Author: Moderated by Gary Jordan
Title: The Silver Clitorides Awards, 2002, February 
Part: 2 of 2002
Universe: The Silver Clitorides Awards
Summary: The Silver Clitorides Awards are a monthly adjunct to the
Golden Clitorides Awards.  Their object is to promote good stories
and good authors.
Keywords: Stories, Links, Awards

The February 2002 Silver Clitorides Awards Presentation

Gary looks around him at the milling writers and fans.  Everyone
seems to be having a good time, although there are lots of knots
of people gathering in cliques, whether by acquaintence or genre.
He rolls the hot dogs on the grill and flips a few burgers,
careful not to let the animal fat contaminate the vegetarian
burgers on their side of the grill.

Several of the crowd are standing with varying degrees of
impatience, concealed with equal variance, buns in hand.
Breadrolls, that is, although there are plenty of hands on buns
tonight.  Urfe and spin are having another heated discussion,
punctuated by feinting hot dogs and riposted by bear bottles.
Had they gone the turkey dog route?  The vegetarian franks?  Who
could keep track?

He stayed busy a while longer, dishing out the meat (or meat
substitute) until no one was left in line.  He checks the
condiments one last time, noting that the pretzels are all but
gone from the snack trays.  The piles of double-fudge chocolate
brownies have been a memory for half the cookout.

Although liquid refreshments were BYOB, he retrieves a Diet Pepsi
from a 55-gallon drum of ice to slake his own thirst. (Good word,
slake; it just seems more fitting than "quench" or "satisfy.")
Looking around, he notes a nude woman with a swan-like neck on a
spread blanket with some of the other writers by the duck pond.

Another contingent is sparring with shiny swords around the
horshshoe pits, chainmail jingling and armor clanking. "It's
joust about time for the presentation," he calls to them.  A
shower of peanuts answers.

Nevertheless, the crowds gather round, as he stands on a chair
and rips the end off the sealed envelope.  There are groans as he
steps down to retrieve the statuette and framed certificate.
Once again on the chair, he clears his throat, and the crowd's
murmur softens again.

"The Silver Clitoride Award for the Best Story of the month of
Febreuary, 2002, goes to..." He pauses for another sip of soda.
More peanuts indicate that the dramatic pause is NOT appreciated.
"... 'The Eve of Victory' by Oosh.  Congratulations again, Oosh!"

A sizeable contingent attempts to lift Oosh to their shoulders to
accept the award, but have difficulty, since Oosh is one of those
in full plate armor for the event.  Instead, Gary makes his way
to her, shaking her mailed glove and passing the trophy and
placque to one of her squires.

He returns to the grills, where he spends the time until the last
of the revellers has sla... er, satisfied their hunger.  Nothing
like a good dejeuner sur l'herbe to make an event successful.

The February 2002 Silver Clitorides Awards Winner:
The Eve of Victory /~oosh/victory.html 
by Oosh /~oosh/


The February 2002 Silver Clitorides Awards FINALISTS:

Lisa, the Copier, and Me 
by Alex

On my university campus 
by Emi Tsuruta

Memories and Illusions /~Katherine_T/memories.txt 
by Katherine T /~Katherine_T/

The Think System /~Desdmona/stories/tts.html 
by Desdmona /~Desdmona/

Hole In My Soul /~Wiseguy/hole.htm 
by Wiseguy /~Wiseguy 

The Eve of Victory /~oosh/victory.html 
by Oosh /~oosh/


The February 2002 Silver Clitorides Awards Nominees:

Memories and Illusions /~Katherine_T/memories.txt 
by Katherine T /~Katherine_T/

The Thigh vs Thigh Series /~ShonRichards/shon.html
by Shon Richards /~ShonRichards/

The Think System /~Desdmona/stories/tts.html 
by Desdmona /~Desdmona/

Inventing The Bicycle 
by Valery Saint-Garnon

That Perfect Place Where All the Lines Meet 
by Sam Cornell

by Paris Waterman

Hole In My Soul /~Wiseguy/hole.htm 
by Wiseguy /~Wiseguy 

Sand Like Frozen Light 
by Mat Twassel

as falls cuyahoga so falls cuyahoga falls /~nickurfe/fripperies/cuyahoga/index.html
by Nicholas Urfe /~nickurfe/

A Rocky Relationship /~theGreatxIam/surf3.html
by theGreatxIam /~theGreatxIam/

On my university campus 
by Emi Tsuruta

Celebration of a Sexual Life 
by GM TH

Lisa, the Copier, and Me 
by Alex

The Eve of Victory /~oosh/victory.html 
by Oosh /~oosh/

The February 2002 Silver Clitorides Awards FINALISTS:

Lisa, the Copier, and Me 
by Alex

On my university campus 
by Emi Tsuruta

Memories and Illusions /~Katherine_T/memories.txt 
by Katherine T /~Katherine_T/

The Think System /~Desdmona/stories/tts.html 
by Desdmona /~Desdmona/

Hole In My Soul /~Wiseguy/hole.htm 
by Wiseguy /~Wiseguy 

The Eve of Victory /~oosh/victory.html 
by Oosh /~oosh/
