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From: (MC Woodsmoke)
Subject: RP Kinetics (mff sf/sh/mc ) 01/10

Disclaimer :

    Read No Further If You Are Under The Age Of 18 Or 
If You Are Offended By Graphic Descriptions Of Sexual 
Activity.  All Characters, Situations, And Locations 
Are Purely Fictional.  In the real world there are 
STD's like AIDS, this is an imaginary world where the 
activities described here wouldn't be suicidal.

    Archiving And Reposting Permitted Only If The 
Complete,  Unaltered File, Including This Disclaimer, 
Is Included.  Written 05/97 By MHC. Comments And 
Suggestions Welcomed. 

    Send Email to my GTE account is 
semi permanent.  COPYRIGHT (c) 1997, MC Woodsmoke   All 
rights reserved.

Kinetics 101      or    

Why should Telepaths have all the fun??

Chapter 1    Pink Flamingo

My name is Joshua Kalen.  Ta Dah!  * Big thrill huh *.

For twelve years of my life I was Joe Nobody.  I was in 
the dictionary under the word; BORING.

At thirteen, my life changed.  I found out how 
different I was from everyone else I had ever met.  

My mother had always claimed I had a guardian angel.  
Falling objects seemed to miss me.  If I forgot how hot 
or dangerous something was it didn't seem to matter.  
At the last instant it would seem to jump away from my 
hand or body.

At thirteen, the headaches started and I thought I 
would soon be joining the angels.  For two months I 
wished I could die and my family thought I was 
possessed.  I lay there moaning and groaning.  Objects 
in the yard, house, and bedroom with me seemed to be in 
a playful mood as I cried in pain.  The chairs in my 
bedroom seemed attracted to the ceiling.  The pink 
flamingo in the yard twirled like a top.  The 
silverware in the dining room, downstairs, marched 
around the table like toy soldiers.  My comb and brush 
had dueling matches above my head.

I wasn't aware of any of this.  I was suffering.  Late 
one night, with a radical Catholic exorcist worrying at 
the foot of my floating bed, it all ended.  

They say that everything got very still.  My body went 
totally rigid.  Four lighting bolts struck a tree in 
the front yard.  I sneezed.  The lights went out in the 
entire county.  

I woke up and was totally headache free and seemingly 
back to normal.  

Everything had gone back to the way it was.  Even the 
flamingo had finally stopped spinning.  Thre was a four 
minute blurb on the TV station about insufficient 
planning by the power company and some fried relays.  
For the most part everyone forgot the whole strange 
affair.  Everyone but the exorcist and I that is.  The 
exorcist joined a Moonie cult.  I have to live with 
what I've become and what I can do.

At 13 years of age, I was suddenly a fully functioning 
telekinetic, (I could move things with my mind).  My 
powers didn't suddenly sprout full grown from my body 
and mind after that night.  The difference between what 
I could do then and what I can do now can be measured 
by my degree of control and the magnitude of what I can 

I was able, with practice and a couple of years of 
experimentation, to control when and how my power 
activated.  Before that night, my powers had seemed to 
be in a defense only mode that I couldn't govern.  

The degree of telekinesis and the magnitude of what I 
could accomplish with it,  would take me years of 
practice and experimentation to fully evaluate.  At 
first I could make small things tip over or shake.  
Later I worked up to levitating small items.  By the 
time I was eighteen I had developed my skills and 
mental muscle to the point where I could throw 15 tons 
around, without breaking a sweat.  With concentration, 
I could crush a diamond or stop a butterfly in flight 
without moving the dust on its wings.  I even appeared 
to have control down to the atomic level.  I could 
almost feel individual atoms if I concentrated.  I 
determined to not experiment at this end of my powers 
until I knew more physics.  I would hate to cause some 
weird type of fission or nuclear reaction by mistake.

One of the aspects of my telekinesis that I worked 
longest to perfect was the ability to form constructs 
purely of telekinetic energy.   These constructs could 
take any shape my imagination could provide, bullet, 
shield, ladder, whatever.  Once constructed, my mental 
creations, maintained their substance for about five 
minutes, unless I dissolved them or kept renewing them.  
All of my mental constructs were invisible and I found 
that by laying a telekinetic force field around myself 
that I could be invisible too.  Light entered one side 
and exited the other with zero reflection or 
distortion.  Luckily I didn't learn about that aspect 
of my capabilities till after I had gotten out of my 
horniest adolescent years.  As it was, there was a 
constant internal battle for many years.  

Scared me: 
* Keep it a secret, hide what you can do, if 
someone finds out, you'll end up dissected in some 
government lab. *.  

Horny me * What could it hurt to pull Amy Jophers 
panties down and skirt up for just a second???  I 
probably won't get caught. *.  

Scared me * Probably isn't good enough! *.  

Horny me: * Damn!! *.

I spent a lot of time by myself out at the old quarry, 
working on my powers, reading comic books, science 
fiction and the occasional shoplifted Playboy.  Comic 
books had some of the best ideas for the uses of 
Psionic powers. Green Lantern gave me some great ideas 
for mental constructs.  The Comics tended to ignore the 
details of how the powers worked.  I didn't have a 
power ring with an instruction manual.  I wasn't that 
lucky.  I had trial and error.  Luckily I never had to 
question why something worked when I figured out how to 
do it once.  I assumed that my peculiar mind somehow 
tapped a huge power source that my mind was letting me 
manipulate.  I could live with that idea.  I would 
probably never know how my powers really worked though.  

I just had to hope that my powers didn't have some huge 
negative effect on others or me.

The problem with comic books for a horny kid was that 
the telepaths and mind manipulators seemed to have all 
the fun.  Telekinetics like Justice of the New Warriors 
or Sue Richards of the Fantastic Four or Jean Grey of 
the X-Men just seemed to make shields and annoy people.  
Mesmero, The Purple Man, The Puppetmaster, The 
Ringmaster, The Controller, The Shadow King; all the 
bad guys, that got to zap the good guys or good girls' 
minds and make them into helpless puppets seemed much 
more interesting.  They were always beaten by the hero 
by the end of the book.   For a few seconds though, 
Wonder Women, Marvel Girl, Mary Marvel or the Scarlet 
Witch was theirs to do with as they pleased.  In comic 
books, telekinetics almost never got the girl or guy.

I wanted to change that.  I was very interested in 
girls.  I didn't want to force them to like me, but I 
wouldn't fight them off if they had shown some interest 
in me either.  Unfortunately I was everything that 
girls didn't seem to want; medium height 5'9", thin as 
a rail, brown hair and eyes, bad complexion, a nerd 
with glasses and no social skills.  Part of my problem 
was a nervousness and insecurity about what would 
happen if someone discovered what I could do.  
Nightmares of being caged and school kids yelling FREAK 
at me were not uncommon.  

My Junior year in high school I finally worked up the 
nerve to share my secret with a young girl who was my 
equal in school.  We were both considered weirdoes.  
Her name was Tempest and she believed she was a witch.  
She had started hanging out with me at the quarry and 
we talked.  She talked about her dreams and what she 
knew about witchcraft and I talked about comics and 
what a loser I was.  

Eventually I felt I could trust her and I showed her 
what I could do with my telekinesis.  She didn't freak 
and she didn't suggest I was Satan.  I was really 

It was her idea that I use it on her.  She wanted to 
see if I could touch her in places that I couldn't see.  
Weeks of experimenting and trying things that worked 
and discarding things that didn't soon had me a 
talented mental masseuse.  For some reason, I'll never 
understand, it never really got overtly sexual between 
us.  We were friends and we trusted each other.  I had 
developed a sort of empathic awareness of her when she 
was in my telekinetic grip and I just knew when to stop 
and when she wanted more of something.  I could bring 
her to orgasm or tickle her for half an hour without 
ever touching her physically and somehow, for us, it 
was enough.  

I really thought that when we became Seniors we might 
actually move on to having physical sex.  I know I 
wanted to, and I suspected that the only thing holding 
us back was our fear that it would destroy our 
friendship.  In one of those weird quirks that are 
supposed to mean something, but don't;  she was killed 
in a car accident by some woman who's screaming kid had 
distracted her at just the wrong moment.  

I went back into my shell.  Tempest became my ghostly 
conscience.  My conscience told me that sex would be 
nice but I had a lot of growing up to do.  I was pretty 
morose so I agreed with her.  

After all, she had been able to tell when Mr. Jenkins 
was going to throw a pop quiz just by recalling her 
dreams.  It hadn't seemed to help her grades any 
though.  I really missed her, so I practiced with my 
powers a lot, hoping she would be proud of me.

Another year went by.  When I  went off to college I 
was still a virgin.  My resolve to never use my powers 
to help me with my sexual frustration was really 
weakening though.

Once I had escaped from my small town to a large 
college campus where no one knew me, I decided to 
remake myself into something that the female population 
might find more attractive.  I joined the college 
karate team.  I began a total exercise regime.  I 
purchased a whole new wardrobe with the help of a 'with 
it' cousin.  I exchanged my glasses for contacts.  I 
got my hair styled.  I changed my diet and cleared up 
my skin.  The karate and exercise bulked me up from a 
scrawny 140 to a buff 185.  The karate classes also 
taught me discipline, perseverance, strategy, and self 
worth.  They gave me a new attitude of confidence and 
assurance.  I was much more comfortable with myself.  I 
now had some male friends, but female company still 
eluded me.  

I had this feeling that at eighteen, every one else had 
been dating for six years and I had never even held a 
girls hand.  Being shy and unsure of women in general, 
I usually asked out the shy girls I knew. This never 
seemed to work.  Total rejection.  Sometimes the girls 
even seemed afraid of me.  After asking one girl out 
for a lunch date and receiving the standard rejection, 
I broke down and asked her why.

"You're really nice Josh and you must know your good 
looking (total shock to me), I can't really explain it 
but.... ummm I guess I feel threatened by you.  I'm 
pretty sure your not some crazy or something but when 
I'm around you I get this feeling that you are reining 
yourself back      that your like really powerful or 
something and it......  well it scares me."  she tried 
to be nice about it.

She seemed compelled to give me the rest of the bad 
news, "Some girls really like powerful guys, it's a 
real turn on to them.  I can't explain it but you just 
seem to have, like this really big strong aura around 
you, like you could do anything.  I'm sorry Josh but, 
I'm pretty shy and I know I'm not that pretty or 
anything.  Maybe you should be trying to date girls 
that are more...well...... you know, sure of 
themselves, prettier, more confidant girls.".

Obviously my powers were leaking out enough to be 
perceived by people I was close to.  They could feel at 
some instinctive level that I could do devastating 
things with my mind.  What the hell could I do?  Maybe 
the prettier more self assured girls would find my 
"powerful aura" attractive, but my lack of any social 
standing at college meant that I didn't interact with 
those kind of girls very often, if ever.  I was also 
still severely intimidated by beautiful women.

I was almost ready to give up on girls and become a 
eunuch when something happened that changed my life 

I got to be a hero or as close to a hero as I could 
achieve.  Hero turned out to be a four letter word but 
their were some definite perks.

To be continued ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::

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