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Subject: REPOST: GARANTEE.TXT 250K"The Guarantee" (Mf, cons, incest, teen/pedo, preg, novel)
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                          The Guarantee
                         An Erotic Story

     Chapter 1                The set-up.              Page-1

     Chapter 2                Date      #1.            Page-4

     Chapter 3                Interlude #1.            Page-21

     Chapter 4                Date      #2.            Page-28

     Chapter 5                Interlude #2.            Page-44

     Chapter 6                Date      #3.            Page-49

     Chapter 7                Interlude #3.            Page-59

     Chapter 8                Date      #4.            Page-66

     Chapter 9                Date      #5.            Page-70

     Chapter 10               The guarantee.           Page-77

     Chapter 11               Epilogue.                Page-81


                            Chapter 1
                           The set-up.

     My big sister looked at me in disgust.  "Boys!" she said, 
"Sometimes I wonder!  Why aren't you going out tonight, instead 
of sitting here on your dead-ass watching TV?  I sure don't spend 
Friday nights moping around the house, when there are so many 
members of the opposite sex out there just waiting for me.  Why 
don't you get a date?"
     I looked up at my big sister from the couch.  Yeah, sure.  
SHE had no problem getting dates.  My big sister may not be the 
prettiest girl in the 10th grade, but she definitely was the 
sexiest . . . at least to me, she was.  For sure she never had 
any trouble getting dates.  At 17, Lonnie was not only beautiful; 
but in bra and panties, as she prepared for her own date, she was 
a teenager's wet-dream; with beautiful mounded breasts, long 
brown hair that hung halfway to her waist, and nicely curved hips 
that just made your peter ache to feel what was between them.  
Not to mention a smooth flat belly that made you just ache to 
kiss her navel.  Lonnie had a whole string of boyfriends coming 
around, and hadn't missed going out on a Friday or Saturday night 
in as long as I could remember.  I don't know if she "put out" or 
not, (That was HER business.) but she never seem to have any 
unhappy boyfriends; not even those she was no longer seeing.  I 
wondered how she did it.  Right now, she was currently seeing 
THREE different boys, seemingly on rotation, and I had never 
heard an argument from any of them.  At the moment, she was 
getting ready to go out with Frank Georges.  He wasn't an 
extremely handsome guy, like SOME of Lonnie's dates, but he 
wasn't all that bad-looking either.  What he DID have was 
personality, like most of those that my big sister dated.  Heck, 
even I liked him.  Which, (believe it or not) made me even 
grumpier.  It just wasn't fair, that my big sister with her looks 
and sexiness could get almost any guy she wanted, while I 
couldn't get laid if I paid for it . . . not that I would.
     Three times that night, I had called different girls, and 
all three had dates.  I had also tried during school, with no 
better luck.  It seems that "nerds" like me, weren't high on the 
list of desirable dates.
     "Yeah," I said bitterly, "and who would that be with . . . 
Betty-Lou Harris? . . . I'd rather be alone."  Not that Betty-Lou 
was all THAT bad looking, in spite of the joke going around about 
"I wouldn't take her to a dogfight, even if she had a chance to 
win."  She just wasn't very good looking.  Slightly big front 
teeth, and coke-bottle glasses made a bad first impression.  Her 
body wasn't all that bad, if you liked them a little bit plump.  
Still, she wasn't the type of girl you even thought about asking 
for a date.  Maybe I had been missing a bet.  Too late now 
though, after what I just said to my big sister.
     "You might be surprised," said Lonnie, enigmatically.  
"What's the matter, Little Brother, can't get a date?"
     I didn't even bother to answer.
     "Did you even try?" she pressed.
     "Three times, and three no's," I answered bitterly.


     "The trouble with you boys, is you don't know who or how to 
ask," said Lonnie.
     "Easy for YOU to say, with a body like that," I responded.  
"You can get any guy you like to go out with you, and you don't 
even have to give him a good time, either."
     My big sister seemed simultaneously pleased by the fact that 
I thought she was beautiful, and annoyed at the fact that I 
seemed to think she might be a poor date.  "Nobody ever complains 
about having a lousy time when they go out with me," she 
     True.  Lonnie was keeping three guys happy, and I couldn't 
even get a date.  I barely managed to choke out an apology, 
before starting to cry.  I didn't WANT to; it's just that things 
seemed so unfair!
     This time, it was Lonnie, who apologized.  "I'm sorry, 
Mark," she said; sitting beside me, and cuddling me close so that 
my head was resting on her soft breast, and the smell of her body 
was making me think thoughts that a boy just shouldn't think 
about his big sister.  "Why don't you let me help?" she asked.
     "Huh?" I said.  "How?"  I knew Lonnie was getting ready to 
go out in about a half-hour, and didn't have much time to babysit 
her little brother.  Besides, what I needed was a date, not my 
big sister; no matter HOW sexy she was.  I wanted to hold and 
cuddle a girl, and even try to "make out".  You don't do things 
like that with your own sister, no matter HOW sexy she is.  Oh 
God!  What was I doing even THINKING such things?  Lonnie would 
probably slap my head half-off, if she even knew I had such an 
idea.  Thankfully, my big sister isn't a mind-reader.  (Well, 
considering what happened next, maybe she is.)
     "You don't have ANY girlfriends, right?" asked Lonnie.
     I nodded numbly.  It wasn't from lack of trying, either.
     Lonnie seemed to make up her mind about something.  "How 
about if I set you up, to get you some experience?" she asked.
     "As I said, most boys don't know who to ask, or how," she 
explained.  "So I'll get you started.  For the next five weeks, 
I'll set you up with a different date each Friday, starting 
tonight.  If you do a decent job, and are nice to each of the 
five girls, I'll guarantee you have a good time."
     "Yeah, sure," I said sarcastically, "what'll you do if I 
don't?  Kiss my prick?"
     "Anything you want," said my sister; running her hands 
suggestively down her hips, and licking her lips in an almost 
obscene manner.  "But you have to go out with whoever I pick, and 
do YOUR best to give her a good time.  Whaddya say?"
     What COULD I say?  Still . . . "Even Betty-Lou Harris?" I 
     "WHOEVER I pick," emphasized Lonnie.  "Well?  As I said, 
I'll GUARANTEE that you have a good time."
     "And who decides whether I had a good time?" I asked 


     "You do," she said, surprising me.  "If, after I pay-up, I 
decide that you really DID have a good time, then I can call the 
whole deal off, and I don't think you would want that.  On the 
other hand, If I don't do a good job of making it up to you, then 
YOU can call the deal off.  In any case, I don't think I have 
anything to worry about, because I know you WILL have a good 
time, if you just try.  Whaddya say?" she repeated.
     Well, it sure looked better than watching "Gilligan's 
Island" re-runs.  "You're on," I said, "and thanks Sis."
     "Thank me AFTER your date," she said.
     "No, I mean thanks for caring."
     "Oh . . . you're welcome."  Here Lonnie gave me such a sexy 
smile, that I almost found myself hoping that I DID have a lousy 
time on my upcoming date . . . almost.  While a good time with my 
big sister (I DID believe she would keep her promise.) would be 
fun, what I really needed was a girlfriend . . . or preferably 
girlfriends, like Lonnie had boyfriends.  If she was right, in a 
little over a month, I would either have one, or at least have a 
start on knowing how to get one.  In any case, I couldn't lose, 
what with my big sister's "guarantee."


                            Chapter 2
                            Date #1.

     While I was running this through my mind, Lonnie had been on 
the phone.  She came back, dressing hurriedly while she did, so 
she wouldn't be late for HER date.  "It's all set," she said.
     I was dying to know who she had set me up with.
     "Suzy," Lonnie replied to my inquiry.
     "Suzy WHO?!?" I almost exploded.
     "Suzy Morgan," she replied.  "Who else?"
     Suzy?  The little girl next door?  The one I played with in 
the pool, and used to go skating with?  "But she's just a kid!" I 
almost exploded.  "She's only 12 years old!"  The 
three-and-a-half year difference in our ages seemed almost 
insurmountable.  After all, I was 16, for Christsake!  I wanted a 
GIRL to date . . . to snuggle up to . . . to make-out with, if 
possible.  Not some snotty-nosed kid, who needed a babysitter.
     "She's almost 13," responded Lonnie; checking her watch.  "I 
know you want someone to make out with, but you've got to start 
somewhere.  Give her a chance . . . she might surprise you.  
Remember, I'll guarantee you have a good time tonight."  Once 
again she ran her hands over her hips suggestively.
     I thought about it.  Five hours or more, effectively 
babysitting the little girl next door, for maybe a ten-minute 
blow-job by my big sister . . . was it worth it?  On the other 
hand, Lonnie hadn't mentioned any limit on the time . . . .
     "You said, 'anything I wanted,'" I reminded her.  "But for 
how long?"
     "The rest of the night, if you wish.  I SAID I'd guarantee 
you have a good time, and you will . . . one way or the other.  
     What could I say?  "OK," I responded, "I'll do it."  Six 
hours, from midnight to 6 in the morning with my sexy sister, 
seemed like a good deal to pay for only five hours of 
babysitting.  Besides, Suzy is a nice kid.  Perhaps I might have 
fun after all.  If not, then I WOULD have fun afterwards.  How 
many deals do you get, where you can't lose?
     Well, it SOUNDS nice to go over and take the little girl 
next door out on a date.  However, this was MY first date as 
well, and I hadn't even talked to her mother before.  Thus it was 
with some trepidation (Listen to me use them big words . . . my 
heart was in my mouth.) that I rang the doorbell.  God!  What if 
Suzy's mother thought I was taking her little girl out to try and 
seduce her?  (Not so far-fetched, when you realize that's what I 
would be doing with any normal date.)  Thus, the reaction I got 
was doubly surprising.
     Tammy Morgan (Suzy's mother) pulled me aside, barely inside 
the door, and began whispering to me, so her daughter couldn't 
hear, before announcing my arrival.  I EXPECTED her to give me a 
big lecture about getting Suzy home on time, and not molesting 
her, or something like that.  Instead, she thanked me!
     "I wanted to thank you, for being so nice and volunteering 
to take Suzy out on her first date," she practically gushed.  "It 
means so much to her, and she likes you a lot.  I hope you don't 


     Huh?  Who was setting up whom here?  I nodded carefully.
     "Good," she continued.  "I'm leaving for work in about an 
hour, so I won't be home when you two get back."
     By this time, Suzy had joined us; as her little sister 
announced the fact that, "Mark's here!" in a loud clear voice 
that was so pretty it almost sang.
     "Now since I won't be home, I want you both back here by 
Ten," she explained.
     Oh shit.  I had planned on making this a proper date; even 
though Suzy WAS underaged.  I owed it to my sister.  "Uh, Mrs. 
Morgan?" I said.
     "We were PLANNING on going to the drive-in," I said 
carefully.  (Yeah, the standard make-out place, just like Suzy 
was a real date that might put out.)  I had borrowed our father's 
car, so I could rub my big sister's nose in all the things I 
MIGHT have been doing, with a real girl instead of a kid.  Maybe 
next time (after paying up) she'd find somebody my own age.  "The 
movie starts after 8:30," I explained, "and doesn't let OUT until 
after 10:00.  Besides, I wanted to take Suzy out for a snack 
afterwards, if she wanted to."  (Just like a REAL date.  I would 
do my part . . . then my sister would have to do hers.)
     Tammy's eyes lit up, when she heard this.  I had expected 
her to object to her little girl being taken to a drive-in (of 
all places) by a horny 16-year-old boy.  "Well," she said, "since 
it's her first real date with a boy, I guess I COULD stretch 
things a little.  Only be back by 11 o'clock at the latest.  When 
you come in, I want you both to be careful not to wake Ginny up; 
she'll be asleep by then.  I won't be here to check on you, but I 
expect YOU to be in bed by at LEAST one-o'clock.  You need your 
sleep, even if tomorrow IS a Saturday.  OK?"  Tammy aimed this 
last question at her daughter.
     I couldn't believe it . . . not one word about trusting me 
to be on time, or taking care of her girl.  The implication that 
she DID trust me was staggering.  I resolved that only war 
breaking out in the streets would keep me from getting Suzy home 
by the specified hour.  "OK," I said; while Suzy repeated, "OK, 
     That was it.  The next thing I knew, Suzy and I were 
standing outside her door, and I was officially on my first date 
with a girl.  (Yes, GIRL.  I was NOT going to downgrade Suzy to 
the status of "kid" like I had called her when talking to my big 
sister.  Besides, in the cute little dress and matching blouse 
that you could almost see her bra in, Suzy looked almost sexy.  
Almost.  Not like my big sister did, but yes somewhat sexy in an 
innocent way.  And yes, it really WAS my first date too, much as 
I hate to admit it.)  Perhaps this night wouldn't be too bad 
     The movie was some silly horror-show called "The revenge of 
the giant-tomatoes" or something like that.  <Giggle.>  Scary, 
but almost funny in the way they quite often tried to be scary, 
but didn't quite bring it off . . . I mean . . . tomatoes?  The 
perfect movie to take a girl to; but not so scary that a little 
kid like Suzy would be really frightened.  I almost forgot that 
kids see some pretty nasty movies every day on TV.


     I got the car settled into place, the speaker settled on the 
window; and picked up some popcorn from the food-stand.  We were 
all set, and waited for the movie to start.
     As we did, Suzy set the popcorn aside, and slid over to my 
side of the car.  "Thanks Mark," she said.
     "Huh?" I said.
     "Thanks for taking me out.  I know your big sister talked 
you into this, but I really appreciate it anyway.  I never told 
you before, but I've had a crush on you for years.  Thanks for 
making my first date just perfect."  Suzy leaned over; kissed me 
on the cheek; and then retired, blushing, to her side of the car.
     Shit!  I felt like a heel.  "C'mere Suzy," I said; and 
taking her head I turned it to face me.  I then kissed her . . . 
properly, like a boy SHOULD kiss his date, on the lips.  Damn, 
that tasted good, for just a little girl!  "Thank YOU," I said, 
"for going out with me.  You're the best date I ever had." (No 
lie, but SHE didn't have to know she was the ONLY date I ever 
had, did she?)
     "Oh Mark," she said, and snuggled into me.  I felt a LOT 
better.  For ten minutes we snuggled like that, until the movie 
started.  You know?  It began more and more to look like my big 
sister wouldn't have to "pay up" after all.  And surprisingly, I 
wasn't even disappointed.
     The movie started, and for the next ten minutes we watched 
commercials for upcoming movies, and a short little cartoon, 
before the main movie started.  By that time, the big bucket of 
popcorn had mysteriously sagged down to about a half inch of 
remaining kernels, and the "super-sized" Coke had almost vanished 
as well.  Who cares?  The main feature was about to begin.
     Yeah, right.  Some feature.  The cartoon and trailers beat 
the movie all hollow.  Even the scary parts weren't.  I was 
getting bored, and I turned to Suzy to ask her if she wanted to 
see the rest of the movie, or wanted to go, like I did.
     I promptly forgot all about the movie.  While I had been 
watching the lead-ins, my arm had unconsciously wrapped itself 
around the little girl's snuggling body, and my hand was somehow 
cupping her sweet little titty.  Up to now, (except for noticing 
that she was wearing a bra, back at the house) I had never 
noticed that the little girl even HAD breasts, let alone the 
sweet little swelling mounds that filled my hand so nicely.
     Suzy was staring straight ahead towards the screen, but I 
could tell her mind was more on my roaming fingers, than on any 
stupid fake-horror flick.  But she didn't say a word; just 
snuggling even closer to me, if possible.  I decided to see if I 
was right.  Suzy could always stop me, if she didn't want me to 
fondle her.  She could move over, object, or just tell me to 
stop.  She didn't do any of these things.
     I started rubbing the soft little mound under my hand, and 
Suzy just let out an, "Ooohh," of pleasure, and kept on watching 
the screen.  Going further, I moved my hand over to her other 
breast, and started massaging that one.  This time, Suzy DID say 


     "Oooh.  Thanks Mark, that feels good," she said, and smiled 
at me, before returning her attention to the movie.  Maybe it 
wasn't so boring to a little girl like her.  For sure I was no 
longer bored.
     I decided to find out just how far the little girl would let 
me go.  Casually, I let my hand sag down towards her waist, and 
when she didn't object to my big hand resting on her bare 
midriff, I slid it up UNDER her shirt, and massaged her belly for 
a moment.  Suzy didn't say anything; just turning slightly to 
make it easier for my hand to fit up under her blouse. (Blouse, 
shirt, whatever.  I'll call it a shirt.)  Less than two minutes 
later, I felt the lacy straps of her bra.  I didn't even bother 
feeling her titties through the bra; I slid my hand right up 
underneath it, until I had a swollen titty in my (comparatively) 
rough hand.  Such a soft sweet little mound.  Even my big 
sister's tits weren't this soft.  I almost felt like cumming in 
my pants.
     Suzy didn't say a word; even when I pulled my hand out from 
one sweet little tit, and moved it over to where I was massaging 
the other one.  I guess she thought this was normal behavior for 
a guy on a date with a girl.  (Well, I guess at the drive-in 
there, it actually WAS.  Just not with little girls this young.)
     After a few minutes of this, I slid my hand back down the 
little girl's smooth belly; ran it around her bellybutton, and 
then back up under her bra.  Suzy just sighed.  I had never 
expected to even get THIS far with ANY girl, especially not on my 
first date.  I guess my big sister wouldn't have to "pay up" 
after all.  Not that I was disappointed.  This is what I had been 
really wanting anyway:  Being out on a real date, with a sexy 
girl; cuddling and "making out."  Only I had just expected to 
feel the girl's body through her clothes, and maybe get a kiss or 
two if I was lucky.  Getting my hands up under her clothing, had 
just been a wet-dream, on my part.  I knew most girls didn't let 
their dates "pet" them, under their clothing, until at LEAST the 
third date . . . .
     Or at least, that's what I had thought.  This date with Suzy 
had turned to far better than I could have expected, if I HAD 
succeeded in getting one of my classmates to go out with me.
     Now that I thought of it, I was incredibly lucky to have a 
girl like Suzy in the car with me.  She was cute, she was sexy, 
she didn't seem to mind my advances, and most important, she 
seemed to really LIKE me.  I guess she hadn't been kidding, when 
she admitted earlier that she had had a crush on me.  I nuzzled 
my face in the little girl's hair, and almost fainted from 
sensual overload, as her sweet scent filled my nostrils.
     "Mmmmmm," said Suzy squirming around so that my arm wasn't 
so awkwardly wrapped around her, and my whole forearm was resting 
skin-to-skin against her smooth little belly, while my fingers 
massaged her sweet little breasts underneath her lacy brassiere.  
"I like that."
     I nuzzled her hair to one side, and kissed her on the cheek, 
by way of saying, "Thank you."  The stimulation was too much.  I 
felt like my head would explode, if I didn't do something more, 
yet I was already doing more than I should.


     The third time I slipped my hand out from under Suzy's bra, 
to feel her sexy little tummy and waist, I tentatively slid it a 
little farther down, underneath the elastic that was the top of 
her skirt.  Suzy didn't object.
     Now greatly daring, I slid my fingers even farther down to 
where a second band of elastic crossed the little girl's smooth 
little tummy.
     Suzy just sagged down a little farther in the seat, to make 
it easier for me.  If that wasn't a signal to, "Go ahead," I 
don't know what is.
     It took me three tries, but I managed to slip my fingers 
underneath the elastic that held the silky little panties up.  I 
was doing it!  I actually had my hand inside a girl's panties, 
and I was about to "feel her up."
     Oh God!  I had NEVER expected to get THIS far.  Especially 
on my first date . . . and most especially, not with a little 
girl like Suzy.  An older girl, who knew and liked sex, (like 
some of the "sluts" that the boys all talked about, but nobody 
ever seemed to meet) possibly, but not an innocent little virgin 
like Suzy.  I don't know HOW I was so sure Suzy was a virgin, but 
I didn't doubt it for an instant.  Even though she was allowing 
me to fondle her "private parts," each move she made showed it 
was all new to her, and each time I did something new, it took 
her a second or two to get used to it.  No, Suzy may have liked 
what I was doing, but she had obviously never had anybody do it 
to her before.  Somehow that made it all the more exciting; 
knowing that each thing I did, was as new to her, as it was to 
     I was falling in love with this little girl.
     My fingers, by this time, had roamed past the little bump 
and furrow of the entrance to Suzy's vagina, and was probing in 
the slippery heat of the tight little crack between her 
legs. . . .
     Only I couldn't get my finger inside.  The angle was wrong, 
and my arm was getting cramps just from trying.
     Regretfully, I pulled my hand from between the child's legs, 
and contented myself with feeling her smooth little tummy; half 
in and half out of her skirt and panties.  I was just happy to 
feel her body, even if we couldn't go any further.
     "Uh, Mark?" she asked, "Do you mind if I . . ."  Here Suzy 
started squirming around in the seat, turning herself sideways in 
the car.  ". . . rest my head in your lap?" she completed.
     Oooh!  Her first movements had forced my hand out of her 
skirt, and I was momentarily disappointed, until I realized that 
her shift in position allowed me full access to the whole length 
of her body, instead of just her middle.


     Looking straight down, I could see her cute little face 
directly under mine, and my left arm cuddled her head; enjoying 
the silky feel of her hair, while my left hand was able to reach 
both of her pert little bosoms, if I reached down through her 
open-topped little shirt.  My right hand, in the meantime, was 
gripping the smooth swell of her left leg, as I shifted her body 
closer to me, so she didn't slide off.  My right hand was just 
inches from being underneath the little girl's skirt, and I could 
almost feel the heat of her sweet little cunny against the back 
of my hand.  Did I object?
     I would have had to have been crazy.  "I don't mind," I 
said; making the understatement of the year.  I couldn't resist 
the temptation, so I kissed her.
     She kissed me back!  I know, you're saying, "So what?  Of 
COURSE she kissed you back, dummy!  She likes you."  Only you 
don't realize that except for that one rather chaste kiss I had 
given her earlier, I had never really kissed a girl before . . . 
I mean, never REALLY kissed a girl.  Never again, would I make 
fun of the "smooch" scenes that seemed to clutter up otherwise 
good movies.  Now that I knew what it was about, I could finally 
appreciate them.
     Suzy and I didn't do like some people, and stick our tongues 
in each others' mouths.  We hadn't learned about such things yet.  
We just kissed.  And kissed.  And then kissed some more.  The 
soft sweet feel of her lips against mine filled my whole world.  
Unconsciously my left hand had slid into the top of her shirt, 
and was alternately massaging each of the little girl's breasts.  
It was a LOT easier to feel them through the top of her 
brassiere, than forcing my hand up underneath the elastic on the 
bottom.  In the meantime, my right hand had crept up her leg, 
past her short little skirt (accidentally lifting it to expose 
her silky red panties) and had begun unconsciously been running 
over the smooth swell of her tummy; teasing her bellybutton, 
until it caused Suzy to pull away with a slight giggle.  "That 
tickles," she said.
     I don't know how long we had been kissing . . . it could 
have been 10 seconds, or 20 minutes.  In any case, I had to catch 
my breath, before I could reply.
     "I wish I could kiss it," I said, wistfully; remembering my 
fantasy about my big sister's navel.  Still, just even being 
allowed to FEEL it with my fingers was a treat.
     "I don't mind," she whispered.  I don't know why she 
whispered, with all the booming and banging, and screams coming 
from the screen, I could have been raping her, and nobody would 
have noticed.  Which, as it turns out, was a good thing.  Pulling 
her short little shirt up, to reveal the second-sexiest belly I 
had ever seen; I leaned over, and stuck my tongue in the little 
girl's navel.  God, was that sexy!  Only I didn't have over half 
a second to appreciate this.
     Two knees slammed into the side of my head, knocking my 
glasses off, and Suzy let out a screech like she was being 


     "Ooh!  Oh!  That tickles!" she whooped; then more quietly, 
"I'm sorry Mark, I couldn't help myself."  The little girl had 
doubled-up; kneeing me in the side of the face, and sending my 
glasses flying.  I wasn't worried about my glasses; I was worried 
about somebody coming over to see what the screaming was about, 
and finding me with my big paws fumbling around under the little 
girl's clothes.  Hurriedly, I looked around; then grabbed my 
glasses off the floor, and looked around again.  Nobody had even 
glanced our way.
     The car on our left, had the windows closed, and they were 
so steamed-up, you couldn't see inside, while the car rocked in 
an all-too-suggestive rhythm.  On the other side, there was a 
gap, but the people in the car two spaces away seemed far more 
interested in what was taking place on the screen, than some 
little accident taking place in the car next to them.  I guess 
most of the people thought the scream came from the movie.  For 
sure, there was a lot of it going on.
     "I'm sorry," I said, "I didn't mean to tickle you.  You're 
just so sexy."
     "I'm sorry too," she replied, "it just caught me by 
surprise.  I couldn't help myself.  I didn't hurt you, did I?"  
Suzy seemed so apologetic.
     "No," I said; checking my glasses, "no harm done."
     "Oh," she said.  "Do you want to try again?  I don't mind."
     "Huh?" I said; surprised that she would even ask, after her 
first reaction.
     "It just caught me by surprise, the first time," she 
explained.  "I promise I won't scream or jerk away, this time.  
     "Well, if you're sure . . . ."
     Suzy nodded, and I saw her bite her lip to keep from 
flinching, when I lowered my mouth to her bare navel again.  This 
time, there was only a slight flinch from the little girl, before 
I was lapping at her bellybutton and then up and down her tummy, 
like a dog trying to get the last lick of food out of his bowl.
     At first, Suzy flinched, the first couple of times my tongue 
touched her sensitive belly, but then she started moaning 
     "Ooh, that feels good," she said; sinking into the seat-
cushion, and snuggling down in my lap, while I first tongued and 
then kissed her all over her sexy little tummy.  Greatly daring, 
since she seemed to like it, I slowly worked my way upwards, 
until her shirt was four inches above her bra, and I was licking 
the sensitive skin just underneath her budding young breasts.
     "Oooh, don't stop," she moaned.
     I had no intention of stopping.  I didn't even TRY to remove 
the little girl's brassiere.  All I knew was they fastened in the 
back, where I couldn't see.  I just slid the lacy red 
undergarment up, until it popped over the sweet thrust of her 
budding young titties.  Such a delectable sight.  I began running 
my tongue around the perky young nipples, while my right hand 
strayed up to the elastic guarding the little girl's other 


     Suzy actually pushed back, as this time my hand slid into 
her panties with no effort; finding her all hot and wet inside.  
For the first time, my finger slid up INSIDE a girl.  I almost 
fainted from the sheer pleasure.
     It was still awkward for me; fumbling at her through her 
panties.  So I pulled them down.  Suzy didn't object; even 
lifting her cute little butt enough to let me slide them off.
     I had only intended to slide the panties down far enough to 
give me a little better access to the little girl's charms.  But 
Suzy wanted them out of the way; kicking her legs until they were 
dangling around her ankles.  I picked her panties up, after she 
tossed them on the floor with a final kick, and stuffed them into 
my pocket.  If Dad ever found a little girl's panties floating 
around in the car after I had gone out on a date . . . Dad is NOT 
     Once again I slid my finger into the little girl; and once 
again I almost blacked out from overload of pleasure.  The 
squeezing of her tight little cunny was SO sexy.
     Suzy wasn't in much better shape than I was.  Maybe even 
worse, in fact.  By now, the little girl was panting and moaning, 
"Don't stop.  Oh, please don't stop!" over and over again.  I was 
nursing on her sexy little titties like a baby, while the big 
finger or my right hand slid into the tightest, sweetest little 
hole in the whole wide world.  The rhythmic clamping of Suzy's 
vagina on my finger, almost had me squirting cum in my shorts, as 
I imagined how it would feel to slide my prick in there.  God, 
how I wanted to try!
     "Uh, Uuungh!  Oh Mark, I. . I.  IeeEE . . . ."
     Oh shit!  Suzy was about to let out another screech, and I 
didn't have a hand to spare to stop her.  On the other hand, I 
knew Suzy would be GREATLY disappointed, if I stooped frigging 
her; she was so close.  I had never seen a girl "cum" before, but 
I figured I was about to, as the girl's symptoms so closely 
matched those I had, when I jacked off in my bedroom every night.  
I was right.
     Hurriedly, I removed my mouth from the little girl's tit, 
and kissed her.  Suzy could yell into MY mouth, all she wanted.  
I sure wouldn't mind.
     My left hand replaced my mouth at rubbing her now bare 
titties.  Just in time.
     "Mmmphf!  Oh!  Mphrk!  I  Lmmvvph  Yomphoooh."  Suzy jerked 
uncontrollably underneath me, as she jammed her crotch 
desperately up against my probing finger.  There was a straining 
sensation, and then my finger went even farther up inside her, 
while her bucking gyrations got even wilder, if possible.  Suzy's 
arm had come around my head; trapping my mouth against hers, 
while she yelled and screamed her pleasure into mine.  I could 
barely understand what she was saying, but I got the message 
anyway.  When she finally stopped thrashing and screaming, I 
pulled my mouth off hers, and replied, "I love you too, 
sweetheart."  And I did.  No, I wasn't about to marry her; after 
all, she was only 12 years old.  But I still did love her.  I 
would do whatever was necessary to keep her from being hurt.  
That's love, isn't it?


     Only it seems I already had . . . hurt her, that is.  As I 
reluctantly pulled my big finger out of Suzy's clasping little 
slit, with a slight "pop," I noticed it was streaked with red.  
Oh shit!  The little girl was bleeding!
     For a split-second, I hoped that Suzy was just menstruating, 
but then realized that A: she was probably too young, and B: if 
she had been, she would have had a tampon or bandage between her 
legs.  Oh shit.  I must have accidentally torn her inside, with 
my fingernail.
     "We'd better get you home, where there's some antibiotics, I 
said quietly; trying not to frighten her.  "I think I hurt you 
inside," I explained; showing Suzy my blood-streaked finger, and 
hoping she didn't just freak out.
     For a second, Suzy stared wide-eyed at my finger, then 
giggled.  Giggled?
     "Well," she said, "I had HOPED that you would do that with 
your PRICK, instead of your finger, but at least it was you.  
It's OK, Mark, I had to lose it sometime."
     At first, I didn't know what she meant, then I did a double-
take.  Suzy couldn't mean . . . she did.  I had just taken the 
little girl's virginity with my clumsy big finger.  Thankfully, 
Suzy didn't get all up tight about it, like I know some girls 
would.  I guess she hadn't planned on saving it for her future 
husband.  (Boy, was I naive!)
     I carefully wiped my finger on the only thing available, 
that wouldn't show . . . my own underpants.  I pulled up a 
corner, and wiped my finger; leaving a streaky brown stain on 
them.  I didn't care, as long as Suzy was OK.  She was.  For 
several minutes, we cuddled there, while we both caught our 
breaths.  Then, I started gently caressing the little girl, from 
head to foot, while she hugged me, and occasionally raised her 
cute little mouth to mine for another incredibly sweet kiss.  I 
could have spent the rest of the night doing just this; only it 
seems that Suzy had other ideas.
      "What about you?" she asked.  "Momma says boys like to have 
their dicks rubbed, just like girls like their tits rubbed.  
Would you like me to rub your prick?"
     Does a bear shit in the woods?  Is the Pope Catholic?  I 
could barely nod "yes" in answer, before two lively little hands 
were reaching in my pants, and for the second time that night, I 
almost came in them.
     Since Suzy seemed to want to, I let her have fun, just like 
I had.  She spent several minutes just examining my prick, before  
grabbing it in both hands and stroking up and down.  Her hands 
were too small for just one of them to go all the way around it, 
and I had to direct her efforts at first.
     Then she seemed to get the hang of it; and I just sagged 
back in my seat; letting the little girl jack me off.  I had both 
eyes closed for a moment; barely aware of the banging and shrieks 
going on from the movie, as the little girl brought me closer and 
closer to the best orgasm of my life.  Suddenly, I was worried.  
What if Suzy didn't want me to cum; squirting thick gobs of 
greasy white stuff all over her hands?  She might be grossed out.
     "Oh Jesus," I gasped.  "I'm gonna . . ."
     "Are you going to cum?" she asked, innocently.


     "Uh . . . huhuh . . . I . . . Ieeee . . ." I groaned.  I got 
the shock of my life.  Instead of letting go, I felt something 
warm and wet and wonderful slide over the throbbing head of my 
prick; as I finally let go the first cum of my life into 
something other than my own flying fist.  Oh shit, that felt 
good!  My head was tilted back in ecstasy, but I somehow managed 
to bend my head enough to look down to see what Suzy had done to 
make it feel so good.  Oh shit, indeed!  The little girl was 
sucking my cock!
     Not only that, she was doing a great job of it too; pursing 
her lips around the head, and sliding her mouth up and down, 
while I ejaculated squirt after thick sticky squirt, right down 
her throat.  I couldn't believe it.  I had HEARD of guys getting 
"blow-jobs" from dates who liked the boy, but didn't want to "go 
all the way" or were afraid of getting pregnant.  I just had 
never expected to get one.  Certainly not on my first date, and 
emphatically not from a little 12-year-old girl.  Only I was.
     Not only was I getting a blow-job from the little girl, I 
was getting a GREAT blow-job.  Suzy didn't pull off in disgust at 
me squirting stuff out of the thing I peed out of, right down her 
sexy little throat.  She licked and sucked, and swallowed every 
drop!  Only when my mighty squirts had slowed to just a trickle, 
did she stop sucking; pausing to pull off; but still licking up 
each white drop that oozed out of the tip afterwards and 
swallowing it.
     "Momma says boys like it, when you do that," said Suzy, 
innocently.  "Did YOU like it?"
     Oh shit, did I ever!  "Thanks Suzy," was all I could gasp.
     "Thank YOU, Mark," was her surprising reply.  "Could I do 
that again sometime?  It was really neat, when you started 
squirting that stuff in my mouth.  I almost couldn't keep up with 
it, but I didn't want to waste any . . . it was SO neat."
     "Anytime, Suzy," I managed to gasp.  "Anytime."
     The little girl immediately lowered her head to my crotch, 
and started sucking again!
     "Except now," I said; stopping her.  "A guy needs some time 
to recover, after cumming like that."
     "Oh," said Suzy, looking somewhat disappointedly at the 
flaccid penis in her hand.  "Do you mind if I keep sucking on it, 
even though it's soft?"
     "Whatever you want, Suzy," I said.  This MUST be a wet-
dream.  Still, I had already blown a thick wad down the little 
girl's throat.  No wet-dream would survive that.  I still 
couldn't believe that the little 12-year-old actually LIKED 
sucking my prick, but the evidence sure pointed that way.  Well, 
if Suzy like sucking my prick, then I for sure wasn't going to 
stop her.  Even soft, her lively little mouth around my sensitive 
peter felt wonderful.  I could have lain there all night.  Only 
about this time, the lights suddenly came on, and Suzy and I 
pulled apart guiltily.  If anybody had seen us . . . .
     The movie was over.
     Hurriedly, we pulled ourselves into sitting position, and 
Suzy pushed her short little skirt down, so that her state of 
undress underneath didn't show.  Then, we glanced guiltily 


     Thankfully, nobody had noticed.  I guess those people who 
have dirty enough minds TO notice, had been too involved with 
kinky doings of their own.  We fastened our seatbelts, and joined 
the line of cars heading for the exit.
     "Are you hungry?" I asked Suzy.  The popcorn had been almost 
two hours before.
     "A little," she replied.  "Still, I'd rather get home, so we 
can . . ."  Here the little girl subsided into blushing.  My ears 
were flaming red myself.
     "We still have 45 minutes," I said; taking in the time on 
the clock by the light of a passing street-lamp.  (The clock 
light had burned out a couple of years before, but Dad had never 
replaced it.  I sure wasn't going to volunteer to.)
     "Let's grab a hamburger first, OK?"
     "You don't HAVE to," objected Suzy.  "You've already done 
more than enough, just taking me to the movies."
     "You're my DATE," I reminded her, "and first-dates should be 
treated properly."  I didn't explain that she was MY first date, 
as well as me being hers.  A guy deserves to keep SOME secrets.  
Besides, I liked her.
     Suzy stopped objecting, just blushing a little, at the 
implied compliment.
     I was going to pull up to the drive-thru window, at Joe's 
Burger-Mill, but Suzy had other ideas.  "Let's go inside," she 
requested; looking at me with hope.
     I raised my eyebrows.
     "Nobody will believe I was out with you," she said, "unless 
somebody sees me.  Of course, if you don't want anybody to see 
that you had to take out a seventh-grader . . . ."  Here Suzy 
paused, waiting.
     Well, THAT was sure not going to stop me.  Heck, by now I 
felt PROUD that the little girl had been my first date.  
Still . . . "What about your panties?" I asked.  The object in 
question still made damp lump in my pocket.
     "Nobody will know I'm not wearing them, unless I bend over," 
she said.  "It'll be kind of exciting, knowing I'm in there with 
you, in front of all those people, and only you know I'm not 
wearing panties.  Don't you think so?"
     Wow, did I ever!
     "Oh God, I'm just such a slut," she giggled.  "Let's go do 
it, before I lose my nerve."  So we did.
     I got out; went around to her side, and let her out, just 
like a proper date.  Besides, with the slight wind whipping by, I 
wanted to be able to give Suzy some cover, if the wind picked up 
her dress . . . thankfully, it didn't.
     Inside, "all those people" turned out to be a couple I never 
saw before, and two girls from Suzy's class in school. That was 
all; thank goodness.  As it was, Suzy's face was flaming red, as 
she sat down with me.
     "Oh God!  They saw me," she said.
     "You mean, they know you're . . ."
     "No . . . I don't think so . . . it's just that I felt like 
they can see that I'm not wearing anything under this dress.  I'm 
so embarrassed."


     "It was YOUR idea," I reminded her.  "Do you want to go?"
     "No.  That's the whole idea.  Just sitting here with you, 
with my bare cunny rubbing against the seat, knowing they MIGHT 
know, is so exciting.  Ooooh."  Suzy shuddered.  "God, I think 
I'm going to cum, just thinking about it."
     It was my turn to shudder.  "Not here.  If you yelped like 
you did in the car . . . ."
     "I'll be OK."
     "Take your order?" The cheerful voice of the waitress 
interrupted us.  We had been so wrapped up in our conversation, 
that the approach of Carol Whittington had caught us by surprise.  
I looked into the cute face of the girl I had been having sexual 
fantasies about, for the past two years.  Carol isn't as pretty 
as Marsha Swiggins, but I wouldn't have the nerve to approach 
Marsha for a date.  Carol I had already asked three times, and 
three times she turned me down.  Each time, she "had a previous 
appointment," or "was going out of town" or some similar excuse.  
She hadn't ever said "no," but I can take a message.
     "Hi, Carol," Suzy's sweet young voice called our waitress's 
attention to who she was addressing.
     "Oh.  Oh, Hi Suzy . . . Hi Mark . . . Are you babysitting 
     Girls can be so cruel.
     "I'm his DATE," said Suzy, fiercely.
     "Oh?" asked Carol; looking at me, "is that so?"
     "Yes," I said firmly, "she is."  I wasn't about to let the 
little girl down.
     Carol shrugged, and took our order.  She didn't say anything 
     Two burgers, a malt and a coke later, we were ready to 
leave, but first Suzy had to go to the restroom.  By that time, 
the seat next to me was soaking wet, and I was wondering how I 
was going to  make MY exit, without everyone noticing the damp 
stain in the front of my pants.  Just sitting there next to the 
little girl, knowing she was naked next to me, and I could put my 
finger right up inside her if I tried was enough to make my prick 
drool rivers of pre-cum.  The only thing that kept me from doing 
it, was the knowledge that if I did, the little girl's yelp of 
pleasure would attract everyone in the room's attention.  For 
sure, Suzy wouldn't stop me.
     I was trying to surreptitiously wipe up Suzy's secretions, 
so that her state of arousal wouldn't be obvious to whoever 
looked where she had sat, when we left, when Carol once more 
appeared at my elbow, without seeming to cross the room to do it.
     "Anything else?" she asked, while handing me the bill.
     I wondered how you went about ordering the waitress.  "No, 
that's it," I said, including an extra dollar or two for the tip.  
I both wanted to make a good impression, and the service HAD been 
pretty good.
     Carol leaned a little closer to me.  Her perfume was 
     "She's a little young, don't you think?" she asked.
     At my angry look, she continued, "Oh no . . . I don't think 
there's anything wrong with it . . . it's just why don't you ask 
a REAL girl like me out?"


     I looked at Carol in astonishment, then slight anger.  I HAD 
asked her out; and that very night too.  What business was it of 
HERS, that I was taking Suzy out, when she had turned me down 
flat?  I was about to bite her ears off, when I remembered.  
Carol had NOT turned me "down flat."  She had given me that same 
old excuse that she was "busy tonight."  Yeah, sure . . . she was 
ALWAYS busy Friday nights, whenever I called her.  So why should 
I believe anything she said?
     I was working up a real head of steam; preparatory to biting 
her head off, when it dawned on me.  Carol WAS busy every Friday 
night.  Oh shit!  I had almost blown any chance of even having 
her as a friend, let alone as a date when I realized this.  I was 
still annoyed though.  How dare she pick on the one girl nice 
enough to go out with me, when SHE wouldn't?
     "I asked you first, and you turned me down flat," I reminded 
her.  "You were 'too busy', remember?" I hissed at her.
     "There ARE other days besides Fridays, you know," she hissed 
     I wasn't sure whether to be angry or amused.  Carol was 
acting as if she was my girlfriend, and I was cheating on her by 
going out with Suzy!  It was almost as if she was jealous!  
"Sorry," I said, sarcastically, "you never hinted that some other 
time might be better."
     "Oh . . . sorry," she apologized.  "Call me next week 
sometime, OK?"
     Now it was MY turn to apologize for previous appointments.  
"Uh, gee . . . I would, but . . . ."
     How to say this?  "But I have previous obligations now of 
over a month."  At her disappointed look, I went on; feeling like 
I was putting my foot in my mouth, when I did so.  "My sister's 
set me up with dates for the next five weeks," I said, blushing 
at having to admit this.  "I won't be free until it's over, 
because I promised her."
     "Your sister," said Carol, "set you up."  She looked angrily 
at the little girl approaching from the bathroom, interrupting 
her conversation with me.
     "Your sister, huh?"
     "What's with HER?" asked Suzy.
     "Oh nothing," I replied.  "I just think she's jealous of 
     Suzy giggled.  "She needn't be," she said.  "She's MUCH 
prettier than I am."
     I looked at Suzy, then at Carol's retreating back.
     "No," I said, suddenly realizing that my joke had the ring 
of truth to it . . . I think Carol really WAS jealous; hard as 
that is to believe.  "You're just as pretty as she is, and twice 
as sexy," I told the little girl.
     "You just say that," said Suzy, blushing.
     "No, it's true," I said, looking at the little girl closely, 
because it was.
     I guess my words had the ring of truth about them, because 
Suzy didn't say anything else, until I had paid the bill and we 
were back in the car.


     "You really think I'm sexy?" she finally asked, as I pulled 
out of the lot.  10:45, and just enough time to get her home.  
"Yes," I said, somewhat shortly, slightly annoyed that she had to 
even ask.
     "Thanks Mark," she said, and snuggled up to me.  "Thanks for 
making my first date just perfect."
     I put my arm around her, and drove the rest of the way, with 
one hand.
     We got there with ten minutes to spare.  Since I had enough 
time, and she didn't have to rush, I walked her to the door.
     "Thanks for making MY first date just perfect too," I said; 
somewhat pleased by the look of surprise in Suzy's eyes.  It 
might be embarrassing to admit it was my first date as well, but 
it was better than feeling like I was lying to her.
     I leaned over, kissed her forehead, and started back to the 
     "Mark!"  Suzy's angry voice stopped me.  I turned to see 
what she wanted; then I remembered the little girl's panties in 
my pocket . . . only it wasn't that.
     "Aren't you going to come in?" she asked.
     "Your mother isn't home," I reminded her, "and I don't want 
to . . . ."
     I didn't say what I didn't want to do, because I wanted to 
do EVERYTHING with this little girl . . . Uhuh, everything; even 
the "big nasty."
     "Mark," she exclaimed in disgust, "why do you think Momma 
made such a POINT of telling us that she was going to be out.  
She knew we couldn't do anything at the drive-in, and boys and 
girls need time to be alone together after a date."
     "Oh," I said weakly.  "Are you sure?"
     "I know my own mother," said Suzy, with finality.
     Once inside the door however, her confidence seemed to slip 
away.  "C'mon," she said, quietly sneaking down the hall.  "Oh 
good," she said, after peeking in one of the bedrooms, "Ginny's 
asleep.  It wasn't until she had looked in the bedroom across the 
hall though, and even turned on the light for a second, the she 
regained her assuredness.  "See," she said, "Momma's not home 
yet, and won't be 'til 6:00.  We've got all night."
     "You promised to be in bed before 1:00," I reminded her.
     "I didn't say I would be in bed alone, though," she reminded 
     I shuddered at the delicious thought.  Still . . . .
     "We'd better not," I decided.  The thought of the generous 
woman coming home after a long night's work, and finding me in 
bed with her little girl, was NOT the way I planned on thanking 
Suzy's mother.
     "We still have almost two hours," Suzy reminded me.  "So 
come here, 'Big Boy' and show me if that story you gave about 
thinking I'm sexy is true."
     I melted into her arms.  Things weren't very clear for the 
next five minutes.  I vaguely remember kissing her standing up, 
with my hands wrapped around her, up under her skirt, massaging 
her bare ass.  From there, things got fuzzy.
     My next clear memory was sitting on the couch, kissing her 
some more, while she fumbled with my belt-buckle.


     "Uh . . . do you really think we should?" I asked her.
     "If you stop now, I'll . . . ," she said fiercely.  I gave 
in.  I didn't really want to argue anyway.  I lifted myself off 
the couch, and helped her remove my pants.  I had to take off my 
own shoes and socks though.  While I did, Suzy quickly slipped 
her skirt down, and then lifted her short little shirt over her 
head.  Then, reaching behind herself, she shrugged out of the 
lacy red brassiere.  Standing in front of me, was a very pretty, 
very sexy, and VERY naked 12-year-old little girl.
     I hurriedly finished removing MY shirt, so I could feel the 
little girl's naked skin next to mine.  This time when we kissed, 
it was like nothing I had ever done before.  If you've never 
kissed a naked little girl, while being completely naked 
yourself, you haven't lived.  I felt like all my previous life 
had just existed, to bring me to this point.  If her mother had 
walked in at that point, and taken a gun and shot me, I would 
have felt I had lived a full life.
     Though, from Suzy's hints, her mother would more likely have 
left and closed the door, so she could wait until we were 
finished.  I wasn't sure I believed that, but it did make it 
easier to caress the little girl without looking over my shoulder 
every minute.  Yeah, at first that's all I did: Caress her and 
cuddle with her, naked skin to naked skin.  I did NOT lay her 
down on the couch and fuck the shit out of the little girl, no 
matter how tempting it was.  At least, not at first anyway.
     The feel of Suzy's hands running up and down my back, 
pinching my butt, and stroking my sides, while I made similar 
maneuvers with her, was almost devastatingly sexy.  Thus, when 
she reached for my prick, I had to stop her.
     "If you grab that, I'm going to blow it all over you," I 
warned.  "I thought you wanted to suck it again, like in the 
     "I do," she said, with a shiver; making my day.  
"Only . . ."
     ". . . Only what?" I asked; figuring she wanted to "be done" 
at the same time, being as horny by now as I was.  Only I didn't 
figure she would be intent on something even more exciting.
     "Could we try doing it, just like grown-ups do?" she asked 
hesitantly; almost blowing my mind.  "Please?  Momma says it 
feels real good to the guy too.  We don't have to do it again, if 
you don't want to; I just want to try it once, just to see what 
it's like.  Momma says it feels real good.  Please?  I promise I 
won't tell anybody you let me."
     If you think I said no, when my prick was throbbing with 
need to get into this girl somewhere, anywhere, then you don't 
know how horny 16-year-old boys get.  "You'd better hurry," I 
warned her.  "If you don't fuck this, or suck it, or something, 
pretty quick, it's going to go off without you."
     The next thing I knew, Suzy was lying back on the couch, 
legs spread, while my prick was spreading the lips of her barely 
pubescent cunny.  The feel of her cunny-lips spreading around the 
head of my prick, while the sweetest hole in the entire world 
sucked the tip inside was too much.  It was all I could do to 
keep from cumming, before I even got inside her.


     In fact, I couldn't  A thick squirt of white dribbled out 
the tip, as I desperately fought down the urge to cum before I 
had more than an inch of thick prick buried in her tight little 
cunny where it belonged.  Somehow I managed to hold on; forcing 
my prick to keep from spasming, and holding back my cum by sheer 
force of will.
     It was only after I managed to gain some measure of self-
control, that the sight of the thick white baby-juice oozing from 
the tip of my prick, where luckily none of it had gotten inside 
her, that I realized the chance we were taking.
     "O Damn!" I said, with feeling.
     "What's the matter?  Don't you WANT to?" asked Suzy.
     "I don't have any condoms," I said miserably.  In the first 
place, I had never bought any before.  In the second, you only 
take some along, if you are PLANNING of fucking the girl.  With a 
little girl like Suzy, that would have been an insult; implying 
that she was a 12-year-old slut.  I had good evidence on my 
finger, that Suzy was NOT a slut.  And I didn't dare take the 
chance of getting her pregnant.  Like I said, "Oh shit."
     "It's OK . . . ," she said, ". . . you can cum in me.  My 
period was last week, so it should be safe."  God!  Previously, I 
hadn't even THOUGHT about the little girl getting pregnant; now 
it was ALL I could think about.  Too late though . . . my prick 
was leaking my seed into the little girl, as I involuntarily 
hunched forward to bury myself inside her.  I couldn't help 
myself.  Suzy only let out a little squeak; as for the first time 
in her life, her belly was filled with throbbing male cock; 
leaking pre-cum and sperm into the little girl's womb.
     For over 10 minutes, We just lay there, enjoying the feeling 
of being mated.  Then I started sliding in and out, until Suzy 
seemed to catch my urgency, and began pushing back at me, just as 
hard as I was pushing into her.  I stopped worrying about cumming 
inside her.  It was too late now; and anyway, Suzy had made it 
plain that she didn't mind.  Besides, I was already doing it.  I 
felt the first satisfying trickle of sperm ripple through the 
tube on the bottom of my prick, before being forcefully injected 
in the belly of the sweet little girl working so hard to get me 
to cum inside her.  God, did that feel good!
     One, two, three shots of sperm I squirted in the belly of 
this incredible little girl  My eyes were glazed, as I caught a 
glimmer of light reflected in my glasses.  Surely we had turned 
out the light in the bathroom, when we went by . . . .
     I couldn't think straight.  I kissed Suzy hungrily, and she 
kissed me back.  I swear her tight little hole milked every drop 
of sperm right up inside her, while she grunted, groaned, and 
panted underneath me.  Thankfully, she didn't yell or scream like 
she did at the drive-in.  For sure, that would have woken her 
little sister up, and who knows how much trouble that would 
cause?  Maybe Suzy's mother wouldn't mind Suzy and I "making out" 
on the couch.  I found it hard to believe that she wouldn't 
object to my having actual vaginal intercourse with her little 
girl though.  Especially, unprotected intercourse.


     Even if I could believe that, (No way, buddy!) there's not a 
chance in the world that she would want me giving Suzy's little 
sister Ginny lessons in "making a baby" by showing the little 
girl how I did it with her big sister.  SOME things are going 
just too far.  Thinking about this, I turned my head and checked 
the bathroom.  No, I had been mistaken . . . the light was out.  
Thank goodness!  I breathed a sigh of relief.
     After Suzy and I caught our breaths, we cleaned up.  For the 
first time in my life, I got to watch a girl douche.  Suzy even 
put on a little show for me; working the wand in and out to see 
if she could tease some life back into my prick.  I think she 
really wanted to suck me off again, just like she had earlier.  
Only after two orgasms like that, it was going to take HOURS for 
me to recover enough to get another hard-on.
       Oh well.  Later on in life, I would develop more stamina.  
At the time, it was a wonder I managed as much as I did; getting 
a blow-job, and actually managing to fuck the little girl, long 
enough for her to get off both times.  I guess I was just born 
     After cleaning up the couch, and getting dressed, There was 
still over half an hour left before Suzy was supposed to be in 
bed.  Still, I knew it was time for me to leave; even though my 
parents wouldn't get worried unless I didn't show up for 
breakfast in the morning.  (Or call.  I guess Daddy knew that if 
a 16-year-old was going to, he was going to, and there wasn't too 
much a parent could do by that time.)
     As I thanked Suzy for the wonderful night, she teased me 
some more.  "Thank YOU," she said.  "But you know, you don't HAVE 
to leave . . . you could slide into bed with me and Ginny, you 
know.  Momma wouldn't mind."
     Oh yeah?  SURE, Honey, sure.  And the stork brings babies.  
Thinking of which, I apologized again for not "taking 
precautions."  God, if Suzy got pregnant . . . .
     "I don't mind," she said; kissing me on the way out.  The 
next thing I knew I was outside the door; I heard a "click" as 
the latch was bolted, and the date was finally over.
     Thinking about what Suzy might mean by, "I don't mind," was 
almost enough to make me knock on the door, and take Suzy up on 
her offer of sleeping with her and her little sister.  
Thankfully, practicality reared its head, and I managed to 
convince myself to go home.  Otherwise, who knows what might have 


                            Chapter 3
                          Interlude #1.

     Lonnie was waiting up for me, and I still had Suzy's cute 
little red panties in my pocket, when I got home.
     "Well, how did it go?" asked my big sister.  She was only 
wearing a light robe, as if to be ready to "pay up" if things had 
gone sour.
     "That's one I owe you," I told my big sister, by way of 
     Lonnie just giggled, "Oh don't worry.  I'll find a way to 
collect, that won't hurt you, any more than this hurt me."
     Once again I was tempted.  This time, I was tempted to 
follow my big sister into HER bedroom, just to see if she would 
object.  Once again conscience reared its head; and I went to my 
bed, where I slept alone.  Again, who knows what might have 
happened if I had followed my instincts?
     I didn't see Suzy again, until three days later . . . that 
is, if you don't count the quick glimpse I got when they were 
about to pull out.
     Tammy was getting everyone in the car, when she saw me 
trying to catch Suzy's eye, where she was sitting in the back 
seat.  The older woman got out and came over to see me.
     "I'm sorry Mark," she said, "but we're leaving to see my 
mother, for the next three days.  You'll have to wait to talk to 
Suzy, until we get back."
     "Oh," I said, disappointed.
     As she turned to go, Tammy added a sentence that made me 
shiver for the next three days.  "Oh, and thanks for taking such 
good care of Suzy," she said, "both at the movie, and afterwards.  
Not many girls are lucky enough to get treated like that on their 
first date.  Especially not ones as young as my daughter.  Suzy 
told me everything you two did last night, and I want you to know 
that I really appreciate what you did for her."
     Oh shit.  Tammy couldn't possibly mean what I thought she 
did, could she?
     "Maybe you two can get together some night, when we get 
back," she added, confusing me still further.  "Anyway, I want to 
thank you for making my daughter's first date so special.  It was 
really nice of you to treat her like a woman, instead of just a 
little girl.  Maybe sometime I can show you just how much I 
appreciate this."  With this, the beautiful woman leaned over and 
kissed me!
     Right on the lips, too!  I barely had time to respond, when 
she was gone; heading for the car, while licking her lips in 
almost an obscene manner, as if the taste of the kiss we had just 
shared was as full of semen as the one her daughter and I had 
shared the night before.  "I'll give this one to Suzy," she said, 
just before shutting the door, and pulling out.  They must have 
been in a hurry.  The last thing I heard was when she rolled down 
the window, while she was backing out, and yelled at me that, 
"The NEXT one is for me!"
     I wondered just what kind of family Suzy had, anyway.  For 
sure, it looked like it was going to be fun finding out.


     It's amazing how you can do without something for years, and 
THINK you know what you're missing.  You might even complain a 
little, about how you're being deprived, as you THINK you know 
what being deprived is . . . after all you've never even had it 
     HOWEVER, once you've had something, be it ice-cream, love, 
or the simple accessibility of a telephone, and find yourself 
suddenly bereft of it once again, then you find out what being 
deprived, REALLY means.  Thus it was, with me and sex.
     I had never had sex before Suzy.  After having it for only 
one night, it was sheer torture doing without.  Amazing, isn't 
it?  Saturday night was sheer frustration; I almost found myself 
going down to my sisters' room, and asking one of them to relieve 
the pressure in my balls.  Only Lonnie had only guaranteed I 
would have a "good time" on my dates.  She had NOT volunteered to 
be a receptacle for my sperm, whenever I got horny.  And as for 
our 7-year-old sister . . . <Shudder.>
     With Chrissie's big mouth, if she found out I had even ASKED 
Lonnie for a "mercy fuck," our parents would know within a week, 
even if the little girl tried to keep it a secret.  And if the 
little girl actually saw us fucking . . . or I tried to fuck 
her . . . Jesus!  What kind of pervert was I becoming, that I'd 
even THINK of fucking a girl that young . . . besides, she was my 
own little SISTER, for Christ's sake!
     A nagging little voice in my head reminded me that, "Lonnie 
was my BIG sister, and I didn't seem to have any qualms about 
fucking HER."
     I reminded myself fiercely that, "Lonnie has been fucking 
for years now, while Chrissie probably not only hasn't even seen 
a naked prick yet, she probably hasn't even masturbated yet.  
She's just a little GIRL, for Chrisake!"
     In spite of this, I found myself with a handful of runny 
semen, while my mind imagined the little girl's tight little 
cunny squeezing the sperm out of my prick, like Suzy's had done 
so nicely the night before.  Afterwards, I felt guilty about even 
THINKING about fucking Chrissie with my big prick filling her 
tight little cunny; squirting her tiny little womb full of 
incestuous cum, while she moaned and groaned underneath me; 
begging me to squirt the thick white stuff that makes babies 
inside her, just so she could "feel what it's like."  Damn!  I 
was doing it again!
     Fuck one little girl, and it seems like you're a pervert 
forever.  After blowing a second load in the old pair of 
underpants I used as a "sperm-rag" I finally managed to go to 
sleep, with images of Lonnie, Suzy, her little sister, and 
Chrissie all dancing naked in front of me; each of them begging 
me to, "Fuck me first . . . please?"
     I woke up in the morning to wet sheets.  Damn!  I hadn't 
done that in months.  After finally getting to fuck my brains out 
after so long of doing without, you'd think I wouldn't have a 
wet-dream for months.  To top it off, I had jacked off TWICE the 
previous night, imagining I was filling my little sister's womb 
with incestuous seed.  After THAT, you'd never imagine my body 
needing release so badly that it would do it in the middle of the 


     I sighed, and changed the sheets.  Hopefully, things 
wouldn't be so bad by the time for me to retire on Sunday.  
Thankfully they weren't.  Oh, I did walk around all day with a 
half-a-hard-on, but one quick jerk-off that evening imagining 
that Suzy had managed to sneak over from her house, was enough to 
give me relief.  I had just finished spasming the little girl's 
tight little tummy full of cum (in my mind) and was wiping up, 
when Lonnie knocked on my door, and then stuck her head in.
     "Are you OK, Mark?" she asked; looking concerned.
     Damn!  Why hadn't the girl asked me that last night?
     "I'm fine," I responded, sheepishly, as my prick wilted 
under the covers.  I was ashamed of myself for even thinking such 
thoughts about my own sister, now that the pressure in my balls 
was relieved.
     Thankfully Lonnie didn't push things.  "Oh," she said, "I 
thought you needed something."  Then she was gone.
     For a second, I wondered what she meant; unspeakable erotic 
fantasies running through my head.  Then I relaxed.  Lonnie had 
probably heard me groaning when I came, and had just been worried 
about her little brother being hurt.  (In the back of my mind, a 
nasty voice whispered, "What if she heard you groaning; knew WHY 
you were groaning; and wanted to 'help out?'")
     I ignored the nasty little voice.  I knew my big sister had 
the reputation of a "good girl" in spite of all the boys she went 
out with.
     (The nasty voice responded, "Then how's she going to 'pay 
up' on her 'guarantee' if she really IS a 'good girl?'")
     I answered myself that, "In the first place, Lonnie doesn't 
expect to HAVE to pay up.  If my date with Suzy was any example, 
she didn't have much to worry about.  After all, I only expected 
to have a date, and maybe feel a girl up a little.  Wet-dream 
dates like that first one had been, weren't really necessary.  
Just a girl who didn't act like a 'cold fish' and make me keep my 
     (The nasty little voice reminded me that, "Still, things 
could go wrong, that even Lonnie didn't figure on.")
     I reminded myself that, "That's HER problem, not mine," and 
snuggled down to sleep.
     (The voice just chuckled nastily, and then let me sleep.)

     Monday was back-to-school, and thing slipped back to normal.  
Except, it seemed to me, that all the girls treated me slightly 
different, as if they all KNEW somehow, that I was no longer the 
"dork" of a virgin that I had been.  Is there some mysterious 
stamp "VIRGIN" that only girls can see on a guy's forehead, that 
vanishes when he first gets laid?  Even the three girls who had 
turned me down so soundly the week before seemed somewhat 
friendlier.  Jocylin Marshal actually brushed by me getting 
through the classroom door, and didn't look like she had 
accidentally touched a maggot.  In fact, (believe this if you 
will) she actually blushed!
     Since Suzy had left on Saturday, and wouldn't be back until 
that night, I knew there was no way the little girl had told 
anyone what we had done.  Besides, she wasn't that type of girl.


     Still, SOMETHING was different about the way the girls 
treated me.  I wondered if I was being "set up" somehow.  Then it 
dawned on me; I was!
     My big sister had promised to get me dates for five weeks.  
Obviously, she couldn't do it if everybody thought I was a "nerd" 
so she was doing SOMETHING to correct that image.  I don't know 
what it was, but I liked it.  It's NICE to be looked at by pretty 
girls, as if you're somebody interesting, and not some slug that 
crawled out from under a rock.  Obviously there was more PR in 
getting a date than I had realized before.  It suddenly dawned on 
me, that maybe THIS was what my big sister meant in the part 
about "not knowing who or how to ask."  If I had had any brains, 
I would have had my big sister help me YEARS before.  Suddenly, 
things I had heard before like, "To get a pretty girl to be 
interested in you, you've got to HAVE a pretty girl already 
showing interest," began to make sense.  If I'd HAD any, I could 
have asked Lonnie to be my "pretty girl" and be seen with me, so 
I would look "interesting" to others.  Damn!  I remembered many 
times when Lonnie had offered to go out with me, when I was 
feeling alone and lonely, and I had been dumb enough to turn her 
down, because she was my "sister" and I wanted to pick up GIRLS!  
Shit, what a bonehead I was!
     To make things even worse, (in my mind) Lonnie wasn't just a 
"pretty" girl; she was gorgeous.  When I imagined the dates I 
MIGHT have had by now, if I had only . . . I wondered why they 
didn't lock up guys like me for their own protection.  I was that 
     Now that I thought about it, Lonnie had some girlfriends 
that were almost wet-dreams themselves.  If I had just shown 
interest in being around HER, then I would have automatically 
been around THEM.
     I still didn't know what my big sister was up to, but it was 
obvious that she had 10 times the brains that I did, when it came 
to dealing with the opposite sex.  Obviously SOME kind of rumor 
was going around the school about me, and it wasn't a bad one.  
Who knows, it might even be true.  I suddenly realized that I 
owed Lonnie for FAR more than just setting me up with the cute 
little girl next door.
     (Who, [another example of how stupid I am] I hadn't even 
dreamed of asking out, until my big sister practically forced me.  
Right under my nose for years; practically creaming her jeans for 
me; and I don't even see her, while complaining, "I can't get a 
date."  God am I dumb!  My sister was right.  I wondered just how 
many MORE and similar opportunities I had missed.  With Lonnie's 
help, it began to look like I just might find out.  Four dates to 
go.  I couldn't expect EVERY one to be a wet-dream, like the 
first, but just holding-hands in the movies would be a million-
percent improvement over sitting home alone, moping.)

     That night, Suzy got back so late, that she only managed to 
sneak over to our house just before dusk.  Chrissie announced 
loudly, "MARK! your girlfriend's here!" much to my embarrassment.  
Still, I hurried out on the porch, where we barely had time to do 
more than grab a quick kiss, before Suzy had to get back before 
she was missed.


     "We've just GOT to get together tomorrow," she whispered in 
my ear.
     I agreed, and we broke up; my prick just aching in my pants.
     "Oh . . . I almost forgot to say, 'Thank you,' for what you 
did for me Saturday," she said, as she left.
     "Friday," I almost automatically corrected.
     "No, I mean Saturday," she corrected me back, with a slight 
     Oh God!  I remembered what we had been doing just after 
midnight three nights earlier.  "Thank YOU," I said sincerely.  
"That was the best thing that ever happened to me."
     I could almost feel Suzy blush, though in the dark I 
couldn't see.  "As I said, we've just GOT to 'get-together' again 
pretty soon, she replied, before hurrying off before I could 
respond.  God, my prick was leaking cum down my leg, just 
thinking about it.
     "She IS a sexy little thing, isn't she?"  My mother's voice 
almost in my ear, almost made me jump out of my skin.  This time 
it was MY turn to blush.  "Just be sure you don't hurt her," 
Mother admonished me.  "After all, she's just a little girl."
     "MUTHER!" I said, now disgusted instead of embarrassed.  As 
if I would EVER do anything to hurt a child like Suzy . . . or 
anyone else, for that matter.
     Mother didn't apologize.  "I didn't mean physically," she 
explained.  "Girls like that can 'take more than you might 
expect.'"  Oh God, she didn't mean what I thought she did, did 
she?  How much did mother suspect?  I was still trying to figure 
this out, when she continued, "I mean emotionally.  Suzy's got 
quite a crush on you, you know?  The little girl would probably 

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