Author: Moderated by Gary Jordan
Title: The Silver Clitorides Awards, 2002, March
Part: 3 of 2002
Universe: The Silver Clitorides Awards
Summary: The Silver Clitorides Awards are a monthly adjunct to the
Golden Clitorides Awards.  Their object is to promote good stories
and good authors.
Keywords: Stories, Links, Awards

The March 2002 Silver Clitorides Awards Presentation:

"Is he still in there counting votes?"  Gary's Muse's Sockpuppet
has never been know for his patience

"Yes," Gary's Muse replies.  "You must admit, a four-way tie
would be a most unusual occurrence."

Sockpuppet snorts.  "I doubt he can count past twenty-one,
anyway.  Twenty-two if he uses his nose."

"Sockpuppet!" Muse laughs despite herself.  "He's just trying to
be thorough.  He tried a form-mail voting system for the first
time, and it had... bugs."

"What kind of bugs?" Sockpuppet looks around anxiously for
silverfish and moths.

Muse just rolls her eyes.  "Not those kind!  The kind where you
have to tell the CGI script the correct address to send the votes
to.  Besides, you're not afraid of a few insects, are you?"

"Never say 'frayed' to a sockpuppet," Sockpuppet shudders.

The door to the secret vote-counting room opens, making the sound
of a flushing toilet more audible.  Gary emerges, bleary eyed.

"Is it still a four-way tie?" Muse and her Sockpuppet ask

He shakes his weary head.  "No.  Once the votes sent by the form
to my main screen name  - let's call them 'absentee ballots' -
were added in, it came down to just two."

"Just two?"

"Yeah. Giggling by Nicholas Urfé and A Garden Called You by Jamie
Joy Gatto."  He yawns. "Anyway, here's what we'll do this month -
we'll invite all the authors and fans to a cheese and wine

"The Ripple or the Boones Farm?" asks Sockpuppet.

"That's not important.  Anyway, we'll pick up some Zinfandel or a
nice Mogan David.  Where was I?  Oh yeah, wine and cheese.  After
we get everybody's cheeks all rosy, I'll make a toast to the

"To Brie or not to Brie..."

"Enough with the cheesey remarks," Muse cuts in.  "Gary, do you

"I'll say something really swave about their style and class,"
Gary continues.

"...that you've already..."

"I'll mention what a wonderful crop of stories they competed

"...announced them?" Muse finally finishes.

"I'll thank them for their... I what?"  Gary looks puzzled.

"Read back to the twelfth paragraph.  You already announced the

Gary reads.  His face turns it's favorite shade.

Muse pats his dejected back. "You can still congratulate the
winners, you know."

Sigh.  "Congratulations, Nick.  Congratulations, Jamie Joy."

The March 2002 Silver Clitorides Awards Winners

Giggling /~nickurfe/fripperies/giggling.html 
by Nicholas Urfé /~nickurfe/
A Garden Called You
by Jamie Joy Gatto 


The March 2002 Silver Clitorides Awards FINALISTS

Curtains /~Selena_Jardine/Curtains.htm
by Selena Jardine /~Selena_Jardine/

Subway Series #5: The Key to the Whole Thing /~theGreatxIam/sub5.html
by theGreatxIam /~theGreatxIam/

Caught /~oosh/caught.html 
by Oosh /~Oosh/

A Garden Called You
by Jamie Joy Gatto 
by AstridL 

Giggling /~nickurfe/fripperies/giggling.html 
by Nicholas Urfé /~nickurfe/

Home Safe /~Selena_Jardine/HomeSafe.htm
by Selena Jardine /~Selena_Jardine/


The March 2002 Silver Clitorides Awards Nominees.

Curtains /~Selena_Jardine/Curtains.htm
by Selena Jardine /~Selena_Jardine/

Subway Series #5: The Key to the Whole Thing /~theGreatxIam/sub5.html
by theGreatxIam /~theGreatxIam/

Caught /~oosh/caught.html 
by Oosh /~Oosh/

by Mtnz 

The Smell Of Sex /~Couture/tsos.htm 
by Couture /~Couture/

A Garden Called You
by Jamie Joy Gatto 

by AstridL 

The Girl Next Door /~Ann_Douglas/door.htm 
by Ann Douglas /~Ann_Douglas/

Victim/Victorian /~vinnie_tesla/vict.html
by Vinnie Tesla /~vinnie_tesla/

Giggling /~nickurfe/fripperies/giggling.html 
by Nicholas Urfé /~nickurfe/

Home Safe /~Selena_Jardine/HomeSafe.htm
by Selena Jardine /~Selena_Jardine/

Amy and Friends 
by Dorsai
