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Article 2 of 43

Subject:      THE PIRATE 2/5
From:         rdragon@ix.netcom.com(***)
Date:         1996/11/23
Message-Id:   <577qhv$3vf@sjx-ixn3.ix.netcom.com>
Organization: Netcom
X-Netcom-Date: Sat Nov 23  1:32:47 PM PST 1996
Newsgroups:   alt.sex.stories

                        THE LESSONS BEGIN
                           By JOHN

You wait for me to take you, to pleasure you, as only a man can.
At last you will feel that pleasure, that warm, tingling intimacy
that until now has only been the subject of your private, guilty
speculation, and you close your eyes in anticipation.

You sigh, the taste of my passion still damp upon your lips, and
wait for the feeling of my warm hands, exploring the now eager
length of your young body.

And yet you are surprised by the harsh sound of the door bolt
being pulled back, and the feeling of cold salt air entering an
open doorway.  Your eyes fly open as you realize I am leaving.

"Oh, ho, where are you off to now, you blackguard," you taunt,
wriggling sinuously.  "Off to take the virtue of yet another woman
in one of your many taverns at your next port-of-call?"  You find
a curious mixture of dissappointment and relief swirling through
your now-warmed heart.

I pause before slamming the door behind me.  "Ah, my dark captive,
don't you worry... it is your virtue that is to be my next prize.
Allow me but a brief time to secure the deck for this incoming storm,
and I will return to plunge my pirate's rapier deep within you.
Tonight you are but a girl... but by tomorrow morning, you will
truly be a woman indeed."

Your face twists into a grimace as you react to my taunting words.
"I am a woman now."

I smile, a knowing look on my face as my eyes rake across your naked
body with insulting familiarity.  "We will see," I murmur, and then
am gone.

Minutes pass, and you lay with a curious sense of lethargy, sinking
into the warm bedding, still flushed with your passion of a few
moments before.  You listen to the wind outside, beginning to pick up
in pitch, and feel the gentle swaying of the ship beneath you.

Your eyes close again, as you try to sort out the myriad emotions
that flicker within you.  To know such passion is something you have
always longed for... but like this?  And the fear of change overtakes
you, as well, the fear that after this night you will never be the
same, and that your life alone with your governess will never again be

Lost in thought, and lulled by the rocking of the waves, you drift
into sleep.  You don't even notice your bonds holding your wrist slowly
working their way free as you enter the comfortable familarity of
your dreams.

In your dreams, you meet with the lover you have met many times before,
in fantasies that would come to you as half-remembered visions, as you
rose the morning after, a gentle smile on your lips.  And yet now he
has a new-found solidity, and the dream has so many new details that
were a mere haze of longing before.

Again and again, you feel the hard warmth part your lips, feel the hot
flush overtake your body as your passion rises in time with his
a warm, hard intrusion deep in your throat... and again and again you
taste the hot, violent spurts of his love, overwhelming you as you
spasmodically, your eyes opening to fix upon your lover... to find that
this time, he is wearing the clothes of a pirate... and he is reaching
for the warmth of your inner being, slowly stroking you there as he
approaches you purposefully with his long, stiff manhood...

Your first thought, as you slowly awake, is to notice the aching of
muscles as you move your arms slowly.  "Did we..." you think, then your
memory returns.  "Not yet!"  Then you realize that your hands are no
longer bound!  You look in wonderment to the lengths of leather at your
wrists, now slack and untied from the rough bed frame.

"Should have tied me tighter, John," you murmur in satisfaction, as
you leap from the bed and look around uncertainly.  One could hardly
escape from a pirate's ship naked as the day she was born!  And yet
you spy a familiar pattern of cloth and uncover your travelling bag,
captured with you during the boarding of the Sea Nymph.  You break
into a smile as you rummage through the bag for some servicable

You find a plain cloth dress that would serve you well in the cold
outside, and begin pulling it out when you hear a faint cough behind

"Actually, I was thinking you'd look better in the lace of the white
nightgown that you tucked away in that bag, my lovely captive," I
interrupt with a lascivious chuckle.

You whirl about, clutching the fabric of the dress against your body
to hide your nakedness, your eyes whirling about looking for escape.
"You devil!  You snuck up on me!"

"Aye, and I will do more than that, my sweet prize.  Get back on my
bed.  You are mine now."  I approach you purposefully.

Thoughts of flight slowly ebb as you realize that you are helpless,
aboard a pirate ship anchored in the middle of a storm-tossed bay,
locked in the cabin of a pirate captor who is determined to take
your innocence from you as surely as the morning will bring the dawn.

"Don't fight it, Nicole," I sooth.  "This was ordained in the stars,
as surely as we breathe.  I have dreamed of love, of passion, but
never before knew what I longed for... until now."

A pause, and then my voice begins again, mesmerizing, soothing.
"I want you, Nicole.  Don't deny me.  Feel that warmth between your
thighs, even now trickling from deep within you?  You want it too,
don't you?"

As if still within your dreams, you slowly reach into the bag for the
fragile wisps of lace that your pirate captor has demanded, and with
slow, languid movements, you pull it on, staring as if hypnotised at
the rapidly lengthening evidence of my arousal beneath my breeches.

"Yes, someday I will return you to the mainland, and your life there.
But let us drink deep of love while we may, my innocent one.  Let me
have you, let me love you.  I have need of your tenderness, your
soft sex surrounding my hard, thrusting need."

Your thoughts are a tumult within you as you are meekly led to the
bed as an innocent lamb to slaughter, and you raise your hands to
accept your bonds once again, as you gaze deep within the steely
eyes of the man to whose passion you have now chosen to surrender.

The soft leather tightens around your wrists once more, and you are
held fast upon my bed, helpless to resist me.  You watch as I pull
my clothing from my body, revealing my hard, insistent desire.

"The lessons begin," I declare with a smile, and I trace my hot member
slowly over your face, down your throat, and across your breasts,
against one nipple.  "What is this?"

"That is your male..." you begin, then falter as you watch my face,
a slight scowl marring my features.  "That is... your... cock,"
you murmur with an embarrassed flush.

"Yery good," I murmur, desire deepening my voice.  "What is it?" I

Your voice becomes bolder.  "It is your cock," you sigh.

I climb onto the bed and push a wisp of lace aside to slowly massage
breasts with my warm hands.  "And what am I going to do with my cock?"

You flinch, and turn aside.  "You... will..."

I ease your thighs apart, and part the wet tangle of hair there with
the warmth of my fingers.  "Yes, my love," I murmur.  "What will I
do with my cock?"

"You will love... you will... will take..."  You watch my face cloud
over again, and turn to face me again.  Desire begins to overtake you,
and your body can no longer hide its response.  Your breath is coming
faster now.

"You will fuck me," you correct yourself, ending with a gasp as you
feel my fingers enter deep within you.  "You will... FUCK me," you
repeat, this time without urging, as my insistent fingers find your
wet warmth and rub gently within it.

"You will... FUCK... me...  FUCK me...!" you gasp, and this time it is
a plea, a cry from the depths of your soul, an urgent request...  a
that I could not deny, even if I were to try....

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