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The Highway Hypnotist Part 3

The motel, on the far outskirts of town, was ritzy, at least by my lower middle-class standards, but we were so hungry we made right for the restaurant. In particular, I felt as if I had dropped at least five pounds from ejaculations alone that day!

The cuisine was fine, and she paid up willingly, but I bought a bottle of red wine that we didn't quite finish. We agreed to meet at the pool.

Now the swimming pools in these desert inns were spectacular! The residual heat of the day already dissipated, the dry clear air showed stars burning steadily overhead even before the last light had faded entirely. The pool was really a pool complex; a substantial hot-tub affair, steaming gently in the cool air with roiling surface from powerful bubble jets along the sides, and a quick jog over the tiles taking the bathers to a large irregular pool, sort of "amoeba-shaped," with several grottoes curving out amidst succulents and cacti plantings, yucca and the like. There was even a twisty little "canal" leading into a more straightforward diving pool. The water was crystal clear, lit well from beneath.

I hadn't even showered, and the daylong accumulation of road mung tempted me right into the pool, but I thought better at the last minute, and sluiced myself off under a heated sprinkler, then... PLUNGE... AAAAaaahhhhhhh!

I paddled about fiercely for a bit, cruising the nooks and crannies, inhaling the clear atmosphere with gusto. I was almost alone; I sensed this was a slack time for travellers, at any rate there were only a few other swimmers, a couple of kids slamming off the board, and that's about it... except for the lovebirds.

I ran across them as I float-walked down the canal, down the darker S-curve of the channel (there was a burnt-out bulb or two here); two sleek young couples, in earnest conversation as I rounded upon them. No, not just conversation... there was some serious nuzzling happening here, out of sight of just about everyone, due to the curves and the gardens.

The dimmer light was plenty bright for me to get an eyeful! They were all young and trim, and the two women could have passed for showgirls in my inexperienced estimation! They were supple, and not an ounce of padding on their spectacular figures, highlighted by thong suits that left absolutely nothing to the imagination!

One short-haired blond nymph had entwined her boyfriend with a hooked leg, holding him in close pelvic proximity, the trim foot rubbing up and down his butt as they leaned their heads together. The other couple were head-to-head also, talking with youthful earnestness as I floated by them.

I sped up so as not to intrude, but as I passed, the one lad nodded, and the horny nymphet raised her face from her man's shoulder and actually winked at me saucily!

After a bit I started wondering if I were going to see my new playmate at all that night. I scoped out the hot tub, tickled my fanny with the powerful jets, and was back in the cool pool (trying to sneak peeks at the bathing beauties) when I saw Rose's dark hair and pudgy little nose floating along towards me.

"It's wonderful, huh?" she bubbled as she alligatored up to me.

"We really lucked into this, Rose," I admitted, "I just booked a motel with a nice name and a Triple-A endorsement! Isn't the scenery spectacular?"

We floated apart again, and when I next encountered her she seemed more subdued. Apparently she had run into the lovebirds around the corner.

"I don't know," she complained, "that behavior... with kids right around the bend... it's better off in private, I think!"

"Were they getting into it?"

She grunted a little primly I thought.

"It's getting cold, I guess I'll turn in, we've got a lot on our plates tomorrow." She was hugging herself as if chilly.

"Haven't you warmed up over in the hot tub?" I inquired.

"No, there's a Jacuzzi in the bathrooms," she answered, "and it's private." She seemed edgy now.

"Come on, Rose, out with it," I insisted, "what's bugging you?"

"Ohhh, it's those girls," she finally muttered, "dressed up like play-toys, like TV shows... and... you know, don't tell me you didn't glom!"

I 'fessed up that I had given them a cursory once-over.

"Yeah, sure!" she rejoined, "I... I just can't deal with it, I don't know... you're pretty liberated, I think, but like just about everyone else you trip all over yourselves when someone like..." she jerked her head towards the canal entrance "...that parades by!"

"Wait a minute, now," I rejoined heatedly, ready automatically to plunge into some overheated sociological debate... then I pulled back. I wasn't here to trip up a nice relationship with a good friend... a very good friend!

"Rose, come on over to the hot tub, we can watch the stars and talk," I tried, with a disarming grin.

"You want to watch those butts floating around," she pouted, but a little playfully, I was relieved to hear.

"Your butt is the only one I want to watch, hon," I responded, and she cast her eyes down and patted by hand.

"That's sweet, but we all know what turns men on, and when we don't measure up, well."

"Rose, do you really know what turns ME on? Come on, you didn't want to get into all this stuff, did you?"

"No," she answered, and I felt she was turning away, trying to escape from a suddenly sensitive situation, but I found myself ready for more intimate stuff, and I thought I could 'loosen' my friend up in a beneficial way to boot!

"Now I want to tell you some things... some very important things," I said, holding her upper arm lightly, "and please listen carefully to me, because I want you to tell me some things too."

"What... I'm getting chilly, can't we..."

"Just stop a minute," I insisted, "come on, look here..." I waited until we had made eye contact. I paused to invest the moment with more unspoken significance in her mind. Her eyes sparkled with the pool's reflected lighting.

"To start with," I said, "your eyes are gorgeous in this light. They seem to sparkle and twinkle."

She smiled, and her head tilted down slightly as if to break the glance. "No, don't turn, please," I urged her.

"I'm not sure where..." she started to say, but I wanted to hold her gaze, and I reached round and cupped the back of her head and my finger tapped lightly there in the signal to hold her attention. I hoped it worked!

It did! "What..." was all she said before her voice ceased and she stood there quieter now, her head motionless as I let my hand rest there.

"How about my eyes?" I murmured in a lower tone.

"They are nice," she said, bemusedly, her gaze flicking from one to the other. I kept mine more fixed on the bridge of her pert little nose.

"They're sparkly, huh?"

"Uh-huh," she answered, obedience beginning to assert itself already.

"The light makes them look deep..."

"Mmm hmmmm."


"That's soooo..." she said, almost whispering as I let my hand fall away from her neck. We stood almost toe to toe now, her brown eyes becoming still, as she seemed to be studying just my right eye now.

"Can you look away, Rose?" I murmured.

Her head turned a bit from side to side, her eyes now visibly glazed over and her stare fixed.

"Are your arms feeling very heavy and relaxed, as if you couldn't hold them up?"

She didn't answer, but her limbs fell away from hugging herself, and now she stood almost as if at attention, oblivious to any impression she might be making.

"Does my gaze hold yours like an unbreakable magnet, like a magnet you can't resist?" I stepped around a bit, and her head swivelled to keep me centered.

"And now," I said, returning to stand directly in front of her round, heavy breasts, "when you answer 'yes,' you will know for certain... Rose... are you becoming deeply entranced, and will you shortly feel yourself falling forward, diving and plunging down into my deep hypnotic power, falling and falling completely into my deep spell, falling completely free, my eyes pulling you into my power... pulling... and pulling..."

I watched her glazed eyes roll up, as her lids fluttered, and, smoothly, arms still hanging, not moving in the least to steady herself, my subject toppled forward into my chest, where I caught her shoulders. Her face now completely placid and blank, was still upturned towards the eyes that she saw only in her imagination... her own were closed peacefully.

I felt her breasts brushing against my chest, their delicious cleavage not completely hidden by her suit. Her hands, dangling straight down, grazed my hips as they settled again and became still.

Tapping her head more sharply now, I gave her the command "waking trance now," and she got herself to stand upright again, face blankly looking ahead of her.

"As you recite Lesson Two, Rose, feel your arms pulled upwards into the sky."

"Lesson Two. I feel your total control through my entire body and mind. I feel so good when I am under your hypnotic power. I feel dominated and controlled, and I deeply want to feel your power penetrate me."

She was standing there before me, breasts uplifted as her arms waved up in midair like seaweed in the ocean. I caught a glimpse of movement behind some plantings, but when I turned it was gone.

"Lower your arms. Now let's interact almost as if you were wide awake, Rose. Come up now, take my hand and let's walk over to the hot tub."

"O.K. I'm getting real chilly." she said, and could see goose bumps standing out on her pale flesh as we moved through the cool night air, hand-in-hand across the tiled path, where we sank down into the frothy whirlpool with a contented sigh.

We were alone, but at the far end of the patio was one of the couples we had seen earlier. They were in warm hotel terry robes, and were reclining with tall drinks at one of the tables. I gave a little wave, and I saw the girl nod and wriggle her fingers back at me.

"Who's that?" asked Rose, raising her head from the crook of my arm. "Oh, her."

"Rose, we're completely alone here, there's no one but us."

She sank backwards with a wriggle. "Oh, that's nice..." she murmured. "Just usss..."

"We're in a hypnotic fog, Rose, see?" and certainly the mist was very thick as the pool released clouds of vapor up into the night sky.

"Oh, John..." she breathed.

"You find you adore being hypnotized, don't you?"

"Ohhh, it's lovely! Just to... to give up completely... mmmm... to give up and surrender, like nothing matters now... nothing matters but your will John your will dominating me... dominating me and making me want to go so deep now... so deep into your powerrr... your powerrrmmm"

Her voice sunk into her self-deepening routine I had taught her that afternoon. My cock was at full attention, I knew no one could see as I released it from it's pressured confinement.

"That's right, Rose. And inside your hypnotized body is a beautiful, beautiful woman. You are a beautiful person, and your body is beautiful too... you know how attracted I am to your body, Rose."


"And you'll find yourself forgetting about silly comparisons with others... tomorrow you will only know that it's your pleasure in life that shines from you, that makes your flesh dance and sparkle, that I dream and fantasize about your beautiful curvy body all the time, Rose."

"Mmmmm, yes..."

"And you will know that your flesh deserves to be seen and enjoyed, that you deserve to try whatever you'd like, and tomorrow you'll find time to think about those little bathing suits, won't you?"


"And you'll feel how nice it would be to be almost naked, and to swim almost naked, and that in a minute we'll practice that feeling Rose. Tell me now," I continued, "as you feel your whole body float and drift in my warm hypnotic power... what do you remember of our car drive today?"

"Oh, we had a good time!" came her sleepy tones just above the low hum of the water pumps. "You taught me how to drive without getting sleepy... thank you, thank you!"

"And later?"

"Oh later, I drove us all the way into town."

"What happened then, do you remember anything unusual?"

"N-nooo... I didn't get lost, and we were here."

"Yes and I am enjoying this time together very much. You feel easy and comfortable now resting here in my arm."


"We have a nice day tomorrow, too, and I'll enjoy seeing the very tiny suit you pick out..."

"Tiny suit."

"Yes, because tonight I think you'll dream of swimming, Rose, swimming and drifting in the warm waters, and I'll dream of seeing you in your new suit, I know I'll have very powerful, nice dreams about you in your suit."

"You will?"

"Yes, I'll imagine the same thing that you're starting to imagine, all alone in your own private dream, that you're proud of your beautiful beautiful body, and you deserve to let the water slosh and slide all around you while you swim..."

"Mmmmm... that sounds nice..."

"So nice, to glide through the waters, you'll imagine very strongly how your body thanks you for freeing the flesh, how lovely it feels as your arms and legs now begin, just ever so gently to move you alonnnngg the water... you are floating and drifting now in your dream, and your skin feels so free in your new suit, almost nude, like you've always wanted to swim, nude and naked in the warm water all alone..."

I saw through the heavy distorting ripples that she had now entered this dream, and I felt her shoulders flexing as she moved her arms gently.

"Yes, gentle sleepy drifting along, taking time to let your skin feel every ripple and wave as you float along..."

Now I moved out into the deeper part of the pool away from the built-in seat where I'd been cuddling with her. One hand supported her under her neck, keeping her face well out of the water, and now my right hand slid down to her lower back, and simply buoyed her up.

She snaked her arm unconsciously round my torso so it could be free to "stroke" her through the water.

"Open your eyes if you wish, Rose, open them and look up into the naked sky as you drift in your dream."

Her eyelids lifted dreamily, heavily to stare upward past mine. My cock felt the insistent currents as the jets propelled water over my heated loins. Heaven! I watched her breasts as they jutted up at me, and when I lifted up, I could raise her abdomen out of the water, to see her thighs gently flexing away, up and down in a dreamlike kicking motion.

"Now your dream will make you very aware of the delicious feelings as you move through the water," I said, turning her back so her feet were pointed at the wall... at the outflow of the water jet, "moving through and letting the water slide and stroke over you, under and around all your sensitive skin as you float alone, alone and safe in your deep, deep dream.

"And the dream tells you how good it is that you are almost, almost naked, because now you can enjoy every little ripple, every tiny bubble, every stroking, stroking current, letting the warm current take over, letting the warm hypnotic current take possession of your flesh, giving in to all your freedom... yes you will move freely in your dream."

Because I felt her shoulder grow momentarily tense, then relax, as she submitted to my mental control, and her own sensations. Her breasts... so close to my face, swelled with a sleepy sigh of satisfaction and her spine twisted a bit. She bent and straightened again. and her arms fluttered as they floated almost straight out from her shoulders.

I was moving her imperceptibly closer and closer to one of the jets now, my cock feeling how insistent the beating of its current was several feel away, knowing how I had sometimes brought myself to climax against such a stimulus. This jet was about a foot below the surface, and had some sort of rotational element within, because the current swept round in a kind of orbit, I felt it become regularly more and less insistent, washing over my eager phallus, making it thick and rigid.

I floated my subject in a little closer; now the ripples were washing first against one calf, then the other, one then the other.

"Rose," I said, bending close to her face. Her eyes were drooping shut again, and they closed immediately I spoke her name. My left hand under her neck felt a motion and I saw her face begin to turn a bit, left to right again and again.

"Rose, I will guide you through this dream all alone, all safe in your deep bed of sleep you will love the dream so much you will dream it again later tonight after I send you to slumber. The water feels insistent now, Rose... you feel sensitized to the water sliding freely up and up and up, washing you, stroking you, making you want the water... want the stroking... want it more and more. wanting it to stroke you deeper and deeper."

Her head turning more insistently now, searching for an invisible something, her upper teeth catching her lower lip in preoccupation. My right hand slid down a little lower, now I held the very base of her spine, and could feel the swell of her hips.

Her arms were dangling out from her body, forgotten all at once, but her legs were waving as she maneuvered them into the advancing and retreating currents washing and pushing up her legs.

I spotted another nearby jet, closer to the surface, and steady, apparently a stationary fixture, and I decided I wished to control her responses more myself. As I backed her gently away from the orbiting jet, I saw a crease appear in her forehead, and her closed eyes squinched up. I felt her shoulders flutter again.

"Your body is telling you it wants more, your dream is bringing you more and more power now," I droned as my hands now floated her into the new stream. Again her bosoms swelled and sank in a delicious sigh of self-indulgent pleasure.

Now, with my hand under the shelf of her buttocks, I began moving her pelvis gently from side to side, watching as the current again flurried ripples up her right thigh, then her left... right and left, over and over. Again her arms hung limply, but I felt her spine curving as she was now actively trying to control her orientation in the water.

I hadn't looked around lately, so possessed was I with my malleable subject, and I turned my face towards the patio. They were still there. The man was reading a book, but his wife? date? ... she was not reading! Her book was in her hand, but her face was clearly staring across the tiles at Rose and me!

I don't think she knew I noticed, but I could see, I could almost feel her intense interest as she watched a man tugging the supine figure of a woman around the hot tub for such a long time; even at that distance she might have seen Rose's lower limbs, especially now, as they were straightened out, and began a scissors motion, flexing stiffly from her pelvis!

I felt Rose's whole self now yearning towards the insistent jet bubbling and frothing up, up between her inner thighs, and I moved her rather quickly in towards the source, then back out again.

"Yearning to let the waters control you, take control of you, making you want them more and more, the need getting stronger, the command to give in, the command to feel helpless, deliciously helpless to resist, no thought to resist, you must have more and more!"

Her eyes were scrunched up again, and her breath was whistling through her teeth now. Her legs flexed and opened, opened wider as I now simply held her steady, moving her subtly in... and out from the jet... in... and out. I lowered my hand and her pelvis sank down beneath the surface, bringing the demanding surge foaming over the tops of her thighs as they now stuck out stiffly in a wide V, as the demanding surge flowed unstoppably over the thighs, over them focussing the current at her delta, her delta, laving and caressing the most intimate sensitive inner flesh, as I raised and lowered her, trying to direct the current up and down her most private parts now brazenly thrust towards the controlling currents.

I heard her moan clearly and distinctly, and again. The tendons on her upper thighs standing out distinctly as she forced her legs as wide as she could. Another louder moan. I watched her magnificent bosoms jiggle and shudder, watched her helplessly swivelling her upturned face more violently now. Now she's mewing loudly and continuously...

"You will dream very quietly," I say bent over her contorted face, "It will be much stronger if you are almost silent. You want the dream to get stronger, to last and last. Always your body demands more, the water demands more and more surrender."

Her head stops its motions and I feel her spine arching backwards. I move her body even closer now, and I reach down to her feet and position them up out of the water, resting on taut ankles over the edge of the pool. Now she controls her own response.

The pelvis begins rotating gently as she maneuvers the flow directly towards her yearning, the stiff legs wriggling sideways, swashing her genitalia back and forth in the pulsing jet... she's so stiff I need only hold the back of her head.

Our audience is raptly drinking the scene in! I see the blond with her own legs splayed out from her chair, one hand down between them, the other jammed into her mouth, her boyfriend still obliviously reading or asleep, her eyes wide and staring as Rose thrashes herself back and forth before her, unawares.

My cock unbearably stiff now, as I move it beneath my subject, squatting down in the shallow pool only my head and shoulders above water, waiting...

The shudders begin now, her abdomen tightening, the flesh rippling with a small series of shivers. She tautens again. Another series, jiggling the breasts like a horse's flank quivering to remove a biting fly... I stand straighter now, holding her stiffened form with the top of my kneecap. Her head rolls round in it. More shudders, the series coming closer and closer together, her pelvis motionless...

As her hands reach down, down to her delta, her raging seat of pleasure, reach down to the rigid tendons of her upper thighs, down to her swimsuit and pull it aside!

A loud gasp brings her back completely out of the water, and a little splash as her rigid spine relaxes again. Shuddering continuously now. My own hand slides down her neck, sliding impetuously down to the bodice of her suit, down, and under the material, where I take possession of an engorged breast, a soft breast whose flesh melts beneath my fingers, whose tip now comes under my fingers, whose tip, extended and lumpy now is rolled and pinched by my fingertips, whose tip is thrust up insistently into my fingers as Rose gives in completely at last.

For the next two or three minutes I feel her come... wave after wave of juddering, shuddering, stiffening limbs, face twisted and feral, lips pulled back in a rictus of pleasure that doesn't let up, even as her body relaxes between spasms. Then another wave pumps her pelvis up into the currents, and her breasts shake awesomely beneath their confinement.

Did I mention my own climax? I can't, because I don't even remember having it!

I only know that after a time I realized my cock was limp and my balls aching... I must have been empathising so strongly with Rose that my own orgasm just... happened!

I pulled her away from the stimulus, and after a short time she was drifting again, utterly relaxed and limp in my arms. My hand still round her soft breast, seemed to go unnoticed, as now and again she shuddered, like little hiccups, as pleasurable aftershocks must have been sweeping through her. They would each start right at her coccyx, which would clench up, then relax as the shiver moved through her spine and out her limbs, now floating aimlessly from her torso.

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