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Article 40 of 116

Subject:      <<REPOST>>  Cheerleader's Torment  by Dawson  (M+/f, nc)  (1/8)
From:         an449094@anon.penet.fi (JDawson)
Date:         1996/08/29
Message-Id:   <090400Z29081996@anon.penet.fi>
Newsgroups:   alt.sex.stories,alt.sex.spanking
[More Headers]

WARNING: This story contains strong themes of coercion and forced
sexual behavior. It is intended as a work of fiction for ADULTS only,
and the writer does not in any way suggest or condone similar behavior.

Cheerleader's Torment
by James Dawson

Due to many requests, I am reposting my first story. Cheerleader's
Torment is a different type of story from most of those I  have seen
posted. This story started out as a piece called "The Test"  that
someone else posted
 a while ago, and asked for someone else to  finish. There will also be
two new chapters coming soon, especially if I get a lot of feedback.
        My stories center around the theme of  voluptuous, elegant yet
still innocent women falling by various circumstances into the evil
clutches of nasty men who, when they get the opportunity to force a
woman to do their bi
dding are reduced to their most unfortunate instincts. It is mental
rather than physical.
        You will not  find physical violence against women, no beatings,
suspensions,  whippings, attaching of electrodes, or the like, though
spankings are not uncommon. Nor does the actual act of sex always
feature  prominentl
y. Plausibility is also crucial- no woman having to suck fifty penises
in a row, hanging upside down for two weeks, etc.
        My stories are strong on build up and tension and appeal, I hope,
 to the mind rather than just the genitals. Men who prefer to "shuck
the  duds and get stuck in," will doubtless find them slow and
frustrating.  Women wh
o are attracted to this theme usually less so (women, in fact  seem to
like them best of all).
        Be warned that if you find this theme offensive, or if it  really
makes you angry, than best move on to another story more to your
liking. Best also not too spend too much time being angry at what turns
others on.

        Thank you again for the feedback. It is much appreciated. If
there is enough, I may move along on the new chapters. You can reach me
at an449094@anon.penet.fi, but it seems that I cannot respond to
messages sent through
there back through the anon server. I try to answer as many as possible
that incluse REAL email addresses.

Hope you enjoy,


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