Author: Moderated by Gary Jordan
Title: The Silver Clitorides Awards, 2004, January
Part: 1 of 2004
Universe: The Silver Clitorides Awards
Summary: The Silver Clitorides Awards are a monthly adjunct to the
Golden Clitorides Awards.  Their object is to promote good stories
and good authors.
Keywords: Stories, Links, Awards

The January 2004 Silver Clitorides Awards Presentation

Welcome, all, to the first presentation of the Silver Clitorides
Awards for 2004. Join us here at the Highland Games and Celtic
Festival in the beautiful green countryside of...

...Gatlinburg, Tennessee?

"Okay, why are we here?" Gary's Muse asks. "Your ancestors were
French-Canadian, as I recall, and German on the Texas side."

Keeping his voice down, Gary motions in the general direction of a
hulking bruiser of a man.  "That's my boss.  Call him 'Fitz.' I had
to be here anyway to show solidarity and cheer the home team." The
man has just released a chain with a large weight at the end, to
soar over a bar.  Gary claps politely.

"I see.  He likes to play with his stones?"

Gary nods.  "But his favorite event is when he tosses his caber."

Muse giggles.  "That sounds like a typical Scotsman."

"Not so loud!" Gary looks around. "Anyway, it's a Celtic Festival,
too.  Half these folks are of Irish descent. The podium is set up by
the dancers." He points to a line of wee bonnie red-heads in
authentic garb doing some sort of intricate footwork, hands at their
sides. "I'll announce this month's winner after the caber-toss."

Gary, his Muse, and a number of the authors and fans gather to watch
grown men toss telephone poles end-for-end.  Less than half of them
make the cut, actually turning over before they settle. Finally,
Fitz takes a turn.  The helpers walk the pole vertical, and he
manages to get it resting in his cupped hands.  He takes a few steps
into a squat, and rises up as the pole begins to tilt forward, using
his entire body to give the bottom end the necessary momentum to
continue over the top.  He hurls the caber...

...along with his kilt, some part of which must have gotten between
his hands and the base of the caber. The crowd is momentarily
stunned.  After all, how often do you see a man in a skimpy tartan
thong? But the authors are a supportive lot.  In moments, a dozen
more kilts rise into the air, to land on the grass. Kind of a
supportive "Highland Fling," as it were. Oh, and the caber turned,
so Gary's boss is in the medals.

Gary and his Muse stifle laughter as they head for the podium. "I
predict interesting stories around the coffee station for the next
week or two," Muse said. The authors and fans begin to gather

"If I can have your attention, lads and lassies and so forth, we'll
make this announcement brief," Gary begins. A titter stirs the crowd
at the last word. Behind him, one of those wee bonnie red-heads
peers over his shoulder and sees the Certificate Suitable For
Framing. The moves she bursts into seem less like a Celtic dance
than Snoopy's Happy Dance.

"The winner of the Silver Clitorides Award for the Best Story of the
month of January, 2004 is Scouting by Alexis Siefert.

"Congratulations, Alexis!  And well done to all the nominees and
finalists. Now, go enjoy the Haggis!"


Story                       Author              Status
Amarillo by Morning	        Heathen	            Nominee

Birds of A Feather	        Ann Douglas	        Nominee

Fast Forward	              Number 6	          Nominee

Four and a Half	            Uther Pendragon	    Finalist

Louise's New House	        JeansWeb_UK	        Nominee

Lucky Family	              Frank McCoy	        Nominee

Ocean Mists	                Dryad	              Finalist

Rain	                      harriet	            Nominee

Ridiculous	                Number 6	          Nominee

Scouting	                  Alexis Siefert	     Winner

Solo Camping	              Lawrence David	    Nominee

Stuck in the Storeroom	    Rod Ramsey	        Nominee

Teacher's Conference	      MsTyreeGrl	        Nominee
