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Chapter One - What a bitch!

	Laura Whitman is twenty nine, stands five foot six or seven 

inches tall, weights around one hundred pounds, has light blond-red 

chestnut hair worn long, and is extremely good looking. She has one 

of those athletic hard bodies most woman would die for, but usually 

are to lazy to develop or maintain, and most men would do anything 

to get a piece of, but absolutely know there isn't a prayer in hell of it 

ever happening.

	Aside from being good looking, she's smart, well educated, 

the holder of a law degree from one of the more prestigious colleges, 

and a up and comer at  'Myer, Myer and Shielding' law firm, (with 

her sights set on a partnership, at any price), and is a self centered, 

egotistical, better than most, total pain in the ass, bitch.  

	Now keep in mind, the fact that Laura Whitman is a bitch 

doesn't come as any earth shaking discovery to me, after all how many

real good looking broads have you ever encountered that weren't stuck 

up? But the pisser with Laura Whitman wasn't as much her arrogant 

attitude, as it was that she seemed to go out of  her way to make life 

even more miserable than it already was for the lower class working 


	She seemed to get some kind of high out of reminding people 

of how much more important she was than they were. Now this 

reminder didn't normally occur in the form of any one on one 

conversations, but in the structure of not saying good morning, even 

after being greeted, (providing the greeter was anyone she perceived to

be below her station),  She made it a point to is also not reluctant in 

pointing out any and all   

	You just can't help disliking. She's so full of herself she 

wouldn't give a working class stiff, like me, the time of day. 

	Yeah sure, she's a stone fox alright, she even has a good 

head on her shoulders, lots of formal education including a law degree

from one of the more preppie collages, but that don't give her no right 

to completely ignore people like me. Hell, we work in the same law 

office, even if I am just a janitor it don't give her no right not to give

 me as much as a friggun nod in the mornings. I don't expect a, "Good 

morning!" or Morning!" or nothing like that, but even a "Fuck you!" 

would be better than being treated like you don't exist. Shit, every day 

its the same old crap, she walks right passed me as if I weren't even 

there. The only people she treats half way human are the high falooton 

partners at the law firm, and I'm sure that's just so she can worm her 

way into a partnership. Its easy to see she'd do just about anything to 

become a partner in the firm, hell, she's probably blowing old man 

Myer the senior partner, she wants a partnership so fucking bad. Yeah, 

I'd sure just like to kick the shit out of her stuck up ass one of these 


	As for me, at forty three I'm a miserable sort of fuck up, 

having made little of myself or my life to date. Hell, I dropped out of 

high school during mid term of the tenth grade and have been 

bumming around ever since. I've had my share of run-in's with the 

cops, mostly for misdemeanors and petty crimes but to date they've 

never been able to pin anything big on me that could keep me in jail 

for more than a day or two, guess I'm just to smart for the fuzz, 

besides, all cops are real dumb fucks. 

	Because I didn't have any major crime record I was able to land this

piece of shit job as a janitor at 'Myer, Myer and Shielding', a large law firm 

that takes up the top six floors in a twenty story bank owned high-rise. The

bank occupies the bottom two floors. 

	Now keep in mind I didn't take on this Shiite job for the Shiite pay, 

or because I decided to fly straight, I just wanted access to the bank building,

figuring I might be able to work out some kind of scam that would relieve the 

bank of some of its cash. Not a big deal like knocking off the vault or 

anything, just hitting the tellers, you know small peanuts. If I couldn't come 

up with a better plan I figured I would just walk into the bank wearing a 

disguise, rob the fucking place then when the cops were all running around 

in the streets looking for someone to nab I'd be up in the law offices doing 

my janitor thing just as normal as you please. 

	After a month in the lame-ass janitor's job and not having come up 

with any better plans for the bank job I was just about ready to try the 

disguise thing, besides for the entire month that miss high and mighty Laura 

Whitman acting just like the stuck up bitch she was, was getting on my God 

damn nerves and I needed to get the fuck out or I might just pop her one and 

screw up the bank deal.. Then the "get even with miss Laura high and mighty

Whitman" just kinda fell into my lap.

	I had been hanging around late one night waiting for miss high and 

mighty to leave work so I could clean her office. She had had me chastised 

by one of the partners not two days before after finding her office had not

 been cleaned the night before. Christ, the only reason I hadn't cleaned her 

fucking office was because she had stayed real late and I said screw her 

I'm not waiting around all night, and went home. She had made it loud and 

clear that I was never to enter her office while she was still in it. So what 

was I supposed to do? I guess just to cool my heels until such time as she 

decides to move her ass out, then low life me could just step and fetch it in 

there and clean the fucking place up. Well screw her. If it weren't for the 

bank job I'd kick her ass so hard her internal organs would know my shoe 

size for getting me into trouble like that. 

	So there I am a little after eight PM waiting for her to get her junkie 

ass out of the friggun place when I hear a loud voice coming from behind her 

closed door. Seeing as I'm the only one in the offices beside whoever is in 

with her, I press my ear up against the door so's to hear what  all the ruckus 

is about. The loud voice I recognized as that of Arnold Lippit one of the firms 

lawyers and considered to be the most likely candidate to become the firms 

next partner. Lippit is a skinny little creep of a lawyer, standing five foot 

one or two at most and weighing all of ninety eight pounds ringing wet. You just 

knew he had been the head nerd in high school. At the moment he sounded 

angry and upset, but I couldn't mistake that high pitched little squeaky homo 

voice of his.

	"You bitch! I would of thought something like this was to low for even 

someone like you!" 

	Then Laura's voice, "You don't have anything indicating I was 

involved. I can't help it if your a poor lawyer. When you go down on this 

one you'll go all by yourself. I'm sorry but I can't help you, so please leave."

	"You'll....You'll get yours. It's unbelievable that even you would stoop 

this low just to get that partnership. I'll get even with you...I swear to God...I'll

get you for...."

	Then her voice again, low and calm cutting him off. "Will you please 

leave. I told you I can't help you. Leave now! Please."

	His voice seemed to take on a sharp snap but didn't lose its 

squeaky quality as he said, "Sure I'll leave, but I know you took delivery 

of that package I needed for the Dunston case. You knew I'd have to 

settle the case as best I could without those papers making me look bad 

in front of my client and the firm. What, did you hope?  That my looking bad 

would be enough to swing the partnership vote in your favor leaving me out 

in the cold! God! How could you stoop so low?"

	"I really have no idea what your talking about."

	"Like hell you don't! I don't know who you paid off at the delivery 

service, them having mysteriously loosing the signed delivery receipt, but 

if I ever find out.... you'll not only be out of a job, I'll see to it your 

disbarred. What you did is not only unethical, its illegal and there's not a 

judge in this state that would hesitate at all in pulling your lawyers license.

Hell, you wouldn't be able to practice law in any state. Hell, you'll probably 

even spend some jail time for what you did. Yeah I'll leave all right, but 

you'd better watch your backside from now on."

	I quickly moved away from the door stepping into the secretaries bull 

pen cubical just as Laura's office door opened.  Arnold Lippit, looking 

somewhat disheveled, slammed the door shut behind him then walked out into 

the hall heading for the elevators. Several minutes later Laura Whitman looking 

smug with herself left the office and also headed for the elevators.

	I hung around for fifteen or twenty minutes making sure neither of 

them would return then I stepped into Laura's office. Using the lock picks I 

always carry with me I rummaged through the desk but found nothing of

any interest. All the lawyers offices were furnished with heavy duty fire proof 

cast iron file cabinets. In the place where you would expect to find the bottom 

drawer each one of these cabinets was equipped with a safe. Laura's safe, 

fixed with a three tumbler Hawkins Loc-sure' combination dial affair took me 

all of ten minutes to open.

	Inside the safe were several legal sized file folders, miscellaneous 

papers, a pair of clip on ear rings, and large manila envelope with the words

'PhotoMetric legal delivery service' printed on it. I took out the envelope and 

dumped its contents onto the desk. It contained several papers pertaining 

to Arnold Lippit's case one of which was a hand written will and several 

doctors reports along with other legal crap I'm sure was important. The last 

item it contained was a delivery slip from PhotoMetric with the time and date 

of delivery to the offices of Myer, Myer and Shielding signed for by Ms Laura 


	I picked up everything then used the office copier to duplicate the 

stuff. After sealing the copies I had just made into a fresh manila envelope 

I wrote across its front- 'Interested? I'll meet you in your office tonight at 


	After placing the envelope on Laura Whitman's chair I drove home

 feeling great.

	The next day I had fun watching Laura's attempt at masking her 

nervousness. At one point she had gone into Arnold's office obviously 

assuming he had left the envelope on her chair. The look of frustration and 

concern on her face after leaving his office was really something special to 

see. Her high and mighty attitude was lost in her anxiety. 

	The rest of the day seemed to drag on forever due to my anticipation

 of our nine o'clock meeting. By eight that night everyone other than Laura 

and myself had left the offices for the evening. Laura nervously stepped out 

from her office looking around several times and on one of these occasions 

she spotted me and called out, speaking in a madder-of-fact tone like 

someone speaking to a servant, she told me. "I don't need you to wait around 

this evening. I'll be working late so you 	may leave." Just like I was 


	I smiled at her, one of them full teeth smiles then answered, "Naw. 

That's okay. I'll hang around. Oh, by the way did you get a chance to look 

over that package I left on your chair?"

	Her jaw dropped open and it was obvious her brain was having a 

difficult time assimilating my words. After her brain caught up with her ears 

her face became flushed and reddened. With almost uncontrolled anger she 

said. "You? It was you? Your the one that broke into my safe and stole my 

personal files? You God damn.....! That's a criminal offense. I'll see to it 

that your butt is fired and behind bars for robbery if I don't get my stuff 

back in the next God damn minute. Go get it now!"

	I gave her another teeth filled smile before answering. "No I won't 

and no you won't. The original documents prove you've done more than 

just some simple robbery. Those papers can guarantee your career as a 

lawyer is done forever, and along with you having broken your bar practice 

ethics you would probably spend some time in the big house on top of it. 

And did I mention anything about what you can expect about getting that 

partnership? So don't give me any crap!" 

	The look on her face turned from one of anger to one of worry as my 

words soaked in. She realized I had information and proof that would not only 

guarantee she'd never be a partner in the firm but could end her career as an 

attorney all together and possibly even land her in jail for ethics code 


	She forced some control of herself and said. "Okay. How much will it 

cost me?"

	I smiled at her again. "In money. Nothing. I don't want your money."

	She looked at me with puzzlement, slightly shaking her head from side 

to side as one does when there confused.

	"If you don't want money....What do you want?"

	I rubbed my chin between my thumb and forefinger for several 

seconds before answering her. "Well...I'll tell ya. Your one piece of work you 

are. For two months you've treated me like a piece of shit. Since the first day 

I was here. You know you've really pissed me off. If it hadn't of been for other 

things I needed to do I probably would have popped you one long ago. You 

really need to learn a lesson about acting so high and mighty."

	Her eyes opened wide before speaking. She was not accustomed to 

having anyone tell her what a bitch she was.

	"Look I'm sorry....I'll treat you better....Shit! What? Do you want? To 

beat me up or what?"

	I shook my head sideways indicating no. "Naw...I don't want to beat 

you up. You just need to learn that, even you, under certain circumstances 

could be forced to live or survive like the common class of people you snub 

your nose at. And being vindictive as I am, I'd like to pay you back for the 

way you've treated me over last month or so."

	She seemed to take a lot of offense at my words, because when she 

spoke next it was in a much harsher tone than before.

	"Okay....So what the fuck am I supposed do? Go to good girl finishing 

school? See a shrink? What?"

	I took on the same harsh tone she had just used. "Well, for starters 

you can raise your skirt."

	The look on her face was one of quandary, as if she must have heard 

wrong. " Do what?" She asked.

	"Raise your skirt." I repeated. "Let me have a look at your panties."

	Her face became flushed realizing she had indeed heard me 

correctly then a look of nausea filled her eyes. "You can't be serious! Like 

hell I will you God damned pervert!"

	I turned to leave. "Fine by me. See ya in court!"

	My hand had just reached the door knob when she must have 

realized if I walked out now she wouldn't have any chance of regaining the 

evidence that would ruin her life. Almost frantically she called to me. "Wait!.....

Wait... This is silly....Come on lets...."

	"Come on lets nothing." I  turned back and told her. "You heard what 

I want, so do it or not, I don't give a shit, its up to you."

	"Come on." Her voice cracked a little. Her brain was frantically 

searching for a way out. "This is childish. What does me raising my skirt 

get you?"

	"I told you, you need to learn what people will do when there are very 

few choices, and all of them are Shiite ones. Well, your in one of those 

positions now. Lets see how far you'll go to hang onto your career. I can't

think of a more humbling position for a high class bitch like you, than to have 

your skirt hiked up around your waist just so a low life like me can look at 

your under panties." I put on my real serious expression.


	She must have come to the conclusion that I was nothing more than 

some numb nut's just trying to get even. I bet she even figured I didn't fully 

understand how devastating the information I had could be to her. In a voice 

that she might use to tell a servant they could have an extra day off she said.

"Oh Christ! This is so stupid but what the hell.....here."

	Slowly she pulled her skirt up along her thighs holding it bundled up 

around her waist. What I saw was more than I expected. Her thighs were firm 

and shapely as anticipated and the pair of thin silk pink panties looked great, 

but the topper was that she wore a real garter belt used to hold up real nylon 


	I slowly walked toward her reaching out for the waistband of her 

panties. She backed away from me dropping her skirt. "What the hell are 

you doing?" She asked. There was anxiety in her voice.

	"I was going to look down your under pants." I said nonchalantly.

	"Look, this is going a bit too far.... I should think!" 

	"I'll do the thinking about what's going to far." I told her. " You and 

I both know the stuff I have on you is career ending material lady, and you've 

reached one of those not so good choices. In my estimation letting me look 

down your pants is not going to far given the situation. Now raise your skirt 

again, and don't pull away from me this time."

	She felt trapped realizing I understood how important getting the 

papers back was to her. A flush filled her face as she nervously lifted her 

skirt once again. This time she did not pull away when I reached out, but I did 

notice her stomach involuntarily draw inward and she took a sharp intake of 

breath when I pulled the waist band of her panties away from her flat stomach.

	I looked down and saw the silky light blond-red hair that covered her 

mound. "Well...Well.." I said still looking down her panties. "You don't dye 

your hair do you!...Your a natural blond." That's the kind of thing to say to

really degrade them, tell them about their private parts.

	She flushed even more than before but didn't say anything during 

the next few minutes while I kept her panties pulled forward and continued 

to look down at her snatch. Finally I released her panties and took a full 

step back, smiling I said. "Nice. Real nice. Now show me your tits."

	She dropped her skirt and looked at me with loathing. "You filthy 

bastard. I...."

	My voice cut her off. "Show um to me! And no more lip or we can 

just end this thing right here and now. Stop screwing around. You know 

your going to do it anyway. You already made the choice when you let me 

look inside you panties. So why make it anymore difficult than it is, show 

me your tits and get it over with."

	She took on a much more conservative tone, thinking she still might 

have a slight chance of talking her way out. "Look.....Aaaaa....Frank..... 

Frank, that's your name isn't it? Come on Frank, we can work something 

out.....Can't we?...Something that benefits both of us, not this school kid 

stuff.  Christ...you've humiliated me enough making me rise my skirt and 

all. There has to be something else that....." 

	I cut her off again. "The only deal I want right now is you opening your 

blouse and letting me look at them knockers. You got some big ones there 

honey and I want to see um..... I've watched you parade around the office 

wearing clothes that exploit them  to their best. So let me have a good look 

at what your so proud of. I'm not going to settle for anything less."

	"Your a son-of-a-bitch you know that? Your a real son-of-a-bitch. A 

perverted son-of-a-bitch.....Your..." She kept mumbling under her breath, but 

she did unbuttoned the front of her blouse revealing a bra of the same light 

colored pink as her underpants.

	"Yeah! Yeah!" I told her "I'm a real son-of-a-bitch. Now get rid of that 

halter and let me see what you've got under there."

	"Bastard! God damn pervert! Here fill your eyes." She told me as she

reached behind her back unfastening the bra clasp. With her bra now loose 

she lifted it over her breasts holding it up at her throat exposing herself to 

me. And what breasts they were, at least 34 D's, and standing proud and firm off 

her chest. The exceptionally light color of the circles surrounding her nipples 

was additional evidence of her being a true blond. It was exciting seeing this

woman I had come to hate so much having to hold her bra up just so I could 

stare at her breasts. Never in a million fucking years would she have 

imagined she would be posing bare breasted in front of a low life janitor fuck 

like me. God I loved it!

	Laura didn't make much of a fuss when I took her breasts into my 

hands and kneaded the soft pink flesh, occasionally allowing her nipples to 

slip in-between my fingers so I could pinch them. I did notice she closed her 

eyes however when I leaned forward and took first her left then her right nipple 

into my mouth, nibbling on each one as I did so, feeling them stiffen under 

my tongue in spite of how much Laura hated what was happening to her.

	I fondled her for several minutes and by now you can imagine I had a 

major hard-on and was considering trying to coheres her into letting me fuck 

her right then and there, but I really wanted to save something for later, I 

still hadn't humiliated this bitch enough, not yet, so I backed away from her 

and undid by pants, sliding both them and my underwear down to my ankles in

one motion. My huge boner now free from the confinement stood hard and 


	I could tell she had became much more concerned over her situation 

the moment she saw me drop my pants, assuming I was about to rape her, 

but I had done it so quickly she didn't have very much time to react. She only 

managed to say, "What the...Hey! Now wait a min....." 

	I quickly interrupted her with, "Jerk me off." I didn't want her to 

panic thinking about what I might do to her and hand jobs are relatively 


	She hesitated for a moment and I slowly reached over and took her 

right hand placing it over my stiff cock. "Come on. I need something! Feel 

how hard I am!" I toned my voice down a little and said. "Come on. Give me 

a hand job will ya?" 

	She must have come to the conclusion that giving me a hand job 

was far less of a punishment than she had expected me to demand of her

when I had dropped my pants, because she wrapped her small hand 

around my stiff shaft and began stroking forward and back along it. 

Besides she had probably given lots of hand jobs to guy's in high school 

when she refused to put out. 

		"Oh God! That feels good!" I told her. "Keep it up...Oh... 

yeah...Yeah!" She didn't stop beating my meat even when I used my 

hands to squeeze and feel her breasts, she probably assumed that tit 

feeling was just a normal part of a hand job deal, but she did turn sideways 

avoiding my groping hand and told me, "Don't...Don't do that!" when I 

attempted to reach up under her skirt and feel her pussy. I didn't persist 

about the getting under her skirt thing, I was enjoying her attention to my 

cock way to much and didn't want her to stop. In no time at all I felt the 

heat and pleasure of an orgasm and shot my wad. Hot cum exploded out 

of the head of my cock causing several globs to land on her skirt. She 

turned away from my cum stream and the rest fell harmlessly onto the 

carpet and she did continue beating me until I was completely finished 



	"God your sick." Is all she said while I was coming all over her 


	Now that I was spent I pulled my cock out from her hand then used 

the hem of her skirt to wipe it dry.  While I was cleaning my soft dick with 

her skirt She said. "Okay, you've gotten your rocks off. Now give me the 



	I finished wiping my rod, dropped her skirt then calmly told her. "No 

not yet. Tomorrow I think. Yeah, tomorrow. You see we're having lunch 

together. Right here in your office. We'll talk about the papers right after 

lunch tomorrow. So you be sure and bring something special for me to eat. We 

can call it a date kinda thing."

	"Hey fuck you! We made a deal! Give me the papers damn it!"

	"Tomorrow." I told her. "Besides I don't have them on me, their locked 

up safe and sound in the stora.....aa.... where their safe. Come on, look at all 

I'm doing for you, your whole career could end for Christ sake, I'm giving you 

the opportunity to save it. The least you could do for me is have one lousy 


	"You call this an opportunity! Look at what the hell you made me do! 

How the hell do you think this little episode makes me feel. I'm a professional 

woman for Christ sake....and you force me to expose myself to you...and...

and... then make me......play with you....then your seamen soils my clothing...

that's one hell of an opportunity. No sir, we made a deal. Do you for one 

single moment think I would have ever done what I just did if I  didn't think 

you'd hold to your end of the bargain and give the papers back!" She was 

absolutely livid.

	"Your right." I told her. "But your also the one that has the most to 

lose or gain out of this deal, and you did do it to yourself. Nobody else has any 

responsibility for taking those papers but you. So... lunch, or no?"

	She just nodded.

	Without another word I picked up my pants, turned and left her office 

almost missing her final comment. "Oh God I fucked this one up!"

END - Chapter one

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