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 o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o
 o                                                                   o
 o  The Bookshelf Directories offer a very wide variety of stories.  o
 o  They have been submitted by people from all over the world. Also o
 o  from (Newsgroups). There is no particular order  o
 o  other than offering them to you in alphabetical directories.     o
 o                                                                   o
 o  All works are copyrighted to the author and may not be used for  o
 o  profit without obtaining the author's permission in advance.     o
 o                                                                   o
 o  Lest we forget!!! This story was produced as adult entertainment o
 o and should not be read by minors.                                 o
 o                                                                   o
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Cheerleader's Torment V (teens, orgy)
by James Dawson

Chapter Five

They let Kate pull her T-shirt back down for the ride, but made her put 
the soggy blindfold back on. She had never before been out without a 
bra on, and she felt cheap. She could feel her big breasts jiggling 
under her T-shirt. That it was a white one made it even worse, as she 
could just imagine how clear her nipples must show through.
 	Mike still had her bra draped over his shoulder and that made her 
feel even worse, like it was a saddle, like she was property. She'd 
thought he might give it back to her after making her do that rude 
display, making he
r jiggle her breasts for them, but he hadn't. He just told her she 
could pull her shirt down.
	Her bottom stung from the spanking, but it wasn't too bad.  It 
was just hot.
	Even though it was Mike who was making her do all of these 
horrible things, she realized that she was actually more frightened of 
the other three guys, especially Jack and Ken. Ken hardly said a word. 
He just stared at h
er with those dark eyes, making her flesh crawl. He even looked to her 
like the kind of guy who used drugs. They both really gave her the 
	She didn't know how she could possibly face them again in school 
after being so humiliated. Her face flushed at the thought. After 
having to bare her breasts, and even being forced to pull down her 
pants and her panties 
for a spanking.
	She realized that the best way out of this was just to do as Mike 
said and pray for it to be over. The thought of those pictures going 
around school was unthinkable. What would her parents say? Even worse, 
what would her
 father say?

	As they drove along, the guys again talked amongst themselves, 
though every once in a while, one of them would bring up the scene in 
the parking lot, and she would be reminded all over again. Her bottom, 
and her face, wo
uld burn.

	"Anyone getting hungry?" asked Mike.
	"Yeah, I wouldn't mind a burger," said Jack.
	The other two guys agreed.
	"Say Ken, pull into that Happy Diner" said Mike.
	She felt the car slow down and pull in. It came to a stop.
	"Okay, Kate off with the blindfold."
	She pulled it off and blinked a few times to get adjusted to the 
light. She saw that they were in the parking lot of a typical looking 
American greasy spoon diner.
	"Say, Kate," said Mike, "since you didn't like traveling in your 
bra, I think you brought a swimsuit, didn't you?"
	Oh God. She realized what swimsuit it was.
	"Y..yeah," she said reluctantly.
	"It's such a nice day out, why don't we have you change into 
	She didn't respond.
	"Lets go," said Mike.
	They all climbed out of the car, and Mike pulled Kate around to 
the rear. He opened the trunk and pulled out her bag. She watched him 
as he went through it, finding one then the other piece of the suit.
	He whistled when he saw it.
	"Whew, that's a nice one, Kate."
	She blushed bright red.
	"It's not really mine..."
	Mike smiled at her. He reached over and held the top up over her 
chest where it would fit when on.
	"Well, it'll look just great on." He smiled at her. She looked 
away from him.
	He looked at her face, and then went back to the bag. He pulled 
out the little make-up bag that Caroline had left.
	"We need to spruce you up a little bit."
	He pulled the trunk shut and walked her into the restaurant.
	The Happy Diner looked like a converted truck stop. There were 
two rows of booths to the right and a long counter to the left. It was 
pretty slow. There were a few trucker type guys sitting at the counter 
and a family in
 one of the booths. The men went quiet when they saw Kate, and their 
eyes followed her across the room. She wondered if they could see her 
nipples through the T-shirt.
	Mike lead them to the rear of the diner, and they all piled into 
the booth at the back.
	Kate was not very hungry, and every time she made eye contact 
with one of the guys he would smile at her, making her feel sick. She 
stared at the formica tabletop.
	Mike ordered cheeseburgers and milkshakes for everyone.
	"Well," Mike said after the waitress had taken their 
orders."Let's see what we can do to spruce Kate up." He slid out and 
stood up. Still holding her suit and the bag, he offered Kate his free 
	She took it and slid out.
	A couple of the men at the counter watched the two of them as 
they got out together.
	The two of them went down a short hallway, and when they got to 
the restrooms, Mike walked up to the door that said "Men's." Someone 
had taken a blue magic marker and drawn an erect penis on the "man" 
symbol on the door.
 Mike looked at it and smiled. 
	"Think this guy has seen you?"
	Kate looked at the floor.
	Mike opened the door and looked inside.
	"Before you go change, let's get you looking good," he smiled. He 
motioned to Kate to go inside- into the Men's room.
	She stopped and stared through the open doorway.
	"Please...don't make me go in there..." she said.
	"Come on Kate, don't make a scene, or I guarentee it's gonna get 
real crowded."
	She realized he was right, and reluctantly walked in.
	To the right along the wall was a counter with two sinks in it 
with a long mirror mounted above it. To the immediate left there were 
four unrinals. At the back were two stalls with the doors taken off. 
The pungent smell 
of disinfectant assaulted her nose.
	Mike lead her towards the corner where the counter with the sinks 
met the far  wall. He stationed her in front of the mirror and opened 
up the little bag.
	She looked at herself in the mirror and saw that her eyes were 
red and puffy. She could clearly see the outlines of her nipples 
through the T-shirt. The sight of herself made her almost start crying.
	Mike walked into one of the stalls and ran some toilet paper off 
of the roll. He pulled it into two wads and ran one under the cold tap.
	"Come here," he said.
	She turned to face him.
	"Close your eyes."
	She did.
	He gently pressed the cold wad of tissue over her eyes.
	She gasped a little as the coldness of it.
	Her full lips parted slightly.
	She felt suddenly uncomfortable with his nearness
	She felt aware of her breasts covered by just the thin T-shirt.
	She wondered if he was staring at them.
	At any minute someone could come walking in.
	She tried not to think about it.
	Mike dabbed both of her eyes, and then just held the cold wad of 
tissue in place for a few seconds over each eye. He then wiped away the 
moisture with the dry half.
	She felt his hand move her chin.
	"Now, keep your eyes closed," he said.
	She heard him fumble around in the make-up bag.
	He pulled out a liquid eyeliner.
	"Now keep still," he said.
	He pointed the tip of the brush into the corner of her left eye 
and painted a thin dark line across the edge of her upper eyelid, just 
along the line of the lashes. He then did the same for the other eye.
	He waited a moment, letting it dry.
	"Here, put some of this on," he said, handing her a lipstick.
	She took it and noticed it was one of Carolines. It was a deep 
yet bright red.
	She was stunned at the effect the eyeliner had. It made her look 
even more like an Italian movie star- or more like a Playboy model.
	Quickly, nervous that someone would come in, she rolled out the 
stick and began to put on the lipstick on her full lips, struggling to 
do it as unsuggestively as possible.
	"Great," said Mike, staring at the result. Her full sensuous 
mouth seemed even bigger bright red.
	He took the lipstick 
	"Here's the finishing touch," he said and handed her the mascara.
	"Look," he said, "it's the waterproof kind, just like the 

	She almost stopped to ask him why. Why he was being so cruel to 
her. She'd never done anything to him.
	She decided against it. She wanted to get out of the stinking 
Men's room.
	She took a deep breath and applied the mascara.
	"Now turn around, let's see."
	Anxious to get out, she did. 
	Behind Mike, she could see the urinals against the wall, 
reminding her where she was. She wanted to run. She stood there holding 
her hands together in front of her chest. 
	Mike held up her little bikini. The straps dangled down.
	"Why don't you change into this?"
	Relieved to finally be getting out, she walked towards him and began
to reach for it. He pulled it away as she got close.
	"Why don't you change right here."
	Her heart sank. 
	She felt her resolve weakening.
	"Pl...please let me out of here..."
	"I'll tell you what," said Mike, "for now, we'll just put on the 
	"Pleeeeeease....what if someone comes in?"
	"Come on, Kate, or our food's gonna get cold."
	"Now you give me the T-shirt," Mike continued, ignoring her plea, 
"and I'll give you the bikini top."
	She realized there was no way out.
	Her eyes nervously looked to the door.
	"The sooner you change..."
	She looked at him again.
	He smiled at her.
	"Come on."
	She reached down and gripped the bottom of the T-shirt, and 
slowly pulled it up, up over her trim stomach.
	 Her big nude tits popped free. They rose up on her chest as she 
pulled the shirt over her head.
	She pulled it off and held it in front of her with one hand, and 
held out the other.
	"Toss it over," said Mike.
	She stood for a moment, and then lobbed the shirt to Mike. She 
crossed her arm over her chest.
	Just then, the door suddenly opened, and in walked one of the 
truckers. He was in his fifties, and had a large pot belly that 
stretched the buttons on the lower part of the front of his dirty 
	"Whoaa, wad we have here...." he said, surprised.
	Kate leaned back against the wall, covering herself as best she 
could. Ample amounts of breast bulged through her slender arms.
	"Kate here wanted to change," Mike told him casually, "but we 
couldn't seem to get into the Ladies room."
	The trucker stood mesmerized by the sight in front of him. 
	He took a deep drag from the cigarette hanging from his mouth. 
His eyes squinted slightly.
	Kate felt her blood race.
	"I hope you don't mind," said Mike with a smile.
	"Hell, Nooooooo, son." he replied. He looked back at Kate 
cowering in the corner. "Your damn lucky." He smiled, showing several 
gaps in his teeth. "And I guess, so am I." He laughed.
	They both laughed and just stared at her like they were waiting 
for something to happen.
	"Please...please can I have the top..." asked Kate, trying to 
sound calm.
	Mike didn't move.
	Neither did the man.
	"Boy," said the trucker, "she sure looks stacked."
	Mike looked at him and nodded.
	"She is.," he replied. 
	They both looked at her again.
	"Show our friend how stacked you are Kate," said Mike finally.
	"Please...." she felt panicky.
	"Kate," continued Mike, "what happens when you don't follow 
	She didn't respond.
	"What happened earlier today when you didn't follow 
	She couldn't speak. She realized what he wanted her to say- to 
say in front of this gross man. He wanted her to admit that she'd been 
spanked, spanked like a child.
	"Kate? What happeded?"
	She stood there, mortified.
	"A...a...ssspanking..." she finally uttered, almost choking on 
the word.
	"That's right," Mike said. "Now do you want another one, right 
	"I didn't think so."
	The trucker figured that some game was going on here, but wasn't 
exactly sure what to do.
	He just stared.
	Kate began to panic.
 	"Now show our friend here how stacked you are."
	Her eyes darted back and forth.
	She was trapped, and she knew it.
	Slowly, her hands began to drop, and her ample breasts came into 
	"JEEEEESUS..." exclaimed the trucker.
	She had to bit her lip to keep from pulling her arms back up.
	"Step forward, Kate," said Mike.
	She took a step away from the wall.
	"Now put your arms behind your back."
	She looked worriedly at Mike, and then at the trucker.
	Slowly her arms moved around her back, to the back of her jeans. 
Her wrists crossed over each other above the back belt loop.
	She felt horribly vulnerable, the whole front of her body 
	"Now, jump up and down for us," said Mike.
	Oh God. 
	How could he ask such a terrible thing.
	"Please don't ask me..."
	"Come on," Mike clapped his hands together.
	Kate made a little jump, making her breasts bounce.
	"Come ON," Mike clapped his hands together again.
	She started to make little jumps.
	She began to jump up and down, making her huge nude tits bounce 
and flop around, up and down.
	Mike walked up closer and watched.
	The trucker did likewise and soon looked on the verge of passing 
out. He reached down and rearranged the crotch of his trousers to 
accomodate his raging hard-on.
	"Nice, aren't they?" said Mike.
	The trucker could not speak. He just stood rooted to the spot. 
His face was bright
	"Okay, you can stop," said Mike finally.
	She put her hands up to her face, covering her breasts with her 
arms. She fought back the urge to cry. She had never been so humiliated 
in her life. She had never even imagined such humiliation was possible.
	Mike handed her the little bikini top.
	"Here put this on," he said.
	Quickly, she turned her back on them and began to put the bikini 
top on.
	She tied the back, and began to reach around the back of her 
	"Here, let me help you," said Mike.
	He reached for her shoulders and turned her so that once again 
she faced herself in the mirror, with him standing behind her. He 
gripped the two strings attached to the narrow strips that went over 
her nipples and fasten
ed behind her neck.
	He began to pull them taught, so that they fit snuggly over her 
	He pulled tighter, causing her boobs to bulge out below and at 
either side of each side of the top. It made it look several sizes too 
	It looked obscene.
	"There we go," he said.
	She couldn't look.
	"Now, let's go have lunch," he said.
	He took her hand, and led her out.
	The trucker went into one of the stalls.