Posted 07/00          ____________________________
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 o                                                                   o
 o  The Bookshelf Directories offer a very wide variety of stories.  o
 o  They have been submitted by people from all over the world. Also o
 o  from (Newsgroups). There is no particular order  o
 o  other than offering them to you in alphabetical directories.     o
 o                                                                   o
 o  All works are copyrighted to the author and may not be used for  o
 o  profit without obtaining the author's permission in advance.     o
 o                                                                   o
 o  Lest we forget!!! This story was produced as adult entertainment o
 o and should not be read by minors.                                 o
 o                                                                   o
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The Camp Nurse (ped)
By NightShade (no address)
(c) 1/1997

This is a work of fiction by a twisted mind.  If you are offended 
by descriptions of natural and/or unnatural acts, or if you are 
underage, don't read any further.  Also, don't try the acts 
described in this story at home, unless you are really a sicko, 
Houdini, or fucking nuts.


Author's Note:  I hope you enjoy this story line.  This first 
chapter takes a while to get going, but it does eventually.  In 
technical terms, that's called plot development and generally 
makes a story more interesting. The following chapters should 
contain more SEX (which is what we're here for right?) but if you 
don't read this first one, you'll miss the plot.

I heard the blast of the shotgun and my military training took 
over.  I dropped my bags and hit the dirt and rolled to my right 
away from the sound, taking inventory of my body for wounds as I 
scurried for cover behind a slight rise in the terrain sloping up 
from the lake.  I had heard the 'click-click' of another round 
being chambered and began to sweat.  Even worse, I could hear the 
wap-wap-wap of the helicopter receding in the clear thin air.  It 
was the only way out of here.

I instinctively tried to locate the threat because whoever was 
shooting meant business.  Somewhere off to my left, I thought.  I 
couldn't see anyone or anything from where I was so I tried to 
crab over a ways to get a better angle.

BLAM!  click-click     BLAM!  click-click 

This time branches fell on my back and I heard the bark of the 
trees behind me being ripped away.  I was dead meat.  I started to 
get up very slowly, keeping my hands in clear view over my head.  
Might as well go out like a man.

"Hold it right there, you bastard!  Where the hell do you think 
you're goin'?"

It was a voice from your worst nightmare.  Shrill and angry.  PMS 
on steroids.  Pitched at just that tone that made your bowels turn 
to water, kind of like fingernails on a blackboard, only worse.  
And this one had a shotgun, too.

"Mernnfroong gdnr nddnf."  It's difficult to talk clearly when 
your mouth is full of pine needles and moss.

"What did you say?  Speak up before I blow your head off!"

"I'm looking for the camp administrator, Janet Crandell," I said 
after turning my head and spitting out the debris.

"What for?"

I don't know why, given my situation at the time, but that 
question got my dander up.  (For those of you who don't know what 
'dander' is, it is a lot more comfortable to get up than something 
else that gets 'up' on occasion and gets cramped in your shorts, 
but in certain circumstances, like the one I was currently in, 
dander can be life threatening.  Clear?)  I impulsively resisted 
her questioning.

"Are you Ms. Crandell?"


"Then it's really none of your business, is it?"  I started to get 

BLAM!  click-click

She apparently didn't like my attitude.

"Stay down, you bastard."

I realized that I had heard several high pitched sounds after that 
last shot, like squeals or birds.  I couldn't place the sound, but 
it seemed to come from all around.  Slowly turning my head to both 
sides I spied several Nikes, Reeboks and Adidas of all colors 
sprouting some of the finest pairs of young tanned healthy legs I 
had ever seen in my 23 years.

Then came 'The Voice' again:  "Stay back, girls.  It's a MAN!"  
She said that last work like it was a dirty word.

One of the pairs of legs sassed back to her, "We KNOOOW" in 
typical teenage sarcasm.  I decided I liked that kid, whoever she 
was.  Several of the spectators giggled, and one or two laughed 

The sound of running feet preceded the arrival of the 

"Gertie,  what's all the shooting about.  I warned you about 

"I got one, Miss Crandell!  I got one of those slimy no-good PRE-
vert bastards trying to sneak into the camp!"


"Over there."

I didn't see any of this as I was still face down in the moss, 
taking no chances.

I heard or sensed someone come over to me.

"My name is Janet Crandell.  I am the administrator of this camp.  
Who are you and what do you want?"  

The questions were put forward in a very business-like manner, but 
in a voice that would have melted the heart of the toughest CEO.  
I also noticed she did not ask me to get up.

"My name is Chris Mattson.  I was hired to be your camp nurse."  I 
reached - very slowly - into my shirt pocket and handed her my 

There was dead silence for several minutes.

"May I get up, now?"  I asked after what seemed enough time for 
her to have re-written the entire contract, much less read it.

Not receiving an answer, I slowly raised up.  And looked at a very 
tanned, very shapely set of legs.  Not hearing a gun shot was a 
good sign, and I continued to rise up passed a slight swell of 
feminine hips fronting for a smallish firm tight ass covered by a 
pair of clinging nylon running shorts, then a trim bare waist 
highlighted by one of the most perfect navels God ever created, 
then onto a set of moderately small high riding breasts encased in 
one of those sports-bra things.  

"This is too good to be true!"  I thought as I was standing up.  
"If she's blonde, blue-eyed and gorgeous, I'll know this is a wet-

I looked at her face.  She was.  

I pinched myself.  It wasn't.

She stood all of 5'3'' at most and, with her little girl figure, 
didn't look old enough to be the administrator.

"Hi."  I stuck out my hand.

"Hello.  Uh, sorry about the rude welcome, but there seems to have 
been some sort of mistake.  This is an all girls camp...."  She 
left my hand waving in the breeze so I took it back.  Not a good 

"And?  What's the problem?"

"Uh, well, let's go to my office and discuss this, OK?"

We started up the path she indicated.  We had to go right past the 
teutonic mass of flesh holding a 12 gauge pump action shot gun who 
I had now identified as 'Gertie.'  As I walked by, I stayed in a 
meek, head bowed posture until I was next to her.  She felt 
invincible holding the gun, and let me get too close.  Pretending 
to stumble, I reached out, grabbed the gun from her oversized 
hands, and did a swift leg sweep to knock her legs out from under 
her.  I swear to God, the earth shook when she landed.

I stood over her, staring down at her.  I expected to see fear in 
her eyes, but Gertie surprised me.  All I saw was hate.  Loathing.  
Disgust.  You get the picture.  I was 'MAN', ergo, I was "EVIL"

As we stared at each other, I slowly pumped the shotgun and 
ejected the shells onto her body.  There were five shells in the 
gun and one in the chamber.  Shit, she must have reloaded the damn 
thing while Miss Crandell was talking to me.  I broke down the 
gun, and with a final glare at her, continued up the path.

I saw my bags neatly stacked by the office door.  Not a good sign, 

However, several minutes later, after a seriously heated 
discussion about sexual discrimination, lawsuits for breach of 
contract, etc., Janet Crandell conceded defeat.  She needed a 
nurse for the insurance, I was a registered nurse, I had a 
contract, thus, I was Camp Rah-Rah-Rah's new nurse.

I wouldn't have been such a hard ass, but I needed this job.  For 
all the wrong reasons.  To make a long story short, I had gone 
into the Navy voluntarily because I wanted to be a SEAL.  It was 
what I wanted to be all my adolescent life.  Once in the Navy, I 
worked so hard I actually got into the program and was almost 
finished with the training when I ran into what in military terms 
is called a SNAFU.  You know, Situation Normal, All Fucked Up.  
The Pentagon computer somehow decided that I should be trained as 
a nurse, not a SEAL.  Nothing could change the decision.  I 
appealed all the way up.  My commander appealed all the way up.  
Senators and Representatives appealed all the way up.  Nothing.  
They wouldn't even let me graduate from the SEAL program.  So I 
became Lt. Chris Mattson, RN, USN.  

I didn't last long at the base hospital.  It had something to do 
with my looks, I guess.  The doctors didn't like the way I looked, 
except one or two of them, but all the women nurses liked the way 
I looked, except the commander, she was just too old to care.  

I suppose I should describe myself.  I'm just over six feet tall, 
180 lbs.  If I grew a mustache, I would look like Tom Selleck, 
only better.  I never considered myself handsome, but I never had 
trouble getting dates, either.  No tattoos, no scars.  Just your 
average guy.

Anyway, why I needed this job....  It seems my presence at the 
base hospital was causing quite a problem.  On the one hand, the 
doctors weren't getting anymore of the nurse nookie they had been 
accustomed to.  Neither was I, but that fact didn't seem to be 
relevant to the horny bastards.  And on the other hand, there were 
four or five cat fights in the nurse's locker room, the last one 
requiring major reconstruction surgery, as the other nurses were 
apparently fighting over me.  God knows, I did nothing to 
encourage them.  

Well, almost nothing.  They had insisted on the basis of equality 
that I use their locker room to change and some of them might have 
seem me naked six or seven times in the shower.  Hey, what's a guy 
to do?  So I got excited and got a hard on.  You'd have thought 
they had never seen a 10" prick before.  I mean, don't all men 
have one?

Anyway, after the last fight, the commander called me into her 
office, gave me my decommissioning papers, and advised me that 
both of the nurses involved in the fight were married and that I 
may want to make myself scarce for a long - she emphasized that 
word 'long' - time.  It seems that none of the nurses husbands had 
been getting any nurse nookie for a long time either and were 
really pissed at me.

The commander suggested I contact a placement agency she knew of 
that handled RNs.  I called.  The agency had an immediate opening 
at an isolated kids summer camp with no access, only helicopter, 
and so here I was.  The staff at the agency either didn't know or 
didn't care that this was an all girls cheerleading camp.  Or 
perhaps they just assumed that a nurse would be a female.  Or 
perhaps because my name is Chris and not Christopher.  Who knows.  
Who cares.  I was here.

Camp Rah-Rah-Rah was an abandoned government facility in a hidden 
valley about 5000' up in one of the endless mountain ranges of the 
West.  It sat on a glacier-fed lake and was protected from the 
weather by high peaks on all sides.  The outlet stream from the 
lake plunged over a 100' water fall about a mile down stream, 
effectively sealing off the valley.  It was beautiful.

The camp was originally intended to be a training facility of some 
kind.  Maybe the Forest Service wanted to train the rangers how to 
fly fish or something.  But that's beside the point.  There were 
several million tax dollars at work here, all of which the 
beautiful Janet Crandell had acquired for a mere pittance at 
auction.  The camp was entirely self-contained with running water, 
huge underground warehouses that were turned into training areas, 
luxury hotel/dormitory accommodations for up to 200 people, 
kitchens, satellite communications, even generating electricity 
from the water fall.  Typical government overkill.

The dispensary was typical of this lavish style.  There was 
actually an OR with an emergency generator.  The clinic had not 
been used for a while, so I spent the rest of the day getting it 
in shape.  Mostly dusting and organizing, familiarizing myself 
with the stocks.  I had intended to make a list of things to 
order, but after two hours I hadn't been able to find anything to 
write down.  The place was very well equipped.

About 3:00 I heard the helicopter coming up the valley.  I could 
see the landing pad from the dispensary window and I watched in 
wry amusement as Janet Crandell and Gertie pantomimed out a scene.  
Janet would point at the chopper and Gertie would shake her head 
'No'.  Another firm gesture towards the chopper, and Gertie would 
hang her head and shuffle a couple of steps towards the machine.  
She would then turn and say something.  The whole process would 
begin again.  Janet would point, Gertie would plead.  Shuffle, 
beg, point, plead.  Gertie obviously did not want to leave. 

But she did and the chopper faded away for the second time that 
day.  I felt better about this one.

The phone rang - did I mention they had an internal phone system? 
- and Janet's assistant informed me that a Staff meeting was to be 
held at 4:00 before dinner.

I showered, shaved and dressed in my best nurse whites to meet the 
staff and followed her directions to the boardroom.  I was early 
and was able to greet each arriving staff member.  Being a 
gentleman, I stood up as each one came in the door.  All of them 
had heard the news by now, so they were all looking forward to 
meeting me.  Apparently, all of them had also showered and shaved 
(I guess) and were wearing the most attractive or flattering 
clothing they had with them.  And no wedding rings.

I could describe each of them individually, but this is a short 
story.  Suffice it to say that each one of them was an ex-
Cheerleader at either a major University or pro sport team, and 
that there wasn't a ounce of excess weight on any of them.  And 
with what they were - or weren't - wearing, I could tell.  You get 
the picture.  They were all outgoing, smart, friendly, confident 
of their womanhood, and beautiful.  Excellent role models for the 
young girls at the camp.

The room quieted down when Janet walked in.  Or should I say 
floated in.  I never noticed her move, but she was suddenly at the 
head of the table, calling the meeting to order.  Before she 
spoke, she surveyed the female staff, and grinned a wry smile.

"All right, people, a few things on the agenda.  One, you have 
probably heard the news, but I would like to formally present our 
camp nurse, Mr. Chris Mattson.  Please introduce yourselves and 
make him feel welcome."

A titter of giggles swept the room.  I blushed.  So did Janet.

"Not THAT welcome, ladies!"

That broke up the room, and the ice.  The tension that had been 
building unnoticed disappeared. When the laughter died down, she 

"Second, you are probably also aware that Gertie is no longer with 
us.  I'm sure we will all miss her, but it does leave a couple of 
holes in the roster.  So we need to spread out her 
responsibilities.  First, I need a volunteer to take over her 

A tall red-head raised her hand.  "I could take some of them.  
They're all the same age as my girls, so it should fit OK."  She 
flashed me a shy smile as she finished speaking.

A tauny gorgeous black woman quickly spoke up, "Me, too."  Another 
shy smile in my direction.

"Thank you, ladies.  Work it out between you.  Next, is there 
anyone who quilts?"
A long silence.  

"Anyone?  Please?"

Finally, a quiet voice spoke up behind Janet.

"None of the campers had signed up for that class, Miss Crandell."

Several of the staff tried to cover up their smiles.  It wasn't 
nice, but it was funny.

Janet shot her assistant a pained smile.

"OK, that takes care of that.  How about self-defense training?  I 
know that all the girls have to take that course."

Another long silence.

Finally I spoke up.  "What type of training are you looking for?  
Hand to hand or shotguns?"

The room broke up.  I probably shouldn't have said anything, but 
the bitch had shot at me.  The look on Janet's face wasn't pretty, 
but I had another card up my sleeve.

"Mr. Mattson, this is a serious meeting.  Please keep your 
comments appropriate."
All right, I deserved that.

"I apologize, Ma'am.  But I have extensive training in hand to 
hand fighting and weapons.  Navy SEAL training, to be exact.  I 
could put together a program for you.  From the response of your 
staff for a request for volunteers, I could include training for 
them as well, if you want."

Janet's face went from surprised to relieved.  When I made the 
offer to train the staff as well, you would have thought the home 
team had just scored the winning touchdown.  The cheers, whistles, 
and applauding went on for several minutes.

When it finally quieted down, Janet said, "Well, it seems as if we 
have a new instructor.  And a new staff course, as well."  She 
looked around at all the female staff.  "All staff personnel will 
participate in that course," she continued.

An emphatic, over-loud whispered "YES!!!" from her mousey 
assistant broke up the room again and the meeting as well.  Janet 
resignedly waved them away out of the room and sat at the head of 
the table shaking her head.  She was smiling, however.  She 
motioned for me to stay as the room cleared.

"You seem to have caused quite a stir, Mr. Mattson.  I haven't 
seen that much makeup on my staff in the four weeks we've been 

"Please, call me Chris, Miss Crandell..."


"OK, Janet.  Look, I apologize for the remark about Gertie, but 
she did kind of start things."

"Don't think anything of it.  She was out of place here, but I 
couldn't get rid of her without a reason.  You provided that 
reason, so in a way, I should be grateful to you.  However, I 
won't have you making negative comments about anyone in a staff 
meeting.  I don't work that way.  Is that understood, Chris?"

"Yes, Ma'am."

"That sounded like there should be a salute with that," she 

"Sorry.  Just habit, I guess."

"Let's go to dinner.  I'll show you to your table."

"My table?"

"Yes.  All the staff spread out around the room and sit in 
different areas.  This encourages interaction between the staff 
and campers.  You have an assigned table in your own area.  The 
campers do not.  They may sit where they like."

By that time we were at the door to the dining area.  The hubbub 
of noise from room came through the double swinging doors and 
filled the hall where we were standing.

Janet looked at me with a raised eyebrow and a crooked smile.  
"Ready to face the enemy, sailor?"

"Aye-Aye, Skipper," I grinned back at her as I held the door open 
for her.  Apparently she wasn't expecting that because she gave me 
a very pleasant and appreciative smile as she ducked under my arm 
and into the room.

It was like a switch had been switched off.  There was dead 
silence in the room.  Even the kitchen cooks stopped banging the 
pots and pans.  All eyes were on me and Janet as we made our way 
over to what was to become 'my' table.  The eyes follow us every 
step of the way around to the back corner, as yet unpopulated by 

"This was Gertie's area.  You just inherited it.  Looks like 
tonight you'll get to eat in peace.  Or you can join me if you 

"No thanks, Janet, I'd better not.  I wouldn't want them to think 
I couldn't handle dinner alone."

"Suit yourself, sailor," she flipped over her shoulder.  I could 
have almost sworn she was flirting with me.  Regardless, I was 
getting stiff watching her walk away towards the food line.  Or 
maybe it was being in the middle of all that young stuff.  You 
see, there was a reason I had never had any of the nurse nookie at 
the base hospital.  It was all too old.  I liked mine young.  18 
at the oldest.  There was something about a girl turning into a 
woman that turned me off.  

Which was why Janet interested me.  She looked young.  And she 
would continue to look young for a long, long time.  She looked 
more fuckable the longer I looked at her.

I broke my stare when I felt a tugging on my pants leg.

"Hey, Mister.  Can I sit with you?"

I looked down to see an absolutely doll faced innocent young girl 
standing next to me.  Her big brown eyes looked up at mine and she 
batted her eyelids in a most seductive manner.  I just about came 
then and there.  This was going to be harder than I thought.

"Sure.  Just let me go get my tray."

"OK.  I'll wait here.

I went off in the direction Janet had headed to get my dinner.  
Nothing special about the menu, mostly healthy food, as would be 
expected.  By the time I returned from the food line and got back 
to by table, my section was full.  The only empty chair was mine.  
I looked around and caught one of the other staffer's eye.  I 
motioned to her now nearly empty section and I made a questioning 
gesture of 'what's going on?'  She just laughed.  

I sat down to 11 pairs of eyes.  But I couldn't tell you what they 
look like right then because all I noticed, on the QT, of course, 
was 11 pairs of young tits.  Firm, gorgeous, unfettered youthful 
tit-flesh.  A veritable feast of flesh.  In all my favorite sizes 
from grapes to walnuts to oranges.  The eyes around the table 
finally caught my attention and I smiled.  I swear one of them 
swooned - or at least sighed heavily.

I began small talk with the whole table, letting them fill me in 
on the rules, the schedules, what they liked, etc.  Stuff they 
knew about, non-threatening.  They didn't have name tags, but I 
remembered most of their names by the end of dinner.  The 
conversation lagged a couple of times but picked up again.  Once 
it was stopped abruptly by a water glass being spilled.  The girl 
who spilled it had been quiet throughout the dinner, and now sat 
there jerking and shaking in her chair.  A flush rose up her neck 
and spread over her cheeks.  She gasped audibly in an OH-OH-OH 
manner, and then slumped down in her chair with a queer smile on 
her face.

Being the nurse, I immediately jumped up and rushed to her side.  
I picked her up in my arms and ran to the dispensary with her.  
Surprisingly, only Janet followed.  Sarah, the girl, closed her 
eyes, rested her head on my chest, wrapped her arms around my neck 
and held on tightly.  

At first I thought she was scared.  I didn't know what to think, 
but I noticed that my shirt sleeve was moist where it pressed into 
her under her legs.  She still shuddered every once in a while and 
clung tightly to me.

I got to the dispensary and laid her gently on one of the beds.  
She didn't want to let go of my neck.  Gently prying her hands 
apart, I began my examination.  I called up her records on the 
computer to check for epilepsy.  Nothing.  I check for allergies.  
Nothing.  I checked for anything.  Nothing.

Janet had entered the room while I checked the computer.  She had 
this kind of amused look on her face as she watched me work.  I 
began to get panicked.  My first case, and I was a flop!  I 
checked reflexes, muscle tone, everything.  I could find nothing 
but a state of extreme relaxation and wet spot between her legs 
that I blamed on the spilled water.

The panic must have been apparent because Janet called me over to 

"You going to carry every girl down here after she orgasms?" she 

"WHAT?"  I looked at her with disbelief.  She pointed to the wet 
spot on my shirt sleeve.


The tangy aroma was unmistakable.  

"You didn't see her?"

I shook my head.

"God, the whole room knew what was going on.  These girls have 
been up here two weeks without their boyfriends.  They get kind of 
horney from this point on and for the next two weeks of their time 
here it will only get worse.  I kind of expected something like 
this to happen, just not this soon."

"Gee, thanks for warning me!"

Janet grinned up at me.  "Hey, it's been 4 weeks for me and the 
staff!  Why should I give you a break?"

I almost grabbed her then and there and tossed her on the bed.  
Unfortunately, the bed still had Sarah on it and she was watching 
us intently.  I went over to her.

"Feeling better?"  I asked her quietly

She nodded her head 'Yes.'

"Do you need to get some rest or will it be OK to release you?"

"Can't I stay here tonight?"  I slept in the next room and I think 
she knew it.

"No, I don't think that will be necessary."

"But what if it happens again?"

"Do you think it might?"

Again she nodded, shyly this time, like a scared little girl.

I leaned over and whispered in her ear so Janet couldn't hear. 
"Then grab your pillow and hug it tight to you.  You can think of 
me if you want, or your boyfriend.  OK?"

I grabbed one of her hands in one of mine, knelt on one knee, 
brought her hand up to my lips and kissed her on the palm of her 

Sarah flushed, squealed, grinned and jumped up, all at the same 
time.  She winked at Miss Crandell and ran back to the dining 
hall.  She came back and yelled "Thank you, Mr. Mattson" to me, 
then left again.

"WHAT did you tell her?"

"Trade secret!  You'll just have to do the same thing she did if 
you want to find out, won't you?"  With that, she blushed deep 
red, turned and walked back towards the dining room.  About half 
way down the hall, she turned back.

"By the way, that was a good job in there.  You did everything 
right.  If it had been serious, you would have found it.  Glad to 
have you aboard."

With that she went back and finished her dinner.

I smiled to myself as I watched her walk away.  There was a bit 
more wiggle in her walk this time, I noticed.  I wonder if she had 
noticed my erection.  It would have taken a blind woman not to.

The rest of dinner passed with no further orgasms or fainting 
spells.  The girls in the rest of the hall had filed out long ago, 
but my area was still all there.  Janet finally came over to 
rescue me, claiming a 'meeting' I had to get to.  The girls 
actually groaned, and I realized then how erotic that sounded.  It 
was so close to the moan that escapes those parted lips when 
you're teasing a fresh one into her first fuck.  You get them to 
the edge, then pull back.  Do it again, and again and again.  When 
they're delirious, they are yours for the picking.  Cherry 

So it was with difficulty that I stood up.  My prick was stiff and 
cramped in my shorts.  I have always had to keep it aimed down, 
just in case something like this happened, because if it was 
pointed up, it would pop up out over my belt.  That happened to me 
one time in Jr. High School, but I learned quick.  

So my meat was sticking down my pant leg and was kind of swollen.  
I guess I underestimated the length a little because there were 
several gasps when I stood.  Until I adjusted my pants leg, my Ol' 
John Henry was a good two inches out in the open.  I kept going as 
if nothing was the matter, but even Janet's eyes were wider than 

"Shall we go, Miss Crandell?,"  I asked, holding out my arm to 

"Y-Yes, Mr. Mattson.  Yes."  She was still shaken by what she had 
glimpsed, or thought she had, or was it that she hoped she had.  
Her grip on my arm was possessively tight.

I dropped her off at her office and thanked her for rescuing me.  
I almost got her in a clinch right then, but her assistant 
happened by, so I said good night to them both.

The remainder of the evening I spent unpacking my kit and 
finishing straightening up in the clinic.  I listened to the bells 
as they rang, remembering the schedule the girls at dinner had 
told me.  

9:00  In Rooms.  

9:30  In Beds  

10:00  Lights Out.  

Like clockwork I could see the lights across the way blink out.  
They were all out on this side of the dormitory.  Mine soon 
followed and I crawled in bed for what I hoped would be a long 
peaceful sleep.

I couldn't have been more misguided.  Within 30 minutes I heard 
the door to my room being quietly pushed open.  I pretended to be 
asleep, which wasn't hard, given how tired I was.  For a while I 
couldn't hear anything, and I was just beginning to think it was 
my imagination when a tiny hand was laid gently across my lips.

"SSSShhhhhh.  Don't say a word,"  came an unfamiliar whisper.  A 
second small hand soon grasped my now throbbing cock and began to 
rub it up and down.

"OOOOhhhhhhh, Daddy, that feels good.  Let me kiss it for you."

That whisper was followed by a hot sucking sensation that nearly 
pulled my balls back up into my groin.  This kid could give head!  
Or was it Janet?  The size was about right.

The mysterious little nymph suddenly quit blowing me and straddled 
my cock.

"OOOOHhhhh, Daddy, you make me so hot.  I've got to have you 
inside me."

A small squeal escaped as my cock was enveloped in one of the 
tightest pussies it had had the pleasure to penetrate.  I was 
surprised when the kid took it all.  Most have to work up to it in 
four or five fuckings.

"OOOOOOOOOhhhh, Daddy!  You're so biiiig.  You filled me all the 
way u-u-u-uu-u-up"  

Little miss nasty collapsed on my chest.  I held her gently, 
tweaking her little tits and erect nipples as she lay there until 
she gathered her wits together.  Then with a quick kiss and a 
whispered 'Thank You, Mr. Mattson!' she was gone.

I had just begun to drift off again when the door opened again.  
This time I was a substitute for "Billy".  Then "Tommy".  Then 
"Daddy" again, twice more.  Then "Billy" was back.  I asked this 
one if this was seconds, and she said 'No'.  I told her she may 
want to check up on her two-timing boyfriend, Billy, when she got 
home.  For over two hours the parade kept up.  For a while I 
wondered if there was a schedule or something.  I thought about 
how ridiculous it would look if there were a line outside my door.  

The only differences I could tell in all the visitors that night 
were height, weight, tits and twats.  The tits I felt ranged in 
size from just bare nipples only to those that were more than a 
mouthful.  The twats were all tight, some more than others and all 
wet.  But even after what must have been twenty orgasms on my 
cock, I had yet to spill my seed.  These cunts were so primed that 
they only took 5 or so minutes to get off, the 3 to cool down and 
then gone.  Slam, bam, thank you sailor.  That was a twist!  And 
each one ended with a kiss and a whispered "Thank you, Mr. 
Mattson."  I began to suspect a plot.

But the last visitor was the most memorable of them all.  It was a 
bit longer between visits and I was actually asleep when I awoke 
to a hot mouth on my cum-coated cock.  What a way to wake up!  

But something about this one was different.  More experienced, 
maybe.  Softer, fuller lips, perhaps.  When she got on board, she 
was quiet.  I wasn't a substitute for anyone for this one.  She 
came almost as fast as the others, and as she was resting on my 
chest, I breathed in deep, smelling the wonderful fragrance of her 
hair.  I played with her small breasts, tweaking her stiff 
nipples.  She groaned deep in her throat and began to rotate her 
hips again.  Then she raised herself up and leaned over me, 
propping herself up on my chest with her hands, letting her boobs 
sway as she rode my prick like a pro.  

I really worked on her tits, massaging and squeezing.  My 
ministrations affected her and she worked harder and harder on my 
cock, trying to get me off.  She must have gone through six or 
seven of her own shuddering orgasms, fighting her way through them 
to keep humping my log until I felt myself swelling in her.  As I 
spurt my cum into her belly, she pressed her lips to mine to gag 
us both.  We both yelled into each others oral cavity as the 
moment seized us.

She lay there a long while this time, quietly twirling the hair on 
my chest.  Then finally, with a sigh, she gave me a light kiss and 
a whispered, "Thank you, sailor", she was gone.  I was still 
laughing as I finally got to sleep.

Chapter 2.  The Hike

by Nightshade


As was my practice, I got up at first light.  That's just the way 
my body clock works.  I don't care if I've only had 15 minutes 
sleep, I'm up at first light.

Normally I do my exercises nude in my room.  But with all the 
fresh mountain air up here, I decided to go outside this morning.  
I slipped on a pair shorts and sandals and wandered around the 
compound until I found a peaceful clearing overlooking the lake.  
My exercises consist of my own style of the Chinese Tai Chi 
movements.  I had adapted them from movements I had picked up in 
the SEAL martial-arts training.  I also used the exercises as a 
focusing aid to meditation.  After the movements become so natural 
and fluid that I don't have to think about them anymore, I can 
slip into a really relaxing state of meditation.  With all the 
beautiful scenery around, I really got into the meditation that 

So when I tell you this next part, you'll have to understand that 
I really wasn't aware of this going on all around me.  Janet, the 
camp administrator, filled me in later that morning.

Anyway, there I was, doing my routine in my shorts and bare feet, 
body glistening with sweat in the first strong rays of the sun, 
the light playing off my rippling muscles as I moved cat-like 
through the slow graceful step of my routine.  And, as would be 
expected in a group of 100 or more people, some of the others were 
early risers as well.  Apparently, one of the early risers spied 
me from her window and quickly woke the others in her room and on 
her floor.  The girls, ranging from 14-18, as well as the slightly 
older staffers, slowly trickled out into the woods surrounding the 
clearing I was in wearing whatever they had on, which in some 
cases, was nothing.  Believe me, I'm really sorry I missed that, 
but I was totally focused inward, meditating.

Soft, lithe fingers began rubbing and fondling moist cracks and 
perky nipples and sensitive clits.  Sometimes the fingers belonged 
to the body being fondled, sometimes they belonged to the person 
next to them.  But there was no pussy left un-petted, no clit left 
un-rubbed, no nipples left un-squeezed.  According to reports, 
there were as many as 20-50 girls and staffers gathered around my 
clearing.  A good sized orgy, if that's what you call 50 cunts and 
only one cock to go around.  One girl actually humped a tree, 
letting a low-level branch slip between her cunt lips and rub 
along her sensitive swollen inner labia.  She gave a new 
definition to the term 'tree-hugger.'

The moaning and groaning of all those wanton teenagers did not 
affect me consciously, but subconsciously my ears and brain picked 
up on those erotic sounds and directed them to the organ most 
usually affected by them.  You guessed it.  My cock-a-doodle-do 
did.  Being in its usual head down position and unencumbered by 
jockey shorts or jock strap - which I never wear - my prick began 
to lengthen and swell.  Understand, this is not an unusual 
occurrence when I do my exercises.  The feelings I get from a good 
work out are almost the same as I get from great sex.  (I said 
'almost', OK?)  So a stiff prick didn't register to my meditating 

However, my stiffening wang did register in the brains of the 
watching girls.  While several of them had sampled it the night 
before, it had been dark in my room and, fortunately or 
unfortunately - you pick - things can seem smaller in the dark.  
Those who had swallowed my prick and then impaled themselves on it 
were amazed at it's size.  Those who had heard about the visits to 
my room stared in disbelief, envy and lust.  The staffers, who I 
assumed knew more about pricks than the young campers, just got 
plain horney and vowed to get my sausage between their buns if it 
was the last thing they did.

It didn't help matters any when I started stroking my meat, 
slowing bringing it to its full potential and right out in the 
open.  Hey, it feels good!  And I really wasn't aware of the 
audience.  I'm just kind of a shy guy.  Honest!  I don't like to 
get it on in public.  But during part of my routine I focus on 
just my stomach and back so my hands don't have anything to do.  
They just kind of did what came naturally, and began working on my 

Now this is something that seemed odd to me when Janet told me all 
of this.  (By the way, she was getting hotter and hotter during 
our meeting.  I noticed she wasn't wearing that bra-thingy she had 
on the day before and that her large engorged hard pink nipples 
were clearly poking through the tight thin cotton T-shirt she had 
on this morning.  I wondered if her tits were sore from last 
night....)  Janet seemed amazed that I could keep stroking as long 
as I did and not blast off.  I told her I have always been what 
you would call a 'late bloomer' or something.  I can get hard and 
stay hard for almost two hours before coming.  For a long time I 
thought all guys were like that.  But I had always asked myself 
two questions.  

The more you stroke it, the better it feels, right?  If so, then 
why blow it so soon if it feels so good?  

Janet got outright agitated when I told her how long it takes me 
to come, and I almost thought she was going to ask me to prove it.  
Right there on her desk.  With her.  But she didn't.  Her 
assistant, who I was beginning to really dislike by now, came in 
and interrupted the meeting at that point.

The first wake up bell at 5:30 had roused most of the campers and 
staff from their erotic pastimes, and so, by the time I had 
finished at 5:45, most of them had left.  I smiled shyly at the 
couple of campers still remaining, slipped on my sandals and went 
back to take a shower in my room.  I had no idea the spectacle I 
had put on until I got hauled into Janet's office right after 
breakfast.  Which is where I learned what I just told you.

The bottom line she tried to force on me was that I was to be 
confined to the dispensary or the dining hall or the training room 
for the self defense classes.  Period.  Sounded like prison to me, 
and I told her so.  She started raving about me corrupting all the 
young girls.  Normally, a gentleman doesn't fuck and tell, but 
since I technically only fucked the last visitor last night - all 
the others fucked me - I felt I could tell her that these young 
girls had already been corrupted before I got there.  By Billy 
twice, Tommy, Jerry, Sam, Bob, and particularly, Daddy.  That shut 
her up.  She then asked me to be careful of exposure, as some of 
the girls were not yet corrupted, and I did agree to be more 
careful.  But there was something in her eyes when she saw my 
prick leap up when she mentioned the uncorrupted girls that made a 
lie of her sincerity.  Thinking about that gleam in her eye kept 
me hard for the rest of the day.  Honest!

The next few days passed in a blur.  I set up my self defense 
course for the campers and staff.  The nightly visits by the 
campers, and I suspected some of the staff continued like clock 
work, including the final unknown visitor.  I was hoping beyond 
hope that I knew who the last visitor was.  I was really hoping it 
was Janet.  But she never gave herself away other than to call me 
'sailor', which none of the other campers or staffers did.  So I 
was never really sure.  And I had tried everything I could think 
of to find out who it was.

The only thing that was unusual during that time that was reported 
in the daily staff meetings was the high rate of visits to the 
nurse.  By the staffers!  I had 'had' to examine each one of them 
at least once, some twice, and a couple had almost moved into the 

I made meticulous notes of the visits, leaving out of the reports 
that none of them had escaped the exam without showing me 
everything, including having to bend over and spreading their 
cheeks to expose their rosebuds.  God, aren't hormones great?  
Horney chics will do literally anything!  I finger fucked all of 
them on the pretext of doing the exam and all of them had at least 
one orgasm from my fingers.   Two of the horniest ones got two 
fingers up the ass, but none got my cock between their legs.  I 
would have liked to say that none got my cock at all, but one 
particularly fine looking tiny brunette, Julie, skinned my shorts 
off and sucked my cock down her throat before she even said 
'Hello.'  And I was wearing a belt and jockeys, just like I'd 

What's a guy to do?  I let her suck for a while until she got 
tired, then gave her a very thorough exam.  She was one of the 
ones that got two fingers in the ass.  It was obvious it was her 
first time that way, and she was squealing and moaning the whole 
time I pumped my fingers in and out of her back door.  And fucking 
back on my fingers as if her life depended on it.  She had one of 
the smallest asses of the group of staffers, and all that exercise 
she did kept it as tight and firm as when she was 14 years old.  I 
complimented her on her muscle tone and firmness and she actually 
blushed.  She was a little embarrassed that she had had an orgasm 
from having fingers up her ass, but I told her some women were 
built that way and it was normal for her.  She actually believed 
that shit!  And she came back for more later that day.

Later that week, Janet, unfortunately, requested that all 
illnesses and visits to the nurse by the staff be routed through 
her office, and I could literally hear the groans of dismay.  They 
were going to have to be more inventive if they were going to get 
some of my cock, but then, they were all intelligent women, as I 
mentioned before.  

I suppose I should mention the fact that, while I really like, and 
prefer, young, or young-looking girls, I have never had a problem 
getting it up for any good looking woman.  Especially the ones 
that really want you bad.  And I intended to be really bad with 
each one of them.  But they were going to have to work for it.

Which brings me to the first successful staffer to get my cock.  

I finally had a free day.  I had been there a week and the staff 
was rotated, 4 days on, 1 day off.  Except the nurse, who had 24 
hour duty.  But one day a week, when the other activities were 
light, I was allowed to get out of camp, sleep late, or whatever, 
as long as I had my pager.  (Another tax-payer paid luxury.) 

That day I decided to go for a hike.  I had seen a cabin or some 
kind of structure higher up on one of the neighboring peaks and I 
decided to investigate.  I notified the office, packed a backpack 
full of safety stuff and food and set off.

It wasn't fifteen minutes into the hike when I sensed I was being 
followed.  Call it intuition, call it luck, but it was one of the 
things that had helped me pass the SEAL training.  I could always 
tell when someone was on my tail.  I stopped for a while to let 
whoever it was get close enough so I could tell who it was.  I 
smiled when I saw the energetic bounce of brunette hair heading my 
way.  Julie.  Good.  I'll give her a run for her money.

I'll give the lady credit.  She kept up with me over some pretty 
rough terrain.  It was kind of a game.  I would pick what I 
thought would be the route that would push her to her max or a 
little beyond even and she always came through.  I was getting 
more and more impressed with her.  And a little turned on, too.  
Which made it a bit more difficult to walk around, but then, we 
all have to suffer a little.

Finally I angled my course at the unknown structure and came at it 
from around the back and above.  It turned out to be an abandon 
mine shaft that had collapse years before.  The building was just 
a huge pile of rubble that had survived all those years.  I sat 
down on a rock facing away from the direction she would come and 
waited for her.  I didn't hear anything for a long time, and then 
I sensed her behind me.

"Hello, Julie,"  I said, without turning.

Silence.  "How long have you known?"

"Since we left camp.  You should have let me know you wanted to 
come up here."

I turned and looked at her.  She was a mess.  Her hair was askew, 
makeup (for hiking?) was smeared from the sweat, and her thin 
shirt was clinging to her unsupported tits like saran wrap to 
cantaloupes.  I thought she had never looked more beautiful and I 
told her so.  She beamed up at me, all her anger forgotten.

"So now what?"  I asked her.

"Uh, well, uh, I was wondering if, ummm, you know,.."

"Julie, just say it."

She looked down at her feet.  Kind of shuffled them.  Then she 
took a deep breath, which did wonders for pushing her nipples even 
tighter against her shirt.

"Will you please fuck me, Chris?  Please?  God, I'm so 
embarrassed, I've never had to ask before.  Will you do me?"

When she had finished I let her stand there a minute.  Her hopeful 
gaze faltered, then shattered, and she turned to go.

"If you really want me to, I will."

I swear, we were both naked in 3 seconds and I still had on my 
backpack.  I have never seen a woman move so quick.  How she got 
my shirt off with my backpack on still bothers me, because it's a 
great trick.  She had - thoughtfully - brought along a blanket 
which we spread to prevent grass stains and settled on it.  She 
attacked me before I was completely down.

I had had a number of women suck my cock.  But Julie could do 
things with her throat and mouth that made each time seem like the 
best time.  She couldn't get it all in, not many ladies can, 
especially ones as tiny as her.  But there was only a little bit 
of Mr. Roger not showing, and she was really trying to get it all 
down.  After several minutes with no air, she finally pulled off 
and gulped a huge lungful of air.  I appreciated the motion of 
those lungs all over again.

"I'm sorry I'm such a poor cock-sucker.  I can't seem to get you 
all in.  Can I try again?"

"Julie.  You're doing fine.  It's not you, it's me.  I'm probably 
just to big around and long for you to get all the way down.  But 
if you want to try again, please do.  I really enjoy it."

She giggled at the compliment and dutifully went back to work.  
This time, however, she attacked from the top, kneeling over my 
body with her legs straddling my chest.  The view was too much to 
resist, and I lifted my head and gently probed her dripping pussy 
with my tongue.  I heard a muffled squeal from her and then I 
noticed she slid her body back towards my head a little to get 
closer to my mouth.  I guess she gave up on swallowing my whole 
prick because now she couldn't reach.  But I really don't think 
she cared.  I know I didn't.

We stayed like that for almost an hour.  She would suck on my cock 
like it was a straw in a thick milkshake, really trying to get me 
to come.  I was just enjoying the feelings she was giving me.  She 
liked what I was doing to her, too, because every now and then she 
would let loose of my prick, lift up her head and scream in 
ecstasy.  It was really neat, too, because those screams would 
echo back and forth between the mountain peaks for several minutes 
after each climax.  We would sit there and listen to them rolling 
back and forth until they would finally fade away.  Then I would 
get back to work and so would she.

Finally, I started focusing on her ass hole.  First I swiped my 
tongue over it a couple of times and felt her shudder.  But she 
didn't pull away.  If anything, she pushed back farther and 
lowered her ass closer to my tongue.  So I stuck it in.  Like a 
little penis.  In and out.  In and out.  In and out.  Harder.  
Farther.  Finally I pulled her upright so she was sitting square 
on my face.  That way I could stick my tongue in as far as it 
could go.  I kept up the in and out rhythm of my tongue in her ass 
until I heard her screams.  These were higher pitched that the 
others and even more intense.  She farted around my tongue when 
she came, but even that smelled sweet.

She started giggling in the middle of her orgasm, not an easy 
thing to do.  Apparently, she thought farting in my face was 
funny.  I thought the sight of her giggling and cumming at the 
same time was funny.  So we both laughed.

She stopped laughing when I lifted her up by her hips off my face 
and turned her around to face me.  I moved her body down so that 
she was poised above my cock.  Her eyes got big and there was a 
little bit of fear in them, but she reached under her and aimed 
the head of my cock into the opening of her cunt, now dripping 
with the juice of her latest cum.


She nodded.

I gently lowered her down so that my prick was into her about two 
inches.  Then I let her take over.  I took my hands from her hips 
and moved them to her tits.  We both liked that.  Her little 
nipples were hard as rocks, but they were as sensitive as big 
puffy ones.  I could press them to her chest with the pads of my 
fingers and roll them around.  Julie reacted as if an electric 
current was being passed through her body.  She shuddered and 
bucked.  He eyes rolled up in her head and her tongue lolled out 
of her mouth.

She took in huge gulps of air, trying to get oxygen into her 
system.  Finally she came back to her senses.  She looked down at 

"Never.  Never before.  God, what are you doing to me?"

"You want me to stop?"  I asked teasingly.

"If you do, I'll kill you!"  she said with a grin.

I looked down between our bodies.

"So, are you just going to sit up there, or are you going to ride 
the pony, little girl?"  

She looked down between her legs and saw most of my prick still 
outside of her.  She looked back up at me with an almost pleading 
look and then let herself slide the rest the of the way down until 
our pubic hairs meshed.

"OH.  OH.  Oh  Ohhhhhh God!"  She was still for a minute.  Then 
she shook her head as if to clear the cobwebs.  "Satisfied?"  she 
asked sarcastically .

"I'm happy if you're happy!" I quipped back.

She rolled her eyes in response.  Then she started the rocking 
motion which would make my stiff rod stir around in her honey pot.  
She started slow until she got used to the feel, and then she took 
off.  She rode the rail for several minutes.  When I thought she 
was close to the next peak, I touched my finger tips to her hard 
nipples and gently rubbed them around her chest.  

This time she didn't scream.  But every muscle in her body 
contracted at the same instant, including her cunt muscles.  It 
was great!  She wasn't moving except to quiver and shake, and yet 
her cunt muscles were milking my cock like she was kneading bread.  

I was beginning to get worried until she suddenly gasped in a 
tremendous breath.  And collapsed on my chest.

After a while I felt tears wetting my chest and I turned her face 
to mine.

"What's the problem, Julie?  Did I hurt you?"

"Oh God, Chris.  I'm so terrible.  You didn't cum.  But I tried so 
hard.  What's wrong with me?  Aren't I sexy enough for you?"

Can you believe women?  You fuck their brains out for two hours 
and then they worry they're not sexy!  Go figure!

I quietly explained to Julie about how long it takes me to come.  
She asked me if I ever came.  I said I did.  She asked me if I had 
come with anyone at the camp.  I said I had.  She asked who.  I 
chided her for being indelicate with her questions, but she 
persisted.  I told her I didn't know, and why.

She was quiet a moment and then she grinned.

"You really like little girls, don't you."  It wasn't a question.  
It was a statement.

"I like all kinds of girls," I protested.

"But especially the little ones.  Like the little campers.  Like 
me."  I was silent.  "And Janet...."

She let that last statement taper off.  I think I might have 
gotten away with denying it if my prick hadn't been still buried 
up to the hilt in her cunt.  But when she mentioned Janet's name, 
it twitched.  Best lie detector in the world.  

Her eyes widened.  "Does she know?"

"Know what?"

"How you feel about her."

"How do you know how I feel?" I asked her.

"Women know these things."


"OK.  It's in your eyes.  Your smile.  I mentioned her name, and 
you lit up like a little kid seeing the ice cream truck.  Plus I 
just about got whiplash when your cock jerked.  See, I told you, 
women know these things."

I groaned.  "I'm dead, aren't I."

"What do you mean?"

"She won't have anything to do with me if she finds out about the 
campers and the exams and this here today...."

"What makes you think she doesn't already know?"


"Who do you think told me where you were going today?"

"I didn't think about it."  Now I did.  "Is she really OK with 

"I don't think she thought we were coming up here for a picnic.  
She even gave me this."

She reached into her bag and started to hand me something.  Then 
she hesitated.  I held out my hand and she shyly handed it over.

"I don't know if I'm ready for that."

I looked at it.  It was a tube of KY jelly.  Anal lubricant.

I just about came right then.  Thinking about that virgin ass hole 
squeezing my stiff dork as I plunged in and out...

I jerked her off of me and laid her on the blanket beside me on 
her stomach.  She didn't resist.  But I did notice a small smile 
play across her lips as if to say "Gotcha!"

The jelly was in a squeeze tube and I poked it into her butt and 
forced some of the cool gel inside her rectum.  She shivered as 
she felt it slide into her and moaned deep in her throat, like a 
animalistic growl.  She moved cat-like into a crouch, her 
shoulders and head resting on the ground and her hips raised up in 
the air, an inviting target.

I gently probed her rosebud with my finger and it slipped readily 
in up to the second knuckle.  Julie moaned and moved back against 
my hand, forcing the rest of my finger in.  I wiggled my finger 
around a bit and then pulled it out.

"Oh, nooooo," she wailed.

I slipped two fingers into her back door and the wail turned into 
a moan of such animal lust that several animals in the area went 
into heat.  I plunged them into her and held them there for 
several minutes as she ground her hips back onto my hand.  With my 
free hand I slicked up my now rampant cock.  I let her fuck 
herself on my hand for a while and then swiftly I switched my cock 
for my fingers in that virgin hole.

"Oh noo      EEEEEEEEE, oh God it so biiiig."

And that was just the head of it.  I let it set there for a 
minute, several, actually, until she grew accustomed to the size.  
When I noticed her breathing stabilize and her hips grinding back 
towards me, I eased forward a little.  To my surprise, she sucked 
in the whole thing up to the hilt!

"Julie, are you sure this is your first time?"

"Yeah, I don't think I'd forget something like this."

"Good or bad?"

She was silent.  "Neither.  This is absolutely fantastic.  I 
haven't stopped cumming since you slid in.  It's like it belongs 
there, even though I know that's not right."

"Says who?  'Normal' people who only use it to shit with?"

Julie giggled.  And came.  

"Fuck me, Chris.  Fuck me hard.  Fuck my ass."

Julie began to urge me to begin moving with very vulgar words and 
actions.  She started whipping her head around and moving her ass 
in counterpoint.  I started to pull out a little bit.  Then 
plunged back in.

Julie squealed like stuck pig and went berserk.  If I hadn't had a 
hold of her hips with a firm grip she would have wiggled 
completely off the end of my cock.  As it was, the only way I 
could keep her under control was to stand up.  It wasn't hard, she 
weighed less than 100 lbs. and I simply leaned back and stood up.  
That forced her completely down onto my prick, jamming it all the 
way in.  With her supported on my cock, I wrapped both arms around 
her thrashing body and held her while she writhed and wiggled and 
did all kinds of erotic sexy movements with her body.  When she 
would begin to settle down, I would torture her by lightly 
caressing her ultra sensitive nipples, sending her into even more 

I hadn't been paying much attention to my own state, but 
apparently her movements were too much for my cock.  Suddenly I 
felt it swell and begin to spurt sticky white juice into her dark 
tunnel.  This time it was my screams which echoed around the 
hidden valley.

We collapsed on the blanket, totally spent, listening to the 
fading echoes, relaxing in the afterglow of truly tremendous sex.  
We were just beginning to nod off to sleep for a brief post-coital 
nap, when we heard raucous cheering and clapping coming up from 
the direction of the camp.

Julie and I looked at each other in disbelief and confusion.

"Nahhhhh.  Couldn't be......"

Chapter 3 - The Skipper

by NightShade


[The continuing adventures of Chris Mattson, RN at an all-girls 
cheerleading camp high up in the mountains out west.  Only Chris 
is a male.  Let the fun continue...]

Julie and I napped for about an hour after we stopped laughing.  
There was a small stream where we cleaned up.  Then we ate a light 
lunch and started back down the mountain.  It only took about 100 
yards for Julie to realize that she was too sore from her losing 
her anal virginity to make it back down the hill before darkness 
fell.  Nothing was broken, but her tiny hole was stretched and the 
tissues were bruised.  She bravely tried to go on, but it was 
obvious she was in too much pain.

We combined our backpacks into mine and I picked her up in my 
arms.  She gave me a very unchaste thank-you kiss and wrapped her 
arms around my neck.  Fortunately, she was only about 100 lbs. or 
so, and I had no problem carrying her.  

There was an overgrown path that led from the abandoned mine down 
to the lake and I followed this down, even though this route was 
much less scenic than the one I took to get to the mine.

About 10 minutes into the descent, Julie had wiggled her body into 
such a position that my hand was directly supporting her compact 
little ass.  She kept her face buried in my chest with her eyes 
closed and I could feel her breathing speeding up.  Another wiggle 
or two of her delightful little ass and my thumb brushed along the 
damp slit up between her thighs.  Julie expelled her breath in a 
rush and groaned into my shirt.  I kept my thumb still for a few 
moments and then rubbed it a bit harder against her hot, humid 
crotch.  She shuddered and let out a small cry.  But her arms 
tightened around my neck and she pressed herself back against my 
marauding digit when I moved it away.

It wasn't intentional, on my part at least, but the edge of her 
shorts just kind of slipped out of the way, and suddenly my thumb 
sank into the hottest cunt on the mountainside.  Julie tipped back 
her head and screamed.  Loud.  Right in my ear.  We were far 
enough down the mountain that there weren't any echoes anymore, 
and it felt a little odd that she was the only one screaming 
without the mountains climaxing along with her.

After she finished cumming, she whimpered to herself, thrust her 
hips down on my thumb even farther, and laid her head back on my 
chest.  I took that as a sign that she liked it, so I kept my 
thumb in her pussy.  It actually made a good grip to hold her 
with.  I didn't try to give her a smooth ride down the hill, as I 
noticed that she seemed to react quite a lot to the jolts and 
bumps of walking down a rough path.  I didn't jump over any logs 
or anything, but I didn't avoid any obstacles either.  Julie came 
with regularity, about every quarter mile or so, announcing the 
event with an ear-shattering scream of ecstasy.

Walking into camp was like the ending scene from a Rocky movie.  
The nearly deaf and very tired hero stumbling out of the jungle 
carrying the damsel in distress in his arms.  The rest of the 
campers and staffers were even waiting for us in two long lines 
like a gauntlet of succulent flesh.  It was a sight that made my 
prick forget it was tired.  Two of the staffers standing next to 
Janet took Julie from my arms at the head of the gauntlet.  She 
staggered when she tried to stand on her rubbery knees and I 
thought Janet was going to attack me right then.  She was certain 
I had hurt Julie or allowed some harm to come to her.  But before 
she could move, Julie bent and kissed the tip of my semi-hard 
prick through my shorts.  Looking up she gave me a wink and said, 
"Thank you, Mr. Mattson" in the trademark line I had come to 
expect from my night time visitors.  Her smile, and a silent 
'Thank You' directed at Janet reassured the administrator that she 
was OK.

Janet turned to me and gave me a look with her expressive baby 
blue eyes that I couldn't decipher.  There was relief that Julie 
was not harmed, just tired, but there was also a hurt look in 
there somewhere, but I didn't know why.

She was quiet and withdrawn at dinner and then that night there 
were no visitors for the first time since my arrival.  I was so 
tired, I didn't even miss them.  Much.  But carrying another 
person down a mountain is a lot of work, especially when there is 
a lot of wiggling and shouting going on.

I must have been asleep an hour or so when I suddenly woke up.  To 
the most heavenly feeling of my hard cock sliding down a tight, 
hot, wet throat.  All the way down.  With lots of suction and 
tongue action.  In a very determined manner.  Whoever it was meant 

I must have groaned or moved or something, because the blow job 
stopped and I heard "Hi, sailor.  In town for long?"  With that, 
the mouth returned to its task.  I leaned back in the dark and 
enjoyed the wonderful feeling.

After a while I expected her to stop.  The only change she made, 
however, was to get more comfortable and straddle my torso.  If 
she had been a bit taller, or if she would have scooted back a 
bit, it would have been the classic '69' position.

I pulled on her hips to move her lower lips closer to my mouth, 
but she resisted.  

"You're going to come in my mouth, damit.  I need to get you all 

"Use your hands on the lower shaft and just suck on the top.  It 
works just as good and you can pump with your fist better than 
your neck."

She tried it.  "Like that?"

"Oh yeah, Lady, just like that."

Of course, that let her move her ass within range of my mouth.  I 
dove into her hot steamy cunt with my tongue and returned the 
favors she had been bestowing on me for the last 30 minutes or so.  
I immediately noticed something different.  No hair.  She was as 
completely bald as baby.  She must have just shaved it before she 
came in to visit me, too, because she was extremely smooth and 
smelled a little like baby lotion.  I tongued the shaved area 
around and above her cunt lips to show my appreciation of her 
haircut.  Then I centered on her clit with one finger in her fuck 
tunnel.  She groaned as her first orgasm flooded through her 
system a while later.  And a while later after that.  And again 

Finally, I felt that tingling in my balls that preceded my own 
orgasm.  I gave her a slight squeeze on her ass to let her know 
and she lunged down on my prick instead of pulling off, forcing my 
first explosion of thick seed to come deep in her throat. 

I groaned as I felt myself empty into her.  The second spasm 
forced even more sticky white fluid down the gullet of my mystery 
lover.  Then a third.  A final blast of cum juice and I felt the 
stiffness in my prick begin to subside.

My mystery lady again surprised me.  Instead of coming up for air, 
she began to suck me hard again right away.  Now, I've never had a 
problem getting it up more than once, but usually there just isn't 
time in the night or the desire on the part of my satiated 
partners.  Never an unsatisfied customer.  And, true to form, I 
rose to the challenge at hand, or mouth, in this case.

Coming up off my prick, she turned herself and settled herself 
back down over my prick, enclosing it in her tight cunt.  With a 
couple of sensuous wiggles she made herself comfortable.  Even in 
the dark I could tell she was smiling.  Almost smirking.  A real 
shit-eating grin.

"You really are amazing, sailor, you know?  You don't come in 
anyone's mouth very often, do you?"

I shook my head, forgetting it was dark.  But I'm glad it was, 
because I was blushing.  I didn't know how to tell her that that 
had been the first time I had ever had anyone last long enough so 
that I could come in their mouth.  It was my first complete blow 
job and a great one at that. 

"Cat got your tongue, sailor?  Why so serious?"

I was silent.  It wasn't that her milking cunt was completely 
distracting me, -well, sort of - it was that I didn't trust myself 
to say anything.  I was afraid to say anything that might let me 
find out that this magnificent fucking machine setting on my cock 
wasn't the woman I fantasized about.  I mean, it was still a great 
fuck, but I felt like I was making love with this mystery woman, 
and I wanted so bad for the two them, Janet and this incredible 
body, to be the same person.  But I was afraid to be disappointed.

"We need to talk."  I started to pull her off my prick.  She 
fought me off.

"Whoa!  I'm fine right here.  What's your problem?  Not getting 
enough pussy?"  she said teasingly.

She was bordering on being downright flippant.  

"I need to know who you are.  Uh, I think I have feelings for 

"How can you have you have feelings for me if you don't even know 
who I am?"

"Well, I think I know.  At least, I know who I want you to be."

"Oh."  She paused.  "And who would that be?"

"I can't say."


"Because if you, the most incredible body I have ever been with, 
are not who I want you to be, I would hurt you, and I don't want 
that.  Part of my feelings for you have to do with the things we 
do here, understand?  So I need you to tell me who you are. And 
it's not fair.  You know who I am.  That way, if you're not my 
dream girl, at least I can pretend you are and not hurt you."

"Gee, thanks."  She ground around on my cock for several minutes 
before continuing.  She may have climaxed, but she was so tight 
and her muscles so active normally, I may have missed it.  I 
wasn't touching her anywhere else and it was dark, so I couldn't 
tell for sure.

"I can't tell you, either.  Sorry."

"Why not?"

"There are 150 girls and women in this camp.  All of them horney, 
some of them are even fucking the trees.  If one woman was to 
claim as her own the only prick for a hundred miles around, there 
would be a riot.  A big riot.  Very messy.  It would be better if, 
during the time at camp, there weren't any sticky feelings around 
screwing up a good program.  Can you live with that?"

In a way, I was insulted.  I was just a prick to satisfy 150 
cunts.  But the more I thought about it, the more excited I got.  
I think she felt my response, because she started giggling.  I was 
going to have to stop having meaningful conversations with women 
when my cock was stuffed up inside them.  No way to lie.

"I think it's kind of sexist."


"OK, so it does turn me on.  But what about my feelings?  What 
about us?"

"I feel like you do."

"So tell me who you are!"


Nothing is more frustrating than a stubborn woman.  I tried 
another tactic.

"If you feel the same way, how can you let me fuck all those 
others?"  Ha!  Gotcha there!

She was silent and stopped moving for a long time.  "That was a 
low blow, sailor.  But if you want to know, it's better for you to 
fuck them with my knowledge than to do it behind my back.  And 
besides, it kind of excites me to think about you and all that 
young pussy."

"Do you really mean that?," I asked unbelievingly.

"You bet.  Because they will get to you, one way or another.  And 
then you would feel guilty and I would be hurt if I found out you 
had done it behind my back, and I find out everything that goes on 
in this camp.  Besides, it may even help some of them with their 
problems."  She started fucking me again.  "I've got to get going.  
I've still got one to go after this."

I didn't know what she meant by that, but I had one or two more 
questions.  Talk about looking a gift horse in the mouth.  "OK, 
I'll agree to stuff my feelings - for now, but I need two or three 
things from you.  One, I want to know who you are after we're done 
here at Camp Rah-Rah-Rah, and two, I have to call you something.  
What do you want me to call you in here during your visits?  And 
three, are there any restrictions on who I can and cannot fuck 

She placed her hands on my chest and grabbed two handfuls of hair.  
She didn't pull, but she let me know that she could.  A deep 
throaty laugh came up from her, starting just above where my cock 
ended.  "OK, I'll try to hold off until after camp.  And you can 
call me 'Skipper'.  That seems fitting.  OK, 'sailor'?  As to 
restrictions, any girl that comes here to this camp is old enough 
to fuck in my opinion.  Just don't force anyone."

Her laugh, the grip of her hands on my chest hair, the thought of 
all that young cunt being offered to me, and her request to call 
her 'Skipper' confirmed my deepest hopes and dreams.  It was 
Janet!  I knew it - I hoped.  She probably knew I knew it.  And I 
could still boff the campers with her blessing.

I blasted off inside her.  

It was so unexpected, it caught both of us by surprise.  I had 
only been hard for an hour or so.  She stretched her body out on 
top of mine and laid down with her head next to mine.  I could 
feel her stiff nipples grinding into my pectoral muscles as she 
snuggled in like a soft cat.  She didn't let me out of her tight 
pussy, though, and kept up a constant squeezing and milking 

"The thought of all that underage pussy must really turn you on.  
Or was it me?"

"It was you, Skipper," I answered and my cock didn't betray me for 
once.  Or maybe it really was the truth...

We lay there cuddling and kissing for a while, and she was like a 
little girl, licking all of her dried juices off of my face.  My 
beard tickled her tongue and she started a giggle fit.  It was one 
of the most erotic feelings I have ever experienced as her whole 
body got into the act.  Her diaphragm and pelvic muscles convulsed 
in the most pleasurable way imaginable and I got up to full 

My prodding member brought her back to her senses and suddenly she 
was quiet.  

"Good, you're hard again.  Now we can finish."

By now it was very late at night.  Only once before had I gone two 
rounds with a girl and then there had been four of them.  Never 
had I gone three rounds, but my pecker was sure up for it.

"What do you mean 'finish'?"  We've already done everything."

"Not quite."  As she said this she gently pressed a small tube 
into my hand.  I recognized the shape from a similar tube Julie 
had given me earlier in the day.  Anal lubricant.  I was going to 
have to order in a bigger supply if they were going to keep 
stealing it from the infirmary supplies.

She nudged me off the bed and I felt her kneeling down where I had 
been laying.  What little light there was gleamed off of a pair of 
pale white moons waving in the night.  I sat on the bed behind 

"Skipper, have you done this before?"

"What kind of question is that?  That's none of your business."  
She almost sounded indignant and might have pulled it off, but for 
her salacious position.

"No.  I just meant that this can be uncomfortable for someone as 
small as you..."

"...and as big as you?"  she finished for me.  "Don't flatter 
yourself, sailor.  It'll fit.  And besides, Julie said you were 
very gentle with her on her first time.  I know you'll be careful 
with me..."

"...on your first time,"  I finished for her.  She didn't negate 
my statement.  "God, is there anything you women don't tell each 
other?"  I got no answer, but I realized Julie must have told 
Janet about our conversation on the mountainside and about my 
feelings for her.  That would explain her change of attitude after 
shunning me the evening before.

I spent several minutes preparing the target.  As it was dark, I 
had to do it all by feel, which was just fine by me.

The first thing I did was tenderize the target.  I don't usually 
like rough stuff, but the way she had been teasing me all night, 
and her refusal to tell me who she was finally got to me.  I 
lightly swatted her swaying cheeks with my open hand.  Not hard, 
but hard enough to turn that ivory skin a hot pink over time and 
enough swats and to make a loud SWACK!  Or at least it would have 
if I could have seen the colors.  I just used my imagination in 
the dark.

"Ooooww," she moaned.  But she didn't move.  "Have I been naughty, 
Daddy?" she asked in a seductive little girl voice.

I didn't know whether to play her game or not.  I decided not to.  
"No, Skipper, and let's not play games until I know who you are.  
I just decided to warm your backside before I butt fuck you.  
Sometimes it helps to relax the muscles, if you know what I mean."

"Oh.  Well, I am pretty tense..."  She let that hang there.

SMACK!  No sound.  SMACK!  Still no sound.  SMACK!  Still quiet.  
I swung harder, and switched cheeks.  KA-SMACK!  A low groan.  I 
spanked her bottom several more times before I stopped and rubbed 
my hands over the soft smooth skin of her buttocks.  It was warm.  
A trip to the exposed slit told me she was wet.  Sopping wet.

"Are you cumming from this?"

"Oooohhh, yessssss.  I didn't know I liked this, even though it 
hurts.  Or maybe it's just you.  God, I hope it's just that it's 
you.  You make me feel so hot.  Anything would make me get off."

"Shit, you should have told me it hurt.  I didn't mean to hit you 
that hard."

"Oh shut up, you big sissy.  It didn't hurt bad, it hurt good.  
Now get busy.  We haven't got all night."  Which wasn't exactly 
true.  We did, and had used most of it up already.

She was really pushing me into this.  I slid the tip of the tube 
of lubricant into her tight puckered hole and squirted some jelly 
into her rectum.  The cool gel brought a moan and a shiver from 
the kneeling form, but she didn't move away.  She even shoved back 
on my finger as first one and then two fingers stretched the tight 

"It feels good, but funny, like I'm full or I have to take a shit.  
But it doesn't hurt."

That last was for my benefit, I was sure.  I kept moving my 
fingers in and out until she really got into it.  I could feel her 
own hands busy on her clit and in her cunt, but she was starting 
to grunt and groan in time with my thrusts into her ass.

I slicked up my cock.  I debated whether or not to warn her.  I 
decided not to.  I kneeled up behind her, still frigging her ass 
with my two fingers.  I don't think she noticed, she was so far 
into what was happening to her ass.

I smoothly pulled out my fingers and replaced them with the head 
of my cock.

"oh.   OH!"  She stayed quiet for a minute.  "That's feels bigger 
that I thought it would."  Her voice was very quite, like she was 
exerting a lot of control not to scream in pain.  I grimaced into 
the darkness.  Pain was not my thing.  I liked little girls.

I held completely still, allowing her time to stretch.  I could 
hear little grunts and panting, like Lamaz breathing exercises.  I 
started to pull out.

"Stop, damn you!  Just give me a minute, OK?  This is something I 
have to do."  She didn't explain why.  But soon I felt her 
beginning to breathe easier and then to push back against me.  
Unlike Julie, where I just slid in up to the hilt, I had to fight 
for every glorious quarter of an inch with this tight ass.  And it 
was a glorious fight into a glorious ass.

It took a while, but finally I was in up to the max.  We were both 
sweating profusely.  I leaned over her bent back and whispered in 
her ear.  "We can stop now.  I'm in you all the way."

"Don't you dare, chicken-shit.  You're going to finish in all 
three holes tonight, if I have to die doing it."

I suddenly realized what she was doing.  She was giving me a night 
so special, I would never forget it.  Anybody I fucked after this 
would just be ordinary sex.  If this was truly Janet I was buried 
in, it would explain her hurt look when I brought Julie back in 
that afternoon.  She, and the whole camp had heard as I had 
climaxed inside Julie like I never had with the mystery lady.  In 
her own way she was telling me she was laying claim to me, putting 
her mark on me.

Well if she wanted it, who was I to refuse her?  I started to 
slowly pull out of her.  Just a couple of inches at first, and 
then I slid it back in.

"Ooophhhh!"  She was quite for several minutes.  "All right.  Do 
it again!"

I obeyed the Skipper.  I let it slip out of the super-tight canal, 
and then pushed steadily back in.  And again.  And again.  Slowly, 
she began to loosen up and her breathing deepened.  She started 
pushing back in counterpoint to my thrusts, pulling away when I 
pulled out, shoving back when I pushed forward.  I was almost 
coming all the way out to the rim around my cock head on each 
motion by now.  

Suddenly she raised up on both elbows and squeezed down tightly on 
my prick.  She was motionless for what seemed like several minutes 
and I held still behind her.

"AAAAAAAAAAEEEEEEEE!"  She shuddered on the end of my prick for a 
long time.  "God, I wouldn't have thought it possible...."

"What?," I asked after she didn't elaborate.

"I just had the most intense orgasm of my life and I got it from 
having a ten foot log shoved up my ass!  That's what!  Now do it 
for me again, sailor.  And that's an order!"

I did my best, and, with her willful cooperation, I did it to her 
again.  At least four more times.  It seemed she got more 
sensitive with each climax, never quite coming down from the last 
one before exploding into another one higher and harder than the 
one before.  I don't know how she hung on for the whole 2 hours or 
so we were locked into position like that, but she did.  She 
didn't quit or hold back.  If anything, she got more greedy for 
the orgasms, pushing herself and me to greater and greater 

Finally, just as her fifth and biggest orgasm was sweeping over 
her, we both felt my cock swell in her shit chute and empty into 
her.  The feeling of my hot sticky spunk filling her sent her even 
higher and she fainted and collapsed on the bed, her mission 

My cock was still stuck in her and I had to follow her back down 
to the bed.  I gently rolled over onto my side and pulled her 
still hot body to me.  Slowly she came to as I toyed with her 
tight swollen breasts and she snuggled back into me.  We lay there 
for a while in utter bliss until we heard a scratching noise at my 

"Psssst.  Uh, Ma'am.  Are you still there?  It's almost light."  I 
recognized the administrator's assistant, if not by her timing, 
then by her mousy voice.

"I'll be right there."  

She rolled away from me and I slipped out of her ass hole with a 
loud "POP!"  Then she farted.  I could almost see her blush.  She 
sat on the edge of the bed for a minute and then got up.  I 
started to get up to help her.  I also figured I'd be able to see 
her in the light from the hallway.

She pushed me back down.  "Nice try, sailor."  She got almost to 
the door when she stopped.  I thought she was in too much pain to 
go any farther, but instead she turned around and came back to the 

She lightly kissed me and said, "Almost forgot.  'Thank you, Mr. 
Mattson'," in that sexy little girl voice.  Then, "Goodnight, 
sailor.  And I do mean I had a GOOD night."

"Me, too.  Goodnight, Skipper."  Believe it or not, I was hard 
again from her saying that.  God, she was sexy!

I skipped my exercises that morning for the first time in years.

Chapter 4 - The Assistant

by Nightshade


[The continuing adventures of Chris Mattson, RN at an all-girls 
cheerleading camp high up in the mountains out west.  Only Chris 
is a male.  Let the fun continue...]

I slept late the next morning, arriving for breakfast just in time 
to take my place at my appointed table after a hurried shower and 
shave.  Janet was not at her place.  I noticed the somber 
atmosphere of the girls around me and chalked it up to her absence 
- she really did light up the whole camp, and that was not just my 
biased opinion.  Breakfast went by quietly and then again, lunch.  
By dinner Janet still hadn't shown up, and I was concerned.

But the quietness had a different cause, as I found out after 
dinner.  I was sitting under one of the huge old redwoods that 
populated the valley, watching the last of the light reflect off 
of the lake.  I heard light steps coming up from the direction of 
the camp and then a quiet soft voice.  I turned to look at one of 
the younger girls standing by my side.

"Mr. Mattson?"


"May I sit down with you?"


Instead of sitting on the ground as I expected, she pivoted and 
plopped her ass down in my lap.  She ground it around a couple of 
times and then looked up at me with those big innocent clear brown 
eyes.  Boy, can looks be deceiving!

"Are you feeling better today?"

I thought fast.  Why was I not feeling better yesterday?  Then I 
remembered that there were no visitors last night.  They must have 
told the girls that I was tired or not feeling well.  "Yes, I'm 
feeling much better, thank you.  Why?"

"Oh, good!," she gushed.  "It's my turn tonight and I was hoping 
you would be OK."  Suddenly she realized what she had said and 

"What's your name?"


"Well, Melody, tonight when you come in, kiss me on my nose so 
I'll know it's you and we'll do something special.  OK?"

"But we don't have that much time to...."  She again blushed.

"We'll make time.  Thank you for your concern."  I kissed her on 
her forehead and helped her up, copping a satisfying feel of her 
tight little ass in the process.  She giggled and wiggled it 
against my palm and then impishly leaned over to give me a kiss 
back, pausing and holding herself bent over at the waist until I 
got a complete view of her 14 year old tits.  Or what there was of 
them.  When I sighed and grinned, she finished her kiss and stood 
up, giving me an instant replay on the way back up.

"Later, Mr. Mattson," she called.

I could hardly wait for later.  "Bye, Melody."

Later came as it always does.  Finally.  The bells rang and the 
camp quieted down.  The lights were out, but for some reason I 
couldn't sleep.  Anticipation, I guess.  I never realized how much 
I looked forward to all those tight pussies getting off on my 
prick each night.  A guy could get kind of used to this, you know?

But then the visits started, right on schedule.  The first couple 
of fucks were straightforward kiss, suck, fuck, "Thank you, Mr. 
Mattson" jobs.  I did notice, however, that I was being used less 
and less as substitute for their boyfriends or fantasy lovers and 
that they were actually fucking my prick.  In fact, I was only 
Daddy once that whole night.

Melody was the fifth girl.  I felt a kiss on my mouth that quickly 
moved up to my nose.  She even nipped it a little with her teeth, 
just to make sure I wouldn't miss the signal, I guess.  A girlish 
little giggle and she snuggled into the narrow cot beside me.  

"So what are we going to do?," she asked.

"Well, first, take off your nightshirt."

"Oh, Mr. Mattson, that would be naughty!  I would be naked," she 
gushed as she lay back down next to me after stripping off her 
nightshirt, her soft young bare skin on my skin.  They must teach 
speed stripping as a course here, with Julie as the instructor.

I let my hands roam over her tight young body, exciting both of us 
with little touches and pinches and probes.  Her tits were what 
you would call perky.  Just beginning to develop, they were slight 
mounds topped by hard kernels of nipples.  They were at that 
painful stage were they always itched or ached, so I was 
particularly gentle with them.  As it was, her nipples were so 
hard and sensitive she came just from my gentle explorations.  I 
also found a bald pussy, not the first one I had noticed that 
night.  She shuddered again as I toyed with her lower nub between 
her cunt lips.  She was biting my arm to keep quiet and I knew I 
was going to have a hickey the next day.

"Melody, straddle my chest like you were going to get on my prick, 
but face the other way."

She did so quickly and quietly, her breathing rapid, but steady.  
These kids recuperate much faster than us old folks.

"Now slide back this way."  I pulled on her hips to move her 
towards my head - and mouth.  She was still sitting straight up.  
I lifted her hips gently and lowered her cunt down on my mouth.

"OH!  OH!  OH!  OH!  Mr. Mattson! What are you doing?  Oh, it 
feels so good!  OH!  OH!  OH!    Yessssss!  Nobody has ever done 
that before.  OH!  SSSsssshhhhiiiitttt!  Don't Stop.  

Several hissing and shushing noises came from the hallway.  There 
really was a line out side my door.  If that's never happened to 
you, you have no idea what that will do for your ego.  Mine sure 
felt healthy.

Melody kind of fell forward and gagged herself by swallowing my 
stiff prick.  But her hips never stopped wiggling against my nose 
and chin, urging my tongue to greater depths inside her.  I 
obliged to the best of my ability, which was considerable.  She 
finally shuddered and collapsed on my abdomen, breathing heavily.  
I could feel the two knots of her nipples pressing on my stomach.

When she started to come around, I lifted her small frame and 
flipped her around so she was lying on my stomach on her back.  I 
slip her down until my prick head was butting up against her cunt 
lips.  Automatically, she reached down and guided it into the 
tight opening.  She took over from there, sensing what I wanted.  
She slid down its length and began to fuck herself with my hard 
cock.  There wasn't as much contact with her clit in this 
position, but it did hit the G-spot better.  I reached down and 
found her excited clit.  I pinched it lightly between my thumb and 
fore finger and urged her to reach her climax.

When she came, she twisted almost all the way around and kissed me 
hard, stifling her screams into my mouth.  She tasted her own 
juice on my lips and she came again.  

"So that's what I taste like."

"You taste good.  I liked it.  And I liked what we did, too."

"Me, too."  She pulled herself off the bed.  She leaned over and 
lightly kissed me.  "Thank you, Mr. Mattson.  Thank you very 

She was headed out the door when I whispered to her.


She turned back to me.

I reached up and found her nose.  I rubbed it gently.  "Let's keep 
it out little secret, right?"

You would have thought I had just given her a million dollars.  In 
some ways, I suppose a genuine secret is worth that much in self 
esteem to a shy developing 14 year old girl.  Her kiss that time 
was not so light and almost started us off again.  If it hadn't 
been for the impatient girls in the hallway, I just might have 
fucked her again.  But she would be back another night.

I heard considerable whispering and discussions as the rest of the 
visitors tried to find out what happened with Melody.  She became 
something of a celebrity the next couple of days and I prepared 
myself to make an explanation to the Skipper when she showed up 
later that night.

I had not seen Janet all day, and I had been refused access to 
her, unless it was an emergency.  A lonely heart didn't qualify, 
so I had had to suffer through the day without her.  But I knew 
she was going to come in later.  She hadn't missed a night.

But a half hour passed after the last girl had gotten herself off 
on my stiff member, then an hour.  Finally, I heard the door creep 

"Uh, Mr. Mattson?"

My heart sank, but not my prick.  It was the assistant.


She shuffled closer to the bed in the dark.  "Uh, I was told to 
tell you that 'The Skipper can't make it tonight.'  She said she 
was sorry, and something about it was her fault for trying to 
swallow 'a ten foot log.'  She said you would understand.  Do 

I did.  Her ass was sore.  Very sore.  Served the greedy lady 
right.  "Is she all right?"  I was concerned.

"I think she's just sore.  She didn't sit down all day and she has 
to lay on her stomach to sleep."  She giggled.  "She called you 
'an insatiable satyr'.  From her, that's a compliment."

"But she's OK?"

"Yes, but she won't be here tonight."  Her message done, I thought 
she would leave.  While not unattractive, she just didn't seem the 
type to hang around.  For whatever.  But she didn't leave.  She 
kind of stood there and shuffled her feet.

"Was there anything else?," I asked her.

"Well, I was wondering, uh, since, you know, since, well, you 
know, well, since she's not, you know, like, well..."

"Would you like to take her place?"

"Oh yes!  Could I?  You wouldn't mind?  I really would like to, if 
it's all right with you.   That's what I want.  I want to take her 

"In my heart or on my prick?"

"Oh!  On your thing, silly."  I expected her to move, but she just 
stood there.


"Uh, don't laugh at me, but I don't actually know what to do."

"You've never done it before?"

"Oh, yes.  I started in high school and a then did it a couple of 
times in college.  And I'm mar...."  She stopped herself short.  
Then went on.  "But I've never, well, I've always just kind of 
been there for the guy.  They always did everything.  I don't know 
what to do to make it good for me.  Everybody says you'll help 

I smiled in the dark at her honesty.  I forgave her all her 
interruptions and swore to make this a good time for her.

"You could start by sitting down."  I patted the cot so she could 
hear where to sit in the dark.  She sat.  "Now take off your night 
shirt and sandals."  She shivered in the cool night air.  I 
touched her lightly on her side, just above her hip.  She jump out 
of her skin.  So much for a safe place to touch a skittish woman.  
"Now, what do you want to do?"

She was quiet.  Then I felt her hand sliding around my stomach 
gradually moving down.  She bumped into my hard meat much earlier 
than she anticipated and kind of gasped.  Her hand pulled away and 
then found it again, this time on purpose. 

"Oh, my!  It's bigger than I thought."  She played with it gently, 
stroking it up and down, then becoming more and more urgent until 
I cried out in pain.


"Oh, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry.  Let me kiss it."  
Before either of us realized what she was doing, she had my rod in 
her mouth.  It was obvious she had not done this very much, if at 
all, but her enthusiasm was arousing.  She just about rubbed it 
raw with her teeth until I got her to cover her teeth with her 
upper lip and tongue underneath.  She also got the head down her 
throat part way without gagging.  She kept coming up and asking if 
she was doing it right.  She tried so hard, and, by the time she 
was tired, was getting to be a pretty good cock sucker, too.  I 
told her that, and I could feel the heat from her blush.

She lifted her head up from my cock and stretched out next to me 
on the cot, never letting go of my prick with her hand.  But now 
she held it gently and caressed it like a lover.

I felt her looking up at me.  I tipped my head towards hers and 
our lips met.

"Do all men taste like you do?"

I laughed.  "Only men who have had twenty or so girls sitting on 
their pricks in one night!"  

"Oh."  Silence  "I liked it.  Does that mean I like girls?"

That was a loaded question.  I changed the subject.  "What would 
you like me to do for you?"

She caught her breath.  The big question.  Decision time.  In a 
shy voice she asked, "Would you make love to me?  Show me what to 
do?  I want to do something, but I don't know what or how."

I rolled over so I was on top of her.  Kissed her lips.  Then her 
eyes.  Then her ears.  I spent a long time just caressing her and 
kissing her.  I felt the tears rolling down her cheeks and licked 
them away.  She cried some more.  I drew my lips along her neck, 
down along her jugular vein into the depression at the base of her 
neck.  I buried my face there and traced gentle designs with my 
tongue on that sensitive area.  Then I did the other side.

She had stuffed one of her hands in her mouth to muffle her 
screams.  This poor woman was so tense she was orgasming already 
and I wasn't even to her tits.  I avoided those for now and 
concentrated on her long smooth arms.  Each finger received a 
lingering kiss with special attention paid to the palms of her 
hands.  She was now sobbing, jerking around on the cot under me.  
I was afraid what would happen when I started on her breasts, so I 
flipped her over on her stomach.  The sudden move surprised her 
until I ran my tongue down the length of her back.  She screamed 
into the pillow, beating her fists into the mattress.  She would 
have kicked her feet but I was sitting on them.

I decided what this woman needed was a massage.  I happened to 
know how to give two kinds of massages, both erotic.  One was 
good, the other very good.  I didn't think she would last if I 
gave her a very good one, which included the anal areas I didn't 
think she was ready for.  Yet.  So I started on a sensual back rub 
that had the effect of calming her down.  Apparently this was 
something she could deal with, something she knew.  Her breathing 
returned to normal as I worked my way down her back.  And reached 
her buttocks.  

My rod had been resting on the crease between those cheeks for 
most of the massage, but she didn't seem to have noticed.  As I 
began to rub and move the deep muscles in her ass, her breathing 
began to get ragged again.  I did her butt, then moved down her 
one leg then back up the other.  I did spend extra time on her 
feet and toes and was rewarded with another orgasm, but a slower, 
gentler one this time.  It felt like she almost enjoyed that one.

I moved up the side of the bed and quickly flipped her over.  It 
wasn't like a kung foo thing, but it happened before she was aware 
of it.  I started to massage her upper chest and shoulders, still 
avoiding her breasts.  She noticed, because she started to thrust 
them up at my hands, brushing them against my wrists as I worked 
higher up.  She began to grunt and pant in an animalistic way, 
writhing on the bed in the ancient movements of sex and seduction.  

"Oh, God.  What are you doing to me?  I've never felt this way 
before.  I want you to touch me, squeeze me hard, play with my 
boobies.  Please...Please...Please," she pleaded.  

I gently captured her swollen dancing nipples in the cracks 
between my fingers as I palmed her entire breasts.  I applied 
pressure gently as I squeezed my fingers together over those soft 
mounds.  I had always thought of the assistant as mousy, an 
ordinary, plain girl.  From the way she dressed and walked, I 
imagined small, saggy tits and the same for her bottom, kind of 
flat and droopy.  Boy, was I wrong!  She was just a beautiful girl 
with a poor self image.  Because the guys in her life didn't know 
how to make her feel special, she didn't think she was.  Jerks.  
All of them.  I may have my own quirks and kinks, but at least I 
made each person feel special.  Not like some kind of jerk-off bag 
to squirt sperm into.

Her tits were a bit larger than I like, about the size of large 
oranges, and softer.  But they felt terrific.  I told her so and 
she started crying again.  I continued down her body, describing 
each rib, each smooth curve of her trim body in the most erotic 
language I could think of.  When I got to her mons, there was no 

"Is this for me?," I asked her, indicating her shaved mound.

"Yes.  Most of the girls are shaved now.  For you.  Do you like 
it?  I hope so.  I haven't felt this naked since I was 12."

"It's beautiful.  Lovely, so smooth, so kissable."  I proceeded to 
do just that, and she squealed a bit.  The aromas coming from 
between her legs told me she had really been enjoying herself, and 
that I would have to change the sheets before getting any sleep 
tonight.  But I didn't mind.  I kissed a little lower.  Her legs 
parted automatically, and she brought her knees up to her chest, 
spreading her cuntlips wide open.  I frenched them.  She arched 
her back to force more of herself into my mouth, forcing her cunt 
hard on my lips.  I grabbed onto her legs to hold her there, and 
feasted on the delectable nectar she was producing in quantity.  I 
could hear her sobbing softly, but I didn't stop until she went 
limp in my arms.  I laid her gently out on the bed and lay down 
beside her still form.

She rested quietly for a while.  She wasn't unconscious because 
her hand drew little designs in my chest hair.  

"Thank you, Chris, uh, Mr. Mattson.  Thank you."

"You're welcome, but is that all you want?"

"There's more?"

"If you want, yes.  But it's OK to stop now.  I'm fine.  Only if 
you want."

Her hand seized the hairs on my chest and pulled a few.  Ouch!

"I want more.  I want to feel the 'big one.'  Please.  Now!"

I laughed and gently kissed her forehead.  Then I kissed her lips 
and she tasted herself, probably for the first time.  "Ummmm.  
Good!  Is that really me?" she whispered.

I rolled her on top of me and helped her sit up.  I cupped her 
swaying tits in my hands and held them firmly, the nipples rubbing 
into my palms. There was no sag in them at all.  She began rutting 
on my stomach.

"What do I do now?," she asked timidly.

"Move back down a little."  Her old boyfriends really were jerks.

She slipped down and bumped into my cock.  She gasped as it bored 
a little into her ass hole.  She automatically raised up a little 
to slide over it, but as she passed over the head it slipped up 
inside her hot box.  She froze.

"What's the matter?"

"I'm scared.  It's always hurt before or I've been disappointed."

"It always hurts the first time.  But that's over now.  And it 
wasn't your fault you were disappointed.  Blame your taste in men, 
maybe, but other than that, it was all their fault you weren't 
satisfied.  Go ahead.  Just let it slip inside you.  We'll go slow 
and make sure it doesn't hurt and that you like it.  OK?"

For an answer she let a bit more slip in.  Before I could say 
anything, she grunted, and forced a little bit more.  To me, it 
didn't seem that she was that tight, given the young pussies and 
tight ass holes I had been dipped into in the last few days, but 
it must have felt like she was splitting in two to her.  She 
didn't cry out, but it was an effort on her part to get each inch 
of me into her.  But she did.  And suddenly, it was like a switch 
went off in her head.

Suddenly she was the all-American cheerleader.  The cheers started 
out clean enough, like the old:

Push 'em back
Push 'em back,

and the one that goes:

Do it again
Do it again
We like it 
We like it.

They started out, like I said, clean and somewhat quiet.  But 
after her first climax riding in the saddle, she got loud. And 

Between cheers of: 

Push it in 
Push it in 


Give me an 'F'
Give me a 'U'
Give me a 'C'
Give me a 'K'
Fuck me!, Fuck me!, Fuck me!,

I was beginning to hear peals of laughter coming from outside my 
window.  My companion either didn't know or didn't care.  Her 
yells got raunchier and louder with each climax, and she had quite 
a few.  Her hips never stopped swirling and thrusting, rubbing her 
clit on both the up and down strokes.  With and between each 
orgasm, I swear I could actually feel her cunt muscles tightening 
up.  I guess the old saying about 'use it or loose it' was true in 
this case.  

She finally shrieked and collapsed to a thunderous round of 
applause and laughter, not at her, but at the situation.  Two of 
the staff came in and carried her away, back to her room, both 
very solicitous of her.  They both asked if I needed them to come 
back and help with any unfinished business, but I was already 
asleep, a big grin on my face. 

I think I had finally answered her loaded question if she liked 
girls or not.  Maybe she did, maybe she didn't, but she liked men, 
too, and that was what was important.  To me, anyway.

Chapter 5.  Virgin Territory

by NightShade


I was out for a long time.  I don't remember any visitors that 
night, but I do have a vague recollection of a soft, warm body or 
two cuddling next to mine in my bed.  Come to think of it, I don't 
remember getting out of the canoe and into the bed.  I was, 
however, rousted out of bed every 6 hours for Diane's 'therapy'.

It seems that Diane's nipples re-inverted about every six hours, 
and she needed to have sexual stimulation reapplied to them or, 
more specifically, to her cunt.  Somehow the other girls, with a 
lot of helpful input from Diane, decided that the best stimulation 
would be in the form of a hard fuck.  Now, normally I wouldn't 
mind the horrible chore of having to boff a beautiful woman four 
times a day, but there was a small, or rather a large problem.  My 
pecker was raw.  Rubbed raw.

It hadn't been noticeable when Diane and I had been fucking for 12 
to 18 hours straight, but apparently, her cunt juice acted like a 
skin softener and moisturizer.  Maybe that's why that part of a 
woman is always so soft and tender.  Ever hear of chapped cunt 
lips?  Or a crunchy one?  Neither have I.  But after having been 
marinated in that delectable sauce for that long and having been 
that active, the outer layer of skin of my prick had been debrided 
and left the subcutaneous nerve endings and blood vessels nearly 
exposed.  Kind of like jacking off with sandpaper, or so I would 
imagine.  So when they woke me up and began licking and sucking on 
my cock to get it ready for her therapy session, I screamed in 
pain and fainted dead away. 

My prick, however, single minded as it is, performed great, but it 
did it without my participation.  Diane had to do all the work 
that first time, not that she minded.  The rest of the staff 
thought I was sleeping and they were kidding Diane that she had 
worn me out.  

Mock congratulations were offered and there was much more kidding 
as they declared her the unofficial best fuck in camp.  Some asked 
her what it was like to screw a sleeping man, some commented - 
jokingly - that she must be a lousy lay to have me fall asleep 
while she was in the saddle.  It wasn't until she had slipped off 
my member that they saw the blood.  At first they thought it was 
her, and checked her out thoroughly.  But there was no injury they 
could see and were about ready to dismiss it when the staffer, 
Julie, I think, who was cleaning me up, started yelling.  A few of 
the exposed surface vessels had burst.  Nothing serious, but you 
would have thought it was the end of the world.  Some of the girls 
started crying, one started screaming hysterically.  Only Julie 
and Janet kept their heads.  Julie kept cleaning me up and 
discovered the minor, but messy, nature of the injury and stopped 
the bleeding, while Janet cleared the room, swearing the weeping 
and wailing women to secrecy and silence.  

There was as much chance of that happening as having an annual 
snow sculpture contest in Malibu Beach, CA.  Within seconds it 
seemed the entire camp was gathered around the dispensary, holding 
vigil.  I heard later it was quite lovely.  Someone got the 
candles from the dining hall.  A guitar strummed softly.  A quiet 
All-American girl hoe down.  Soft singing muffled the occasional 
sobs of the heart broken.  Very touching.

All sarcasm aside, I was deeply moved when I heard about it.  
However, during the event the only thing I remember is having a 
dream about falling bombs, wild birds whooping and an incredible 
sucking vagina on my penis.  Pretty much my usual dream stuff.

Janet wrapped my stiff swollen cock in an oil rich lotion to 
replace the lipids leeched out by the extended marinating.  She 
and Julie, and eventually some of the rest of the staff, took 
turns swabbing and soaking my penis in the healing fluid.  In 
order to expose as much of the roughened skin to the balm as 
possible, they felt I needed to be fully erect.  So they gently 
stroked the shaft with their soft finger tips, gently luring it to 
its full swollen length.  What my amateur nurses didn't, and 
couldn't, know was that those were the very exact motions I used 
as an adolescent to train my cock to hold off for two hours before 
spewing my wad, and to come back to attention almost immediately.  
And in my exhausted state, I must have reverted to that age, 
because every two hours I blasted off.  Like clockwork.  Like Old 
Faithful.  It got to be a contest to see which of the girls could 
catch my jism in her mouth.  I love a girl who really gets into 
her work.

And every six hours, Diane came in for her therapy.  The second 
time, at twelve hours, there was almost a mutiny.  But Janet sided 
with her and Diane agreed to hump me only until her nipples popped 
back out.  Which was, for her , too soon.  She didn't get to get 
off, but then, neither did I.  After she had reluctantly un-
impaled herself from my rampant member, I was scrutinized with 
extreme care by several pairs of hands and eyes and at least one 
tongue.  There was no visible set back to the healing process and 
peace was soon reestablished in the camp.

Later, when I heard that Janet had been willing to sacrifice the 
possible well-being of my precious penis for the benefit of a 
couple of inverted nipples, I nearly got angry.  But only nearly, 
because at the time she told me, she was performing an incredible 
sexual act on me, and anger would not have been appropriate or 
appreciated.  By the time I got back around to thinking of it 
again and bringing it up, she pulled that frustrating female thing 
of looking at me with that look that says, "We already discussed 
that.  Don't drag up old issues."  Some day I'm going to figure 
out how they do that.

Except for the visits by Diane and the constant stroking by the 
endless volunteers at my bedside, I was left in peace for the next 
36 hours.  Which left me fairly horny.  I mean, all that fore play 
and only one fuck every six hours.  I had been used to a lot more 
and was ready and raring to go.  The first ones to help me out of 
my pent up state were the two campers who just happened to be 
stroking my prick when I finally felt strong enough to fuck 
somebody.  Or some thing.  I really didn't care in the state I was 

I leaned over to kiss one of them, pulling her on top of me.  She 
saw the gleam in my eye and squealed.  A recent alumnus of the 
speed stripping class, she was nude and settled on my prick before 
her partner knew what was going on.  The partner tried to push the 
first camper off her perch, kind of a Queen of the Mountain game, 
until I slipped a finger up inside her shorts.  She kind of froze 
in her tracks and got a glazed look in her eyes.  She was slower 
getting naked, being one of the younger campers, but soon her 
smooth naked pussy lips were being caressed by my lips, my tongue 
skewering her and giving her a song to sing.

The song was soon heard all over the camp and a cheer went up.  It 
was a cheerleader camp, after all.  That night and the two nights 
thereafter the visitors came in as before.  Although they did seem 
more eager, if that were possible.

But there was still the problem of Diane and her nipples.  No 
matter what they tried, they couldn't get them to stay out.  I had 
had a lot of time to think about it and thought I had a solution.  
I talked to the arts and crafts instructor, and described to her 
the design of what I had in mind.  She fired up her furnace and 
soon I had a pair of odd shaped pieces of jewelry.  Her 
workmanship had been outstanding and when I asked her how much it 
would cost, she said "Two hours," with a wicked twinkle.  I gave a 
big tip on top of the payment.  She deserved it.

When Diane came in for her 'therapy', Janet was there, as always.  
I think she was getting jealous of the regularity with which I was 
fucking Diane.  

"I think I have a way to keep your nipples out, Diane," I said.  I 
showed her the jewelry.  They looked like two small wide funnels 
with no drain spouts.  Just a 3/8" hole in the center with two 
small notches 180 degrees opposed to each other.  I fit them up to 
her tits, and they fit exactly over her areolae, leaving the tiny 
buds of her nipples exposed.  

She looked at me curiously.

"How's that supposed to keep them up?"

With a wicked grin, I held up the second half of the puzzle.  Even 
Janet gasped as she saw what I had in my hand.  Two barbell 
piercing studs.  But both of them agreed it would work.  And I 
could smell the scent of cunt juice filling the office.  Someone 
was excited about piercing Diane's nipples and it wasn't just me!

Of course, before we could pierce them, we had to capture them out 
in the open, so I gallantly volunteered to go in after them.  I 
took a circuitous route, probing with my prick as far up her cunt 
as I could shove it, trying to flush them out.  The attempt was 
laborious, requiring several advances and retreats, but it was not 
in vain.  The two future shish-kabobs poked up nicely and Janet 
was able to grab a hold of them and gently pull them out.  First 
she threaded the stiffened nipple through the center hole of the 
small funnel, and pressed it firmly, cupping the tip of Diane's 
tit in the concave ring.  Then she deftly pierced each one and 
inserted the stud, sterilizing and cleaning thoroughly as she went 
along.  When she was finished, it looked as if Diane was wearing 
tiny metal pasties.  

We waited for an hour and the cure seemed to have worked.  The 
studs rested in the notches of the internal rim and held the 
nipples proudly out.  The only side effect we could determine was 
that Diane seemed hornier than normal.  She drooled from both 
mouths, upper and lower, had a glazed look in her eye, and had a 
mini-orgasm with every fourth or fifth step.  I silently took a 
bet with myself that Diane would soon take up jogging, which she 
did that next summer.  Became world class, too, but had a hell of 
a time getting through the metal detectors in the airports on the 
way to the international meets.

With the problem of Diane solved and camp routine back to normal, 
it was suddenly the last week of the training for the campers.  
Sandi, the administrator's assistant, came up to me after dinner 
on the first night of the last week.  A big grin split her face.  
With the makeup and clothes she was now wearing, she was getting 
to be one of the hottest women in camp.  She had really come out 
of her shell.  The smile just added to her natural appeal.

"So.  Is the mighty Mr. Mattson ready for tonight?," she asked 

The way she said it, I understood she was referring to my prick as 
the 'mighty Mr. Mattson'.  But I hadn't heard a word about 
anything special going on.  I grinned back.  "I'm always ready, 
Sandi, especially for you."

She blushed.  Bright red.  She still wasn't used to her new erotic 
persona.  It made her even more appealing.  "N-N-No-o. N-N-Not me 
tonight," she sighed, disappointedly.  "You haven't heard?"

I shook my head in the negative.

"The next three nights are for the 'new girls'."

I furrowed my brow.  I had not heard the helicopter bringing in 
any new girls.  "New girls?," I asked.

Sandi blushed even deeper.  She reached up and pulled my head down 
so she could whisper in my ear.  I could also see right down her 
blouse at a set of cute firm mounds of flesh and was going to 
reach up and touch the erect nipple of one of them, but that 
thought actually left my head as she whispered, "Yeah, 'new 
girls'.  Virgins.  Tonight the visitors will all be virgins.  New 

I nearly came right then.  Three nights of virgin territory.  A 
pederasts wet dream come true.  I noticed Sandi looking at me with 
a funny look and this time it was my turn to blush.  I didn't need 
to , but I followed her gaze down and I saw my cock, which had 
sprung up iron hard at the thought of all those cherries.  It had 
found its way out over the top of my shorts, and spurted a great 
big glob of sperm onto the bare flesh just above Sandi's tits.

"Why, Thank you, Mr. Mattson!", she teased me, wiping the creamy 
white fluid off her chest with her fingers and then licking them 
clean.  "I'd say he was ready, wouldn't you, Janet?"

I whirled around.  I had not heard Janet come up behind me.  She 
looked down and saw my exposure and watched Sandi finish her 
special dessert.  Gently, she took the exposed part of my cock in 
her hands and covered it up with them.  She had to move her hands 
up and down constantly to keep the whole thing covered completely 
and conscientiously did her best to protect the campers from 
seeing my exposure.  "I asked you to keep this under cover, Mr. 
Mattson," she said sternly.  Her looks and touch belied the tone 
of her voice.  Her eyes were dancing in the evening light, 
laughing at my obvious excitement of the coming - or cumming - 
events of the next three evenings.  She was excited, too.

We separated when I could finally fit back into my shorts.  It 
took a while, because the fact that it was Janet who was holding 
my prick in her tiny soft hands was as arousing to me as the 
thought of all the cherry picking.  She didn't seem to be in any 
rush, either, and kept up a patter of small talk about this and 
that for quite a while.  To this day, the only things I can 
remember from that conversation are the feel of her hands and the 
clear blue color of her eyes as they gazed up into mine.  For me, 
right then, nothing else existed.  She still teases me about it.  
But I still react the same way whenever she holds me like that.  
Absolutely Pavlovian.

Back in the dispensary that evening, time dragged by.  I did the 
inventory in the clinic, bandaged a few knees, wrapped a sprained 
ankle, and dried more than a few tears.  A normal evening.  But my 
mind was elsewhere.  Torn between the thoughts of virgin twat and 
clear blue eyes.  Both of those thoughts kept my cock hard and 
stiff, and elicited more than a few knowing giggles from the 
dispensary patients.  Apparently, everyone in camp knew but me.  

The first timid knock came at the door after an eternity of 

"Come in,"  I said softly.  I caught a brief silhouette against 
the hall light as a pair of figures slipped into my room.

"Hello, sailor," came a familiar voice.

"Hello, Skipper.  You're early tonight."  The other figure 

I felt her move close to my ear.  "I figured you might like a 
witness that the girls were all here voluntarily."

I grinned and whispered back, "Thanks.  And this just wouldn't 
happen to excite you, too, no?"  A quick jab in my ribs confirmed 
my suspicions.  

"This is Kim, Mr. Mattson.  This is her first time."  With that 
she turned on a small light above my bed and melted into the deep 
shadows.  I tried, but I couldn't see her.  Damn!

Kim stood shyly by herself at the edge of the pool of light in a 
light blue short baby-doll nightgown.  Top only, no bottom, I 
noticed right away.  She shifted uneasily from one foot to 
another, and there was a gleam in her eye.

"Hello, Kim.  Why don't you come over here and sit down next to 
me."  I held out my hand to her and she took it.  She followed my 
soft tugs and sat gingerly down next to me.  Kim was one of the 
older girls.  16 or 17 years old.  I moved my arm and put it 
around her.  She was trembling.

"Kim, are you sure you want this?," I asked her.

""Uh-huh," came the reply.

"Well, if you want to stop at any time, all you have to do is say 
so, OK?" 

She nodded.  I grinned.

"You need to tell me things out loud, how you're feeling.  I can't 
hear what you're thinking or feeling if you don't tell me, OK?  
Now, did you under...."

My question was stopped as she launched herself into my arms, 
wrapping hers around my neck and shoving her talented young tongue 
down my throat.  I took that to mean she understood.

With her in my arms, I began to explore the eager young body 
plastered to me.  Smooth skin, but then, they all had smooth skin.  
Her medium length hair was up off her neck in a braid.  I freed my 
mouth from hers and kissed the exposed areas of her neck.  I felt 
her shiver and her arms tightened around my neck.  

I encountered a shoulder strap with a bow on the top of each 
shoulder.  The satiny feel of her nightgown ended with a ruffled 
just above her firm ass as my hands continued down her back.  I 
got her to relax her strangle hold on my neck and laid her back on 
the bed beside me.  This allowed me to explore her front areas.  
She was a vision and I took a moment to drink in her youthful 

The nightgown was fastened by a single bow in front of her 
smallish tits.  Her dark pink nipples were clearly visible through 
the material, and it was obvious she was excited.  Or very cold in 
the middle of July.  She caught at my hand as I tugged at the bow, 
indicating a slight hesitation on her part.

"Should I stop?," I asked softly.

"No.  Please don't stop.  I, uh, I'm just a little scared."

As I pulled the inadequate covering away from her chest with a 
firm tug, I leaned down and kissed her deeply.  I cupped and 
squeezed her firm rubbery tits until I felt her relax and begin 
moaning into my mouth.  I rearranged myself along side her on the 
bed.  She gave a small gasp as she felt my swollen cock flop down 
across her leg.

"I-Is that your thing?"

"My what?"

"Your thing.  You know, your penis?"

"Yes, it's my cock, my pecker, my prick, my John Henry, the Mighty 
Mr. Mattson, among other names.  No one calls it a penis but my 

"Oh."  She giggled at the variety of names, especially the last 

I was still.  Well, kind of.  I had her tit in my hand and I kept 
kneading it gently, but firmly.  Her little tits were firm and 
hard, but very sensitive, it seemed.  I felt them swelling up in 
my hand as her arousal grew.  But I waited for her to make the 
next move.

It took a minute or three, but gradually the burning spot of 
contact on her thigh captured her curiosity and her small hand 
slipped down and touched my now hard prick.  She had her eyes 
closed tightly as she gently explored it and, as she tried to 
reach her hand around it, I felt her catch her breath.

"Does it really fit in me?"

"Perfectly, Kim.  It will fit perfectly."

I lowered my lips to her chest and sucked in a lonesome nipple 
which was poking up at me, pleading for attention.  A shudder past 
through her body and she grasped me a bit tighter and began 
stroking up and down.  A natural rhythm.  I sucked and she 
stroked.  The excitement in her body grew.  I felt her nipples 
harden even more, one against my palm, the other in my mouth.

I switched teats.  This brought another groan, especially as the 
air chilled her moistened flesh.  My hand, now free, ventured down 
her flat stomach.  I trailed my fingers across the smooth surface, 
tracing erotic patterns in the tiny hairs, dipping occasionally 
into the depression of her navel.  She was humming unconsciously, 
and it was a tune I loved to hear.

I followed my fingertips with my tongue and began to bathe her 
tummy with my saliva.  The cooling of the moisture brought goose 
bumps to her skin, roughening the texture.

My free hand again ventured lower, this time to her secret places.  
Her humming went up a note or two in pitch and urgency and her 
breathing was a bit ragged now.  Her stoking hand became irregular 
in its up and down motion and finally she abandoned altogether her 
grip on my prick for one on the mattress as my fingertips brushed 
across her clit.  She stiffened and cried out as a small taste of 
the orgasmic events to come coursed through her slender frame.  

"Oh!, Thank you, Mr. Mattson," she sighed.

I looked up at her now open eyes, tiny tears leaking from the 
corners of them.  "Are you finished?  Should I stop?," I asked 

"You mean I can I have more than one?  I didn't know.  It felt so 
good.  I don't want you to stop.  Please go....OH! OH! OH!"

She was rudely interrupted by my finger on her clit again, this 
time with a bit more pressure.  I grinned to myself at her 
innocence.  And got back to work.  One more step, and she would 
not refuse me her virginity, no matter how big she thought my 
pecker was.  I lowered my mouth to her smooth hairless pussy lips 
and breathed deep.  She smelled fresh and young, but with a 
distinctive fragrance of musk.  I love that ready to fuck scent a 
young girl gives off.

Her eyes were closed tight again after her last mini-climax, and 
she was not aware of my intentions until she felt my tongue begin 
to wiggle its way past her cunt lips and up into her pussy.  At 
first her hands moved listlessly down as if  to push my head away 
and she protested quietly, saying that she was dirty down there, 
etc.  Then the feelings from her awakening cunt shorted out her 
reason and her knees automatically snapped up to her tits, opening 
herself up to my tongue, my fingers and, eventually, my cock.

She was mine.

I built up her tension level by eating her delicious cunt for 
quite a while.  By the time I was done, she was delirious with 
passion, far past any point of return.  Her young body was wound 
like a spring, waiting for the big event that it knew was coming, 
even if she didn't.  Each climax went a little higher and left her 
a little higher.  She was throwing her head back and forth on my 
pillow and gripping the sheets with her hands.  Her hair had 
become unbraided from her orgasmic thrashing and fell softly 
around her shoulders.  She looked beautiful.  Delicious.  
Fuckable.  I judged she was ready.

I knelt up between her legs.  She sensed my movement and opened 
her eyes.  She had a look of desperation in them.

"Please.  Do me.  Please.  Don't tease me any more.  Do me.  Now!  
Fuck me, Mr. Mattson."

What can I say?  When they ask me so nice, I can't say 'No", can 

I did her.

The fat tip of my cock lodged up against her pussy lips.  I let it 
rest there impatiently while the lubrication from her pussy coated 
it.  A gentle push opened the portal and the head of my cock 
forged into the tight canal.  Her eyes opened wide as she felt her 
tissues staining to adapt to the seeming monster invading her 
pussy.  But she did not tell me to stop.  I doubt if I could have 
at that point.

Another small nudge pushed me in far enough to allow her cunt to 
close around the rim of my cockhead.  Again I stopped for a moment 
to let her adjust.  It also allowed the barrier membrane a little 
further up her canal to begin to tear loose a bit because of the 
stretching.  Another gentle nudge forward, and the tip of my cock 
was resting against her now dangerously thin hymen.  I waited 
patiently for her to get comfortable, and as I waited I felt the 
membrane give way, not with a rip, but with a sigh.  She arched 
her back with a small gasp and slowly but determinedly slid 
herself down on my cock, easily accepting about three quarters of 
it inside her.  She had felt no pain.  I placed my hand down 
between us and grabbed onto the base of my cock.  I didn't want to 
go too deep into her this first time.  I could also use my thumb 
to rub her clitoris, keeping her in a mindless fucking state for 
the duration of our coupling.

When she realized I was knee deep into her, she went wild.  I 
never moved from my knees, never had to jerk or thrust.  Some of 
her moves were a bit unexpected and unusual as this was her first 
experience, but this kid was a natural born wild woman.  The only 
parts of her anatomy not in motion were her neck and shoulders and 
they were the only things touching the bed.  Everything else was a 
tornado of action, whipping her cunt up and down on my cock.  She 
started screaming as she hit the big one, but she didn't stop 
moving.  My thumb wouldn't let her as I kept up a constant 
circling motion right on her sensitive nubbin.  Her actions 
increased, if anything, and she went over the top again, this time 
fainting dead away with a sharp scream.  Her body refused to obey 
her mind, however, and her cunt muscles kept a firm, almost 
painful grip on my cock.  

She slowly came back around and hugged me tight around my neck, 
her lithe body wracked with sobs.

"That was wonderful.  I didn't think I could get it all in me."  
she sobbed into my ear.  "I feel so good.  God, is my boyfriend 
going to be surprised when I get him into the back seat."

I hated to tell her she hadn't taken in the whole thing.  I had 
never met a girl or a woman who could on their first time.  I'm 
just too big.  But after I told her I didn't go all the way in, 
she didn't seem to mind.  In fact, she seemed more determined to 
take it all the next time.  Whenever that would be.  

She left with a wet kiss and a sexy, "Thank you, Mr. Mattson."  I 
was already looking forward to her next visit.  The last three 
inches always surprised them, and I loved the look on their faces 
as they stuffed themselves like gluttons at a buffet.  Pure 

The light flicked out, and I was lost it the sudden darkness.

"God, I wish you had been my first.  But I think you may have 
spoiled her for life."  The Skipper slipped down onto the bed 
beside me, finding her way in the dark by soft gentle touches.

"Would you rather I hurt her?"

"Oh, no!  But she is going to compare the next couple of lovers 
she has to you, and, unless their name happens to be Clark Kent, 
they won't be equipped like you.  I hope her boyfriend doesn't 
disappoint her too much.  You're almost too good, sailor."

"Hey,  I'm just an average guy doing the best I can."

A sharp jab in the stomach registered her disbelief of that 
statement.  "You're far from average, sailor," she said softly, 
almost to herself.  Then, with a short shake of her head, as if 
bringing her back to reality, she got up off the bed and headed 
for the bathroom.  She brought back a wet rag and a towel to dry 

"Here.  Clean up.  It's nicer for the new girls if you're clean 
for them.  They're nervous enough without having you smell like 
the previous girl."

I began to clean up, getting ready for the next one.  I sensed her 
waiting, tapping her foot unconsciously as she stood there in the 
dark.  "Is there a rush?  How many new girls are there?"

"If you do them all like Kim, you'll almost make it.  There are 
six new girls."

"Oh, OK.  So, two tonight, two tomorrow and two the next night.  
That should be easy."

"Wrong, sailor.  Six tonight, six tomorrow night and six the next 
night.  And I'm going to get mine each night, too.  I'm so horny 
right now I can hardly keep from jumping you."

I shook my head in disbelief.  Eighteen.  Eighteen virgins.  I 
didn't think there were that many over the age of 12 years old in 
the whole of California, much less good looking ones, much less 
just the LA area.  Well, there would be 18 fewer by the time camp 
was over.  

Grinning, I reached out and found the Skipper.  Her tight body was 
covered in a light shirt which I ripped off of her in a single 
jerk and I proceeded to take just about every liberty with her I 
could without penetration.  She just stood there and let me, 
helping me, encouraging me, urging me to violate her any way I 
could and wanted to.  So I did, and by the time I was done, we 
were both gasping for breath.  Finally, I pulled her to me and I 
kissed her hard and vicious.  I was tired of this fucking cat and 
mouse game.

She melted into my arms, her resistance gone.  I could have done 
anything to her at that moment, including turning on the light 
above my bed and establishing her identity.  I knew it.  She knew 
it.  She knew I knew it.

But I didn't do anything.  To this day I don't know why.  I gently 
sat her tight naked butt on my knee, pulled my fingers out of her 
cunt and asshole, brushed the hair away from her sweaty face with 
my lips and tenderly licked the tears trickling from her eyes.  

"Better see who's next," I told her.  "You know I can't fuck you 
if it gets too light in here."  She gave a small sob.  "And 
Skipper, I need to fuck you.  Bad!"

Chapter 6.  The Party

by NightShade


Three nights later there were 18 fewer virgins in the greater LA 
area.  Well, 17, technically.  On the second night, one of the 
younger girls had stopped me just shy of that final nudge which 
would have disintegrated her maidenhead.

Muffy (yes, that really was her name!) had cried out "Stop!" in 
mid stroke and the Skipper was on me faster than an 18 year old 
virgin male ejaculates.  I hadn't realized how strong she was 
until she actually lifted me bodily off of the girl, who wasn't 

Muffy was lying quietly, tears streaming down her cheeks.  The 
Skipper quickly checked and confirmed she was still intact, and 
breathed an audible sigh of relief.  She began to comfort the 
small girl, stroking her forehead and cheeks with the back of her 
hand.  The girl reached up and caught her hand with hers and 
brought it to her lips and softly kissed it.  Then she launched 
herself at me in the dark, finding her target like a Patriot 
missile over Tel Aviv.  She wrapped her small arms tightly around 
my neck, her tears dropping onto my bare shoulder.

"I'm sorry, Mr. Mattson," she said softly.  

"That's OK, Muffy,"  I answered.  "It's nothing to be sorry about, 
though.  I wouldn't want to do anything you didn't want to do."  
Since I wasn't balls deep inside her pussy, I felt I could lie 
with impunity.  The female lie detection system was disabled, so 
to speak.

"Oh, but I wanted to!  I really do!  I'm just sorry that I 
couldn't let you break through it and really fuck me good.  I want 
to soooo bad.  But Daddy will check for it as soon as I get home 
and if it was gone, he would get real mad and not let me come back 
next year."

"He'll check it?" asked the Skipper.  I could hear the incredulous 
expression that must have been on her face in her voice.

"Yeah.  He gives me 'examinations,' as he calls them.  He bends me 
over the back of the couch, lifts my skirt up over my head and 
pulls down my panties around my ankles, sometime all the way off.  
Then he thoroughly examines my bottom, checking for 'hot spots' 
with his lips and tongue.  He says those are the most sensitive 
areas of skin he has and that he can tell if I have been messing 
around or been bad."

I couldn't see the Skipper's face in the dark, but it must have 
been showing as much amazement as mine at Muffy's tale.  But I had 
to keep reminding myself that this was her father, someone she 
trusted.  She believed he was doing what he was doing for her own 
good, for the simple reason that he had said so.  She had had 
nothing to compare his behavior to, at least, not yet anyway, as 
she was just in Middle School.  I shook my head in continued 
disbelief as she continued.

"First he rubs his hands all over my butt, real gentle like.  He 
draws circles and traces the shape of my panty lines and bikini 
bottoms.  It kind of tickles and it makes me itch down there in my 
cunny.  Sometimes he does it for a real long time.  He says that 
that's supposed to show if anyone has touched me back there.  I 
think he just likes to play with my ass.  I'm not supposed to look 
back at him, but keep my eyes closed, but once I peeked.  He was 
standing just behind me off to the side, rubbing my ass with one 
hand.  His other hand was inside his robe, and it was moving 
really fast.  The robe fell open and I saw his hand wrapped around 
his pee-pee.  It was a little bigger that Bobby's, and all red and 
purple, but it was a lot smaller than yours, Mr. Mattson!  A lot 
smaller!"  She giggled.  "That's how I know he just like to play 
with my bottom cheeks."

"After he gets done with his hands, he brings his face down next 
to my bottom and feels it all over with his lips.  By now I'm 
really wet between my legs and he uses his fingers to spread it 
around my upper thighs and over my butt.  Daddy says he can sense 
where the nasty boys have touched me better with his lips.  But he 
can't really, because Bobby really likes my ass, too, and Daddy 
couldn't tell."

"Since he can't get his lips inside my ass crack, he uses his 
tongue in there.  That makes me tingle even more, and I usually 
get really wet, especially when he tries to stick it where you are 
now.  He always yells at me that I am going to make a mess on the 
couch, but I can tell he isn't mad.  Then he licks up all the 
juice, sticking his tongue all the way up inside me.  That's when 
he checks to see if I'm still a virgin.  With his tongue.  His 
licking me down there really makes me even more excited.  One time 
a little while ago he touched my crazy button down there and I got 
so excited something happened.  I got a really big light in my 
head and my body just tensed up, kinda.  I got so tense I farted 
right in Daddy's face, and some of my shit went right in his 
mouth.  I heard him groan real loud, that time.  I thought he 
would be angry and Daddy pretended to be mad, but I saw afterwards 
that he had shot his stuff onto the backs of my legs and all over 
the back of the couch.  

"I didn't know what that white stuff was on the back of my legs 
until a couple of days later when I was with Bobby from next door 
and he showed me what happens when a boy shoots off.  Daddy always 
keeps me bent over the couch for a long time, until he groans.  
Daddy pays a lot of attention to my clitty each time now and I get 
off a bunch of times.  It seems to make him really excited when I 
cum, because he almost always groans at the same time.  Then I 
know he is done with the examination."

All this time Muffy had been sliding her tight forbidden cunt 
around and around the head of my stiff cock.  It was driving me 
crazy.  Occasionally, she would press the shaft between her cunt 
lips and slide all the way down to the base and back up.  This 
usually caused her to stutter and stammer, what with all the 
direct stimulation to her clit.  Gradually she had lubricated my 
entire dick with her cunt juice.  I held onto her spongy tight 
little ass cheeks which had been so well examined by her father 
and let her move as she wanted.  Suddenly, in the middle of a 
sentence, she lifted up and tilted her pelvis towards me.  She 
settled her tight little ass hole over the tip of my monster cock 
and let herself slowly be impaled on it.  She kept a death grip 
around my neck.  So I kept one on her ass.  Fair's fair!

"I'm still sorry you can't fuck me in my cunt.  But will you take 
my virginity in my other  hole, Mr. Mattson?  Would that be OK?  I 
know it's not the real thing, but do you mind?  I always wanted to 
try it that way, too.  That way I can say I'm not a virgin 
anymore, but Daddy won't know.  OK, Please, please, please?"

I sat there silent with my mouth hanging open.  I didn't trust 
myself to say anything.  Of course, I had a tiny lemon-sized tit 
sucked all the way in it, too, so anything I said would have been 
muffled.  This luscious 12 or 13 year old was already half way 
down my cock, stuffing it into an extremely warm and wonderful 
place, and she was asking me if it was OK?  "HELL, YES," I wanted 
to shout.  But she was dead serious, and I didn't want to 
embarrass her by laughing, which was my next impulse.  I also 
didn't want to give up sucking her tit.

Fortunately the Skipper stepped in and saved the day.  Or night.  
"This time is for you, Muffy.  You don't have to do anything at 
all.  Mr. Mattson and I would never say anything to anyone about 
what happens here.  You just do what you feel like."

Apparently, she felt like getting fucked up the shit chute, 
because shortly thereafter she was down to the root of my cock.  
Muffy was the only new girl to get all 10" the first time.  That 
alone made her stand out.  Her seeming lack of distress at being 
crammed so full was another thing that made her time with me that 
night memorable.  As she started to lift herself up and down on 
me, she took an arm from around my neck, grabbed one of my hands 
and placed it over her cunt, in between us.  Then she re-attached 
herself to my neck.  I made a fist with my hand and let her rub 
her clit up and down across my knuckles.  She seemed to enjoy that 
a lot.  She finally continued her story.  Her voice quivered a bit 
more now, though.

"Last year Daddy began to examine my boobies, too.  Once, when he 
spent so much time taking the temperature of my nipples with his 
lips, I was sure he had found out that Bobby next door had been 
sucking on them that afternoon.  But he didn't say anything, just 
that he would really have to keep a good eye on them for a while.  
He did seem real concerned about the lines my bra made in my skin, 
so he told me not to wear one around the house.  Only a T-shirt 
and some panties.  Then he took me shopping and bought me some 
special shirts to wear.  They were real tight and made of a very 
thin material.  They rub up against my nipples and make them stand 
out.  I feel sexy when I have them on.  I think he likes to look 
at me when I wear them.  And now I don't even wear panties around 
the house.  Daddy has his robe on all the time now at home and 
likes to examine me all the time, but especially at night time 
just before bed after my shower.  And now he examines me in his 
bed, so I won't make a mess on the couch.  I have to get up on my 
knees and lay my head down on the mattress.  I get goose bumps all 
over and get really wet in my cunny just kneeling there with my 
ass up in the air.  It feels so naughty."

This last statement caught me by surprise.  Did she know her Daddy 
was a pervert?  As she continued her story, interrupted only by 
her groans and grunts from her exertions sliding herself up and 
down on my pole, she answered my question.

"I know now what he has been doing.  I have for a couple of 
months, maybe longer.  I'm not really stupid, you know, but I was 
only 5 when he started the examinations.  And I really like them, 
too, so I don't want him to stop or get in trouble.  I get tingly 
and all wet between my legs and he makes me cum all the time now.  
But I wish he would just fuck me and get it over with.  I love my 
Daddy, but I want to start to fuck other guys, too.  But as long 
as he checks with his tongue I don't dare."  She paused, and 

"Just before I came to camp I almost got him to plug me.  He was 
doing his examination of my butt on his bed and had kneeled up 
behind me.  I felt his pee-pee on my butt.  I know that was it, 
because his hand was wrapped around it and he was slapping it, 
kinda like, on my ass.  I don't think he knew he was hitting my 
butt.  It didn't hurt.  It felt hot and it felt good.  I jiggled 
my butt around all of a sudden and he must have let go to grab at 
it to keep his balance, because all of a sudden I felt his thing 
between my legs right at the entrance to my hole.  I sort of 
leaned back and it slid right up inside me, but he got scared and 
started shaking.  I think he spurted up inside me, too, because I 
was awful wet that night.  He must have sucked most of it out 
later, because when he check with his tongue, I was still a 
virgin.  But next time I'm going to trick him.  I'll tell him he 
can check me better if I'm bending over him with him on his back.  
Then I'll trip and fall or something and land right on his pee-
pee.  But you can bet, one way or another I'll come back next year 
and fuck you good.  OK, Mr. Mattson?"

She shuddered with her final climax from the ass fucking and from 
my knuckles rubbing on her clit, got up, gave me a peck on the 
cheek and said, "Thank you, Mr. Mattson" in that sing-song 
seductive way little girls have.  How she walked out without 
cramping, I'll never know.

The Skipper leaned over silently and handed me a wet rag to clean 
up.  Then she whispered, "If you want to order in a gag or two for 
next year, I'll understand," and then burst into a quiet fit of 

So, you see, technically speaking, there were only 17 virgins less 
after camp.

Three days and three fuck-filled nights later the last helicopter 
full of campers lifted off, leaving the staff waving at the 
retreating machine.  There still remained several days of hard 
labor cleaning up the camp and getting ready for the next session.  
The days passed in a blur of activity as I was assigned to a 
different staffer each morning and afternoon.  Somehow the tasks I 
was assigned to help with were never that long and left plenty of 
time for other activities.  Such as fucking.  I always asked if 
they wanted to do something else, like go for a walk, just talk, 
cuddle, anything.  They only wanted to fuck.  Being the gentleman 
that I am, I bowed to their wishes and desires and fucked their 
brains out.  You know, it never got boring, either, doing the same 
thing day in and day out.

The evenings weren't boring, either, as the visits continued.  But 
I noticed the bodies in bed with me were a bit more mature, and 
there seemed to be something a bit more urgent about their 
lovemaking, as if they were anxious for me to cum with them.  The 
visitors now also wanted to do a lot more kissing and holding than 
the campers had done, and liked sex in different positions, rather 
than just sitting on my cock and playing bronco buster.  Most 
liked the missionary position and made me take it slow and steady.  
But they all, without exception, wanted it doggie style, too.  
That way they really groaned and I could get really deep inside 
them.  I asked the Skipper about the differences in their 
behavior, as I noticed she was behaving the same way.

"I'm not sure.  Maybe because it's finally sunk in that this is 
coming to an end, and they're going to have to go back to their 
normal lives and not get laid as well or as regularly as they have 
here."  She snuggled in close and held on to me tight.

"Is that what you're feeling, Skipper?"

She didn't answer me, but I felt the hot tears on my chest.  Her 
sadness touched me deeply and I resolved to try to make her happy.  
A hour later her ecstatic screams filled the night air.  At least 
she had forgotten her sadness for a while.

Sandi and Diane approached me after dinner on the last evening.  
Tomorrow we would all be ferried back to civilization.  All the 
work had been done, and there was a lighter mood among the others 
I couldn't quite put my fingers on.  As usual, I was the last to 

"We'll see you at 7:30 for the costume party, OK?" Diane said. 

"Party.  What party?"  I was right.  The last to know.  Again.

"Every session the staffers have a blow-out party to celebrate the 
end of camp.  It's fun!  Don't worry about a costume,"  Sandi 
giggled, "I have already arranged for it."

"Will it fit me?"

The two visibly struggled to keep from laughing hysterically.  
Finally, Sandi managed to get out "It will fit.  Just meet us at 
the door to the practice hall at 7:30."  The two burst out in 
laughter as they walked away, having to stop several times to lean 
up against the wall for support.

I met them promptly at 7:30 in front of the huge practice hall.  
They were both drunk, or at least real tipsy, which surprised me, 
as Janet was a real stickler for the no alcohol rule, and I didn't 
think there was any in camp.  But there apparently was a cache 
hidden somewhere, and it had been well depleted by these two.  
They were also both completely naked and had a hand in each others 
pussy.  My presence didn't seem to embarrass them at all as they 
continued to plow each the other's furrow with busy fingers.

"Wellll, Hellllo Mishter Mattson.  I hope shyou are - OH, OH, OH, 
YES!!!!  Damn tha' was a good one, Sandi.  You have magic fingers, 
lover."  Diane shuddered, shook herself, and then continued.  "I 
hope you are feeling well tonight.  You are going to be the guest 
of honor, did shyou know tha'?"  She giggled and then kind of slid 
down the wall into a twitching heap on the floor as Sandi's 
fingers had worked their magic again.

Sandi looked down at Diane, grinned, licked her fingers clean and 
then grinned up at me.  "I never did it with a girl before," she 
whispered in a loud voice.  "Before this afternoon, that is."  She 
just kind of stood there swaying, lost in her own world.  I was 
tempted to just let her stand there swaying, as it was a lovely 
sight with her perky little boobs jiggled just a little with each 
change of direction.  But I was curious about the party.

"About the party, Sandi.  Do you have my costume?  I don't see 

Both girls thought this was hilarious.  After several minutes, 
after Diane had struggled back to her feet, they silently brought 
their other hands, the dry ones, out from behind their backs, 
where they had kept their surprise hidden.  I thought they had 
been diddling their ass holes, but Diane had a blindfold, and 
Sandi had a pair of handcuffs.

"Thash it!" Diane announced.  "I think i'ul fit, huh, lover?"  She 
doubled over laughing, her metal capped boobs bobbing wildly.  
Apparently, this action sent her over the top as she collapsed 
into a twitching heap again, moaning and rubbing her own cunt.

I looked at Sandi, who seemed more sober.  "That's it?  Kind of 
kinky, isn't it?  Where did they come from."

She looked right at me with her blurry eyes.  "They're mine.  I 
use them sometimes."  She gradually realized what she had said, 
and began to blush, even as drunk as she was.

"Why, Sandi, you never cease to amaze me."  She just grinned.  "So 
what's really going on tonight?"

"A party.  But it's special because of you.  All the girls know 
you don't have anywhere to go after camp, so tonight you get to 
pick who you want to stay with."

I had wondered what I was going to do after the camp was over, but 
I figured I would work that out as I went along.  I was really 
hoping that Janet would arrange something.  Apparently she had, 
but not like I wanted.  Typical Janet.

"I pick you, Sandi."

"Can't, lover boy.  My husband wouldn't understand."  She giggled 
again.  "I'm going to have enough explaining to do as it is, don't 
you think?  He always wanted me to be more sexy.  Boy, is he going 
to get his wish, and then some.  Thanks to you, Mr. Mattson."  
That last softly spoken sentence was direct not to my face, but to 
an area just below my belt, which she was busily undoing.

"Then I pick Janet," I continued.

"Doesn't work that way."  My shorts slid down my legs.  I kicked 
them off.  "You have to pick the girl during the party."

"OK.  Let's go in."  I started towards the door.  I stopped short 
when she firmly grasped my balls.  It didn't hurt, but I'll be 
damned if I was going anywhere without them.

"Doesn't work that way, either," she said.  Diane looked up and 
saw my cock jutting out, got to her knees and began to suck on it.  
"You have to wear that" - she pointed at the blindfold - "and 
these," she held up the handcuffs.  "Whoever you pick to go home 
with, that's it.  We all agreed.  Everybody but me and Diane are 
in the contest.  You can only use your mouth and your thingy to 
identify who you pick."

I thought about it.  "I have some questions, Sandi, before I agree 
to this hair-brained idea.  First, will the girls have clothes 

"You'll be wearing more than anybody with the blindfold and 
cuffs," she answered.

"OK.  Next, I know why you can't let me go home with you.  But why 
not Diane?  I just might have picked her, given what she is doing 
to my cock right now."  I looked down at Diane as I spoke, but 
kept my hand behind her head so she couldn't let me out of her 
mouth.  Her eyes were closed and she had a dreamy expression on 
her face.  The only indication that she had heard me was an impish 
wrinkling of her nose accompanied by a slight squeeze of my balls 
with her soft hand.

"Diane thought it would be too easy for you to identify her.  She 
had the biggest boobs in the camp and they have metal tips.  Kind 
of a dead give-away.  So she volunteered to be on the cleanup team 
with me."

"Cleanup team?" I asked.  This was getting more and more 

"Yeah.  She will clean up you after each girl, and I get to clean 
up the girls."  She blushed as deep as I had ever seen her at 

"Planning on enjoying it, are you, Sandi?" I teased her.  For the 
first time since she had come out earlier in the camp, she started 
to withdraw into her shy shell again.  I reached over to her and 
gently grabbed one of her aroused nipples.  And squeezed firmly as 
I used it to pull up close to my side.  She gasped, trying to 
catch her breath.  Leaning down, I kissed her nose.  

"It's all right, Sandi.  Enjoy it.  But make sure you don't forget 
about me tonight.  Maybe you and Diane could trade off...?"  She 
nodded.  "Now, two more questions.  Do you have the keys for these 
things?"  I indicated the handcuffs.

"Oh.  They're a trick set, only for show."  She showed me how they 
worked by clicking them on herself behind her back and then 
releasing them in a very practiced manner.  I grinned at her and 
she blushed again.  She had used them a lot.

"OK.  Last question.  Is Janet one of the contestants?"

That sobered her up.  I was serious and she knew it.  "Yes," was 
all she said.

"Then let the party begin!" I said.  I took off my shirt and let 
her put the cuffs on my wrists behind my back.  I tried to find 
the secret of getting them off, but I couldn't.  Sandi had used 
them a lot!  Diane got up off the ground to place the blindfold 
over my eyes.  I bowed a bit to let her reach up.  It also gave me 
a great view of her gorgeous tits as they flattened slightly as 
she raised her arms.  She noticed me looking and took her time.  
Grinning at me, she finally put it in place over my eyes.  It was 
a good one.  It was comfortable and I couldn't see a thing.  I 
heard the doors open and we walk in, one beautiful naked girl 
guiding me on each arm.  My 10" prick lead the way.

A silence settled over the room.  Then one of the girls whistled.  
Lewdly.  Others joined in, and soon we were marching into the 
party to the tune of a raunchy band.  I was slowly paraded 
blindfolded through a gauntlet of female flesh.  Hands caressed my 
chest and ass as I passed, but no one touched my prick.  Honor 
among thieves, I guess.  

After several minutes, I was gently guided to a stop with my knees 
up against a platform of some kind.  I kind of sensed the others 
gathered around.  What ever was going to happen was going to 
happen in front of a crowd.  Never one to shrink from a challenge, 
my cock grew even harder and began to rise from the perpendicular 
on its own.  That only happened on special occasions.  Like with 

"This is the first one.  Oh, they picked numbers by lottery, in 
case you wondered.  Good luck."  Sandi gave my rising cock a 
gentle squeeze and urged me up onto the platform on my knees.  As 
I crawled forward I met a pair of legs, one on each side of my 
knees.  I grinned.  Bending over, I brought my mouth unerringly to 
a moist opening between two longs legs.  And knew instantly who it 

I hadn't realized how individual each camper's aroma was because I 
had always had the use of my eyes.  But subconsciously I had been 
cataloging each one by several attributes.  One of which was the 
taste and smell of cunt juice.  And this one had a slight taste of 
cinnamon and brought to mind a scene in the rec room.  I had been 
shooting pool by myself one afternoon when I felt a body, a very 
firm body, pressing up against mine as I leaned over the table.  I 
took my time with the shot - I missed - but all the while getting 
a tremendous back rub with a pair of small firm tits.  And a ball 
massage by a pair of very inventive hands.  It felt so good I just 
stayed in position for several minutes.  Gradually, this limber 
creature wound her body around mine, legs entwined with mine and 
maneuvered her body under mine so she was laying on the pool 
table.  The dark green felt highlighted the Nubian skin tones of 
her naked body as she continued massaging my prick with her supple 
feet.  Not a word had been said.  I slowly made my way down her 
body with my mouth, dwelling on all the soft firm curves, bumps, 
nubbins and depressions until I met the soft tissues of her secret 
areas.  And smelled cinnamon.  It was a glorious cunt, more 
versatile than most.  She demonstrated some of her talents for me 
after we were satiated.  Sitting on one of the corner pockets, she 
had spread her legs along the bumpers.  And had me shoot a couple 
of billiard balls at her cunt, which she caught with her wide open 
lips and swallowed up inside her.  Both of them.  She said they 
acted like Ben-Wah balls, only bigger.  She stood on the table a 
danced a sexy dance, bringing herself off a couple of times in the 
process.  I was astounded.  I knew they stretched to accommodate 
large objects, but that was bigger than I thought.  I probed her 
afterwards, and she was as tight as before, if not tighter.  

Blind folded, I caressed that amazing cunt with my tongue.  You'd 
never think a guy's cock could get up inside that tight hole, much 
less a couple of billiard balls.  I spent a long time licking and 
then, when she had cum at least once, slid up her body so I was 
laying on her with my cock fully embedded in her cunt.

"Hello, Cue Ball," I whispered in her ear after I had rocked on 
her pelvis for a while.  I didn't want to give away my secret.

"Oh, shit.  How did you know?"

"Nobody has a pussy as long and tight as yours.  But, you know, as 
good as you are, I can't pick you.  Understand?"

She hugged me tight and sighed as she used me to get off one more 
time.  "I know.  We all know.  It's Janet, isn't it?" she 
whispered in my ear.  

I nodded and gently kissed her.  She rolled out from under me and 
squealed as Sandi began her cleanup.  It didn't sound as if she 
was stopping her, either.  Sandi had made another friend, I guess.  
In the meantime, Diane was thoroughly cleaning me off.  When she 
was satisfied I was clean, which was a long time after I would 
have stopped, the next girl straddled my cock.  And then the next. 
And the next.  

All 24 of them, including the cook, who, against the stereotype, 
had one of the leanest bodies in camp.  In fact, she was the one I 
didn't identify by smell.  Her body was like a young boy's:  No 
flared hips, no thin waist, no tits.  Her musculature was firm.  
But she was a hell cat on my cock.  And her pussy had little bumps 
inside it that made fucking her a unique experience.  But she 
hated cunnilingus.  So I never got near her cunt.

I had thought I would recognize Julie by the noise she made when 
she came, but I found she had a ball gag in her mouth - probably 
another of Sandi's toys - which kept her quiet.  The girls were 
getting devious.

But as I finished fucking and identifying the last of the 24, I 
still had not identified Janet -or the Skipper, who I was almost 
convinced positively was, in fact, Janet.

"Well, who do you pick?" Sandi asked me.  She had cleaned up about 
3/4 of the girls and had taken to diluting any juices on my cock 
with her own when she cleaned me.  Of course, she had to apply the 
juices directly from the source, and got fucked in the process, 
which she obviously and vocally enjoyed.  Diane saw what she was 
doing and follow suit.  It delayed the contest a little, but no 
one seemed to mind.

"I can't pick yet.  I haven't met all the contestants."

"Are you sure?  How do you know?  You're blindfolded."

"Believe me, I know.  Now, quit playing around and get her up on 
the platform."

"Her?  Her, who?" she asked innocently.

"Janet.  Janet Crandell.  I want to fuck Janet Crandell.  Now!" I 
exploded at her.  "NOW!, DAMN IT NOW!"  Cutesy was fine but I had 
had enough foreplay.  I was just getting into being angry when I 
felt a soft hand on my arm.

"What's the matter, sailor, don't you like the game?"

I melted.  "Uhh, Hi, Skipper."  I paused, aware that 26 others 
were watching.  "Did you just get here?  I missed you.  Are you 
going to take your turn now?"

"Do you want me to?  I thought by now you would be tired of doing 
it with me."

"Never.  Don't ever think that.  No one could take your place in 
my heart."

"Dangerous talk with witnesses, sailor.  Almost sounds like a 
commitment to me."  Several voices assented with her.

Did I want to say it out loud?  With witnesses?  What the hell, 
yes!  I got down on one knee and the room got very quiet.  I 
couldn't see a thing, but a gentle familiar hand on my prick 
pivoted me in another direction.  I hoped I was facing her.  I 
leaned forward and located two familiar firm breasts.  I kissed 
each nipple lightly.  As I was doing this, Sandi undid the 
handcuffs freeing my hands.  I let them hang loose by my sides.

"Skipper, I pick you.  Forever."  I paused.  "If you'll have me."

I felt the blindfold being eased up off of my eyes.  The lights in 
the huge hall were very dim, but even so, it took a little time 
for me to adjust to the illumination.  And what I saw were a pair 
of clear blue eyes and I knew I was lost.  Forever.

"I'll have you, sailor," said the Skipper/Janet.  "Forever."  She 
hugged me tightly.  "But first, we have to discuss a full time 
contract with you for the rest of this year and next year.  You 
did want to come back, didn't you?"

I looked at this amazing lady in my arms with a questioning look.  
Did she mean what I thought she meant?  She just grinned like a 
cat that ate the canary and nodded "Yes."  She was offering me the 
chance to fuck all the staffers, and all the campers and all the 
virgins, with her blessing.  But best of all, she was offering me 
herself, and she was more than I could handle.  Maybe Sandi could 
loan us some toys....

As soon as I said "Yes" the entire room erupted in shrieks and 
cheers and pandemonium and the staffers began piling on top of us.  
Janet and I ended up on the bottom of a huge pile of writhing 
feminine flesh, my cock embedded in her cunt, someone's finger in 
my ass and a tit or two in my mouth.  It was the best fuck of the 