(c) Copyright 1996 Conure.    ALL Rights Reserved

This story may not be reproduced in any form for profit without
the written permission of the author.  This story may be freely
distributed with this notice attached.  The author may be contacted
through mrdouble@ix.netcom.com.

By Conure

Chapter 4:  Tina

     Tina was a cute thirteen year old girl that lived next door.  She's
as sweet and natural as they come.  She has short curly blonde hair and
is as thin as a rail, and the deepest most beautiful eyes you could imagine. 
Jon met her before he bought the house with the photography studio.

     Since her family was a little less fortunate, but LOVED the attention
Jon showed her when taking her on photo jaunts.  He used to take her
places and do really neat stuff with her.  She loved getting out and spent
most of her summer in shorts and halter tops (which wasn't much to see
since she was flat as a board).

     After Jon bought the studio, it had been a couple of months since
he had the chance to take Tina out, but one weekend when Paige and her
Mom were away, he found the time to get away with Tina.

     One snowy winter day when school was canceled, Jon decided to
close the studio and take the day off.  He called Tina and asked if she
would like to go for a hike.  She jumped at the idea.

     Tina and Jon went to explore a new hot-spot that he had heard
about over in Monroe.  Jon took his camera along as always, gathering
photos for his stock portfolio.  They had hiked for a couple of hours and
Jon had a thought.

     He wondered if he could get some nude photos of Tina, but she
would never go for it, there must be some way, he thought, and a plan
came to mind.

     He decided to change the route to get back to the truck so that
they would have to cross a stream.  It would be ice covered, but the ice
was always thin and some one would be bound to fall through (which was
no big deal, the water was at tops 18 inches deep), but, if some one were
to fall onto their rear, they would surely be soaked from top to bottom.

     They walked back toward the truck on the new path.  Hand in hand
they started across the stream together.  Jon decided this was his chance
and  made a game out of crossing the stream.  He bet Tina that she
couldn't cross by only stepping on the rocks without falling, knowing they
would be icy and she would surely get wet.

     Sure enough, right in the middle she slipped and fell,  the ice gave
way and as luck would have it, the water soaked a surprised Tina up to
her rib-cage.  She started to get upset because her parents didn't leave
her a key and she couldn't get into her house to change, but Jon calmed
her by telling her that they didn't even have to know, he had a washer
and dryer at home and could dry out there.
     That calmed her and they walked the rest of the way to the truck
with no event.

     Once in the truck, Jon began his ploy, "Hey Tina, take off your
boots and socks,  I'll turn the heat up so you don't catch a cold."

     "Okay," she said, leaned over and she slid them off.  She was
drenched, excellent!

     When they arrived at the house, Jon carried her in so that she
didn't have to put her wet boots back on.  Jon went into the kitchen and
put some water on the stove to make hot cocoa.  Tina stood shivering
barefoot in the living room.

     Jon called out from the kitchen, "Tina, get undressed and I'll put
your stuff into the dryer."  She looked around nervously, and started to
undress in the middle of the living room.  When Jon entered the room he
was pleased that she had trusted him that far, it was a good sign.

     He picked up her clothes and carried them to the basement,
prolonging her nakedness.  When he came back upstairs she was still
standing we and naked in the middle of the room.  He went into the
bathroom for a towel and noticed that Paige was walking across the street
to his place, GREAT! he thought, I'll let Tina get the door wrapped only in
a towel, but when he came out it was too late.

     Paige was saying hello to a naked and very embarrassed Tina.  Paige
kissed me on the cheek and took the towel to help dry Tina off.  "If you
two go up to the studio, it is a lot warmer there, okay?"

     "Okay," Paige answered, giving Jon a wink.  She's an amazing girl,
he thought, he was sure she knew exactly what he wanted.  She wrapped
Tina in the towel and they wandered up to the studio.

     While in the kitchen, Jon could hear laughter coming from upstairs. 
Ah yes, Paige was displaying her charms.  He put the hot cocoa onto a
tray and carried it upstairs.  He was stunned at what he saw when he
walked in.

     Tina was sitting on a stool, towel on the floor, with Paige between
her legs.  She was giggling and trembling.  Knowing that he wouldn't be
able to get images like this  developed, Jon pulled out a Prototype camera
he obtained from a previous job.  It was a Pro Mavica 2.25 digital camera,
it records the photos onto 2 inch floppies!!!

     He fired up the studio lights and shot away.  Tina seemed to tense
a little at first, but relaxed as Paige stroked the young girls clit.  It
wasn't long until they needed someplace a little more comfortable.

     I shifted the studio and brought out the single bed that I used for
shoots such as these.  Paige and Tina moved over to the bed.  Paige
grabbed Tina's ankles and pushed her legs up over the girls head.  She
leaned down and licked all around Tina's twat, covering the little girls
body with goose bumps.
     It wasn't long until Tina was humping Paige's face, and hard,
grunting and crying out with every thrust.  Paige slid her tongue into the
girls slit and teased her clit.  Tina went wild, she grabbed two fistfuls of
Paige's hair and shoved the older girls head hard into her pussy.

     Paige tortured the girl further by inserting her tongue into Tina's
virgin hole.  Tina screamed and wildly humped Paige's face, tears
streaming down her face, thin body arched off the bed as orgasm racked
her body, taking her on the final part of her fist voyage into sex.