Organization: The Committee To Thwart Spam
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X-Moderator-Contact: Eli the Bearded <>
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Subject: Re: Fairy Tale
From: (David K Ryder)

Moderator's Note ------

This story came in with ugly staggered line formatting, so I
put it through a reformmatter. Hopefully this did not collide
paragraphs or anything.

------ end note



Once upon a time (for, by decree, fairy stories are required to start
this way), there lived a most wise and benevolent King and his equally
gracious Queen.   They treated their subjects with utmost kindness,
distributing food to the poor in times of need and providing coal to
all their subjects during the harsh winter months.   They were well
loved throughout the entire kingdom, and stories of their good deeds
spread far and wide.  So, it was that there was general rejoicing when
they gave birth to their first child, a daughter they named Adelina,
which fittingly means "of noble birth."  Princess Adelina was adorable
and grew up to be a model child.  Although very beautiful, she was
never vain.  She carried herself with poise and developed perfect
manners.  Her life was one of continual bliss.

When she was fourteen, however, Adelina found herself alone in her
room one day studying herself in the mirror.  She was in the bloom of
youth; her mouth was like a rosebud, her eyes were a deep cobalt blue,
and her breasts were just beginning to develop their future promise.
Yes, she thought, she was as attractive as everyone said, but still
she was not quite satisfied with her appearance.  It was her hair.
Fairy princesses were supposed to have long, golden hair like in the
picture books, and Adelina's hair wasn't like that at all.  It was
thin and mousy.  She had tried to grow it long, but to no avail.  It
only seemed to mock her as it hung there, lank and lifeless, just
brushing her shoulders.  Adelina picked up a limp strand and sighed.
"Prince Charming will never choose me with hair like this."

As it so happened, that very evening a great and powerful Wizard
arrived at court.  He had heard of the good deeds done by the Royal
Family and had come to reward them for their kindness and generosity.
He granted the King, the Queen, and Princess Adelina each a single
wish.  The King wished that all the roofs of the Kingdom might be made
water-tight against the coming winter.  The Queen asked for a
bountiful harvest so there would be enough food for all.  Then it came
young Adelina's turn.  All she could think of was the visit to her
mirror that morning and burst out, "I wish I had thick, golden hair to
my waist and that it would grow two centimeters a day, and if it's
ever cut that it will grow twice as fast as before!"  At that, the
King shook his head ruefully, for he was truly wise and knew wizards
were apt to take wishes quite literally.   "It shall be as you
command," the Wizard replied with a flourish.  As the Wizard was
leaving the throne room, the Queen noticed her husband whispering
earnestly to his unexpected visitor.  The Wizard said nothing, but
smiled kindly and nodding knowingly in return.

The following morning, Adelina awoke to feel something soft and
strange touching her bare arms.  She leapt to her feet and rushed to
her mirror.  The wish had come true!   Her thin, mousy hair was all
gone.  In its place were the most wonderful golden tresses anyone can
imagine, falling thick and full clear to her waist.  Smooth and silky,
with just a little wave to give them body.  Adelina was in heaven as
she reached for her brush and pulled it through the shimmering masses.
Her hair rippled and flowed down her back like liquid sunshine.  When
her maid entered the room with breakfast, she practically dropped the
tray in her surprise.  "Oh, Your Highness, what beautiful hair!   I
always knew you were the most beautiful child in the kingdom.  But
just look at you now!"  Adelina shook her head and watched her golden
hair bounce and rustle against her nightgown.  She tossed it about in
girlish glee.  Each time it settled, every hair fell in perfect place.
All that day, Adelina could be found sneaking glances at herself
wherever she went in the castle.  

Adelina had always wanted long hair and here it was, the most
beautiful hair in the kingdom.  In a few days, she was delighted to
discover that her hair was longer still.   Now she could actually sit
on it, something she had always dreamed of doing.  By the time another
week had passed, it was down to her knees, and had become her pride
and joy.  She couldn't pay enough attention to it.  She was
continually brushing it, and braiding, it and washing it, and playing
with it, and was the happiest creature in the entire kingdom.
Everyone was very pleased for her, for she was such a nice child.
That is, all except the King, who said nothing, but seemed deep in

Time passed, as it is inclined to do, and Adelina's hair continued to
grow at the steady rate of two centimeters per day, just as she had
requested.  By the end of the month, Adelina had hair long enough to
reach the floor, just like all the fairy princesses in her story
books.  It was very beautiful, and the constant topic of conversation
among everyone in the castle and from far around.  How it shimmered
and floated around her!   She spent hours walking through the castle
just to delight in the feel of those magnificent golden tresses
floating down her back.  Such delights, however, do not last forever.
After another two weeks had past, her hair had grown a further twenty
eight centimeters, and she was forced to wear it up most of the time,
because you will find it most inconvenient to be trailing hair behind
you when you're trying to walk with any degree of dignity.  Adelina
now only let her hair down at dinnertime, and she made a spectacular
sight when she made her entrance with her golden tresses spreading out
behind her like a bridal train and flowing gracefully across the
marble floor.

It was two months after the Wizard's visit that Adelina got her
maid-in-waiting to measure her hair for her.  It proved to be a bit
over two fifty centimeters long, and no longer was providing Adelina
with quite the joy she had first taken in it.  Sometimes you can have
too much of a good thing, she found herself thinking as she sat at her
dressing table that night watching her maid-in-waiting attempting to
brush out the long, perfect strands that spread out before her in all
their profusion.   In some ways her hair looked more beautiful than
ever as it rippled and danced around her in the candlelight, but
Adelina was beginning to have second thoughts about it.   In fact, she
had to admit that her hair was starting to feel a bit cumbersome and
uncomfortable.  It was awkward to wash and was making life difficult
for her maid.  "Oh, your Ladyship," she would say, as she put down the
brushes with a sigh, "What am I to do with all your hair."  

Nevertheless, Adelina's hair continued growing two centimeters every
day, until, finally, one fine spring morning, when her hair was
exactly three and a half meters long, Adelina could stand it no longer
and sent for the Royal Barber.   Her hair was awkward and hot; it was
heavy, and she was tired of fussing with it all the time.  It had
become oppressive.  She ordered her too-long tresses to be cut back to
her waist.  She let them down, and the barber could see that they
were, indeed remarkable, flooding the floor with a soft radiance.  The
deed was done, and Adelina once again found herself surrounded by the
magnificent cloak of golden hair she had first wished for.

But you remember Adelina's wish, don't you?  Now her hair grew twice
as fast as before, for the King had been quite right to predict that
wizards take their wishes very literally.  It was growing steadily
four centimeters every day now, instead of two.   Every day her hair
got longer by just this amount --no more, no less --so that before
long she found it back to her knees, then to her ankles, and then
skimming the floor.   On and on it grew, day in, day out, as if by
magic, until once again she found herself confronted with a heavy,
three point four meter column of troublesome hair --a mane so long she
could never wear down, but could only attempt to cope with.

Now, Adelina was an intelligent girl, and began to realize how foolish
her wish had been.  She started to wish she had her old hair again,
thin and mousy as it might have been.  As it was, her hair was getting
far too long and in the way.  She resisted the temptation to cut it a
second time, though, for she realized that would only make her hair
grow faster still -- that, instead of four centimeters a day, it would
most certainly start to grow eight.  But there is only so much
resistance a young girl can be expected to put up, so with her hair a
hopelessly long four and a half meters, the Royal Barbers were
summoned once again.  By this time Adelina had come to hate her
fantastically long hair and to find it more of a problem than she
could ever have imagined.  She was even a bit frightened of it.  There
was just so much of it.  It seemed to have a life of its own.  It was
hot and time-consuming.  She found she could no longer move freely
with it loose.  Besides, it seemed to spread everywhere and get into
everything.  It took considerable effort just to keep pinned to her
head and out of the way.   The very weight of it was oppressive.  This
time she ordered it cut back to her ears.  The relief was
instantaneous, but, unfortunately, far from permanent.  Only two days
later, Adelina's golden tresses had returned to the middle of her
back; by the next day they extended to her hips.

The King summoned his ministers and explained his deep concern to them
all, for he understood the gravity of the situation only too well.  It
was time to see if the Wizard was as good as his promise.  In the
meantime, he forbade Adelina to cut her tresses ever again, not by so
much as a millimeter, for the problem was rapidly getting out of hand.
But even he relented a short time later, when their overwhelming
length began to make his daughter's once care-free life an ongoing

Adelina cut her hair a third time only when it had reached the
incredible length of 850 centimeters.  She fully understood the
foolishness of the move, yet she simply couldn't bear its presence
another minute.  How it mocked her in its profusion!   It was
overwhelming.  By this time her hair was being measured in meters
rather than centimeters, and half the household staff was being called
on simply to maintain it and try to keep it under some kind of
control.  Various stratagems and procedures were suggested for dealing
with it, since Adelina could hardly keep the vast quantities of it
confined to her head.  No matter how she tried to bind it up or keep
it from straying, loose strands would continually slip from the
awkward piles mounded there and get caught on things.  At other times,
it would trip her up, or make her feel top-heavy.  At bedtime her hair
had to be carefully folded and placed in a pile by the bedside out of
harm's way.  Her wish had become a nightmare from which there seemed
no escape, as became immediately clear after that third haircut when
it commenced to grow sixteen centimeters a day.  Adelina had become
the prisoner of her own hair.   Time after time she tried to delay
calling in the Royal Barbers yet again, for she knew they would only
made a bad situation even worse, but again and again the barbers were
summoned, if only to provide some temporary relief.  It only grew
faster and faster.   The Queen prayed for a miracle; the King kept
searching the horizon, as if looking for an answer that seemed never
to arrive.

A month later, Adelina lay in bed wrapped in the lengths of her golden
hair, which flowed in torrents down each side of the bed.  She was
watching it grow.   It was growing so fast you could actually see it.
By now, Adelina's hair kept her confined to her room except for those
short liberating periods after it had just been cut, but even these
periods of blessed relief were growing briefer and briefer.
Otherwise, she found herself trapped by meters and meters of
shimmering golden silk.  No one tried to determine its length any
more, nobody cared, but she must have been surrounded by fifty meters
of moving, flowing hair, which seemed alive and growing steadily
onward and onward.

Adelina awoke early the next morning.  Her tresses had been cut once
again just before she went to bed the night before, yet the entire
room was filled with the provision of her hair.  It spilled off the
bed and across the floor.  Masses of it lay piled up against the
closed door.  Tendrils of it trailed out the lattice window.  It was
growing at the rate of a meter an hour.  It never slept.

Had she been able to move from her silken prison and look out the
window, Adelina might have noticed a handsome young knight approaching
the castle wall.   He was the prince of a neighboring kingdom, who had
been urgently summoned by the King's own special messenger.  He knew
nothing of the task he had been summoned to perform, but he was struck
by what appeared to be cascade of beautiful, golden hair growing down
the tower wall from a casement above.  He had never seen anything more
lovely than the sight.  How all that hair shimmered in the sunlight!
How soft and silky it looked against the hard, stone wall of the
balustrade.  He rode across the drawbridge and was quickly brought
before the King to learn for the first time of Princess Adelina's sad
plight.  The little group hastened up the stairs, and the knight found
himself entering a chamber which seemed to glow with a radiance that
emanated from every corner of the room.  It was the soft glow made by
Adelina's golden hair, which filled the room to overflowing.  In the
center of the room, trapped in all its profusion, he found the poor
Princess weeping on her bed.  She lay as if in a soft cocoon,
enveloped in the immensity of her flowing hair.

His heart was suddenly filled with pity and a deep, abiding love.  He
saw instantly what he was required to do.  Without a word he waded
forward through the thick carpets of hair that spread crisscrossed
across the floor until he was standing at Adelina's bedside.   She lay
there in tears, her hair spilling silently forth in engulfing waves,
slowly inundating the entire room.  He unleashed his sword and, taking
careful aim, with a single stroke cut through the cascade of
ever-growing hair at the point just where it flowed from the bed onto
the floor.  At that very instant, Adelina's hair stopped growing.  The
spell was broken.  The King and Queen uttered a great sigh of relief
and embraced one another.  Adelina wept tears of joy.  As the great
masses of severed hair were being cleared from the room, Adelina stood
up to face her rescuer.   Her hair was still long and golden, flowing
down her back clear to the ground, just where the prince had cut it.
It was four meters long, but it was growing no longer.

The entire kingdom rejoiced at the festive wedding held a few months
later.  The weather was perfect, and everyone commented on how lovely
the bride looked.  A symphony of white, with her beautiful golden hair
cascading over it, rich and full, like a waterfall, to well past the
hem of her skirt.  The King smiled for the first time in months.  He
thought back over Adelina's foolish wish that had started the whole
dreadful affair, and recalled the bargain he had struck with the
Wizard that fateful day.   The Wizard had never intended to punish the
family, but simply to reward them for their charity and goodness.  He
had promised the King that the dangerous part of Adelina's wish would
cease as soon as she encountered True Love.  The beautiful, golden
tresses, a hopefully wiser and more mature Adelina could keep with the
Wizard's blessings.  And so it was that they all lived happily ever

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