisabeth questioned, as if the answer didn't 

make any sense, which it didn't.

	"You and I my dear Elisabeth or two of the four it will take to 

destroy the thing that calls itself reverend Bishop." Karen paused 

momentarily and closed her eyes reflecting back on the moment of 

enlightenment inside the tent before she continued. "Inside that tent, 

after being forced to watch the blasphemous defilation of that poor 

child, I understood clearly that I had not come to McNeil Arkansas on 

a mere whim. I was destined to be here at precisely this moment, just 

as my whole life was pre-determined for this moment. All the pain I 

endured as a young girl was intended to give me the strength and 

understanding of your, and that child in the tent's sufferings." She 

opened her eyes and smiled down at Elisabeth. "Just as you and I were 

predestined to become friends Elisabeth. You see, together Elisabeth 

we have become a force to be reckoned with. Together you and I are 

God's sword of light which shall devour the serpent."

	Elisabeth didn't fully understand but she believed. Yes, she 

believed. "But you said four. Who are the other two?" She questioned.

	"Aw... the other two." Karen chuckled a little as she spoke. 

"The other two are the most unlikely pair of heaven's instrument's you 

could possibly think of. They followed me here to McNeil in search of 

something I took away from them. And like us they have a destiny to 


	Something had been bothering Karen for some time and she 

needed to get it out in the open. "Elisabeth, in the tent, the three men 

that were violating that child..... you saw... didn't you?"

	"You mean Richard." The words caught in her throat making 

them sound gargled. "Yes, I saw." Her dark eyes glistened as moisture 

collected behind them.

	"He had no more choice than you or I." Karen comforted 

Elisabeth as she drew her face against her chest holding her. "Just 

because he's a man makes him no stronger nor more able to withstand 

the evil strength of hell than we could."

	"I know..." Elisabeth sobbed. "I know.... that's how I 

controlled myself up to now." Elisabeth threw her arm's around 

Karen's waist and dug her nails into Karen's flesh. "This has got to 

end Karen. It just has to end. I'll go mad if it doesn't end soon..... I'll 

go mad, I know I will."

	"The final chapter is about to be written." Karen drew 

Elisabeth even closer to her body. "You must keep faith Elisabeth, 

without you the sword has no edge. Your courage and strength is 

needed now, be strong my dear friend and I promise you.... it will 


	Elisabeth released Karen and leaned back on the couch 

rubbing her eyes with the heel's of her hands. "I'm okay now." She 

said smiling up at Karen. "I'll be fine. Sorry."

	"I know." Karen said softly as she used her thumb to wipe 

away a mascara filled tear from Elisabeth's cheek. "Hey listen," She 

said in a lighter tone. "in the top bureau drawer over there is a key to 

one of the lockers at the bus station. If anything happens go get what's 

inside. Okay?"

	"What do you mean if anything happens?" Elisabeth cocked 

her head to the side looking nervously at Karen.

	"I don't mean anything." Karen answered casually. "It's just 

good that you know about it, that's all." Then she quickly added. "It's 

the stuff I took from the other two. Somebody else should know where 

it is."

	Elisabeth wasn't completely comfortable with Karen's 

explanation but she let it pass. "I don't know if I should go home or 

not. I'm not sure I could see Richard right now." She said turning her 

thoughts to the current situation.

	"It's better if you stay here tonight." Karen offered. "You 

need to get some rest for tomorrow."

	"Maybe I should call?" Elisabeth thought out loud.

	"You could. But I assure you he isn't home. He won't be 

released until we free him." Karen said deliberately. "Come on, let's 

get some rest. Tomorrow we gather the four and forge the sword."


	Art had fallen asleep on the overstuffed Pottery Barn sofa 

while watching the late show on television when he was awakened by 

a knock on the door of his room. He felt groggy and disoriented as he 

fumbled for the remote control to turn off the TV set. The window was 

open, and he could smell the rain as he lazily pulled himself up off the 

sofa and dragged himself to the chair where he had draped his pants.

	"If that's Louie I'll kill the fucker!" He told himself slipping 

on his slacks.

	The morning light of the sun streamed into the hotel room 

and he could feel the warmth of the sun's rays wash over his face as he 

ran his fingers through his short, thinning hair. "I'll kill the fucker!" 

he told himself again. Louie knew how difficult it was for him to sleep 

when his stomach acted up, and last night it had been killing him. 

	He had been in a totally pissy mood long before his stomach 

started bothering him, what with coming to Arkansas having been a 

utter bust, Louie constantly nagging him to go get healed, and he was 

running out of money. If he couldn't unload that dope real soon he'd 

be holding a fucking "Will work for food sign." on the God damn 

freeway entrance. Yeah, he was in a pissy mood all right and getting 

woken up early didn't make it any better.

	Another knock on the door prompted him to yell. "Yeah! 

Keep your nuts on! I'm coming!"

	He opened the door and was surprised to find a well dressed 

attractive woman in her early twenty's standing there.

	"Hello Art." The woman said smiling warmly.

	"Huh?" Art looked confused. "Do I know you?"

	"Come on Art, look in the eyes. We're old bedfellows." Karen 

said coyly as if she were hurt that he didn't recognize her.

	Art strained his eyes looking at the woman then a slight 

glimmer of recognition crossed his face. "Jesus Christ!" He almost 

shouted. "Your the little whore that took off with my money. Where's 

my money!" He did shout this time while grabbing her wrist so she 

couldn't get away.

	"All in good time." She said calmly then added. "Aren't you 

even going to invite an old friend in?"

	"Yeah!" He answered quickly, "Get the fuck in here." as he 

yanked her into the room and kicked the door shut with his foot.

	He pulled her farther into the room and roughly dumped her 

down on the edge of the bed. "Now where's my fucking money!" He 


	"I told you. All in good time." Karen answered coolly while 

rubbing the soreness out of her wrist where he had grasped her.

	"In good time my ass bitch. I want my fucking money now!" 

The blood vessels on his neck and face strained with his anger and he 

held out his palm as if to strike her.

	"Hitting me isn't going to get your money back." Karen said 

holding her hands palms up submissively in front of her. "All I want is 

a little favor and you'll get your money."

	"Fuck that! It's my money and you'll give it to me now or 


	"Or else what Art? You'll beat the shit out of me... Kill me.... 

Rape me? What? Why not make it easy on yourself. One little favor is all 

I'm asking and we can part as friends. Think about it, I could have been 

a thousand miles away if I'd wanted to." She said confidently. 

	His face softened a little and his voice dropped an octave or 

two as he said. "Jesus Christ. I don't believe this. You steal my 

fucking money then you have the balls to ask me for a favor." He 

squinted his eyes looking down at her intensely before continuing. 

"Don't fuck with me or I swear to God, money or not, I'll see to it you 

don't take another thieving breath!"

	"Get real Art. Like you worked forty hours a week for that 

money." Karen knew she had him at least thinking, and that gave her 

some added confidence in gaining his assistance. "Besides, I told you, 

if I didn't intend on giving it back I would have been in South 

America by now. So lighten up and hear me out.  Okay?"

	Art's face still retained it's scowl but he rolled his eyes 

upward and nodded.

	Karen stood up and walked to the window to look out at the 

city. Modern steel and older stone office buildings stood majestically 

toward the blue autumn sky. A few cars wove their way down the 

streets taking people to their laborious jobs. Without turning she said. 

"What do you think of when you look at a view like this?" 

	"Fuck. I don't know." Art responded. "Sucker's and 

weakness, I guess."

	"I see," She continued as if she hadn't heard his responds. 

"pain, suffering and misery out there."

	"Yeah. Well there's going to be some fucking misery in here 

if you don't get to the point." He said obviously annoyed.

	"There are other things out there too Art." She said turning 

away from the window to look at him. "Good things like love, hope, 

sincerity and kindness.... and evil things Art. Things that try to destroy 

everything that's precious in the world." She paused to take in her 

breath. "It's one of these destructive evil things I need your help with."

	"Yeah. So who do I need ta bump off?" He asked 


	"Reverend Bishop." She answered matter-of-factually.

	"Your serious aren't you?" You really want me to ice the 

fucker, huh." Art never expected her favor to be a hit.

	"Yes I'm serious... but I don't necessarily expect you to 

indiscriminately... ice him... as you call it. I just need your protection 

when I confront him, that's all." Karen assured him.

	"You expect trouble from him? The fuckers a priest for Christ 

sake. What's he done, anyway? Art didn't see any connection between 

Karen and Bishop.

	"He's not a priest, but that's unimportant. All I'm asking is 

you and Louie come with me when I talk to him.... After that you get 

your money.  A walk in the park." Karen knew the confrontation 

would not be a walk in the park , and that it would take both Art and 

Louie to make up the four if there was any hope at all, so she made it 

sound easy.

	"This whole thing sounds screwy." Art said suspiciously. 

"What's your connection Bishop anyway?"

	"Come on Art. Since when was the reason for doing a job 

important. What's important is you and Louie only have to go with me 

to see Bishop. A half hour later you got your money and everybody's 

happy. This is cake." She tried to sound casual and succeeded.

	"Aw.. What the fuck. Louie wanted me to see Bishop anyway, 

guess this is as good an excuse as any. When?" Art figured a half hour 

was worth saving him the trouble of beating the information out of 


	"Three o'clock this afternoon. I'll come by and you and Louie 

can follow me out to Magnesia Springs." Karen answered.

	"If you think I'm going to let you outa my sight now, you go 

another thought coming." Art said with conviction.

	"If I planed on skipping out on you, I wouldn't be her now. I 

found you. Remember?" Karen reminded him.

	"Yeah, I guess so. Okay three o'clock then, and no funny 

stuff, you ain't seen my bad side." He threatened.

CHAPTER FOURTEEN - Confrontation and new life

	The weather had turned as solemn as Karen's and Elisabeth's 

mood during the drive to Magnesia Springs. The sun disappeared 

behind dark ominous clouds giving the world a gray dull appearance 

that took the warmth out of the land and out of the heart. 

	A light mist began to fall and Karen switched on the wiper 

blades. She glanced into the rear view mirror and saw the big white 

Cadillac following several car lengths behind.  She became aware of her 

breathing and was surprised at how nervous she was. When dealing 

with normal situations and even with men, she had experience and was 

usually confident and in control but as the car got closer to their 

destination, she felt each accelerated beat of her heart, and her palms 

became damp. This was new, this was for more than anything she had 

ever fought for. This was not for herself, this was for all the good things 

in the world, something she had never participated in before. "God give 

us the strength." She prayed for the first time in her life.

	Karen entered the tent first, with Elisabeth just behind her and 

Art and Louie, both looking bored following the women. What little 

was left of the afternoon afforded them only a dim view of the interior 

but they could see a flickering through a narrow opening coming from 

behind the velvet drapes as if originating by candle light.

	Karen led the way toward the back of the tent and the 

flickering light. She stood silently before the drapes for several seconds 

considering what to do, when suddenly the deep booming voice of 

reverend Bishop, coming from the room beyond, filled the massive tent, 

"Do come in," the voice commanded. "It would be a shame to do 

otherwise, you've come such a long way."

   	At the sound of Bishop's voice Art said. "What the fuck is all 

this bullshit? Come on let's get this over with." He pushed past the 

women and pulled the drapes aside. 

	 Karen knew she had to react quickly and sent a mind probe 

out to the second of the gathering of four, Elisabeth. 

	Elisabeth felt the probe drive into her brain and didn't 

understand it. It was like a finger probing and searching into the deepest 

recess of her mind. For a brief moment it frightened her, then she 

understood.... it was Karen and the probe was a gift from her 


	The first two of the four were now one, with but one single 

purpose, and one single thought. Karen turned and walked toward 

Elisabeth, not so much as in a trance, but more of an understanding of 


	Elisabeth began to feel secure in the blanket of mind melding. 

The two as one seemed to possess a will strong enough to tumble down 

walls, or even move mountains. Yes, they could wield the sword. Yes, 

they could send him back to the hell he had come from.

	Art, not knowing anything of what was taking place in the 

minds of the two women, took on a plan of action reserved for mortal 

humans.  He took two steps into the room then stopped in his tracks. 

The room was large, much larger that it should have been, maybe two 

hundred or three feet in length as if the back wall of the tent had been 

pushed out into empty space. The room was entirely devoid of any 

furniture except for two tables set on apposite sides of the room against 

the left and right canvas walls. Each table held three lighted black 

candles, giving an eerie ghost like quality to the room.

	Written on the wall he was facing were the words "SUSEJ", in 

large blood scrawled letters just above an upside down crucifix. Just 

below the cross he could see the faint outline of a door sized opening 

pulsing with an iridescent green color. Standing on either side of the 

door were two men, both dressed in white robes and seemingly in a 

trance. But what had stopped him in mid stride was not so much the 

room itself as much as the reverend Bishop the man. He stood tall and 

impressive in the center of the room dressed in black robes, with his 

arms folded across his chest. Bishop's eyes glowed the color of red, and 

his face, once human, now displayed not even the slightest quality of 

being mortal.

	Art sensed more than heard Louie and the two women enter 

the room behind him. They, too, stopped short at the sight of Bishop.

	The frequency of pulsing by the door seemed to diminish just 

a little, then the voice of Bishop boomed out once again, the words 

spoken were not the sounds made by man, but rather the sounds of 

demon's. "It has been some time," the deep voice boomed, "since last I 

stood on the battlefield."

	The body that at one time belonged to Bishop suddenly burst 

into flames of orange and white that completely encircled him. Neither 

Bishop nor his black robes were disturbed by the flames. The voice 

boomed at them again. "You have unwittingly both helped and 

hindered me in my quest of soul reclaim. My time has come to regain 

what once was mine." The flames turned into a glow of red that 

remained around his body.

	Karen could feel the probe binding her to Elisabeth weaken 

and she concentrated on pushing Bishop into the pulsing door with it's 

power. Bishop remained where he was but he had wavered backward 

ever so slightly.

	Art didn't know or even care for that matter that a struggle was 

taking place between this thing Bishop and Karen on some higher 

plane, but he could feel his legs had become sluggish and would not 

respond to his demands. Somewhat over the shock of seeing Bishop, he 

moved his hand toward his .45 automatic, but like his leg's his arm's 

only moved in slow motion.

	The thing that was Bishop was surprised by the strong force 

imposed by the probe, but  spoke again and taunted them. "You feel 

secure wielding the sword of light. Perhaps you would care for a 

playmate." He leaned back on his heels and the pulsating of the door 

intensified and a naked creature that looked like a small deformed 

human came through the door. The thing was three feet tall with a 

massive lump on its back and arms that hung to the floor. Its body was 

covered with a thick slime that dripped down its short skinny legs then 

onto the floor. It's discussing testicle's hung like a pair of hairy bee's 

hives between it's legs.  It moved very slowly toward Elisabeth calling 

her name. "Elisabeth. Elisabeth. I am for you, Elisabeth. Come 

Elisabeth let me fuck you as my master did. You enjoyed taking a cock 

up your ass. didn't you?" 

	Elisabeth became so frightened she lost the probe. All she 

could think of was running away, but her legs failed her.

	Bishop could feel the force of the sword falter and he laughed, 

a hideous sound of exhilaration.

	Karen's probe drove into Elisabeth's mind but it found 

nothing. She drove deeper and only black. Karen plunged farther and 

thought,  "For that child Elisabeth... That dear child he violated . . 

.Elisabeth, for the child..." . . . .light. . . .brighter now, and then . 

. .the probe.

	What little control Art had over his body was diminishing by 

the second. His hand now resting on grips of the .45 but refused to yank 

the gun out of his holster.  Sweat broke out on his forehead as he forced 

his mind to concentrate and regain control. This was the weirdest shit 

he had ever seen and he wanted out.

	Another creature emerged from the door. This one even more 

grotesque than the first. It, too, was only three feet tall but only because 

it lacked any lower appendages. It crawled along the ground, propelling 

itself forward with its arms. One of its eyes hung loose from the socket 

and dangled uselessly on its cheek. Its head was twisted at an odd angle 

as if the neck had been broken. It sported a massive erection at least 

sixteen inches in length and four inches around extended and pointing 

upward between it's leg less groin. It's deformed mouth opened and it 

spoke in a slow gurgled voice. "Karen.  I want to make love to you. 

Please, Karen . . .Please . . .I . .   .we . . .must . . . I must fuck you. 

Your father fucked you. Your uncle fucked. You fuck everyone Karen, Fuck 

me.... Please, fuck me...."

	Karen's mind recoiled with horror, the acids in her stomach 

threatening to push up its contents, then she heard Art's voice yelling in 

frustration. "Damn it! Move, damn it! I've got to move!" 

	The sound of his voice snapped her back and she locked onto 

the probe. Taking in a deep breath, and with every ounce of strength 

that remained, she plunged the probe forward, directed at Bishop. 

Bishop wavered backward again, this time a little more than before, and 

the aura surrounding him changed from red to orange.

	The hunched back creature was less than two feet away from 

Elisabeth and Karen knew regardless of the consequences she would 

have to re-direct the probe from Bishop to help Elisabeth. That act 

would undoubtedly have the consequence of losing what little hold she 

had gained on Bishop, but she couldn't let that creature get to Elisabeth. 

Suddenly three rapid shots rang out from behind her. The noise from 

the reports was deafening in the closed room and Karen saw the 

hunched backed creature spin left then right then left again as the three 

slugs hit it's deformed body, sending it flying backwards.

	With renewed strength both Karen and Elisabeth pushed the 

probe forward. They became  unaware of the additional gun shots as 

their minds again forged the sword of light. The aura surrounding 

Bishop turned from orange to yellow.

	Art knew Louie had fired three times and killed the hunched 

backed creature. "Hell if Louie could do it, so could he." He told 

himself and yanked his automatic out of  the shoulder holster. Now 

with the gun in his hand,  he fired at the leg less creature moving 

toward Karen. His first shot went wide and plunged into the canvas of 

the tent leaving a small hole. The next three hit their mark. One ripping 

into the open eye less socket cutting the trailing cords and freeing the 

useless eye to fall onto the floor. The second and third slammed into the 

chest of the creature opening two small spots on the chest while ripping 

massive chunks of flesh and bone from its back. It fell sideways then 

lay motionless.

	From behind Art, Louie fired two more shots, tearing into the 

body of Bishop. The slugs seemed to have little effect on Bishop, other 

than a slight flinch as each round hit.

	Art turned his .45 automatic and emptied its clip into Bishop. 

They had the same effect as the Louie's, nothing.

	The one mind drove forward . . .Remember the child . . .The 

child . . . all children....

	Bishop seemed to gain some control over the probe, pushing it 

back toward the one mind that was two forming the sword of light. A 

flash blasted outward from his eyes, the sword shattered sending shards 

of splintered blade light into all directions with a thunderous roar.

	One light fragment drove through Louie's forehead exploding 

the entire back of his skull as it exited. Another fragment plunged into 

Art's chest throwing him to the carpet with the force of a 

sledgehammer. As Art lay dyeing the only thought that came to his 

mind was he didn't feel any pain in his stomach for the first time in 


	Karen struggled to re- gain control of the sword, but she could 

feel pain coming from Elisabeth as her mind labored with the strain of 

it's splintering.

	The fragments of the probe faltered . . . . It began to fail . . . . 

Then Karen gave her flesh away to the earth and soul of mankind 

and...... re-forged the sword. The shard's came together. Stronger than 

before. It was now stamped with human love and sacrifice.

	The far wall began to pull in on itself, the sword of God and 

man called it forward. Still farther it came until the door touched the 

body of Bishop. A shriek filled the room as the wall became solid and 

the red eyes of Bishop turned white and opaque. The two figures clad in 

white robes, one of which was Richard, and the body that once was 

Bishop fell to the floor and lay motionless in death.

	Karen dropped to her knees then fell backwards, her eyes still 


	The probe dissipated and Elisabeth re-focused her sight. She 

felt more tired than she had  ever felt before. The strain of controlling 

the sword had sapped all of her strength..... then as if a flood gate had 

opened she relived the re-forging of the sword and she knew Karen had 

given more than just her strength, she had given her life. 

	"Karen!" She yelled frantically looking around the room. 

Finally her eyes fell upon Karen, laying  on the floor several feet away. 

She pushed her tired muscles toward her friend, then dropping down 

she took Karen's limp head into her lap. Karen's face was chalk white 

and her eyes  were blank and seemed to be staring into nothingness. 

"Karen! Oh dear God Karen, talk to me." Tears of grief flowed down 

Elisabeth's cheeks as she held her friend to her.

	Karen stirred and looked up at her friend. She offered a weak 

smile then through dry parched lips she whispered. "Elisabeth... My 

dear Elisabeth.... Don't sadden yourself. This is the only end their could 

have been.  Let the light fill your soul as it did before.... You are with 

child my dear friend....." She paused gathering her strength before 

continuing. "When you were raped..... you became pregnant.... but... 

we... we fooled him Elisabeth... it is not the Devil's child as he had 

planned.... It is me, Elisabeth... The child you carry is me.... Give me the 

childhood I never knew Elisabeth... Give me a childhood filled with love 

and joy and hope.... I love you Elisabeth, I always have and I always 

will......" then Karen's life expired as Elisabeth held her close.

	"And I love you." Elisabeth whispered.


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