Hard Money



	Harry Richards rummaged through the pile of miscellaneous 

material he had dumped onto the table from the kitchen 'junk' drawer

for the tenth time. The tenth search ended just as the first nine had,

no envelope. The pile of crap spread across the table contained 

everything else known to man including: Rubber bands, paper clips, 

facet washers, old keys that opened unknown or lost locks, 

miscellaneous screws, long forgotten insurance policies, paid bill 

receipts, operating instructions for the VCR and automatic sprinkler 

system. Everything but the envelope Harry so desperately needed.

	"Sally!" He yelled and waited for several seconds then not

hearing any response yelled again. "God damn it Sally! Get in 


	He was just about to go find her when his wife rushed into the

kitchen. Sally Richards at twenty six  was an exceptionally attractive

young woman with natural blonde shoulder length hair, a trim waist,

full breasts and hips, and long shapely legs.

	"What's wrong John? Did you hurt yourself?" There was 

concern in her voice having heard her husbands almost frantic shouting.

	"No I'm not hurt." He answered her. "I put a envelope with

two thousand dollars in the junk drawer last week. Where is it?"

	Sally noticed the contents from the junk drawer dumped out 

across the kitchen table and thought she may be in trouble.

	"I paid some bills." Her voice sounded casual but inside

she was nervous.

	"WHAT!" He yelled holding up his hands in disbelief.

	"I paid some bills. The electricity, phone, your car insurance,


	"WHAT!" He cut her off.

	"I found the envelope in the drawer and figured it was

just household money. I had to pay some bills. We were two months

behind on everything. They were going to turn the lights and the

phone off if I didn't catch up." She was still attempting to sound 


	"GOD DAMN IT!" She had never seen him quit so angry 

before. "GOD DAMN IT!" He repeated. "WHO THE FUCK DO YOU



	"Oh stop your yelling at me for Christ sake!" She raised her 

voice at him. "What was I supposed to do? Let them turn everything 




was still well beyond a hundred decibels.

	"STOP YOUR GOD DAMN YELLING! How the hell was I 

supposed to know it wasn't household money?" Her face flushed as 

anger flared up in her.  

	"If it were household money I would have told you it was

household money!... FUCK! You probably just got me killed!" 

He jammed both of his hands up to his forehead in frustration and 


	"Oh stop exaggerating. I still have some of it left."

	He dropped his hands and looked at her. "How much?"

	"Around two hundred dollars."

	"TWO HUNDRED DOLLARS!" His voice raised again. 

"What the fuck good is two hundred dollars!"

	"Harry what's going on here? I've never seen you so upset."

	"I'll tell you what's going on here!  I needed that money to 

make a payment to a loan shark. Without that money I'm dead!"

	"Loan shark? You never told me you got a loan."

	"Yeah I know. I didn't want to hear, 'I told you so' from you."

He sniveled the words 'I told you so'. 

	"Well," She shook her head. "I did tell you, right from the 

beginning, it was a bad idea to quit your job and dump all our savings 

into that damn sports bar."

	"Yeah! Yeah! You told me. But I still say the bar was a good

idea, it's just going to take a little more time to get established 

that's all."

	"A little more time!" Frustration had crept into her voice.

"It's been over two years now and we still don't have anything. I can't

pay bills, we eat spaghetti four night a week, I can't get my hair done,

they repossessed my car and the credit cards are all maxed out....How

much more time Harry? How much more time before we can live

like real people?" She waved her right arm with disappointment.

	"God damn it! I put everything I got into that place. The

least you could do is be a little more understanding."

	"I don't know how much more understanding I could be.

Remember, more than half the money in the savings was mine before

we got married. I call that pretty understanding!" 

	"Oh great! Bring that up again!" Then his voice lowered to

just above a whisper. "Aw shit. It doesn't matter anyway. Without

that money I'm screwed no matter how you look at it." His face lost

all its anger and was replaced by concern and underlying fear.

	Noticing the change in his facial expression Sally forgot all 

about the anger she had been feeling and became a little concerned 

herself. "What are you so afraid of Harry? It can't be all that bad."

	"Oh it's bad all right." He ran his left palm across his 

forehead. "You don't know these guys. They play rough, and they play 

for keeps"

	"You mean the loan guys? How did you ever get mixed up 

with people like that?" She asked, not fully understanding the meaning 

of what playing rough or playing for keeps was.

	"Six months ago the bar wasn't doing so well..... I didn't want

to say anything to you about it, and figured all it needed was a little 

remodeling to entice a ton of regulars into the place. You remember 

how run down all the chairs and stools were, and the carpet, it looked 

like it had more beer in it than the beer taps, and the pool tables, hell 

all three needed  recovering.....  well you know... At the time I didn't 

even have enough cash to restock liquor in the place.. So it was either 

get some money or go bankrupt and loose everything."

	He clamped his eyes shut and paused momentarily before 

continuing. "I couldn't stand the thought of loosing everything I'd....

...we'd worked so hard  for and I knew there wasn't a bank in the world 

that would give us a loan, not with our credit.... Remember we tried a 

year ago...well this guy in the bar told me about some people that lent 

hard money. He said hard money had a high interest rate attached but 

you don't need good credit to get it. So I looked up these people and 

borrowed twenty grand expecting to have the loan paid off within a 

year or so, in spite of a two thousand a month interest rate....."

	"Two thousand a month! For interest alone?" She interrupted 

him not believing what he had just told her. "That'd be Forty two 

thousand dollars you'd have to pay back in a year!"

	"I know." He replied. " And even if I could pay it back today, 

I'd still have to pay a full forty thousand. But what choice did I have, 

besides I figured the bar could carry it."

	"Carry two thousand plus principal..... The bar can't even 

carry food onto our table. How in the hell did you ever think it could 

carry that?"

	"I told you.... with remodeling and all....."

	"So did you remodel?" She asked.

	"Aw.. Yeah...But...a...Business still isn't up to its full 

potential yet.... but its only a matter of time."

	"Oh shit Harry! How in the hell could you?  So the money in 

the drawer was this months interest payment?"

	"It's a little worse that that I'm afraid......" He bit down on his 

left thumb then started to rub his forehead again before continuing. "I 

haven't been able to pay anything for the last two months, I didn't hear 

anything about it until last week....." He seemed to get embarrassed but 

continued. "....thenthis guy, a real big guy comes into the bar and tells 

me the place is closed and I'm to run off the few customers in the 

place. I refused at first but he griped my wrist so tight I thought he 

would break it in two... and.... he made it a point to show me he had a 


	"A gun!" Sally was dumbfounded. This was sounding like 

stuff she wouldsee in a movie. This didn't sound at all like real life.

	"Swear to God.... A gun." He continued. "Sally I don't mind 

telling you I was scared shit less. Well....After everyone else is gone he 

asked about the money and I tell him I don't have it yet and he 

backhanded me across the face knocking me clean across the bar. I 

was in a stupor but felt him grab me by the shirt and pick me clean off 

the ground. I just hung there, in his left hand like a rag doll while he 

told me how much his boss don't like being stiffed and how welcher's 

are bad for business. He said if word got out about my not paying other 

customers might consider doing the same thing and then the boss 

would be out of business and he would be out of a job. I pleaded with 

him telling him I'd get the money and he told me he knew I would get 

it, but he was going to break an arm or a leg just as a reminder of my 

obligation. I begged some more promising to get the money and he 

jammed me down onto a bar stool, then without another word he took 

out his gun and used it to bust every bottle of booze I had behind the 

bar. He walked to where I was seated and put his face a inch away 

from mine and told me I had one week to come up with five grand, 

two months of payments and a grand late fee and if I didn't come up 

with it I'd never have to worry about it again because every now and 

again making an example of a Welcher was good for business. That 

was two weeks ago I'm already a week late.....I haven't even opened 

the bar all last week afraid they'd find me.....Look....." He reached into 

his pocket and pulled out a roll of money."This is three thousand 

dollars..... I was so scared of what they would do to me I borrowed this 

from my brother. You know how desperate I must have been to ask my 

brother for money.... this with the money in the drawer was the five I 

needed.... But now......" His voice broke and he sobbed momentarily 

then said......."Oh God! Honey.....I'm so scared..... I don't know what 

to do.....Their.. for real honey....Believe me their for real....." 

	He broke down and Sally moved to his side hugging him. 

"Let's go to the police. People can't get away with stuff like this. Let's 

just go to thepolice and tell them everything."

	"That won't do any good. What can they do? I don't have any 

evidence. I've got nothing but my word." He sounded lost.

	"Okay." Sally said. "Then let's sell the bar and pay the 

bastards off. We can tell them the bars up for sale and after its sold 

they'll get their money."

	"Don't you think I've thought of that? It's no good. With what 

we could get out of the bar right now, we'd have a hard time just 

paying off the first and second on the place. There's no way to get an 

extra forty two thousand. Oh God! I just don't know! Oh God! Oh 

God!" He buried his face between his hands sobbing while Sally held 




 	An hour later Harry had calmed down a little. He looked over 

to Sally and said. "We don't have a choice. I'll just have to ask Robert 

for another two thousand. I'll beg him if I have too. I absolutely have 

to get the money."

	Sally shook her head. "Okay, but what about next month? 

And the month after that? Oh Shit Harry! You really did it this time."

	"Damn it Sally!" His anger flared up again. "Don't you think I 

know? All I care about right now is this month. I'll worry about next 

month when it comes. It's bad enough I have to go beg Robert again, I 

don't need you reminding me of how much of a fuck up I am!"

	"I know. I'm sorry. I won't do it again." She apologized.

	"Okay." He gave her a half hearted smile. "I'm going to go 

see Robert now and maybe I can sleep tonight." He walked over to 

Sally and gave her a small kiss on the lips. "See ya in a bit."

	She nodded and watched him walk out the door before going 

upstairs to do a little sobbing herself.

	Harry had just unlocked his car door and was about to get in 

when he felt a vice like grip on his right shoulder. "Howdy Ace. Been 

looking for you. You haven't been trying to avoid me now have you?" 

The voice was that of the man that had threatened him at the bar and 

hearing it instantly turned his blood into ice water.

	The pain from his right shoulder would have been cause 

enough for making him unable to speak, his fright only added to the 


	"Come on Ace." The voice told him. "Let's go inside where 

we can chat in private. Wouldn't want the neighbors to get any wrong 

impressions." The steel grip on his shoulder guided him toward the 

entry with the ease of an adult maneuvering a child. 

	Once inside the house the man released his grip then threw 

Harry toward the couch with such ferocity it almost tumbled backward. 

Harry sprawled where he had been thrown rubbing his swollen 


	The man took a quick look around then looked down at 

Harry. "Anybody else in the house Ace?" He asked.

	Harry still had not found his voice and the man's gloved hand 

slapped him hard across the face. "I don't like asking twice Ace."

	"Harry swallowed several times then managed to say. "Just..... 

Just my wife. She... She must be upstairs."

	The big man nodded then doubling his right fist he brought 

down in a wide arc smashing into the side of Harry's jaw. Harry's 

lower lip burst open spewing blood all over the front of his shirt before 

he fell sideways. The big man took the front of Harry's shirt in his 

gloved right hand and yanked him upright, Then using his gloved left 

fist he pound into Harry's cheekbone almost instantly swelling and 

closing his right eye.

	Harry was at the verge of unconsciousness and in such shock 

he could not even cry out with pain from the beating he was taking. He 

saw but could not fully comprehend when the big man retrieved a 

stiletto from his pocket and flicked the button that released the thin, 

sharp deadly blade. 

	Sally thought she heard noises coming from below and made 

her way downstairs. She almost collapsed onto the floor in horror after 

discovering the scene in the living room. A large man, at least six foot 

four or five stood just to one side of her husband who sat awkwardly 

slumped on the edge of the couch. 

	Harry was covered in blood and with blood his cheek was so 

badly swollen as to make his right eye all but invisible. She saw his 

lower lip was expanded too at least three times it's normal size and 

was still spurring blood with each beat of his heart.

      	Sally became oblivious to the big man and called out. "Harry! 

My God! Harry!" and ran to where her husband lay slumped and 


	She had just about reached him when the big man extended 

his right arm knocking her backwards. She tumbled then found the big 

man standing directly in front of her  holding her shoulders and 

looking down. "Don't get mixed up in this little lady, me an Ace over 

there are just conducting some business."


YOU DONE TO HIM! LET ME GO!" She screamed and pounded at 

the big man's chest with her small fists.

	The seconds the big man had spent with Sally gave Harry just 

enough time to clear his head a little. Through his swollen lips he 

uttered. "Wait...wait... I got your money. Here. Here look." Harry 

reached into his pocket and fished out the bank roll tossing it onto the 

coffee table. The big man turned and picked up the cash while Sally 

ran to Harry kneeling along side and took his head into her arms. 

"Harry! Are you all right?"

	Harry did not have time to answer because the big man 

stepped forward and said. "This ain't all the money. Where's the rest of 


	"I...." Harry spit blood from his mouth then continued. "I was 

on my way to get it when you came."

	"Yeah right!" The big man said sarcastically. "I'm really tired 

of you fucking with me Ace."

	"It's true!" Harry pleaded. "I was going to borrow it from my 

brother. I swear to God!"

	"Fuck you Ace. With you it's always something. You've had 

all the time your going to get." He started to move forward.

	Sally jumped up and said. "I have some more money. Wait I'll 

get it!"

	The big man stepped in front of her. "Where's it at?"

	"Right there." Sally pointed to her purse laying on the entry 

table. "In my purse."

	The big man retrieved the purse himself then walked back 

and dumped it's contents onto the coffee table. He searched through 

contents then opening her wallet he pulled out some cash and quickly 

counted it. "This is only two hundred and twelve dollars." 

	"That's all we have. I swear.  Take it please!" Sally had 

become even more frightened having noticed the knife in the big man's 

hand for the first time.  

	"Please...Please!" Harry pleated. " Just give me until 

tomorrow. I'll get the money from my brother I swear it!"

	The big man scratched the back of his head. "So. You want to 

buy so more time. What the hell you going to pay me with? You told 

me you've already given me all the money you have, so how you going 

buy extra time Ace?" He seemed to be thinking then continued. 

"Hmmmm......Well I guess you got one thing worth a little time....The 

little lady there, she can buy you some time Ace."

	Harry attempted to pull himself off the couch. "No! You 

Bastard! No...!"

	The big man leaned forward slipping the stiletto under 

Harry's throat. "You just sit there and enjoy the show quietly or I'll cut 

both your throats." He looked over at Sally and said. "Come here little 

lady." and held out one of his gloved hands.

	Sally couldn't move petrified with the thought of what the big 

man wasgoing to do to her, then she was yanked by her arm to the 

center of the living room.

	"If you fight me little lady I'll stick old Ace over there three 

ways to fucking Sunday." He reached under her chin forcing her to 

look up at him. "Do you understand."

	Sally's eyes filled with tears that flooded down both her 

cheeks then dropped off her chin onto her sweat shirt.

	"Do you understand?" He repeated.

	Sally could only nod then felt his hand squeeze one of her 

breasts on the outside of her sweat shirt. There was nothing she could 

do other than shake with fear while he removed his gloves then slid 

one of his hands under her sweat shirt and kneaded her firm bra less 

breasts with his hand. He lifted the bottom of her sweat shirt pulling it 

over her head leaving her bare from the waist up.

	"Oh Man! You really got some nice titties there little girl." He 

took both of her breasts into his hands then looked toward Harry. "God 

Damn Ace. I would never have guessed the little lady had such big ass 

knockers as theses beauties." He vigorously massaged both of her orbs 

then pinched each of her nipples causing Sally to flinch with pain. 

"What are they Ace 32's?.. 34's?.. ..D size I bet, and their so fucking 

hard and firm."

	Harry watched the bastard fondle his wife's breasts as if she 

were some ten dollar whore and remembering he was the cause his 

dear Sally was forced to suffer this humiliation was more than he 

could take. Pushing aside as much pain and delirium as possible he 

struggled to his feet and rushed the big man. He managed to maneuver 

around the coffee table but was instantly driven backward over the 

table onto the couch when the big man swung his fist into Harry's 

stomach with a viscous blow knocking all of the wind out of him.

	Harry couldn't catch his breath and it was if he was on fire 

from his groin up to his chest. When breath finally came the air felt 

like electrical spears driving into his lungs. He heard only the last part 

of a sentence spoken by the big man and knew he was talking to him. 

"........... and fucking stay there."

	Through his one working eye he saw Sally twist in an attempt 

to come to his aid. The big man gripped her left breast with such force 

Sally cried out in agony then was yanked by the same breast back to 

the beast that held her. "Come back here cunt. I'm not finished with 

you yet!" Now that she was positioned directly in front of him he 

looked down at her and grinned. "Speaking of cunt's, let's have a little 

look see at yours." 

	A new supply of tears found there way into Sally's eyes and 

all she could utter was. "Please......Please....."

	"The only thing that going to please me right now is you 

taking off those jeans. Hurry up! Get um off or I'll cut um off!" He 

reached around and smacked her hard on the rear.

	Sally's fingers felt numb and she found it difficult unfastening 

her jeans button, but after several unsuccessful attempts it came free, 

more by luck than any skill. Her same numb fingers slid down the 

zipper and she pushed the jeans downward. The big man stepped 

down on the corner of each cuff and said. "Step out of um Honey." 

Sally pulled her legs free of her jeans.The big man used the sharp 

edged of his blade to cut away her silk panties allowing them to fall 

silently to the ground.

	He looked down between her leg's and said. "Well I'll be God 

dammed Ace. Your little wife is a real blond, look at that sweet little 

yellow patch." He reached down feeling her mound allowing the soft 

pubic hairs to slide between his fingers. "Spread your legs. Let me see 

that snatch." 

	Sally didn't move having become almost mentally comatose 

with fear and humiliation, then she felt excruciating pain radiating 

from his hand on her mound as he squeezed harder and harder to get 

her to do as he had demanded. His grip became intolerable and she 

moved her legs apart opening herself to him. "That's better, give the 

little beaver some air." He taunted her and slid his hand between her 

legs. She felt his rough hand slide back a forth across her nether lips 

as he felt and probed every fold and crevice of her woman hood, 

then she almost fainted when she felt one of his fingers push up and 

into her most private and sacred place.

	Every attempt to block out the defilation that was taking 

placed to her body failed when she felt each new thrust of his finger as 

he defiled her. Her mental anguish became almost unbearable as he 

probed inside of her and was soon intensified when she was forced to 

endure the indignity of his comments during the violation. "Oh sweet 

Jesus...you've got a hot tight snatch." His breathing became more and 

more irregular with each thrust of his finger. "Ohhhh.....Do you like it 

baby? Do you like having my finger up your hot pussy? I can feel your 

hole getting wet. That's it honey.... lube up that hot fuck slot."  

	"Ohh.. Shit!" He yanked his finger out of her hole and used 

his knife free hand to frantically unfasten his pants and push them 

down to his ankles. His swollen shaft stood stiff and throbbing in front 

of him. It was at least eight inches in length and very large in 

circumference. "Here," He said taking one of Sally's hands and placing 

it on his organ. "take a hold of a real man's cock for a change." Sally 

wrapped her fingers around his shaft but held it stationary. "Pump it 

you fucking whore. It ain't every day you get a hunk of hot meat like 

this between your fingers!"

	Sally moved her hand foreword and back stroking his 

manhood with very little enthusiasm, then through the fog of her gray 

matter a tiny speck of a idea blossomed into a thought, 'If she could 

jerk him off and get him to come maybe he wouldn't rape her.' She 

began to jack him off in earnest, caressing his flesh with her hand as 

she pumped his member. She used her other hand to lightly massage 

around the hole of his cock's head then moved it to gently kneaded his 

large balls then back to his cock's head once again. She continued this 

routine for several minutes then heard his breathing change from 

irregular to panting. When low moans of pleasure escaped past his lips 

she felt certain he was on the brink of an orgasm. She applied more 

attention to the hand that was stroking him in an effort to get him off 

when he pushed her hand away. "Put it in your mouth. Hurry up bitch! 

Suck  my cock!" He pushed down on the top of her head until her 

mouth was at the same level as his rod then he pulled her toward him. 

	Sally could offer little resistance and opened her mouth to 

take him in. His large cock stretched her mouth to the point of her 

feeling discomfort along her jaw line. She tasted his pre-cum on her 

tongue then felt him push in and out. He only remained in her mouth 

for a minute or two then taking a step back he said. "Okay you little 

slut, it's show time. Get your ass on your hands and knees, I'm going 

to take you from behind and your about to get the best fucking of your 

life." He turned her around and smacked her on the ass so hard she 

cried out and left five painful red finger imprints on her white flesh.

	Sally was now resolved to the fact that she was going to be 

raped. She dropped down to her hands and knees and felt her legs 

being spread apart. When she felt the head of his cock probing at the 

entrance of her vagina she turned her tear filled eyes over her shoulder 

and looked at her rapist. "Please...." She pleated for one last time. 

"....Please use some protection." 

	He looked at her and snickered. "Oh yeah. Protection. Sure." 

He answered as he pushed his unsheathed flesh sword into her hole.

	Sally was not very wet and his member was so large she felt a 

considerable amount of discomfort as he pushed into her. "Now that's 

a fucking cock huh baby, ain't it! Bet you never felt a hunk 'o' meat 

like this up your snatch before...Aaaa..!" She heard him say then she 

felt both of his hands on her hips to give him leverage to force more of 

his thick stick into her. Soon she felt completely filled with him and 

could feel his course pubic hairs pressing against the tender flesh of 

her ass cheeks. Feeling his grip on her hips tighten he began to pump 

in and out, thrusting his rod to the hilt on every in stroke which 

causing his large balls to slap in contact with her clit to the rhythm of 

his fucking. "Now this is the way a bitch like you want's to be fucked. 

Hard and fast. Ride um cowboy." He slapped her several times on the 


	After five or six minuets, but what seemed an eternity to Sally 

she felt him lean over her body pressing his weight onto her back. He 

reached under her taking each of her breasts into his hands squeezing 

them, then she heard him telling her. "Aaaa...Yeah, this is it you little 

whore. I'm going to fill your cunt with hot cum.....Ohooo...Yeah...Feel 

it?...Huh?.... Aaaaa....Aaaaa." She felt his cock bucking against her 

flesh then the unmistakable wetness of orgasmic semen as he unloaded 

his balls inside of her.

	The hole in his cock's head ejected love milk time and time 

again. Sally felt he must have a never ending supply stored in his balls 

because he just continued pounding into her filling her with more and 

more of his cum with every thrust. She was aware of how sore her 

breasts had become from his constant squeezing throughout his 

orgasm, then he was done and mercifully extracted his tool from her 

love hole.

	He stood up then slapped her painfully on the ass once again 

causing her to fall to her stomach onto the carpet. The big man pulled 

up his pants and stepped over sally so he could face her. He kneeled 

down and lifted her chin with his hand. "Your a good fuck honey! A 

real good fuck! Don't you let anyone tell you any different. No sir. 

Your one fine little piece of ass."

	Sally didn't answer him her concern now was for Harry. She 

struggled up to her hands and knees inching her way toward the 


	The big man picked up the knife and watched Sally's slow 

progress with amusement. "Worried about old Ace are ya. He'll be just 

fine in a day or two. He passed out just after you started giving me a 

blow job. I don't know if it was the beating or watching you suck my 

cock that got to him, but either way I'm sure it was best for him.

	The big man walked to the door but before leaving he turned 

toward Sally and said. "You tell Ace there when he wakes up that your 

pussy bought him another week after that I expect three thousand 

dollars. You also tell him if I don't get it, next time I may have him 

suck my cock then get fucked in the ass while you watch. You tell him 

honey. You be sure and tell him." He grabbed his crouch with one 

hand and shook it up and down. "God damn. I'd better get out of here. 

Just looking at your blonde pussy and big tits is getting the old 

Johnson hard again. I'd better leave before he talks me into an encore." 

With that he opened the door and left.

	Sally could see that Harry's breathing was regular and became 

less concerned over him. She dropped her head onto his thigh and 

cried herself to sleep. If she hadn't fallen asleep she would have 

screamed herself mad.



	Sally didn't have time for self pity following her rape. Harry 

required her full attention and she could not afford the luxury or peace 

of mind assured her by blanketing all pain and feelings deep inside a 

shell far away from any coherent thoughts.


	How she longed to enfold herself inside a shroud of insanity, 

freeing her from the nightmare of reality, that remaining conscious 

posed. Yes, Harry needed her and she would remain strong, but the 

nights. Oh dear God! The nights. The night brought with it the 

reliving, in  tortuous minute detail the racking physical pain of her 

breasts, brought on by unwanted hands as they squeezed and wrenched 

them, the abhorrent feeling of a unsolicited penetration into her 

woman hood previously reserved for the sharing of love, the loathsome 

sensation of bodily fluids pumping and filling her insides to satisfy 

nothing more than a vile animalistic lust from someone not caring or 

giving anything of themselves.

	She remembered something she had heard once, "Anything 

that doesn't kill you will only make you stronger," and she used that as 

a mental crutch helping to maintain both her sanity and will. 

	She now knew beyond any doubt, gained out of first hand 

knowledge, that no woman, regardless of whom, nor where she was 

ever "asked for it," that no woman could derive any pleasure, however 

small, from being raped, that no man, even one that proclaimed his 

love, would ever truly understand how precious a gift, when a woman 

offers herself to him. She also understood that as abhorrent is the 

physical act of rape, it is the mental rape that raves as the prince of 

darkness forever in the minds of it's victims.    


	The beating Harry had received from the big man turned out 

to be more severe than he had initially presumed. His convalescents 

was a slow , painful one accompanied by his jaw continuing to swell to 

the point of not even having the ability to speak or take in any solid 

foods. His mid-section had turned several different shades of blues and 

purples in addition had become so painful he was compelled to remain 

bed ridden. Sally feed him soups and liquids through a straw, bathed 

and cleaned him, and saw to it got to the bathroom to relieve himself.


	Three days following the beating Harry was finally able to 

communicate, he felt a deep reluctance about asking Sally what had 

occurred after he had passed out for several reasons. The telling 

wouldd surely be painful for Sally but it might even be detrimental if 

she had somehow put it out of mind. Perhaps deep inside he really 

didn't want to know details......or conceivably it was more that he was 

afraid to know details, and that in the knowing would disallow any 

ability to block it from his mind as though it never happened.  

	But it had happened, and he was solely responsible. He had 

been the one to call for the flute, yet it was Sally, innocent of any miss 

doing herself that had been forced to pay the piper. The price had been 

high for his mistake, perhaps even one of the highest prices a woman 

could pay. The cost for his failure as a man was her self dignity, her 

pride, her woman hood, and the legal tender had been her body!   

    	The over powering  guilt he felt compelled him to demand 

she share with him everything that had taken place if for no other 

reason than he might share in her suffering, that he feel some of the 

humiliation and pain she had endured, that he alone be the one to 

carry the burden of guilt if that were possible. 

	During the days of Harry's rehabilitation Sally gained a new 

outlook, or was it insight of her husband. She saw now that even 

though he was almost ten years older than her he had never really 

grown up. His purchase of the sports bar was the unreasoning act of a 

boy fulfilling a pipe dream. His inability to understand or control 

finances only confirmed this immaturity, and the act of doing anything 

to hang on to the bar without regard to how much of a financial 

disaster it was, is akin to the behavior of a child unwilling to give up a  

favorite toy. 

	This new insight told Sally that he was incapable of getting 

himself out of the mess he had gotten them into, and she would have 

to take on the responsibility herself. She felt if it were in his hands he 

would certainly get himself if not both of them killed in the process. 

	She also felt that Harry was ill-equipped to handle the details 

of her rape, and when he asked her to tell him about it she made every 

attempt to sound casual and unattached even though inside she wanted 

to scream out loud until all the hurt went away. So she told him that 

the big man was not such a big man after all, that after only a few 

minutes of attention to his member by her hand he had lost his wad 

and was finished for the day. 

	She didn't tell him the big man had forced her to take his 

cock into her mouth, then had mounted her from behind like a dog 

would mount a bitch, and rammed his swollen tool into her un-

lubricated hole scraping raw the tender flesh inside her vagina. 

	No! She didn't tell him how she had suffered while he 

pounded and rammed and drove into her, forced to listen to him 

telling her how tight and hot she was, squeezing and pinching her 

breasts without the slightest regard for how much pain he inflected on 

her, then enduring his orgasm and experience of him filling her with 

his cum, spurt after unending spurt, and finally when he was done 

using her body, he told her, "Your a good fuck little lady. Your a 

great piece of ass."  No she didn't tell Harry these things, not these 

things, and even if Harry had been awake when she was forced to suck 

the big man's cock he never once mentioned it to her and seemed to 

accept the facts as she told them to him.

	Having found the ability to tell a condensed version of the 

rape without slipping back into the guilt, fear and shame of what really 

had taken place seemed to ease the pain, and something eveery woman 

is inherently awareof, but rarely dwells upon, uses, or even talks about 

in earnest, came to her with acute clarity; Every heterosexual male, no 

matter who they are, has an almost uncontrollable appetite to stick his 

hardened manhood between a females legs and fill her with sperm. 

Yes, woman understand this, but hardly ever does any "descent" 

woman take full advantage. There are those that have made a 

profession out of it, calling it prostitution, and a few others have used 

it to influence or enhance their careers, but seldom will you find a 

house wife use it to full advantage. 

	Men take incredible pleasure in ejaculating inside a woman's 

mouth,yet a wife infrequently affords him the opportunity. Men desire 

to impel their thick shafts into every orifice on a woman's body, her 

vagina, her mouth, her anus, between her breasts, in her hands, 

anyplace capable of sheathing his flesh sword so he can pump hot 

liquid from his balls filling her and relieving his need. A lot of men 

are willing to do any number of things if they are made to believe it 

will allow them to dip their wick, and if the woman leading them to 

that belief happens to be an exceptionally attractive woman, in a lot of 

cases the little head between a mans legs does most of the thinking for 


	With this acute clarity came a feeling of power and Sally 

knew she was a exceptionally attractive woman and if needed she now 

understood, after what the big man had done to her, she could and 

would use that power even if it meant giving men what they so 

desired. No man would ever violate her body the way the big man had 

done ever again, but she could use her body to prey on their weakness 

if it suited her plans.


	Sally looked down at Harry laying in bed and knew she still 

loved him even though some of the respect she once held for him was 

gone or at least had turned to pity and said. "I've got some bad news. I 

called your brother and somewhat explained how desperately we 

needed an additional loan, and he told me it would take him a few 

weeks to even come up with a couple of thousand. He'd have to apply 

for a loan  or something to get it..... He just doesn't have any more."

	Harry attempted to sit up but the pain across his mid-section 

was to great and he slumped back down. "Fuck.....What the hell am I 

going to do now? I was counting on him. Shit!"

	Sally took his hand a squeezed it. "Don't worry I'll get some 

money. Besides like I told you before, we need to get the entire loan 

paid off. Even if your brother had come up with some more money we 

would have been screwed next month anyway."

	"Come on Sally, be realistic where in the hell are you going to 

come up with forty grand?"

	"I'm going to talk to Symore about giving me a loan."

	"Symore!" He couldn't believe it. "You can't mean the same 

Symore that owns the book store. Hell Sally, you only work for him 

part time. What in the hell makes you think he'll give you a loan?"

	"He doesn't just own one book store, he owns several of them 

all across town, he's got lot's of money and he's always liked me."

	"Likes you? Come on, how many time's have you told me he's 

nothing but a slimy fat pig who's always hitting on you. What was it... 

not six months ago he threatened to fire you unless you went to bed 

with him. Remember, I was going to go down and kick the shit out of 

him and you stopped me because you'd already taken care of the 

problem by threatening to file a harassment charge on him which you 

could substantiate with some store patron that had witnessed it. Shit 

honey, after that the only reason you even stayed working there was to 

annoy him. So I ask again. What makes you think he'll give you a 


	"Because," She answered confidently. "He's still very attracted 

to me and if I play him right he'll give me the money. Anyway there's 

nothing to lose by asking."

	"I guess." He replied. "Play him right huh."

	"Play him right." She repeated, then to herself she thought.  If 

all else fails..... I've got something between my legs he want's very 

badly.  She knew her pussy wasn't worth any forty grand, but she felt 

certain it was at least worth the giving of a loan if he felt confident 

enough that the money would be repaid. 



	After making sure Harry had water by the bedside then 

helping him relieve himself, Sally dressed in a knee length silk skirt 

and coordinated blouse.

	Examining herself in the mirror, Sally removed her bra and 

left the top three buttons of her blouse unfastened with the effect of 

displaying a large amount of cleavage between her ample breasts in 

plane view of anyone that cared to look. Sally winked at herself in the 

mirror and knew most men would definitely care to look.  

	Sally stepped into the book store and looked around for 

Symore. Atfirst she didn't see him disappointedly thinking he must be 

in one of the otherstores and was about to leave when he stepped out 

from behind several cardboard shipping boxes containing new book 


	Symore looked up and after spotting Sally moved his three 

hundred pound hulk toward her. 

	"Well Mrs. Richards! Now nice of you to show up! I certainly 

hope we haven't inconvenienced you in any way!" He called 

sarcastically from across the store as he approached her. 

	"As I recall." He continued. "you were scheduled to work 

yesterday, but obviously...." After his large frame had crossed about 

half the distance between himself and Sally he finally noticed the 

extraordinary amount of exposed breast which causing him to stop 

dead in his tracks and even stumble over his words. 

	Sally watched him with amusement as he swallowed causing 

numerous ripple effects along his second, third and forth chins, then 

he gained some composure and continued toward her his eyes never 

once wavering away from Sally's chest. 

	"Aaaa...as I was saying Mrs. Richards, I'm afraid not showing 

up for work is just cause for termination, therefore consider yourself  


	Sally had anticipated his reaction. Ever since her threat with 

the sexual harassment claim he was just looking for a legitimate 

excuse to terminate her.

	"Oh Symore." She smiled down at him. At five foot two he 

was just aboutas wide as he was tall, then continued. "Don't get your 

knickers all bundled ina knot. I'm sorry about yesterday, but it was 

unavoidable. But let's forget that for now. I would like to propose a 

business deal that would help me and get you a good return on your 


	"I don't really think......" He said still mesmerize by Sally's 


	Sally interrupted him. "Your a business man Symore, and 

every good business man knows it never hurts to listen to a deal, you 

can always say no."

	"Well I don't know." He was torn between his desire to fire 

her and his desire to remain looking at her magnificent breasts.

	"Come on." Sally said gleefully. "Let's go to the office, I'll 

explain the deal and if you don't like it you can always say no and fire 

me then. What do ya say?"

	"Okay Sally." He used her first name. "But it's not going to 

make any difference." 

	She followed him to the small door less cubical he used as an 

office. Once inside he dropped his large bulk into the chair behind his 


	Sally removed some paper's from her handbag then leaning 

across one corner of the desk so that the ninety degree angle of the 

corner pressing against the soft silk material of her skirt drove it 

between her legs and outlined perfectly the shape and form of her 

pussy mound. Her leaning also had the secondary effect of allowing 

her blouse to droop just enough that good old Symore could catch a 

better view of her breasts if he were so inclined.

	Symore was inclined and Sally would have sworn she saw a 

drip of saliva from at the corner of his mouth while blatantly staring at 

her breasts.   

	She allowed him to get his eyes full then dropped the papers 

onto the desk in front of him and leaned back making sure her mound 

remained defined by the desks edge. His eyes focused between her legs 

taking in the smooth contour of silk pressing so tightly across her 

woman hood even the thin line of her slit was visible. 

	Again she allowed him enough time for the little head to start 

doing most of the thinking before saying.  "I need a loan to get me and 

my husbands business off the ground. The papers I brought in are the 

mortgage documents to the 'Goal line' sports bar and our liqueur 

license ownership papers. Now I figure I'll need around forty five 

thousand to get things going. I'll pay back the loan at fifteen percent 

interest per month plus three thousand a month against the principal. 

As collateral my husband and I will sign over a second trust deed to 

you towards the bar as well as signing over our liquor license, which 

you will lease back to us. As I'm sure your aware that liquor license 

can easily be sold anywhere in this state for at least a hundred 

thousand, so if for any reason what so ever, we don't pay, you get mad 

at us, anything you've netted a cool fifty five thousand no questions 

asked. So what do you say?" 

	Now Sally knew the bar already had a second and a third 

against it and that Liqueur licenses were no longer negotiable in this 

state but she didn't think that Symore's little head knew that.

	Symore found it difficult pulling his eyes away from the most 

flawlessly shaped pussy he had ever seen but somehow managed it and 

looked up into Sally's perfect face. "I....I.....don't know forty five 

thousand...that's a lot of money....I'll have to talk to...."

	"Symore," Sally gave him her most sensuous smile. 

"Sometimes the language of subtlety can be lost so let me make it 

clear," She reached across the desk and squeezed his hand. "I could 

really show you my gratitude for this loan." She wet her lips with the 

tip of her tongue.

	Symore became even more flustered. "I.... well.... I can have 

my lawyer look it over... and... " He smacked his lips together, letting 

his eyes wander back to the corner of the desk. "and.... if its okay he 

can draw up the paper's..... I guess."

	"Well I sure don't need any old lawyer papers Symore, I trust 

you completely, and even if you didn't trust little old me you've always 

got the liquor license as insurance, besides if you got your lawyer 

involved wouldn't he have to tell your wife? She pursed her lips up 

slurring her words a little. 

	"I don't know. This is all so irregular." Sweat started to form 

across his forehead.

	"Well," She pursed her lips looking sad. "I guess if her old 

friend Symore doesn't want to earn a profit little Sally will just have to 

offer the deal..... The whole deal, to someone with a better since of 

business."  She placed emphasis on the words "the whole deal."

	She turned away quickly using her left arm to slide back part 

of her blouse and allowed  her left breast to pop free. She looked down 

at it and said. "Oh my! Would you look at that! One of Sally's  bad  

little titties seems to have jumped out. Come here you bad little girl." 

Cupping the bottom of her breast in her left hand she used her right 

hand to spank it several times. "Bad girl! Bad! bad girl!" She said as 

she slapped it. "Now you get back in there and be a good little tittie!"

	Symore was transfixed. He had dreamed of seeing Sally's tits 

for so long this was like a wish come true and even more amazing was 

the fact that even in those dreams he had not visualized how beautiful 

and milky white...and  firm...and big... her tits  really were. He could 

not have imagined how perfectly shaped and light colored her 

aureole's were.  His mind captured the mental pictures he had created 

of her pussy and he now knew it would be even sexier, and hotter, and 

tighter and wetter than all those mental pictures he had conceived of 

her completely nude so he could jack off while imagining he was 

fucking her or she sucking him. Any doubts he may have had about 

what she had meant with "show her gratitude" was gone.

	Symore's little head took control of his jaw muscles and his 

mouth said. "Wait! Let me look over theses papers...Ah Yes. I am 

familiar with liquor licenses and I see both you and your husband have 

signed it as well as a promissory note for the property..... yes, this 

looks like a sound investment to me. Very well we have a deal." He 

held out one of his pudgy hands.

	Sally placed her small hand in his meaty moist one. He pulled 

her gently toward him. "Let me.... Let me see your tits. Please!"

	"Symore! You naughty boy!" She laughed. "Not until after I 

get the loan, after all I've trusted you with my signed papers."

	Symore swallowed hard several times then said. "This is just 

a loan? Right? I mean you do intend on paying it back. Right!"

	"Of course I'll pay it back. It just a business deal among 

friends. Don't worry Symore its like cash in the bank."

	"Yeah.... Right." He wrung his hands together then turning 

around he leaned over and twisted the dial on a floor safe. Sitting back 

up he placed a wrapped bundle of money onto the desk. "All I have in 

cash is twelve thousand but I'll write a check for the balance."

	Sally nodded.

	He retrieved a small checkbook that seemed to be well hidden 

inside one of the desks bottom drawers and began filling it out. While 

he wrote he said. "Should I make this out to Sally Robertson?" 

	"That'll be fine." She answered. 

	He handed her the check and said. "This is drawn against my 

own  personal checking account not the business or home account. My 

wife doesn't understand investments."

	"No problem Symore." She said placing the check into her 

handbag then reached for the cash, but Symore pulled it away. "First 

you've got to show me some of that appreciation."  He looked around 

nervously before saying. "Now.... Now show them to me."

	Sally undid the last three buttons on her blouse then held it 

open exposing her breasts to the short fat man with perspiration 

covering his forehead.

	"Oh!.. Oh their so beautiful." He reached out and squeezed 

one of them with his moist palm. "Oh...Oh..."  

	He gulped down a mouthful of air then said. "Let me.... I've 

got to see... your... your.... pussy."

	"Oh Symore you little devil. I told you I'd show you my 

appreciation,  and I will, but not here. There isn't even a door on the 

office. What if Nancy were to walk in?"

	"Nancy isn't working today and if someone comes in the store 

we'll hear the bell."

	"Oh all right if you insist." She reached under her skirt and 

slipped down her panties then raised her skirt up around her waist 

exposing herself to him.

	He looked at the silky patch of blonde hair growing on the 

most faultless pussy he had ever seen. "Oh moma.... Oh moma" He 

repeated then reached across the desk gently feeling her mound. "I 

can't believe it.. Oh..I just can't believe it..."

	"I've got to have you.... I've just got to have you.... If.... If you 

don't... I'll stop payment on that check.... I've just got to have you." He 

was completely out of control.

	"Not here you silly boy. But don't worry, I promise to give you 

all the pussy you can handle. But you look so wound up I'll give you a 

little something to tide you over." She came around the desk and 

dropped to her knees. Then unfastening  his pants she pulled his short 

fat cock through the slit in his boxer shorts. Using her tongue she 

flicked at the hole in his cock head several times then drew the head 

into her mouth. 

	Symore exploded immediately. Sally was so surprised at his 

quick orgasm she had a mouth full of cum before her lips got past the 

head of his cock.

	She stood up and opened her mouth showing him the cream 

pumped from his balls, then deliberately made a spectacle of 

swallowing and licking her lips in front of him. He stood as if 

mesmerized by Merlin himself.

	"Oh my! You really must have been excited. I hardly had 

time to get your big hard cock in my mouth before you came. I guess 

you liked it so I'll be sure and suck down your wad again you nasty 

boy, but your big thing really got me excited too. It almost pulled my 

jaw out of place, so before I suck your hunk of meat again you've got to 

promise you'll fuck me, I just can't wait to feel your stiff dick pounding 

inside my little itty bitty pussy. Promise my now. Promise you'll fuck 

me first."  She was enjoying watching his facial expressions while she 

uttered as much profanity she could think of.

	He just nodded, again, and again, and again. 

	Sally held out her hand and he placed the money in it without 

saying a word.

	Sally pulled up her panties and left the store quickly. She 

wanted to make it to the bank before his big head started doing the 


	She was feeling good about how things had gone and phase 

one of her plan was accomplished.



	After cashing Symore's check at the bank, which took the 

better part of an hour and a half, because of the large amount and the 

fact the Sally had requested all cash she drove home to check on 


	She found Harry sitting up in bed and looking much better 

than earlier in the day. "How you feeling honey?" She asked him, and 

she did really care how he was. She set the bag of money on the 


	"Oh, better, I guess." He didn't sound better.

	"You look a lot better. Been able to get up at all?" She 

stepped to the side of the bed and gave him a peck on his un-swollen 


	He offered her a weak smile and answered. "Yeah. Hell, I can 

even take a piss all by my self. Aren't I a big boy now?" Sally detected 

a lot of sarcasm and self pity in his voice.

	"What's wrong Harry? I mean, besides having the shit kicked 

out of you, then being forced to watch your wife strip necked in front 

of a total stranger and jerk him off, who incidentally happened to be 

the same guy that cleaned your clock, and let's see.... Oh yeah... lest 

we forget, you owe forty thousand to the mob, we wouldn't want to 

forget that now do we. Well, Harry is that about it.... Is that why my 

little Pookie is all upset... hum?"    

	"God damn it Sally, I.....!" He started to yell.

	"God damn it Sally nothing Harry!" She yelled back. "Stop 

feeling sorry for yourself. Do you think this has been a fucking hay 

ride for me? Deal with it Harry! It all happened! It fucking happened 

and there's nothing we can do about it now! So if you can take a piss 

by yourself you can get your sorry ass out of that bed and start acting 

like a man......"

	She was going to continue chastising him until she saw him 

bury his swollen face between his hands and his whole body start to 

shake with violent sobbing.

	Sally sat down on the edge of the bed and cradled him in her 

arms. "Oh Harry. I'm sorry. I didn't mean it. I'm so very sorry." She 

tried to comfort him.

	In between sobs he said. "Oh Sally..... That's just it.... What 

kind of a man let's his wife get raped in front of him..... I'm not a man! 

I'm... I'm a.... a fucking..... fucking ...... God I don't know what I am!"

	"Harry. Harry. Harry." She pulled him tighter to herself. 

"Your a kind wonderful man. Do you think the measure of a man is 

someone that can beat somebody else up, or can force a woman to have 

sex with him? That's not a man Harry. Every animal on God's good 

earth, from the smallest Nat to the largest elephant has the ability to 

get a hard on and ram it into the female of the species. No Harry that's 

not a real man.... Your a real man Harry, one that has the guts to deal 

with every day life. To pay taxes, to pledge love and care about 

someone besides yourself.  Yes Harry your the real man and..... your 

the best lover a woman could ever want. When you take me to bed it 

feels special and wonderful. You understand a woman's needs, you 

take the time to press every sexual button on by body sending electrical 

sparks across all my erotic zones allowing me to feel like a woman, 

and allowing me to enjoy being a woman not just some hole for storing 

sperm. Every man has a cock Harry, any every man can fuck with it, 

but only the best of men understand the real sex organ is the mind and 

not that thing that hangs between their legs. I love you Harry and I 

need you to get strong because I want to keep you as a friend and as a 

lover." She pulled his hands away from his face then kissed him ever 

so gently on his swollen mouth. 

	"Oh God Sally, I love you so much. I don't want to loose you. 

I was so afraid you'd hate me, because.... because I couldn't do 

anything about what happened to you and I'm such a fuck up with the 

bar and everything else.... I just laid here thinking about how much of 

a looser I am and wondering why someone like you would even want 

to stay with me. I even stopped worrying about what would happen to 

me if I couldn't pay back the money, my only concern was how to 

make sure you didn't get hurt again." 

	"It's okay Harry. I got the money."


	"I said I've got the money. Symore gave me the loan."

	"I can't believe it." He was genuinely shocked. "That's good. 

Isn't  it?" The last was a question.

	"Yes. That's good. We'll get out of this mess then make a 

fresh start of it. The money's over there in the bag." She pointed out 

the paper sack the bank had given her to carry the large amount of 

cash in.

	"Wow! I still don't believe it. Your really something. You 

know that." She had made him feel a little better about himself and it 

had nothing at all to do with her getting the money, it was because she 

still loved him.

	"I'm something all right." She joked. "I'm not quite sure what, 

but I'm something. Well I've still got a lot to do today yet, so you just 

relax and take it easy. I'll be back later this afternoon."

	He was confused. "What is it you have to do? Shouldn't we go 

and pay off those blood suckers?"

	"Well, I wanted to restock the bar and get it ready for a grand 

opening under new management, and as for paying the loan, I'm sure 

they'll come to us. We'll just wait." She had a plan but thought it best 

not to say anything to Harry.

	"Wait a minute Sally. What do you mean new management"?

	"I mean me silly. After all I'm a full partner. It's about time I 

started acting like one."

	"Oh. Okay." He liked the idea of Sally taking an interest in 

the bar. "But about the loan.... I don't want anything..... anything else 

happening to you. I don't know what I'd do. I really don't want the 

bastard in this house again."

	"It'll be all right. Don't worry about it. Nothing else is going 

to happen to me. I know what I'm doing." She sounded, and was 


	Over the next three days Sally used some of the extra five 

thousand dollars she had gotten from Symore to restock the bar, pay 

the satellite bill and order additional television channel services so 

each of the five monitors could be tuned to a different sports event, 

then she put up signs announcing the clubs opening under new 

management. She also spent several hundreds of dollars purchasing an 

assortment of specialty items from a local sex shop and six hundred 

dollars on a 9MM unregistered automatic. 

	The day the bar was to re-open Harry's face had healed 

enough that he wouldn't scare away any customers so he decided to 

help Sally with the opening. He was a bit skeptical when he first saw 

Sally dress herself in jeans and a San Diego Chargers football jersey at 

least three sizes too small. "Christ honey." He commented. "Why not 

just go naked? Your nipples are about to punch holes through that 

jersey and even if I hadn't ever seen you undressed, I'd know what all 

your private parts looked like dressed in those jeans. They leave 

nothing to the imagination."

	"Yeah I know. Great isn't it?" She commented. "If you want 

hot water, you don't turn on the cold tap."

	The opening went extremely well and by the weekend Sally 

was forced to hire a young good looking girl, named Tonya to help 

waitress in order to manage the crowd the new 'Goal line sports bar' 

under new management was bringing in. 


	The new girl using Sally as a roll model, dressed herself 

appropriately and both women were taking in fifty to a hundred dollars 

a day in tips alone. Naturally they suffered the occasional pinch or slap 

on the ass, and the constant peeking down their jersey tops by 

customers with the hope of catching a glimpse of a breast or two when 

they leaned over to serve beer or drinks. Both lady's hoped their 

exaggerated leaning wasn't too very obvious, they knew a sneak peek 

was generally much more exciting to a man.  

	By Thursday of the following week the bar was in full swing 

and showing very good profit. Harry would have been as happy as two 

lovers 'punting on the themes' if it were not for worrying over why 

nobody had shown up to collect the loan money. It was well past the 

extra time he had been given.... or rather, that Sally had bought for 

him and he was extremely nervous, but every time he talked to Sally 

about it she merely remarked. "Don't worry about it. I've got it 

covered." Christ! he wished he knew what she meant by that, but she 

had been handling everything else so well while he had wallowed in 

self pity he didn't feel it his place to demand an explanation. He knew 

she hadn't paid the loan off because the money was still hidden where 

Sally had put it, but curiously enough Sally had gotten the address of 

the loan office, (if you could call it a loan office) from him. 

	That morning he discussed with Sally the possibility of her 

opening the bar by herself so he could take some of the profit the bar 

had made and re-pay the money his brother had lent him. Sally 

thought it was a splendid idea, knowing it would boost Harry's ego 

paying back his brother, and it wouldn't be that busy in the morning 

that she and Tonya couldn't handle both tending bar and waitressing. 

	Sally opened the bar at ten that morning and Tonya came in 

an hour later to start her shift. 

	At eleven thirty the big man walked in.

	When Sally saw the man that had raped and tormented her 

walk in she lost all the self confidence she'd previously displayed to 

her husband and convinced herself she had, it was replaced with cold 

sharp fear and hatred. He was not supposed to show up here. That was 

not how she had planned it. 

	She watched the big man take a seat at the far end of the bar 

then felt a momentary spear of  panic when he used his index finger to 

call her over to him.

	Bottling up and attempting to mask a fright much greater 

than any child had embraced of creatures hidden under their beds at 

night, she went to where he sat.

	"Old Ace is fucking with me again little lady. I told you what 

I'd do to him if he ever fucked with me again."

	"No.... No we have your money.... All of it not just the 

payment. The full forty thousand. We've just been waiting for you to 

pick it up."

	"Okay. So where's it?" He asked.

	"We'll have the money at home, you can pick it up tonight at 

the house."

	"Old Ace ain't at the house I've just come from there. Where 

is good old Ace?"

	"I know... You don't think we'd leave that much money just 

laying around do you? Harry's getting it now. You'll have it tonight."

	He snickered a little. "You know you two sure are a trip. A 

fucking trip. Always fucking with me." Then in a much lower tone he 

said. "If I don't have that money in my hands tonight I'm going to fuck 

good old Ace up the ass, rip his heart out then fuck the hole in his 


	Sally did not reply.

	The big man looked across the bar at Sally. "By the way, you 

sure do look hot. God Damn! If your nipples were any bigger or harder 

they'd stretch that material tighter than a bull's ass at fly time." He 

leaned over the bar looking down. "Shit! I can see your little pussy 

crack and lips in them jeans too."

	"Tonight... Come by tonight." She was attempting to change 

the subject.

	"You can bet that firm little ass of yours I'll come by tonight. 

But for now let's go in the back room so we can discuss the details."

	Her heart started to pound. "There's nothing to discuss. Just 

come by and pick up the money. That's all there is."

	He leaned across the bar putting his face an inch away from 

hers. "I said we need to discuss some details. I can always bust up the 

bar then drag your sweet ass in the back or we can go nicely. Up to 


	  Using all her will power to control both fear and her 

bladder, afraid she might wet her pants, she ask Tonya to keep an eye 

on the place and headed toward the back where they stored the extra 

cases of beer and liquor, wondering if her plan was worth all this. The 

plans success depended on the big man picking up the money at their 

house, and she had to be there, not here at the bar. She found she had 

to concentrate to keep her knees from buckling as she walked.

	Once they were in the back room he reached around her body 

and stuffedhis hands under her jersey grasping her uncovered breasts. 

He kneaded and squeezed her soft mounds while pinching her hard 

nipples between his thumbs and forefingers. "God Damn! I almost 

forgot how nice your tits were. Here turn around and let me look at um 

again." He spun her around so she was facing him and raised her top 

exposing her breasts. "Oh yeah! You really got yourself a pair of 

peaches all right. Those melons look good enough to eat." He leaned 

down taking each nipple into his mouth drawing his tongue across the 

grained top surface.

	"Wait... Wait until tonight. Tonight I'll give you anything you 

want. I need to get back to the bar right now. Okay? If you wait I'll let 

you do anything to me you want to. Anything." Her stomach was 

churning so badly she felt she might throw up at any second.

	He pulled his mouth away from her breasts. "Remember when 

I said I almost forgot how nice your tits were... Well I sure never 

forgot how nice your pussy was. Your fucking cunt is as addicting as 

heroin. Get those jeans down I've got to pop you right now."

	"Tonight. I'll give it all to you then. Everything. Wouldn't you 

rather I gave it to you than you just taking it. You'd enjoy it a lot more 

I promise. And.... I could enjoy it too." She developed a lump in her 

throat and found the next words hard to say. "Tonight I'd like to feel 

your big stiff cock up my tight virgin ass hole. Nobody's ever fucked 

me there before. If you wait you can have my virgin hole."

	"Fuck that. You'll give me everything including your ass 

tonight anyway. Right now you've got my rod so fucking  hard if I 

don't slide it up in that snatch of yours it'll explode." He fumbled at her 

jeans snap with his hands. "Help me get these fucking things off now!" 

He reached down squeezed between her legs until she yelped in pain 

and helped him open her pants. 

	Not waiting for her to slide them down he griped the top of 

her jeans yanking them downward carrying her panties along with 

then. Almost instantly she felt his hard cock pushing upward between 

her legs probing at her slit opening. The tight jeans bundled just below 

her knees made for a tight fit but soon she felt the head of his dick 

push past her vagina lips and enter her, instantly she was slammed 

forward flat against the wall as he violently drove his flesh sword up to 

its hilt into her female sheath. He pounded into her from behind 

compressing her breasts flat on the smooth surface of the drywall. He 

continued pumping his swollen cock into her so vigorously several 

times she was literally lifted completely off the ground supported by 

nothing more than his throbbing lust shaft as it impaled her.

	"Ohhh... Fuckk.. Ohooo.. I'm not going to forget this pussy 

ever.  Ohhhh... Goddd....Aaaaa..." He took one of her breasts in one of 

his hand, using the other hand to grip over her blonde pubic hairs 

surrounding and over her mound. Both his hands started squeezing 

harder and harder until his pressure was released in the form of an 

orgasmic explosion pumping hot jizzum out of his balls, through his 

cock, and into Sally's non-consentual Vagina. "AAA.... Fuckkk.... 

Meee.. I love pumping my load inside you, you fucking slut! Can you 

feel it whore.... Aaaaaa... Can you feel my hot juice's filling your 

twat!... Ooooo...Yeah!" Then it was over. He had finally come.   

	His cock slipped out of her hole and he placed the palm of his 

hand flat across her ass feeling her cheeks. "Have I ever told you your 

a good piece of ass? I must have. Man! Your a good piece." Two of his 

fingers slipped into her ass crack spreading her rear cheeks apart. She 

felt one of his fingers lightly circle around her rear hole, then a sharp 

pain as the finger pushed in up to the first joint. "So tonight your 

going to let me fuck this tight virgin hole huh. My dick is getting hard 

just thinking about it. Make sure you have some boy butter on hand or 

my fat cock will rip that little hole apart. Kinda like ripping you a new 

ass hole." He laughed alone at his poor taste joke.

	He backed away and pulled up his pants. "Now you better 

listen little girl. I'll be over early this evening around ten and I expect 

the money to be there. No excuses. If it ain't there you ain't got no 

husband. You try and run I'll find you. Try and hide I'll find you. I will 

not be fucked with again. Comprenda." With that he turned and left.

	Fortunately there was a bathroom in the rear where Sally 

could wash off the cum that was running down her legs. She wished 

for a douse so she could flush out all traces of the pig's sperm inside of 

her, but without one available she cleaned up as well as she could, 

then pulled up her jeans and walked out into the bar on shaky legs.

	Tanya didn't ask her any questions and she didn't offer any 

explanations thankful for Tanya's discretion.

	At around two in the afternoon Harry showed up looking 

much more relaxed. He waved to Tonya then joined Sally behind the 

bar and gave her a peck on the cheek. The bar was fairly full and Sally 

had told him it might not look right if he gave her a full on kiss in 

front of customers. Customers liked to believe she was available to 

perhaps get lucky with. 

	"Hi." He said cheerfully. "How'd it go today?"

	"Okay." She answered. "Everything went okay."

	He looked at her. "You all right? You seem a little down."

	"I'm fine." She lied. "There's just some things I need to take 

care of. You and Tonya cover the bar, I'll see you at home tonight. Oh! 

Yeah! Your going to have to close early today I need you home by nine 


	"Huh! Why by nine? Sally... What's going on?"

	"You just be there. Gotta run. Nine right?"

	"Sally! Hey wait! Sally!" He called after her as she left 

without turning back.

	Because of the big man having shown up at the bar and not at 

her home, Sally changed the sequence of her plan just a little.	

	Sally retrieved the bag containing the forty thousand dollars 

from its hiding place, changed her top then drove to the address Harry 

had given her for the loan office. The loan office was located in one of 

the better parts of downtown on the top floor of a twenty story bank 

building, of all things.

	Sally took the express elevator to the top floor then stepped 

out intoa large reception area. 

	She walked over to a semi-circular counter with a mousy 

looking bleach blond woman seated behind it. The mousy blond 

looked up and Sally said. "I'm here to see Anthony Francella."

	"Do you have an appointment Miss....." The mouse asked in a 

snooty tone.         

	"Richards. And It's Mrs., Mrs. Harry Richards. And no I don't 

have an appointment, but I'm sure he'll see me. It's a matter of 


	"I'm sorry Mrs. Richards, but everything around here is a 

matter of money. Without an appointment There's nothing I can do." 

The mouse looked pleased with herself.

	"Yes there is. You can get on that intercom and let him know 

I'm here. He can make the decision whether or not to see me."

	"I'm sorry. That's impossible I....." The mouse started to say 

but was interrupted when Sally grabbed a handful of Bleached blond 

hair, yanked it sideways, then flung the mouse along with her roller 

chair across the room.

	Sally reached over the counter top and pushed down on the 

intercom button. "Yes?" A speakered voice ask from the box.

	"I'm Sally Richards. I'm out in your lobby and I have forty 

thousand dollars for you."

	A door to her right opened and a dark hared man at least as 

large a the big man stepped out. He didn't say a word but took the bag 

from Sally, opened it and looked inside, then returned it to her. "Gotta 

make sure you ain't packun. Hold up your arms." He said 


	Sally had seen enough movies to know she was going to be 

padded down so she lifted her arm even with her shoulders. The dark 

hared man ran his hands along her sides then slowed down a little 

when he rubbed her ass and breasts. "Sorry gotta check. Spread your 

legs." He told her not sounding sorry at all. Sally spread her legs and 

his hand slid back and forth over the jeans material. "Like I could hide 

anything in pants this tight." She said while he felt her crutch. 

	"Orders are orders." he answered. Then in a quieter tone 

added. "Some better than others."

	"Go ahead." He said pointing to the open door.

	Sally entered the office and the dark hared man remained 

outside but pulled the door closed after her. She saw a gray templed 

man between the age of fifty five to seventy five, she just couldn't tell, 

with heavy jowls and large bushy gray eye brows seated behind a large 

oak desk. He pointed to one of two chairs positioned across from his 

desk and sally sat in it.

	"Sally Richards." The man said. "I just looked at my records 

and came up with a Harry Richards. Any relationship?"

	"My husband Mister Francella." She answered.

	"I see. So... How may I be of service?"

	"Look...." Sally said. "This thing is really out of hand, I..."

	"Please. Mrs. Richards." He interrupted. "Perhaps this is a 

matter best handled by Mister Richards."

	"No sir. Not at all. Just hear me out. Please."

	"Very well, but please be brief. As much as I enjoy the 

company of a beautiful woman, unavoidably, I have other 



	"I will be brief sir. My husband took out a loan with... with 

your... a... company. And as I sure your aware, he had some trouble 

early on making the payments. Right?" She was very nervous and 


	Francella seemed annoyed with her pause and said. "Mrs. 

Richards, I'm aware of all that. The fact of the matter is he hasn't 

made any good faith attempt to repay this obligation what so ever. Not 

one thin dime have I seen Mrs. Richards. Please tell me something I 

don't already know."

	His words inspired her. She had assumed on only having 

suggestions in her arsenal to offer the big man's boss about the big 

man creaming funds off the top. Well, that and deliberately lying that 

she herself had given money to the big man which she felt had not 

been reported because of his constant demand for additional funds 

even after the months obligation had been met. 

	Now after finding out Francella hadn't received the thirty 

seven hundred and twelve dollars, her hunch about the big man had 

been confirmed. That same hunch had told her, her telling would not 

be the first time the big man's boss had heard he was stealing from 

him. She prayed that fact was correct.     

	"That just it Mister Francella," She said with all earnest. "he 

has made payments. I believe that....that thug you sent over has been 

keeping the money for himself, and if I'm any kind of judge of 

character I'm sure we're not the only one's he's doing it to." She paused 

again but this time Francella didn't seem to mind and waited for her to 


	"That's why I wanted to see you personally. If I gave the 

money to him I fear you would never see it. Here..." She stood up and 

set the bag of money on top of the desk then sat down again. "This is 

forty thousand dollars...It's actually more than we really owe you 

because... that... that monster kept every thing else for himself.... but 

Harry and I just have to end this thing... and we decided it was best to 

bring you the entire forty thousand in case you didn't believe us about 

him taking the money. So there..." She pointed to the bag. "...you take 

it and please, and please leave us alone." She buried her face in her 

hands and sobbed.

	Francella didn't say anything for several long seconds then 

joining his finger tips together forming a "v" with his hands just under 

his lower lip he said. "Here. Here. Mrs. Richards. I don't think it 

should come as a surprise, but this isn't the first time I've been told 

about Mark." Sally assumed Mark was the name of the big man. "Tell 

me Mrs. Richards, how much money had you and Mister Richards 

given to Mark?"

	"Twelve thousand two hundred and twelve dollars sir." She 

answered in her most honest straight forward voice.

	"Strange sum." He commented as he emptied the bag out onto 

the desk then returned twenty thousand dollars back to the bag. He 

stood up and handed the bag to Sally. "For your troubles Mrs. 

Richards. Consider your husbands 

loan paid."

	"Oh my. I.. I don't know what to say sir. Thank you." She 

said in her most grateful voice.	

	"Now if you will excuse me, that commitment I had 

mentioned." He held out his hand to help her out of the chair.

	"Oh yes sir of course. But what about Mark... you know if he 

comes around?"

	"I shouldn't worry about that Mrs. Richards. Mark will not be 

bothering anyone..." A short pause, then.... "again."

	"But sir... If he should... lets just suppose he did attempt to 

extort us again....would you have any problems if I gave him back to 

you say a little.... a little.... let's call it damaged?"

	He looked at her very strangely. "I detect there must be more 

to you than just meets the eye Mrs. Richards, but to answer your 

question. It wouldn't bother me in the very least."

	She offered him her most pleasant smile, then asked. 

"Assuming sir, he was to suffer some... of this damage, is there any 

appropriate place to return him to you? I certainly don't think you'd 

appreciate finding him here at your offices."

	Now he offered her a smile. "I'm grateful for your 

consideration Mrs. Richards. I think pier twelve, dock nine at 

warehouse "D "would be acceptable."

	Sally returned home and after taking several of the specialty 

items she had purchased from the sex shop out of the black plastic bag, 

she cleverly attached them to the rafters and walls inside the garage. 

Satisfied with the new garage decorations she inspected the 9mm 

automatic, making sure it was loaded and the safety was off then made 

herself a pot of strong black coffee and waited for Harry to come home 

and ten o'clock.

	Phase two of her plan was a little out of order but was 




	Harry arrived home just a little before nine. He had decided 

he would demand Sally tell him what the hell was going on. She had 

been acting so strangely lately it started to worry him. He knew with 

all the trouble they were in and the things the big man had forced her 

to do was explanation for a lot of it but still her not talking to him 

about why they should wait for the big man to show up rather than just 

paying off the loan, along with all the unexplained errands she always 

seemed to be running had become just to concerning. Yes, he would 

demand she let him be a part of what was going on.

	He stepped through the doorway and immediately froze in his 

tracks. He knew he must have turned completely pale and thought his 

heart skipped several beats, standing directly in front of him was a 

nervous looking Sally with legs spread wide apart and clutched tightly 

within her grip she held a gun, its muzzle pointed directly at his mid-


	"Oh shit! Harry!" She said when she recognized him. "Come 

in and close the door." She lowered the muzzle of the 9MM so it 

pointed toward the ground.

	He couldn't move for several seconds then some of the initial 

panic wore off and he said. "Jesus Christ Sally! What the fuck!"

	"Harry! Get in here! And close that damn door!" She waved 

the gun beckoning him inside.

	He stepped into the room, pulling the door closed behind him. 

"God Damn it Sally! You better tell me what the fuck in going on 

here! I...."

	"It's all right Harry, I'll..." She cut him off.

	"It's all right my ass!" He cut her off this time. "You've been 

telling me it's all right for two God damn weeks now, and it isn't all 

right! Jesus Christ Sally! A gun! A fucking Gun! What the hell are 

you going to do with a gun?"

	"Harry, just calm down and I'll explain."

	"God damn right you will!" He was still upset at having a gun 

pointed at him. He now realized unless it happened to you, no one 

could really understood how freighting it was having a gun pointed at 

them, an immediate void where the stomach once was and the 

overpowering feeling of being completely and totally at someone else's 


	He calmed down a little then continued. "Look Sally if that 

gun's for the bastard that beat and almost raped you that's not the 

answer. God only knows if anybody deserved to die it would be that 

son-of-a-bitch, but he sure as hell isn't worth going to prison over. 

Let's talk this over and...."

	Now Sally's anger flared up a little. "Shit Harry! You can be 

such a God damn twit at times! I'm not going to kill him! I'm just 

going to make sure he'll  never do to anybody else what he did to us. 

He's a scum bag worm, the lowest form of life and unless someone 

teaches them a lesson, life forms like him just continue on, breeding 

and multiplying and polluting the earth around them, while praying on 

the weak and decent of the world."

	She took a deep breath before continuing. "So you listen 

Harry and you listen good! I'm doing this thing with or without you, 

but by God I'm doing it!"

	Harry had never seen her quite so adamant about anything 

and didn't know what to make of it. "Jesus Sally," He said in a mild 

tone. "This is just so unlike you. So unlike us. I mean gun's and 

dealing with people like him and well.. you seem so... I don't know... 

so malicious for lack of a better term."

	"Malicious? Harry you haven't seen malicious yet! I didn't ask 

for any of this to happen, but I was thrown into the pool of filth people 

like him livein, and its been said that we are all a product of our 

environment, well Harry for tonight at least, what you see standing 

before you is the product of that man's environment, and I intend on 

living the part. You had better get it into your head that I am not going 

to be a good little girl to that bastard, and if you can't take the heat get 

the hell out of the kitchen, because I'll be your sweet little wife in the 

morning again, but as for tonight, if you decide to stay I don't want 

any bullshit out of you no matter what happens. If you even so much as 

question what I'm doing I'll leave you for good, that's how important 

this thing is to me Harry. Do you understand?"

	Harry was at a loss for words, standing transfixed but when 

she continued burning holes in his eyes with hers he managed a nod.

	"I need to make sure you absolutely understand me Harry." 

She said. "If you want, you can leave right now and tomorrow we'll 

return to being the same happy couple we've always been, or you stay 

and help me without any objections or reservation about what I do to 

that bastard, and just as if you left, tomorrow we'll go on with our lives 

as if nothing ever happened, but if you decide to stay and you get in 

my way at all, or try to stop me, or even......, now listen up here harry, 

even offer any objection, you and I are done forever. I'll never come 

back to you Harry! Never! That's the deal, no negotiations. Do you 

understand it Harry? I mean really understand it?"

	Harry knew what his decision would be even before she 

finished talking. All of a sudden he didn't care what she had in mind 

for the big man, deep inside he felt pangs of guilt for not feeling as 

strongly about him as she did.After all it was him that had brought all 

this on them. Yes, he would help her, and perhaps he would even 

derive some inner self satisfaction. He wasn't normally a violent man 

but in this case he knew the big man deserved to die. Fuck it he told 

himself. if she asks me to kill the bastard I'll do it, and screw 

everything else. "I'll stay," He finally said. "and I understand 

completely and no matter what happens I love you. So tonight we 

dance with the devil himself if necessary."

	"Okay partner, let's rock and roll on the dark side." She said, 

not even sounding the least bit hesitant. 

	Mark the big man arrived at the Richards house at around 

nine forty five. He checked the front door and finding it unlocked 

arrogantly let himself in without knocking. He had seen hundreds of 

couples such as the Richards, theywere all the same, spineless, useless 

little people that rarely fought back. He knew there was a fine line on 

how far you could push the little people, having crossed that line in the 

past, but if that occurred he'd just crush them like you'd squash an ant 

that happened to stray onto your path. Yeah, even if they did fight 

back they didn't put up much of a fight. They were way out of their 

league when they fucked with him. Yes sir, the whole bunch of them 

were little useless chicken shits, but they sure could be fun. 

	He remembered Sally Robertson and how he had felt the two 

times he was fucking her, his cock buried deep inside her tight cunt 

and the feel of her soft inner flesh as it enfolded around his hot meat. 

But, it wasn't the fact that he was fucking her that turned him so 

much, no it never was, it was the power and the control and the 

humiliation he had over her, and all the others that really got him 

going. The more frightened they were, the hotter he got, and he knew, 

as a rule, nothing frightened a woman more than being taken against 

her will.

	He was looking forward to tonight, and felt himself 

developing a woody just thinking about driving his hard dick up Sally 

Richards ass, but he also knew he would have to dispose of her 

husband in some way, either by kicking theshit out of him or tying 

him up at least. Fucking a man's wife in the ass was one of those fine 

lines that could really piss off one of these little useless shits. He didn't 

think old Harry the Ace would put up much of a fight, after all look at 

what good old Ace had put up with the first time. Even if he hadn't 

been awake when his wife was being raped he must have seen her 

being forced to take a stiff dick into her mouth, and that too, is usually 

another one of them fine lines. Naw, old Ace was a pussy. Shit even if 

the beating he had taken had kept him out of action that night, you'd 

think old Ace would at least come-a-looking when he got better. Yep, 

Ace was a pussy all right, but for tonight he'd put him out of 

commission anyway, he didn't want the little shit interfering with what 

he had in mind for Mrs. Ace. Yes sir, tonight he would take his time 

with her making sure he left a load of hot cum in every hole she had 

and even inflect a little pain too. By the time he was finished with her 

tonight she'd be so frightened of him if he just said the word "fuck" 

she'd rip off her panties and open her thighs for him without thinking 

about it.

	In some ways he almost hoped they didn't have the money. It 

would be kind of fun forcing old ace down on his hands and knees and 

fucking him in the ass while Mrs. Ace looked on knowing she was 

next. Yeah! That would be great!    


	He walked into the living room and found it unoccupied. 

"Hey Ace!" He yelled. "Get your ass in here! You've got company!"

	Sally Richards stepped out of the kitchen holding the 9MM 

automatic in her right hand. The muzzle of the gun didn't waver an 

inch and remained steadily pointing in the middle of the big mans 

chest. "This is a 9mm automatic.It has a clip that holds thirty six 

rounds of ammunition. If I see as much as one hair on your head 

move, I'll unload the entire clip into your worthless hide." Her voice 

was calm, steady and confident.

	Harry followed her out of the kitchen and took a position by 

her side.

	The big man was momentarily shocked, but only 

momentarily. This shit had been tried before, and he always came out 

on top. He'd cross one of the fine lines and one of the little worms 

would grow some balls, but the balls would always fall off. Shit not a 

one of them had ever shown enough spine to actually shoot to kill, and 

in most cases they froze even before they could pull the trigger. "You 

stupid cunt! Do you really... Awwwwaaa."

	He never got the opportunity to finish the sentence because 

searing pain radiated from his right foot and he fell sideways onto the 

floor clutching the painful foot between his hands.

	The moment he had started to speak Sally pointed the muzzle 

of the gun downward and squeezed the trigger of the automatic. There 

was an almost ear shattering noise in the confined room when the 

9mm shell exploded sending high velocity lead into the top of the big 

mans right foot, then out through his instep and finally burying itself 

in the hard wood flooring under his shoe.Sally had actually been 

aiming between his feet and not trying to hit him, but so be it.

	"Harry! Get over there and get his gun! HURRY!" Sally 

yelled to her husband.   

	Harry didn't move and sally pushed his left shoulder. "Damn 

it! Hurry!"

	Even as Harry was moving toward him the big man started to 

roll onto his back and one blood covered hand started moving toward 

the gun he carried in a shoulder holster under his jacket.

	Harry moved faster closing the distance between him and the 

big man very quickly. He lashed out with his right foot delivering a 

wicked blow to the big man's rib cage. The kick knocked all the wind 

out of the big man's lungs momentary stunning him. Harry lashed out 

again with his foot this time catching the big man on the right temple 

and slamming his head sideways. Harry lashed out a third time with 

his foot aiming once again for the big man's temple, but his foot 

missed the mark and drove savagely into the soft fleshy area of the big 

man's neck.

	"Shit! Don't kill him Harry! Just get the gun. Better get his 

knife too." Sally said stepping forward and picking up the black plastic 

bag with the remainder of the specialty sex items in it.

	Harry took the big man's gun and knife with out any struggle. 

The three hard kicks Harry had delivered along with bullet wound 

shock, had rendered the big just on the verge of unconscious.

	"Good!" Sally told Harry after he had retrieved the weapons. 

"Put them in here." She held the black plastic out to him. "Now," She 

said after the big man's weapons were safely deposited in the bag. 

"take his jacket, shirt, and shoes off."

	Harry looked over at his wife questionably. "Remember, no 

questions." She reminded him.

	Harry shrugged his shoulders and went about the task of 

removing the big man's clothing. It was exceedingly difficult removing 

the big mans shirt and jacket because of the mans size and inability to 

help, but when he removed the right shoe the big man even with the 

stupor he was in began screaming and rolling around with pain 

making the job only that much more difficult. After he had both shoes 

off, Harry held both of his palms up indicating he wished to know 

from Sally what she wanted him to do about the mans socks.

	"Yeah. Take them off as well." She answered his outstretched 


	Sally had Harry pour some rubbing alcohol over the big mans 

injured foot, this causing another fit of screaming and twisting, then 

she instructed him to apply a heavy pack of gauss to both sides of the 

wound and tape the whole thing up.   

	Sally rummaged inside the black plastic bag and withdrew 

four three inch wide leather straps. Each strap, two slightly larger, had 

heavy metal rings affixed near their centers and heavy metal clasps 

attached at each end. She handed them to Harry and said. "Put these 

around his wrists and ankles. The bigger one's are for the ankles."

	Harry did as she requested not even remotely understanding 

the purpose of what looked to him like four small dog collars.

	Sally rummaged in the bag once again and took out a small 

brown glass bottle and folded piece of cloth. She unscrewed the lid 

from the bottle then poured a little of its contents onto the cloth. Using 

the damp cloth, she covered the big mans mouth and nose with it for 

several seconds until even the small amount of struggling he had been 

doing ceased all together. "Formaldehyde." She explained. "I don't 

want to take any chances, he's a big son-of-a-bitch and I want him 

good and secure when he wakes up."

	She went back to the black plastic bag and pulled out yet 

another leather strap. This one was quite different from the previous 

four in that it was much thinner and had a large rubber ball in its 

center. Sally stuffed the ball into the big mans mouth then lifting his 

head she fastened both ends of the straps together creating a most 

perfect gag.   

	"Jesus Christ!" Harry said after she had finished with the 

gag." Where in the world did you ever learn about leather hardware 

like this stuff?"

	"These are all the toys big boys and girls play with on the 

dark side. Remember tonight that's your and my playground." She 

reminded him.

	"Humm." He commented shaking his head wondering what in 

the hell else she could possibly have in that black plastic bag.

	"Come on," Sally said. "help me drag him into the garage. I 

don't have any idea how long he'll be out."

	Together they pulled the big mans unconscious body through 

the kitchen and into the garage. Harry was surprised to find several 

chains with snap hooks on their ends attached to the ceiling rafters 

and far walls of the garage. He didn't say anything and only watched 

while sally attached a ceiling chain to each of the leather straps on the 

big mans wrists then a wall chain to each of his ankles. She pulled the 

chains taunt leaving him in a uncomfortable sitting position, held up 

by his outstretched arms.  	

 	"Now what?" Harry asked when his wife had finished 

chaining him.

	"Now we wait. I want him good and alert." She answered 


	Sally went upstairs and undressed. She put on a knee length 

skirt, absent of both slip and underwear and a loose fitting tank top tee 

shirt, which she had cut so it just barely managed to cover her breasts.

	When she got back downstairs, she joined Harry in the living 

room, who had fixed himself a stiff scotch and was obviously 

attempting to make short work of it. "I think I'll join you." She said 

walking to the bar and pouring herself four of five fingers of the clear 

light brown liquid.

	Harry noticed the odd way she was dressed but did not 

comment. He was finding it difficult to honestly believe they had done 

what they had just done, but strangely enough he liked it.

	About an hour and three scotch doubles later they heard 

chains being rattled and scraped and banged around and knew the big 

man had finally come to life.

	"Sounds like two skeletons fucking on a tin roof." Sally 

commented at the noise coming from the garage. "I guess our partner 

is ready to dance."


	They found the big man had gotten to his feet, obviously 

favoring his right foot, yanking and pulling at the chains in an attempt 

to free himself. Having noticed Sally and Harry enter the garage he 

ceased struggling with his bonds and stood glaring at them with 

venomous contempt in his eyes.

	Sally pulled both of the wrist chains taunt leaving him spread 

eagle upright with arms high over his head and constantly switching 

between the toe and heal of his injured foot to help relieve the pain 

standing on it caused.

	Sally pushed a heavy wooden crate behind the big man. The 

crate had been used to ship ceramic tiles and was six feet long by four 

feet wide and about one foot in height. Using the crate as a step stool 

she loosened the connections on the gag straps and allowed the gag to 

dangle around his neck. "You fucking bitch! When I get out of here  

you'll wish you were dead! I'm going to make you sorry you were ever 

born! You don't even know who your fucking with!" He yelled as soon 

as his mouth was  free of the ball.

	Sally stepped off the crate and walked around to faced him. 

Reaching into the black plastic bag she withdrew a two foot long horse 

crop. Raising the crop over her head she brought it down in a viscous 

arc across his chest. "Awoo.." He yelled feeling the sting of the crop.

	"If you yell any more I'll be forced to gag you again." She hit 

him with the crop a second time only harder. "Owww...Goodddd." He 


	"Listen.." He said. "Lets.....Owwwww.." She struck him 


	"No talking!" She told him, then reaching into the plastic bag 

she brought out his stiletto knife. She pushed the button on the knifes 

handle and watched the thin surgical blade extract. After removing his 

belt she used the knife to cut away his pants and underwear. During 

the cloth surgery he fidgeted and constantly asked her what she was 

doing. She remained silent then took a step back to admire her work of 

getting him completely necked.

	"You are the most despicable piece of crap there is." She said.

	"Fuck you bitch!" He answered.

	"Do you remember theses." She asked pulling her tee shirt 

over her head exposing her bare breasts to him. "Would you like to 

feel them.. hum?"

	She looked between his legs but didn't see any indication of 

an erection. "Oh! It seems my titties don't turn you on anymore. Maybe 

this will get you hard." She lifted the hem of her skirt and bundled it 

around her waist."You told me you'd never forget this pussy. You said 

it was as addicting as cocaine. Well.... Look at it. Look at my hot tight 

cunt. Doesn't it get you 


	He turned his head to the side. "Fuck you!"

	Sally used the horse crop on his chest several times raising 

nasty red welts wherever it landed. "I said look at my pussy! Now 

Look!" Sally felt a tingling between her legs and she was starting to 

get wet. Torturing this bastard was really turning her on.

	He looked down between her legs with obvious pain in his 


	"Hummm.... Even looking at my pussy isn't getting you hard. 

What ever am I to do? Oh. I know... let me give it a little help." She 

took his soft member into her hand and started stroking back a forth 

on it. After a few minutes she felt her fingers slowly spreading apart as 

blood pumped into his organ stiffening it. "Oh yes. Here it comes. Oh. 

Look how hard it's getting."She continued stroking back and forth 

until he was in full erection, then she took a step away from him.

	"Oh my. Look at how big and hard it is. Oooo.... Whatever 

are we going to do with it. Should we put it inside my tight little hole? 

Or maybe you'd like me to suck it! Would you like to fuck me in the 

mouth? No! I believe it's been bad." Using the horse crop she swung 

downward very quickly three times across his erect cock bursting 

blood vessels in the appendage with each "SWAT" of rawhide covered 

plastic against flesh. She could feel her pussy nectar running down her 

thighs now, as sexual desire pounded along her clitoris and loins. She 

was having a difficult time concentrating on anything but the feel of a 

hard cock filling her. 

	The big man pulled and yanked at his bonds crying out in 

excruciating pain then dropped his chin onto his chest in exhaustion.

	"Well my goodness! Just listen to the racket your making. 

Whatever will the neighbors be thinking? I'm afraid your just going to 

have to wear your little mouth piece, since you can't behave." She 

climbed back onto the crate and in spite of his struggling she re-

gagged him.

	"Look at what you've done to me. God you gotten me so hot!" 

She ran her hand between her legs saturating it with her juice's then 

standing on tip toes she smeared it all over the big mans face.

	"Hmmm.... "She said looking up at him. "What's that you 

say? You don't know what that is. Oh I see you only fuck women by 

force. Now I understand Well, you see when a woman is a willing 

partner she gets excited and lubricates herself and... Oh never mind 

I'm sure you don't have any use for that information. You couldn't get 

an erection with a willing partner anyway."

	Sally reached into the black plastic bag and took out a jar of 

KY-jelly. "Remember," She said to the big man. "you told me I should 

have some boy butter on hand. I didn't forget. See." She held up the jar 

for his inspection. "And," She continued. "I brought a big... a big... Oh 

what do you call this thing?"

	She reached into the bag and withdrew a foot long extra large 

in diameter slick black dildo and held it up. 

	When he saw the dildo he began struggling again his eyes 

becoming large as saucers. 

	Sally watched him twist and turn and said. "You shouldn't get 

that upset at not knowing with this is called. We'll get it. Hmmm.... I 

seem to remember it sounds like some a wild dog in Australia or 

something... Bingo.. Ringo... No... Hmmm... Dingo. Yes! That's it. It's 


	She hummed to herself as she open the jar of K-jelly and 

applied it to the surface of the dildo, but the feel of the smooth surface 

on her hand running along its length got her as horny as ever she had 

been. If the drive to destroy the animal that was chained before her 

had been any weaker she would have demanded Harry fuck her right 

then and there over and over again until the heat she felt and the relief 

she so badly needed was appeased. Then she also remembered she 

needed Harry's cock for another more important purpose and held her 

own need's in check.

	Standing on the crate once again she probed at the big mans 

anal opening with the lubricated dildo. He moved his body in every 

direction unconcerned with his painful foot, so frightened was he of 

that large hard object being forced into his body.

	Sally was relentless and persisted time and time again 

moving with him. Once again the adage "If at first you don't succeed  

try, try again." proved itself once more. After numerous try's Sally felt 

the head of the dildo pushinto his anal hole. 

	He jerked forward and muffled cries of pain spewed from the 

corners of the ball in his mouth. After several minuets he relaxed a 

little and Sally took that opportunity to ram the hard long rod home. 

The pain was so sever after several gasps he passed out. Sally noticed 

blood running out of his ass and flowing down his cheeks.

	"Okay Harry. This is your dance." She said turning to her 

husband. She reached into the black plastic bag and took out a 

wrapped condom and tossed it to him.

"When he comes to, fuck him in the ass."

	"Your out of your mind! No fucking way! I can't do that!" He 

had stood by silently watching someone he didn't even recognize as his 

wife inflict pain and torture and humiliation as easily as if she were 

cleaning house. He had become mesmerize and perhaps even a little 

afraid of her watching the spectacle. But now she wanted him to 

sodomize a man. It would be impossible for him even if the idea wasn't 

so utterly repugnant. After watching everything that occurred, getting 

a hard on was completely out of the question.

	"This is the dark side Harry. You can and will or leave now!" 

She was un-wavered in her persistence.

	"No!" He said. "Come on! Shit!"

	"Do you want to leave? Remember our pact. Well....." She 


	"No I don't want to leave. But... Well.. Shit I couldn't even get 

it hard."

	"Maybe not. But I'll help. We'll get it hard together. Come up 

here on 

the crate with me." She stepped onto the crate.

	Reluctantly he joined her on the crate. If he had not 

consumed so much alcohol earlier in the evening he probably would 

not have found the courage to even consider what she asked.  She 

undid his pants and let  them fall to his ankles, then she took his soft 

prick in her hand and rubbed along it. "Don't look at, or even think 

about him. Think about fucking me. Think about your cock plunging 

in and out of my hot, wet pussy. Ohoooo..... Yeah!  Fuck me honey. 

Oh! Fuck the shit out of me. You feel so good inside of me. Your so 

big and hard. Oh give it to me. Give it all to me. Fill me with your 

cream baby!" 

	She heard the big man stirring and knew he was about to 

wake up. 

	She took her husbands balls into her hand, gently massaging 

them, then bending over she took his now semi-hard cock into her 

mouth sucking the entire thing in. As it stiffened in her mouth she 

dropped down to he knees and tilted her head backward allowing the 

head of her husbands dick to slip past her gag point and down into her 

throat. Harry felt his cock slip down into the tight hole of Sally's neck 

and thought of nothing else, she had never allowed him access to that 

part of her body before. His eyes closed in fevered heat.

	Sally took the condom from Harry's hand and ripped open its 

covering while bobbing her head forward and back taking Harry's dick 

deep into her throat on each up stroke.

	The big man had woken up and was attempting to see what 

was going on behind him when sally took Harry's cock out of her 

mouth and quickly slipped on the condom.

	She continued jacking Harry off with her hand and yanked 

the dildo out of the big mans ass at the same time. "Oh! Harry! Fuck 

me baby. Fuck my wet pussy raw. Then I'll deep throat you and let you 

come down my throat so I don't miss swallowing any of your hot 

juices." Then she guided Harry's cock into the big mans ass and 

Yelled." That's it Harry! Fuck me hard. Oooo.... I love your big cock! 

Pound me Harry! Pound in my pussy! Your so big and hard! Ohooo.... 

" And harry pumped driving his stiff rod into the big mans ass hole.  

	The big man felt himself getting butt fucked and screamed 

time and time again into the rubber ball unable to vocalize any of the 

torment he felt.

	When Harry finished Sally reached into the black plastic bag 

for one last time. Out of the bag came a small leather pouch with two 

pockets about the size of a man's scrotum. The pouch had attached to 

it two small chains, about three feet in length with a sharp needle on 

one end. There was a  thin leather tie string on the pouch so it could be 

tied at the top.

	The big man could only watch while Sally slipped his balls 

into the leather pouch. Then using the tie strings she attached it to his 

scrotum. Taking the small chains she drove their sharp needles under 

each of his nipples piercing them thereby connecting his tits to his 

balls via the thin chains. He screamed in agony and pain into the 

rubber ball as the needles punctured his skin causing blood to flow 

down his chest.

	Sally walked over to the workbench and took down Harry's 

propane torch. Using the torches self igniting feature a steady blue 

yellow flame soon streamed consistently from its tip.

	Giving the big man some time to recuperate from having had 

his nipples pierced, Sally once again picked up the stiletto. Looking 

directly into his face she said. "In as much as you have those two little 

chains to hold up your balls you won't be needing that little piece of 

skin on your crotch to hold up your scrotum. I think I'll just cut it in 

two. Seeing as how it's extra." 

	The big man screamed internally so hard the blood vessels on 

his neck stood out as if they had a life of their own. She allowed him 

enough time to fully understand he was about to be castrated.

	Sally leaned over and took the little leather pouch into her 

hand, then slowly drew the thin blade of the stiletto across the small 

piece of skin that attached a mans scrotum to his body. 

	The big mans balls came free hanging suspended in the little 

pouch supported by the thin chains pierced under the mans nipples. 

Blood spurted in every direction. Sally quickly picked up the torch and 

cauterize the area between the big mans ball-less crotch, scorching a 

lot of flesh between his legs in the process.

	Harry threw up, emptying his stomach's contents of 

everything he had eaten that day, along with all the Scotch he had 

consumed earlier.


	The big man passed out and Sally knew he would be out for a 

long time.           


	Harry and Sally dropped off the unconscious big man at pier 

twelve, warehouse "D" At around two A.M.


	Affixed to one of the small chains still attached to the big 

mans breast was an envelope addressed to Mister A.F.

	Inside  this envelope was eight thousand and forty dollars that 

Sally had found in the Big mans pockets, and a note.

	The note read:

		Dear Mister A.F.

		As I had feared some slight damage has occurred 	

		with your property. 


		Please accept my sincere apologies for any 		

		inconvenience this may cause you.

		Enclosed please find eight thousand and forty dollars

		found on your damaged goods.

		Very sincerely yours, S.R



	The big man, Mark was never heard from again.


	Sally took the twenty thousand dollars that had been returned 

to her by Anthony Francella and gave it to Symore as partial payment 

for the loan.

	She told him that originally she had never intended on 

repaying him and he simply answered. "I know."

	She eventually repaid him the entire amount from profits 

out of the 'Goal line', but never let him sleep with her.


	The 'Goal line' sports bar continued to do very well and now 

has four young, sexy waitresses to help out... and more.


	Harry climbed into a shell and does little with his life 

allowing Sally to manage just about everything.


	Sally continues to feel good about herself. Enjoying life in

different ways now.

	Her adventures when two men came into the 'Goal line' and 

told her she would have to purchase all the clubs alcohol and 

entertainment from them exclusively, forced her back into the dark 

side once again..... But then, that's another story......


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