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Article 37 of 134

Subject:      <<REPOST>>  The Reluctant Film Star  by Dawson  (M+/f, nc)  2/3
From:         an449094@anon.penet.fi (JDawson)
Date:         1996/08/24
Message-Id:   <035305Z24081996@anon.penet.fi>
Newsgroups:   alt.sex.stories,alt.sex.spanking
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WARNING: This story contains strong themes of coercion and forced
sexual behavior. It is intended as a work of fiction for ADULTS only,
and the writer does not in any way suggest or condone similar behavior.

The Reluctant Film Star
by James Dawson
Part Two - The Second Interview

If she had looked nervous the first time she'd entered the elegant
suite that Jack was staying in, this time she was twice so. She walked
in slowly, as though she were making her way through a forest and not
sure which way to go. She smiled nervously as Jack greeted her.
        She looked wonderful. She was wearing a white blouse with an
embroidered design, also done in white, on the shoulders and over her
breasts. The blouse pulled in tight at the waist, and fitted into a
black skirt that went down to her knees. She followed his advice, and
had not worn tights this time. Her legs were bare, down to the same
white high heels she had worn before.
        The room looked the same as it had several days before, except
that all of the video gear was now set up around the couch and plush
chairs. Jack had told her on the phone that he had good news, that she
had got the part, and that he would need to shoot an interview with
her. He also mentioned a substantial amount of money.
        Her face seemed surprise at seeing another man in the room. He
was much older, and very overweight and did not seem to fit the
beautiful surroundings. He looked seedy. Jack introduced him as Bud
Carlisle. He was, Jack told her, a top notch camera man who would be
shooting their interview. She gave him a nervous smile.
        Jack took hold of her arm and began to lead her towards the
opposite end of the room, away from the makeshift set. He said he
wanted a word with her before they started. He could see concern in her
big blue eyes as he le
d her near where the cameras had been set up the last time she had been
        He repeated that she had been the one picked for the role, and
congratulated her. Her eyes closed briefly in relief. She opened them
again and studied him earnestly. He personally, he told her, was very
happy that she ha
d got the part. It had come down to three women, and he had cast his
vote for her he said. There were just a couple of things to sort out,
        "We will be shooting in Thailand for at least two months, maybe
longer. Are you sure you're available?
        She nodded yes enthusiastically.
        "I ask," he continued, "because the weather there is notoriously
bad, and sometimes delays are inevitable. We will also need to get you
a full wardrobe," he said. He smiled, "which, of course, you will get
to keep."
        He saw her eyes light up even brighter.
        "We have a contract ready for you to sign. We're okay with the
        She again nodded her head with a smile.
        "Great," he said. "There are also a couple of formalities as far
as travel goes." He paused. "You will, of course, have to submit to a
physical examination"
        Her big eyes stared at him.
        "It's for insurance reasons," he continued, "but don't worry. We
have our own people." He smiled. She just blinked at him. He could tell
she was trying not to react unfavorably.
        "Do you have any questions?"
        She gently shook her head.
        "Great," he said. "Now there is just one thing left."
        She looked at him intently.
        "Obviously, New York liked the video," he said. "They really
liked what they saw." She blushed suddenly and looked down at the
floor, embarrassed by the double meaning. What they'd seen, of course,
was her practically nu
de."The only question they have," he continued, "is that they are a
little worried that you might be hard to work with."
        She looked back up at him with surprise.
        "They asked me a lot of questions about your cooperativeness and
willingness to take direction."
        "I...I..." she started to say.
        He reached out and took one of her hands. He held it.
        "I know," he said reassuringly. "It was your first time. I told
them that. I told them," he continued, "that I was sure that you would
be easy to work with, and could take direction without any problem." He
looked at her
        "Producers," he said with a smile, "get especially worried about
these things when they are putting up a lot of money to shoot in a
foreign country. Can you understand that?"
        She nodded her agreement slowly.
        "But I gave them my personal assurance."
        "Thank you," she said. A look of relief crossed her beautiful,
almost childlike  face.
        "Your welcome," he said. "Now don't let me down."
        "Oh, I won't," she replied immediately.
        "Good," he said. "Now," he leaned forward conspiratorially, "I'm
not supposed to tell you this, but since things can get difficult when
you're shooting abroad, they just want to see proof that you can be
disciplined and
follow difficult instructions."
        Her eyes widened with concern. She shifted her weight nervously
from one foot to the other. She waited.
        "Now, I want you to trust me, okay?"
        She slowly nodded her head.
        "They told me what they wanted to see. You have to understand
that they are putting a lot of money at risk here."
        She nodded again.
        "They just need to know you're going to follow instructions and
not cause a problem once we get there."
        She looked down at the floor.
        "Can you understand that?"
        She nodded again.
        "Okay, now just follow my instructions, and remember that I'm on
your side  and everything will be fine. We'll show them we can work as
a team. Agreed?"
        "Yes," she said.

        They both sat down, she on the couch and he in one of the chairs
positioned at a forty-five degree angle. After a few lighting tests,
Bud set everything up and they began shooting.
        Jack opened a file and handed her the contract. She looked at it
with a smile. He handed her a pen.
        "This has all the things we spoke about," he said. "The money,
travel expenses, you keep the wardrobe, etc."
        A big smile lighted up her innocent face.
        "Any questions?"
        She shook her head "no."
        Jack signed it is several places and showed her where to sign.
Once they'd both signed it, he walked over to the desk and put it into
one of the drawers.
        She sat with her hands in her lap, her big blue eyes darting
around the room. She could no longer tell staring into the light where
the three cameras she'd seen when she came in were. To try to take the
edge of off her o
bvious nervousness, Jack  began by asking her some simple questions
about herself, her family, where she was from. They just chatted for a
few minutes until she began to relax a little. He did a mini interview.
        "I'll be back in a moment," he said. He got up and walked away.
        She sat under the bright lights, and everything went suddenly
quiet. She heard him pick up the phone and say something into it. She
looked out into the bright light and darkness, wondering where the
camera man was. Somet
hing felt uncomfortable and she started to get nervous again. After
another minute, Jack came back and sat down. He resumed the
conversation. Another few minutes went by, and then there was a knock
at the door.
        "Come in," Jack called out. She heard the door open and close.
        "Just set them here," he said.
        She looked up, and her stomach lurched. She recognized the hotel
employee who had come into the room. He was not one of the regular room
service crew. Though he too was dressed in a fine red tunic with gold
epaulets, he
was much older and rougher looking than the rest of the men in the
hotel. She had seen him carrying bags, or, to be more accurate, he had
seen her, and his leering stare had made her shiver. He carried a tray,
and set it
down on the small coffee table in front of the couch. There was a
bottle of vodka and several glasses.
        "What's your name?" asked Jack in a friendly, American way.
        "Gregor," relied the older man. He looked at the luscious girl,
causing her to visibly flinch.
        "Well, sit down and join us, Gregor," said Jack. "We're
celebrating." He looked at Jack, then to Natasha, and then back at
Jack. He moved around to the only logical place to sit, which was on
the opposite side of the cou
ch from luscious girl. She instinctively reached down to the hem of her
skirt and pulled it down over her bare knees. She felt embarrassed at
not having tights on.
        "Pour one for all of us."
        The older man smiled and, oblivious to the cameraman, took the
bottle and poured out three shots. He handed one to Jack, and then
looked over to Natasha as he extended one to her. She met his eyes for
a second, but quick
ly looked down to the glass.
        "Cheers," said Jack, raising his glass. The two others followed
suit and raised theirs. Gregor tossed his back. Natasha took a sip, and
held her glass.
        There was an awkward silence as both men sat looking at her.
        "Natasha here," said Jack, "just signed her first movie
        The older man looked unsure of what to say. He looked at her. His
eyes uncontrollably traveled down the front of her full blouse.
"Congratulations," he finally replied.
        "Th...thank you," she replied, barely above a whisper. She
couldn't look at him.
        Another awkward moment passed.
        "Now sometimes with new actresses," Jack continued finally, "you
get prima donnas, who spend days in their dressing rooms if they don't
get their way. But not Natasha here," said Jack. "She's already a pro."
        He paused.
        Natasha squirmed slightly in her seat.
        "She understands how producers who put up millions of dollars
worry about who they hire. Isn't that right Natasha?"
        She stared at him for a second and then slowly nodded her head.
        Another pause.
        He looked over to Gregor. "Producers also sometimes like to get
other opinions from regular people." He smiled. "What we call in the
states, the man on the street." The older man smiled. Both men looked
to her.
        "Isn't she lovely, Gregor?"
        "Yes," the old man replied. His voice was suddenly thick.
        "Now," said Jack turning to the girl. "Are you ready to show us
that you are disciplined and can follow direction?"
        The big blue eyes suddenly looked up in trepidation. She searched
his face. "Y...yes..." she replied.
        "Finish your drink, Natasha," said Jack.
        She looked at him for a second, and then raised the glass to her
painted red lips. She leaned her head back and drank. She felt the
burning liquid go down her throat and resisted a cough as she leaned
forward to set the
glass back down.
        A moment passed. She stared at the table in front of her.
        "Stand up, Natasha."
        She felt a surge of adrenaline mix with the vodka in her stomach.
She slowly got to her feet.
        "She has beautiful hair," said Jack. "Let it down, will you?"
        She slowly reached up to the beret and unclasped it and pulled it
away, causing her hair to come free.
        "Shake it loose."
        She shook her head, causing her hair to come tumbling down. It
had been up for so long that some of it resisted gravity, giving her a
sexy, disheveled look.
        She stood there holding the beret in front of her.
        Jack reached forward and held his hand out. She leaned forward
gave it to him.
        She stood there for a moment feeling their eyes.
        "Doesn't she have wonderful legs?" asked Jack.
        After a moment's indecision, Gregor leaned forward to get a
better look.
        He nodded to Jack.
        "Here, lift your skirt up a bit, please," said Jack.
        Natasha swallowed hard and reached down to the hem and took hold
of it. She raised it up over her bare knees to about mid-thigh.
        "Very nice," said Jack. "All the way up." He leaned forward and
handed his glass to Gregor. "Another round," he said.
        Natasha closed her eyes, and slowly raised the hem of her skirt.
She heard the hotel employee pouring more vodka as she pulled it up to
the tops of her thighs, just below her panties. She heard a low
        "Turn around."
        She fought back tears of embarrassment and turned her self around
so that her back was to them.
        Their eyes wandered up the back of her legs.
        "Lovely. Around again, nice and slow."
        The embarrassed girl slowly turned herself around to face them
again. She was almost choked with embarrassment. She continued to hold
her skirt up.
        "Are you a leg man, Gregor?" asked Jack, motioning with his hand
up and down towards Natasha's legs. The hotel man smiled and nodded
yes. He looked at Natasha's exposed legs with a leer. He looked back at
Jack as though
he was about to say something.
        "Yes?" asked Jack.
        Unsure of the right words, Gregor held his hands up in front of
his chest as though he were holding imaginary breasts. He gave a smirk
and looked up at the girl.
        Natasha felt sick as she saw the crusty older man's crude action.
She looked over at Jack piteously.
        Jack could tell she was on the verge of tears. His eyes scanned
her ripe body. She was so vulnerable standing there holding her skirt
up so that they could stare at her bare legs. The big blue eyes stared
at him, waiting
         "It's certainly not easy being under the lights and cameras, is
it?" said Jack.
        Natasha didn't know what to say, or even if she should say
anything. She looked down at the floor in front of her.
        "We need to help you get over your shyness, Natasha.." said Jack.
"You need to learn to feel comfortable and natural."
        She stared at the floor. Her heart was pounding.
        "So, to help you, as an exercise...as an exercise in getting
comfortable, in naturalness..." he continued, "...let's have you take
off your clothes."
        The big blue eyes shot up in alarm. They searched him in the vain
hope that her ears had heard wrong.
        A few seconds past, and the atmosphere thickened.
        "I think," he continued, looking at the poor girl, "it will help
you to relax...to learn to be comfortable...to be naked in front of the
camera. It's a standard technique."
        Natasha stood dumbstruck. She slowly lowered her skirt back down
over her legs. She folded her hands in front of her. She didn't move
for a second. Her eyes scanned the darkness beyond the lights where Bud
Carlson was mo
ving from camera to camera to get different angles. Her little pink
tongue popped out and ran itself unconsciously of over her suddenly dry
        The room became so tense it was like the air had been sucked out
of it.
        "Don't worry," Jack continued, "no one will ever see this."
        Gregor pulled a handkerchief out of his tunic pocket and wiped it
across his sweating brow. His eyes stared at her and his face was
bright red. Natasha looked over at hotel man, and darted her eyes back
to Jack. They ple
aded with him not to make her take her clothes off in front of the
leering older man.
        "Start with your blouse," said Jack. He settled back in his seat.
        Natasha's eyes went to the floor, and she stood still for a
moment. Her agony was clear. Slowly her hands reached up to the top of
her blouse. She began to undo the buttons. The hotel employee, amazed
that she was doing
it, shifted uncomfortably in his seat as he watched her.        Natasha
unbuttoned all the way down and pulled the blouse out from her skirt.
Slowly, as she pulled the two halves apart, her big bra covered tits
sprang out. She l
et the blouse fall off of her shoulders and slid it down her arms. She
stood holding it for a moment.
        "Just lay it over the couch," said Jack.
        She turned her body slightly and folded the blouse over the couch
back. She turned back and faced Jack. Her smooth, delicate young face
was bright red, and showed her misery.
        "Now the skirt."
        Her lower lip trembled as she slowly reached back behind her and
fumbled for a moment. The men watched her heaving breasts strain in the
bra as she leaned forward slightly, causing her cleavage to bulge, and
pulled the z
ipper down. She let her skirt drop down her legs, leaving her suddenly
in just her bra and panties and shoes. She stepped out of the skirt and
leaned down and picked it up. The watched her ample body move. She laid
it ove
r the couch as well. Once again she turned to face the men.
        "Isn't she gorgeous Gregor?" asked Jack.
        The hotel man's face was a mask of intensity. He was living his
wildest fantasy, and could not believe it was really happening- that
this gorgeous create was just about to strip out of her underwear. His
breathing was la
bored as he nodded his head. He tried to swallow, but could not.
"Yesssssss," he finally uttered.
        Natasha closed her eyes in embarrassment as the two men talked
about her. Tension bore down on them all in the silent room. She wanted
desperately to raise her hands and cover herself, but knew she
couldn't. She knew tha
t wouldn't be cooperative. She just stood there on display.
        "She really does have beautiful breasts," Jack told the hotel man
and turned to look back at Natasha.
        The stricken girl looked at Jack for a second and then back down
at the floor. She realized her cue. He wanted her to bare her breasts,
the breasts that this same old man had leered at in the hotel lobby.
She fought back
 the urge to panic and slowly reached up behind her and unhooked her
bra. Fighting back tears of shame, she pulled the straps down off of
her shoulders and stood for a moment holding the garment in front of
her. She took
a deep breath and lowered it down, exposing her big tits to the men.
They stuck out lewdly and seemed somehow obscene in their largeness.
        Gregor sucked in his breath in what sounded like a wheeze as they
came into his view. Their perfectly round shape and large, centered
nipples made him gasp. He watched them sway slightly as she turned and
laid the bra ov
er the back of the couch. Natasha turned back and stood dutifully with
her hands at her sides. She stared at the floor as her cheeks burned
with shame as the men stared at her naked tits. For a moment the room
was quiet e
xcept for the sound of Gregor's wheezing.
        "Okay," said Jack, breaking the thick silence. "Now why don't you
turn around."
        Once again, Natasha slowly turned herself around so that her back
was to them. She could feel their eyes travel up the back of her legs
to her full bottom, which suddenly felt way too big.
        "Take your panties down," said Jack, "without bending your
        A tear popped out and trickled down her cheek. This was horrible
and she was dying. Having to pull her panties down in front of these
men- showing them her bare bottom- was mortifying. Yet she knew she had
to do it. She
reached up and hooked her thumbs into the sides, and leaned forward,
bending at the hips. The motion caused her big breasts to sway
        The men were transfixed as the material of Natasha's panties
slowly came down, and the cleft between her pert, meaty, bottom cheeks
appeared. She pulled them slowly down, bringing her whole ass into
view, and over her th
ighs. Then, a bit unsteadily, she lifted her left leg up and pulled her
foot up through. This motion cause her asscheeks to pull apart, giving
the men a brief glimpse between her legs. She did the same on the other
side a
nd then stood back up. She now stood naked except for her shoes.
        The men stared at the back of her nude body, the perfect, smooth
skin without the slightest blemish. The generous contours were soft yet
firm. Her bottom looked like an upside down heart.
        "Turn around again," said Jack.
        Instinctively she put her left hand over her crotch. Slowly the
shamed girl turned herself around to face the men again. She stood
there with her head hanging down. Humiliation sat over her like a
cloud, and she could no
t control her tears.
        The men stared at her, drinking in her lush nakedness.
        "Your being very cooperative, Natasha," said Jack. "We can see
that you can follow directions." The girl stood motionless, fighting
back more tears.
        "Now the real key to being a great actress," he continued, "is
        Two big tear filled blue eyes looked up from beneath the blonde
        "We have to know that you can be disciplined."
        Feeling even more vulnerable, Natasha slowly raised her free arm
up to cover her big breasts. They bulged upward above her forearm. Her
knees turned inwards toward each other as her body seemed to sag under
the weight of
 her embarrassment.
        "Gregor," said Jack, "would you be willing to help us here?"
        The hotel man looked at the girl for a moment and then to Jack.
His face was bright red, with beads of sweat across the forehead.
        "I think a good old fashioned over-the-knee, bare bottom spanking
is in order here."
        "AHHHHHHH...." a gasp flew from Natasha as the hand covering her
breasts flew to her mouth. Her eyes widened with shock.
        Gregor's eyes looked as though they might actually pop out of his
head. Clearly unable to speak, he just nodded affirmatively.
        "PL...PL...Please..." said Natasha, no longer able to maintain
her composure. This was too much. "Please," she repeated, as she
suddenly burst into tears. She bent forward slightly to try to minimize
her ample, naked, ch
arms. She replaced her arm across her chest.
        "Discipline," said Jack, "we've got to have discipline."
        From his place behind the video camera, Bud Carlisle could take
it no longer. He had been all but forgotten about, even by the
"actress," as he had been moving silently from camera to camera to get
the best shots of the
proceedings. But as he ran the lens up and down the girl's lush body
and then zoomed in on her beautiful face with tears streaming down, the
tension simply became too much. Standing behind the lights he could not
be seen
by the others, and now desperate for relief, he positioned the camera
and then stepped back from it and reached down and unzipped his
trousers. His stiff prick sprang out. He slowly began to stroke it.
        "Come along, Natasha," said Jack, motioning towards the older
man. "Over there," he said,
        The girl couldn't move. She stood halfway crouched in a desperate
attempt to maintain her modesty.  Jack slowly got up out of his chair
and walked over to her. He reached out for her upper arm and gently
began to pull he
r towards the suddenly wheezing hotel man.
        "Pl..please..." she whispered. She looked up at him with eyes
streaming with tears.
        "Let's just get it over with," he replied. He walked her to
Gregor's right side and then let go. He walked back to his seat.
        She stood, still with her arms across herself, with tears running
down her face. Her eyes stared at Jack, hoping for a reprieve.
        "Now go ahead and lay over his legs," he said.
        She stood for a moment before she moved. Then slowly she lowered
her arms and leaned forward, laying her nude body over the crusty hotel
man's lap. She put her hands down on the floor in front of her. She
reached one han
d back up to cover her crying face. She sobbed into it, almost choking
on the shame.
        Gregor looked down at the naked body, and the splendid bottom,
before him  and could hardly believe it. The sensation of her weight on
his legs helped bring him back to reality, and he reached his right
hand up and gentl
y placed it on her right bottom cheek. He heard a gasp come out of her
as he made contact. Her skin felt slightly cool to the touch. He gently
ran his hand over the cheek, and began to fondle it. He squeezed it,
feeling t
he firmness. He watched the two moons clinch together. He brought his
left hand up and covered her left cheek with it. He could hear her
whimpering with shame as he stroked and squeezed. He couldn't resist,
and slightly p
ulled the cheeks apart. She moaned aloud in humiliation as the hotel
man looked down into the valley of her ass at her tight pink anus. He
watched as it clenched shut under his invading gaze. His hands squeezed
her ass ch
eeks, digging his fingers into the taught flesh. He could feel the
blood pounding in his head.
        After a few moments of this groping, Gregor looked up at Jack,
expecting a "get on with it look." Jack, however, just smiled,
obviously enjoying the spectacle. Gregor took his cue and ran his hands
over her naked bottom,
 up and down, greedily covering ever inch. The hotel man leaned back
and looked down to his left and saw her hanging tits. He reached down
and cupped the nearest one. His prick surged as he felt the weight in
his hand. He
 squeezed it and rolled the nipple in his fingers. His heart pounded,
and he could hardly breath.
        Finally, he noticed Jack nodding to him, and drew his attention
back to her pert bottom. He gave it one last stroke and then reached
        Natasha cried out at the contact, her back arched and her feet
flew up off of the floor.
        She cried out again, and instinctively reached her hand back to
try to protect herself. Gregor grabbed her arm with his left hand and
pulled it up behind her back once again exposing her nude ass. He ran
his right hand o
ver her bottom again.
        Natasha yelled out in pain at the onslaught.
        She squirmed on the hotel man's lap and tried desperately to roll
herself over to get away but Gregor held her fast. He reached up and
began to rub her burning ass cheeks, moving his hands in a circular
motion. She felt
his erection against her stomach and moaned in shame under his coarse
        She cried out and began to kick. Gregor gripped her body and felt
his temples pound. A grunt of pure lust shot out of his mouth like a
canon shot as he watched her ass jiggle and turn bright red under him.
His prick rage
d beneath her.
        From his place behind the camera Bud Carlisle could take it no
longer. The sight of the writhing girl overwhelmed him and gritted his
teeth as he shot a wad of semen into the air.
        Natasha's ass burned, and she screamed out.
        Gregor stopped and once again began to rub her bottom cheeks.
Natasha cried while the hotel man continued to fondle her. He looked up
again at Jack, who this time smiled at him to stop. Gregor looked back
down at the fab
ulous body draped over his knees. He laid his hand on her ass and felt
the burning heat. Once again he gently pulled the cheeks apart and
stared down at her pink anus. Overcome by pure lust, he suddenly lunged
forward and
 stuck his tongue into the crevice. He ran it up and down over her
asshole, feeling the fine hairs. Holding her tightly, he suddenly began
to wedge it inside. Natasha cried out in agony and revulsion as her
anus spread op
en against the invasion, allowing his tongue inside. It instinctively
tightened up against the intruder, creating a tight grip that made the
hotel man shutter. With his tongue in her tight ass, the motion of her
 body against his prick suddenly caused him to come in his pants. His
grip around the girl's waist tightened at he jerked his head back up
and growled and the semen shot out onto his leg. He rocked his lap
against Natasha
's body and gave several thrusts.
        Finally, spent, he relaxed his grip, allowing the girl to roll
off of his lap onto the floor. She rolled herself defensively into the
fetal position and sobbed into her hands. Gregor leaned his face up and
wheezed for ai
r. He reached his hand up to his chest and felt his pounding heart.
        For a few moments there was no sound except for the crying girl
and the old man fighting for breath.
        Bud quietly pulled one of the video cameras off of the tripod and
walked to his left. He squatted down for a good angle on the curled up
girl. He zoomed in on her back and ran the lens down to her exposed
ass. It was bri
ght red. With her legs drawn up to her chest, her ass was parted,
giving the camera a view of her pussy.

        Jack got up from his seat and thanked the hotel man for his help.
With reluctance, Gregor got up from the couch, and felt the
uncomfortable wet spot in his trousers. He picked up the tray he had
brought in and looked dow
n at the girl still curled up on the floor. She was beautiful and he
drank in his last moment with her.
        Jack showed him to the door.
        Bud replaced the camera in the tripod, and also went to the door.
He winked at Jack as he went out.
        Jack closed the door behind them and walked to the bathroom. He
pulled a jar of cold cream from the cabinet and went back out to the
        Natasha had gotten up off of the floor and was sitting on the
edge of the couch. She had picked up her blouse from the back of the
couch and sat holding it in front of her. She was gently weeping into
her hand. Jack sat
down next to her and put his arm around her
        "I'm sorry," he said softly. "We had to do that."
        Natasha didn't respond. She cried softly into one hand while the
other held the blouse up.
        Jack leaned back slightly and his eyes traveled down her nude
back to the swell of her hips perched delicately on the couch.
        "It's all over now," he said in a reassuring tone.
        She just whimpered.
        "Now, this will make it feel better," he said. "Stand up."
        She hesitated for a second and then looked at him over her hand.
Her big blue eyes registered her fear. They looked down at the cold
cream and then back up at him.
        "Come on, stand up," he repeated.
        Slowly, clutching her blouse in front of her, she got to her
        Jack reached up from his sitting position and gently turned her
hips so that her ass came into view. He stared at it for a second. He
marveled at it's youthful perfection. He reached down and opened the
jar and scooped u
p a wad of the cream. He reached out and smeared it across her left
cheek. She gasped at the contact. He smoothed it around in a circular
motion, adding another dab to the other cheek. He could feel the
burning flesh as h
e covered her ass.
        "Does that feel better?" he asked.
        "Y...yesss..." she finally answered.
        "Good," he replied. He expanded his motion to include the tops of
her thighs.
        He reached back into the jar for another wad of cream, and this
time touched about halfway down the inside of her left thigh with the
cream. She flinched.
        Slowly, he moved up her leg, drawing a white line.
        "Spread your feet apart," he said.
        Natasha reluctantly complied, stepping her right foot out,
opening the gap between her legs. The musky smell of her sex greeted
Jack's nostrils. He moved his hand down to the inside of her left knee
and slowly made a tra
il up the inside of her leg. She whimpered at the sensation. He moved
his hand in a circular motion, inching his way up her leg, ending only
inches from her pussy lips. He ran his finger along the crease where
the inside
of her thigh met her crotch. He moved his hand back out and once again
covered her burning bottom with the soothing cream. After another coat,
he set the jar down on the table and stood up. He reached out for her
s and gently turned her around to face him. She stood clutching her
blouse in front of her.
        "You did very well," he said, reaching up to stroke the hair
around her face.
        She bit her lip as she stared down at the floor.
        Jack reached for her chin and raised it up to face him.
        "I'm very proud of you," he said.
        Her big crystal blue eyes stared at him for a second in a mixture
of confusion and fear, and then closed, forcing a big tear to roll out.
        He leaned forward and put his lips on hers. She did not react. He
gently pushed his tongue into her mouth. She did not respond, but
passively let it open her jaws and explore.
        Jack pulled away and looked down at the smooth skin and delicate
features of her youthful face. Tears were coming out from her closed
eyes. He reached out and put his hand on the blouse she held in front
of her.
        "Let go," he said softly.
        She whimpered, and let out a little sob. "Please," she whispered.
        Jack gave the blouse a little tug. "Let go," he repeated.
        Slowly she relaxed her grip, and let the material fall from her
        Jack pulled it away, once again exposing her big nude tits. He
tossed it over at the chair and then reached up and took her hands and
pushed them down to her sides.
        Natasha sobbed again and turned her head slightly to one side.
Tears continued to come from her closed eyes.
        Jack stared down at her awesome big breasts. Her big pink nipples
stuck out rudely from the center of each mound. He reached up and
cupped them, feeling their weight. He leaned forward and put his mouth
on her left nippl
e. He swirled his tongue around it.
        Natasha let out a moan.
        He moved his right hand down from her breast and ran it down her
smooth stomach to the hair above her pussy.
        "Spread your feet apart," he said, his voice thick.
        Natasha slowly stepped her left foot outward, allowing him access
to her most private place. Jack moved his hand down, running his
fingers along the lips of her pussy. He ran them back and forth over
it, and found it was
 wet. The sensation of her wetness made lust run through him like
adreniline. He took her by the hand and led her to the couch. He
quickly kicked off his shoes, unbuckled his trousers and stepped out of
them, as well as h
is underwear.
        He looked at the stunning nude girl with the jutting tits
standing there, waiting passively for him to do whatever he wanted. He
would go easy this first time, he thought to himself.
        And he was glad that Bud had loaded in fresh video tapes before
he left...
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