Silver Clitorides
/~Clitorides/SCA2001.htm 2001
/~Clitorides/SCA2002.htm 2002
/~Clitorides/SilverC_FAQ.htm FAQ
/~Clitorides/SCA_Mail.htm E-mail

The Silver Clitorides Awards

Welcome! :)

The Silver Clitorides Awards are a monthly adjunct to the Golden
Clitorides Awards.  Their object is to promote good stories and
good authors. /~Rui_Favorites/Clitorides/

The Silver Clits have only one category - Best Story of the
Month. Any freely available story published on the 'Net (Web page
or usenet) for the first time during the month in question is

Nominate the Best Story of the Month between the first day of the
month and the 7th of the following month by emailing your
nominations to  SCA_Mail.htm including
month, title(s), and author(s) (Links are not mandatory, but
deeply appreciated.)  Nominees will be announced in this web site
and on Alt.Sex.Stories.D (ASSD). 

The six most-nominated stories become finalists.  Finalists are
posted here and on ASSD at the end of the nomination period.
During the week thereafter the e-mail address is active.  Vote
for the finalist of your choice by sending e-mail to this
address, specifying the title and the author.

At the close of the voting period, the winner is announced here
and on ASSD.

For a more in-depth discussion of the above, read my FAQ.

Gary Jordan