Subject: RP:_Batgirl_vs._The_Crime...(1/5,FF,Bond,Adv)
From: "S.Sneakly" <>
Date: Sun, Oct 12, 1997 13:26 EDT
Message-id: <4797eli$>

I've read and enjoyed several Batgirl stories over the past few years,
notably those by The Weatherman and Mr.X. If you like this story check
out my homepage (which is still under developement) at:

Finally, if you are under 18 DO NOT READ!

Part I- Dicks at the Docks
By S. Sneakly (

    Barbara Gordon was just settling down on the fire escape of her cozy
apartment in the fashionably run down Marina District of Gotham City. 
She had the third floor of the old brown stone all to herself. In any
other city in the world a twenty-something librarian would never be able
to afford to own her own building, much less one with such a great view
of Short Island Sound. But, Babs was smart. She invested a small
inheritance wisely and lived a frugal existence. That and a very soft
real-estate market made her life comfortable. The collapse of Wayne
Enterprises was, like most financial debacles, a tragedy for some and an
opportunity for others.

    Serves Bruce right, Barbara thought. Nobody could figure out where
that pompous ass had dumped all those millions. Knowing Bruce,
Barbara thought, probably some stupid hole in the ground.

    Barbara turned her attentions from the Wayne fortune to her own. 
Digging through old copies of The Gotham Journal of Medicine she found
an old monograph. It was something she had been looking for for a
while. It was "Castrati and Eunuchs: a Brief History of Men with Brief

    She didn't like Robin very much, but his new lot in life seemed
unusually cruel. He and Batman had been captured by King Tut, who
planned to make them eunuchs to serve his moll, Cleopatra. The plan
essentially succeeded. Batman and Robin, after capture, went under the

    Batgirl managed a the rescue shortly afterwards. But, as usual,
Batman left Robin to suffer the worst, running off to the Batcave with
his balls in an ice bucket. Batgirl drove Robin to Gotham General as
fast as she could, but motorcycle ride and the under funded hospital
didn't have the tools to reattach his family jewels. Batman, of course,
save his own family line since the Batcave had the Batmicrosurgical
Batsuite. But Robin, the poor sot, was now forced to go through life
sucking up to his fair weather boss, because there were few prospects
for a super-hero known as the ‘Ball-less Wonder'. 

    It was classic Batman. Barbara had learned a lot about the "Dark
Knight" since she started her career as Batgirl. She used to think that
Robin would be the first to enter a hide-out or a swarm of crooks
because he was younger, more agile, and less heavily armored than
Batman. The more she worked with them the more she realized that Robin
was mostly cannon fodder. 

    Batman would let the villains get worn down beating the crap out of 
the little teenager, and then step in at the last minute to save the
day. All very heroic. He had also been more than willing to let her
get the shit kicked in, except that she saw it coming. She'd realized
that he was probably like that when he started hinting that he wanted
licensing money for using the "Bat-anything" logo. 

    She had started crime fighting for mostly altruistic reasons. Sure she
dug the adventure aspect, the kinky clothes and the fact that the Police
Commissioner (a male chauvinist pig) was her father. The Commissioner
had hated the idea of women in police work. He hated the idea that his
daughter (UN-married) studied criminal psychology and studied judo. He
also hated the idea that she graduated Phi Beta Kappa and won the
national judo-karate championship three years in a row. In fact he was
not much on ideas in general.

    Fortunately, she took after her mother.

    It was in fact Jim Gordon and his cronies (including Batman) that kept
her from getting any civil job beyond librarian. Originally, she
planned to move somewhere else, but quitting has never been her style. 
Instead, Batgirl was born.

    BatGIRL was not her idea. At twenty-one she was no longer a girl, but
that was what the commissioner's office was referring to her as. At the
time, she thought it was a take-it-or-leave-it situation. She wouldn't
have allowed that now, but she had learned to live with it. Besides,
the "girl" moniker was a little more feminine than "Batdyke"(Robin's
vote, he thought any woman who didn't drop her drawers for him
immediately was a dyke), Batbeav' (Chief O'Hara) or "Batbuns" (Mayor
Linseed). Batman over ruled them all, he figured it would be bad PR if
they were to overt in belittling her. Instead, they christened her

    Picking up her glass of Chardonnay, she flipped open the pamphlet. She
was just about to find out all there was to know about Robin's grim
future, when she noticed the Batsignal. It was reflecting off the
perpetual cloud that hung over Wayne Waste Management Corp. She climbed
back in her apartment and closed the blind.

    Going to the dressing bureau, she clicked the switch secreted behind
the mirror. The bureau and wall spun around revealing her Batgirl
dressing table. She stripped down completely, and pulled her chestnut
red hair from the staid and practical bun of Barbara Gordon to flowing
red locks of Batgirl. She pulled on the black hip-hugger lycra-spandex
stirrup pants, followed by the short, purple ankle boots. The boots
were a compromise of vanity and practicality. The short stiletto heal
reeked sexuality, but were not necessarily the best for motorcycles and
hand to hand combat. She liked to vamp people out. The rest of the
outfit was similar. The hip-huggers and the short, tight, sleeveless
top looked great but left her midriff completely bare, although they
gave great range of motion. The cowl gave most of her head protection
but for esthetic reasons, she hadn't made it too heavy. The purple
gloves went up to just below the elbow. Centered on her chest between
her firm, largish breasts was the insignia of the Bat. 

    Originally, the insignia was smaller and centered over one breast. But
when she realized that not paying royalties annoyed the hell out of
Batman, she made it much more visible. She had also added the insignia
to her yellow titanium utility belt, which looped through her black
hip-huggers. Unlike the clunky tool laden belt that Batman wore, hers
had standard belt dimensions. She had been considerably more selective
about what she felt was necessary than he. No Bat-shark repellent and a
host of other usually useless items on her outfit.

    After donning her cowl, checking that her appearance befit an officer
of the law (that title annoyed everyone in the commissioner's office),
she hopped on her massive purple Harley-Davidson Batgirl-cycle and
headed out of the building's secret exit. In seconds she was pulling up
to city hall and bounding jauntily into her father's office. 

    Surprisingly, Robin was already parked on the Commissioner's couch, his
arm resting on a cooler labeled "Batbeer". As she walked across the
room he pitched his first empty in to the "Batbasket." He used to pitch
his empties in the corner, but when Barbara's father asked him to use
the waste basket, he insisted that it must be one of the licensed

     Since his "operation," Robin had started to binge drink, and was
frequenting bars near City Hall. He was probably doing that when the
Batsignal went on. The citizenry in the bar (more likely the bar
keep)probably insisted that he respond. The Batsignal was used only
when Batman was away from the Batphone, so it was unlikely that The Bat
himself would show up.

    "Hello Batgirl! Thanks for coming!" Commissioner Gordon was relieved
that at least one crime buster had shown up sober. He hadn't liked
Batgirl when she had first appeared, but over time he had softened his
view some. He considered her more reliable than the Dynamic Duo,
especially after that whole King Tut incident. When she first started
bringing in the bad guys, Gordon was firmly with the other testosterone
freaks. But over time he realized that she didn't make demands of his
financially strapped department, no special phone lines, search lights
or autograph machines. She simply showed up when there was a project,
did what she could and left until the next time.

    "No problem Commissioner Gordon. What's up?" Barbara didn't like to
spend to much time as Batgirl with her father, or in his office. She'd
grown up there and always worried that someone would see through the
costume. As Barbara, She did like to come by and visit still. She
would lay on the big leather couch and read while her father would go
about his business. They had been getting along a lot better the last
few years. He wasn't so hard on her desire for police work, and she
understood his fears about his only child working in such a dangerous

    "We just received this letter from Londinium," he handed the paper
across to her. Robin pop open another Black Label(Dark Beer for the
Dark Knight!!!). "It's from Ireland Yard. Lady Penelope Peasoup has
broken out of jail! Since Batman captured her and her brother Lord
Phogg, they thought she might head this way."

    "You may be right, Commissioner." Batgirl wasn't about to start a
discussion of who captured whom. "Foiling their attempts to steal the
Crown Jewels from the Tower of Londinium was a tremendous embarrassment
amongst the Londinium underworld," she observed. Barbara scanned down
the letter.

    "Sir, this letter was dated six weeks ago!!"

    "Yes, it was missorted into the Batmail. I'm afraid the only thing
we've done so far is sent Londinium a signed 8x10 glossy." Chief O'Hara
chimed in, hoping to assuage some of the commissioner's embarrassment at
having to explain the delay.

    Batgirl scanned the letter carefully, hoping to glean more details. 
"Chief O'Hara, would you mind if I took this letter for a while, I'd
like to have a closer look at it."

    "No, I think we could allow that if Batman doesn't have need of it." 
O'Hara looked across at Robin to see if he would object.

    Robin let out a deep guttural belch, "Errr, I think Batman would like
to run the letter through the Batcomputer," he sought his brain for a
moment for a good reason to deny the girl use of the letter. "Uhmmm, to
check for signs of tampering. You know it may've been sent to distract
us from the real crime!" 

    "A red herring?!" Chief O'Hara said, as if he really believed it a

    "No thanks, I don't eat fish." He looked at Batgirl. "At least not in
public." He gave her an overly theatrical wink.

    "A mimeograph will suffice," Barbara wasn't in the mood to deal with

    Collecting her copy, Batgirl headed home. She didn't need the
Batcomputer to analyze this one. She just wanted the phone number
listed on top of the page along with the name of Chief Superintendent

    A quick call to Ireland Yard revealed that Lady Peasoup had escaped
from Slutmore Prison. Disappearing in a mysterious fog, she was spirited
away from the prison grounds by persons unknown. Ireland Yard later
traced her to the luxury liner Queer Elizabeth. Hoping that Gotham
officials could help, they had sent an urgent letter ahead via airmail. 

    So much for nipping this one in the bud, thought Barbara, as she dialed
the Gotham Port Authority. She found out that someone fitting the
description Penelope Peasoup had indeed disembarked from the Queer
Elizabeth. She was traveling under the name Misty Haze. Another couple
of phone calls revealed that customs had not released all of her
luggage. A steamer trunk was still being held at the Gotham Custom

    Barbara decided that she should have a look at what was in that
steamer, the sooner the better. It was already after 10:00 PM and the
docs would be nearly empty. Perfect for a night time reconnaissance. 

    She mounted her batgirlcycle and was heading through the evening mist
to the Gotham Custom House. The air had cooled slightly and her body
felt the chill. Although the giant windscreen on the bike reduced the
draft, the cold breeze on her naked arms and midriff gave her goose
bumps and she could feel her nipples becoming erect under the fabric of
her suit. She wasn't sure if the wind was causing that. The excitement
of a new case was about as good an aphrodisiac as she new. She always
found herself extraordinarily horny when she was on a new or big case. 
Anticipation of the unexpected could make her juices flow at the most
troubling times.

    She thought back to the time a few months ago when she was trying to
track down Catwoman, who had purloined a set of Bengally tiger skin rugs
from the Sultan of Bengally, when he was visiting Gotham. Batgirl
tracked her down to a lair beneath the Wet Pussy strip club. Batgirl
waited until Catwoman's Kittens left to perform their acts in the club
up stairs. Then sneaking in through a basement window, she confronted
Catwoman with the stolen goods.

    Although Batgirl had the jump on Catwoman, Catwoman had the home court
advantage. She maneuvered Batgirl over a cleverly hidden trap door. 
Just as Batgirl was about to get the batcuffs on the feline felon, the
floor dropped away beneath her. She fell a good ten feet before her
fall was broken by a large net. As the net closed around her, Catwoman
threw one of her catnap bombs in.

    Barbara woke up to find herself lying on her side, elbows and hands
tied her back, and her legs pulled up into a strict hog-tie. Standing
around her were Catwoman and three of her kittens. Catwoman knelt down
and ran her ebony hand over Batgirl's exposed tummy. She let her long
nails slide over the soft white skin. They left four white tracings in
her flesh.

    Batgirl could see that Catwoman was trying to decide what to do with
her prize, like a cat trying to decide whether to let the mouse run, so
as to allow another entertaining pounce or to dine quickly.

     "Our flying mouse has finished her catnap!" She eyed Batgirl
suspiciously, "purrrhaps we should place her as bait for a bigger
catch!!! That might be entertaining," she mused. "But I doubt the
dynamic dunderheads would be able to find her if we mailed them a
map!!" Batgirl realized that Catwoman didn't hold the Batman in very
high regard either.

    As she toyed with the helpless Batgirl, Catwoman noticed a damp spot
forming in the purple crotch of her batoutfit. 

    "So our mouse likes to play..." She traced her claw over the damp patch
of Barbara's outfit. "Purrfect, she can be the first to test
effectiveness of the Bengally Fur Trap. Kittens, let's make sure our
guest is as uncomfortable as possible."

    Batgirl soon found herself tied spread eagle on one of the stolen
rugs. Her wrists and ankles were anchored to the floor through the
limbs of the tiger skin. As Batgirl struggled against the bonds,
Catwoman explained the device's delicious simplicity. Catwoman would
lace up the skin, enclosing Batgirl completely. Then, as Batgirl
struggled to escape, the self tightening laces would slowly contract,
crushing Batgirl in their warm and furry grip. Apparently, the Sultan
of Bengally had been less than forthcoming in his description of the
stolen skins. He had failed to mention that they were the Sultan's
preferred method of divorce. 

    To make sure that Batgirl's demise would be timely, Catwoman had
inserted a electronic dildo of her own design into Batgirl's snatch (the
‘Bat-snatch' she called it). It had motion detectors built in, so
whenever Batgirl stopped struggling it would give her pussy some
electro-stimulation. The hot fur and the almost continuous activity of
the dildo gave Catwoman a better show than she had planned. For over an
hour she watched as Batgirl writhed spread-eagle in the slowly
contracting skin, suffering forced orgasm after forced orgasm. Catwoman
toyed with herself as she watched her hated adversary being crushed. 
For a while, she lay next to the bound heroine, feeling Batgirl's tired
body quake with each progressively more deadly orgasm.

    The Bengally Fur Trap was proving itself exquisitely effective, but
also slower than Catwoman had planned. Seeing that it was getting late
and that Batgirl was almost finished, Catwoman decided that video replay
would have to be how she would view the end of Batgirl.

    While Catwoman was up stairs, Barbara had a run of luck. The battery
in the dildo died, and one of the laces on the skin burst. It wasn't
much of a break, but it was all she needed. Batgirl struggled out of
the skin, thanking providence that Catwoman hadn't had a chance to
replace the worn leather thongs on the antique bondage device.

    Batgirl didn't catch Catwoman that time, but she did recover the tiger
skins, too bad the Sultan got them back shredded beyond repair. Batgirl
learned a lot from that experience. First, purple is a bad choice for a
super heroine costume if the heroine is easily aroused. Second,
Catwoman knows how to make one mean dildo. Barbara kept that nasty
vibrator in a box under her bed.

    The vibrations from the big bike rumbling between her thighs along with
the mental picture of Catwoman toying with her bound body had created a
cool damp patch in the crotch of her outfit. 

    She killed the ignition and let her Batgirl cycle coast the last block
and a half to the customs house. There was only a sliver of moon
illuminating the maze of piers and rail sidings. A low gray fog had
completely enveloped the waterfront. She parked her bike behind a
dumpster and used the saddle to climb up onto the lid. With her
bat-a-rang and bat-rope she was able to quietly scale the side of the
building and entered through a fourth floor window.

    The custom house like most other Gotham municipal building, dark,
poorly organized and inefficient. Batgirl quickly decided that it was
just luck that customs still had Lady Penelope's trunk. They just
hadn't gotten around to releasing it. After searching about for about
half an hour, the trunk turned up in a claim area. It had been
incorrectly labeled as containing agricultural products. 

    Batgirl carefully inspected the outside of the trunk for signs of booby
traps. She wasn't expecting to find any. If Lady Peasoup wanted to
bring contraband to Gotham, she would use camouflage to do it. Using a
set of custom picks from her utility belt, Barbara started on the lock. 
It wasn't at all sophisticated and she popped it open in seconds. She
leaned away as she opened the lid, just in case.

    The heavy box was filled with books, arranged neatly in rows. The
spine of all the books proclaimed themselves as "The King James Bible"
in leather and gold leaf. Great, thought Barbara, Gotham Customs
strikes again! That's why Penelope Peasoup hasn't bothered to collect
them, they aren't hers.

    For completeness, Batgirl fished out one of the tomes and felt the
bottom of the trunk. No false bottoms. She then started to look at the
book. It was new and beautifully bound. Then she noticed the paper. 
Instead of the high quality parchment that is normally associated with
quality leather, the pages were printed on impregnated pages often used
for illustrated text books.

    She flipped open the cover. On the title page was "_The_
Gospel_According_to_Penelope_ Forward by Phineas Phogg." Below was
written "Vol. II: Locks and Alarms, a Primer." Intrigued, Barbara
picked up another volume. It was titled "Vol. III: The Arts of
Assination." For each volume their were several copies. Each was 
designed to be educational material on criminal enterprise. leafing
through the books, Barbara found one last volume labeled "Vol. VI: Booby
Traps and Security." As she flipped open the page, a noxious blue fog
shot into her face and her head swam. She vaguely realized she was
falling, but didn't remember hitting the floor.

    Barbara's head throbbed surprisingly little for such a potent knock-out
gas. She lay still for a few moments, waiting for her vision to clear. 
She looked straight ahead. The only thing in her line of vision was a
pair of leather riding boots.

    "Hurry up with that trunk girls! We can't expect this lovely fog to
last forever! May! June! If you drop that you'll each spend a day in
the corner!" Barbara recognized the voice. It was Lady Penelope

    "Ahhh Batgirl! I didn't think we have you coming around before tea
time!" She bent down to look at her captive. "Sorry to have to make
you so uncomfortable, but business is business. And I can't have you
meddling about. It would undermine the whole educational experience."

    "Mmmpphh!!" was all that Batgirl could muster, discovering to her
dismay that her hands were tied securely behind her at the elbows and
wrists. Her legs were also bound above the knee and at the ankles. A
thick double gag muffled all her protests and hid her face from her
nose to her chin.

    "Yes, I quite agree. I would so dearly love to dispose of you in a
much more leisurely fashion. But, It was just luck that allowed our
paths to cross so soon." She knelt down and rolled her captive over.

    Barbara got her first look at Lady Peasoup. She was wearing her
trademark brown tweed. The skirt was on the shortish side exposing more
of her thigh than it covered. Black hose covered the open patch of leg
between the top of her boots and the edge of her skirt. Her pronounced
bosom pushed the lapels of her tweed jacket apart, exposing a white
blouse with a stern looking ascot. To round out the country estate
look, she was fondling a riding crop. Her narrow face had high cheek
bones that reminded Barbara of Cruella DeVille from the Disney film. And
her long straight dirty blond hair was held in a loose ponytail. 
Batgirl had always thought that Lady Penelope was quite attractive
despite her rather sharp features.

    The two girls were just returning from outside as Lady Penelope stood
up. They were quite young for hoods, perhaps only nineteen or twenty. 
They each wore black body stockings and wool caps with small packs of
what Batgirl assumed to be burglary tools. To say the least, they both
appeared quite fit, and quite cute in a girlish sort of way. When they
entered they lined up next to their leader.

    "Girls, when faced with the unexpected, what is the first
commandment?" Lady Penelope marched in front of her two charges,
patting her hand with the riding crop.

    "Evaluate resources and terrain." They announced in unison.

    "Good! Now May, evaluate the terrain."

    "We are located on the ground floor of the Gotham Customs House,
located on Pier 69 of Gotham Harbor. There are three routes of access to
the pier; water, drive way and a standard gage rail spur. It is 3:50
AM. There is a heavy ground fog that will probably last another hour or

    "Very Good. June, evaluate resources."

    "We have recovered our objective and a single captive, however we have
insufficient transport for both." June stood smartly at attention.

    "Very succinct June, but I think you have covered the main issue." 
Lady Penelope rolled Batgirl on to her back and placed the toe of her
boot square in the middle of the bound heroine's chest and pushed her
into the ground. "As you may realize, Batgirl, I have a score to settle
with you. But, the question is, how?" 

    She turned her attention to May and June. "Girls, what would you

    "The water at the end of the pier is more than five meters deep!" June
answered with her eyes aglow.

    "I saw a case of explosives in one of the cages when we came in!" 
Responded May, not wanting to be left out of the process.

    "Both are very good suggestions, but a little to quick for my tastes. 
And for such an auspicious guest, I think we need something with a
little more flair, a touch of style." She moved her toe down Batgirl's
body, across her flat, bare tummy, over the black and yellow buckle of
her utility belt. It stopped just as it reached the edge of the pubis.

    "Yes, a stylish exit for our damsel in distress..." Her foot absently
massaged the damsel's sex.

    "Hmmm... A damsel in distress... June, when does the next train come
by?" An evil smile lurked across her face.

    From memory June recited, "there's supposed to be a coal train heading
to the Wayne Foundation Trade School and Iron Works at 4:20. The next
train to head this way after that is a commuter train at 5:50."

    "That should be perfect! Our poor damsel, bound and struggling on the
railroad tracks! How shall she escape as she watches a train barreling
down upon her?" Lady Penelope's hand slid up and down over the tweed
crotch of her skirt. "Yes, I think that do very nicely!" Her hand
lingered a few moments longer as she savored the idea.

    "June, I want you to get that extra coil of rope from the back of the
car and that black bag that is with it." With a wave of her hand June
was scurrying off. "May, I want you to get the bolt cutters from over
there and go out to the siding switch. Cut free the switch and divert
the track onto the siding. Now hurry!!"

    After watching her assistants leave, Lady Penelope Peasoup knelt down
by the bound figure of Barbara Gordon, a.k.a. Batgirl. "Such a lovely
girl. I thought it would be such a waste to hurry your dispatch, but
now I think that this will be such a grand, classic exit to a classic
beauty!" She touched the side of Barbara's face and traced her hand
over her the fine contours. Barbara struggled and kicked ineffectually
beneath the coils of rope.

    "Such pretty eyes, I wonder who you are beneath the cowl?" Lady
Penelope mused. "But the symbolism of it is just to perfect to despoil
by peeking." Barbara stopped struggling at this. This made no sense

    "You don't get it do you? The symbolism of subjugating an anonymous
symbol of law and order?" Lady Penelope was getting exasperated by
Batgirl's failure to see the point. "Why hasn't anyone ever taken your
cowl off? Because, if they did then you become a person in a ridiculous
costume. But with it you are the a feminine ideal of virtue and
beauty. It's a lot more fun to defile icons of virtue and beauty." 

    Barbara thought about this momentarily, as she looked up at the
homicidal maniac that had tied her up and planned to use her as speed
bump for a train. If she hadn't been gagged she would have told
Penelope Peasoup that she was spending way to much time reading Cosmo. 

    Her hand slid down Barbara's neck to her bare shoulder. She caressed
Barbara's well sculpted muscles gently and moved her hand onto the lycra
covered breast of her captive. "You would have made such a wonderful
teaching aid at my new school, ‘Lady Peasoup's Crime school for girls.' 
My students could have learned so much from you! They built a wonderful
new contraption that combined the simplicity of a clock work motor and a
some lovely toys. It would have been quite enjoyable see how it works
on a real live superheroine!"

    Lady Penelope was enthralled by visions of Batgirl struggling
helplessly in tight bondage as the simple pendulum motor did its nasty
work. She was still massaging Barbara's breast with one hand as she ran
the shaft of her riding crop under her skirt. From her vantage point on
the ground, Barbara could see the leather tip of the whip pushing
against the dark fabric of the villain's panties. 

    Slowly, Penelope's hand started to migrate down across the open midriff
of the captive heroine. It ran down past he yellow titanium Batgirl
utility belt until it reached the damp patch of fabric over Batgirl's
snatch. Barbara's struggles took on a more rhythmic tone as Penelope
stroked her. 
    "Well, I do believe that our Batnymph is enjoying this little dance
with danger!" She continued to stroke at the bound girl's soaking
crotch. Barbara slowly arched her back as her body quivered in orgasm. 
Lady Penelope's fingers pressed hard onto the mons pubis as she watched
her captive gasping through the thick gag. She had dropped her riding
crop and pressed her hand up her skirt and beneath her panties.

    While this was going on the two students returned from their assigned
tasks. May had the coil of rope and a black gym bag that looked almost

    "Let's get her outside girls." Barbara struggled and kicked mightily,
but she was far to well bound to impede the three women by very much. 
They soon had her bundled outside to the rail siding.

    She grunted, and butted her head uselessly as she tried in vain to
hinder their progress. At Lady Penelope's instruction the two younger
women attached a key rope between Batgirl's bound ankles and her
wrists. Once they succeeded at this, Barbara's struggles became

    First June, and then May tried to remove Batgirl's utility belt, but
the titanium buckle was protected by a Chinese puzzle lock. Out of
frustration, Lady Penelope took out a pocket knife and cut away the
crotch of her lycra suit.

    "That will do just dandy," she said as she put away her pocket knife. 
She picked up the black bag and pulled out a wooden pole about two and a
half feet long. Dangling from one end was a beautifully chromed

    "This is what I call my ‘Dick Stick.'" She ran her hand along the cold
metal surface of the dildo. "I keep it around for just such
occasions." She smiled as she twisted the end of the toy to the on
position. It whirred to life, visibly shaking in her hand. She turned
it off.

    At first Barbara didn't understand the purpose of the device. Yes,
what the dildo did and where it went was obvious, but the function of
the stick was a mystery. 

    Barbara was soon enlightened. After a valiant struggle, Penelope and
her gang succeeded in penetrating the hapless damsel with the vicious
vibrator and tieing the other end of the ‘Dick Stick' to her ankles. 
The result was that as Batgirl struggled, the vibrator was moved around
inside her pussy. But there wasn't enough play in the hog-tie to allow
her pull it out. The effect on the pretty young captive was total.

    "That should keep you both entertained and distracted for the
foreseeable future. Which should last another twenty minutes or so." 
She grabbed the wooden part of the Dick Stick and felt the vibrations
through her hand. She turned, ‘Girls, I'll meet you back at the car. 
I'd like to have a few private moments with the lovely, soon to be late,

    "Aaahhh, so this is how it ends? The death of Batgirl at the hands of
a villainous vixen!" Her hand stroked the vibrating shaft of wood. 
Batgirl was barely able to pay attention as her struggles did nothing
but maneuver the humming sex toy through the confines of her bound sex. 
Her head was resting on the cold, dew covered steel of the railroad

    "And such a wonderful demise it will be, too! As you struggle in
throws of orgasm looking down the tracks as the on coming train rushes
in! The screech of the brakes! The shrill of its horn!" She now had
one hand in her own pussy and the other on warm metal of the vibrator as
it disappeared between the lips of Batgirl's pussy. She let electric
motor's hum provide the friction as her fingers brought Batgirl to
another climax. She watched intently as the heroine clenched and
wriggled, inundated with sensation. Seeing her victim racked by orgasm,
Lady Penelope drove herself to orgasm in a last ritual of communion.

    "You were a most entertaining adversary, both here and in Londinium. 
But my sweet, it is time to say good-bye." She leaned over and Barbara
a final kiss on the exposed skin of her cheek. she stood up and head to
join her cohorts.

    Just before she disappeared into the fog, she turned around, and looked
back at the struggling heroine. Barbara was in the throws of orgasm as
she watched Penelope rubbing her thighs in erotic anticipation.

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