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Subject: {ASS} RP from Piper's Top 12: "Scarlett's Cove" by Ann Douglas (FF) (reformatted)
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From: Ann Douglas <>

Hello once again.  As in the past, comments are
both appreciated  and encouraged.  Suggestions
are also welcome. Please respond by E-Mail as it
makes it easier for me to get your reaction.   One 
thing I do ask is that you now include your first
name and age in  your comments.  It gives me a
better idea who my audience is.  Thanks and
enjoy the story.

	           -  Scarlett’s Cove -
		    Part One
		   by  Ann Douglas

"Could you at least smile and pretend that you’re having a good time?"
Arlene Taylor leaned over and whispered to her companion across the table.
"It’s only our first night here and people are already beginning to

The slightly morose expression on her friend’s face faded to be replaced
by the sought after smile. In the same quiet voice she answered her dinner

"I am enjoying myself." Jeanette Randolph replied. "I was just thinking
how much this little trip is costing you." 

"That’s right, costing me, not you." the 37 year old blonde quickly
agreed. "I wanted you to come along and have a chance to unwind. Get a
little crazy. Have some fun for a change." 

"I have fun." said the 34 year brunette. 

"Sitting at home night after night making up new lesson plans isn’t what
I’m talking about." Arlene said in a corrective tone. "That’s why I wanted
to get you away from all that." 

"Well that you certainly did." Jeanette finally agreed. 

It was something of an understatement. Actually, the small dinner table
they were sitting at was in the near center of a large dinning hall. The
hall was the main room of an 72 year old mansion that had housed four
generations of her owners. The house itself was on the far edge of a
tropical resort that could easily accommodated five hundred guests in
delightful style. Finally, the resort was situated on the southern tip of
the tiny Caribbean island of San Cristobal, some three thousand miles from
the two women’s home in upstate New York. 

The resort was known world wide as Scarlett’s Cove and it catered to
small, select clientele. As lavish as any of the nearby Club Meds, its
purpose was much the same. The one major difference was self evident as
Jeanette again glanced around the large room. It was a resort for women
only, specifically lesbian and bisexual women. 

This of course was no problem for either Jeanette or Arlene. Jeanette
Randolph had been aware of her preference for women since she was 16 years
old. It was not however a preference she had ever been comfortable with
expressing publicly. Even today, the history teacher from Arrow Lake
couldn’t escape the fear that someone would see her in such a place. 

On the other hand, Arlene’s attraction to her own sex had only developed
rather recently. Up until two years ago, she had been married to a rather
successful and influential member of the community. It was almost ten
years into their marriage that she discovered that her husband had a long
history of extra-marital encounters. When confronted, Collin Taylor had
told her if she didn’t like it, well then she knew where the door was. Any
real love for each other had faded half way through their marriage when it
was evident that she wouldn’t be assuring the Taylor Dynasty with an heir.

Unable to turn to any of her so called friends who cared more about social
standing than anything else, Arlene had drifted into an affair with a
woman she met at the local health club. To her immense delight, she
discovered that sleeping with another woman brought out in her a passion
that was never evident in her relations with Collin or prior lovers. The
affair hadn’t lasted long, but it had changed the course of her life. 

After a few months, she had finally gotten the courage to seek a divorce
from Collin. Arlene realized all too well that despite his history of
infidelity, Collin still held all the cards. If ever knowledge of her own
lesbian affair came out in a court hearing, she could be left with
nothing. It wasn’t fair but it was the way it was. 

Then, out of the blue, Collin did the most considerate thing he’d ever
done in the fourteen years they’d know each other. The 45 year old
businessman suffered a massive coronary one Friday afternoon while humping
one of his new 20 year old secretaries. While she never really wanted
Collin dead, just out of her life, the now widowed woman was more than
willing to take her freedom anyway she could. And if nothing else, she
could take some small comfort knowing that Collin had left this life doing
something that he enjoyed. 

Since neither had actually initiated divorce proceedings, Arlene had
inherited the bulk of the Taylor Estate. It wasn’t considered good manners
in polite company to discuss just how large that estate was, but it turned
out to be much more than Arlene knew. Secure in her financial future, she
had set out to enjoy her life. 

At a charity function at the local high school, Arlene had rekindled an
old friendship with Jeanette. They had been close friends during their
last two years at Washington High, despite the difference in their ages.
Quickly reestablishing the confidences they once shared, Arlene had
confessed her new sexual preference. 

She was greatly surprised when Jeanette responded that she’d been aware of
the delights of lesbian sex since the days of their first friendship. In
another reality, the two women might have now become lovers in a
passionate but brief affair. But in the here and now, Jeanette was
involved in a relationship now going into it’s fourth year and not the
type for casual infidelity. Arlene, on the other hand delighted in the
constant thrill of new and casual encounters. So the two women had become
even closer friends instead. 

"I still can’t get over this place." Jeanette said as she finished her
panorama of the room. "Who ever came up with this place?" 

Jeanette had never even heard of Scarlett’s Cove until they switched
planes in Jamaica and Arlene sprung it on her. Originally she’d thought
they were going to Jamaica. 

"Take a look at the painting over on that wall." Arlene said in response
as she pointed to a large portrait hanging over a fireplace. 

Jeanette followed her friend’s direction until she focused on the image.
The young woman in the painting appeared to be in her mid-twenties. Long
flaming red hair that stretched down to her waist was the first thing you
noticed, framing a creamy white complexion that in turn was set off by
dazzling emerald eyes. The gown she wore was low cut, revealing a healthy
bosom that was just as soft white as her face. 

"That is Miss Scarlett McMurphy." Arlene said. "And this house and just
about everything around it for twenty miles belongs to the McMurphy
family. Back in the twenties, her grandfather came to the Caribbean to
seek his fortune and like so many others, he found it. Unlike most of the
families that established incredibly profitable enterprises on the
islands, Sean McMurphy was a man of conscience. From the very beginning,
he put part of every dollar he made here back into the island. He built
the first hospital, then the school. His son continued the tradition,
sending the best and the brightest of the island’s young men and women off
to colleges in the States. By the time most of the Caribbean Republics had
degenerated into petty dictatorships in the 40’s and 50’s, San Cristobal
was the jewel in the lake with a healthy, well educated population." 

Jeanette listened fascinated. She had a degree in history yet had never
heard of this island until yesterday.	

"That’s just to give you a little broad background." Arlene continued.
"The story of Scarlett McMurphy began in 1928 when she was born right here
in this house. Her grandfather was so taken by her that first time he
looked at his newborn heir that he immediately christened this cove -
Scarlett’s Cove. Back in those days, few people said no to Sean McMurphy."

"But what’s that got to do with this resort?" Jeanette inquired. 

"Patience, I’m getting to that." the older woman continued. "Michael
McMurphy only had two other children, an older son, Sean Michael and a
younger daughter, Mary. Sean died in combat during World War II, so
Scarlett was now the oldest and heir apparent. By the early fifties,
Scarlett had already attended some of the best schools in the world and
took control of the day to day operations of the family business. 

While it quickly became obvious that she had inherited both her father’s
and grandfather’s business sense, it was also apparent that she had a
spirit that really didn’t fit into the somewhat conservative 1950’s. Even
more so, it was noticed more and more that she spent most of her time in
the company of other young women and there was a definite lack of male
companionship in her life. This wasn’t for lack of offers, as you can see
from that portrait she was a beauty. Rumors began to circulate, but not
too loudly and definitely not within earshot of "Big Mike" McMurphy. 

A story went around that some cheap tabloid was going to do a story about
Scarlett that all but called her a dyke in print. Legend has it that the
owner of that magazine was visited late one night by some friend’s of "Big
Mike". No one really knows what really happened but the story never saw
print and the company went out of business within six months. 

Scarlett continued to run the family business until the mid seventies when
she suddenly turned control over to her two nephews, the sons of her
sister, Mary and retired to the island. A year later she opened Scarlett’s
Cove. A place where women like her could come and be themselves for a week
or two, away from a prying world." 

"That’s incredible." Jeanette said. "She must’ve led one interesting life.

"Led?" Arlene asked. "Sweetheart, she still runs the place." 

Arlene didn’t answer, she just turned her had back to the nearby portrait
and took another long hard look. 

Again scanning the room, Jeanette suddenly stopped when she saw a familiar
face. It wasn’t that she knew the woman personally, but her beautiful face
was recognizable the world over - Courtney Austin, the black pop diva. She
again leaned over to Arlene and quietly pointed her out. 

"I know." she whispered back. "This is my third trip here and you’d be
surprised who I’ve seen here. That’s the beauty of it all, no one ever
talks about this place." 

Arlene then recounted that last year a reporter from one of those
supermarket tabloids had come to the island and had somehow gotten
pictures of a senator’s wife who was also here. The senator was planning a
go for the presidency this year. All it took was a simple phone call to
the editor of that magazine, who incidentally had also been a guest at one
time, and the story simply disappeared. 

Arlene then delighted in pointing out two more celebrities that Jeanette
had missed. One was C. K. Lane, another popular singer who was no surprise
since she had long ago publicly declared her lesbianism. The second was a
great surprise as Arlene pointed out Bonnie Cheng, the nationally known
newsanchor. Jeanette never would have guessed. 

"Can I get you ladies anything else?" a sweet voice said from behind
Jeanette. "Some dessert, perhaps?" 

The schoolteacher turned about to find a young island woman standing at
her shoulder. Richly tanned olive skin gave her a exotic look which was
only added to by her long black hair. What set her apart from many of the
woman here was that she was topless. All she wore was a piece of white
material wrapped around her waist like a skirt. 

Nudity was perfectly normal here but few of the guests practiced it
outside of the beaches. Jeanette couldn’t help but admire the dark nipples
only a few inches from her face. Arlene had explained to her that none of
the employees were under any obligation to fraternize with the guests, but
at the same time there were no rules against it if they wanted to. Money
never entered the picture because none of the guests carried any and any
employee that tried to solicit it was immediately fired. 

"No, not right now." Arlene said as she gave the young woman a broad
smile. "Maybe later..... Mae." she added as she read the girl’s name off
the small plastic name clip she used to keep the makeshift skirt in place.

Mae gave a similar smile in reply that suggested that dessert was
definitely a possibility. 

"You’re incorrigible." Jeanette noted with a laugh, ignoring the fact that
she was looking at the young woman just as admirably. 

"This is true." Arlene smiled back. "So it’s a good thing I don’t have
your job." 

"How so?" 

"Oh come on now." came Arlene’s reply in a tone that was half serious.
"Every day you have a class full of sweet young things hanging on your
every word. Just by the law of averages, a few of them have to be
interested in, how shall we put it, a little extracurricular exploration
in alternate lifestyles. Don’t tell me you haven’t at least fantasized
about it? Especially when the weather turns warm and so much clothing
comes off." 

"I’ve learned to keep my personal and professional life separate."
Jeanette said in a flat voice. 

"I think I’ve hit a nerve." Arlene shot right back." 

Before Jeanette could answer, a tall black woman stepped to the small
stage podium at the front of the hall and picked up the microphone. 

"If I can have your attention, Ladies." she began with a chipped British
accent. "The auction is going to begin in about 15 minutes so if you could
just finish up so the kitchen girls can clear the tables." 

The announcement brought a fresh murmur of voices across the room. There
was obvious excitement in the air. Jeanette forgot her previous thought
and instead asked Arlene what this was all about. 

"Well it’s pretty simple." she began. "Ever see one of those charity
bachelor or bachelorette auctions, you know where they auction off dates."

Arlene nodded agreement. 

"Well, basically its the same thing. We don’t carry money of course, but
anyone who want to participate can and then settle up when they check out.
The money goes to the college scholarship fund and it’s all really a lot
of fun." 

"You’ve done this before." Jeanette asked. 

"Last time I was here." came the reply with pride. "I went for $450,
pretty impressive if I say so myself." 

"You never cease to amaze me." Jeanette said. 

"I never cease to amaze myself." came the reply. 

A small commotion at the large entrance to the hall suddenly drew
everyone’s attention. At an unseen signal, two tall woman standing by the
wide double door pulled them open. 

"If you were really fascinated by that story about Scarlett McMurphy, then
here’s your chance to meet her." Arlene said as she spotted a familiar

Jeanette sat riveted as she small group of women moved across the room.
The crowd parted in front of them as they moved and to both women’s
delight their path would take them right by their table. 

About ten feet away, the last of the crowd stepped out of the way, giving
Jeanette a clear unrestricted look at Scarlett McMurphy. She was tall,
5’10", something that was impossible to judge in the painting. Her long
red locks were long gone, replaced by short but full white hair that had
been woven into an artistic hairstyle. Her stride was still that of a
powerful, confident woman. Of course her body no longer resembled the full
figured 20 year old of her portrait, but it still wasn’t that of a 68 year
old woman. If Jeanette had to guess her age she wouldn’t have gone past
mid-fifties. Round gold rimmed glasses framed bright green eyes that had
lost none of the fire or intelligence of her younger days. 

It was only when they were a few feet apart that Jeanette realized that
they were stopping at her table. 

"It’s so good to see you again, Arlene dear." Scarlett said. "You must
find time to stop by my office tomorrow afternoon and we can discuss the
new school." 

"Of course." Arlene replied. 

While aware that Arlene regularly spent a large portion of the fortune
she’s inherited on schools and such, she never knew her interest extended
this far. At the moment, she was more interested in the two young women
who accompanied Scarlett. Both wore outfits identical to the waitress from
earlier and both were as amply endowed. What set them apart was that
neither was a native. One was tall, blonde and blue eyed, the other
Hispanic and brown skinned. Both appeared to be in their early twenties. 

Their brief conversation over, Scarlett bade them to have fun and
continued onto the stage. Once they were out of earshot Jeanette mentioned
the two young women and asked of they were some sort of honor guard. 

"In a way," Arlene answered. "They’re her bedmates for this week." 


"From what I understand, Scarlett’s slept with two women a night since she
was 30 years old. It’s considered a great honor, I’ve heard the waiting
list is almost six months long." 

As soon as Scarlett and her escort took their place on the stage, the
auction began. The first contestant was a pretty young blonde in her
twenties. She went quickly for $300 dollars. 

Next up was an older woman who Jeanette guessed to be in her early 40’s.
The schoolteacher quietly remarked that the woman had a lot more guts than
she did, getting up there in front of everyone like that. Surprisingly she
went for only forty dollars less than the young blonde. 

As the next participant walked up to the stage, Jeanette jumped up in her
seat. The resemblance was uncanny. It took both a second and third look
for her to finally conclude that the Asian girl wasn’t who she’d first
thought she was. 

Enthralled as the girl strutted her stuff back and forth on the stage,
Jeanette listened as the bidding went on. A bid of $200 was quickly
replaced by one of $250 and that in turn by $300. The young woman was
beautiful, there was no disputing that. In the brief time it took her to
acknowledge that, the bidding had passed $350. If she had both the nerve
and the money, Jeanette would tempted to bid on her. 

Then with a smile and a laugh, the young woman who’s name the auctioneer
had announced was Keiko Nugora, pulled off the small sarong she’d been
wearing and now pranced in the nude. The bidding immediately shot to $500.

Watching her little dance, Jeanette’s mind began to wander to a time just
a little less than a year ago and to the woman Keiko reminded her of so.


"Emi, I’m home." Jeanette called out as she closed the apartment door
behind her. "You wouldn’t believe the stunt my class tried to pull on me
today, it was old when I was a junior." 

The sound of running water from the bathroom sink told her that it would
be a minute or two before Emi was out. Picking up the mail from the small
table by the door, she began to flip through it as she stepped into the
small living room. 

"Bills, bills, junk mail." she mused as she dropped onto the well worn
couch and tossed them onto the coffee table one by one. 

"Were does it all go?" she asked herself. 

Sometimes it seemed that they were just getting by. She made a decent
salary as a teacher, especially since she’d gotten tenure and Emi was
doing OK as a teaching assistant. She’d do even better once she finished
up those last few credits she needed for her teaching certificate. 

Emi and Jeanette had been together for almost 5 years now and it had been
with the 25 year old Japanese woman that she’d found contentment. It
seemed like every day brought something new and exciting. 

"San Padre School District, San Padre, California. " she read off the
return address of a long white envelope that was addressed to Emi. "I
wonder what this was?" she mused as she looked into the empty envelope. 

The brunette didn’t hear the soft footsteps of her roommate/lover as she
came up behind her. She suddenly felt a pair of familiar hands on her
breasts and she arced her head back to meet Emi’s kiss. The pressure of
the younger woman’s lips against her own was enough to bring a pleasing
tingle between her legs. 

"Hi babe," she said as they broke the kiss. 

"Hi lover," Emi said as the short haired woman swung her body over the arm
of the sofa and landed right on Jeanette’s lap. "I missed you." 

Emi kissed Jeanette again, this time pressing her tongue against
Jeanette’s. The kiss lasted a long time, followed by a second and third. 

"My you’re in a playful mood." Jeanette grinned. "What’s brought this on?"

"I missed you that’s all." Emi whispered into Jeanette’s ear, kissing it
as well. "And I’ve been wanting to give you something all afternoon." 

Emi again cupped Jeanette’s firm breasts and squeezed them gently,
massaging them. She could fell the large pink nipples begin to stiffen
under the plain white bra her lover wore under her conservative school
attire. She again kissed Jeanette lightly. 

"Nice." she asked. 

"Nice." Jeanette agreed. 

Soft fingers quickly moved down the starched white blouse the teacher
wore, undoing buttons as they went. As it fell open, Emi slid her hand
alongside the smooth skin of Jeanette’s stomach and then up under the
elastic strap of her bra. 

"Emi...." Jeanette moaned softly. 

"Shhh," Emi replied, touching her love’s lips with an outstretched finger.
"Just lay back and relax, I’m going to take care of everything." 

A practiced touch undid the front clasp of her bra, freeing access to the
large soft mounds beneath. Emi took the erect pink nipples between her
fingers and tweaked them. Then she leaned forward and kissed each one,
lightly caressing the tip of each with her tongue. 

The short haired oriental took a step back off the couch and pulled her
oversized blue T-shirt up over her head. The shirt had been all she was
wearing. Bringing her hands to her chest, she briefly stroked the small
round orbs that protruded there. Her small nipples were a dark brown but
the nipples no less erect. 

Between her legs was a tiny black triangle, almost the only hair on her
entire body. Although 25 years old, the woman still had the body of a
teenage girl or as Jeanette had remarked many times - a wood nymph. 

Emi returned her attention to Jeanette and eased her down onto the couch.
Her mouth now sought out her breasts and began to suck on them. Her roving
tongue covering them with wetness. Jeanette shivered at the touch of Emi's
lips on her smooth flesh as her tongue once more teased Jeanette's large
nipples. Each lick bringing them to a new hardness. Then her lips closed
on them and every bite and nibble sent waves through Jeanette, causing her
to emit soft moans. Moans which brought great joy to Emi. 

Emi reached down between Jeanette's legs and under her skirt, tracing her
finger against the panty covered outline of her mound. Then she pushed
aside the thin material, ripping it in the process and moved to the center
of the mound rubbing against it. As her soft finger became lubricated by
the wetness there, she slowing slid it between the folds. A louder gasp
escaped Jeanette's lips as Emi slid the finger in and out, soon following
it with a second. 

Emi licked each nipple a final time and them moved her head down
Jeanette's stomach, pausing to kiss and lick her way, pausing only long
enough to pull the short blue skirt up around her waist. Lower and lower
she kissed her way until she reached the edge of Jeanette's wetness. Then
the dark haired woman kissed one thigh, then the other. Finally she kissed
the center of Jeanette's ecstasy. 

"Oh yes....Jeanette said as she reached down and guided Emi's head. "It
feels so good...." 

The smell of Jeanette's crotch made Emi lightheaded, she'd waited all day
for this. She reached out and parted the wet lips with her fingers, moving
her tongue between them, driving it deep inside. She closed her eyes as
she savored the taste, a taste she knew would be hard to do without. 

"Oh God, Emi," Jeanette said as her body jumped at the touch. "I can’t
remember that last time it felt so wonderful." 

Encouraged, Emi moved her pulsating mouth closer and sought out Jeanette's
clit. She alternated between her finger and her tongue, driving Jeanette
wilder with each stroke. A rhythm quickly developed as Jeanette reached
down and held her younger lover’s head between her legs, then lurched
forward with each movement of Emi’s tongue. 

Unable to use her hands any longer, Emi reached behind and grabbed
Jeanette's ass cheeks. Never missing a beat, she slid a cum lubricated
finger into her anus. Jeanette let out a loud moan as she felt it
penetrate. Then Emi withdrew the finger and reinserted it, finger fucking
her ass. 

Jeanette began to gyrate faster as she felt herself nearing climax. Emi
could taste the increase in girljuice and opened her mouth while at the
same time she drove it deeper. 

The small Japanese woman was soon rewarded with a gusher of girljuice, so
much that her face was soon covered with it. She held Jeanette tight as
the teacher screamed out loud and trashed about it ecstasy. It’d been a
long time since she'd had a sexual release of this magnitude. 

Emi continued to lick Jeanette's pussy and slowly finger fuck her ass,
stopping only when her lover finally laid still. She then withdrew her
finger but continued to lick between her legs, but softly now, taking the
time to clean her thighs of delicious girlcum. 

"That was wonderful." Jeanette said in a breathless voice. "I feel so exhilarated." 

"I'm glad," Emi said as she brought herself up to a sitting position.
"I've wanted to do that for so very long." 

Jeanette reached out and pulled Emi close to her. She kissed her, tasting
her own cum in Emi's mouth. She found it intoxicating. She continued to
kiss her for several minutes, licking droplets of sweet girljuice from her

"I love you Emi," She whispered as she kissed her softy. "I want every day
to be just like this one." 

So lost had Jeanette been in the euphoric afterglow of their encounter,
she failed to notice the way Emi’s body had shuddered when she had said

It wasn’t until the next day that Emi mentioned the empty envelope
Jeanette had found the day before. She’d been offered a job in California.
The San Padre School District was more interested in the fact that she was
proficient in both Japanese and English than the fact that she was still a
few credits shy of her certificate. They were in such desperate need of
teachers with that ability, due to the influx of new Japanese families in
the area, that they were offering her a full teachers salary while she
worked as an assistant. In addition, they’d give her time off to finish
school. The offer was just too good to pass up. She’d never get another
chance like this one. 

Emi had suggested that Jeanette come with her and try and get a teaching
job out there as well. At least that way they’d be together. But she knew
Jeanette wouldn’t go. Her life was here, she just couldn’t leave it all
and start over. 

Emi had moved out that Monday. Over the intervening weekend they hadn’t
made love again. Over the next few months they’d spoken to each other on
the phone a few times and exchanged letters as well. Then in March had
come the letter that said she had met another woman. Jeanette had stopped
writing after that. 


Absorbed in her memories, Jeanette didn’t hear the British born auctioneer
announce the winning bid of $950 for Keiko’s company. In fact, it wasn’t
until the dark skinned mistress of ceremonies announced the next
contestants name a third time that she finally heard it. And even then she
knew that there had been some kind of mistake. 

"Jeanette Randolph." she repeated again over the address system. 

"There has to be some kind of mistake." she said, turning to Arlene. 

"Oh, I forgot to tell you." her friend said, her grin spread ear to ear.
"I entered you in the auction." 

"You what!" Jeanette exclaimed. 

"Come on, it’ll be fun." Arlene enjoined. 

"I can’t do this." 

"Of course you can." Arlene insisted. "Just go up there and have a little
fun. God knows you can use it. Who knows you might get lucky." 

"I can’t go up there, it’s too embarrassing." the brunette went on. "What
if no one bids on me?" 

"You’re selling yourself short." said Arlene. "Even so, I’ll bid on you
and I already asked a friend to bid on you too and I’ll pay her back. Even
if no one else bids, which I doubt, we’ll make sure you get a respectable
bid. Now go have fun!" 

"Jeanette Randolph." came the fourth and final call. "Are you out there

Hesitantly, she rose to her feet and stepped forward. A round of applause
followed her. As she got halfway there she paused and looked back at
Arlene. She was leading the applause. 

From: Ann Douglas <>

	           -  Scarlett’s Cove -
		    Part Two
		   by  Ann Douglas

"Are you nervous?" the announcer asked as she took her place on the stage.

"Yes." she said awkwardly. 

"Well don’t worry, just have fun." the dark woman said. "And remember,
it’s for the kids." 

"Ladies, before I take the first bid, I just want to take a moment to
acknowledge Jeanette’s courage in coming up here." the announcer said into
her mike. "Up until we called her name, she didn’t know her friend had
entered her in the auction." 

That brought another round of applause, ended only when she called for the
first bid. 

"$100." Arlene called out. 

"$125." called out her friend, Kate. 

"$150." called out a third woman. 

"$200." Arlene bid as she smiled, glad that at least someone else was

"$250." came a bid from a new voice. 

"$300." shouted a voice familiar to Arlene. 

What Arlene didn’t tell Jeanette was that she had more than one ringer in
the bidding. Even before they had come down to the island, Arlene had
found someone who she believed would be the perfect match for her friend.
In the ten months since Emi had left, Jeanette hadn’t gone out on a single
date. In fact, her only sexual release had been her own left hand and the
half dozen occasions when they’d slept together. Sex with Jeanette had
been truly great, there was no denying that. But it was the mark of an
enduring friendship that made Arlene want something more for her friend.
She had set up this whole trip to get her together with Diane.	

"$350." Arlene bid. 

The plan was for the three of them to drive the price up to $450, the
price that she had told Jeanette that she had been sold at and them have
Diane bid $50 more. 

"$400." called out Kate. 

"$450." Arlene countered. 

There was a long moment of silence and then Diane called out. 


"Well I guess that’s it." Arlene said to herself in a pleased voice. 

"$600." called the voice of the woman who had first bid $150. 

Diane looked over to Arlene who was trying to see past the crowd for the
unseen bidder. The bid was too high for her to continue without it seeming
suspicious to Jeanette. She nodded to Diane to keep bidding. 

"$650." Diane waved. 

"$800." came the other voice. 

"I don’t know who that woman is," Arlene thought, "but she’s screwing up
all my plans." 

Catching Diane’s eye, Arlene held up her index finger. That should knock
the mystery woman out of the bidding. 

"$1,000." Diane shouted as a murmur filled the room. 

The echo of her bid didn’t even have time to fade before it was

"$2,000" called out her rival. "And I’ll match any bid after that." 

Dead silence gripped the room. People shifted position and Diane lost
sight of Arlene. Without specific instructions, there was no way she was
going to top that bid. 

"Anyone else?" the amazed auctioneer asked as the still calm continued.
"Going once, .........going twice......Sold!" 

The room erupted in a thunderous applause. 

"I thank you and the Sean McMurphy Memorial Fund thanks you." she added. 

It took a few minutes for the room to calm down and the next contestant to
make her way to the stage. Jeanette was stunned by what had happened. How
could Arlene have done this to her? How could she have embarrassed her so?

"Well I hope you’re happy?" she said with a trace of anger in her voice as
she got back to the table. "You just had to put in the winning bid didn’t
you. Couldn’t resist showing how much money you could bid!" 

"What are you talking about?" Arlene said. 

"The winning bid, you just had to drive it all the way up." 

"Well, I have news for you, girlfriend" Arlene replied, realizing now that
Jeanette couldn’t tell who was bidding what from up on stage. "That wasn’t
my bid and it didn’t come from anyone I know either." 

"What?" Jeanette said in astonishment. "Are you telling me that was for
real? That someone actually bid that much money for me?!?!" 

‘You got it!" 

With that, Jeanette fell back into her chair in shock. 

"Excuse me." said Mae who had suddenly appeared at their table. 

"Yes." Arlene said, again returning the young woman’s smile. 

"The lady who put the winning bid on Ms. Randolph here said she had to
leave suddenly." the young girl said. "But she asked me to give you this."

Jeanette hesitated a moment before taking the offered note. Carefully she
unfolded the small paper and read the carefully printed words. 

"What does it say?" Arlene asked. 

"It says, please meet me by the waterfall pool at 11:00." Jeanette read.
"It’s simply signed E." 

"Are you going to go?" asked Arlene. 

"How can I not, the woman paid $2,000 to meet me." Jeanette said as she
folded the paper back into a square. "I have to go if only to find out

"Do you want me to go with you?" Arlene suggested. 

"No, I’ll be OK. Besides, I’m sure you have other plans." she added as she
looked again at Mae. 

"It’s just like any other blind date." Jeanette said to herself as she
walked along the shoreline. "Except that I haven’t been on a date in seven
years and never a blind one." 

The warm evening had given way to a equally warm night and a clear sky
revealed a ebony blanket sprinkled with stars. If nothing else, this place
was certainly romantic. In the distance, Jeanette could hear the music of
the disco still going strong. It would go on that way until 1 am. 

Checking her watch, Jeanette saw that it was quarter after ten, she had
plenty of time to walk over to the falls. She took a look at herself in
the water’s reflection. Smiling, she had to admit that the image was still
as physically attractive as a few years before. It was only her self-image
that had suffered, and that was mostly in the last nine months. 

"Damn it, Arlene is right." she said to the gentle breeze. "I’ve got to
put Emi behind me and get on with my life." 

Undoing the top two buttons of her blouse, the brunette opened it up
enough to give a view of her ample braless breasts. Might as well make a
good impression she laughed. 

"Wearing my blouse like this, I really should wear my locket." Jeanette
thought. It was originally her grandmother’s and she had always worn it
for luck. "If I hurry, I could stop by the room and pick it up." 

The area around the small living rooms was pretty deserted, most of the
guests were still out having fun. The quarters Arlene and her shared were
on the second floor and she quickly moved up the outside stairs. Once in
the small three room apartment, she quickly got her locket and was already
on the way out when she heard a noise from Arlene’s room. Curious, she
decided to take a quick peek. 

The scene that greeted her wasn’t unexpected but it still surprised her.
She’d seen Arlene nude a good many times, after all they’d been occasional
lovers. Yet the sudden sight of her with another woman was incredibly

Arlene was on her knees with her back to the door. Standing above her,
equally nude with her arms and legs spread wide was Mae. Her old friend
had her face pressed hard against the young woman’s pussy. After having
been on the receiving end more than a few times, Jeanette didn’t need
either the look of rapture on Mae’s face or the soft moans she was
uttering to know how enjoyable Arlene’s darting tongue could be. 

Jeanette had never really been interested in voyeurism but found the scene
fascinating. If she didn’t have a pressing appointment, she’d be tempted
to stay and watch. As sexually charged as she felt as this moment, she
might even have thought about joining in. 

Quickly and as quietly as she could, Jeanette backed out of the room.
Reaching the top of the stairs, she paused and looked back. 

"Have fun, love." she whispered. 

11:00 came quick enough and Jeanette stood at the edge of the waterfall
pool. She hadn’t felt this nervous since she was 16. A minute went by,
then two and three. Then suddenly a voice from behind. 

"I’m sorry I’m late." said a soft voice from the shadows. 

Jeanette turned to the sound of the voice but couldn’t make out the
speaker. It was another few seconds before she stepped out of the shadows
and into the light of the nearby torches. 

"Hi Jeanette." the blonde woman said, a warm friendly smile on her face. 

The woman was an inch or two shorter than Jeanette, as well as about 8 or
9 years younger. She had a slim tanned body, graphically illustrated by
the same loose skirt Mae had work. The only difference was that she wore a
bikini top which barely contained a 36c chest. Jeanette didn’t recognize
the woman but something about her seemed familiar. 

"It’s nice to see you again." the woman said. 

"Again?" the older woman asked. "You mean again after the auction, right?"

"Well, that too." she replied. "But I was thinking more of a long time

"I’m sorry, but I don’t know you." Jeanette said. "Are you sure you don’t
have me mixed up with someone else." 

"I don’t think so." she said as she came closer. "Jeanette Ann Randolph,
you teach history at Washington High School in Arrow Lake, NY and you’ve
been there for the last 11 years." 

"Oh God, Oh God, Oh God!" Jeanette’s mind raced. It was her worst
nightmare come true. Someone who knew her from back home. 

"Relax, I’m a friend." the woman added when she saw the sudden look of
panic on the teacher’s face. 

"Who are you?’ Jeanette demanded. "This isn’t longer funny any longer." 

"Do you remember Elaine Gluszczak?" she asked. 

"Elaine Gluszczak..." Jeanette repeated as she rolled the name over in her
mind. "Just wait a second, I know that name." 

It took a little while for her to make the connection, then it came like a
bursting dam. 

"6 years ago, honors history." Jeanette said triumphantly. "I remember her
now, very intelligent young girl. If I remember right she went to MIT on a

"You still have a good memory." she replied. 

"I still don’t get it, are you a friend or relative?" Jeanette asked. 

"Good on memory, short on deductive reasoning." the woman laughed. "I am

"You’re Elaine?" the teacher said in disbelief. 

"Yes, I’m Elaine." she said, now only a foot away. 

"Elaine I apologize, but I really didn’t recognize you." 

"Few people who knew me back then would." Elaine laughed again. "Not
unless I put back my glasses and then also put back on an extra 60 or 70

The mental picture of the younger Elaine abruptly filled Jeanette’s mind.
She was a short plump girl with few friends but a brilliant mind. Jeanette
had made it her business to become her friend and help her explore the
potential of her mind. She hadn’t really thought of Elaine in years,
there’d been so many students since. Yet at the time she and the young
girl had almost been as close as Arlene and her had been in her younger

"Elaine, I don’t understand all this." Jeanette said. "Why all of this
auction stuff, if you wanted to say hello why didn’t you just come up to
me and say hello." 

"I guess I wanted to make an impression." she answered. 

"But $2,000 to make an impression!" Jeanette said in amazement. "If I
recall you went to MIT on a scholarship, your family was barely making
ends meet." 

"That’s right, a scholarship you helped me get. But don’t worry about the
two grand, I was planning to donate five to the scholarship fund anyway." 

"Five thousand?" Jeanette repeated. Despite her friendship with Arlene,
she still wasn’t used to dealing with sums like that. 

"Let me explain it quickly, have you ever heard of a company called

"That’s one of those software companies, isn’t it." she answered. "I read
about it in one of those articles about the Internet in Time." 

"That’s the one." Elaine replied. "Well anyway, I formed that company in
my senior year at MIT along with two of my classmates. When it went public
last year, my share of the stock added up to just a little under twelve

"Well that certainly explains the how, but not the why." 

"That’s pretty simple too." Elaine continued, her voice wavering for the
first time. "There were two things I never told you back in high school.
The first since I’m here at the resort should be pretty obvious." 

Jeanette nodded in understanding. 

"The other thing is that ever since I was 17, I was and I guess still am,
in love with you." 

There was a long pause before Jeanette could manage to say a word. Even
then, she simply said. 

"We have to talk." 

Over the next half hour, Jeanette sat on one of the beach benches and
listened to Elaine’s tale. It was both the most incredible and at the same
time tragic story she had ever heard. 

"After my first year at college, I came back to Arrow Lake to see you."
Elaine continued. "All through high school I was certain that you had in
interest in women, but I never had the nerve to find out. By the time I
was 19 I’d found that nerve."	

Jeanette listened intently, it was like hearing a replay of her own life. 

I stopped by your house one day just before you got home and waited
outside. When your car finally pulled up and you got out, I became certain
about three things. The first was that yes, you were a lesbian. The second
was that the oriental girl you were with was your lover. And finally, the
last thing was "why would I ever have thought that you or anyone else was
ever going to be interested in a fat ugly girl like me." 

"Elaine, the first two were definitely true." Jeanette interjected. "But
never the third was never, ever true. If I never realized your interest in
me it was because of your age, never because of what you might have looked

"Well, true or not, I believed it. Thankfully I turned that anger into a
positive thing. I learned to spend as much time developing my body as I
did my mind. Not a bad result, huh." 

"No, not a bad result at all." Jeanette said. "In fact, I think you’re

"I’ve waited six years to hear you say that." Elaine said. "It was worth

"So now what?’ the older woman asked. 

"All of my life, I’ve been a great believer in the concept of divergence
points. That you have certain points in your life where different elements
come together and you can change your destiny. If I hadn’t waited for you
that afternoon and saw you and your lover, I wouldn’t have started taking
better care of my body. If I hadn’t pulled over one night to help a couple
of students stranded with a flat tire, I wouldn’t have met John and Sally,
my partners at Startech. The key is to learn to recognize those turning

"And can you?" 

"Not with certainly, but sometimes too many different things come together
to just be a coincidence. I was already leaving the banquet hall when they
called your name. When I heard it, I was intrigued enough to come back in
to see who also had that name. I never expected it to actually be you.
Then when I asked one of the waitresses about the woman you were with and
found out that she was just your friend, I knew that I had an opportunity
to again change destiny. The rest you know ." 

"Which leads us to where?" 

"Well, if nothing else, it finally gives me the opportunity to do this."
Elaine said. 

With that, she pressed forward and kissed Jeanette on the lips, bringing
with that kiss, a half dozen years of unrequited love. 

Elaine was prepared to have all it all end here, her hopes, her dreams, a
thousand nights of fantasy. All she wanted was this moment. 

The kiss was oh so very brief, but enough to give Jeanette the option of
continuing or pulling away. When it ended, Elaine paused for a moment,
then kissed her again. 

Sensing no resistance, Elaine slid her tongue between her lips and pressed
it against Jeanette’s. Excitement ripped through her as she felt the other
woman’s lips part to admit it. When their tongues met, a jolt of
electricity passed between them. 

More kisses followed, alternating between quick soft kisses and long
soulful ones. Their hands slid up and down each other’s bodies, delighting
with each others touch. 

Softly rubbing her hand against the moist mound between Jeanette's long
legs, Elaine began to match the action of her fingers with that of her
tongue. Soft expressions of delight began to issue from the older woman. 

Taking the quiet moans as encouragement, Elaine reached up with her other
hand and undid the buttons of Jeanette’s blouse. The small buttons quickly
gave way, exposing the large pale pink breasts beneath. 

Jeanette sighed even louder as Elaine reached out and placed her hands
against her melon sized mounds. The nipples were rock hard and the touch
of her slender fingers sent shivers through the older woman’s body. The
younger woman experimentally ran her fingers back and forth across them,
delighting in the sweet sounds emanating from her former teacher’s throat.

Elaine reached back and pulled at the small bow that held her bikini top
in place. It instantly fell away, revealing firm round globes as deeply
tanned as the rest of her body. It only took another touch to undo the
clip that held the skirt. Even in the moonlight it was apparent that
Elaine made a habit of sunbathing totally nude. 

Elaine looked into her mentor’s eyes, quickly loosing herself in their
deepness. She couldn’t resist kissing Jeanette one more time. 

While their tongues slide back and forth, Elaine cupped Jeanette's
breasts. Then she bent down and replaced her hands with her mouth. The
caress of her warm mouth sent a string of encouragement running from
Jeanette’s lips. Her speech was so low that Elaine couldn’t understand
everything she was saying. The tone however, was unmistakable. That and
the slight pressure against Elaine's head as she was again guided to the
hard dark pink nipples. 

Elaine nuzzled at each breast for a while longer, running her tongue in
circles around the wide areola. Then she began a slow journey downward. A
light film of saliva marked the trail of her tongue as it moved down
Jeanette's stomach and across her belly button. Lower she went, nibbling
her way to the precious prize below. Her fingers griped the elastic of
Jeanette’s shorts and pulled them around her ankles. Without conscious
thought, Jeanette stepped out of them. 

Reaching the now thoroughly saturated panties, Elaine took a moment to
relish the aroma. An aroma she imagined on countless lonely nights. She
kissed each thigh, again and again, before moving on to her prize. 

Her fingers slid under the sides of the plain white pants, gliding across
the priceless pearl with a gentle reverence. She kissed the object of her
desire though the thin wet material, then slowly eased off Jeanette’s

It began as a flicker. Then a touch. Finally a long loving caress. She
could feel Jeanette's body react to each stroke as she ran her tongue
across her clit over and over. 

Jeanette began to buckle and spasm as Elaine increased the intensity of
her tongue's attack. She slid her free hand down between her own legs and
slid first one, then two and finally three fingers within herself. She
quickly matched the tempo of her fingers to that of her tongue. 

Sweat ran down the older woman’s body as she shook with each new ecstatic
jolt. She could feel the rising crest within her and knew that her first
orgasm in so many months was near. 

Elaine darted her tongue in and out of Jeanette's tunnel of love, causing
the waves of pleasure cascading up and down the older woman’s body to
double. The harder Elaine moved her tongue, the faster the waves repeated
Faster and faster the waves washed over Jeanette, each bringing her closer
to an explosion . Tears ran down her cheeks as she tried to delay the fire
within her so that she could enjoy each second. With a yell, the history
teacher climaxed as she hadn’t since that last night with Emi. Her body
shook for endless seconds as she took in every aspect of her rapture.

Elaine followed with her own much smaller orgasm seconds later as her
fingers covered with her wetness. A much softer cry on her lips. "Oh my
dear God." Jeanette panted as she collapsed against Elaine’s kneeing form.
"I’ve missed that so much." What she didn’t say as she hugged the younger
woman was that it was the fulfillment of her most forbidden sexual
fantasy. That of having a sexual encounter with one of her students.
Arlene had been so close to the mark earlier that evening it had scared
her. She was afraid to even talk about her fantasy. Both women collapsed
to the ground, entangled in each others arms. Silently they laid there,
caressing and kissing each other's body. Finally, after what seemed an
immeasurable span, Jeanette lifted herself on top of Elaine and softly
whispered. "My turn." 

She hoped Elaine would forgive her for ignoring her beautiful breasts, but
she would make it up to her later. All she wanted at this moment was to
loose herself in the fragrant scent of her womanhood. 

Elaine seemed to sense this and reached down with her own hands and spread
her pussy lips apart. Without hesitation, Jeanette dove in. She lapped at
the young and sweet thing, moving her tongue quickly and deeply into
Elaine. Then she brought the tongue up and hit the clit, causing sparks to
fly through Elaine's shaking body. 

Jeanette ran her tongue against Elaine’s clit again and again, striking it
with a feverish feeling that made her once forbidden lover feverish too.
Feverish with desire for more from this talented woman’s tongue. . 

Jeanette knew she was driving the tanned girl insane with orgasmic
feelings. Looking up she studied Elaine as she sucked. Her protege was
feeling her own breasts as she moaned, tossing her head back and forth on
the sand. 

Then in a burst of fire, Elaine began to come with sighs and squeals. As
she came she took her hands off her tits and put them on the back of
Jeanette’s dark hair, pressing her head deep into her pussy, telling her
dream lover not to stop until she had come with all her fury. 

And come she did. With an orgasmic fury that superseded Jeanette’s
explosion of only a short time before. Never have she reached such a
plateau with any previous lover. Not even in her wildest dreams had she
imagined it would be this wonderful. 

Where Jeanette had shouted to the stars, Elaine simply moaned in quiet
satisfaction, the tone of her voice not reflective of the bodyquake
assaulting her. Behind her closed eyes, bursts of starlight blotted out
the heavens. As the ripples of passion began to fade, her only fear was
that it would never again been this good. 

"Are you all right?" Jeanette finally asked when the young woman failed to
move after a few minutes. 

"I have never felt so right." Elaine said as she lifted herself up into a
sitting position. 

"I thought we were going to talk about this." Jeanette said as she pulled
up along her. 

"I seem to remember you telling me once that actions speak louder than
words." Elaine replied. "And if I really wanted something, I should reach
out and grab it." 

"I always knew my big mouth would get me in trouble some day." the teacher

"I hope we have this much trouble every night." Elaine added. "We have six
more nights here." 

The statement hit Jeanette like a brick. The last few hours she had been
living in a fantasy world. She didn’t have Arlene’s passion for casual
flings. The thought that this had been one of them now troubled her. 

"And then we go back to our lives." Jeanette said, a touch of sadness in
her voice. 

"I guess so, but you never know what the future will bring." Elaine

"If you say so." Jeanette said, her elation already started to pale in the
light of reality. 

"Remember what I said before, that I was a real believer about divergence
points and how some things just seem to fall in place." 

"Yes." Jeanette answered, feeling more let down with each passing moment. 

"Well you might have noticed that new building they’ve been putting up
about a half mile from your apartment complex in Arrow Lake, the one by
Lake Drive." 

"I’ve driven past it." the now confused woman replied. 

"Well I guess you’ve never looked at the sign in front." 

Jeanette just looked more confused. 

"Future home of Startech" Elaine smiled. "I made the decision to move back
home months ago. See what I mean about things coming together at the right
place and the right time." 

"I....I don’t know what to say." Jeanette said, her face lighting up once

"Well, even after the building opens next month, I still have to find a
place to sleep. Think you can help me with that?" 

"I think that together we could come up with something.’ Jeanette beamed,
suddenly feeling a warm glow fill her heart - a glow too long absent." 

"Good, now that we’ve got that settled, shut up and kiss me. We’ve got a
lot of lost time to make up for." 

And in that moment, the student became the teacher, and the teacher the



Priorities ....

	A hundred years from now....
	  	 It won't matter how much money I had....
			What kind of house I lived in ....
				Or what kind of car I drove...	

	What will matter is that the world might be a better place...
		Because I was important in the life of a child. 	

Author: Ann Douglas <>
-- CJ
I don't write any stories. I'm just a reader, and sometimes a reposter.

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