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Subj: "Kathy" I-3 (304 lines)

This is my first effort at posting on A.S.S.M.  It is the first section of a
book that runs 26 chapters.  Whether or not the rest is posted depends on the
reaction   or lack of one to this effort.  Comments (of any kind) will be
appreciated.  Contact me at  Although this is
substantially more tame than many postings on A.S.S.M., the usual disclaimers
apply.  Permission is granted to repost, but only on non-commercial sites.
Please inform me if you do so.

(c) 1991, 1998 by Morgan.

Book I

Chapter 3

   The Officers' Club at the Naval Base in Norfolk is one of the largest clubs
of its kind in the world.  Since Norfolk is the headquarters of the U.S.
Atlantic Fleet, as well as the home of countless other military installations,
the size of the club is no surprise.  Ken and Kathy drove onto the base with
Ken wearing his uniform and driving Kathy's car.  He received a snappy salute
from the guard on the gate after showing his ID and then drove up to the
entrance of the club.  "Why don't you get out here?" Ken asked.  "I'll go park
the car."  Kathy said she would rather stay with him.

   He put the car in gear and found a parking spot.  Opening Kathy's door, he
handed her out of the car.  Again, he was startled at how beautiful she
looked.  Tonight, she was wearing a white cocktail dress with a full skirt.
With her even tan and golden hair, she was exquisite.  Ken realized that she
must use her private pool area to tan in the nude because he now knew she had
a mark-free tan.  Her only jewelry was a large sapphire hanging from a golden
chain around her neck.  The gem was the color of her eyes.  Ken was pleased
that they were the focus of all eyes as they entered the club, and it was
Kathy's astonishing beauty that was attracting the attention.  Looking at her
closely, he realized she was blushing.  "It's just your beauty, Hon.  I keep
telling you, but you don't listen."  The headwaiter nearly fell over himself
to seat Kathy at a very prominent table.  Ken took his seat and groaned.

   Kathy looked at him with concern in her eyes.  "What's the trouble?" 
   "I'm an idiot.  Here we are at the club and *now* I remember I don't have
any money!" 
   Kathy smiled at him an asked, "Have you checked?"

   "What do you mean, have I checked?  I left the ship last night with less
than five bucks, and I spent most of that before I met you.  Good grief!  I
don't even remember paying the bill last night at Charley's."

   "Don't worry about it," she said, "I own the place."  He gaped in
amazement.  Then she said, "Why don't you check your wallet anyway.  You never
can tell."  Ken unbuttoned the flap on his hip pocket and took out his wallet.
Thinking about it, it had felt a little different when he had taken out his ID
at the gate.  He looked in the bill compartment and received a shock.  He
counted.  There were twenty $100 bills in it.  No wonder it had felt a little
thick   Ken had never had $2,000 in cash in his life.  Kathy looked at him
with concern on her face.  "What's wrong?  Isn't it enough?"

   "Enough!?  You've got to be joking.  This is the Navy, not Tokyo.  Of
course it's enough.  But where did it come from?"

   "It's mine, it's honest money, and I love you.  Do you need to know any
more than that?" 
   "I guess that's enough.  By the way, I love you, too."

   Very daintily, Kathy stuck the pink tip of her tongue out at him.  "The way
you said that wasn't very romantic."  Then she held out her hand and said,
"Let's dance." 
   As they went towards the dance floor, Ken tried to conceal his reluctance.
With Sylvia he always felt like he had two left feet.  As a matter of fact he
had felt that away about dancing ever since he was a plebe at Annapolis, but
he took Kathy in his arms and moved out on the floor.  He couldn't believe it!
He was moving with a feather in his arms.  In bed she had moved like a dancer.
On the dance floor she moved like a dream.  He grinned at her and she grinned
back.  "You didn't like to dance before, did you?"

   "How did you know?"

   "Call it another good guess.  Can we open up a little?" 
   Kathy moved away from him in time with the music.  It appeared that Ken was
controlling her feet, when in actuality she was somehow controlling his.
Other dancers on the floor moved away to give them more room.  Ken felt like
he was lost on a cloud.  The music stopped.  Suddenly, there was applause from
the dancers around them as well as the band members all of whom had been
admiring their dancing.  Kathy made a quick curtsy and fled back to their
table.  After seating Kathy and taking his seat Ken looked around for the
waiter.  "What would you like, Hon?"

   "I think I'll have my usual, club soda with a lime."

   "Do you mind if I have something stronger?"

   "Of course not!"

   The waiter came over and Ken gave him the drink order, ordering a Beefeater
martini for himself.  Ken looked at Kathy.  "What happened out there?" 
   "What do you mean?"

   "You know what I mean.  I can't dance like that!  What happened?" 
   "Obviously you can, because you did."  Then she added with a note of alarm
in her voice, "Some people are coming over.  Do you know them?"

   Ken looked over in the direction of Kathy's eyes and grinned.  "It's my
parents.  I wonder what they're doing here tonight.  They live on the
Peninsula and almost never come down to Norfolk."  As he got to his feet,
Kathy saw a man almost as tall as Ken approach accompanied by a matronly woman
at his side.  He was wearing the uniform of a full admiral and appeared to be
about forty-five years old.  When the couple reached the table and joined
them, Ken reached out his hand to grip his father's and then gave his mother a
quick kiss.  "Mother and Dad, I would like you to meet Katherine Smith.
Kathy, this is my father, Admiral Samuel Stark, and my mother, Betty."

   Admiral Stark gave a courtly bow, smiled and bent to kiss Kathy's hand.
She blushed.  Then she rose to greet Ken's mother, an overweight woman who
looked much older than her husband.  "I am delighted to meet you both.  Would
you care to join Ken and me?" 
   "Why thank you," Sam Stark replied, "Betty and I would be delighted.  We
haven't seen Ken to talk to in nearly a year.  After his marriage he seemed to
disappear.  However, a nice thing about carrying rank is that I've been able
to keep track of him through the Navy   but no thanks to him.  How have you
been, son?  You're looking very well."

   "Kathy gets the credit for that one, Dad."

   As the evening progressed, Kathy studied Sam and Betty Stark.  She was an
expert.  Sam showed all the marks of an attractive man with a roving eye.  In
fact, she saw a female lieutenant commander looking at him from time to time
with a possessive look that Kathy thought she recognized.  Kathy was certain
that Betty was displaying the telltale symptoms of a woman who is afraid of
losing something of great value to her: her husband. 
   After a very pleasant evening, Ken and Kathy returned to Kathy's apartment.
It was nearly two o'clock and they were both tired.  After taking off her
dress Kathy went into the bathroom.  Ken could hear the noises as he undressed
and entered the bathroom.  'What a joy to have facilities large enough for two
to use at the same time!'  Ken thought.  He looked at Kathy lovingly.  As
usual, she was nude and was brushing her teeth at the sink.  He washed,
brushed his teeth, and took her in his arms.  Again, like the morning   could
it have been only a single day?    he carried her to the bed.  This time,
though, he laid her gently on the bed and lay beside her.  As he gently took
her in his arms and held her, he could feel his arousal from their close
contact.  While he felt for her moist spot, she spread her legs to make his
access easier.  She was wet already.  Slowly, he straddled her and moved his
phallus towards her moist cunt and entered it.  The previous times had been a
near-frenzy.  This time it was slow and lovely.  She arched her back and
hooked her ankles around his neck to get the greatest possible penetra tion.
As he moved in her, she started to moan softly.  Deliberately, he moved in and
out while her hips moved slowly in the tempo.  He could feel that he was close
to release and slowed his move ments as Kathy had done earlier.  He looked
into her face and saw a beautiful smile.  "You're wonderful," she whispered.
The movements continued.  He could feel her movements speeding up while the
flow of her internal juices increased.  Suddenly, he let go in a flood.  Her
pelvis was bucking in a frenzy as she, too, let loose a flood of fluid that
nearly drowned his cock.  She lowered her legs and they lay side by side.
Almost immediately, they fell asleep in each other's arms. 
   Ken awakened in the morning to find Kathy standing next to him fully
dressed.  "Come on, lazy-bones, we're going to church."  Ken was surprised,
but said nothing.  He took a shower, shaved, and got dressed.  Going out to
the kitchen, he found Kathy had breakfast on the counter waiting for him.
After eating, Kathy led him down to the garage and then backed the car out. 
   Driving back towards the apartment after church, Ken looked around and
sighed.  It was a magnificent early Spring day in Tidewater without a cloud in
the sky.  While stopped at a traffic light, Kathy looked over at him.  "Okay,
where are we going to play?" 
   Ken, looking like the little kid caught with his hand in the cookie jar,
grinned sheepishly.  "Play what?  What are you talking about?"

   "Golf, silly.  You have all the symptoms of a junkie deprived of his
regular fix.  Where are we going to play?"

   "What do you mean, play?  You can't play golf like that.  You're dressed
for church." 
   "Hah!  My clothes and clubs are in the trunk.  For the third time, where
are we playing?" 
   Ken gave up the act and grinned.  "How would the course at the Officers'
Club be?  But with the weather so nice, though, we might have quite a wait."

   Kathy smiled.  "I have another idea.  Why don't we swing by your club, pick
up your things and play at mine?  I belong to a private club nearby."

   "Do you think we can get out?"

   "Since our tee-time reservation is for an hour from now, I'm sure we can,"
Kathy replied. 
   Ken, still trying to salvage something from the exchange, asked her, "How
did you know I play golf, or would want to play?"

   "Because, silly, it's as nice a day for golf as we will ever find.  Any
golfer would want to be out, and you look like a golfer to me."

   Driving up to Kathy's club, an attendant came rushing out to greet her.
"Good afternoon, Miss Smith.  May I take your clubs?  Will you be walking or
riding today?" 
   "Thank you, Jack.  Commander Stark and I will be walking.  Could you see
that he is set up in the men's locker room?"

   They met a few minutes later on the practice tee.  Kathy was already
hitting balls with a very fluid swing.  After loosening up, Ken started
hitting balls starting with his wedge and working up through his bag.  When he
got to his driver he was pounding the ball almost off the range.  Kathy
stepped back and admired his shots which were ripping off the club head with a
small draw adding to the distance.

   The caddies were waiting for them on the first tee.  Kathy turned to him,
"Since this is my home course I won't even ask you to give me strokes, but
what are we going to play for?"  The idea of an even match with a girl had
never occurred to Ken.  He didn't know what to say.  Kathy looked at him.
"I'll tell you what.  If you win, the $2,000 in your wallet is doubled.  If I
win, you give me one wish.  It will easily be in your power to grant.  Fair?" 
   "Sounds fine to me.  You're on."

   Before they had finished the match word of it had spread to the clubhouse
and they had attracted a gallery.  Ken's drives were straight and more than
250 yards off the tee.  Although Kathy's were shorter, she was still hitting
hers over two hundred yards.  But what she was losing off the tee she was
making up around the greens.  She was deadly.  After seventeen holes the match
was even with both golfers at one under par.

   The eighteenth hole was a 460-yard par five played to an elevated green.
Ken led off and hit his best drive of the day.  It was over 300 yards, leaving
him only 150 yards to the pin.  Kathy also crashed one nearly 250 yards.
After studying her position on the fairway she took her three wood.  Her swing
was straight from a golf video.  The ball cleared the lip in front of the
green and disappeared from sight in the direction of the pin.

   Ken approached his ball, selected a six iron, swung   and pulled his shot.
It reached the green, but was well to the left of the pin.  They walked up the
hill together.  "Where on earth did you learn to play golf like this?  Do you
realize I'm playing the best round of my life against a girl I outweigh by
about 100 pounds, and we're still even?"

   Kathy smiled up at him.  "It's a simple game.  After all, the ball just
sits there on the ground looking at you.  It's not even moving.  Besides, you
got me warmed up yesterday."  Her eyes glistened with love.

   "Thanks a lot," Ken grinned resisting the temptation to take her into his
arms.  "My regular partners who have trouble breaking ninety on their best
days would kill you if they heard you say that.  But I love you anyway."

   Ken's ball was on the left edge of the green.  He had a forty-five-foot
putt with a sharp left-to-right break on the green.  After carefully lining it
up, he stroked the ball firmly.  Although his line looked good at first, the
green broke more than he expected.  His ball passed below the cup and stopped
about three feet away.  Kathy's ball was about twelve feet beyond the pin.  It
was a very difficult putt, downhill, with a right-to-left break.  She lined it
up carefully and stroked the ball firmly.  The ball, following the contours of
the green that she had read perfectly, dropped solidly into the center of the
cup for an eagle three.  Ken, although he had already lost the match, stepped
up to his ball and sank his putt for a four.  Ignoring the cheering spectators
surrounding the green, he took Kathy in his arms and kissed her.  Her back was
wet from sweat and her face glistened.  She put her arms around his neck as
their kiss lingered.  Meanwhile, the cheering increased in volume.  Finally he
let her go and whispered, "That was great.  It was the best round of golf I
ever played: two under par.  And I lose to a girl!  I'll never live it down."
He faked a grimace.  Kathy, with her face hidden by Ken's bulk, stuck out her
   After showering at the club, they returned to the apartment.  Ken sprawled
on the couch.  "Not so fast," Kathy said.  "There's a small matter of our
wager.  You lost!" 
   "I remember.  One wish.  You mean you want it now?"

   "I sure do," Kathy replied archly.  "You are going to be my slave for the
rest of the day.  Take off your clothes."

   Ken stripped off his clothes, looking at her.  "Are you serious?  I'm
afraid you are.  You want to get even for the spanking."

   "Slave Ken, bring me a Sam Adams."  she commanded imperiously. 
   Ken returned with the cold beer.  "You may have one, too, if you like.  But
only one." 
   Ken returned with his beer and went to sit beside her.  "Remain standing,
slave.  Better yet, kneel on the floor."  Ken knelt and drank his beer.
"Slave, undress me."  Kathy rose gracefully from the sofa and stood in front
of him.  With trembling hands he carefully undressed her.  As the clothing
came off, once again her glistening beauty was revealed.  Kathy had an idea in
mind.  When she was as naked as he was, she left the room and came back a few
moments later with a feather quill.  She ordered Ken, "Spread your legs
slightly, stand up straight, and don't move." 
   She took the feather and started to run it over his chest, then his back.
She played with it over his buttocks as he continued to stand.  Kathy watched
as his erection grew as large as it could possibly get.  Yet it continued to
increase in size!  Finally, using both the feather and its tip, Kathy turned
her attention to his genitals while kneeling in front of him.  Ken's body was
starting to shake from his sexual tension.  "You're not standing still," she
said sharply.  She continued to tease his organ, while the strain was showing
on his face.  His body was crying for release but all she was doing was
further exciting him.  He longed for release between her thighs, but failing
that, release through masturbation.  She continued to torment him.  Finally,
his system couldn't take it any longer.  He erupted in spurts.  Kathy, still
on her knees caught it in her mouth.  He came in torrents, with most of it
going into her mouth but also spraying her face, her hair, and her breasts.
When his orgasm finally subsided, Ken realized that Kathy was shaking.  He
looked down and could see moisture running down her legs.  Orders or not, he
collapsed on the floor.  "Please, Kathy.  Never again.  I don't think I could
   That night was like the previous night, one of the most tender lovemaking.
Ken was on a voyage of exploration on the body of this glorious girl he had
found, or who had found him.  When Kathy fell asleep, her head was on his
shoulder so he reached his hand around her body and gently cupped her breast.
She made a small mewing sound and snuggled her body even closer to his.  Ken
fell asleep that way.

* * *

   On Monday morning, Ken awakened in Kathy's bed.  Having the facility of
being able to set his mind like an alarm clock he awakened at five-thirty,
since he had to take a cab back to the base in time to be back on board by
0800.  The bed beside him was empty.  He went into the bathroom, shaved,
showered, dressed, and went into the kitchen to find Kathy with another
beautiful breakfast ready for him to eat.  She was wearing a flannel bathrobe.
After eating, Ken looked at her.  "May I see you again, Kathy?  Soon?"

   Kathy opened her bathrobe and held it spread wide like the curtains on a
stage, revealing her gorgeous body.  "Is this soon enough?" she grinned.  Ken
moved towards the telephone.  "What are you doing?" she asked.

   "Calling a taxi to get back to the base."

   "Don't bother, I'll be ready in a second."  As good as her word, she was
back in the kitchen, struggling to button a pair of Levi's that fit like a
second skin.  She had on a windbreaker and held her car keys.  Ken couldn't
resist.  He had to give that lovely little ass a spank, and was rewarded with
the little pink tongue being stuck out at him. 
   When they arrived on the pier, Ken looked solemnly at Kathy.  "Kathy Smith,
who are you, anyway?"

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