Date: Tue, 04 Mar 1997 15:13:29 -0800
From: Martin <>
Subject: Starwars XXX


        Han Solo, freed from his carbonite shell, collapsed to the floor
of Jabba's palace with a sick thud.  The bounty hunter known only as
Boushh knelt down next to him and helped him sit up.

        Han shivered and shook as his body tried to adjust to the
shock of awakening from hibernation.

        "Just relax for a moment, you're free of the carbonite." Boushh's
voice rasped through the respirator.  "Shhh...You have hibernation sickness."

        "I can't see.."  Han stated as calmly as he could.

        "Your eyesight will return in time."

        "Where am I?"  Han feebly asked.

        "Jabba's palace."

        Han's trembling hand reached up to touch the face of his unseen
companion.  He felt the hard metal of Boushh's facemask.  He realized he
was totally helpless in this state.  It was a feeling he wasn't used to.
"W-Who are you?"  He hesitantly asked.

        Boushh reached up to remove he mask, revealing her true
identity.  "Someone who loves you."  came the reply from the beautiful

       "Leia!"  Han gasped, his body trembling with relief.

       "I gotta get you out of here."  She said, lifting him up.

        Suddenly, a deep laugh echoed through the audience chamber, a
laugh all too familiar to both of them.  "What's that?!"  Asked Han, but
a second later he realized, "I know that laugh..."

        Jabba's sleep curtain withdrew to reveal his motley crew of
attendants surrounding his enormous bulk.  C-3P0 was unable to cry out,
being stifled by the hand of Bib Fortuna, Jabba's assistant.

        Han, still the slick smuggler, tried to draw himself up as best
he could as Leia turned him around in the aproximate direction of
Jabba's throne.  "Hey, Jabba..  Look, Jabba, I was just on my way to pay
you, and I got a little sidetracked, it's not my fault..."

        "It's too late for that, Solo.  You may have been a good
smuggler, but now you're bantha fodder!"  Jabba replied, laughing
heartily at this pathetic display.

        Han tried to salvage a bad situation, "Look, Jabba..."

        "Take him away!"  Jabba barked.

        "Jabba, I'll pay ya triple, you're throwing away a fortune here,
don't be a fool!"  Han yelled as he was escorted away.

        The great Hutt crime boss now turned his attention to the lovely
young lady in front of him.  "Bring her to me." he commanded.

        Leia, realizing her situation, stood tall before the loathsome
monarch.  Her anger was running high.  She had been planning Han's
rescue for months and now it all appeared to be falling apart.  As the
Gammorean Guard grabbed her, she felt as if she would rather die
struggling than face what came next.  The guard led her up onto Jabba's
throne, pushing her so that her face was inches from the gaping maw.
She could smell the foul stench of his breath, hot and moist on her
cheeks which were flushed with anger.

        She considered killing him right there.  She was a princess of
the Alliance and was disgusted by these rabble treating her with such
callousness.  She need only squirm away and lunge for the nearest guard's
pistol...But she quickly reconsidered.  She remembered that Luke would
be here in only five days.  If she could simply endure that long, he
would make everything better.

        "We have powerful friends.  You're going to regret this."  She
said with all the fire she could muster.

        "I'm sure."  Was Jabba's only reply.  The Guard behind Leia
grabbed her head and pushed her closer to Jabba.  Slowly, Jabba's wet
tounge slithered out and planted a foul kiss squarely on her mouth.

        Jabba breathed a throaty laugh that echoed off the walls.  "Take
her away!"  He roared.

        The guard roughly yanked Leia down from the throne and fairly
threw her ahead of him down a dank passage that descended under the
palace.  Leia could feel the strength of the huge piglike guard as he
squeezed her arms.

        Suddenly, she stumbled and fell onto the hard tile floor.  Her
knee smacked the moss-covered stone sharply and she cried out in anger,
"OW!!  Watch it you slimy pig!!"

        The guard understood from her tone what she meant.  He also had
quite a bit of experience in dealing with Jabba's slave girls.  He
reached down and grabbed a handful of the princess's hair, lifting her
to her knees.  Leia sqeezed her eyes shut in pain and grunted as he
lifted her.  She opened her eyes just in time to see his huge hand
coming straight at the side of her head.

       She heard a distant buzzing as she dropped to the floor like a
sack of Berillian Spice.


        Leia opened her eyes.  Her vison was blurry, but the light was
dim anyway.  Her head ached and her body was stiff from the cold stone
of the floor.  She slowly lifted herself to a sitting position.  She
tried to clear her head, which was still ringing from the guard's

        She was upset with herself.  She had insisted upon coming on
this mission herself despite the strong objections of Mon Mothma and the
rest of the Alliance heirarchy.  "A member of the royal family of
Alderaan is too valuable to take such a needless risk," they complained.
She had heard all her life of how valuable she was.  Risk was something
she was not really afraid of, especially when it came to this mission.
She knew she loved Han more than anyone else.  She would be willing to
do anything to keep him safe.

        But now the mission was in serious trouble.  Han and Chewbacca
been taken away to who knows where, and she was now in a cell.  Not the
way it was supposed to work out when they drew the plan up.  She thought
about her options.  She could try an escape, but the odds were stacked
too heavy against her.  No, her best chance was to put her trust in the
resources of Luke and hope that he could salvage this awful situation.
If he didn't recieve her transponder signal, indicating a successful
retrieval of Han, Chewie and the droids, he would come in and activate
his plan.

       She had four days to send her signal to Luke at Mos Eisley.
Adding a day for him to get inside, she figured she had at least five
days here to try and survive.  Obviously the best thing to do was to try
and survive until he arrived.

       Liea tried to run a hand through her hair before she remembered
the band which held it back in a bun behind her head, part of her
"Boushh" costume.  She grimaced as she massaged the sore tendons in her
neck.  "Han's probably wishing I'de left him in carbonite" she thought
to herself with a half-smile as she looked around.  Her cell was barely
lit, with cobbled stone floor and walls.  One metal gate was the only
entrance, and it was obviously controlled by a panel somewhere outside.
No way out, in other words.

        She supposed she would check the door anyway, and rose to her
feet.  She quickly ran her hands over her body, checking for any damage.
Except for her knee, which had a small scrape on it, she was fine.
Walking over to the door, she touched the cold metal.  She could hear
the muffled moans and noises coming from cells down the hall.  It was
obvious after a brief examination that she wasn't going anywhere soon.
She turned away from the door and began to walk away.

        She heard the thud of footfalls in the corridor.  She moved to
the door and tried to see down the hall.  Suddenly, the gate shot open,
receding into the recess of the doorway.  Just as quickly, the doorway
was filled with the huge girth of a Gammorean Guard.  Leia drew a
startled breath, recognizing him as the guard who had led her here
earlier.  He reached through the doorway toward her.  Figuring that she
had nowhere to go and struggle would only mean another severe blow, she
decided to cooperate with him.  He took her by the arm and pulled her
out into the hallway.

        Leia had undergone torture before, including a mental probe from
an Imperial Interrogator Droid, but she was still afraid of what awaited
her.  Her mouth was dry and she swallowed as she was led down the
dark corridor to whatever lay ahead.

        Leading her down the hallway, the guard walked for what seemed like
forever, twisting down corridors until Leia had entirely lost all sense of
direction.  They arrived at a steel door which swished open with a touch of
guard's huge finger.

        She was led into a room filled with odd looking machinery.  She
could smell a strange but pleasing odor, and could feel that the room
was warm and comfortable.  The guard tossed her down on a round bed in a
corner of the room.  Leia thought it strange to find a bed, soft and
inviting, in a place like Jabba's palace.  In fact, the whole makeup of
this room was like nothing she expected to find.

        The guard stepped back into a far corner and stood there,
staring stupidly.  Leia glared back at him, still trying to communicate
her opinion of such treatment by a lower being, but the guard simply
stood there, eyes never leaving her.  He looked as if he was struggling
with something inside his tiny mind.  Perhaps trying to think more
than ten minutes into the future, Leia thought to herself.

        She shook her head at the idiotic creature and glanced around
her.  The bed she was sitting on was quite soft and covered with silky
sheets and soft pillows.  Overall, the room would have made a
comfortable bedchamber, and appeared to be designed for that purpose
except for the strange machinery interspersed throughout it.  There was
a strange hydraulic machine which had a log hose with a curious nozzle
attached to it.  Also, a series of chains and buckles hung from the
ceiling in one corner.  Leia also noticed a curtained doorway which
apparently led to another room or area.

        She was continuing her scan of the room when the curtain was
suddenly moved aside.  A woman stepped slowly and gracefully through,
replacing the curtain, eyes locked on the princess.

        "Hello young lady." she said, sounding quite sultry.

        Her face was lined slightly and Leia guessed her age to be 40
years from this, although her body told a different story.  She wore a
dress which was slit up both sides, in front of her thighs.  These slits
went up to the top of her legs, revealing them to be hard and well
muscled as she walked over to stand before Leia.  Her dress dipped low
between her breasts and was sleeveless, leaving her arms entirely free.

       She stood before Leia and stared down at her, hands on her hips,
a slight grin on her lips.  Leia noticed that she was very tan and her
body was almost devoid of any fat, yet still extremely feminine.  Her
hair was auburn, slightly streaked with grey, yet her eyes held an
almost impish glint in them as she grinned at the young princess.

        Leia was beginning to feel more and more uncomfortable.  This
room was not what she expected, and this beautiful woman, who looked
to be unarmed, was simply standing and staring at her.  The awkwardness
of it all was troubling her.

        "Nice room you have here."  She said, voice dripping with

        The woman smiled revealing her white teeth.  "You really think
so?  It certainly serves my purposes, that's for sure."

        Leia was somewhat taken aback by the woman's confidence and
poise.  What was this all about?  Why was she here?  What did this woman
want from her?

        "My name is Talaa.  May I ask yours?"

        "No."  Leia stated, matter of factly.  She was after all a
princess and she didn't appreciate the condescending tone in this
woman's voice.

        Talaa's smile grew even wider, and she seemed on the verge of
jumping up and down in glee but her body remained still as she continued
her asessment of Leia.  "Well, I can see you will be quite a challenge!"

        Talaa slowly walked over to a table, her bare feet making no
sound on the hard floor.  She chose a vial from an assorment of them on
a shelf and smiled as she gazed at it.  She turned her head back to
Leia.  "I'm sure you are wondering why you have been brought here."

        Leia simply sat and glared at the woman, growing more and more
angry at the ridiculousness of her surroundings.  She made no reply.

        "Hmm, well, apparently Jabba is quite enamoured with you, and I
can see why.  You are quite beautiful."  She sat gently down on the bed
next to Leia, the vial in her hand.  "You see, I am given the task of
training his slave girls.  It is something I am very good at.  I will
train you to please him as your master."  There was a distinct
seriousness in her tone as she told Leia this.

        Leia had had enough of this.  She looked straight into Talaa's
eyes.  "I would rather be sealed in a pit of filth than even TOUCH that
giant bag of puss."  She spat out every word, her anger genuine.

        Talaa giggled like a little girl, defying the small lines at the
corner of her glittering eyes.  "I understand how you feel," she
whispered, leaning over closer, "he isn't exactly Bel Iblis is he?
That's why I have this for you."  She raised the vial so the Leia could
see the blue fluid inside.  "This is a special elixer.  It simply
heightens the body's natural sexual impulses, even when there is
absolutely no reason for arousal, as in Jabba's case."  She smiled

        Leia couldn't believe what she heard.  She scooted away from
Talaa, the understanding suddenly washing over her like a cold wave.
Now, she was more afraid than she had ever been.  "Look, Talaa, I don't
know what you have in mind, but there is no way I am going to touch that
poison OR Jabba.  I'de rather die in my cell."

        "Again, I understand how you feel, but I'm afraid you have no
choice."  Leia noticed Talaa smile again as she snapped her fingers.
Suddenly, the guard walked over to Leia and grabbed her by her braid,
lifting her up off the bed.  With his other hand, he pinched her jaw
muscles, forcing her mouth open.

        Talaa stood up and removed the top from the vail as the guard
tipped Leia's head back.  She poured the entire contents of it into
Leia's open mouth.

        Leia tried to stuggle, but the Gammorean's arms were like iron
and her jaw felt as if it would be ripped off her skull.  She could
smell the strong stench of his oily skin as the liquid poured into her
mouth.  Before she could spit it out, the guard moved his hand off her
jaw and instead clamped it over the lower half of her face.  Her air
supply was cut off and she truly began to panic.  She swallowed the
solution as her vision grew dim.

        "Alright." Talaa said, satisfied that Leia had swallowed the
elixer.  With that, the guard released her and she dropped to the floor,
choking and gasping for air.  Her arms wrapped around her ribcage as it
shook violently with her coughs.  Her breath was ragged as she
eventually began to regain her composure.

        She was truly afraid.  What was that potion?  What effect would
it have on her?  Talaa knelt down, placing a kind hand on Leia's back.
"Believe me, it's for the best.  You simply cannot resist the elixer.
It will bring out your most passionate and perverse emotions, making
your job of pleasing Jabba much easier."

        Talaa helped Leia to her feet and led sat her gently down onto the
bed.  Leia felt a feeling of utter defeat and simply lay her head down
on the soft sheets.  Talla reclined on her side and moved her body up
against Leia's.  She softly stroked Leia's hair as she spoke to her.
"That's right, don't struggle.  As I said before, the elixer is
impossible to resist.  Any minute now you will feel its effect.  Your
inhibitions will drop and you will be easy to train for your master."

        The thought of Jabba as her "master" brought her back to her
senses.  She sat up.  "I don't care what you give me, nothing could make
me ever touch that foul worm!"

        Talaa touched her hand softly, "Please, don't worry about that.
Let's just talk a while.  Tell me your name."

        Leia now looked at Talaa, anger parried by the softness and
compassion in her voice.  She saw for the first time just how beautiful
this woman was.  Her face was warm and inviting, and her touch was more
tender than anything Leia had felt, as she stroked the top of her hand.
She was lying on her side, propped up on her other arm.  Her legs were
resting causually, half on the bed, and her dress had fallen open to
reveal the length of her thigh.  Leia saw that Talaa was built like a
cat.  Her body deeply tanned and lithe.

        "Leia."  She replied, half wondering why she said it.

        "Leia, why are you staring at me?"  Talaa asked with an obvious

        Leia realized she had been obviously staring at Talaa's body.
Her face flushed crimson red as she drew back her hand, standing up from
the bed.

        "Look, what makes you think I can't resist this 'potion' or
whatever.  I've never heard anything so ridiculous in all my life."  Her
words belying her true feelings.  Her thoughts raced.  Was it working
already?  She was openly staring at Talaa's body, and she had seen many
beautiful women before.  She was experiencing feelings that she could
not explain...   ...Or ignore.

        "Leia, let's be honest.  I have seen the elixer work time and
time again.  Even the most frigid, lustless women find that they are
helpless against it.  I can see it working in you already.  Please, sit
down here and talk to me.."

        Leia wanted to protest.  She wanted to slap Talaa across the
face and take her chances with the guard.  Her mind was screaming at her
to run away.  But, she felt different somehow.  Was the potion really
working?  She thought to herself, "What if I can't resist?  Is she

        Talaa's words sounded so warm and kind.  Leia was filled with an
odd feeling as she gazed into the woman's eyes.  She would have called
it giddiness, or infatuation, but she had never felt this way before.
Her mind continued it's unheeded protests as she slowly sat down on the

        "That's better."  Talaa slid over on the silk sheets so that her
hip was touching Leia's.  She put her arm behind Leia, her palm flat on
the bed, but so that she was now close enough to whisper in Leia's ear.

        Leia sat there, scared stiff because of the odd sensations
she felt rushing through her.  She was acutely aware of Talaa's
closeness.  She could smell the pleasant scent of her hair.  She stared
straight ahead, terrified to move, lest she lose control of herself.

        Talaa gazed at Leia, a soft smile on her lips.  She moved
her head closer, whispering in her ear.  "You seem nervous.  Why?
Don't you find me attractive?"  She held her lips an inch away from
Leia's cheek.  Leia could feel the warmth of her breath.  Its scent was
clean and strangely arousing.  She was quickly losing control.

        "Leia, have you ever been touched by a woman?"

        This question, although it was what Leia wanted to hear, was too
shocking for her to ignore.  She turned her head to Talaa.  "No-  I-I
mean, of course not!"  Her mind was screaming at her to pull away, jump
and and get away.  The suggestion that she would be attracted to another
woman was too foul!  She had never felt that way...  Had she?

        "It must be that foul elixer."  She thought to herself.
It was making her feel this way.  Then what Talaa said was true.  She
was completely under its power.  There was no escape.  A feeling of
hopelessness swept over her.

        Talaa ran her hand softly up Leia's back to the bun of hair.
She undid it, letting the silky hair cascade around her shoulders.  She
ran her fingers through it, noticing as Leia's eyes closed at this.  She
moved in closer.

        Leia closed her eyes at the feeling of Talaa's hand stroking her
hair.  She felt herself being pushed along by her desires.  There was
now a peculiar warmth in her loins.  They itched in a way they hadn't in
years.  Another effect of the cursed potion, she thought.  Now she could
feel Talaa's breath hot on her lips.  Just then, Talaa softly kissed Leia's
slightly open mouth.

        Leia inhaled quickly, tasting the sweet breath of Talaa.
Talaa's tounge felt so tender as it slowly explored Leia's mouth.  She
ran it over the edges of Leia's teeth, flicking lazily across her
pouting lips.  Leia was in agony. She felt helpless against the feelings
she now knew so well.  She arched her back slightly as she deeply
accepted Talaa's kiss.  She hesitantly touched Talaa's tounge with the
tip of her own, wondering at the new sensation.

        Talaa took this as a sure sign of Leia's readiness.  She slowly
put her arm around her while placing her other hand on Leia's thigh.
The two women kissed slowly and passionately, exploring eachothers
mouths with lustful eagerness.  Leia squeezed her thighs together to try
to control the ache between them.  She felt as if she was watching a
holo projection of herself passionately kissing this woman.  She
couldn't think of anything except the emotions and passions she felt.
She had truly lost control.

        The women kissed tenderly for a long minute.  Then, Talla slowly
pulled away from Leia's hungry mouth, a single thread of saliva
connecting their lower lips.  Leia was now panting, her eyes wide with
lust.  She licked her lips unecessarily as they were already wet, her
chest heaving.

        Talaa slowly stroked Leia's thigh.  "You see.  I told you the
elixer would bring out your true desires."  She smiled to herself.
"Now, let's see what we have under all this..."

        Although she had removed the heavy belts and gloves, Leia was
still wearing the heavy garb of her bounty hunter guise.  Talaa rached
up under Leia's neck and undid the buckle there.  She slowly reached
underneath and found the heavy zipper.  She pulled it down Leia's chest,
stopping finally at her waist.  Leia sat frozen, her eyes locked on

        Talaa slowly pulled the heavy garment down off Leia's shoulders,
revealing a simple white tank-top.  The room was warm, but Talaa knew
that the shirt was soaked in sweat for another reason.  Leia's breasts
were the perfect size, nicely rounded and very firm.  They moved up and
down as she breathed, nipples poking through, hard as pebbles.

        "Stand up."  commanded Talaa.  Leia obeyed in a daze, not
knowing why.  Talaa guided the suit down off of Leia's hips.  She was
wearing only a white pair of underpants which also clung to her skin
with moisture.  Talaa unbuckled Leia's boots and slipped the uniform
completely off.

        Leia now stood before Talaa, clad only in her underwear.  her head
was down in shame, her hands clasped across her breasts in an attempt at
modesty.  She had never even imagined a situation like this in her life.
She was completely ashamed, but she could not deny the lust that was
coursing through her veins.  She rationalized that the potion was indeed
irresistable, and therefore, she was not responsible for what happened,
and she was aching for this woman's touch.  How long would she be able
to keep from losing total control?  She wondered.

        Talaa was still seated on the bed, in front of Leia, her face at
the exact level of Leia's damp crotch.  She slowly slipped her hands
onto the back of Leia's thighs and pulled her closer, forcing Leia to
take a couple of small steps.  She was now standing between Talla's
thighs.  She could feel Talaa's breath on her belly and it sent shivers
down her spine.

        Talaa ran her hands slowly up Leia's thighs, enjoying the smooth
white skin under her fingertips.  When she had reached Leia's ass, she
gently slid her fingertips under the thin material.  she gently squeezed
Leia's ass under the panties, marvelling at the firmness.  Deftly, she
withdrew her hands and placed them on Leia's hips, curling her fingers
under the waistband.  She slowly pulled the underpants down, revealing
Leia's full black bush.  She let them fall to the floor around Leia's

        Leia was now crimson red.  Her eyes were closed and her head was
turned to the side, but she knew that Talaa was staring at her
half-naked body.  Leia had never had anything like this done to her and
she was amazed to find herself enjoying it, despite the objections in
her mind.

        Talaa pushed Leia back and stood up.  She placed her hand on the
back of Leia's neck and said, "Lay down on your stomach."  Leia followed
her orders.   Kneeling down on the bed, she crawled a bit forward so her
entire body was on it.  She lay down on her stomach, legs held tightly
together.  She pillowed her head on her arms.

        Talaa watched Leia lie down with a smile on her face.  "Spread
your legs."  She ordered Leia.  Leia obeyed, her face hidden, she spread
her legs wide enough for Talaa to kneel down between them.  Talaa ran
her fingers up the back of Leia's thighs to her ass.  She squeezed both
globes of Leia's ass, aprraising them.  They were white as snow and firm
as a young child's.  Talaa pulled the semi-spheres apart and saw Leia's
tiny asshole, pink and untouched.  It was not puckered like most, but was
almost invisible, a tiny slit only half-an-inch long. Talaa released
Leia's ass.  She then ran her hands slowly over the dense forest
covering Leia's plump lips.  She could not see Leia's slit, so she
pulled the lips apart, exposing the pinkness inside, and bringing a
muffled sob of ecstasy and embarrasment from her captive.

        Leia was in agony.  She wanted so desperately to let herself go,
but her royal training and upbringing prevented her.  She loved the
feeling of this woman examining her private places.  She knew the elixer
was working, she could feel it rushing through her veins.  She knew she
was losing the battle against it.

        As Leia was thinking this, she felt Talaa's hands move down from
her ass to her thighs again.  She imagined Talaa was gawking at her
body, when she suddenly jumped sharply.  Talaa had kissed her pussy.
She was so surprised she moaned out loud.  Talaa slowly slid her tounge
inside the crease of Leia's womanhood.  She began to slowly stroke her
tounge over the pink folds, top to bottom.

        Leia's breath came in ragged gulps now, and she squirmed under
Talaa's firm grip.  Her effort was half hearted, and she soon found
herself moving toward Talaa's eager mouth.  She raised her hips slightly
off the sheets and felt Talaa help by placing her hands under her hips.

        Talaa had moved closer now, still kneeling behind Leia.  She
lifted Leia's hips up and began to obscenely suck on the princess's
sweet fruit.  She ran her tounge deep inside until she could taste an
even deeper, tangy taste.  she ran her tounge over the sensitive bump at
the top (bottom?) of the slit, causing Leia to spasm each time.

        Leia now lost full control of herself.  She cried out in
passion, "YES!!  OH TALAA!!  OOOHHHHH!!"  She had abandoned all hope of
resisting the elixer.  Her desires swept over her like a wall of warm
water.  She loved to feel Talaa's hot mouth as it sucked at her body.
She wanted to push her self inside it, if she could.  Her legs splayed
obscenely, she thrust her hips up even farther.  She could quicky feel
her orgasm coming.  Beads of persperation flecked her forehead as she
concentrated all of her energies into the sensation.

        Talaa could feel the rythm of Leia's hips as they thrust up at
her.  She steadily sucked on Leia's beautiful mound, tasting the salt of
the sweat running down from Leia's thighs, among other delicious
flavors.  Talaa could hear Leia's cries echoing in her ears.  Suddenly,
she sensed a change.  She could tell that Leia was coming and so she
dropped her lips down to suck on the little nub, hidden in all the black
fur.  She sucked on it like a baby at its mother's teat, rythmically as
Leia came hard, bucking her hips and shouting in pleasure.

        Drained, Leia let her hips fall back to the bed.  Talaa licked
her lips and moved to a seated position next to Leia.  Leia's body
glowed beautiful in the warm light of the room.  She was white as a
Basalian Snow Beast.  Covered in sweat, the droplets glistened on her
round ass.  Talaa had to admit that she was the most beautiful woman she
had tasted in years.  But something was different.

        "Leia, tell me, are you a virgin?"

        Leia, still drained from her release, looked up into Talaa's
eyes.  "Yes.  I am."  she said meekly.  The life of a princess was
carefully guarded.  She could not even remember seeing another person
naked, although she had been briefed on the functions of the body, and
had seen holos in her education.  Trained in diplomacy from a very young
age, there was no time for play of any kind.  She had learned the
pleasures of self-stimulation at an equally young age, but this only
fueled her desires.  She usually tried to keep her thoughts on her work.
Only recently had Han brought out these ignored feelings.

        Talaa smiled hugely.  "Really?  Well, what an honor.  I see that
you are helpless against the elixer, as I said you would be."

        Leia blushed deeply.  "Apparently I am."  But, she knew she
didn't mind one bit.  She was horny and aching for more.

        Talaa smiled again.  "Leia, I have something to tell you."  She
brought her lips to Leia's ears and whispered...

        "There is no elix