Newsgroups: alt.sex.stories
Subject: MIKE45(5 of 5) Sisters mF inc
From: fr582@cleveland.Freenet.Edu (Max S. Wojtylak)
Date: 27 Sep 1996 01:07:57 GMT

SISTERS: Lovers and Other Relatives


By Uncle Mike

     The assembled daughters of the Reed clan were huddled 
around a table at the soda shop, each digging into a tower of ice 
cream in assorted unnatural shades of pastel. As was their 
usual custom, they were dishing assorted friends and relatives. 
The topic du jour was a friend of Georgie's whose husband was 
having an affair -- Georgie knew, her friend didn't, and should 
she tell?

     "Well," Teddy said, licking a drop of vanilla off the side of 
her mouth, "I think you should. I mean, why should the wife 
always be the last to know? Besides, if you don't tell when you 
know something like that, aren't you becoming an accomplice 

     "Hah! You should talk!" Alex exploded, letting her spoon 
clatter onto the table. 

     Teddy stared at her. "What are you talking about?"

     "Like you don't know!"

     "I don't, I -- uh, oh."

     Frankie, the youngest, was in between Teddy and Alex. Her 
eyes had been bouncing back and forth between them like a 
spectator at a tennis match, but when she saw the look in 
Teddy's face she quickly looked down. "Oh, you ..." she let it drift 

     "You know, too?" Alex demanded. "How did you find out?"

     "Well, I -- um, that is ..."

     "You -- you didn't..." Alex said, in a stage whisper.

     Georgie managed to get a word in edgewise. "What are you 
talking about?"

     All three of her sisters stopped talking and stared at her for 
a second. Simultaneously, they all blushed a deep red.

     "What is it," Georgie demanded. "What -- oh, God, no, it's 
about me, isn't it? It must be, because none of you will look me 
in the eye. But -- John? John's having an affair? I can't believe 

     "No, it's not John," Frankie said, quickly.

     "Then who? What? Honestly, I don't understand. What's the 
big secret?"

     "It's nothing. There's no secret," Teddy said in a rush.

     "That's right," Alex chimed in. "No secret at all. Nothing."

     Georgie grimaced. "Frankie," she said, turning her big-sister 
glare on the youngest, "come clean."

     Frankie remembered a similar situation, many years ago. She 
could almost see it now, a younger version of herself in 
pigtails, hiding behind her two other sisters as Georgie, hands 
on hips, stared right into her eyes. She could remember 
squirming under Georgie's gaze, desperately trying to keep in 
the secret -- though what that secret had been, she couldn't 
remember. Her alter ego seemed to be speaking to her; at least, 
that's what she called it when a corner of her mind tried to buck 
up her resolve. "Don't be a snitch," her younger self insisted. 
"Besides, you did it, too."

     But the voice of a younger Georgie seemed to be in her head, 
too, demanding that she come clean, appealing to her conscience. 
Ooh, that hurt. It always stung when Georgie mentioned her 

     Desperately, Frankie tried to remember how she had gotten 
out of that long-ago dilemma. She couldn't have stood up to 
Georgie, could she? But how had she avoided getting smacked by 
Alex and Teddy for squealing? 

     Now she remembered! She'd made up a story, something good 
enough for Georgie to swallow but not nearly as bad for Alex and 
Teddy as the truth would have been. It worked then, maybe it 
would work now!

     "OK, I'll confess," Frankie said. "But it's really no big secret."

     "Frankie!" Alex exclaimed. 

     Frankie shook off her sister's frantic gestures. "No, Alex, I 
have to tell."

     "Tell what?" Georgie was insistent.

     Frankie tried to stall for time to come up with a good story, 
mashing her ice cream into a vaguely gray mush and then 
twirling it up into spiked mounds on her spoon.

     "Frankie!" Georgie was growing increasingly impatient.

     What could I say, Frankie thought. We've already said it 
wasn't her husband, and if I say it doesn't involve Georgie at all 
she'll see right through me. Quick! 

     Georgie's eyes seemed to bore right into her brain. Frankie 
panicked. She couldn't think of a thing. She decided to toss the 
ball to one of her sisters for help.

     "Alex..." she blurted out.

     "Oh, sure, rat on me," Alex shot back. As soon as she said it, 
she slapped her hand across her mouth. It was too late.

     "You?" Now Georgie turned her gaze on Alex. "What did you 
do? And who did you do it with?"

     "Me? It was all Teddy's fault!"

     Teddy scooped out a spoonful of ice cream and flipped it 
across the table at Alex. "Thanks a lot, Alex. We'd never be in 
this mess if it wasn't for Trevor."

     "Trevor!" Georgie's eyes bulged like the cherries on top of her 

     "Oops," Teddy said, staring down into her dessert.

     "My God, Alex -- you slept with my son?"

     "Well," Alex said, staring down as well, "I might have -- but 
it was only for punishment."

     Georgie only gasped.

     "For sleeping with Reed, of course."

     "And Cat," Frankie said.

     "Cat? Trevor slept with Cat?" That was Alex; Georgie was 
still sitting there with her mouth wide open, not saying a word. 
Alex, however, couldn't stop talking. "My God, Teddy, you knew 
Trevor slept with your own daughter and you made up that lame 
excuse to cover up for it? What kind of a mother are you?"

     "Me? You slept with your own nephew as punishment?"

     Frankie gulped down a spoonful of ice cream so fast it made 
her head ache. "Teddy, who are you to criticize Alex? You made 
it with him, too."

     "Teddy!" Alex exclaimed.

     "Frankie!" Teddy barked.

     Finally, Georgie found her voice. "Frankie, just how do you 
know all this?"

     All eyes turned to the youngest Reed daughter. She suddenly 
discovered a thread loose on her blazer and spent an inordinate 
amount of time plucking it out. When she finished, however, she 
looked up only to find all her sisters still staring.

     "OK. Me too."

     Georgie didn't faint, exactly, thanks to the fact that as she 
started to go under she fell face forward and the instant the ice 
cream hit her nose she sputtered back to consciousness.

     The discussion that followed was long and at times rather 
heated. It ended only when Georgie admitted she was too 
exhausted to go on.

     "But," she said, reaching for her purse, "at least will you 
promise not to have sex with my son again? Either of my sons?"

     "Absolutely," Alex said.

     "I guess so," Frankie said, reluctantly.

     "Nope," Teddy said.

     They all stared at her.

     "Well, he's pretty damn good in bed," Teddy said, defiantly.

     "Mmmm," Frankie sighed, "you can say that again."

     "Now that you mention it," Alex chimed in.

     The waitress had already cleared away their dishes. So that 
time Georgie's head hit the table with a solid-sounding smack. 
Luckily, Alex had smelling salts in her bag.

        ===   ===   ===   ===

     Trevor was up in his room doing the reading for his biology 
class when Evan tore in. Trevor thought once again that for a kid 
in such bad shape, Evan had an awful lot of energy. He put down 
his book for a minute to watch his younger brother burrow 
through a pile of dirty clothes before pulling out a tattered 

     "Whatcha doin', kid?"

     Evan's face beamed. "Dad's gonna take me to the zoo, and then 
we're gonna go out for ice cream!"

     "Sounds good, but when did all this happen? I thought we 
were supposed to be going to Grandma's tonight?"

     Evan shrugged his shoulders. "Yeah, but Mom said it was 
canceled. It was her idea for Dad to take me, anyway." The little 
boy stubbed his toe into the carpet. "I said you should come too, 
really I did, but Mom said for Dad to take me. She said you had 
homework to do." 

     "It's OK," Trevor said. "So long, kid."

     "Yeah -- hey, want us to bring something back for you from 
the ice cream store?"

     "Nah, it'll melt."

     "Oh, yeah." Evan was just out the door when he turned around. 
"Oh, yeah, I almost forgot. Mom said for you to come downstairs 
when you're done."

     "What for?"

     "I dunno." With that, Evan was thundering down the stairs.

     Meanwhile, a cold prickling sensation was moving down 
Trevor's neck. Had she found out somehow? Had she found out 
about all of it? That he had fucked his cousins and all his aunts? 
He'd been worried if she just found out about Reed and Cat -- 
what would she do to him now?

     To his surprise, he found that he was not really as scared as 
he thought he should be. Not scared at all, in fact. So he had 
made his aunts and cousins -- so what? Each time he had been 
petrified at being found out and afraid of the punishment, and 
each time it had turned out better than before. Besides, he was 
sick and tired of being afraid. He made up his mind not to 
apologize. He'd done it, and Mom would have to live with it.

     Perhaps in the back of his mind there was still a tiny bit of 
hope that she just wanted to ask him to take out the garbage or 
something, but that faded when Trevor walked into the kitchen, 
said hi to his mother and sat down -- and she didn't say a word. 
She was standing at the sink, staring outside. When he spoke, 
her hands moved down and clutched at the rim of the sink. She 
stood there, frozen, for almost a minute, before she spoke, still 
turned away from him.

     "How could you?"

     The three words hit Trevor right in the stomach. He knew it 
was coming, but he still didn't want to face it. He said nothing.

     "How could you, Trevor?" His mother was still turned away, 
talking to the window. "How could you possibly -- with your own 
aunts? And your cousins? Is this how I've raised you?"

     Trevor could see his mother's knuckles growing white as she 
gripped the sink. He kept silent while she continued to rail at 
him, running through a list of every thing she'd ever done for 
him. It tore at his heart, but he didn't say a word. She moved on 
to describe in great detail just how awful the things he had 
done were, and "incest" was the nicest word she used. Trevor's 
cheeks were hot and he had a strong urge to run away, but he 
kept telling himself that he had nothing to be ashamed of.

     In time his mother's tirade slowed and stopped. Through it 
all she had never once moved, not even turned her head slightly. 
The whole thing had been delivered straight into the window.

     Then, though, she spun around. Her hands, twisted tightly into 
fists, dug into her hips as she glared down at him. 

     "Don't you have anything to say for yourself?"

     Trevor stared down at his lap.

     "Aren't you even ashamed of what you did?"

     At last he looked up, looking her right in the eye. It took 
almost all his strength not to look away, but he managed to 
whisper a one-word answer.


     His mother sagged back against the counter as if someone 
had suddenly removed half the bones in her body. Trevor started 
to get up to help her, but she waved him away with a glare on 
her face.

     "Don't," she said. "Don't touch me, don't talk to me."

     Trevor sank back into the chair. "Don't you even want to know 
why?" he asked.

     Her mouth fell open. "Know why? I know why. Because you're 
a foul, evil boy who can't control his lusts." She spat the words 
out, but she wouldn't look him in the face.

     Trevor kept talking, quietly. "No. It's because I love them. I 
love Reed, and Cat, and Aunt Teddy, and Aunt Alex, and Aunt 
Frankie. I love them, I care for them, and I'm not ashamed that 
we -- that we loved each other. That's what we did, Mom. We 
didn't have sex, we made love."

     His mother turned away again, but Trevor went on. "I know 
that people say you're not supposed to love your cousins or your 
aunts that way, but -- but why not? You know what a close 
family we have. Why deny it? I've thought about this a lot. Sure, 
at first, I thought it was a sin. But it doesn't feel like that 
anymore. I know that it wasn't just an animal thing. I really 
loved them, and -- and they loved me. What we did -- well, it 
probably will never happen again ..."

     He saw his mother's head bob up. "That's not what your aunts 
say," she told the window.

     Trevor ignored the interruption. "But I'm not going to 
apologize because it happened once. There's nothing wrong with 
it, no matter what everybody else says. We all were willing to 
do it, you know."

     As he finished, his mother had turned and walked out of the 
kitchen. Almost out, she turned and looked at him without a 
sound. Then, all at once, she crumpled back against wall, sobbing 
quietly into her upturned hands. Trevor wanted to run to her, to 
make her feel better, but he thought she'd only slap him away.

     After a little while, his mom rubbed her face in her hands 
and turned away again. As she left, she spoke softly, almost a 
whisper, over her shoulder. "I do ... I do still love you, Trev."

     Then she was gone. He could hear her muffled footsteps going 
up the stairs and down the hall, fading away. Then there was 
silence but for the quiet ticking of a clock. Trevor put his head 
in his hands, his mind filled with anguished thoughts.

     Through the fog, something seemed to call to him. There was 
something he was trying to think of, but he couldn't quite grasp 
it. Through the mist, little by little, it came to him.

     His mother said she loved him.

     Trevor got up slowly and went upstairs. Down at the end of 
the hallway he could see a thin sliver of light spreading out 
from underneath his parents' bedroom door. He walked toward it, 
his thoughts awhirl.

     He knocked. There was no answer. His heart pounding, Trevor 
reached for the doorknob. It was not locked. His hand, already 
clammy, slipped on the knob before he gripped it tighter and 
opened the door slowly.

     His mother had been sitting on the big bed. Without thinking 
much about it, Trevor noticed that the comforted had been 
folded down to the end of the bed, leaving the sheets exposed.

     His mother got to her feet, facing him. She still wore the 
simple blue cotton dress she'd had on downstairs, though she'd 
tossed aside the gingham apron. They stood facing each other, 
silent, like gunfighters in an old Western.

     Trevor drew first. He swallowed and spoke. 

     "I love you too, Mom."

     Perhaps there was a moment's hesitation. It seemed like an 
eon to Trevor. But then they were both rushing toward each 
other, embracing, holding onto each other for dear life. Their 
lips met and crushed together. Trevor had kissed his mother 
many times, but never like this. Never with this intensity, a 
kiss so deep he could feel their souls meeting.

     And then his mother slipped her tongue into his mouth, and he 
met it, and he knew his life would never be the same again.

     None of the feelings he'd experienced with Reed or Cat or any 
of his aunts, not even Aunt Frankie, were a tenth as powerful as 
the emotions that surged through him now. He pulled his 
mother's body to his. His cock lay between them, engorged to its 
full size already, rubbing against her flat stomach as they 
kissed hungrily: wet, hot, sloppy kisses. His mother's hand slid 
down his side and when she pushed it in between their bodies 
and cupped his cock through his jeans, Trevor almost came. He 
answered by letting one hand grope her bra-encased breast 
while the other pawed at her firm round ass, tugging up her 
dress until he could slip his fingers underneath it and slide 
them under her panties and hose, grabbing a handful of her warm 
flesh and pressing her hard against him. They spoke only in 
moans as they wrestled together, his mother's leg sliding with a 
sizzle up and down his thigh, her tongue flicking out at his ear 
and sending an electric shock through his whole body.

     Even as Trevor was lost in lust, he never forgot for a second 
that this hot, sexy woman in his arms was his mother, the 
woman who had given him birth, nursed him, fixed his meals, 
sent him off to school. He felt no shame, though; the thought 
that he was about to make love to his mother just made him 
more passionate.

     At last they broke their embrace and stepped apart. They 
were both breathing hard, faces flushed, clothes askew. Trevor 
panted out a question, though by now he was sure of the answer: 

     "Are you sure you want to do this?"

     In reply, his mother reached behind her back and slowly 
unzipped her dress. As it fell to the floor she stepped out of it 
and stood before him in her demure white bra. He could see the 
white of her panties underneath the dark brown crotch of her 

     Her body was not as perfect as Aunt Frankie's -- her legs not 
as long or lean, her stomach flat but not as firm, her breasts not 
quite as big. But Trevor didn't notice any flaws; he saw only a 
vision of beauty, a goddess with a crown of brown hair. He 
swiftly unbuttoned his shirt, yanked off his jeans.

     Meanwhile his mom slipped out of her bra, freeing her melon-
sized breasts capped by already-erect nipples standing out from 
small, dark circles. As Trevor kicked off his white socks, his 
mother peeled off her pantyhose, wadded them up and tossed 
them aside.

     Now he could see the dark stain already spreading across the 
front of her panties. She could see, he knew, the stain on his 
own shorts, at the top of the massive bulge that was his 

     They didn't hesitate. As Trevor pried his shorts off his 
aching cock, letting it hang free, his mother slid her panties to 
the floor. 

     And there it was, just below the patch of soft brown hair: 
his mother's cunt. His birthplace. He stared at it, mesmerized 
from a distance, until she spoke.

     "Well," she said, and there was a smile in her voice, "are you 
just going to look at it, or are you going to do something about 

     He laughed and moved toward her. His prick prodded her pubic 
mound as they embraced again and kissed. This time their hands 
had no obstructions in their way and they eagerly explored each 
other's body. His mother sighed deeply when Trevor first held 
her breasts, rubbing gently against the nipples with his thumbs. 
He groaned in delight when she took firm hold of his rigid cock 
and massaged it up and down in her warm hands.

     As they touched and groped and hugged, his mother moved 
backward until she was standing against her bed. Trevor had 
begun to kiss his way down her neck and to her plump tits, 
which he took into his mouth one at a time, sucking on them as 
he knew he once had as a child. But now his mouth was seeking 
not sustenance but pleasure, and he licked the mounds tenderly 
but lustily, and nipped gently at the sensitive buds at their 

     "That's it, Trev," his mother said, running her fingers through 
his hair. "Just like that, that's perfect. God, what a good son I 

     Trevor continued to kiss his way down her naked body. "Am I 
a good son, Mom? Am I making my mother happy?"

     "Any happier and I'd be -- oh, God!" His mother moaned as he 
worked his way down to her steaming slit and slid his tongue 
inside for a second. 

     Kneeling before her as she sat on the bed, Trevor pulled back 
from her pussy, teasing it with occasional licks while he 
attended to her thighs and pubic mound. She opened herself to 
him, spreading her legs wide and lying back on the bed.

     Several times she begged him to stop teasing but Trevor was 
patient, applying everything he'd learned from his aunts. Only 
when he figured she could stand it no longer did he once again 
enter her cunt with his probing tongue, sending it darting deep 

     "Yesssssss!" his mother sighed, locking her legs around his 

     Trevor brought his hands up while he continued to lick at her 
cunt, sliding a finger into her wet opening, then two. His mom 
began to buck against his face, urging him deeper within her 
hungry tunnel. When he slid his finger down to the bottom of her 
hole while running his tongue up to her clit, she shrieked in 

     "Do it, Trev, do it! Suck my clit, honey! Eat me out! That's so 
good, sweetie, yes, more, please!" She was rolling from side to 
side and still bucking against him, and the springs of the bed 
creaked under her frantic motion.

     Faster and faster Trevor tongue-fucked his mother's cunt, 
burying his face in the hot, wet folds of her, until at last she 
suddenly arched her back and sucked in a huge breath, holding it 
for several seconds before letting it out in a series of huffs and 
puffs as she fell back against the bed. Then again, and once 
more, and it was over. 

     Trevor stood up and looked down on his mother's naked body, 
splayed out before him, her cunt sending up a steamy scent of 
sex. She smiled at him, seeming to read his mind, and lifted her 
legs, resting her feet on his strong shoulders. 

     Trevor moved forward and his cock slid smoothly into her 
well-lubricated pussy, driving all the way in at once. He was in! 
He had his prick buried in his own mother's cunt! It was all he 
could do to keep from cumming immediately, and when she 
moved slightly underneath him Trevor had to pull out to stop the 

     But again he moved forward and plunged his lance into his 
mother, grabbing her legs and hugging them to his already 
sweaty body as he began a slow, steady rhythm. His mother's 
pussy lips clung to his thick shaft on every stroke, drawing him 
closer and closer as he slid it in, his balls slapping against her 

     All too soon he felt a surge he could not control. "No, no, not 
yet!" he whispered, but it was too late. A burning blast of jism 
jetted out of his rod and shot deep into his mother's cunt, just 
as his father's sperm had once done to give him life. It felt so 
damn good, he thought.

     His mother produced a pout as he pulled his withering 
member from her, but her eyes were dancing when she swung 
her legs off his shoulders and pulled him onto the bed after her. 
Trevor thought she just wanted to cuddle, but after she had put 
him on his back in the middle of the big bed his mother 
straddled him, her breasts rubbing against his chest as again 
her tongue probed deep into his mouth. It was a long, lingering 
kiss, and when she broke it she quickly began to mimic him, 
kissing her way down his naked body. 

     Trevor couldn't believe what was going to happen. Even after 
all they had done, this seemed too much. "Mom," he said, "you 
don't have to..."

     "Ssshhhh," she shushed him, in between kisses on his chest. 
"My little boy was so good to his mother that I have to do 
something for him, too." She was kissing his stomach. "Besides 
..." She licked his thighs. "I'm not done yet."

     Lying down on her stomach between his legs, Trevor's mom 
slid her tongue around the tip of his cock. It didn't respond. But 
when she opened her mouth and took the shriveled snake in, he 
knew it wouldn't be long.

     Soon enough, his shaft was lengthening, thickening, inside 
his mother's mouth. When it had grown to about four inches long 
she began to suck it in and out, her lips hugging the rod tightly. 
It grew larger and larger as Trevor watched his cock disappear 
into his mom's eager mouth. 

     Even when he was at his full length, she was able to take him 
all in, her cheeks hollowing as the tip of his cock pressed 
against the back of her throat. It was an incredible sensation, 
seeing his mom's nose tickled by his pubic hair as she 
swallowed him whole, but it didn't last long; she had other 

     Kissing his cockhead, Trevor's mom once again straddled his 
waist. She held his rigid prick in one hand, caressing it, 
smearing it with cum and saliva, as she positioned herself just 
right.  Then slowly, oh, so slowly, his mother eased his cock 
into her heated tunnel once again.

     This time she was in control, and even Trevor's slight effort 
to buck his shaft into her met with clucking disapproval, the 
same gentle "no" he used to get when he tried to sneak a cookie 
before dinner.

     But now it was nookie, not a cookie, that he was getting as 
his mom rode his cock like the experienced older woman she 
was, sending ripples of pleasure through him each time she sank 
down and impaled herself on his shaft. Her timing was 
exquisite, varying the rhythm from a frantic bucking to an easy, 
excruciatingly slow pace, when it seemed to Trevor he could 
feel every individual nerve in his rod being brushed by his 
mother's pussy lips, one by one.

     "Is this all right, Trevor?" she asked, only slightly out of 

     "God, yeah!" he groaned. "Mom, you're the greatest!"

     "You like it, huh? You like your hot mama driving her tight 
little pussy onto her son's big cock, Trevor?"

     With his hips squeezed so tightly by his mother's thighs that 
he couldn't move underneath her, her breasts hanging just out of 
his reach, being unable to respond physically at all made her 
wild words even more exciting. 

     "Yeah, Mom," he whispered to her. "Yeah, I like the way you 
fuck. I want to fill that hot little cunt of yours until it's so full 
it can't hold any more cum. C'mon, Mom. Fuck me. Fuck me 

     Her tempo increased and the bed's creaks grew louder. "I'm 
going to fuck you, honey! That's right. Your mother's going to 
fuck her pussy on your cock all night long, Trevor. Show me what 
you've got, sweetie!"

     She eased her grip on his hips and Trevor began to buck up at 
her, banging their groins together as he slammed his shaft up 
into his mother's eager cunny. She bent down and he grabbed hold 
of her tits, massaging and mauling them as they pounded away 
at each other. Even when, from time to time, Trevor would fall 
back, in need of a break from their rutting, his mother continued 
her assault. She fingered herself as well, pulling her hand away 
only long enough to lick it clean before again dipping it into her 
overflowing hole. 

     Trevor had never imagined his mother could be so hot. She 
was a sex machine, and his tool was banging away at her. Just 
the sight of her tits bouncing up and down as she rode him was 
enough to restore his energy any time it flagged.

     When at long, long last his mom began to grunt rhythmically, 
"Oh, God. Oh god. Ohgodohgodohgodohgod!" he knew another 
orgasm was near for her, but he was still far away. When she 
stiffened and swayed above him, screeching out his name as she 
came and came, Trevor only held himself still until she was 

     Then she pulled herself off his swollen rod and fell face-
forward onto the bed, exhausted. 

     Trevor crawled behind her and began to massage her back and 
legs, digging his hands into the knotted muscles.

     "That's great, Trev," his mother said. "You really wore me 
out, sweetie. I don't think I could even walk. I ... hey!"

     Trevor had moved in between her legs and allowed his cock 
to rub up and down the cleft of her ass. Well-oiled with their 
passion juices, the head of his cock easily slipped between her 
butt cheeks and poked up against the tight, puckered opening. 
She seemed more surprised than upset when he kept pushing, one 
hand holding his shaft rigid while the other pulled her ass off 
the bed, giving him slightly better access.

     He took it very, very slow, but eventually felt the thick 
cockhead pop into her virgin asshole. He asked permission to go 
further, and took her groan as approval, sliding his meat deeper 
and deeper into her. It was the tightest hole he had ever entered, 
and his cock was so thick that he could barely move it inside 
her. It was good, but he wanted better.

     Easing his cock out of his mother's ass, Trevor grabbed her 
around the waist with both hands and pulled her onto her knees, 
spreading her legs. Her pleasure was obvious when he inserted 
his prick once again into her cunt and rammed it home.

     Soon they were into a smooth pace, Trevor smacking his hips 
into his mom's ass as he thrust into her again and again and 
again. He bent forward to cup her tits in his hands, excited as 
her hot, sweaty body moved under his.

     They were beyond words, at least for the moment, and only 
moaned or shouted incoherently as they slammed their bodies 

     Trevor lost all track of time, and occasionally even seemed 
to lose sensation in part of his cock as he drove into his mother. 
But even as her body thrilled him, his strength was giving out. 
When his cock slipped out of her on an over-exuberant stroke, he 
could barely hold himself still to stick it back in, and finally 
collapsed onto his side, his shaft still hard but his muscles 

     His mother rolled onto her side as well and kissed him 
gently, lightly caressing his arms. When she saw that he was 
still hard, she gasped. "My God, Trevor, you're incredible! How 
can you keep it up this long?"

     He could only smile weakly. 

     "Well, we can't let a cock that hard go to waste." She rolled 
onto her back and helped him into place above her. "Don't worry," 
she said, "you can rest on me. I'll support you. Just put that cock 
where it belongs, Trevor. Put that beautiful hard cock right in 
your mother's pussy."

     He did as he was told, once again driving his shaft deep into 
his mom's honeypot. At first she did all the work, humping up at 
him as his rod stayed buried. But he seemed to get a second wind 
and rose above her, pistoning his hips. 

     "Good boy, Trevor!" his mother cried, meeting him stroke for 
stroke. "You're such a good son. Fuck your mother good, Trevor. 
Yes, yes, put it all in! Deeper! Deeper!"

     They kissed, sloppily, tongues entwining, sweat dripping off 
their heads, as their passion mounted. Once, twice, three times 
Trevor felt himself grow close to an orgasm, only to have it 
fade away. 

     Finally, the feeling came sharper, longer, and he knew it was 
time. The surge pulled loud bellows from deep in his lungs as 
pulse after pulse of cum rocketed into his mother's cunt. 

     "That's it, Trevor," she moaned, "fill me up! Fill up my cunt 
with your hot cum! I want it all! More, Trevor, more! More ... 
AaaaaAAAAAAHHHHHAAAAHHHH!" Yet another orgasm wracked 
her body, and her cries turned to almost operatic screams as she 
twisted underneath him, her spasms dying away only after his 
cock had shrunk back to its normal size and slid out of her.

     Trevor kissed her once more, hungrily, and then fell onto his 
back, eyes closed. Dimly he was aware of time passing, his 
mother crawling off the bed, muttering something about having 
to change the sheets. He was far too spent to move. He drifted 
out of consciousness, how long he didn't know, until he awoke to 
the sound of water running. Water... water... the shower, he 
realized. Probably a good idea. Groggily he got to his feet and 
stumbled into the bathroom, where the mirrors were already 

     He splashed his piss into the toilet and flushed. The old 
plumbing couldn't take the load; his mother shouted her dismay 
when the shower suddenly sputtered to a hot dribble.

     "Sorry," Trevor called out, even as he could hear the whine in 
the pipes that meant the water temperature was returning to 
normal. The gentle splatter of the shower sounded very inviting. 
Not thinking much about what he was doing, Trevor pulled the 
shower curtain aside and stepped in behind his mom.

     She turned around. "Hi, sleepyhead," she grinned, and it was 
just like when she would say hello as he stumbled down the 
stairs late on the weekends. Only this time, of course, his 
mother was completely naked, her smooth skin shiny as the 
water ran off it. He kissed her lightly and reached for the soap, 
ducking as his mom held her hand up, diverting a splash of water 
at his face. For a few minutes they just soaped up peacefully, 
big bubbles rising as they washed off the heat of their passion.

     When his mom turned to get the shampoo, though, she slipped 
a little on the tub bottom. Trevor reached over to hold her up. 
His cock fit neatly between the globes of her ass, and to the 
surprise of both of them it began to stiffen yet again.

     His mom wiggled her ass, producing further growth in his 
semi-rigid member. Well-soaped, it slid easily along the crack 
of her ass. Almost at once, but without speaking, they seemed to 
get the same idea.

     Trevor's mother bent forward, pressing her hands against the 
wall, letting her legs slide apart until they were wedged 
against either side of the tub. Trevor put one hand on the shower 
rod for support as the other held his prick straight, pushing it 
between her ass cheeks and toward the puckered brown hole 

     Once again the fit was tight, even though his cock was not 
completely engorged, and despite the lathering of soap he 
couldn't drive it home. Trevor was ready to give up, but his mom 
pulled the orange bottle of shampoo off the small shelf and 
handed it back to him. A couple of squirts did the trick, 
providing enough lubrication for him to ram his cock home.

     The warm water of the shower splashed and prickled against 
his chest as Trevor grabbed his mother around the waist and 
began to slowly, gently fuck her ass. 

     "I can't do it," she moaned at first, but she made no move to 
get away, and soon enough her ass had opened to his driving 
rhythm and they were rutting in unison, his mom eagerly 
meeting each thrust of his rod.

     "That's great, Trev," she gasped, her face pressed up against 
the tile wall. "Fuck my ass, honey. Fuck your mother's asshole, 
Trev. Just like that!"

     Ever the obedient son, Trevor did as his mother said, plunging 
his cock again and again into her. The shower, the sight of his 
mother's perfectly shaped butt, and a large reserve of lust had 
overcome his tiredness. For a long time he prodded her ass, until 
she turned her head to him.

     "That's great, Trev, but I need you in my cunt. I want you to 
cum in me again, please!"

     He pulled out of her asshole and stood back as, shakily, his 
mother stood up and pressed her back against the tile wall. 
When he moved forward this time, she hooked one long leg 
around his thigh and drew him in, grabbing his erect cock and 
stabbing it into her pussy.

     "That's it! That's what I wanted!"  She held him tightly to her, 
their mouths clamped tightly together, their tongues once again 
entwined. Her fingernails dug into his back as she tried to take 
every last fraction of an inch of his cock into her body. "Oh, fuck 
me, Trevor, fuck me harder, son! It feels so good to have your 
hard cock inside me!"

     This must be what it's like to fuck in a waterfall, Trevor 
thought as the shower, now starting to cool just a little, 
continued to spray over them. He rammed his shaft into his 
mother's cunt over and over and over and over, glorying in the 
feel of her pubic muscles clamping around his hard rod, in the 
tickle of her nipples pressing against his chest, the hot 
wrestling of their tongues. He put all his power into his thrusts, 
determined to squeeze every ounce of passion out of the 
encounter. His mother was just as passionate. Her eyes rolled 
back in her head as the pounding continued, until in one last, 
explosive moment they both orgasmed, Trevor's jism squirting 
into her overstuffed hole as his mom jerked and shook, her 
whole body engulfed in a shattering series of tremors. Their 
groans echoed off the tile, and when they were done they both 
slid down to the bottom of the tub, more like puddles of flesh 
than human beings.

     In time, of course, they came to, and had to scurry about the 
job of drying off, getting into robes -- Trevor had to use his 
dad's -- and changing the bed linen.

     They had just left the bedroom, each holding a load of dirty 
laundry, when a shout from the stairs froze them. Trevor and his 
mother stood stock still as they watched the rest of the Reed 
sisters troop up the stairs and face them in the narrow hallway. 
Eyes flashed back and forth and everyone took just a few 
seconds to figure out what was going on.

     Finally, Teddy spoke.

     "Well," she said, a smile on her face, "we were coming over 
to apologize for what we did. I was going to say 'I'm sorry.' But 
now..." she took a step forward, edging ahead of Frankie, who 
just stood there, mouth open. "But now, all I can say is, I'm 