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  o    Kristen's collection                                         o
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  This is the Super Hero Archive. These stories were sent to me by
  friends. I did not write these stories. 

  Many have no author name attached. If you are the author of the
  enclosed work please let me know and I’ll remedy the situation.

  This story, and all the stories in this archive are meant to be
  free. They where sent freely and should remain public domain.

		Something Sinister This Way Comes
               By Author Unknown

	I am the Watcher - recently this planet that it is both my duty and 
pleasure to watch - Earth - came near total annihaltion by the Mutant known 
as Onslaught, had it not been for the brave sacrifice of the Earth's heroes I 
would have been made - how would Ben Grimm put it? - I would have been made 
	But with Onslaught's death came a new hope to this world - the hope 
of new heroes, the hope that human and mutant would see past their 
differences and end their war - alas this was not to be, human/mutant 
relationships have become even more strained with the death of Graydon Creed, 
the loss of the heroes and Operation: Zero Tolerance.
	As I always do, I stared into alternate timelines, to see what would 
have happened had Onslaught not come about - what I saw shocked me.

	In the Reality we know, Onslaught was created at the point where 
Charles Xavier wiped clean the mind of Magneto, but Xavier was only able to 
go to this extreme when Wolverine's adamantium was ripped from his body - 
what if things had gone differently?
	In this universe, as Wolverine's adamantuim was torn from his body, 
Professor Xavier let loose with the full force of his immense psi-abilities, 
he smashed Magneto's mental defenses and took control of his powers - sending 
the X-Men back to Earth, he then shot the remains of Avalon out of Earth's 
atmosphere at close to the speed of light, at the same time scattering the 
acolytes around the world and creating a small escape pod for himself.
	When the pod landed at the Mansion, the X-Men found him lying 
unconscious inside of it - he was deep in a coma and showed no signs of 
coming out of it.
	It is a month after these events when the dreams start to come.....
	".....know for sure, chere," Gambit said, looking at the huge 
metallic pod,"I've been having dreams about this place, but I don't know what 
it is?"
	"It's the Z'Noxx chamber," said Rogue, who was dressed in shorts and 
a tight, white t-shirt, Gambit had awoken her from sleep to bring her down 
here into the sewers,"It's the most psi-resiliant chamber in the world - 
anyone in here is totally protected from any sort of psi-talent.  The Prof. 
used it to fake his death so that he could fight the Z'Noxx aliens without 
them being aware of him."
	Gambit walked up to the keypad,"How do we get in?"
	"We can't, Jean is the only one who knows the right code, apart from 
the Professor, he's not really in any position to tell us though, is he?'
	The Professor was still in his coma, despite everything that Hank 
McCoy tried, he wasn't getting any better.
	Gambit frowned, then reached out and pushed a complex series of 
numbers, the chamber let out a hiss, then slid open, allowing them access.
	"Remy, how did you.......?"
	"Shhh," he said with a grin,"I don't know - but I did it."
	They entered the chamber, Rogue looked around and smiled, something 
seemed right about this place, she didn't know what it was - but she felt 
good.  The chamber suddenly closed behind them, Rogue whirled and leaped to 
it, but there was no evidence of a crack of any sort to show where the 
parting had been.
	"I don't like this Remy," she said, but she realised she was lying, 
this all felt right.  She stared at Gambit as he approached her, he took her 
by the shoulders and smiled.
	"I don't know why," he said,"But I feel a sudden need to kiss you."
	"Gambit, no!" she cried, feeling panic well up in her body,"Don't 
spoil this feeling....."
	But he leaned forward and kissed her lightly on the lips, she cringed 
back, and then realised that nothing was happening,"Wha........?"
	"I don't understand it either, chere," he said,"But I feel like this 
is right - I've dreamt about this chamber, and you were always in it."
	"Kiss me again," she said, and he did, first slowly and tenderly, but 
as she wrapped her arms around his neck, more passionately, Rogue began to 
moan in pleasure, as over 15 years of built up sexual tension that had been 
impossible to release, ever since she discovered she was a mutant began to 
find a pressure valve.  She pulled him down to the floor and he lay on top of 
her, his tongue snaking down her throat, she felt his penis against her inner 
thigh, hard as a rock, and for once was not scared, she reached down into his 
boxer shorts - which was all he was wearing, and grabbed it - it felt so good 
to have flesh against flesh once more - something she had not felt since she 
was thirteen years old.
	"Wait," said Gambit, pulling away, she groaned in disappointment.
	"What is it?" she asked, fearful that he had felt some sort of drain.
	"It's going to be your first time isn't it?" he asked.
	"Yes......let's not wait any longer!"
	"No....I,......don't.....don't you want it to be special?"
	"Of course, but Remy, this is special..."
	"No - Rogue, I love you, I want you to have the best of everything - 
everything!   I want to cook you a romantic dinner, take you dancing, and 
then I want your first time to be special."
	Rogue smiled,"Oh Gambit, thank you," she reach up to him and stroked 
his cheek, marvelling in the sensation of her flesh against anothers,"Till 
tomorrow then?"
	"Till tomorrow."

	Scott Summers slammed the phone down, muttered a curse and walked 
down the hallway angrily, his fiancee, Jean Grey stepped out of the bathroom, 
looked out the doorway and winced at the way he was hunching his back - he 
was angry.
	"Scott, what's the matter?" she asked, running up behind him, she 
passed Wolverine's room and stopped, looking in she saw that it was empty, 
everything in it had been taken out,"Where's Logan?" she asked.
	Scott whirled around, she caught the stray thought in his head before 
he banished it,"You care more about him than me!"
	"Scott, that's not true!" she exclaimed.
	He winced as he realised she had picked up the thought through their 
psi-link, he walked over and hugged her,"I'm sorry," he said,"I was just on 
the phone with Alex."
	"What's wrong?"
	"He's talking about leaving X-Factor, as soon as he said it I just 
went off, I should really call him back - he wanted support, not 
	"What made you get so angry?" she asked,"Alex is probably just 
confused, what with Multiple Man's death and all."
	"I'm having dreams lately, with mixed messages - they tell me not to 
hold back the marriage like we decided, and also to watch out for Alex."
	"Watch out for him? Alex is your brother, not only wouldn't he hurt 
you, he can't hurt you - your powers cancel each other out."
	"I know," Scott said,"I'm going to ring him back up - I don't know 
where Logan is," he said with a smile,"I saw him talking with Storm earlier - 
perhaps she knows."
	Storm stood staring at the picture - something was wrong, but she 
couldn't place it - it was a picture from the X-men 'family' picnic last year 
- and she felt like someone was missing.
	She put it down and turned to look at Jubilee, who was sitting 
watching t.v - or so she liked to think everyone thought, she was actually 
	"Jubilation," said Storm,"You cannot just sit and sulk all day."
	"He just up and left," she said, glaring at Storm like it was her 
fault,"Said some crap about strange dreams and that he was losing control of 
his wild side, and then just up and left."
	"Julilation, Logan is a very complex man, he has ever been an enigma 
wrapped in a mystery, you know that we recently discovered that his body was 
further mutating now that the adamantium has been removed from his body and 
he finds it's harder to resist his animal impulses."
	"Did he tell you what his dreams were about?" asked a new voice, they 
both turned to see Jean standing in the doorway,"And why didn't he tell me?"
	"I am sorry Jean," said Storm,"He felt that if he talked to you he 
would not be able to leave - and he did not tell me what his dreams were 
	Jubilee turned back to MTV, she turned the sound up loud and Storm 
and Jean both left the room, closing the door behind them.
	"I am worried about her," said Jean,"She hasn't shown an interest in 
anything lately, unless it involved Logan."
	"He was her role-model, her hero," said Storm,"That's why she didn't 
join Generation X, she was scared to be away from him - since the Professor's 
coma Logan has been different - maybe she fears that without her he will fall 
	"Have you been having dreams too?" asked Jean,"It's seems Logan has, 
so had Scott - and have you seen Gambit today?"
	"Indeed," said Storm,"He's like a small boy on Christmas day, rushing 
around, he actually giggled while talking to Henry, then the two of them 
drove into town."
	"He took Hank? And what about Rogue?"
	"She's in her room, singing."
	"Something is going on," said Jean,"And I'm not sure I like it."

	What a dump, you'd think the Friends of Humanity would want to tear 
this place apart because of the way it degrades humans, reducing them to 
nothing but meat - but no, they make it their headquarters here instead.  
Guess that about sums up what they're about.
	"Hey runt, get out of my way," yells a large redneck, pushing past 
me, I'd like to gut him, one less inbred, beer guzzling bigot about.  But's 
that my animal side coming to the fore, lately things like that have been 
popping into my head and I find it harder to get them out.  
	I'm wearing jeans, boots, a flannel shirt and a cowboy hat, got a 
brew in my hand and I'm pretending to be looking at the naked women dancing 
on the table - truth is, these so called beautiful woman  disgust me - 
parading around naked for the enjoyment of others.  Jean and Ororo are two of 
the most beautiful women I know, and they're not the type to ever do this 
kind of thing, they have a self esteem and dignity to them that would make 
them beautiful no matter what they look like.  A strange odor hits me, I turn 
and notice the bald man walking into the back room, he has a diamond tattoo 
on his forehead, dressed up like a real good ole boy, I recognise the scent 
easily - and I know he see's me.  He was the last person I expected to see 
and not the type I want to get in a fight with - but I got business on the 
other side of that door and I mean to deal with it - he won't get in my way, 
he's too smart for that.
	I cross the room, dodging idiots with stone slabs for arms and 
gigantic beerbellies, when I get to the door a couple of big guys step into 
my way.
	"Room's for staff only," says one.
	"Go watch the girls," says the others,"Those are the only tittie's 
you'll ever see in this life, runt."
	They both laugh, wow, I'm impressed - they were able to make a joke 
about my height, they're obviously rhode scholars working here to get through 
college.  I turn though, and walk away, I just wanted to get close enough to 
the door to smell what was on the other side, now I know I can leave, for now 
- I'll be back later by a more indirect route.

	Jubilee watched as Jean, Storm and Scott drove away into Westchester, 
she smiled - she thought they would never leave.  She walked into the danger 
room, staring around she noted that no one was there, she turned to one of 
the security surveillance devices.  She saw Psylocke out by the pool, th 
beautiful ninja was sunbathing,  a shadow suddenly loomed over her and she 
squealed with delight, leaping up and kissing him.
	"Wow," said Jubilee,"I've never seen Psylocke so excited," she panned 
the camera up and saw that it was Archangel, back from whatever mission he 
had been on, he extended his wings and lifted into the air, carrying Psylocke 
in his arms, they flew off into the forest.
	"Geez," muttered Jubilee,"He's only been gone a week," she flicked 
through other camera shots, catching Bobby, who was turning the leg supports 
of the Beast's bed into ice, she giggled at the thought of poor Henry's face 
when he went to bed that night.  She panned to the next shot and found Rogue 
in the kitchen, she was grabbing something out of the fridge while dancing 
and singing, she turned and danced out the doorway, she had a cucumber in her 
	"Well, well, well," said Jubilee,"A  small smile on her face,"What 
are we up to Miss I can't touch anyone or they'll die?"
	She turned off the surveillance and walked back to the living room, 
Iceman was watching Ren and Stimpy.
	"Bobby, I was watching t.v!" she moaned.
	"Yep," he replied with a grin,"Now I am, you can have it back in half 
and hour when I go suck up to Mr "I hate Mutants" Graydon Creed"
	"Ooh!" she yelled out, stamping her foot, turning she walked up the 
stairs to her room, as she did she passed Storm's door, which was open.  She 
looked in, it was spotless, everything was not only in it's place, but it 
looked like it belonged there.  She walked in and closed the door, looking 
out the window she saw that no one was in any position to see her.  She 
quickly rushed to the closet and looked inside, everything was perfectly well 
ordered, it made her mad to see such cleanliness, she hated it because after 
going back to her room, everything seemed so chaotic and messy.
	"Come on, I know there's at least something a little dirty in here," 
she muttered, grabbing a shoebox, she ripped the top of, inside was Storm's 
tax information - but something seemed wrong,"This isn't right."
	She lifted the tax papers, receipts and invoices up and found what 
she had been looking for, she smiled as she looked on Storm's little vice.  
It was a purple vibrator, it was filled with some sort of beads and had a 
little face at the tip, she had seen one of these on MTV once she thought to 
herself, it also had  what looked like a little dildo protuding from the 
base, she couldn't figure out what it was for, perhaps it was meant to rub 
against the clitoris, but it seemed to be too far out for that.  She switched 
it on and watched both of them begin to twirl slowly around, just the look of 
it made her juices start to flow and she caught her free hand straying down 
between her legs.  The little beds were moving around inside, which indicated 
they made up the integral part of the vibrations.
	She looked out the window, there was no sign of Warren or Betsy, and 
Bobby was probably still watching t.v, she rushed to the door and turned the 
lock.  She rushed back to the closet and grabbed the vibrator in her hand, 
she slipped out of her yellow overcoat and slid her pants off, quickly 
followed by her panties, which revealed her pussy, which she managed to keep 
well trimmed (I may be messy with my room, she thought, but I keep myself in 
great shape), as she sat, preparing to run the vibrator between her legs she 
remembered something she had seen on a porno movie she had caught Bobby 
watching once, she slid her top and bra off, her breasts, which in her mind 
were about average size (although, compared to the mammaries that Rogue, 
Sotrm, Jean and Psylocke carried around, she was practically flat she thought 
with a grin) stood exposed, her nippled erect from her sexual excitement, she 
turned the vibrator on and ran it quickly over one nipple, a shudder of 
pleasure rushed through her and she nearly moaned out loud, she quickly 
caught herself, lay back on the ground, her legs bent and spread slightly, 
and began running the vibrator over her breasts.

	When Rogue was eighteen she lost her hymen to a cucumber, it had hurt 
slightly, but her body had quickly recovered.  Unable to find any sexual 
release except by her own hand or with inanimate objects, she became a 
regular masturbator.
	Ever since last night, when she had discovered that Gambit could 
touch her in the Z'Noxx chamber, she had been growing hornier and hornier.  
She had fingered herself until she came early this morning, and since then 
had felt extremely happy, but she had also gotten hornier and hornier - she 
longed to lose her virginity - which should have set sail with her hymen all 
those years ago.
	Now she lay on her bed, naked, her huge breasts heaving, legs spread 
and sliding a cucumber in and out of her vagina.  She had come twice already, 
but hadn't gotten any less horny yet, she had actually done this for several 
hours once before, till the cucumber had become limp and saggy - she had not 
been able to beleive that she had fucked out an inanimate object - but then, 
a dildo would have probably run out of batteries several hours earlier.
	She came again, whimpering slightly in pleasure as her juices ran 
down her legs, forming a small puddle around her ass cheeks.  The cucumber 
slid in and out between her legs, sometimes she slid it slightly in, then she 
would slide it nearly fully in before sliding it slowly back out again.  She 
closed her eyes and tried to imagine what Gambit's cock would feel like 
inside of her, would it be like the cucumber, or wold it feel different?	
	She slid the cucumber out and threw it to the floor, sliding one hand 
down between her thighs, she began pinching a nipple while one finger made 
ever declining circles around her clit, finally resting on her wet button, 
which she began to rub faster and faster, almost grinding her finger against 
the small love button.  She came again and this time cried out in pleasure, 
she stopped, listening, no one was coming up the stairs, she listened for any 
sort of noise and heard a low moaning from what sounded like Storm's room - 
she smiled, she knew Storm had a vibrator in her closet, she had used it once 
herself in fact - and hey, which two girls deserved it more? The two of them 
hadn't gotten laid in a long time, Storm in a couple of years, Rogue - never.
	She sighed, then smiled again as her fingers began to slide in and 
out of her pussy.

	The dreams, it seems they never end, every night I dream, and each 
night the dream gets worse - the demons from my past all rise up for me, and 
though I try to fight them off, I can't - my own inner demons are there too, 
and this time I can't stop them - I feel my animal side rising up, and I know 
that this time I won't be able to stop it.  Every night I wake up a little 
further along in that dream, in the beginning I was fighting the demons, 
later I found myself being pulled down by my own inner demons, next thing I 
know I'm being beaten by them, and last night? well, last night, everything 
	I was being pulled down again, I felt myself changing, becoming an 
animal, and then suddenly a blast of pure light tore through the demons, it 
hit me and I felt myself standing tall again, well as tall as this runt can, 
and I realise that everything has been solved.......for now.
	It's then that I hear the voice, I look over and see Chuck, when I 
try and run to him, he moves further back, he shakes his head and tells me 
that he's not able to return yet, then a man appears next to him, a largely 
muscled, extremely tall black man.  I don't know him, but I feel that I 
	"Remember Logan," Chuck says,"Try to remember," and then the dream 
	I cut off my ruminations as I catch the scent, I turn and look at 
him, he's changed back to his real form.
	"Don't like the human look?" I ask him.
	"Human's are a step back," he says,"Mutants are the new age, and they 
must be allowed to evolve as nature sees fit."
	"For a guy who loves mutants," I say, lighting up a match for my 
cigarette,"You're spending an awful lot of time with the Friends of 
	"What do you want with them?" he asks me, I smiled, and replied to 
his question in the form of a question, Alex Trebeck would be proud.
	"Why were you there?"
	"They are looking up known mutants, they found Threnody in their 
files, I came to destroy that file, I have done so."
	He's lying, and we both know it, but I let it slide,"I'm going to 
talk to Creed, You have some sort of problem with that?"
	"None whatsoever," he says, he smiles, but his eyes are dead - that's 
something I've always noticed about him, he seems to have no emotions at all, 
he can pretend, but I think he really gave up his humanity when he became a 
mutant, he decided he didn't want it and just disposed of it,"And you won't 
be coming after Threnody will you?"
	"Don't worry, you told us you'd look after her, and as far as we 
know, you have, now get out of here!"
	"I wouldn't test me Logan," he says with a slight smile,"Your 
adamantium is gone, your healing
factor is slowing down - your showing your age."
	Incredibly, despite what he was saying was true, I could sense he was 
lying again, or at least
not telling the whole truth.  I unsheathed my claws, a large grin on my 
face,"You want to test that
	He smiles and walks away, one second he's there, the next his scent 
is gone, he deserves his name, I think, because he really is Sinister.

The girl was flirting with Gambit, but he wasn't even responding, she seemed 
to get the message and just helped him find what he was looking for.
	Henry McCoy, Hank to his teammates, the Beast and Dr Henry McCoy to 
the outside world, was in one word - unique.
	At the moment he wore an image inducer, but at Scientific conventions 
and when working with the Government, he showed himself as he was - the blur 
furred, highly muscled mutant.   He could only do this because he was once an 
Avenger, and people remembered that, and because he was one of the lead 
researcher's into the Legacy Virus.
	Despite his genius, however, he had been unsuccessfull in his efforts 
- but the dreams.......
	.....lately the dreams had been taking on an almost real life 
quality, in them he found himself working at the lab when he noted a 
chromosonal imbalance in the Legacy Virus, researching further, he discovered 
that the imbalance could quite easily be broken, causing the virus to 
collapse upon itself, rendering it harmless - but in order to do so he needed 
to create a antibody made up of several components, that - while seemingly 
real enough in the dream - did not exist in the real world.  Yet he had the 
same dream everynight.
	Gambit turned, the plastic bags in his hand and a large smile on his 
face, and grabbed the Beast by his arm,"Come along, I have to set things up 
back at the mansion, this'll be a romantic dinner like no other!"
	As he and the Beast strode out, still swinging each others arms, the 
checkout girl smiled,"So that's why he didn't respond to me! They're gay!"

	Jubilee slowly slid the vibrator up her cunt, she gasped as the 
purple dildo slowly rotated inside
of her, whilst vibrating, and she came straight away from shock.
	"Wow!" she said, truly smiling happily for the first time since Logan 
had left, the only trouble was the smaller attachment - it was indeed to far 
up for her clitoris, instead it was tangling in her pubic
hair, she groaned as she slipped the dildo out, trying to figure out how to 
use the damn thing right.  She
smiled as she realised she could turn it upside down, so that the smaller 
attachment would rest between
her buttocks, which had a slight itch between them, she figured she could 
scratch that at the same time with the little probe,  she quickly turned it 
around, the small probe twirling in her juices for a second, then slid the 
vibrator back up her cunt - she moaned in ectasy as it vibrated past her 
sensitive cunt lips, and pushed into her, creating a feeling of wholeness and 
well being.
	She felt the little probe attachment sliding deeper past her 
buttocks, it touched the rim of her anus and suddenly she understood what it 
was there for, she cried out in shock as the smaller dildo, lubricated with 
her own juice, slid slowly up her anus, the slight ache of pain soon changed 
into a much more pleasurable ache, she could feel the thin membrane between 
her ass and pussy  being touched on both sides by each dildo, and the 
sensation was incredible, she came again, biting back the loud cry of ectasy 
that wanted to erupt from her.
	The rotating, vibrating dildo was now well lubricated by her own 
juices and slid in and out of her cunt easily, her little clit had slipped 
out of it's hood, and was also soaking in juices, she slid a finger down to 
it and began to rub slowly in small circles, new waves of pleasure rocked 
through her as she came for a third time.  She felt a wave of superiority 
towards Rogue overrush her at the fact that she was not a virgin, her hymen 
had parted company with her cunt several months ago when she had meet a boy 
named Robin, who apparently came from another universe.  She still remembered 
his long but slender cock sliding in and out of her as he had nibbled 
naughtily on her nipples, she giggled at that bit of illiteration - the truth 
was, he hadn't lasted too long, only five minutes, and she had had to wank 
herself to come, but he had enjoyed watching, and she had felt that same 
sense of completeness, but now it was more, the vibrator sliding in and out 
of both her cunt and anus made her feel truly fulfilled, she wondered how she 
could get this thing away from Storm without her notice - but decided against 
it, if she had to, she would buy her own.

From dimitri@ihug.co.nz Tue Jun 10 14:08:33 1997
	I can guarantee that there'll be a few missed chapters somewhere, so
just contact me at - dimitri@ihug.co.nz - and I can send you anything you 
miss, or even look at www.dejanews.com I'm sure they'll have them somewhere.

	Here's the deal, whatever is the legal age to view pornographic 
material in your country is how old you have to be to read this story - if 
you're not that old then you can't read it - by reading this story you are 
saying you are of a legal age to view this material - if you are not I can 
not be held responsible.
	Warren had been having a lot of dreams lately, the majority of them 
involved his metallic wings falling apart to reveal the old feathery wings 
that he had once bore before Apocalypse.  He ignored those dreams however, 
and concentrated more on the ones about him and Psylocke - because one of 
them was coming true right now.
	She was before him, on her knees, naked, one hand rested between her 
thighs, her fingers sliding in and out of her cunt, while she slowly and 
expertly deepthroated his cock.
	Many people saw Betsy Braddock aka Psylocke as an ice queen, devoid 
of any emotion - but that was far from true - just as he, Warren Worthington 
III aka Archangel, was not the spoilt little rich boy most people thought he 
was.  Betsy was very reserved most of the time, but every so often she let
her emotions come through - this was one of those times.
	She sat before him, sliding his cock slowly down her mouth, taking in 
his full nine inches, not gagging in the slightest, then drawing back, till 
only the tip of his cock was left in her warm, moist mouth.  As she slid his 
meat back into her mouth, his cock jerked slightly, she slipped it nearly all 
out, again leaving only the tip inside, her tongue circled around the rim of 
his cockhead and he moaned in pleasure, she smiled as her hand wrapped around 
his lubricated cock and began to slide up and down, wanking him slowly.  
Pulling her mouth away, she smiled up at him,"Don't come yet, I want you up 
my ass."
	That was another reason why Warren loved her so much, he had never 
met a woman before who would come from being assfucked, but Psylocke had 
changed all of that - she could orgasm from being done up her cunt, but had 
multiple orgasms from being done up the ass.  She swallowed his cock head 
again and slipped her hand away, moving it behind her, he knew that she was 
preparing her ass, covering it in her saliva she had picked up from his cock, 
and slipping a finger in, soon she would slip another in, then a third, and 
then she would have him fuck her up the ass.
	Her mouth continued to slide up and down his cock, and he found 
himself fighting not to come, he was on the brink, and was clenching his cock 
to try and stop it, the need slowly subsided and he relaxed, enjoying being 
sucked again.
	Psylocke broke of, turning around so she was on all fours, her ass 
was lubed up now, and her fingers were sliding in and out of her sopping wet 
cunt.  He approached her, got onto his knees, grabbed his cock in hand and 
pressed the head against her anus, it parted slightly and he worked it in, 
putting in the tip first, then continuing one inch at a time, only continuing 
when she told him she was comfortable with it, finally he had worked eight 
inches in and stopped there, he had learned from experience that anymore only 
caused her pain.  Now that he was all the way in he had to pause once more to 
stop from cumming to soon, her incredibly tight ass causing feelings of 
fantastic pleasure, it didn't help that she was clenching and unclenching her 
anus to get comfortable with him in there.  Then she came, her fingers had 
been rubbing around her clit and she was unable and unwilling to hold back 
the orgasm, her juices flowed down her fingers and her cunt and ass 
tightened, he groaned and once more had to wait for the feeling to subside.
	"Sorry Warren," she said, blushing slightly,"But it feels so good."
	"Tell me about it," he replied with a smile, his skin was flushed, 
luckily, having blue skin meant that it wasn't easy to notice, unfortunately, 
having a telepath for a girlfriend meant she could notice.
	"Do you want to wait a while? So you don't cum too soon?" she asked.
	"No, I'm all right," he replied with a smile, placing his hands on 
her hips, he slowly slid back, his cock retracting from her ass, she groaned 
in pleasure, her fingers working furiously in her cunt, as he pulled nearly 
fully out, then slid back in.  He continued these motions for several 
minutes, speeding up the pace, as he continued he stopped stopping at eight 
inches and slid his entire length into her, he knew from experience that by 
this point she was beyond feeling pain, and the sight, sound and feel of 
slamming against her ass increased his own pleasure.  She orgasmed twice more 
before he could hold on no longer, and he emptied his load into her ass.  He 
pulled out and fell back onto his back, Psylocke also flopped over, but she 
kept her knees bent and and arched her back as she continued to wank herself, 
after she had came again she crawled over to him, his cock had leaked a 
littled more cum which had slid down his now half erect cock, she engulfed it 
once more with her mouth, removing the last traces of cum from his body, then 
she too fell back, panting slightly, but with a satisfied smile of her face.
	"You look like the cat who got into the cream," Warren said with a 
	"Actually," she said with a smile, making a rare joke,"My pussy is 
the only thing that didn't get any cream!"
	They both laughed as she wrapped her arms around him, lowered her 
head onto his chest and fell asleep, he soon followed suit, the hot weather 
causing a lazy drowsiness to overcome him.
	As they lay, naked and asleep, a large shadow fell over them.
	"Sleep now my dark son," said Apocalypse, the millenia old 
Mutant"Rest, for a great battle is coming," turning, the ageless mutant 
walked away, a brief smile flitting over his blue lips - the Age of 
Apocalypse was coming!  
	He doesn't look so arrogant now, I thought as my bone claws slipped 
out of my hand, pressing his neck against the wall, where they stuck into the 
	"That's claws one and three," I said with a smile,"Would you like to 
meet number two?" The second claw was the middle one, it would slip right 
through his neck.
	"You don't scare me you mutie scum," whispered Graydon Creed, third 
party candidate for the Presidency of the United States.
	"Yeah, well it's not me you have to be worried about," I whispered,"A 
lot of your prospective voters are gonna be real disappointed to hear you 
hang around with a cult group like the Friends of Humanity, that has strong 
connections to A.I.M, a known terrorist group.  And even if that doesn't make 
a difference, what about when the Friends of Humanity find out about your 
parents, Sabretooth and Mystique? Two well known mutant outlaws?"
	"I know you," he spat at me with hatred,"You used to hang around with 
my fath......with that mutant didn't you?"
	"A long time ago," I replied with a grin,"And we ain't exactly pals 
now, but you had better listen, I want to know something from you, then I'll 
leave you alone."
	"I'll never tell you anything you mutie pig!"	
	"Just give me the password to your mutant files," I replied, you can 
watch me use them, and even change the password when I'm done."
	"Nothing doing!" he replied, I could see I wasn't going to get 
anywhere, I punched him in the side, winding him, as he fell I walked to the 
computer, switched it on and typed an experimental password - it worked! The 
Beast would be proud.
	"How....." he gasped as I began looking through the information.
	"Darkholme?" I laughed,"Using your mothers maiden name for a password 
ain't too original is it!?!"
	He scowled as I found the information I wanted, his eyes widened as 
he saw who it was,"What do you want with him!" he gasped.
	I leapt from the chair and pulled him up,"Was the bald guy with a 
diamond tattoo looking at this file!"
	"Essex.....?" he began, then shut up,"I don't know who you're talking 
about," but it was too late, I had seen the truth, Sinister had come here 
under the name of Essex, looked up information about the boy I was looking 
for, then left.  I turned to the computer and smiled, I've never claimed to 
be any kind of computer hacker, but you can't live with the Beast and not 
pick up something.  I typed in some commands and then leapt to the roof, 
leaving through the skylight.  I turned back and watched as Graydon Creed 
read what was now written on every Friends of Humanity computer in America, 
and I smiled as he screamed.

"Format of all files in F.O.H database (backups inclusive) now complete, 
possiblity of retrieval - 0.01%"

	Jubilee cried out in pleasure as once more she came, the double 
headed vibrator sliding 
faster and faster into her sopping cunt and lubricated asshole.  She held one 
of her nipples between thumb and forefinger, grinding it between them, she 
felt like she was hyperventilating, she was so excited.  She pulled the 
vibrator mostly out of her cunt, tipping it upwards so it came to rest on her
clit, which she had recently been rubbing with the finger now busy with her 
nipple.  The vibrations rocked through her clitoris, causing her entire body 
to spasm, she pulled the vibrator away, letting it slide out of her pussy.
	"That was too intense," she gasped, she dropped the vibrator to the 
ground and slipped a finger into herself, making quick, stroking motions, 
slipping in two additional fingers, she came again.
	She stood up and stretched, her breasts pulling back pleasurably, a 
small pool of her cum lay on the uncarpeted floor, she grabbed her panties 
and wiped it up.  Cleaning off the vibrator too, she placed it back in the 
shoebox and closed the wardrobe.  She happned to glance out the blinds and 
saw to her shock that Scott's car was back, she bundled up her clothes and 
rushed to the door, unlocking it she opened it and peeked out, Storm's head 
was just visible over the stairs, Jubilee would never be able to get out of 
her room on time - not naked as she was in any case.  She turned around and 
rushed to the bed, sliding under it, she noticed her panties lying just 
outside as the door was opening, she reached out, grabbed them and pulled 
them under the bed.

	Scott Summers was the leader of the X-men, apparently his genetic 
bloodline was one of the most exceptional in the world, and yet here he was, 
carrying around shopping bags for his finacee and friend.
	Jean and Ororro walked in front of him, heads together, talking and 
giggling almost like they were teenagers, in fact he felt much the same way 
as he had when Jubilee had convinced him to take her to the mall.
	"Look!," said Ororro - who as Storm was one of the most powerful 
mutants in the world,"There's that new shop I was telling you about, it's 
supposed to be great."
	"Don't you girls have enough new clothes?" Scott asked, hoping they 
would see reason.
	"But Scott," said Jean with a smile,"It's a sale, I'll be saving 
	Before he could reply the two woman walked into the store, he 
grimaced and followed them, already the checkout girls were exclaiming over 
their excellent figures, he turned and saw an extremely tall man, well 
muscled with long blonde hair holding at least twelve bags.
	"Here with your girlfriend?" he asked.
	"I wish," replied the man glumly,"My mother!"
	A stout, greying woman walked past him,"Hurry up Spencer," she said 
and he started to follow her out of the store, turning he mouthed,"Help," to 
	He grinned and mouthed back,"Sorry, you're on your own."
	He sat down at one of the small seats, put the bags behind him and 
stretched his feet out, a short, fat, balding man sat down next to him.
	"Hi," he said to Scott.
	Scott nodded in reply.
	"Names Costanza, George Costanza," he said, he looked around the 
store, spying Jean and Ororro,"Wow, check out that pair!"
	Scott smiled,"Which one do you like?"
	"The black one is nice........."
	"African American...."
	"Yeah, yeah, I hate political correctness - I'm not a European 
American am I, no.......I'm white...but I can't say....ahh, forget it."
	"You were saying."
	"Yeah, the.......african american......is nice, but that red head has 
got quite a body."
	"Why don't you ask her out?" he asked with a grin.
	"Are you kidding!?! Besides, they're obviously lesbians."
	Scott nearly choked,"Pardon?"
	"Oh come on, woman that beautiful are always lesbians, I should know, 
I nearly married one."
	Scott smiled, standing up he walked over to Jean, slid his hand over 
her ass and when she turned, kissed her fully.  Jean, through their psi-link, 
saw what he was playing at, and decided to play along, she turned to Storm 
and said,"I'm sorry Ororro, I was willing to love you forever, but now he's 
shown me what a real man can do."
	Ororro smiled, seeing something was up,"Okay, but I'll miss you 
	Scott walked over and picked up the bags, winking at George in the 
meantime, then he and Jean walked out.
	George shut his gaping jaw, stood up and walked up to Ororro, she 
smiled warmly at him,"Try it, and I'll knock your teeth out."
	As she walked out, moving her hips slightly, George turned to the 
male checkout attendant and smiled,"It's obvious who wore the pants in that 
	Once Storm reached the car, Scott and Jean were making out 
passionately in the back seat, she knocked on the window,"If you kids can 
hold out till we get home, I'll give you money to go to the drive-in!"

Now at home, Storm locked her door, opened her closed blinds to let the un 
in, and stripped out of her clothes, her large breasts, free of the 
constraints of both shirt and bra almost seemed to sigh in releif, she 
slipped her panties off, revealing a neatly shaven pussy.  She folded all of 
her clothes and put them on a chair next to her bed, then she lay down and 
stretched out luxuriantly, like a cat.
	She simply preferred to sleep in the nude, without covers on, and she 
wanted an nap, it being five in the afternoon, the sun shone through her 
windows onto her nude form - however there were some things that simply had 
to be done before you could go to sleep, her finger trailed down her body, 
tracing a small circle around her erect nipple, then continuing onwards, till 
it slid down the inner part of her cuntlips, then slowly slid inside of her, 
she gasped in pleasure and began to slide in faster and faster, adding a 
second finger, then a third.  It had been a long time since she had been 
fucked by a man, not since her break up with Forge, and now, despite not 
wanting to admit it, she found herself fantasising about Cable.
	He was the son of Scott Summers and Madelyne Pryor, a clone of Jean 
Grey, but he had been infected with a techno-virus and taken a thousand years 
into the future, where he was raised by Scott and Jean in different bodies 
for twelve years - they had revealed this to him not too long ago, when they 
discovered that the Universe was going to end, when it didn't they had become 
	So Storm felt some guilt that she was attracted to her best friend's 
son, despite the fact that he was almost twenty years older than his parents 
- oh time travel!
	Below the bed Jubilee listened to the sounds of pleasure, her hand 
had quickly worked it's way down to her cunt and she wanked herself, moaning 
as quietly as possible as she felt another orgasm, her juices left a small 
trail on the wood floor which she cleaned up with her already wet panties.  
She had long envied Storm's fantastic figure, now she found herself wanting 
to HAVE it rather than have it, she smiled at the silly way her thoughts ran 
together, her smile broadened as her fingers began working at her clit, her 
ass ran against the bed's base as she began making humping gestures, forcing 
her fingers deeper into her vagina.  After cumming again she lay in wait, 
finally Storm seemed to stop, after a few more minutes Jubilee slid out from 
under the bed, she stood up, prepared to leave the room when she noticed the 
beautiful X-woman's naked body.  Storm lay on her bed naked, her large 
breasts had drifted slowly to her sides, but remained firm, one hand lay 
under her ass, the other rested on her neatly trimmed vagina.  Jubilee 
dropped her clothes and stared, and stared, and stared, unbeleivably, she 
began to move forward, her mind screamed for her to stop, but her body's 
instincts had taken over.
	As Storm's fingers had slid into her cunt, she'd imagined they were 
Cables, and now as she lay on the bed, half asleep, she longed to feel his 
tongue lapping at her juices, it was funny how the mind worked, she could 
almost feel a tongue lapping at her cunt.
	Jubilee still couldn't beleive she was doing this, Storm seemed to 
reamin asleep, and Jubilee could not resist the overwhelming urge to taste 
her, she slid forward over the bed and lowered her tongue, lightly licking at 
Storm's lips, she tasted the sour cream from Storm's slit.  She had heard 
that female cum would taste sour if woman masturbated alot, she didn't know 
if it was true or not, but she did like the taste, she slid her tongue in a 
little further, the pussy lips parting easily, Storm bucked her hips and 
moaned in pleasure, her hands reached down and grabbed Jubilee's head, she 
looked up in shock, but Storm's eyes remained closed, she began to slide her 
tongue in further, and Storm pushed her hips up while pushing Jubilee's head 
down, grinding the teen mutant's face into her sopping cunt, her nose rubbed 
roughly against Ororro's erect clit and the African beauty cried out as she 
came, her juices flowing down her pussy and running down her asscheeks.
	Jubilee noticed the clitoris, and, forming a small 'O' with her 
mouth, swallowed the juiced up little love button and began to suck on it, 
her tongue circling around it - Storm cried out in pleasure and began bucking 
wildly, Jubilee grasped her asscheeks in an effort to hold on, it felt good 
to have a hold of her firm ass and she kneaded it slightly.
	"Oh yes, Cable, lick me!" moaned Storm and Jubilee stifled laughter, 
so Storm had a thing for Cable? She should have guessed, they spent so much 
time together, she wondered if they had fucked yet, she didn't think so - she 
remembered how Storm had been with Forge, always mooning about and happy.
	Storm went limp and let go of Jubilee's head, as she removed her 
mouth from her cunt, she moticed her heaving breasts for the first time, 
sliding up slightly, she licked the nippled lightly with her tongue and Storm 
moaned in ectasy, Jubilee realised with a start that her own fingers were 
sliding into her cunt and she had come already once while eating out Storm.  
Her free hand slid over Storm's tits, grabbing it and squeezing slightly, 
kneading it, Storm's eyes began to flutter and she stopped, as the co-leader 
of the X-men relaxed back down Jubilee got up, slipped into her soaking 
panties, which were then soaked more by her own juices, and into her clothes, 
she unlocked the door and stepped out, closing it behind her she rushed back 
to her own room to wank herself silly.
	Storm slowly opened her eyes, she had fallen asleep halfway through 
her fantasy, and it had turned into a dream, she looked down at her cunt, it 
was absolutely sopping, and juices lay in a puddle by her asscheeks on the 
sheets, then she noticed that ne of her nipples was covered in saliva and she 
grinned,"I've been sucking my own tits in my sleep again," she laughed,"I 
gotta be careful or I'll strain something!"

	It had been an interesting flight, stuck in a cargo plane with goats, 
pigs,  chickens and a cow, but when they made their stopover in Switzerland I 
made my exit.  I wanted to head to Cable's safehouse for two reasons, I had 
to find the kid listed in the Friend's of Humanity database, and then I had 
to take a shower.
	Cable kept a car in a storage garage in case he needed it, and my 
bone claws were plenty tough enough to break the lock, soon I was heading up 
towards the safe house, even dressed in warm clothes and with my healing 
factor, mutant physiology and background in Canada I could feel the cold, it 
seemed unnatural.
	As soon as I arrived at the safehouse I smelt something strange, Jean 
was there, but it wasn't Jean, and that made no sense.  Despite that, I saw 
no reason to do things the hard way, I just walked up the steps, knocked on 
the door and waited.
	An old man answered, inside it was warm and cosy, a fire was blazing, 
an old, matronly woman was knitting and a cat lay stretched before the fire, 
enjoying the heat. I sniffed, I could smell the old man's cologne, the 
woman's scent pack and even the cat, but no Jean, and no kid - I had to 
admit, they were good.
	"Okay kid," I said,"Cut the act - drop this illusion."
	The old man shook his head,"What do you mean?"
	My fist flew out, catching him in the face before he could react, as 
he stumbled back the illusion dropped, there was a fire blazing, but the old 
woman was actually a dead ringer for Jean, and the kid looked like a really, 
really young Cable without the t.o virus.
	As I stepped into the room and closed the door the scent clicked in 
my head,"Maddie!?" I asked, in amazement.
	Madelyne Pryor stood up and smiled,"Logan, it has been a long time."
	"You two know each other?" asked the youth, wiping blood from his 
	"He's an X-man," she said,"He's probably here to recruit you, whether 
you want to go or not."
	"I'm not going anywhere old man," he said to me angrily, I could see 
the fire in his eyes, he was dangerous.
	"I'm not here to recruit anyone, I did come to warn you that you're 
in danger, but now I just want to know what Madelyne is doing here?"
	"In danger from you maybe," she said angrily,"Me and Nate are happy 
here, you have no right to....."
	"Last I heard sweety, you were dead."
	Nate turned and looked at her, I could see a slight suspicion in his 
head, he suspected something about her, that was for sure, but he turned to 
me instead,"Listen up," he said,"There is nothing going on I can't handle, I 
don't need the X-men, you can tell Magneto........."
	"What are you talking about? What does Magneto have to do 
	"I told you Nate," said Maddie,"Magneto is evil here, like all the 
	"Woah, slow down, I only came to warn you that the Friends of 
Humanity have been looking really closely at you......."
	"Friend's of Humanity?"
	"They're an anti-mutant group, listen up kid, but there's someone 
alot more dangerous after you, a mean guy called Mr Sinister........." my 
little speech trailed of as I was hit by a t.k blast to the head, even faster 
than I could react I felt t.k wrapping around my body, holding me tight in 
the air, I felt his invasion into my head like it was a worm burrowing into 
my brain.
	He seemed to eat through my memories, I always thought I had pretty 
advanced psi-defenses, living with Xavier, the most powerful psi on the 
planet helped some, but this kid actually seemed stronger, and he kicked past 
them easily, looking for anything on Sinister.
	"He's alive!" screamed Nate, my body collapsed to the floor as the 
kid screamed at the ceiling, a flash of t.k lightning seemed to burst from 
his eye, smashing through the roof and burning away into the night air, I 
wasn't so much reminded of Cable as I was of Stryfe, his evil clone who had 
released the legacy virus onto the world.  The kid lifted into the air and 
flew away faster than the eye could see, the snow began to fall through the 
roof, he had been unconsciously holding it back.
	"Now look what you've done!" screamed Madelyne at me,"You've taken 
him away from me, just like you X-Men took my baby away from me!"
	"A baby you were trying to kill!" I yelled back at her,"And how can 
you be here? You died, I was there, I saw it!"
	She stared at me in surprise, then anger, she strode to the door and 
pulled it open, she looked out for a few seconds then closed the door, 
turning, she smiled at me warmly, her sudden change made her look more like 
Jean than ever and I felt my gut wrench.
	"Nate has ripped your car to piece's for some reason, you better get 
up and fix that roof, we're gonna be stuck here for a while."

Nathan Charles Dayspring Askani'son Summers was an interesting man, not just 
because of his long name, or because he was a mutant, or because he had a 
techno - organic virus that was only stopped from taking over his body by his 
mutant psi-powers, or even because he was from the future and was older than 
his parents.  No, he was interesting because he contained Dichlomic Nectate 
Diosys in his bloodstream.
	At least, that's what made him interesting to the Beast, and as he 
stared at the small piece of techno- organic virus he had collected from the 
man who called himself Cable (as if he didn't already have enough names) he 
couldn't help but smile.  Placing it next to the sample of techno virus he 
had collected from Xavier when he had been infected by Stryfe and looking at 
the holographic projection of the Legacy Viruses chromosonal make up, he 
laughed out loud.
	"That's right folks," he said, turning and looking at the Scientist's 
in the large medical laboratory in the heart of Washington D.C,"Mrs McCoy's 
bouncing blue boy had cured the Legacy Virus!"
	Their was a rumble of surprise, shock and disbeleif from the 
gathering of great minds, and Beast waited patiently until they quieted, then 
one stood up and pointed straight at him.
	"We've been working on this for over a year now McCoy, how do we know 
it's true?"
	Beast smiled and picked up a hypothermic needle.
	"Ladies and gents, allow me to introduce you to the concentrated, 
undiluted legacy virus, say hello, and say goodbye!" and so saying he plunged 
the needle into his arm, emptying the contents into his bloodstream, a gasp 
of shock rose up from the assembled scientists and several paled visibly, but 
Beast just laughed,"I have already taken the vaccine my good friends, the 
Dichlomic Nectate Diosys - or McCoy's general cure all as I like to call it - 
will at this very moment be breaking down the the weak chromosonal links in 
the Viruses atomic makeup, I will expell the last of the virus in my next 
waste excretion, the Legacy Virus is no more!"

	3rd part candidate Graydon Creed stood at the podium, yelling to the 
crowd about him and to millions of viewers around America, and they listened, 
taking in each word of hate he spewed about mutants.
	".....evolution is one thing, extinction is another, all mutants want 
is to live with us they say? But how long will they be willing to be our 
friends? How long till they try and destroy us? God and fate has spoken in 
the form of the Legacy Virus! Mutants everywhere pay the price for their so 
called superiority!"
	"What about MacTaggert?" screamed a voice, he was swiftly silenced by 
boos and threats of violence but Creed called for silence, he had planted the 
nay sayer himself, and now he was ready to answer.
	"Moira MacTaggert is human yes! But she had allowed herself to be 
contaminated, she spends all her time with mutants, and she had payed the 
price for treachery against the human race, so will all fall who seek to 
align themselves with the gene traitors - if God is truly with them, he will 
allow them to cure the Legacy Virus, but there is no cure......here me and 
know there is........."
	"THE LEGACY VIRUS HAS BEEN CURED!" the female's voice rocked over 
Graydon Creed's own as his microphones were taken over, his sound equipment 
overridden, all over the country, the face of Trish Trilby appeared on t.v, a 
joyous look on her face,"Yes folks, Dr Henry McCoy," her face blushed at the 
mention of her love's name,"Has discovered a cure for the Legacy Virus, 
scientists around the country has confirmed his findings, and already 
President Clinton had announced a plan to fully fund free vaccine treatments 
around the country, the following hour long program will look at the Legacy 
Viruse's first release onto this world, the panic attacks that followed, the 
scientist's long searches for a cure and the eventual discovery of the 
chemical that breaks down the Virus, we'll also be talking to sufferer's and 
familie's of victims.........."
	Graydon Creed stood non-plussed, those gathered around him stared up 
at him in shock, waiting for him to speak, and finally he did speak,"It's a 
mutant trick!" he yelled out, no longer having access to the 
microphone,"They've gotten to Clinton! Everyone is in on it, I'm the only one 
you can trust, I'll save you people from yourselves, I'm the only one who 
	The crowd stared at him in shock, his paranoia was evident to a great 
many of them, although some still listened, then another lone voice cried 
out, one noe planted by Creed.
	"What would you know anyway? You're parents were mutants!" Everyone 
turned to stare at the fifty year old man standing alone, his eyes fiery with 
determination, he looked aorund at them all and spat on the ground,"My son is 
a mutant!" he yelled,"And I'm proud of him, damn proud, and he sure as hell 
isn't part of any conspiracy to take over the world, his time is all spent 
trying to survive bigots like you, and the worst part is, your own parents 
were mutant outlaws! Victor Creed - Sabretooth! Raven Darkholme - Mystique! 
deny it!"
	Creed stood trembling with rage at the podium, he released one white 
knuckled fist and pointed at him,"Kill him, he's one of them, he's a mutant, 
they're all mutants, everyone who is against me is a mutant!"
	The crowd turned from him in disgust, and Bobby Drake, known as the 
Ice-Man, planted among Creed's staff to learn about him, strode past him with 
a smile,"You're the freak here Creed," he said with a grin,"I'm a mutant 
myself you know?" as he spoke a pool of ice formed around Creed's feet,"And 
Trish had just televised this part of your rantings as part of her special 
about the panic spread by the Virus,"

From dimitri@ihug.co.nz Tue Jun 10 14:10:26 1997
	I can guarantee that there'll be a few missed chapters somewhere, so
just contact me at - dimitri@ihug.co.nz - and I can send you anything you 
miss, or even look at www.dejanews.com I'm sure they'll have them somewhere.

	Here's the deal, whatever is the legal age to view pornographic 
material in your country is how old you have to be to read this story - if 
you're not that old then you can't read it - by reading this story you are 
saying you are of a legal age to view this material - if you are not I can 
not be held responsible.
	Creed whirled, slipping on the ice and falling to the ground, from 
his position on the floor he could see a t.v monitor in one of the newsvans, 
it showed Trish Trilby and a picture of  his face from a few minutes ago, 
contorted in rage, he couldn't hear what Trilby was saying, but the look of 
pity on her face said it all, he would never be President.
	As he lay on the ground, lamenting his loss, Robert Drake walked up 
to the old man who had revealed Creed's family, smiled, and hugged his 

	Gambit slipped his arms around Rogue's waist as he watched the 
television broadcast, he couldn't keep the foolish grin of his face,"Well 
chere, it seems ev'ry ting be going our way for once, no?"
	She smiled herself,"It's like a dream come true, and speaking of 
dreams," she turned around and kissed him passionately, his hands tangled in 
her hair and seemed to hold her to him, finally they broke for air, she 
smiled up at him,"You were right, this is romantic, I'm glad we waited."
	"So am I chere," he said with a smile.  They stood in the Z'Noxx 
chamber, sealed tight, the minds inside were completely shielded from any 
outside Psi-Contact, and it had only taken a slight adjustment, made 
subconsciously by Gambit, to prevent Rogue's powers to absorb memories and 
powers of anybody she touched from affecting him.  He still remembered the 
time she had kissed him when they thought the world was going to end, it had 
put him in a coma and given her strange memories, she had briefly broken up 
with him, but found that she couldn't stay away from the mansion forever, and 
had returned to both the X-men and the Cajun.  But this night was perfect, he 
had even patched into the mansion's t.v tranmission to televise the Beast's 
announcement and Trish Tilby's special report, everything seemed to be 
perfect, he had made her a candlelit dinner, played soft classical music and 
they had spoken confortably and without tension, but now the time to wait was 
over, he took her hand and kissed it softly, even that small gesture had been 
beyond him up until last night, drawing her to him he lightly kissed her neck 
and cheek, then gently kissed her on the lips, not as passionate a kiss as 
they once shared, but all the more special for it's tenderness.  She returned 
the kiss and they wrapped their arms around each other, her hands reaching 
down and squeezing his buttocks playfully, he broke of the kiss and smiled at 
her,"You have a dirty mind my little Rogue."
	"Why don't you return the favour?" she replied, feeling shy and a 
little embarrassed.
	He did, returning to the kiss his own hands slid down her back and 
lightly circled over her firm ass cheeks through the little shorts she wore, 
she reached down with her hands and grabbed one of his, moving it around so 
it rested on her groin, he pulled slightly away, then laughed.
	"Look at me, like a little boy on his first date."
	"If you ever got this far on your first date, you Cajun's are more 
charming than I thought!"
	"This is new territory for both of us, chere," he smiled,"But it all 
feels right."
	"So doe's this," she said, reaching down and grabbing his groin, she 
cupped his balls through his loose pants and squeezed slightly,"I just hope 
my mutant strength doesn't come through."
	Gambit shuddered at the thought,"You are a dangerous one, an I do 
like dat."
	He suddenly scooped her up in his arms and she squealed in surprise 
and delight as he carried her to the wall, punching a button with his elbow, 
a bed appeared out of the wall,"Chuck had to sleep somewhere while he was 
down here,"He said with a smile,"And I get the feeling he wouldn't mind 
	He lowered her to the bed and sat down next to her on it, kissing her 
once more, as he did his deft fingers worked the cords at the back of the 
small bikini she wore, it was a hot summer's night, not really suited to 
romantic dinners in tuxedo's and dresses, so they had been casual.  The top 
was soon removed, and he finally got a sight of Rogue's large breast's naked, 
more perfect than he had imagined, the large globes and small, erect nipples 
begged to be sucked, but he had promised to take things slow, as he kissed 
her his hand began playing with one of her nipples, pinching it slightly and 
rubbing it between two fingers, she gasped in pleasure and lay back, reaching 
down she pulled her tight little shorts away, as he removed his own clothes, 
they stood naked before each other for the first time, he lay back down next 
to her, his eyes taking in every inch of her beautiful form, her large 
breasts, erect nipples, skinny waist, her beautiful cream legs surrounding a 
neatly shaven vagina, her legs lay slightly parted, showing the pink pleasure 
within.  He kissed her lightly on the lips, then began kissing down, 
following the form of her body, kissing her neck, the top of her breasts, 
licking around the nipples, causing her to moan slightly in pleasure, her 
kissed down her waist until he found himself at her vagina, and he began to 
kiss lightly around her thighs, hovering slightly over her wet pussy, 
seemingly ready to plant his lips on her lips, then moving instead to one of 
her shapely legs, she moaned in anticipation and her legs parts even more, he 
reached down with his hands, parting them even further, and then finally 
lowered his face until it rested mere millimetres from her mound, he smiled 
playfully and blew softly on her wet cunt, and she graoned yet again, now his 
tongue flicked out experimentally, lightly tasting her, slipping briefly over 
her wet lips and the barely exposed head of her clitoris, he began licking a 
little faster, but still lightly, then he nuzzled his face into her, brushing 
his lips over her slit, but being careful not to push them too far, he wanted 
her to anticipate this, enjoy it, he didn't want it over too quickly, and he 
was awarded by the sounds of moans of pleasure coming from her, looking up, 
he saw that her head lay back, resting on her pillow, and her hands were busy 
kneading her beautiful tits.  As he moved his lips around her slit, she moved 
her hips up, trying to press his face deeper into her mound, to scratch the 
itch she was feeling, he decided to comply, moving up higher, to the top of 
her slit and right underneath a clitoris hat was exposing more and more of 
itself, he began kissing slightly harder than he had been before, being 
carefull not to be too violent, his tongue slipped out, spreading her 
cuntlips apart and he began running his tongue up the pink pleasure inside. 
His hands, which had been resting on her thighs, now moved gently apart some 
more, he wanted to do things slow, and despite the fact that his cock was 
rock hard and eager to slip into her already well lubricated cunt, he wanted 
to make her orgasm first, her lips were now spread open, and her hole was 
easily accessible, he began bobbing his head up and down, making his tongue 
into a rock hard point, tongue fucking her essentially.  Rogue screamed out 
in pleasure.
	"Oh Gambit! Oh........please.....lick it, lick my clit 
please........" she gasped out.
	"Happy to comply, mon chere," he replied, looking up he saw her clit 
was now all the way out of it's little hood and her licked it's wet tip 
lightly, then quickly and a little harder, her legs seemed to shudder 
underneath him and she began moaning faster, he quickly swallowed her little 
pearl in his mouth, sucking gently on it, his eyes looked up and connected 
straight with Rogue's, her face was covered with sweat and she had an animal 
look about her, and the expression on her face was clear,"Give me more!"
he began to suck harder, she screamed out what could have been a yes, and he 
began sucking even harder, her hips began to buck and it was all he could do 
to moved his head with her, he took advantage of one such motion, one of his 
hands reaching under to rest on her asscheek, he used his free hand to slip 
two fingers into her parted cuntlips, sliding it along the roof of her 
vagina, her own juices lubricated them and he continued his rhytmic motions 
with his fingers while continuing to suck her clitoris.  Her breathing began 
to come faster and faster, and he used her breathing as a beat for his 
fingers, moving in time with breathing, his fingers continued to slide in and 
out of her cunt
	She screamed out again, and she came, her orgasm rocking through her 
body unlike any she had ever felt when wanking herself, her huices ran down 
her cuntlips, past Gambit's probing fingers and her hips bucked wildly, the 
Cajun began to think that he was riding a bull, as her breathing began to 
slow down, he slid his fingers out, and pressed his tongue underneath her 
clit, then began tongue fucking her again. It didn't take long for her to 
come again, this time, he was forced to grab both her ass cheeks to stop from 
being thrown off by her wild gyrations.
	Finally, after giving her several orgasms, he slipped his tongue 
clear of her vagina and smiled at her.
	"You are one beautiful woman, chere," he said, raising up, he slowly 
caressed her large breasts, she moaned in pleasure and looked up at him in 
eternal gratitude.
	"Thank you, Remy," she said,"That was wonderful."
	He leaned over and kissed her,"And that my love, is just the 
beginning of the night." 

	Jean watched as her husband got undressed, changing into his uniform, 
ready to go out to meet Cable and X-Force.  They had offered for their son 
and his outlawed mutant band to come and stay at the Mansion, but Cable had 
refused, saying he had an idea about where X-Force could find permanent 
headquarters.  Now Scott had found information in Xavier's database about 
Cannonball, and he had to speak to Cable about it.
	"Don't think thought's like that," Scott said without turning his 
back,"The rest of the team probably wouldn't think so highly about me if I 
went everywhere naked."
	She smiled, he had picked up her stray thought's about his naked body 
through their psi-link,"But honey," she said,"You look so cute."
	"Cute? What, did I marry my aunt or something?"
	"In this world it's hard to tell."
	"Cute honey."
	"What?.....did I marry my Unc......?"
	He turned, fully in the Uniform of Cyclops now, bent over to the bed 
and kissed her,"I'll be back tomorrow, try not to miss me."
	"Just to make sure," she said, she reached down into his pants and 
grabbed his cock, he started and began to speak, but she broke him off,"Just 
be a good boy, little Scott doesn't mind."
	"Little Scott only has one thing on his mind."
	She stroked his hardening cock slightly,"I know, but it's just a 
reminder," she released him and walked towards the bathroom,"I think I'll 
take a shower," she said, dropping her bathrobe, she knew he was staring at 
her ass as she walked away, and she put a little shake in her walk.
	"The hell with this," Big Scott said to not so little 
Scott,"Cannonball can wait!" and he followed her into the shower.....his 
uniform did not.

	It comes so fast, I just have enough time to pick the scent up on my 
senses, and not even my hyper acute reflexes are able move me out of the way 
on time.  It's an ancient freight engine of destruction, smashing through the 
walls, smashing through the couch where I've been galring at Madelyne, and 
knocking me to the ground.  The giant hand reaches for me instantly, but now 
I'm ready, I move out of the way, the hand smashes through wood and my claws 
come out, cutting into the all too malleable skin - he pulles back but 
doesn't cry out in pain, you gotta respect that at least.
	I circle around him, Madelyne tries to run and his other hand 
stretche's impossibly to grab her, then he turns and stares at me with 
sickly, yellow eyes.
	"Looks like we got us a little mexican standoff." I say.
	"I did not expect to see you here," replied En Sabah Nur, a six 
thousand year old mutant obsessed with Survival of the Fittest, known to all 
us X-People as Apocalypse,"Where is Cable?"
	"Cable ain't been here for months," I reply, and the High Lord smiles 
at me, I feel my burn's turn to water at the sight, but I stand my ground.
	"You were one of the fittest Wolverine," he says to me,"And though 
events kept me from ever making you a Horseman,  I still respect your bid to 
survive against that which is strong, namely, me."
	I don't reply, I'm trying to figure out a way to rescue Maddie and 
take out, or just escape, Apocalypse.
	"But now," he says, continuing on like I got nothing better to do 
than listen,"You have become weak, your own body has turned against you, your 
healing factor no longer works, your adamantium skeleton has been leeched 
	This time, he's surprised, as I seem to disappear, he rushes forward 
and looks at the hole in the ground he created when his punch missed me, and 
then he whirls, already knowing what I plan, as I smash through the window 
and cut through his stretched out arm, he pulls it back before I can take it 
off, but Maddie's free now, and I grab her and leap out the window as his 
other arm whips around and smash's into the spot we were milliseconds ago.
	I hear him coming through the wall after us, and my body is jerking 
along unsteadily, the unnatural coldness is pentrating my skin, my healing 
factor seems to have shut down, and Maddie is near to collapsed already.
	"Ha, you are weak!" Apocalyse cried, a fist the size of me smashing 
into my back, driving me to the ground, my body is reacting to slow and he 
knows it, pushes it, and I ain't gonna make it.
	"Cable was here," screams Apocalypse,"My sensor's detected him - and 
somehow he has rid himself of the techno organic virus I infected him with as 
a child!"
	Even as fists the size of boulders and twice as heavy pound into me, 
even as I feel my ribs crack and puncture my lungs, as I feel my spine snap 
in several places and my legs crushed beneath me, even as all that happens I 
think to myself,"Cable? Cable wasn't here.......but Nate Grey was!" and even 
as what could be the final darkness washe's over me, I realise that somehow, 
in some way, Nate Grey and Cable are the same person!

	Scott held Jean up against the wall of the shower, as the water 
cascaded down over them he pushed himself into her again and again.  Her 
juices mingled with the water and ran down the drain as he continued to fuck 
	She felt herself coming close to orgasm and he felt it through their 
psi-link, the link made him a better lover, because he could sense her wants 
and needs, what she did and didn't like, he began moving faster and her 
breathing grew faster in concert.
	"Oh......oh........oh...............OH GOD LOGAN!" she screamed, he 
jerked back as she called out Wolverine's name and slipped out of her, she 
fell to the ground, a small t.k bubble protecting her from damaging her 
	"Sorry, hon" he said, reaching down for her,"It was a shock to hear 
you call out his name."
	She sighed in relief, through their psi-link he had realised the real 
reason that she had called out Logan's name, it had not been in sexual 
pleasure but out of fear,"What's the matter?" he asked.
	"I received a psi-flash from Logan, crying out for help, if the two 
of us weren't so close, I probably wouldn't know......but......"
	"It's okay," he said, lifting her up,"And I'm sorry about the jealous 
way I've been acting lately, do you know where he is?"
	"Yes, I got a clear picture of a demolished house in Switzerland. I 
think it belngs to Cable."
	He turned of the water,"Let's go."

	Gambit flinched as he heard Cyclop's call through the comm-lines, he 
looked down at Rogue, whom he had just been about to enter for the first 
time, for a few seconds he considered ignoring the call, but then he shook 
his head.
	"Sorry ma chere, look like we finish dis another time."
	She groaned,"I feel like I got all the attention tonight, I'm sorry."
	"Don't e'er be sorry, dis in some way your first time, I be making it 
special I hope."
	She hugged him,"Oh yes Remy, you made it very special.
	They got dressed.

	.........Avalon came to a sudden halt, despite it's large size it was 
dwarfed by the huge metallic globe in front of it, a small hatchway opened 
and impossibly, a man covered in flames emerged out into the vacuum of space 
and flew towards it...........

	The Blackbird came to a rest over the remains of Cable's safehouse.
	"Oh my stars and garters," said Iceman, then shook his head,"Nope, 
it's not the same without the Beast."
	"Relax," said Archangel,"You cure the Legacy Virus and end Graydon 
Creed's campaign of hate in one blow, I figure you have to do a couple of 
interviews and meet the President."
	"You picking up anything, Jean or Betsy," asked Jubilee, looking out 
the windows in alarm, fearful for Wolverine's safety.
	"Nothing," said Jean,"It's as if their's a psi-blanket over the 
entire area."
	"Is anyone else cold?" asked Cyclops,"It doesn't seem natural."
	Bobby frowned,"Yeah, hang on," his body was suddenly covered in ice 
as he changed into Iceman, his frown remained,"It's still cold."
	"That's impossible," said Jubilee,"You're supposed to be able to 
withstand any kind of cold."
	Archangel shook his head,"I've been impervious to extremely low 
temperatures since Apocalypse changed me, but I can feel this too."
	"So what does it mean?" said Cyclops,"I'm picking up nothing on 
the........" he was cut off as a flare caught eveyone's attention to the 
side, turning they watched as what appeared to be a giant flare approached 
	"Jean, throw up a t.k shield!" Cyclops screamed, and Jean quickly did 
so, enveloping the Blackbird in a pink t.k bubble, the flare came close, then 
burst through the bubble and smashed through the cockpit of the Blackbird.
	"We're going down!" screamed Jubilee,"Stop it."
	Storm raised a force ten gale that slowed their descent, and Jean 
attempted to lift their nose but the ship fell to rapidly, and crashed into 
the snow, knocking all of them forward and knocking them out.
	Second's later a shadow fell over the Blackbird, a large, sinister 

	".......and on behalf of the American people, and indeed, the people 
of the world, I would like to thank you, Dr Henry McCoy, for your tireless 
efforts, which have saved the world from a plague more dangerous than any 
seen since Aids."
	As he shook the hand of the President, Henry McCoy - The Beast - felt 
prouder than he had ever felt, and as the Congressional medal of honour was 
handed to him he had the feeling that everything was going to get better from 
now on.
	As he turned to make his speech, he noticed a secret service man 
whispering into the President's ear, he was extremely surprised when the 
President suddenly turned, strode over to him and hugged him intensely.  A 
murmur of shock came up from the media and corwd, and camera bulbs flashed, 
the President turned with a huge smile and spoke into the microphone.
	"My fellow Americans, I have just received the happy news that the 
chemical compund created by Dr McCoy - Dichlomic Nectate Diosys - creates the 
same chromosonal imbalance in the atomic makeup of the virus known as Aids!"
	Their was a moment of quiet, Beast attempted to shut his open jaw, 
then cheers and whoops of joy flew up all over, the President motioned them 
into silence.
	"That is not all," he was attempting to keep the huge grin of his 
face,"One of the initial test subjects of the Vaccine against the Legacy 
Virus was also dying of Cancer, the Diosys has apparently destroyed the 
foreign tissue created by the Cancer, the man is completely cured!"
	And so it was that the Beast, who until only a few days ago had been 
part of a race hated by humans, found himself being carried around on the 
shoulders of those who had hated, and now hoped.

	Cable crawled along the ground, mud covered him from head to toe, and 
bugs crawled into his clothes.  Being careful not to make any sound, he sound 
himself eyeing his quarry, who seemed unaware of him.  He leaped suddenly, 
making no noise, flying towards the subject of his attentions.
	Domino happened to duck down to pick up a rock, and Cable went flying 
over her and crashed into the lake.  She stood and stared at him, arms 
crossed.  He grinned.
	"What do you think you're trying to do?" she asked him.
	"I know things have a habit of 'going your way'," he said,"But I 
figured I could catch you by surprise," as he raised up out of the lake, she 
leaped forward screaming and hit him in the chest, he went down into the 
shallow water, and she straddled him.
	"Domino, let me up." he said with a grin.
	"I don't know," she said,"I kind of like this position," she leant 
over and kissed him.
	Several months ago, when they had discovered the world was coming to 
an end, he told her that he loved her, and he kissed her.  When suddenly, the 
world had not ended, he had felt like he should take it back, but a sudden 
thought had flared in his head - YOU LOVE HER! - and he told her that he 
really meant it.  The more he thought about it, the more he wondered whose 
voice it had been, it wasn't his, and yet he heard it, every night in his 
dreams.  But dreams were for sleep, right now he had other things to do, he 
twisted around, pushing her onto her back.
	"Where's your so called luck now?"
	"I don't know, this seems like a stroke of luck to me." she replied 
and he kissed her.
	From the shadows, a silent figure watched.
	"Sniff, sniff, so beautiful, how could I kill them?" said Deadpool, 
the deadly killer known as the Merc-With-A-Mouth,"I gotta tape them doing it 
first, then kill 'em!"

	Jubilee struggled to come awake, finally her eyes opened and she 
looked around, the bright light hurt her eyes, but not so much as her body, 
which felt like one whole bruise.
	"Jubilation," came a soft, quiet voice,"How strange that you should 
awaken first."
	"Who.....?" she asked.
	"Oh, I'm destroyed, you don't recognise me?" a familiar face 
appeared, she flinched back, and discovered that her body was being held on a 
vertical table in the shape of an X, her arm's and legs clamped down, 
something holding onto her neck..
	"Sinister...." she grumbled,"Where'd you get this setup, a 
Frankenstein movie?" she referred to the lab they were in, computers and 
equipment were everywhere, but no sign of the other X-men.
	"I thought you liked the dramatic?"
	"Yeah, but we're getting in melodrama territory here."
	"Hmm? much like your reaction will be when I tell you that Apocalypse 
has killed Wolverine?" and then he was gone.
	She sat totally still, trying to grasp what he had told her, then she 
began to cry and scream.
	Sinister wasn't interested in her, her genetic potential was 
practically non-existant, and compared to the Summer's/Grey DNA he now 
possessed, nothing really mattered.  He now had the key to defeating 
	Nate stood in the old orphanage and shuddered, the same memories were 
here that had been here when he had grown up in the place.  But that had been 
another universe, another dimension, so how could the memories be the same?
	He had grown fast, in the space of two years he had grown to be 
seventeen, through the genetic mixing of the madman Sinister.  He remembered 
the kindness Sinister had shown him at first, vague images like a dream, in 
which Sinister dressed him, cooed over the way he was growing so fast, and 
even once gave him a teddy bear.  He had later killed that Sinister after he 
killed the man who had shown him true kindness, after he had killed Forge.
	He stood in the orphanage as he watched a young boy called Scott 
being mocked by other children, these things had happened years ago, but they 
were clear in Nate's mind.
	He felt something push against his mind gently, like the touch of a 
feather or ant, he whirled around.
	"Who's there?" he screamed, reaching out with chain's formed of 
telekinetic energy, they wrapped around thin air, and suddenly a man was 
ripped seemingly out of nowhere, his body was a pure clear white, he seemed 
sexless, but was clearly a man, hairless and sexless, but a man who seemed 
strangely familiar, despite the fact that Nate had never seen him in either 
	"Incredible," spoke the man, and Nate realised he was speaking with 
an avatar from the astral plane, this was the mind of somebody, set free from 
the body,"You've given my astral form physical substance."
	"Who are you?" yelled Nate,"What do you want?"
	"I want to help you Nate," replied the Avatar,"As I've helped the 
other's since my accident, I want to help you live."
	And despite his instinct's to lash out and destroy the man, he sensed 
a sadness here that beckoned to be listened to, and suddenly he remembered 
who this man was.

	Domino was back on top, she slid up and down on his shaft, her large 
breasts bouncing up and down, Cable's head lay half in water, and it was 
cold, but his cock didn't seem to feel it.
	She had come once already, she was the kind of person who like hard, 
fast sex, and was quick to tell a man so. 
	Her ass pounded against his hips faster and faster as her juicy pussy 
slid up and down his cock, his eyes closed tightly, he began gasping for her 
to slow down.
	She smiled and picked up the pace, he yelled out and came, his sperm 
shooting up her tight snatch.  She slid of him and fell onto the water next 
to him.
	"You just can't handle me can you?" she laughed.
	"You think it's over because I came?" he said with a grin,"It ain't 
over till you come."
	"You gonna get me going with that noodle?" she smiled, pointing at 
his quickly softening cock.
"Oh, I have a few tricks up my sleeves."
	"What sleeves.......oooh," she gasped out as she felt her entire body 
shiver in sexual pleasure, her nipples grew erect, her juices began to 
	"The wonder of telepathic and telekinetic powers," he said with a 
grin,"I can make you feel greater pleasure than you ever knew was possible."
	"Isn't that unethical?" she asked, not caring, as she felt 
telekinetic fingers caress her breasts.
	"You want me to stop?" he said with a smile, his t.k probes and 
fingers disappeared.
	She rolled over onto him, her breasts pushed against his chest,"If 
you stop I'll rip your dick off!"
	"Okay Miss Lorena Bobbit," he said as she rolled of him, her fingers 
slid into her cunt, two working their way along the underside of the roof of 
her vagina, as the t.k fingers slid over her breasts, nipples and asscheeks.
	"Caliban does not understand, why patch-eye going to steal money from 
Cable-Nathan's detective?"
	Sam Guthrie - Cannonball - had to think for a few seconds before he 
grasped the simple minded mutant's meaning, Caliban was trying to be smart, 
he had been watching old detective movies, and mistaken Domino's jokey 
comment about ripping Cable's dick off.
	"Never mind Caliban," he whispered,"Now we better get back to the 
	"Caliban like bunker better than Murderworld, but not as much as 
Mansion, when we go back?"
	He referred to X-Force's new home, deep in the Canadian forest, but 
Caliban missed the Mansion, where they had had a pool, and forests to play 
in, and everyone had been nice to him.
	They turned and left, as Cannonball tried to explain why baby birds 
had to leave the nest.
	Deadpool eyed them, no use taking on Cannonball, they boy was 
Immortal, and Caliban had been hand picked by Apocalypse as a Horseman, so no 
way there, and he still remembered the time X-Force had beaten him and 
federal-expressed back to his employer.
	He looked at Cable, he was just lying there talking, and Domino was 
masturbating with a vengeance.
	"Shit, I gotta join me a mutant group."

From dimitri@ihug.co.nz Tue Jun 10 14:12:55 1997
	I can guarantee that there'll be a few missed chapters somewhere, so
just contact me at - dimitri@ihug.co.nz - and I can send you anything you 
miss, or even look at www.dejanews.com I'm sure they'll have them somewhere.

	Here's the deal, whatever is the legal age to view pornographic 
material in your country is how old you have to be to read this story - if 
you're not that old then you can't read it - by reading this story you are 
saying you are of a legal age to view this material - if you are not I can 
not be held responsible.
	Two of Domino's fingers worked themselves into her cunt, bending 
slightly to find her g-spot, she came again, her juice's spilling out into 
the water, fingermarks appeared in her tits and kneaded them, although there 
were no fingers there.
	"Sure, you made me cum in a couple of minutes," said Cable, but I 
could work you into a sexual frenzy for up to an hour before letting you 
orgasm, would you like that?"
	"Try it, and.....I'll........I'll.............."
	"Rip my dick off?"
	"You......betcha............swee........sw..........sweet ass."
	"Speaking of ass'" he said and suddenly she was flipped onto her 
side, fingers caressed her asscheeks, running down the crack of her ass, she 
felt an invisible t.k finger slide gently into her anus, a larger t.k probe 
slid into her cunt, her fingers slid out and began sliding around her 
clitoris, rubbing her little pearl.
	She felt something slide around her nipples gently, her milk white 
skin seemed to goosebump and she cried out in excitement.
	"That's great Cable....." she gasped, she paused,"But ankles were 
only a sexual strong point in the eighteenth century."	
	"You got a psi-hand around my ankle?"
	He sat up straight, and a burst of psi-lightning burst from his 
glowing eye, smashing into the chain mailed arm wrapped around her ankle, it 
let go and the ground erupted, a huge figure appearing before him.  Domino 
sat up and screamed in terror as she looked upon one of Apocaplypse's 
horsemen - War.
	Wade Wilson aka Deadpool sat in his tree and watched the new 
	"Hmmm? a million dollars to get my mark, to get mark, wittle Wade 
gotta fight big bad killer mutant? hmmm, get eviscerated or go home? what to 
do, what to do?"
	He turned to leave and found himself facing Pestilence and Famine. 

	"This makes no sense!" screamed Rogue,"A little plane crash wouldn't 
knock me out, I'm invulnerable!"
	Sinister paid her no mind, he walked around his lab, picking up 
dangerous looking instruments, then shaking his head and dropping them.  
Finally he came across a laser scalpel and smiled.
	"This'll do," he said and turned to face Rogue, he walked to her and 
put the scalpel against her ear and pressed a button, the small instrument 
	"Excellent," he said, Rogue was unscathed,"Despite being able to 
restrain you and dampen your mutant powers, your skin remain's invulnerable, 
this will bear further investigation."
	"Where are the other X-Men?" she screamed,"Why am I alone in here?"
	"Gambit is guarding them," he said,"He returned to my employ almost 
eagerly," he walked out the door and Rogue glared at him, he was lying about 
Remy, wasn't he?"

	Gambit shoved his staff into Arclight's chest, pushing him hard 
against the wall, winding him, as he fell, the staff moved, whirled and 
cracked against his head, he collapsed.
	"Satisfied?" he said to no one in particular, staring around at the 
fallen Marauders,"You guy's used t'be a tough team, but you be getting cloned 
so much, you ain't got nothing left."
	"What about me, Cajun?" came a voice, he turned and looked at a 
beautiful black woman wearing small green bike pants and an impossibly tight, 
lowcut, orange top which was being strained by large breasts.
	"Threnody, you be looking better than las' time girl, Sinister been 
treating you right?"
	"I'm alive," she said with a smile, he noticed four small piece's of 
metal on her face, she noticed the look,"Psi-bafflers, they keep all the 
dying people's thought's from rushing into my mind, I'm not insane 
anymore,and I've learned to control my powers."
	"Hmm? I thought you jus' had a strong connection to death."
	"Oh, it's more than that, I collect death energies, the released 
energie's given off when people die, I don't even need food anymore."
	"You some kinda vampire then girl? You become a leech? Or no?"
	She smiled,"Let me show you, it's similiar to your power," suddenly 
bolt's of purple energy seemed to shoot from her eyes, smashing into him and 
pushing him against the wall, an arua of incredible energy floated around her 
body, raising of her shouldrs and arms, she fired bolts from her fingers and 
eyes, seemingly every shot caught him before he could move, he collapsed to 
the ground.
	"And the weaker you get, the closer to death you become, the stronger 
I get, I'm feeding of your death energies now."
	"Enough," came a calm voice,"You've done well."
	She turned and walked away, energy rose up from the fallen Marauders 
and into her aura.
	Sinister appeared in the room, he looked at the now motionless 
	"She killed them, a small act of rebellion, it matter's not, as you 
said, I have many clones of the Marauders."
	"What you want?' Gambit gasped.
	"I just came to welcome you back to the flock," he said with a dead 
smile,"You and Rogue will make excellent agents for me, you can show her the 
	He picked Gambit up and carried him to the lab, where all the X-men 
lay on his restraining tables, Jubilee was crying for Wolverine, Rogue was 
straining against her restraints and the rest were still unconscious, Scott 
and Jean were nowhere to be seen.  Pushed onto the spare table and shackled 
up, Gambit found he could no longer see the rest of the X-men, and the lab 
seemed to have shrunk.
	"Goodbye, Remy LeBeau, when I come back you will be one of my new 

	"Some kind of ninja?" said Pestilence,"Pathetic."
	Famine leaped forward, her hand outsretched to grab Deadpool, who 
slipped away to the left, his katana blade slid into the Horseman's flesh 
easily, and as the creature turned to strike him she found herself facing a 
	"Famine!" screeched Pestilence as the gaunt female collapsed to the 
ground, no blood dripped from Deadpool's sword, he whirled and cut through 
Pestilence's body, but the mutant seemed to flow through the sword, coming 
apart and rejoining, then he turned and grabbed Wade's arm, scratching the 
red cloth of his uniform and cutting his arm.  Deadpool fell to his knees, 
his sword and gun dropping from his hands.
	"Do you feel the Pestilence in you?" gloated the horseman,"The cancer 
eating at your body, the plague making your skin boil.......?"
	Before it could finish Wade reached up with his hands, grabbed the 
creature's head and twisted it, the satisfying sound of cracking bones made 
him smile beneath his mask.
	"Idiot, I already have cancer," he said to the corpse,"And an 
artificial healing factor that is constantly curing it, and any other 
diesease you can throw at me."
	He walked away from the Horsemen towards the sound of fighting.
	Cable's techno-organic fist smashed into War's helmeted face, the 
horseman twisted away, his sowrd coming up hard against the time travelling 
mutant's arm, but the sword could not penetrate the t.o mesh that had long 
ago infected him.
	A gun blasted, a hole opening up in War's chest, he didn't seem to 
notice as he grabbed Cable by the arm and threw him from him, the next shot 
took away half his face, and he turned to face this nuisance.  Domino stood 
naked before him, a gun in each hand, her milk white skin, contrasting 
directly around the black patch of skin around her eye, glistening with 
	"War is an affair for males," he said, and turned away from her, the 
next shot blew out his kneecap and he collapsed to the ground, he twisted 
faster than his bulk would naturally allow, a throwing star hitting each gun 
and dropping to the ground,"Do not make me hurt you female."
	He turned back to Cable, who was striding out of the water.
	"Your master made a big mistake, War!" Cable yelled,"I was just 
getting relaxed,!" a blast of t.k lightning slashed from his eye, hitting War 
and pushing him back to the ground, before he could stand back up Domino 
leaped onto his back and thrust one of the razor sharp throwing stars into 
his back, he threw her off with disdain and got to his feet, and gun blasts 
knocked him back down.  He turned and looked at the newcomer, a red costumed 
ninja, he looked like a heavily muscled Spiderman wannabe with large black 
patches over his eyes with small white slits to see through.
	"Do not intrude in this affair!" screamed War, his armour had somehow 
repaired itself, and he grabbed a mace from the endless array of weaponry 
around his belt.
	"Hey, I'm sitting in a tree, just perving away at Petey the patch 
eyes dog over there," Domino glowered angrily at this discription,"And you 
come along and ruin my voyueristic activities, I'll murderlise ya!" As he 
said the last words he leaped forward with lightining quick moves, his Katana 
out, and slashed through War's arm, severing it completely.
	"This is how you beat a walking junkpile!" Deadpool yelled,"Take it 
apart, don't shoot holes in it."
	Cable grabbed the arm with a t.k hand and smashed it back into War's 
	"No need to beat yourself up pal!" yelled Deadpool, leaping onto 
War's back,"Let's you and me go somewhere romantic?" the two of them 
disappeared in a yellow glow.
	"He teleported?" asked Domino, getting back into her clothes, Cable 
did likewise.
	"I'd say so, the question is, what is 'pool doing here?"
	"He does have a little thing for Siryn, doesn't he?" asked Domino, 
referring to the redheaded Irish beauty who was X-Force's deputy leader.
	"I'd say it was a huge thing," said Cable,"But we're a long way from 
the bunker, X-Force didn't even hear the battle.  And why would Apocalypse 
send his horsemen?"
	"After Stryfe defeated him in battle, he realised how much of a 
threat I was, maybe he's out to finish things off?"
	Deadpool suddenly returned, there were a few new rents in his 
costume, but his healing factor had already repaired the cuts in his skin.
	"Okay Wilson? what are you doing here?" said Cable, striding towards 
the merc-with-a-mouth,"You haven't been hired to kill me again have you?"
	"Not you," said Deadpool with a grin,"Domino!"
	Storm struggled against her bonds to no avail, the small lab was 
beginning to have it's effect on the claustrophobic mutant, sweaat stood out 
on hir forehead, and their was panic in the eyes of the X-men's deputy 
leader, a woman usually in complete control of her emotions.
	Sinister stood in front of her, motionless, not talking or displaying 
any dangerous intent, he just watched her.  Finally he turned and walked away 
to a table where he sat down and began typing information into a computer.
	"What do you want?" she cried out,"And how were you able to catch 
	He turned in his chair and smiled, but it was as always, a smile 
devoid of information,"Ororro Munroe - Storm, Colour - Black, Mutant Ability 
- Direct control over elemental forces, Sexual tendencies - Bisexual......."
	".........Notes - Storm's weaknesse's lie in her claustrophobia, her 
arrogance and her emotional control, Suggestions - Make use of 
claustrophobia, humiliate or remove emotional control, see footnote Sauron."
	"What are you talking about Sinister!" she screamed.
	"My dear Ms Munroe," he said, standing up,"Don't lose control, I was 
merely demonstrating the fact that I know all about you and your fellow 
mutants, and I know how to defeat your powers simply enough, Pheonix's 
telekinetic shield was easily bypassed by one who knows how."
	He left the lab, and she lay still, digesting all that she had just 
been told, and then Gambit entered the room.

	"Ach, Wade ye weren't going to do it were you?" said Siryn in 
	"Come on Theresa!" Deadpool said weakly,"Three million dollars is 
alot of money."
	"We should kill this villian where he stands," said Shattarstar, his 
hand moving towards one of the two swords on his back.
	"I wouldn't try it, 'Star," replied Cannonball,"We were able to beat 
him as a team before, but mano a mano, you wouldn't stand a chance."
	"At least when it came down to it you didn't kill her," sighed Siryn.
	"Yeah, he was too busy staring at my naked body!" grunted Domino.
	"Geez, sorry, I thought you'd appreciate being admired, it's not like 
people love you for your perso.....ow! Theresa!" Siryn had just smacked him 
across the head.
	Roberto DaCosta, aka Sunspot, flew into the the room, the other's 
still had trouble seeing him as anything but the mutant villian Reignfire, he 
was now so powered up that his skin was almost always the pitch black fire, 
it was somewhat disconcerting.
	"Pestilence and Famine are both gone," he said,"But there were signs 
of a fight."
	"Okay, so I saved Petey and Twinkleeye's life, now what?" asked Wade.
	Domino started forward,"If you ever call me petey again......."
	"Sorry, sorry!" said Wade, as she walked away he laughed,"I guess I'm 
just a Little Rascal?"
	"Grr!" cried Domino and walked out of the room.
	"Wade Wilson, ye are the most infuriating, bull headed......" started 
	"......charming, debonair, red costumed mercenary you have ever 
seen?" finished Deadpool.
	"Enough of this!" yelled Cable,"Who hired you Deadpool?"
	"Ah, ah, ah!" replied Wade,"First rule we learn at little merc school 
is never betray our employers!"
	"I don't have time for this," grumbled Cable, he went still for a 
second,"Nathaniel Essex, perfect, Mr Sinister hired you to kill Domino, why?"
	"Hey, what kind of dirty trick is this?" yelled Deadpool,"I thought 
it was unethical to read minds without permission........"
	"Shut up, Wade," said Siryn,"Did ye not know it was Sinister?"
	"No, it was a rich British guy called Essex, tall, real pale with a 
	"It was Sinister in disguise," said Cable,"But he's always ignored 
Domino, why is he all of a sudden interested in her?"

	Domino sat in the room that she and Cable shared, fuming over Wade 
Wilson, the truth was, she had been even moodier lately than usual, and the 
reason was simple enough.  She just couldn't bring herself to tell Cable she 
was pregnant.

	"The genetic potential of the the Summer's bloodline had ever been my 
pre-occupation, and my plans came to fruition when Jean Grey's clone and 
Scott Summers bore a child, Nathan Christopher Summers - Cable - who proved 
to have all of the powers I had hoped for, he would prove a fine weapon 
against my former master and creator, Apocalypse.  But Apocalypse somehow was 
a step ahead of me, and infected the infant with a techno-organic virus that 
would have killed him if had the time travelling Askani brought him to the 
future and saved him from himself."
	Sinister paused and looked down at Scott Summer and Jean Grey, each 
were on tables directly opposite each other in another lab room from the 
other X-men, and both struggled to be freed of their bonds, despite the ruby 
quartz face mask and dampening restraints around Cyclop's hands, he did not 
give in.
	"But now, my greatest experiment will be realised, I will take 
samples from the two of you and create for myself the ultimate mutant, one 
free of any t.o virus, one free of any emotional connection to you, and one 
free of.............."
	A crashing boom seemed to reverberate throughtout the lab, Sinister 
stumbled backwards, then turned to a monitor and punched in a few commands.
	"Inconceivable!" he cried,"X-Factor are here, how?!?"
	He disappeared from the room, and Jean smiled,"Look's like your dream 
was wrong Scott," she yelled out,"Alex is here!"
	But Cyclop's was strangely silent.

	Threnody's death energies shattered the floor around their feet, and 
it should have collapsed, but a strange green glow surrounded the broken 
pieces and held them together long enough for X-Factor to make their way 
	"Good work, Polaris!" yelled Forge.
	Wildchild leaped forward, smashing into Threnody's body, as she lay 
he raised up his hand to strike her unconscious, and she stared at him in 
panic,"Please don't hurt me," she pleaded, he hesitated, and suddenly a death 
blast threw him backwards.
	"Stupid punk kid!" growled a voice and Threnody felt a clawed hand 
wrap entirely around her face,"Please don't hurt me," came the voice again, 
raised in a sarcastic whine, and Sabretooth thrust her against the wall, 
knocking her out.  But the psychotic mutant, not willing to leave it at that, 
thrust her hard against the wall several more times, until Forge activated 
the restraining collar around his neck, causing him to drop the knocked out 
female and clutch his own throat in pain.  He glared at Forge in anger.
	"One of these days, Injun," he said,"I'm gonna take this collar off 
and rip your head off and shit down your neck!"
	"Injun?" replied the Native American mutant,"What is this, you try 
paleface, this injun feather you with arrows!"
	Polaris reached out with her magnetic powers and tore the door away, 
a long corridor stretched before them.  Forge, who could instinctively 
understand any kind of machinery he looked at, saw past the illusion, to the 
holo matrix projector beyond.
	"Havok, concentrated plasma burst straight down that corridor!" he 
	Alex Summers - Havok - brought his arms up, energy seemed to fill his 
body, yellow fire spilled from his eyes, his outstretched arms suddenly 
pulled back and a release of converted solar energy smashed the projector, 
showing them yet another corridor, only this one was real.
	Forge led the government sanctioned mutant team down the corridor, 
his mutant power allowing him to detect the booby traps and how to neutralise 
them.  Finally they found themselves in the lab, the X-Men were chained up on 
tables, but didn't seem to see X-Factor.  Forge turned to Mystique, the shape 
shifting outlaw, who, like Sabretooth, had been forced upon X-Factor by the 
Government, smiled at him,"What is it lover?"
	Forge grimaced, she and him had indeed become lovers recently, he 
just didn't want anyone to know it,"Shoot that sprinkler up above us."
	She pulled out a gun and blasted the particular sprinkler, suddenly 
all of the X-Men's voices were washing over them.
	".......no Gambit, ah can't let it happen........."
	".........Don't lie to me Dad, you are a bigot...."
	"...bisexual? where he got that idea......"
	"......Psylocke? dead...no, it....."
	"........Warren? dead, no, it....."
	Suddenly they all broke off and looked around, they didn't comprehend 
what had happened, then they saw X-Factor.
	"Quickly Forge," cried Storm,"Get us out of these restraints."
	Forge stepped to the computer banks and typed in several commands, 
the restraints loosened and the X-Men dropped to the ground.
	"Where's Gambit? Ah was talking to him," cried Rogue.
	"I was also talking to him?" said Storm, confused,"He came in and 
said he was going to free me, he began working on the restraints when he just 
	Jubilee looked around,"He isn't here, and neither are Scott or Jean."
	"Of course not children!" came a laughing voice,"They are mine now!"
	They all whirled and found themselves facing Sinister.

Meltdown was in one of her moods.
	Cannonball didn't mind, in fact he usually loved it when she got like 
this, but right now they were supposed to be being grim and watchful, as 
Cable tried to figure out why Sinister would want Domino dead.
	Of course it was difficult to be grim and watchful while Deadpool was 
making cracks about Shattarstar's tattoo over his eye and Rictor's pretty boy 
long hair, and having Meltdown pinching his ass was putting a crack in his 
grim facade.
	"Meltdown, ya want to help me grab some equipment from the weapon's 
locker, we might need it."
	"Sure thing Cannonball," she replied,"Let's go."
	As they walked out he heard Deadpool say,"Help me get some equipment? 
What kind of line is that, why not just say,'Let's go fu......."	
	"And when was the last time ye were on a date?" asked Siryn.
	"You gotta ask? What about our little excursion in the Swiss Alps? 
Pretty romantic, huh? huh?" he said, nudging her shoulder.
	"Aye, between battling the Hulk and trying to stop you kill that poor 
old man for trying to help you, it was all a girl ever dreams about."
	Cannonball rushed into the armoury, which was a room with walls 
covered in futuristic  weaponry from Cable's time.
	"Tabitha!" he said to Meltdown after closing the door,"What do ya 
think you're doing?"
	"I don't know Sam Guthrie," she said with a grin,"Perhaps I'm 
thinking it's been a long time since we did it last......."
	"Six hours....."
	"And I need to be seen to."
	"Ah may be an Immortal, but ah can't be expected to perform on 
	She walked up to him and grabbed his crotch, his cock was already 
hardening,"Seem's like Mr Sparky here is ready to dance a little jig!"
	"Shit!" sighed the Kentucky born mutant, his hands slid around and 
grabbed her ass cheeks, lifting her up, he carried her to a table and sat her 
up on it, he pulled her pants away, she wasn't wearing any panties, the blond 
tuft of pubic hair stared inviting at him from above her pink lips.  He 
lowered himself down and licked lightly over them, sliding the tongue 
slightly into her, moving from the bottom of the slit to just underneath the 
clitoris.  As she gasped and lay back, he muzzled his face into her snatch, 
his nose sliding into her pussy lips, and pulling up, rubbing against her 
	She grinned and lay back, her large breast's straining against her 
uniform, Sam pulled away, lowered his pants and his long dick sprang free, he 
wasted no time, he slid into her, reveling in the sensation of being one with 
the woman he loved, every contour of her body seemed suited to his, his cock 
slid right to the hilt in, and he leaned across her, lying face to face with 
her - her breasts pushing against his chest - and began to make quick, 
thrusting movements, her body slid backwards and forwards under his and she 
began panting with a quick orgasm, she was always quick to cum, but she was 
insatiable, she always wanted more.  He began marking faster thrusts, his 
cock barely leaving her cunt and felt the inexorable tidal wave of his 
pleasure abot to break.  His breeathing grew faster, and Meltdown, sensing 
this, began sliding her body underneath him, clenching the muscles in her 
cunt, almost like she was milking him.  And milk him she did, as he exploded 
into her, his sperm shooting spasmodically into her willing pussy.  When he 
was through, he lay on top of her, breathing heavily, then rolled off of her 
and lay with his back on the table, she lay next to him with a smile.
	"I'll be back for more boy!"
	"At this rate," he said with a smile,"Ah reckon ah won't have any 
marrow left in my bones!"

	Sinister stood facing the combined strength of X-Factor and the 
	"Where's Scott and Jean?" yelled Havok, pointing a black uniformed 
finger at the man who had ruined his life more than once.
	"Patience Summers," replied Sinister with a false grin,"I have merely 
brought them here for the greater good....."
	"I've had it with your speeches about genetics and bloodlines!" 
screamed Havok,"Now tell me where Havok is or I'll wipe you of the face of 
this earth!"
	Forge grabbed Havok's arm,"Be careful Alex," he hissed,"He's smart, 
real smart, don't play into his plans."
	Havok, Forge and Sinister stood in the middle of a circle of X-Men 
and X-Factor agent, Ororo stood next to Wildchild and Mystique, Jubilee was 
with Rogue and Archangel, who was gripping Psylocke tightly, to keep her from 
Sabretooth, who was grinning lewdly at her while Polaris never took her eyes 
of Havok.  Iceman in turn, had his eyes on Polaris.  There was still no sign 
of Gambit.
	"The time for pretense's is past," said Sinister with a grin,"Do it 
	As the team member's tried to comprehend what he was talking about, 
Havok gave a scream and shot back his arms, yellow fire flew from his body, 
striking around him in a circle, smashing into everyone about them.  Storm 
reacted fastest of her teammates, attempting to force back the plasma energy 
with a gale ten wind, but the light was not effected and smashed into her, 
forcing her to the ground and knocking her out.  Sabretooth also reacted a 
split second before Havok's move, he leaped upwards,  grabbing a pipe and 
swinging out of reach, and Psylocke, who had been wanting to take him on for 
a long time now, leaped into the air after him, she saw the energy flash out 
of the corner of her eye and realised what was happening.
	As she slid into the ventilation system she saw Sabretooth's back 
disappearing into the distance, she decided to ignore him for now, and 
concentrate of Havok.	
	Cyclop's little brother was on his knees, staring at his smoking 
hands in mute shock.
	"Spare me," said Sinister in a bored tone,"Come out now."
	A new figure emerged, he was hunched, and massively proportioned, 
with a body reminscent of a gorillas, with grey fur and large spikes sticking 
out of his shoulders.  Psylocke struggled to contain a gasp as she recognised 
a grossly malformed Hank McCoy.
	The monstrosity smiled, then cast a furtive glance at Sinister, who 
	"Arise, Prelate," he said, and his voice was McCoy's!
	Havok suddenly straightened, he stared at Sinister and the Beast.
	"About time McCoy," he brushed his chest,"I've been living as that 
wimp for too long now."
	Psylocke realised that Havok was once again under mind control, this 
time under a strange partnership between a malformed version of the Beast and 
the Geneticist Sinister.
	"Ah, since arriving here on your wonderful planet, where there's so 
much untapped genetic potential, I have waited for this moment, when the 
X-Men would be available to me for research."
	"Somewhat," replied Sinister,"I take the pick of the crop, you may 
have the leftovers."
	"Of course, even table scraps from this meal will give me more 
excellent genetic material than I could have ever gleaned from the world 
where Apocalypse ruled."
	"That is why," replied Sinister,"I go now to Summers and Grey, you 
may deal with Havok as you see fit."
	Havok did not seem to object to being talked about this way, he 
merely stood, eye's directed at a door to the far left.  Psylocke somehow 
intuited that this was where Cyclops and Pheonix could be found.  She scooted 
along the ventilation duct towards the room.  Sinister looked up at the roof 
and smiled.

From dimitri@ihug.co.nz Tue Jun 10 14:14:36 1997
	I can guarantee that there'll be a few missed chapters somewhere, so
just contact me at - dimitri@ihug.co.nz - and I can send you anything you 
miss, or even look at www.dejanews.com I'm sure they'll have them somewhere.

	Here's the deal, whatever is the legal age to view pornographic 
material in your country is how old you have to be to read this story - if 
you're not that old then you can't read it - by reading this story you are 
saying you are of a legal age to view this material - if you are not I can 
not be held responsible.
	The pain is so great I can almost see it as a physical entity, my 
body is warping, my belated healing factor striving to heal bones shattered 
into chips, internal organs ruptured, even at it's former best my healing 
factor wouldn't have pulled me through this, so why aren't I dead.
	I manage to make it to my knees, I'm on all fours like an animal now, 
as heat rushes through my body at almost the same speed as the hunger which 
follows it.  I can see bone's reforming through the skin, but I'm in trouble, 
I've left a trail of blood behind me, staining the snow pink, and the 
unnatural coldness is taking its effect, the pain is the only thing keeping 
me from slipping into the eternal sleep.
	I hear a voice inside my head, crazily telling me to stand up 
straight, to face my inner demons and stand up straight.  And crazily enough, 
I begin to do so, bones so recently healed crack again, and I reach out and 
grab a tree for support, the pain is no longer red hot, but white hot.  I 
realise now with a start that in my crunched up position, my bones were 
healing crooked, I wouldn't have been able to stand up straight again 
	"That's good Logan, but it's only half the battle."
	The voice seems to come from all around, I struggle to turn, to move 
around and see, but I can't, and the voice seems so familiar.  It's then that 
I cry out as the pain becomes so unbearable that my mind wants to shut down, 
and I nearly do, before realising that if I'm not conscious, my body will be 
at it's own mercy, healing in whatever shape I'm in at the time, and I get 
the feeling that if I do fall unconscious, then my real mind will never wake 
up again.  I'll become the animal of my nightmares, and that thought gives me 
the strength to stand up straight and take the pain.

	The Black Beast laughed in amusement.
	"Oh dear, oh dear, we never got thoughts like this back at home."
	Jubilee tried to scowl, but she was too busy blushing furiously as 
the machine brought her thoughts up on screens all around the room.
	"These one's are fantasies," he said pointing at a row of monitors.  
On one Jubilee was disinterestingly watching as Brad Pitt and Antonio 
Banderas fought over the right to kiss her shoes, in another she was being 
presented with a gold card with no conceivable limit and the third was the 
one that had sparked McCoy's interests.  
	In this one she and Storm lay naked together, their legs were 
spreadeagled revealing Storm's neatly shaven cunt and Jubilee's lightly 
haired one, they moved together suddenly, scissoring there legs together so 
that their vagina's rested against each other, then slowly they began moving 
up and down, Storm moving up while Jubilee moved down and vice versa.
	"Dueling clits, aye?" said McCoy with a laugh,"How exceptional, on my 
world everyones fantasies were either getting food or crushing the Eternals 
that would march up and destory humans and inferior mutants.  But these," he 
said, pointing at another row of monitors,"These are memories."
	They included Jubilee's first sexual  experience, when she and Robin, 
a superhero from another Universe, had first made love.  There was also her 
recent session with the slumbering Storm, and one of her sitting naked at 
monitor controls, masturbating herself while she watched Scott and Jean 
having sex at the floor of their bed.
	"Oh my bells and whistles," laughed McCoy, wiping a tear from his 
eye,"I did not think I would enjoy once more being under the lash of 
Sinister, but this world is quite different to my own, such fun!"

	Apocalypse stood to his feet and smiled, now was the time.

	Cable finished loading the PacRat and motioned to the rest of 
X-Force, now was the time.

	As I struggled towards the lab, I collapsed to the ground, the battle 
for my body was over, but now my mind hung on the edge of an abyss, and I 
could feel the pull of gravity bringing me down.  But for the sake of Jean, I 
had to continue.

	X-Man stared down at the inert body.
	"Now?" he asked no one.
	Not yet, replied a voice in his head, but the time is soon.

	Sinister placed the two genetic samples into the petri dish and 
placed them in the plasma bath, he turned and smiled at the unconscious 
figures on the tables.
	"Soon," he said,"The ultimate weapon will be mine."
	"Dat so?" replied a voice, he turned and raised an eyebrow at Gambit.
	"What is you problem, Marauder?" he asked.
	"You done dis before Sinister, you gone and created your ultimate 
weapon, and den 'pocalypse come along and destroy it, like he did wit Cable."
	"This time is different, I have more now at my disposal then before, 
begone from my sight Marauder, before I see fit to punish you."
	Gambit walked over to Pheonix, who was coming around.
	"You haven't," she said simply,"Gambit what do you think you're 
	"I gotta survive, chere," he said,"Me an Rogue jus got a new start, 
Sinister promised to let her and me stay together an be free, say we got no 
genetic potential to us."
	"He lies, Gambit!" she cried,"It's all he does."
	Gambit reached out and stroked her cheek, his hand briefly touching 
the damping collar around his right hand, then he turned away."
	"I hope you understand dis, I got no other choice."
	"I understand Gambit," she said with a smile,"Go to Rogue."
	The Cajun left the room and Sinister sat at the computer, typing in 
commands, when he was finished he turned and walked out of the room without 
so much as a backward glance.
	Jean smiled and pulled her hand free, Gambit had used his power to 
fill an object with it's kinetic potential to blow a small hinge on the 
restraint, resulting in freeing her, hand, she created a small psi-dagger in 
her fist and  punched through the second.
	Scott was just coming around, she punched in a command and his 
restraints loosened, the ruby quartz visor fallling from his face.
	"Let's go," she said,"We have to free the others."

	Cable levitated upside down over the floor, Caliban lay underneath 
him, staring into his open eyes.
	"How Cable-Nathan do that?" asked the mutant tracker,"Caliban try 
once and hurt his head."
	"It explains alot," said Domino and Deadpool at the same time, Domino 
walked away angrily, Deadpool laughed.
	The PacRat had just flown back into U.S Airspace, although the only 
one likely to bring them up would have been S.H.I.E.L.D - who owned the rat 
before it was 'acquired' by X-Force - but it was now hidden by an advanced 
	Cable suddenly turned around, got to his feet, walked to the pilot's 
commands - which were on auto pilot - and typed in several commands.
	"We're heading to Kansas," he said simply,"That was all I could pick 
up of Jean, once we get to the general area I could get it to, Caliban will 
take over."
	"My, my , my," said McCoy with a laugh,"Sinister was right, you are 
	Storm struggled against her bonds as the twisted version of their own 
Beast  - who was right now probably receiving a toast at the President's Ball 
- stared at her fantasies and memories.
	The memories were rather plain, there she was as a thief in Cairo, 
here she was crushed under rubble, screaming for her parents to help her, 
here she was meeting Gambit for the first time.  
	But the fantasies, she had long kept her emotions under control, but 
underneath boiled fantasies straight out of the sick mind of some idiot 
writing sex stories and posting them on the Internet.
	One involved her being taken by all the X-Men males, first Scott 
Summers, then Robert Drake, then Warren Worthington III, even Logan and Henry 
McCoy got a go.  In another, her and Jean Grey kissed passionately and made 
love by a fire, Storm at one point sitting on Jean's thigh and rubbing up and 
down until she climaxed, her juices running down the red headed mutants 
thigh.  Here she was getting done by a mysterious blurred figure.
	"Computer, bring image into focus," the blurred image cleared 
somewhat, bringing up a dark image of a tall black man, but no facial 
features were evident.
	"Who is that?" yelled the  Black Beast,"Who?"
	"I.....don't know," stammered Ororo,"He looks a little 
	"Computer, scan face image 1A from my personal memory files," - his 
mind and memories had been scanned by Sinister when he was first 
captured,"Place image over 2C of Storm memory file."
	The computer complied and the image of a bald black man, about forty 
or so, with a M tattooed over his eye, became apparent.
	Storm shook her head,"He still looks familiar, but too old, I 
see.......I see dreadlocks."
	McCoy typed in the appropriate commands, a face appeared on the 
	"I still don't know...." started Storm, but the Beast supplied the 
name for her before running out of the room, and still she didn't recognise 

	Psylocke dropped into the room, the two tables that had held Jean and 
Scott were empty, sshe frowned, and walked over to one of the many pieces of 
equipment, this one was charred and burnt, nothing was left inside.
	"That's from Scott's optic blast," she said to herself,"Now what do I 
	"I'll tell you what sweetheart," came a low growling voice,"Now I'm 
gonna fuck you silly!"
	She whirled and saw Sabretooth standing watch over her, he started 
forward, walking with the arrogant gait of one who knows he's going to get 
what he wants.
	"Ever since I've known you, you've been an arrogant little bitch," he 
laughed,"Always shaking your hips and pushing your tits out, teasing everyone 
- well I ain't gonna be teased no more!" he leaped forward, but despite his 
animal fast reflexes, she moved faster leaping away from him, landing lightly 
on her feet and turning to face him.
	"Come along then, dog!" she yelled,"You want me, come and get me!"
	He moved towards her, and as she leaped away he turned to follow her, 
she flipped in midair, her feet landing against the wall and pushed her back 
over his head as he lunged for her, quick as a snake, however, he turned and 
lashed out with his arm, grabbing her around the waist and pulling her back 
to him.  The heel of her foot crashed heavily against the top of his knee and 
he howled in agony, his grip loosened slightly and she slipped through his 
hands, he managed to grab her tight blue leather top first, and it ripped 
away, exposing her large breasts, which were heaving with exertion.
	"You don't usually get this kind of workout do you?" Sabretooth said 
with a smile,"Nice titties by the way, I'm gonna enjoy sucking on them!"
	He moved in mid-sentence, surprsing her, she was pushed to the 
ground, landing heavily on her chest, the wind knocked out of her, she felt a 
hand grab what ws left of her uniform around her ass, and then it was pulled 
away, leaving her asscheeks exposed.
	He grabbed one cheek in each hand as he sat on her legs, and he 
pulled them apart, revealing her puckered anus.
	"You been fucked up the ass before, huh?" he said with a grin,"Maybe 
I'll do you there first....."
	Now she surprised him, arching upwards, her knees bending awkwardly 
under the pressure of Sabretooth's weight, she grabbed his long blond hair 
and yanked powerfully.  He screamed as pain flared through him, he quickly 
recovered, but now she was out from under him, turning to face him, her naked 
body glistening with sweat, a psi-knife protuding from her fist.
	"The glow don't work no more sweetheart," he said with a smile, 
referring to the loss of homicidal tendencies every time she used the 
psi-dagger on him,"Ever since that little runt Wolverine popped his claw 
through my head, nothing been able to stop me."
	She knew she couldn't fight him forever, his healing factor was 
strong, he could fight for days, she could not, but she would not give in.
	Sabretooth whirled his head as sounds of fighting erupted outside the 
door, as he turned back he caught Psylocke's foot hard in his face, he fell 
to the floor, even as he did so he reached out and caught her, bringing her 
down with him.  He climbed on top of her, holding her down.
	"I'm gonna suck on your titties now!" he said, then I'm gonna fuck 
	The door behind them suddenly erupted inwards, Archangel stoodin the 
doorway, as soon as he saw Sabretooth his metallic wings erupted forth 
neuro-darts, that penetrated his skin, pushing him back, but Archangel didn't 
stop there, his wings kept firing, ripping flesh from Sabretooth's body, the 
mutant screeched in pain, and finally lay still, Archangel stopped.
	"You didn't kill him?" Psylocke asked?
	"No, he didn't.......?"
	He smiled and hugged her, then suddenly screamed as a claw ripped 
through his wings, as he fell back  he saw a bleeding, badly bruised and 
broken Sabretooth standing over them.
	"You shoulda finished me pretty boy, I'll........"
	He was cut off as a large black hand reached out and grabbed him 
around the throat, he gargled wildly, then cut off abruptly as a loud CRACK 
resounded through the room, and Apocalypse threw Sabretooth's lifeless corpse 
to the ground.

	Sinister stared at the memories of both McCoy and Storm, this was 
wrong he thought to himself.
	"McCoy, how is this possible?"
	"I do not know," came the reply from the agitated mutant,"He was at 
least forty when he destroyed our universe, and he appears no older than 25 
in these memories."
	"I have never seen him before," Sinister said angrily,"I know every 
mutant who exists, and I have never seen this.....Bishop."
	They turned and stared at each other, both thinking the same 
thoughts,'Could he have come through the M'Kraan crystal from the other 
Universe along with X-Man, Holocaust, Sugarman and the Black Beast? And why 
was he de-aged, and why did none of the X-Men know him, and yet know him?
	An alarm sounded, McCoy flipped a switch and an image of a large 
flying ship appeared.
	"That's a S.H.I.E.L.D Pacrat," said Sinister,"Cable and X-Force have 
	"Samuel Guthrie - Cannonball, Roberto DaCosta - Sunspot, Shattarstar, 
Rictor, Domino, Tabitha Smith - Meltdown, Nathan Summers - Cable."
	"Samuel Guthrie was a young whelp who worked in a overseer capacity 
for us," mused McCoy,"Rictor was a tracker, Domino was Apocalypse's personal 
bounty hunter."
	Sinister stroked his chin,"This is going to cause problems, prepare 
Storm and Jubilee, did you manage anyone else?"
	"No, Storm surprised me too much with her thought's of Bishop."
	"It'll have to do."

	As the Pacrat landed, X-Force was already moving, swinging into 
action and moving down the already blasted corridors, they met no resistance 
until halfway down, when a plasma burst knocked most of them of their feet.
	Cannonball's inpenetrable blast field rocketed him through the air, 
he smashed into Havok, picking the Prelate up and lifting him high into the 
air, Havok increased the size of his blasts, but could not penetrate the 
field.  Sam let him go suddenly, and before he could react, a black bullet by 
the name of Sunspot smashed into him, his fist hitting Havok's chin at over a 
hundred miles an hour, sending the brainwashed mutant flying backwards, he 
was caught by Siryn and placed gently on the ground knocked right out.  
Cannonball placed restraints on him, enjoying the irony, not so long ago, 
when everyone thought Cable had killed Xavier, Havok had put him in 
restraints.  He wouldn't give any trouble anyway, he was unconscious.
	They continued onwards, meeting no resistance, Cable grew uneasy, 
suddenly a blast of light blinded them, as they groped to see, a wind seemed 
to push them back.
	As Cable's eyes began to clear, he saw Storm standing in front of 
them, pushing them backwards with her wind powers.
	"Domino," he screamed into the gale,"Shoot Storm, stun!" he hoped 
Domino would be able to do it, her mutant power mysteriously enabled things 
to go her way, and he cared deeply for Storm.
	Domino fired the blast, the stun needle luckily seemed to find a 
point without wind, it struck Storm, knocking her to the ground, she could 
not move.
	Jubilee tried to blast them again, but a flash of light behind her 
distracted her, she turned in time to see the hilt of Deadpool's sword as it 
banged her skull.
	"Damn it Deadpool!" Cable yelled,"If you've hurt her......"
	"Relax, have I ever hurt anyone in my life?"
	Cable ignored the question as he bent and placed a hand to Storm's 
brow, he concentrated and then smiled,"She was under a form of mind control, 
I've removed it," he moved to Jubilee and repeated the gesture, then stood 
up,"Okay people, let's go get Sinister!" 

	Sinister was as close to feeling real emotion as he ever got, he was 
somewhat annoyed.
	He had placed the brainwashed Havok into X-Factor and had instructed 
Sabretooth - who was only too happy to comply - to suddenly remember where 
one of his labs was located, and he had hired Deadpool to kill Domino, but 
Cable shouldn't have been able to locate him here.
	He had immediately sent out Havok, Storm and Jubilee to finish them, 
but he had underestimated Cable's 'children' once more, now they were nearly 
at the door.
	"McCoy, do we have any other defenses?"
	"None," replied the Beast with a shake of his head,"It's down to you 
and me now."
	The door blew in suddenly and Cannonball rocketed into the room, he 
drew up with a start as he found himself facing McCoy.
	"Beast? Sir?" he started, dropping his forcefield, and the Beast 
lashed out, a thickly muscled arm slamming hard into the young mutant's face 
and dropping him to the ground.
	"Sam!" screamed a voice and a small explosion erupted in front of the 
Beast, setting his fur on fire, he dropped to roll and a tall, well muscled 
figure sped into the room, knocking into him and smashing him against a wall.
	"Well done Warpath," said Sinister with a smile,"You have impressed 
	The large native American whirled to face Sinister, then sped 
forward, moving faster than any wild animal, but Sinister was faster, 
reaching out with one gloved hand and grabbing his forearm, twisting him 
around and throwing him into a wall lined with computers.  Bombs exploded all 
around Sinister, but his grey flesh did not bleed, it simply resealed over 
any injuries, he reached out and grabbed Meltdown and felt a sword slide into 
his belly, Shattarstar, the genetically engineered fighter from another 
Universe, twisted the sword and pulled it free, expecting to disembowell 
Sinister and kill him, the skin merely melded together behind the sword, and 
Sinister's free arm smashed an elbow heavily into the young fighters nose, 
knocking him to the ground.
	As he pulled Meltdown closer to him, the ground beneath him lurched 
and he stumbled, freeing Meltdown, who raced towards the restraining tables 
where the X-Men and X-Factor were being held.
	Sinister turned and faced Rictor, the young mutant who could create 
seismic disturbances, Sinister held one hand up, palm thrust forward, and 
pale yellow energy flew from it, smashing into him and knocking him away.  
Black fire was suddenly all around him as Sunspot flew into the room, firing 
shots wildly at the mutant geneticist, Sinister unhurriedly walked through 
the flames, reached up and grabbed the young mutant by the ankle, his hand 
was amzingly unharmed by the deep heat radiating from the mutant, he pulled 
him down roughly and smashed a fist into his face, a blast of laser fire 
burst through his shoulder, he ignored it as he beat Sunspot into 
	Meltdown reached the X-Men, her bombs flew from her wrist launchers, 
smashing the restraints and freeing the X-Men.  Archangel headed straight for 
a side door, yelling that Scott and Jean were still being held prisoner, the 
rest of the X-Men turned to face Sinister, and were shocked to see the mad 
scientist held to the floor by the pink and purple form of Caliban, the 
gentle mutant tracker, who was screaming in savage rage.

	"It is my will that you have all been brought together like this," 
said Apocalypse in his deep, thundering voice,"Sinister seeks to bring about 
my ruin, but he shall fall this day, and then he will realise that only the 
strong survive, and I am that which will survive."
	"You're mad," screamed Archangel, his face contorted with rage.  In 
his youth, he had been Warren Worthington the Third, and he had managed quite 
nicely to deal with the feathered wings that nature ha chosen to give him, 
then Apocalypse had kidnapped him, cut away his wings and replaced them with 
techno organic ones, changing his white skin to a pale shade of blue.  He had 
made him the Fourth Horseman of Apocalypse - Death - and sought to destroy 
the X-Men, but Archangel had thrown of his mind control,"I should have 
destroyed you on the moon when I had the chance!"
	Apocalypse smiled at him,"You thought you had the victory there my 
son, by making me die of pain and weakness, but I will always return, I am 
that which will survive," he clicked his large fingers together and Warren 
screamed in agony, doubling over in pain.
	"What have you done!" screamed Psylocke, her naked body hunching over 
Warren's pain stricken one.
	"I am helping him," replied Apocalypse,"Watch and learn child."
	Psylocke watched in shock as the small metal pieces on Archangel's 
wings fell away, breaking off bit by bit to reveal white feathers.  Finally 
it was over, and Archangel had become Angel once more.

	"I sense Apocalypse's hand in this," cried Sinister as he struggled 
to hold back Caliban, who had once been Apocalypse's second angel of death,"I 
will not be undone by some brainless monstrosity!"
	Caliban's hands sunk into Sinister's flesh, actually causing real 
pain, then Caliban's head snapped back and he howled in pain, Sinister 
throwing him off and shakily getting to his feet, he found himself facing the 
X-Men, X-Factor and X-Force.
	"So, it has come to this?" he mused,"You think you can beat me so 
simply?" he looked at each one of them in turn, finally coming to rest of 
Cable, Domino and Deadpool.
	"Wade Wilson," he said,"You have not fulfilled your contractual 
obligations, I could have you sued for that."
	Deadpool stood up straight, and from seemingly nowhere held up a 
small pair of glasses, he put them on over his costumed face and said in a 
nasal voice,"Actually, the first part - heretofore referred to as the Mr 
Sinister - did not give the second party - the dashing Wade Wilson - correct 
information, he stated that the second party would recieve several million 
dollars for the death of one mutant female, Domino, whereas the dashing Mr. 
Wilson discovered that he was being forced into a two for one special, 
killing Domino would result in the death of a second party, for which Mr. 
Wilson has recieved no payment."
	"What the hell are you talking about Wilson?" said Cable.
	"Didn't you know?" said Deadpool, sounding genuinely 
perplexed,"Domino is preggers, knocked up, has hired a stork, got a bun in 
the oven, eating for two, gonna get kinda fat and get sick alot!"
	Sinister felt the dull annoyance once more, he had been hoping to 
avoid anyone finding out.
	Cable stared at Domino for a second in shock, then turned back and 
looked at Sinister, rage contorting his face,"How long are you going to fuck 
with my family Sinister!" he screamed,"It's beacuse of you I have this!" he 
lifted up his metallic arm,"It's because of you my parent's live in fear of 
having another child! No More!" telekinetic lightning lashed out, smashing 
Sinister full on in the chest, knocking him back to the ground, before he 
could stand, a red burst of light smashed from the roof into him, and Scott 
and Jean smashed through from the ventilation shaft.
	"Cable's right," yelled Cyclops,"This ends today."
	"I agree," came another voice, a thundering voice that shut them all 
up, as they turned to face Apocalypse.

One day earlier.
	 Henry McCoy, aka the Beast, was looking over his notes, they were 
right, he found it impossible to believe, but the chemical makeup that 
resulted from the combination of Cable's blood and the techno organic virus 
acted as an antibody, destroying any disease or virus.
	He had known for sure that it would cure the Legacy Virus, had been 
aware that it might have some effect on Aids, but he was still shell shocked 
from the thought that it acted against cancerous tumours.
	"If only we had had it when Captain Marvel was alive," he said to 
himself,"If only."
	"Yeah bub, well right now I need it for another reason."
	Beast whirled around and stared in shock at the figure before him.

	Present time.
	Gambit stood outside the blasted entrance waiting, inside his mind he 
struggled to overcome the powerful mind control instilled by the Beast and 
Sinister, but he was failing, he needed something to jolt him out of it, so 
that he could help the other X-Men.
	Snikt, snikt.
	That was it.

From dimitri@ihug.co.nz Tue Jun 10 14:16:09 1997
	I can guarantee that there'll be a few missed chapters somewhere, so
just contact me at - dimitri@ihug.co.nz - and I can send you anything you 
miss, or even look at www.dejanews.com I'm sure they'll have them somewhere.

	Here's the deal, whatever is the legal age to view pornographic 
material in your country is how old you have to be to read this story - if 
you're not that old then you can't read it - by reading this story you are 
saying you are of a legal age to view this material - if you are not I can 
not be held responsible.
	"The time has come," said Apocalypse,"To choose sides, I mean to 
finish Sinister today, and he means to finish me - which will you assist, 
which is the lesser of two evils to you?"
	"You're crazy!" yelled Cable,"We'll wipe out the two of you!"
	"I think not," said Sinister, standing up,"You can only destroy him 
with the my aid, and vice versa, so a decision must be made.  I am content to 
study genetic mutations as they progress, but he will only be content when he 
is the only living thing on this planet."
	"He's right," said Jean in shock,"With Sinister's help we could 
defeat Apocalypse for sure, and with Apocalypse's help we could defeat 
Sinister for sure."
	"So to kill one, we have to sell our souls!" yelled Angel, standing 
behind Apocalypse and staring at him with hate.
	"Make your choice," said Sinister,"It's either that, or you will die 
trying to stop the two of us, and we will be left free to continue our 'evil' 
	"S'funny," came a new voice, seemingly from nowhere,"But whenever 
someone tells me there's only two real bad choices, I figger there's got to 
be a better way."
	Sinister and Apocalypse but gasped in surprise, the various X-Teams 
looked around, in a doorway, standing next to a scratched up and tired 
looking Gambit, stood Wolverine.
	"Impossible!" cried Apocalypse,"I killed you myself."
	"Alot of people have tried over the years, bub," said Wolverine with 
a grin,"But the ol' Canucklehead is still around."
	"Truly you are fit to survive," cried Apocalypse,"I will take my 
chance now, and offer you a position as my Fourth Horseman."
	Gambit shook his head,"Sinister's mind control was bad, making me 
take on Wolverine an all, but listening to big daddy 'pocalypse is even 
worse, play de trump card Wolverine."
	Wolverine smiled again,"You're going to let us leave this place, 
because we're sick and tired of your manipulations, you're going to walk out 
and you're never going to bother us again - if you two really mean to finish 
each other of today, do so - but do it yourselves."
	"You are not exactly talking from a position of power Logan," replied 
	"My healing factor is back and better than ever, I finally managed to 
squash my inner demons once and for all, for the first time since Maggie 
ripped my adamantium out, I feel like a man again and I don't doubt I could 
take the both of you on...........but I won't........Jean, cover every X-Man 
but me in a t.k shield."
	Jean did so instantly, before anyone could react, she had already 
picked up Logan's plan from his mind.
	"Now, if you two don't let us leave, I'm gonna spill the contents of 
this little cannister here on the floor," he lifted high a cannister filled 
with a green liquid,"It's the 100% pure, undiluted Legacy Virus, and at this 
power, it will infect every unprotected person in the room - namely us three, 
and I figger Jean can throw a shield over me before it hits the floor."
	Sinister and Apocalypse glanced uneasily at each other, then 
Apocalypse laughed,"Hah, I am strong! I will survive the Legacy Virus!"
	Sinister turned and fired energy bolts from his hand, blasting 
Apocalypse to the ground, he lept forward, landing on the Eternal High Lord 
and pushing him to the ground.
	"Come on everyone, run!" yelled Wolverine, picking up Cannonball's 
inert body, he turned and ran out the door, followed by the rest of the 

	Once outside, Cyclops took over again.
	"Rictor," he yelled, collapse the ground in front of the lab,. enough 
so that it will fall into the hole you create!"
	Rictor did so, his seismic power rupping up the earth, the lab 
collapsed inside the large hole, and he contimnued to pour on the power, 
making the hole deeper and deeper.
	"Storm, Jean, Cable, use your powers to cover the hole, quickly!"
	Storm called up a gale force wind, smashing loose earth into the 
hole, Jean and Cable telekinetically shifted the earth on top, compacting it 
till it was rock hard.
	When it was finished, all signs of Sinister's lab was gone.
	"It's over," said Angel as he gave his shirt to Psylocke to cover up 
with,"It's finally over!"
	"I wonder who won?" said Gambit as Rogue cooed over his scratches and 
	"Where's Bishop?" asked Cable.
	Storm glanced up,"There's that name again, who is this Bishop?"
	"Now?" asked Nate.

	The ground erupted beneath Cable, pushing him up into the air, a 
gigantic black hand grabbed his ankle.

	"Now!" cried the voice, and Nate responded, sending his astral form 
into the comatose figure of Professor X.

	Apocalypse tore up from the ground, his body appeared to be melting 
slightly, as if he was losing cohesion.
	"I am strong!" he yelled.
	A reb blast of bio-energy smashed into his arm, knocking him back, he 
lost his grip on Cable, Wolverine leaped forward, his bone claws slipping 
free from his fists with the familiar snikt, snikt noise, he cut deeply into 
Apocalypse, Cyclops fired an optic blast into the wound and then Cable was 
there, his t.o infected arm pushing deep into the wound.
	Apocalypse screamed as a yellow light seemed to envelop his body, 
yellow fire burst from his eyes and then suddenly there was nothing, Cable 
stood, his arm outstretched in the air, Apocalypse was gone.
	"Cable, your arm!" cried Domino, the rest of the X-Men looked and 
cried out in surprise, Cable's arm was flesh, nothing more or less, the t.o 
virus was gone.
	"It truly is over then," said Angel,"We're lucky Bishop reacted so 
	"It was nothing," replied the large mutant,"It was just my X.S.E 
training kicking in."
	"Bishop," said Cable, turning from his arm,"Where did you come from?"
	"What do you mean?" asked Bishop sounding confused,"I've been here 
the whole time."
	"No.....no, you weren't here.........you......"
	"It's understandable," said Cyclops,"Losing the T.O virus and all, 
you're minds a little muddled, Bishop has been here the entire time."
	Cable smiled, putting an arm around Domino's shoulders,"Okay, okay - 

	The Professor smiled warmly as he poured his tea, turned and walked 
into the living room, yes walked.
	As a result of Nate Grey's healing efforts to revive him from his 
coma, he had been surprised to find he could walk, then exceptionally 
	Everyone was there, it was like a family reunion, Cable had his ear 
against Domino's belly, while she yelled at him that the baby was only just 
beginning to develop, Deadpool - who had stayed at Siryn's insistance - was 
arm wrestling with Shattarstar, while Siryn looked on in amusement.
	Cyclops had his arms around Jean as the two of them listened to 
Wolverine's story, while the Beast shook his head over a headline in a 
tabloid stating,"Brilliant Researcher Doctor Henry McCoy - Former Avenger - 
Gay Shock, Seen Walking Arm In Arm With Mysterious Cajun."
	Rictor and Sunspot were showing off in front of the Generation X 
girls, M and Husk, while Cannonball and Meltdown sat on the couch kissing.  
Storm was chatting animatedly with Jubilee, who was staring at the beautiful 
mutants face in hero worship - catching one of Jubilee's stray thoughts, the 
Professor realised he would have to have a little chat with her.
	Iceman was in the process of freezing Beast's coffee, while Angel and 
Psylocke stood outside on the balcony, staring at the stars.  Bishop was 
sitting, a dark expression on his face, while Gambit continued to beat him, 
Forge, Mystique and Wildchild at poker.  Havok sat with Polaris, they were 
quiet, and a little troubled, but otherwise seemed comfortable with each 
	Caliban, Artie and Leech were playing snakes and ladders on the 
floor, Banshee and the White Queen were chatting away in a corner.
	"I like this," said Nate, watching the X-Men,"It was nothing like 
this where I came from, no one was ever happy."	
	"Have you spoken with Cable?"
	"I tried to, but whenever we get close to each other we're flooded 
with the other's memories, it's almost like we're the same person."
	Xavier smiled,"Tell me Nate, what is really bothering you?"
	Nate grinned,"I'm not used to being with a telepath so near my own 
power, but it's Madelyne, Wolverine says that she had collapsed by the time 
Apocalypse caught up with them, but the X-Men didn't find her, and Apocalypse 
is dead now."
	"I can't find her anywhere, even with Cerebro," said Xavier,"And I've 
told you my theory, that you somehow created her, perhaps when you didn't 
need her anymore, she just disappeared?"
	"Perhaps," he walked away, bumping into Cyclops.
	Jean stood next to the Professor,"How powerful is he?" she asked,"He 
seems to exude power."
	"He is certainly much more powerful than me," said Xavier,"Much, much 
more, would you like to see an example?"
	"I don't understand?" said Jean.
	"You will."
	Nate turned and smiled at them, then turned away.
	Psylocke walked back inside, looked around and coughed, grabbing 
everyones attention.
	"I'm feeling horny," she said, and removed her top, her large breasts 
springing free.
	Angel walked in behind her, grabbing her pants, he pulled them down, 
revealing her firm ass and trimmed, purple haired pussy, he bent her over the 
couch, so her face was between the shocked faces of Storm and Jubilee, 
lowered his own pants, revealing his lengthy penis, and slid into her 
quickly, he began pumping fast, rocking her backwards and forwards, her 
breasts pushing to and fro against the couch, causing the nipples to grow 
erect, and drawing moans of pleasure from the ninja.
	Storm and Jubilee stared at each other, then leaned forward and 
kissed, their tongues slipping into each others mouths, tasting the other, 
they moved together, Storm's large breasts mashing against Jubilee's smaller 
ones.  Storm broke the kiss long enough to slide her pink sweat pants away, 
as Jubilee slid of her own, Storm sat on Jubilee's thigh, her legs parted 
above the eighteen year old mutants upper leg, her pussy resting comfortably 
as if it had always belonged there, she began sliding up and down, Jubilee's 
leg parting her lips slightly, Storm's erect clit rubbing backwards and 
forwards, growing wetter by the second.
	"Professor, what's going on?" cried Jean, she tried to move forward 
but found herself locked in place, she turned and saw the Professor, also 
striving to move forward, but to no avail - this had to be Nate Grey's doing!
	She looked back and watched in shock as Banshee pushed the White 
Queen up against the wall, lifted her short skirt, pulled down her panties 
and began thrusting into her, she squealed in pleasure as she felt her own 
juices begin to flow, unbeleivably, the sight of all this sex was turning her 
on.  She felt her muscles relax and she lay on the ground, lowering her pants 
and raising her hips slightly, parting her legs, she lowered a hand down and 
began to masturbate.
	Gambit held Rogue by the arm, he smiled at her,"Chere! we can touch 
each other without de Z'Noxx chamber! We can!"
	Rogue pulled him to the ground,"Enough talk, let's just get down to 
	They ripped each others clothes off and began fucking hard, Rogue 
pushing into her faster and faster, she orgasmed several times in several 
minutes, her cunt clamping down on Gambit's dick like a vise.
	Cannonball leant back on his chair and groaned happily as Meltdown 
gave him a slow, methodical blowjob, deepthroating him at one point, then 
running her tongue around the head of his cock at another, her pants were 
down, and Bobby (Iceman) Drake was tongue fucking her like there was no 
	M was on all fours, a powered down Sunspot behind her, fucking her 
doggy style, M's facial expression did not change, she seemed bored, Husk lay 
before her, ler legs spread, Rictor was hunched over her face, his cock 
sliding in and out of her mouth as he face fucked her.  Suddenly M bent 
forward and lightly licked Husk slightly on the side of her right vagainal 
lip, Husk bucked upward, screaming in pleasure as she came instantly, M had 
been, as usual, looking for the right approach to things, and when she found 
it, she excelled.  Her face suddenly lost it's dull, bored look and took on 
one of pleasure and enjoyment as she lowered down and began to tongue fuck 
Husk expertly, slamming her hips back against Sunspot as he pushed into her 
	Jubilee and Storm were now in a 69, Storm licking the cunt of Jubilee 
- who was on top - while the young mutant slid two fingers in and out of the 
former Goddess' vagina.
	Havok sat naked on a chair, Polaris facing away from him, she lowered 
down onto his cock, her cutn sliding easily into place around it, it was 
always this way with the two of them, they seemed to fit perfectly together. 
 Bishop stood in front of her, lowering his pants, his gigantic cock slipped 
free.  Polaris' eyes lit up and she lowered down as much as she could, while 
Havok's hands roamed over her large tits, the green haired mutant took the 
head of Bishop's cock into her mouth and slowly began to suck it, sliding her 
mouth further down it, until she had the first four inches into her mouth, 
she could fit no more in, her mouth was stretched to the limits.
	Deadpool's cock slid in and out of Siryn's cunt quickly, he moved 
fast, and Siryn loved it, screaming out as her orgasm hit her, the windows in 
the room shattered, a result of her sonic scream.  
	"I guess you're a screamer, huh?" said Deadpool, still wearing his 
costume except for around his cock, the skin on which looked dry and slightly 
cracked, like a lesser version of the the Fantastic Four's Thing.  Siryn 
smiled up at him as his cock slid against the underside of the top of her 
cunt, like scratching an itch it seemed to increase the pleasure, but left 
her insatiable for more.
	Shattarstar was getting his cock sucked on by Domino, had hold of it 
with one hand, jerking him off as well as sucking on him, behind her Cable's 
large dick slipped into her, his big dick filling her cunt completely.
	Cyclops apporached Jean, removing his clothes, he kneeled down in 
front of her, grabbed his cock in one hand and slowly guided his cock into 
waiting hole.  She moaned in pleasure as he began to slowly fuck her, 
increasing the pace of his strokes, making her clit slip out of it's hood as 
she felt her juices begin to flow.
	"Scott......." she moaned,"X-Man....is doing......this, we 
have.......we have.......to stop him......"
	"Sure sure," said Scott, and continued to fuck her.
	Storm and Jubilee lay, legs parted, cunts up agianst each other, they 
both began to rub up and down against the others clit, Jubilee moving up as 
Storm moved down, Storm moving up as Jubilee moved down.  Their wet clits 
rubbed up and down against each other, both moaned in ectasy as they felt 
their pleasure building to a crescendo, they both cried out as they came, 
their juices mingling and running down each others asscheeks.
	Jean felt herself getting ready to cum.........she cried out to 
Cyclops once more as she felt the snap within her, and she came, seemingly in 
buckets as juice ran down from between her lips, around Scott's cock, and 
down over her thighs, she turned to call out to the Professor and.......
	.........the Beast shook his head over a headline in a tabloid 
stating,"Brilliant Researcher Doctor Henry McCoy - Former Avenger - Gay 
Shock, Seen Walking Arm In Arm With Mysterious Cajun."
	Rictor and Sunspot were showing off in front of the Generation X 
girls, M and Husk, while Cannonball and Meltdown sat on the couch kissing.  
Storm was chatting animatedly with Jubilee, who was staring at the beautiful 
mutants face in hero worship.
	Iceman was in the process of freezing Beast's coffee, while Angel and 
Psylocke stood outside on the balcony, staring at the stars.  Bishop was 
sitting, a dark expression on his face, while Gambit continued to beat him, 
Forge, Mystique and Wildchild at poker.  Havok sat with Polaris, they were 
quiet, and a little troubled, but otherwise seemed comfortable with each 
	Caliban, Artie and Leech were playing snakes and ladders on the 
floor, Banshee and the White Queen were chatting away in a corner.
	Jean Grey shook her head in wonder,"What.....?"
	"A demonstration of Nate's power," said Professor X with a smile,"I 
asked if you would like to see a demonstration, you said you didn't 
understand, Nate smiled and then you said 'what.....?'"
	"You mean, everything I just saw, didn't happen?"
	"Exactly, and you didn't even realise he was inside your mind, 
changing your perceptions did you?"
	"None, and I'm the second most powerful psi in the world."
	"Third now, and I'm second......Nate Grey is more power than I have 
ever seen - he was created by Sinister in an alternate Universe, and a self 
destruct system was placed in his DNA makeup, but I looked into his mind, 
he's so powerful, he changed his own DNA structure without realising it - now 
the only thing that could kill him is him."
	"Again, Professor, I don't understand."
	"He's so powerful, his body is in danger of burning out - but if we 
can teach him how to control his powers, he never has to do anything so 
dangerous again - and Cable can help us, now that his T.O virus is gone, he's 
just as powerful as Nate - only he has absolute control."
	"Sinister is gone, Apocalypse is gone, the Legacy Virus is gone, 
Cable is healed......it all seems perfect."
	"My dream hasn't come true yet," said the Professor,"And we're a long 
way from perfect, but I have the feelings things can only get better from now 
	He put his arm around her and they walked back into the living room 
to join the rest of the X-Men.


	"Amazing, you have retained memories of who you once were," boomed 
Galactus, The Devourer Of Worlds, as he looked at his new herald,"But I have 
told you, I gave my word to my first herald, the Silver Surfer, that I would 
never threaten Earth again, and I stand by my word."
	The new herald looked dejected.
	"But you are shackled by no such word, go my new herald, sever all 
links with your past and then return to me.  You were powerful when you came 
to me, and I have made you more powerful still, imbuing you with the power 
cosmic to augment your magnetic powers, but always remember I am more 
powerful, do not seek to remain on Earth."
	Magnus, the new herald of Galactus, who was once Magneto, smiled at 
his new Master, then turned and flew out into the void of space, towards 

	So the world was spared the menace of Onslaught and lost the threat 
of Sinister and Apocalypse, but Xavier would still have to deal with his 
folly and arrogance in dealing with Magneto......I know this to be true, for 
I am The Watcher.

	That's it, the end of the story......phew!
	I hope you enjoyed it, remember you can contact me with feedback on 
this story at - dimitri@ihug.co.nz
	If you would like a list of other stories I have done, please contact 
me at the same address, and if you missed any parts of this story, I'll be 
happy to send them.
	Excelsior? (Stan Lee I'm not....)