Newsgroups: alt.sex.stories
Subject: Mike27 Fame mF
From: fr582@cleveland.Freenet.Edu (Max S. Wojtylak)
Date: 5 Jul 1996 20:09:30 GMT

FAME: Light Up the Sky Like a Flame

By Uncle Mike

     Exhausted from a Miss Grant's usual strenuous class, the 
dancers straggled out as the bell rang. Their leg warmers 
were drooping only slightly more than their sore arms and 

     But Miss Grant, also as usual, looked like she could keep 
going for hours. Days, perhaps. Even though sweat was 
glistening on her face and had soaked a deep V on her pink 
leotard, plastering it to her heaving breasts, her eyes were 
still afire.

     Bruno got up from the piano, shaking his head and giving 
her an enigmatic smile. He was always astonished by Miss 
Grant's energy. Why, she must be almost 30, maybe even past 
it, and she could still keep up with a class of teenagers. He 
stuffed the music sheets into his folder and turned to  go.

     "Mr. Martelli!" Miss Grant's voice was like a knife, able to 
slice through even the loudest dance music and pierce the 
back of a dancer who'd gone astray. In the quiet, empty room, 
it echoed sharply and stopped the young, curly haired piano 
player in his tracks.

     "Mr. Martelli, I have to practice my solo for the teacher's 
recital next week. And I need you to play for me." 

     Bruno's shoulders rose and fell as he thought of the date 
he'd made after school.

     "That is if you don't have other plans," the slim, dark-
skinned teacher said. Her tone, it seemed to Bruno, made it 
clear his other plans would have to wait. With a sigh, he 
trudged back to the piano and splayed out the music she 
handed him.

     He began to play. It was an up tempo classical piece, full 
of bold arpeggios and pounding chords. Not his style, at all, 
but he could admire the way the composer used a wall of 
sound to stir up the emotions. In a way, it was the easy way 
out, avoiding the subtleties he liked to put into his own 
compositions. But there was nothing easy about these chords, 
and he had to keep his eyes on the pages for awhile before he 
got into the composer's head and could anticipate what came 

     When Bruno looked up, Miss Grant was writhing on the 
floor next to the piano. Her shapely legs whipped furiously 
back and forth in counterpoint to her waving torso. Slowly, 
without seeming to use her hands at all, she rose to her feet.

     Bruno swallowed as he looked at her in between glances at 
the music. Miss Grant didn't have just the energy of a 
teenager; she had the body of one, too: slim, lithe, bursting 
with promise. The sweat that now soaked her entire leotard 
made the already tight garment stick even closer to her body, 
hugging the gentle curve of her breasts, allowing the taut 
nipples to poke through.

     She looked him in the eye and Bruno glanced away. He 
looked off into space, trying to think of something else, 
maybe to get lost in the music. It didn't work. The notes were 
pounding in his brain, now, working their cheap magic on his 
emotions. He looked over at Miss Grant again.

     She was arcing her back, slowly falling back into an arch 
with only the tips of her toes and her fingers touching the 
floor. Bruno stared at her crotch. The leotard was pulled so 
tight that he could see a few curly black hairs poking out 
around the sides and the folds of her cunt were clearly 
outlined by the material.

     Trying to avoid her eyes as she bounced to her feet again, 
he shifted on the piano bench, trying to give his raging hard-
on room to breathe. It was pressing against his tight jeans. 
Hoping she couldn't see, Bruno quickly jerked his left hand 
down to shift the cock into a more comfortable position. Miss 
Grant glanced pointedly in his direction; she must have 
noticed the missing chord, he thought.

     Still she twirled on, flashing across the floor, making 
dramatic leaps and abrupt pirouettes. Bruno began to 
fantasize about her, imagining the skimpy leotard falling 
away under his eager fingers.

     In his daydream, Miss Grant turned in surprise as he 
approached her on the practice room floor and harshly ripped 
off her leotard. She quickly crossed her hands in front of her 
breasts, trying to shield herself, but he would not let her.

     With flashing eyes, he pushed her down to one of the 
practice mats. She struggled underneath him. "Admit it," he 
told her boldly. "You want me, I saw it in your eyes. You want 
my hard cock in that cunt of yours, and you want it now!" Her 
eyes looked up at him pleadingly and her lips moved but she 
said nothing.

     Holding her down with the weight of his body, Bruno 
stripped off his shirt and shrugged out of his jeans. His stiff 
dick wobbled above her wet cunt as he gazed at her svelte, 
brown body, that perfect dancer's instrument. He brushed the 
tip of his cock against her pussy and at last she spoke.

     "No! No, Bruno, please, don't do this!" Her slim hands were 
no match for his strength as he brushed aside her weak 
protests and split her cunt lips with his shaft. It slid in 
easily and he thrilled at the crushing feel of her tight tunnel.

     "Yes, Lydia," he said, bending over her. "Yes, yes, you want 
it! Take that cock into you. See, your cunt knows what it 
wants," he said, as her hips began to buck up at him.

     "Oh, yes," the teacher said, sobbing. "All right, I admit it, I 
want it all! Fuck me, Bruno! Bruno!"


     Miss Grant's sharp voice cut through his reverie. He looked 
down and saw his hands flattened against the keys in a 
massive chord that, he now realized, he could still hear 
echoing against the walls. He blushed as he looked up at the 
teacher, who was leaning against the piano, catching her 

     "That was a very vigorous interpretation," she said, 
looking at him. "But I don't think that was quite the tempo the 
composer had in mind." Her eyes traveled down his body and 
stopped. "Oh, I see," she said with a smile. "You had your -- 
uh, mind -- on other things, Mr. Martelli?"

     He tried to stammer out a reply but nothing came to mind. 
What could he say? "Yeah, I was thinking about fucking that 
tight cunt of yours, Miss Grant?" Instead, he said nothing. Let 
her make her own conclusions.

     "Look, Bruno," she said, "I'm sorry if I'm keeping you from 
some hot date, but I really need to practice this piece, and 
you're the only one who can do it justice. I..."

     He broke in. "No, it's not that, it's ... uh, never mind." He 
kept his eyes fastened on the keys, not daring to look at her. 
"Do you want to try it again?"

     "Mmmm, yes, I think so," she drawled. "But give me a 
minute, first, OK? I'll be right back."

     She trotted off through the front door of the practice 
room. He heard an odd double click as she closed it, but didn't 
give it much thought. Taking advantage of the break, Bruno 
massaged his aching cock while he scanned the music. 

     Just a few moments later, the back door of the room 
opened. He turned back, startled, as Miss Grant backed in, 
fumbling at the door for a minute before she let it close 
behind her. Bruno noticed that she had slid the shade down 
over the door's window, probably to keep out gawking 
students as she ran through the number again.

     "From the top?" he asked, turning back to the music.

     "Not yet," Miss Grant said. "I have to get into the mood for 
this. Let me put my costume on."

     Bruno looked around, confused. The room didn't have any 
closets, so where ...?

     As he watched, Miss Grant pulled a blackboard that was 
mounted on rollers away from one corner of the room and slid 
it across in front of him, positioning it to screen the corner 
facing the piano. She picked up a brown paper bag and slipped 
behind the board.

     He could still see her legs, almost to the hips, in the open 
space beneath the chalk-covered board. As he watched, the 
teacher hopped from one slim leg to the other, pulling off her 
leggings and tossing them over the top of the board.

     He felt his cock growing even bigger as he looked.

     Next he saw her pink leotard come wriggling down, down, 
down, and then she kicked it up and he saw it, too, flop over 
the board, swaying slightly.

     It suddenly occurred to Bruno that Miss Grant must now be 
naked behind the screen. Again visions of her body came to 
him. As he rubbed his dick slowly, he imagined the taut skin 
of her belly brushing his, the rippling muscles of her arms 
and legs wrapped around him like a vise, her hungry cunt 
grabbing at his cock.

     "I hope you're thinking about that middle arpeggio, Mr. 
Martelli!" Her voice again cut his reverie.

     Bruno blinked. He answered her by rippling through the 

     "Sounding good," she said as he saw her hand reach down 
and pick up the bag.

     There was some rustling and other odd noises. Then the 
bag plopped to the floor again and a silky white stocking 
floated down below the board. As Bruno watched, licking his 
lips, Miss Grant's right leg slid into the stocking, which clung 
tightly to her well-shaped ankle. Then another stocking came 
down and again a firm leg filled out its smooth curves.

     When the teacher bent down to pick up the bag again, Bruno 
thought he almost could see her nipples hanging down below 
the board, but they were gone before he could be sure. Two 
red stiletto-heeled shoes clattered to the floor and Miss 
Grant stepped into them, accentuating the curves of her legs.

     The empty bag, crumpled into a ball, came flying over the 
board and bounced once on the piano before skidding past 
Bruno's shoulder and onto the floor.

     "Sorry, I hope I didn't hit you," Miss Grant said. Bruno 
looked up. She was coming around the side of the board. She 
seemed to slink more than walk. She was tying the last knot 
in the top of a bright red ... thing. It looked like something 
Bruno had seen once in a Frederick's of Hollywood catalog the 
boys in grade school were passing around; it had been called a 
merry widow, he thought. Whatever it was called, the tight 
outfit barely covered her sleek torso; her breasts bulged out 
the top, looking bigger than he had imagined. The ruffles on 
the bottom seemed to stop just at the bottom of her crotch. 
He could see the thin white straps tugging at the tops of her 
stocks, rising along her chocolate brown thighs and 
disappearing under the tufts of the red ruffles. He felt drops 
of pre-cum soaking into his briefs as he thought of what was 
under those tantalizing ruffles.

     "Y-you're going to wear that?" he managed to get out.

     "There's a dress that goes with it," the lithe black woman 
said, motioning to a chair along one wall, where he saw a 
flouncy white gown. "But this should be enough for me to get 
in the mood. Don't you think?" She wiggled her top at him 
quickly and strode to the center of the floor. Her heels click-
clicked as she picked her spot and waved at Bruno to begin.

     As she began to dance, her movements seemed even more 
sensuous than the first time. Bruno felt the room grow hotter. 
His fingers almost slipped on the keys and he looked down at 
them: He was sweating. Funny, he hadn't noticed the heat 
before. In between beats he wiped first one hand, then the 
other on his jeans. His cock was pressing so hard against his 
jeans that even the quick, slight movement as he wiped his 
hands dry sent a shiver up his dick and through his entire 
body. He was glancing at the music only once in awhile, glad 
that he had memorized most of it the first time through. He 
wanted to keep his eyes on Miss Grant and her incredibly sexy 
body, writhing before him.

     Again she got to the part where she bent over backwards. 
Bruno's mouth opened involuntarily when he saw that only a 
narrow strip of cloth stretched across her slit, and she wore 
no panties. He could see the darker skin of her pussy lips, 
split by the thin band of red. As she dipped back the cloth 
worked its way between her labia and he could see wet, pink 
folds opening up. The pounding beat of the music was tearing 
at his body and only a shred of self-control kept him from 
leaping off the piano bench and raping her right there and 

     He was still staring when Miss Grant rose to her feet. Had 
she seen him? He shifted his eyes back to the music sheets, 
trying to concentrate on the notes and forget the luscious 
body his teacher seemed to be flaunting so wildly.

     She was leaping about again, her long legs flashing in the 
silky stockings. It reminded him of nature films, of gazelles 
on the run. Her entire body seemed to flow from one spot to 
another, moving so fast her limbs were a blur. But every once 
in awhile he would see her face frozen like a stop-motion 
movie, her eyes open wide and staring directly into his. 
Bruno's thoughts raced madly. This is crazy, he told himself. 
She's practicing for a performance, not a seduction. If I don't 
get myself under control I'll ... he glanced down at his crotch. 
Damn! A dark spot was spreading just to one side of the 
zipper. He pictured himself creeping out of the room, music 
sheets clutched in front of him to hide the stain, feeling like 
a fool.  Just the thought of the embarrassment made his dick 
subside a little.

     A breeze brushed his cheek. He looked up and was startled 
to see Miss Grant was now dancing just inches from his body. 
He could feel intense heat pulsating from her and a heavy, 
musky odor filled his nostrils. Bruno tried to stare straight 
ahead at the music, but he couldn't help glancing to the sides. 
She stretched out a leg and her heel almost touched his arm; 
she swung an arm around and the hairs on the back of his neck 
stood on end.

     Desperately he tried to get his mind off her body, so close 
to his. His cock was rising again; he squeezed his eyes tight 
for a second and imagined a knife slicing through it like a 
bologna -- that used to work when he got a hard-on while 
riding the school bus and needed to get rid of it before they 
got to school.

     But when he opened his eyes Miss Grant's palm appeared 
before him, sliding down so close he could see the whorls of 
her pale fingertips. His dick immediately leaped back to its 
full length.

     "You're doing very well, Mr. Martelli!" Her voice came out in 
between puffs, a whisper in his ear. "Just ... just keep it up."

     Then with a few pirouettes she was on the other end of 
the piano, and then she leaped atop it. Bruno looked up at her, 
stretched full-length before him. Her breasts heaved against 
the red lace of her top as she kicked her legs high, then 
swiveled quickly, placing her feet on his shoulders. He was 
looking directly into her cunt. It was shiny with her liquor, 
just inches from his face. He forced his eyes back to the 
music and felt her legs lift off him.

     Bruno was bobbing back and forth on the piano bench now, 
his aching cock stretching to get some friction against his 
soaked briefs as he continued the throbbing music. Every 
nerve was on fire, his teeth were clenched tightly, his eyes 
stared blankly at the pages before him as he drove on to the 
finish. The crashing chords sent vibrations through his body 
and he wasn't sure he could hold on; he felt as if he would 
explode into a million pieces if he didn't get some relief that 

     And then again he saw Miss Grant's hand sliding down his 
field of vision. A dry groan was forced from his throat as he 
sensed her lush body almost touching his back and he knew he 
could last no longer. 

     Just as he felt himself about to let go, cum ready to spurt 
out of his cock, a deep moan welling in him ... Miss Grant's 
fingertips brushed his chest, sliding down his sweat-soaked 
shirt and landing, to his complete shock, directly on his fat 

     He came immediately. The warm goo shot out, smearing 
over his crotch as his hands dropped to the keys for the final 

     For a second he forgot where he was. When he shook 
himself back into the moment, Miss Grant was standing next 
to the piano, several feet from him. God, he thought, it was 
another daydream. He squirmed on the bench and felt his cum, 
already cooling and beginning to cake on his skin; that was no 
dream. Did Miss Grant know what had happened? Had he said 
anything? Made any noise? He couldn't tell what was real and 
what was just his imagination. Flustered, he blushed brightly 
as he looked up at her.

     "Perfect tempo, Mr. Martelli," she said in a low voice. "But 
you finished too quickly."

     He stammered out an apology, flipping in confusion 
through the sheets of music, trying to figure out what he'd 
missed. He was concentrating so hard that he didn't even feel 
her touch. It was only when her voice came again that he 
noticed the dark skin of her hand pressed against his arm. 

     "That's not what I meant, Bruno," Miss Grant said.

     He turned slowly, comprehension slowly dawning on him.

     She was standing before him, her legs slightly parted. Her 
nostrils flared slightly and her pink tongue slid back and 
forth on her thick, dark lips. Slipping her hand down his arm, 
she knelt before him, unbuckled his belt and tugged off his 
jeans and briefs.

     "Let me see your instrument," she said with a smile. "Oh, 
yes, that's what I wanted."

     Bruno's cock emerged, covered with cum. Already it was 
beginning to grow again.

     "I can't believe this is happening," he said quietly. "This ... 
this isn't a dream, is it?"

     The teacher laughed softly. "Do you dream about me? Were 
you thinking about me when I danced? Did you imagine me 
naked? Is that what you wanted, Mr. Martelli?His cock was 
fully erect again. Miss Grant's words sent shock waves 
through him.

     "Yes," he managed to get out. "Oh, God, yes. I've never seen 
anyone as beautiful as you, as sexy, as ... God, I want you!"

     "You'll have me," she promised, rising to her feet again and 
tossing his jeans down. "But first I get to have some fun." She 
yanked his shirt over his head and threw it away.

     Completely naked now, Bruno put himself completely in 
her control. His hottest sexual fantasy was coming true and 
he was afraid to do or say anything to mess it up. Miss Grant 
loomed before him looking sexier than any actress in the few 
porno movies he'd seen, hotter than the girls in Playboy 
because she was real, smooth skin and full lips, all his.

     Almost in a daze, Bruno allowed himself to be pulled to 
his feet and led to one of the exercise mats. Miss Grant had 
him lie down on his back and she knelt down at his feet.

     "I hope you don't have any urgent appointments," she said 
jokingly. "I have a feeling you're going to be very late. You can 
tell your mother the teacher kept you after school."

     Her hand reached out and clutched his thick cock. The 
feeling was incredible, and he wondered if he'd be able to 
survive anything else. He soon found out, for she bent down 
and pressed her lips to the slick cockhead. As Bruno stared in 
amazement, his teacher opened her mouth and took his shaft 
into it, sliding it all the way in.

     Bruno sighed. "Damn, that's good," he told her as she began 
to slide her lips up and down. "I never thought a teacher could 
suck cock so good."

     Her only reply was to slip his cock out of her mouth and 
run her lips down the sides of it before again sucking it into 
her mouth, her cheeks hollowing around it. He could feel her 
heaving breasts pressed against his thigh.

     Then she began to shift position, keeping his dick in her 
mouth while she twisted around. As her hips swung toward 
him, Bruno slid his hand up the silk of her stocking, along the 
hot skin of her inner thigh, to the slick folds of her slit. Still 
Miss Grant swung around, until her cunt was directly over his 
face.  Bruno's fingers teased the opening, slipping up and 
down the velvety pussy lips, smearing her juices around. 
Shoving aside the thin cloth that now had stretched into a 
thong, he saw her clit emerge. The teacher twisted above him 
when he touched it, tentatively, before reaching up with his 
tongue to give it a lick.

     She pulled her lips from his shaft, then, and turned back to 
looked at him. "There's a snap," she said in a deep, guttural 
rasp. At first Bruno didn't understand; she said it again. "A 
snap. In the back." Then he saw the cloth-covered button 
holding her corset together at the top of her butt crack. With 
a snap it came undone and he tugged aside the soaking-wet 
cloth, giving him full access.

     As Bruno played with her pussy, Miss Grant continued to 
vacuum his cock. His hands roamed her body, caressing the 
smooth legs, the gentle curve of her waist, grabbing her tight 
butt cheeks.  His young, inexperienced mind was being blown 
as well as his cock by the thought of this woman, this 
teacher, this goddess being his sexual instructor.

     Sliding his tongue across her musky slit to the downy 
softness of her thighs, Bruno moved a caressing finger closer 
and closer to her cunt. It was hard to concentrate with her 
hungry mouth gobbling his cock, but he wanted to get as much 
out of this opportunity as he could. He had no idea why he was 
so lucky, and he never expected to have this chance again. 

     His searching index finger slid at last to the slickness of 
her pussy lips. Miss Grant moaned softly against his shaft as 
he touched the button of her clit lightly before spreading her 
slit apart. Bruno stared in fascination as her rose opened up 
right in front of his eyes, the dark pussy lips giving way to 
his probing and revealing the already wet, pink inner sanctum.

     While his index finger rolled around the outside, he 
extended his middle finger and watched as it disappeared into 
the first knuckle in the teacher's cunt. He felt her muscles 
ripple around it, clutching at the finger while he explored the 
hot interior.

     Bruno was so enraptured by the teacher's cunt that he 
didn't even notice when she pulled her mouth off his cock, 
giving it one final kiss right on the tip.

     As she did, Miss Grant pressed her hips back. Bruno's 
middle finger sank deeper into her and she began to hump up 
and down on it, rotating her hips so that she corkscrewed 
down. Bruno put a second finger and then a third into her 
opening, pressing them hard into her as he lapped at the 
juices pouring onto his face.

     When she came, it was with a loud screech, bucking madly 
at his fingers, almost smothering him as she pressed her 
tight ass onto his face.

     She lay atop him, still and quiet, for a few moments. Then 
she rose and stood before him. As he looked up in wonder, 
Miss Grant peeled the sweaty corset from her body and 
stripped off the stockings. Her breasts had hardly been 
concealed before, but now they sprang out completely 
uncovered and Bruno marveled at them. They were as firm as 
any teenage girl's, he thought, realizing with a wince that he 
didn't have much experience to make the comparison. The 
rounded hills rose gently to nipples that stood out proudly 
from the bumpy-textured skin around them. Bruno licked his 
lips, feeling a desperate urge to suck those nipples and lick 
the mounds from which they rose.

     Miss Grant seemed to read his mind. She knelt down, 
presenting her chest to the boy. Greedily he attacked them, 
sucking the tits into his mouth one at a time, nipping at the 
tender flesh. It was a wild attack but the teacher did not 
protest, and at last he'd had his fill and began to suckle 

     When she pulled her tits away Bruno knew it was time. He 
rubbed the shaft of his cock, stiffening it and holding it 
straight up as the teacher moved to straddle him.

     He thought he should say something, but he wasn't sure 
what. How could he express his emotions now, his lust and 
desire? He heard beautiful music rolling through his head and 
decided that only the pure language of the notes could 
adequately describe it. 

     Miss Grant found some words, though. "I want you now," 
she whispered throatily. "All that before was just rehearsal. 
Now it's showtime. You want to fuck?"

     Bruno nodded, still unable to speak.

     "Well, fucking costs. And right here's where you start 
paying. I want that cock as stiff as you can make it, Mr. 
Martelli. Because it's going to sink into my hot, wet cunt, and 
I don't put nothing in my cunt that isn't big, hard and ready. 
Are you ready, Mr. Martelli?"

     In reply, Bruno thrust his cock upward, sliding it between 
his fist. The head was thick and engorged with blood, driving 
up at her hovering pussy like a snake lunging at its prey.

     "That looks ready," Miss Grant said, beginning to lower 
herself with a dancer's sinuous intensity. "Now I'm going to 
put my cunt on that cock, and let it in. But only a little bit at 
a time. And no cheating, Mr. Martelli. Remember who's the 
teacher here."

     Bruno's vision narrowed to encompass only the head of his 
cock, a bead of pre-cum glistening at its tip, and her 
approaching slit. The few seconds seemed to stretch into 
minutes, even hours. His breathing grew short and shallow, 
his heart raced. In his focused sight, the head of his cock 
looked as big as a baseball bat; her pussy as cushiony as a 
down comforter. 

     And then the soft flesh of her slit made contact, and a 
surge of electricity sparkled throughout his body. This was 
the moment he had imagined, the moment he had never 
thought would really happen. All his senses were 
concentrated in his cock as Miss Grant's hot pussy lips slid 
around the tip and engulfed the helmet.

     Bruno felt as if he were watching a movie; what was 
happening before his eyes couldn't be real. As he looked on, 
his cock leaped involuntarily, pressing into the teacher's 
cunt. But she pulled up slightly, still keeping the head inside 

     "I told you I was in control," Miss Grant said, in the stern-
but-gentle tone he was so used to from classes. Only now this 
wasn't a lesson in tap or music theory, it was all about his 
fat cock in her wet cunt. Bruno still had difficulty making it 
all seem real.

     And Miss Grant went on. "I'm in charge here," she said, "and 
I'm going to take it nice and easy. Feel that cockhead, Bruno? 
Can you feel my pussy lips squeezing it? I have a very 
talented pussy. It's going to do amazing things to your cock. 
Do you want to know what?"

     Bruno knew no reply was necessary.

     "First let's get more comfortable," the teacher said. 
"That's better. Your cock is sliding into me, Mr. Martelli. It's 
halfway in already -- feel it? Is it as good as you dreamed 
about, whacking yourself off at the piano bench?

     "It's good for me, Bruno. I like the feel of a hard, young 
cock inside me. All the way inside me," she groaned as she 
lowered herself all the way. Bruno groaned, too, as Miss 
Grant's hips sank to meet his crotch, burying his dick in her 
velvet folds to the hilt.

     "Yes, that's what I needed," she said, grinding her cunt 
around the boy's cock. "Fill my pussy up, Mr. Martelli. Fill that 
cunt with your stiff cock and let me feel it all the way to my 
toes. Yes!" She writhed above him as she began to rise and 
fall, gripping his shaft in her cunt muscles. 

     "Don't just lay back and enjoy it," Miss Grant instructed. 
"My tits want a little fun, too. Come on, boy, give me a hand 
here." Bruno did as he was told, grabbing her chest with both 
hands and kneading her breasts like he kneaded the dough 
when he made pizzas with his uncle, rubbing his thumbs over 
the sensitive nipples.

     "Good work," the teacher sighed, holding his hands over her 
tits as she continued to squat over his cock, working it in and 
out of her sloppy wet hole. "Now start humping back. That's it! 
Drive that cock into me! Harder! Harder! Yes, Mr. Martelli! Yes!"

     Bruno watched Miss Grant's dark-skinned body ripple, her 
well-toned muscles jerking spasmodically as she gave 
herself up to the moment. Suddenly she grew stiff and 
unmoving, and he was afraid something had gone wrong. But 
just as suddenly she flew out of the paralysis into a wild, 
bucking frenzy.

     "I'm coming!" she shouted. "Damn, boy, you are good. I can 
feel this one all over. Keep fucking me, Mr. Martelli! Don't 
stop! Slam that cock into me! I want you to fill me up."

     Bruno increased his speed, lunging his hips up at his 
teacher's gyrating pussy. For several minutes she kept up her 
orgasm in steadily decreasing waves of excitement before 
finally it subsided and she dropped down, pressing her sweaty 
breasts against his hairless chest.

     "Good work, Mr. Martelli," she gasped. "But ... my God, you 
haven't finished, have you? Child, you are gonna be the death 
of me yet. Well, we'll see what we can do, but this time 
you're going to have to do the work."

     With that, Miss Grant slid off him and lay flat on her back, 
spreading her legs. Bruno crawled between them. He could see 
that she was breathing heavily, her chest heaving with the 
effort. Their fucking had exhausted her.

     But the desire bursting inside Bruno demanded release. 
With fire in his eyes, he advanced on her, holding his cock like 
a dagger pointed straight at her slit.

     When he entered her it was a stabbing, driving thrust, 
forcing a grunt from Miss Grant's chest. And he continued to 
thrust deeply into her, driving his cock into her cunt with a 
wild passion. The teacher raised her legs, giving him full 
access. Her heels dug into his thighs, and then his ass, urging 
him into her.

     "Do it, Mr. Martelli," she said, whispering in his ear. "Fuck 
your teacher's cunt like a savage. Pound it into me. That's it. 
Rape me. Rape my cunt, fill it up with that hard cock. Split me 

     Her words throbbed in Bruno's brain, echoing back and 
forth as he thrust into her. The lustful talk was driving him 
crazy. At last he silenced her by covering her mouth with his, 
plunging his tongue into her.  They kissed deeply, hungrily, as 
if it was the very kiss of life. And through it all Bruno kept 
up his attack and Miss Grant matched him thrust for thrust.

     It seemed to Bruno as if they were melting together, 
becoming one flesh everywhere but at the crucial junction 
where his raging cock was driving in and out of her hot cunt.

     And then he felt a sharp, burning sensation in his loins, 
and a pounding in his head.

     "I ... I think ... I ...," he stuttered. 

     "Yes, you are," Miss Grant told him. "I can feel your cock 
getting bigger. This is it, Mr. Martelli. I want your cum. I want 
it all in me. Explode in me. Fill that hungry pussy with your 
cum, child!"

     "Yes," he began to shout. "Yes, yes, I'm cummmiiinnnggg!" 
The explosion started deep within him and rocketed through 
his entire body as he felt the cum welling out of his, pulsing 
through his shaft, blasting into his teacher's body. Wave after 
wave of cum surged from him. Bruno, so used to the single, 
dulling spurts when he whacked off, was shocked at the 
duration and violence of this orgasm. Miss Grant kept humping 
back at him, milking the last drops from his cock, until at 
last he was drained and the head of his cock became almost 
painfully sensitive to her gyrations.

     He felt weak and spent, sagging down on top of Miss 
Grant's lithe body. After a minute or two, he started to roll 
off her. But she lifted her legs, trapping him.

     "Not so fast, Mr. Martelli," she said teasingly.

     "No, no more," he said, but even as he spoke she began to 
slowly, gently buck up at him, and he was stunned to feel his 
cock growing thick again.

     Now she did roll him over, but stayed with him, holding his 
cock within her as she rolled atop. This time she fucked him 
slowly, tantalizingly, squeezing his cock while barely moving 
up and down, pressing him into him so hard their pubic bones 
crushed together. And in a few minutes Miss Grant again 
began to screech as another orgasm drove through her.

     When she had been sated, the teacher lifted her sopping 
wet cunt from Bruno's cock. He was still hard, though, and 
now it was he who wanted more. 

     Miss Grant slid away from him, laughing, keeping just out 
of his reach as he crawled toward her. Then he got to his feet 
and she scrambled to hers, leading him on a chase around the 
classroom until he cornered her against a wall.

     "Mr. Martelli, I think you've had enough," she said, with a 

     "Not yet," he said, her lips pressed to her ear. "Not until 
I've split you open, right, Miss Grant?" Without waiting for a 
reply, Bruno pressed his hand between her legs, burying his 
fingers in her cunt. The teacher's dark body sagged against 
the wall as her legs opened to him.

     Greedily he kissed and sucked her lips, her neck, her 
breasts, all the while humping away at her with his fingers. 
Finally she raised her legs completely off the floor, leaving 
her supported in a sandwich between Bruno and the wall. His 
cock pressed against her slick pussy lips and slid in easily.

     "Oh, yes, Mr. Martelli," she murmured into his neck. "Fuck 
me again. Split me open. Fuck that pussy, child!"

     Bruno did as he was told, humping madly into her wide 
open cunt. Their writhing left a smeared outline of sweat on 
the dusty wall as they rutted like animals, lost in their 
passion and oblivious to everything else.

     "Now you're doing it," Miss Grant cried. "You're splitting 
me open! Yes, yes, yesyesyesyes!" Yet another orgasm 
whipsawed through her.

     Bruno could feel every twitch of her body and the motions 
pulled his own orgasm out, a crashing blast of cum jetting 
into her already full cunt, splashing and squishing out, 
dripping down their legs and puddling on the floor.

     "Thank you, Miss Grant," Bruno whispered to her as they 
held each other close, letting the last flush of their orgasms 

     "You're very welcome, Mr. Martelli," she whispered back. 
"You're a very good student. In fact, I think you're ready for 
some advanced classes."

     Bruno's mind whirled.