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Subject: RP: 07/20 "Jake & Jack" by Rhett Dreams [mf, incest]
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A repost of one of my personal faves.

Note: This is fiction and is intended for mature audiences.  

c. 1994, by Rhett Dreams  

Chapter Seven - "Close to Home"  


The next morning, I woke early and went downstairs to fix   
breakfast for the family.  Between the three kids and my dad, we each took   
turns with weekend breakfast duty, and it was my turn.  I found a note   
from dad stuck to the fridge, saying, "Marion will join us for breakfast,   
8:00ish.  Pancakes!?"  

Marion was a friend of my father's.  An attorney in her mid-thirties,  
divorced, with a twelve-year old daughter, Marion and dad had been   
friends for many years.  A couldn't quite figure out their relationship.  She 
was a District Attorney and they often worked together professionally, so I   
just assumed they were 'just friends'.  She never spent the night here and to 
my knowledge he never spent the night at her house.  The daughter spent   
most weekends with her father so there was plenty of opportunity, if they   
were so inclined.  I couldn't recall if I'd ever seen them hug or kiss.  

I started the coffee and made the pancake batter, and one by one   
people began to arrive, my dad, Marion, then Cathy still dressed in her   
robe.  They sat at the kitchen table, chatting, and I served coffee then   
pancakes as they came off the grill.  I was vaguely aware that Marion and   
dad were discussing their plans for the day, which involved going to a   
museum and having lunch someplace.  When I finished serving and sat   
down, I noticed that all three were staring at me, smiles on their faces.  

"Wha-- what is it," I said, looking down to see if I'd left my fly open   
or something.  

"You were whistling," said my dad.  

"Who is she?" asked Marion.  

"She?" I said, blushing.    

Dad, to Marion, said, "Do you think that's it?  Some female has him   
behaving like an escaped inmate of the Happy Trails Institute?"  

"Gotta be," said Marion.  "Some girl has the Jake-man snookered."  

"Snookered?" said dad.  "Is that like pussy whipped?"  

"No, Jerry, and I thought you understood the subtlety of language.    
Pussy-whipped is what you are, dear.  Jake here is snookered.  He's smitten   
with some chick.  In l-o-v-e."  

My head was turning from one to the other like I was watching a   
tennis match.  Cathy was laughing, thoroughly enjoying my discomfort.    
My head was spinning, partly out of embarrassment and partly because   
their banter made it clear to me, for the first time, that their relationship 
was not entirely platonic.  

"Well, Marion, he's been seeing this girl, Sophie.  She's very pretty,  
a redhead, and for reasons that escape me, she seems to like Jake."  

"Ahh," said Marion, smiling at me.  "Is that it, Jake?  Are you and   
this Sophie girl an item?"  

I cleared my throat and said, "Well, yeah, I guess."  

"They're an item," volunteered Cathy, joining the conversation.  

"Some big date last night?" asked Marion.  

I lowered my head, suddenly busy with my breakfast, while I tried   
to figure out how to get out of this, or change the subject.  I was sure my   
face was bright red.  

"I don't think so," said dad.  "He was here, holding down the----"  

He didn't finish the sentence and when I looked up his eyes were on   
me, and his expression gradually changed from thoughtful to knowing.  I   
was sure that my face turned a deeper shade of red.  

"Are you done?"  he asked, of Cathy.  "I'd like to talk to Jake for a  
few minutes."  

Cathy knew exactly what was going on, and surprised me by   
saying, "Dad, whatever you have to say to Jake you should say to me too,   
and to Jack.  We're not little kids anymore."  

Dad just stared at her.  I was concerned that he was going to get  
angry, but he just sat there, non-plussed.  Marion got up and kissed the top  
of his head.  

"She's right, you know," said Marion.  

"Well, um, yes, I guess," he said, then shook his head, his   
expression changing from confusion to something between resignation and   

"What I was going to say to Jake, I should say to all three of you, I   
guess," his glance took in Cathy as he finished the sentence.  I could tell   
this was a bit of a shock to him, that his princess was probably not a virgin,
and I was glad that he was taking it well.  "If you're sexually active, you've
got to be... very careful.  The risks of pregnancy, AIDS and other diseases-  

"We know that, dad," said Cathy.  "I'm on the pill, and I'm very   
careful with partners.  We know the saying, 'you're not only sleeping with   
someone but with everybody he has'."  

Dad's jaw dropped at this comment, and when he recovered he   
muttered under his breath, "Mary, mother of Jesus... my babies are growin'   

"And while we're on this general subject," said Cathy, clearly   
feeling that she was on a roll, "why is you and Marion don't spend the night  
together?  It's not like we don't know that you love each other, and that   
you have sex... I'd hate to see the hotels bills you're pilling up.  Jack,
and I promise not to turn into serial killers if you sleep together here or at

"The girl's got a point, Jerry," said Marion.  "But I'm going to be   
very big and not say, I told you so."  

"Gee, thanks, Marion, for being so big," grumbled my father.  


                                                  - o -  


Sophie called later that morning, excitement in her voice.  

"You'll never guess what happened this morning," she said after we   
had exchanged comments about how wonderful the night before was.  

"Let me take a wild guess," I said.  "Your parents know about last   

"How did you---," she began, then stopped.  "Not both of them, but   
my mom knew instantly.  I couldn't believe it... she took me aside and   
asked me all about it."  

"Oh, great," I thought to myself. "I'm dead."  

"She was so happy for me," continued Sophie, "when I told her   
how great it was."  

"You told her how great it was?" I said, incredulous.  

"Uh huh," said Sophie.  "Mom actually asked me if I climaxed," she   
said and then giggled.  "I counted them up and told her that I came six   
times.  At first, it seemed really strange to be talking to my mom about this,
but after awhile it was like talking to a girlfriend!  She was very impressed 
with you, with the candles and everything."  

I groaned to myself, thinking about facing her mom at some point   
in the near future, with her knowing what I'd done to, er, with, her   

Sophie continued, her voice bubbling, "Her eyes nearly bugged out   
when I told her how you tied me up and spanked me, y'know, just before   
you took me from the rear."  

"Oh, God, Sophie... you didn't!"  

"I told her everything!  She said the strangest thing, when I finished  
describing what we did.  Guess."  

"I can't imagine," I said, my voice flat.  

"She said, "I wish your dad was more imaginative."  Can you   
believe it?"  

"No, Sophie, I'm having a hard time believing anything that's   
happened today."    


                                                  - o -  


Jack came home shortly after noon and, with Dad out with Marion,   
he talked Cathy into going upstairs with him.  I thought about joining them   
but felt guilty, like I would be cheating on Sophie.  I thought it strange
I felt no guilt or remorse about the incest with my sister, and only a tinge
guilt about how we blackmailed her, but was now feeling guilty about even   
thinking of sex with someone other than Sophie.  


                                                  - o -  


Excited about seeing Sophie again, but dreading seeing her mother,   
I went over to their house Sunday afternoon.  Sophie had told me that her   
dad would be out playing golf and I was relieved that I wouldn't be seeing   
him and risk that he'd be able to read my expression as clearly as my dad   

Sophie's mom met me at the door and explained that Sophie was on   
the phone with her aunt, and invited me to join her in the kitchen.  She got  
me a coke and sat down at the table with me, beaming at me.  I was quite   
embarrassed but decided to be as open as possible.  

"Mrs. Patterson, I---"  

"Call me Joan, please, Jake," she said.  

"Joan, um... I'm so embarrassed that Sophie told you about, er, the   
other night."  

"Oh," said Sophie's mom, turning a little red herself, "I didn't know   
she had told you about our conversation.  It's my turn to be embarrassed,   

"We've both learned something---Sophie's not to be trusted."  We   
both laughed at that, and then I asked, "Her dad... he doesn't know, does   

She laughed and said, "No, he doesn't and he will not hear about it   
from either of us."  

"Whew," I said.  "He worries me."  

Joan smiled and said, "I for one think it's great that Sophie had you   
as her first, um, teacher."  She lowered her eyes and said after a moment,   
"Can I ask you something that's kind of personal?"  

"Sure, I guess," I said.  

"How did you learn all that stuff, at your age?"  

I paused before answering, and realized how easy it must have been   
for Sophie to talk about this with her mom.  Joan was so open and   
interested, genuinely happy to have her daughter in love.  She was young,   
in her mid-thirties at most, and looked even younger with her trim body,   
short red hair and lively green eyes.  

"An older girl," I said, trying to keep it as close to the truth as I   
could, considering the circumstances, "who had learned about sex from an   
older man... he encouraged her to try everything at least once and then   
decide what she liked.  This girl passed on the, ah, philosophy, to me."  

Joan thought about that for a while and said, "I hope this doesn't   
embarrass you, talking about this stuff.  But, you see, Bill and I were   
married in High School.  I was seventeen and one-month pregnant with   
Sophie.  Bill's the only man I've slept with, before or since, and he didn't  
have much experience either.  I'm wondering how I might encourage him   
to try, um, more variety."  

I had no idea and told her so.  "My guess would be that most wives   
dread their husbands getting, how did you put it, more variety," I said,   
grinning at her.  

She smiled back and said, "That's not what I meant, Jake... but...   
hmmh."  She didn't finish the thought but I knew where her mind was going   
when she blushed.   Sophie came in at that moment, plopped herself down   
on my lap and kissed me.  

"Hi, Jake," she said.  "I didn't know you were here."  

"That's okay, your mom and I were enjoying a nice talk."  

"About what," she asked.  

"Sex," I said, and both of them blushed.  "We've also decided that   
you are not to be trusted."  

"That's right," echoed Joan.  

"Nonsense," said Sophie, punching me on the arm.  "Go back to the   
sex part of the conversation... anything I should know?"  

"Yes," I said, "I've decided to dump you and have an affair with   

Joan laughed at my joke but her face reddened.  Sophie hit me   
again and squealed.  

"You've already got all the Patterson females in love with you," said   
Sophie, and I remembered that her sister had a crush on me.  "Isn't that   

"You're enough for any guy," I said, kissing her.  "But Joan and I   
were discussing how nice variety is when it comes to sex."  

"Now Jake---" began Sophie's mother.  

"Mom!"  cried Sophie.  

"It wasn't like that," said her mother, coloring even more.  I laughed   
as they tried to clear it up, then had to cover my head when both of them   
began punching me after they concluded that I was joking at their expense.    
I managed to lift Sophie off me and scramble to the other side of the table.  

"You can be world-class... jerk," said Sophie, but she was laughing   
and her eyes sparkled.  "First my kid sister and now my mother.  Love 'em   
and leave 'em, is that it?"  

"What's that about Angela," said her mother, her eyes losing some   
of their humor, and now it was my turn to backpedal.  Sophie's face broke   
into a I-got-you-now smirk.  

I sat down opposite the two of them and said, "Sophie told me that   
Angela has a crush on me.  Once again, it was probably something Angela   
didn't want told, but with Sophie, y'know..."  

"Hold it, buster," said Sophie, laughing at the way I avoided that   
minefield. "Angela never told me she had a crush on you.  She didn't have   
to.  Her eyes go all goo-goo whenever you're around."  

"She's right there, Jake.  It's obvious to everyone expect maybe Bill.    
She adores you."  She paused and her face took on a mischievous look.    
She reached her hand out and held mine, and said, her voice low and sexy,   
"But tell me more about the affair we're going to have... will you really   
have to dump Sophie?"  

Sophie laughed at her mother's boldness, and I said, "Well, you   
Patterson women are a handful, if Sophie is any guide.  I'm still not fully   
recovered from Friday night."  

"Oh, so it's you who needs recovery?" said Sophie, rubbing her   
backside.  "Who was it that got spanked, huh?"   

I edged into the seat next to Joan and brought her hand to my lips   
and kissed in, looking into her eyes.  "I'm afraid she'll have to go, Joan, if
we're to have any chance."  

"You...", cried Sophie, not able to find the right term to call me.    
Then she broke up, laughing.  I was still looking into Joan's eyes and saw a  
certain longing there.  Not for me, necessarily, but for something more in   
her sex life with her husband.  I found myself wishing that someone would   
teach her husband like Cathy had taught Jack and I.  

"Jesus Christ," I thought to myself, "Why not?"  

Just then Angela came into the room, and stopped short when she   
saw me holding her mother's hand in mine.  Joan pulled her hand away and   
Sophie broke out laughing, which caused Joan and I to laugh as well.  Poor   
Angela never knew what was going on and probably concluded that we   
were all crazy.     


                                                   - o -  


"Let me get this straight," said Cathy that evening when I broached   
the subject of the Patterson parent's woeful sex life.  "You want me to   
seduce Sophie's dad so that he'll do a better job fucking Sophie's mom?"  

"You put that so well," I said, feeling very foolish.  We were sitting   
on the family room sofa, half-watching a TV show.  I was wearing PJs and   
Cathy a long nightshirt.  Jack was upstairs studying and Marion and Dad   
were in the kitchen.    

"Dumb idea," I admitted.  "I just... well, I think Joan, Mrs.   
Patterson, is a great lady.  She's more think Sophie's older sister than a   
mother.  And I'd like her to be happy."  

"Sounds like you should fuck her," she said, only half joking.  "And   
she can teach her husband the new tricks.  Oh, I forgot, you're a one-  
woman man now that the red-headed bitch has her claws in you."  

"Would you stop calling Sophie a red-headed bitch," I said,   
exasperated.  I knew that Cathy thought Sophie was terrific, and that it was  
her little game to call her names, but it bothered me this time.  

Cathy stuck her tongue out at me and said, "I haven't had you in   
bed for over a week.  I miss our sex."  

"Come on," I said, "you and Jack fuck like rabbits.  Two or three   
times a week, it seems to me."  

"More like daily," she said and then grinned.  "But it's not the same   
as when the two of you couldn't get enough of me.  And Jack seems to be   
getting close to that brunette hussy bitch whore Wendy.  Pretty soon I   
could be left with no handy cocks.  I'll have to start dating jerks again,
to get laid... and why, when I have two jerks at home?"  

I paused before responding, listening carefully to identify the   
sounds of conversation between Dad and Marion in the other side of the   
house.  Feeling relatively safe, I slid next to Cathy on the coach and   
grabbed her wrists and held then in one hand, behind her back.  I shoved   
my free hand under her nightshirt and up against her sex.  She was only   
slightly moist, but got wetter as I worked a finger back and forth in her sex.

"The slut needs a hard cock, huh?"  I whispered.  

"Yes," she said, her lips forming a cute pout.  

"Mr. Patterson has a hard cock," I said.  

"I want yours," she said.  

"Maybe we could work out a deal," I said, sliding a second finger   
into her warm wetness.  "I'll take you upstairs and fuck your brains out if   
you'll think---just think about--- Mr. Patterson."  

"Okay," she said, her eyes filled with lust.  "I'll think about it."	  


                                                   - o -  


During the middle of the week, when I knew that Sophie would be   
at school until late afternoon, I stopped off at her house.  Joan Patterson   
told me that Sophie wasn't home, but invited me in anyway and offered me   
a soda.  Angela was home, so I suggested we sit in the backyard and talk.  

"I'm been thinking about Bill," I said once we sitting on the benches   
facing one another.  It was a warm spring day and Joan was wearing a   
cotton dress.  Her slender legs were bare except for sandals at the feet.  


"What would you think about giving him a birthday or anniversary   
present?  Say, a weekend with the same girl who taught me about sex."  

Joan laughed, then looked at me again and said, "You're serious!"  

"Yes, I am."  

"Gee, I don't know," she said, shaking her head.  

"He'll be a changed man," I said.  

"Yeah, he might never come back."  

"He's not that big of a fool," I said, meaning it.  I really liked Joan.  

"You're very kind, Jake.  I think we got a little out of control the   
other day.  It was fun joking about this, but I wouldn't have the nerve to   
actually do anything."  

"Why not?"  I said.  "It really could work.  What do you think your   
husband's gonna do when his beautiful wife tells him she wants more and   
different sex with him... when she says that she's arranged for a young, sexy 
girl to teach him a few things.  He'd be nuts not to go for it."  

"How young?"  she said, a little jealous, I thought.  "Who is she?"  

"Twenty-ish," I said, "and neither you nor Bill will ever know her   
identity.  She's clean, free of any diseases, and very... imaginative"  

"Jake, I really appreciate the thought, but..." she shook her head,   
but I could tell she was intrigued.  Angela came out and announced that   
she was going over to a friend's house.  We rose and followed her inside,   
then watched as she left.  Now that Sophie had pointed it out, I noticed   
that Angela looked at me whenever she could, and was always smiling.    
This left me alone with Joan, and we strolled into the kitchen.  

"There are really only two alternatives," I said as we stood in the   
kitchen. "Either we figure out how to educate your husband, or we figure   
out how to educate you."  

I walked slowly toward Joan and here eyes widened.  "No, Jake...   
don't be silly."   

She took a step back, then another as I advanced.  "Jake, for God's   
sake, you're my daughter's boyfriend."  Her back was now against the   
kitchen counter, and I had her cornered.  I advanced until my body pressed   
up against hers, then placed my hands down on the counter on either side   
of her.  

"Jake!"  she said, bending backwards to avoid me, but this pressed   
her abdomen even harder into the growing bulge in my pants.  I could see   
in her eyes that she felt it too.  

"Ah, Sophie," I said.  "That's why I think the first plan is best.  I   
wouldn't be able to go along with the second option, and make love to you   
myself, without Sophie's okay."  

I brought my hands slowly up her arms and smiled into her flushed   
face.  "It's for a good cause, her parent's marital happiness, and I'm sure   
she'd agree to loan me to you."  

"Jake, now stop this!" she said.  

My hands were now at her shoulders, and slid them over to her   
slender neck, then behind, and slowly pulled her toward me.  

"As much as I'm attracted to you," I said, low and soft and I eased   
her face closer to mine, "I don't think it would be as good a plan."  Her   
eyes closed as I lowered my lips to hers and kissed her softly.    

"I'd enjoy it immensely, having sex with you," I said and kissed her   
again, harder this time.  I kissed her a third time, a long, wet kiss that had
us both   
breathing hard when we broke.  She was no longer resisting me so I   
loosened my hands from behind her neck and ran the back on one hand   
down her cheek.  Her green eyes opened and stared at me with   

"Please... don't," she said, her voice trembling.  

I firmly and quickly turned her around and pushed her up tummy up   
against the counter, holding her there with a hand in the middle of her   
back.  Her hands braced themselves on the counter surface.  I reached   
under the back of her dress until I found the waistband of her panties and   
yanked them down to mid-thigh.  

"My guess is your husband would get suspicious when, all of the   
sudden, it was *you* who began bringing new techniques and desires into   
your bed," I said.  My fingers found her sex and plunged inside the steamy   

"Oh, God," she cried.  

"Tell me, would Bill find it unusual if his beautiful young wife knelt   
before him, not in the privacy of your dimly-lit bedroom but here in the   
kitchen, unbuttoned his pants and took his cock into her mouth.  Would he   
become suspicious when you showed him that you could take his hard cock   
all the way into your tight throat?"  

"Please," she cried.  I had three fingers in her box, but was careful   
not to overly excite her clit.  She was already as hot as a firecracker.  

"What could he possible think when his sweet wife begins to greet   
him at the door wearing sexy lingerie... and insists that he fuck her in the  
living room, bent obscenely over a chair.  Would he buy your story that   
you read about this in Cosmo, when you ask him to tie you up and spank   
you before he fucks you?"  

"Ohhhh," she moaned.  

I paused to coat my thumb in her slick wetness then slid it up to her   
anus.  She tensed as I rubbed my thumb over her rosette.  I moved my   
other hand from her back around her front and grasped a breast firmly.  As   
I pulled her upright, toward me, I pinched her nipple through her dress and   
bra and forced my thumb an inch or so into her ass.  

"Oh God!" she cried.  

"He wont for a minute buy the Cosmo cover-story when his wife   
begs him to fuck his cock into her nasty ass, will he?"  My voice was low   
and husky as I spoke directly in her ear.  When she moaned and didn't   
answer, I repeated the question, but softer this time, almost a whisper.  

"Will he believe you, Joan, that you haven't taken a lover?"  

"No," she said.  

"Everything I described, Joan, he'd do that with you if he knew how   
wonderful it would be, for both of you.  Tell me, Joan, would you like that?" 

"Oh yes," she said.  

"If I let you cum now, will you think about my offer?  The first   

"Yes... please, make me cum!"  

I moved the fingers in her cunt so they rubbed against her clit while   
my other hand tweaked her erect nipple.  She came in just a few moments,   
crying out as her climax raced through her body in waves of pleasure.  I felt 
a spray on my fingers as she came, just like her daughter.  When she   
finished, she would have collapsed on the floor if not for my bowling ball   
grip of her ass and cunt.  I eased my hand free and sat her gently on the   
floor, her back up against a cabinet and washed myself up in the kitchen   

"I'll need to know when she might be available", said Joan   
Patterson, her eyes closed and her expression serene.  "And how much she   
will charge."    

I walked over to where she was sitting, bent over and kissed the top   
of her head.  

"I'll call you tonight."  

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