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Subject: {ASS} "Mirrors" by Emerald (mf, inc, story)  (Emerald, please contact me)
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Reposter's note: This story is from Mr. Double's collection.
Now with him gone, I don't know if there's any way to contact Emerald.
If you are the author of this story, please email me. -- CJ

Copyright © 1997, Emerald.   ALL Rights Reserved

This story may not be reproduced in any form for profit without
the written permission of the author.  This story may be freely
distributed with this notice attached.  The author may be contacted


by Emerald

CHAPTER 1: The Stage and the Actors

Looking back I think the best way to describe the family in which I was born, as
proper and uneventful on the surface, but quietly raging, seething and festering
just beneath it. In any case, this went for my parents and to a lesser extent my
older brother. It now is more than obvious to me that my parents did not love
themselves, let alone each other.

They must have lived in almost constant anguish of feelings of guilt and
retribution, given in by their respective religious interpretations and the
fashionable norms and values that their social circle imposed on them. My father
was an unfriendly, demanding man who was more successful than liked, whose main
quality was persistence and whose main skill was that of forceful acquisition of
whatever took his fancy, my mother included. His favorite school of thought was
to compare life with a balance-sheet, and he would state so with frequently with
authority and somber satisfaction. Needless to say that he earned a pretty penny
as a businessman. Of course this was not necessarily seen as uncommon or
particularly unfavorable in late to post-Victorian America.

My mother must at one time in her life have been sweet and caring, but various
reasons had turned her into a sickly, bitter, but power-hungry product of the
marriage with my father. She had displayed a constant attitude of
dissatisfaction and frustration that permeated from just about everything she
did, said or had influence in. From what I know now, this is not surprising
considering to what indignity and suffering she had been subjected to. She
obviously disgusted men and everything that even remotely had to do with bodily
functions, which she referred to as being bestial. In any case, she apparently
wanted to extend these views to her offspring and demanded strict compliance to
her views by all of us in general, and my younger sister in particular.
Of course I didn't understand this until much later, but I grudgingly complied
with the in my view ridiculous idiosyncrasies of Victorian life and the strict
limits this set on my behavior.

That is, until I found my way around them.

My younger sister Miranda Melinda, I affectionately called her Mim when I got to
know her a little better, was a quiet and very sensitive girl who had all the
features that pointed to our Irish origin.

Fair skinned with rich black hair and large striking eyes that depending on her
mood seemed to vary between a beautiful dark blue under normal circumstances,
and a sparkling green when happy, excited or emotional. Set in a beautiful
heart-shaped face with high cheekbones they were the true windows to her soul.
We were as close as our mother's draconian decency, combined with our father's
near pugilistic enforcement of this, allowed and us to be. This must have given
us that special bond that set us aside from the rest of the family, and it
eventually gave us our own domain of play, talk and thought that eluded most
everyone else.

I grew up to be a boy to which on the outside, the word 'medium' came to mind;
medium built, modest features, brown hair, quick brown eyes, and for the rest
nothing to write home about. This suited me fine and as soon as I saw the merit
of it. I worked to keep it this way while working on the inside to keep and
improve my edge and strength for unforeseen situations. It became my way of life
to build my strength whilst keeping my diminutive guise. My quick mind and my
analytical skills made this an easy task.

CHAPTER 2: Homes and Places

We moved to a new home.

Today that would be something that is regarded fairly normal, but at the time
that this took place it was a major event, and for me this was exiting and just
plain fun. The year was 1916. There was war in Europe, and President Woodrow
Wilson is, be it screaming and kicking, dragged into an allied pact with Great
Britain, France, and Italy against Germany and Turkey.

My father, owner of a big government contractor that was to supply the
expeditionary force in Europe, decided that he had to look for a more suitable
abode. Not that our old home was a modest dwelling by any standard or stretch of
the imagination, but why not move on to bigger and better things when
opportunity smiles. Or so he must have thought.

Frankly speaking and looking back, I think that the move was mostly due to the
fact that my parents were thoroughly fed up with each other. Since divorce was
simply not done at the time, they had to find another solution to keep
themselves from bashing each other's head in. Apparently the thought was that
more room would allow for likewise more civility, whilst maintaining the
appearance of blissful family life to the outside world. Keeping up appearances
was the keyword for these early post-Victorian days.

The net-result of this dysfunctional, but on the whole prosperous family-life
was that each of us lived within our own clearly defined spheres of interest,
where interaction was limited to the bare necessities of compliance to basic
civility and courtesy. Transgressions were discouraged, and our own individual
properties and activities made us live together as separately as is humanly
possible under one roof. As it goes in life, differences hardly ever remain
unnoticed and the natural order of things dictates that sooner or later they
stand out and have their effect all that are even remotely involved. It only
needs a catalyst to upset the status quo and bring about the start of a chain of
events and interactions of people.  think that I was somewhat instrumental to
the inevitable catalysis, because I was always interested to have my fingers in
as many pies as was feasible within the limits of propriety and without
sacrificing my own independence. Should you so desire, you can view me as the
wise guy that every family appears to have.

I, Francis Theodore, was 14 years of age and middle child with a 6 years older
brother Jarvis Seamus, and a 2 years younger sister Miranda Melinda.

My younger sister, as dearly as I loved her, did not nearly have the
intellectual and/or recreational value to satisfy my early adolescent interests.
As it stood, she was not generally interested in my activities, which mostly
took place outside of the house and likewise, I was not into the 'girly' kind of
things that younger sisters used to prefer to busy themselves with at the time
that this all took place.

As for Jarvis, being 6 years older than I was, made him view me with a
prevailing attitude that can best be described as mildly condescending with
complete disinterest. We navigated through life on completely different courses
much like ships passing in the mist. The war provided Jarvis the opportunity to
escape his faltering academic performance as well as the social and matrimonial
stranglehold that my parents had prepared for him. My father had, thoroughly and
at times hard-handedly, earmarked him for succession in business and mother had
staked out her claim on a young daughter of a suitably wealth and lineage as her
daughter-in-law to be. Jarvis in turn, was scared stiff of both prospects, since
he possessed neither ambition nor appetite for a power-position in business or
in marriage. He decided to grasp the chance to escape with both hands and feet.
I guess I can't blame him. Father's business seemed to constantly teeter on the
brink of legality and required prolonged and convoluted legal support efforts.
Furthermore my parents' example of marital bliss was hardly an appealing one.

Besides this, and as far as I could determine, the selected young lady was rich
by any standard, but also slightly aesthetically challenged and of an overly
'hungry' attitude towards male company in general and that of poor Jarvis in
particular. In short Jarvis joined the Army and would make off to France as an
Officer in the 1st Infantry division, as soon as was practicable as seen in the
light of decency and his proficiency in martial skills.

Of course we were all dreadfully jolly proud of him, and all that.

I was in a fairly comfortable position where hardly anyone took notice of my
actions and whereabouts. This suited me fine because the marital squabbles of my
parents were not my piece of cake and only interested me if and when my person
was involved in more than a peripheral fashion.

The new house was not new at all and besides being big it had at first glance
few other redeeming values. It was a huge and of the Victorian and Gothic
mongrel-monstrosity variety in the style of 'Baldric the Maniac' meets 'Icabod
the unsavory'.

Upon closer inspection however, I was not entirely displeased with it. The rooms
were spacious and there were lots of them.  There was a huge basement with many
doors, nooks and crannies that seriously required my exploring, and the attic
appeared to be a young boy's paradise where previous generations of inhabitants
had conveniently left a lot of 'Stuff' that required my attention and scrutiny.

In a time where Radio was still an exercise of the imagination of inventors and
scientists, and television only existed in the feverish deliriums of the insane
and drunks, that was about the most exiting entertainment that I could expect in
life at that age.

Even my parents appeared mildly pleased and seemed almost civil to each other,
now that they each had their own wing of the mansion and only were forced to
meet at external social occasions or domestic emergencies.

My sister made general but benign nuisance out of herself by un-ladylike running
around. She went from room to room, claiming each room that she saw as an
improvement over the ones that she claimed previously.  She finally settled for
the nice room with a beautiful view over the city and the river right over the
entrance of the house. Hers was by far the friendliest room in the house with
beautifully paneled walls, finely carved woodwork, and a more than 8 feet tall
mirror that seemed to be part of the paneling. The candelabra that hung from the
ceiling, was very simple and elegant in design. The light reflected and
refracted from the crystal petals in such a way that everywhere in the room
there were spots of light. Tiny little rainbows played across the finely carved
woodwork as if it was it were made for her. The room breathed an atmosphere of
deliberate yet sweet femininity that somehow suited her very well.

It was also next to mine, which definitely had a more utilitarian feeling about
it. The paneling was made with clean straight lines, and it lacked the elaborate
carvings except for statuettes of stylized animals in the corners of the
molding. It had a balcony of sorts and had lots of closet-space, that I needed
to store my 'Stuff', of which I had lots. Apparently, the previous owners put
much emphasis on appearance since my room also was equipped with the more than
life-size built-in mirror.

In his absence, poor Jarvis was not able to assert his preferences, and
therefore was assigned to what must have been the study 'en suite', which is
French for two rooms separated by pocket-doors. One being the study, the other
obviously being private quarters. His rooms had a sense of romantic melancholy
over them, much like himself and I was sure that he would like it if and when he
would return from his European adventures.

CHAPTER 3: Above and Beyond

For me life was good. Since I was educated 'at home' I had plenty of time to
launch my exploratory expeditions.  One of the first things that I undertook,
while the hustle and bustle of the move was still going on, was to ascertain my
access to the library. A very specific part of the library, that is.

In our previous house, my father had established a fairly well stocked library,
mostly to impress his friends and cronies with, but as I found out, also for his
own entertainment. To this end there was a closed book-cabinet with doors and a
lock that contained his private literary collection. With the skillful
application of one of my sisters hairpins, I had gained access to this clearly
forbidden section and by virtue of the found materials I was well versed in the
theories of inter-human relations, sexuality and lust.  Chaucer, Dante
Allegieri, Homerus, Plinius, Mark Twain, De Sade and Sir Richard Francis Burton
to name but a few, clearly had added to my already sound and classical
Some of the material was rather graphic in nature and the fairly extensive
collection of photographs , still a novelty at the time, provided me with a
clear topographical grasp of the human, mostly female, anatomy. The contemporary
preferences and techniques 'behind closed doors', as well as their pitfalls and
potential hazards held no secrets for me and it is safe to assume that I was in
this respect several street-lengths ahead of my age group.

With mischievous glee, I estimated that I even had quite an edge on my older
brother Jarvis who was apparently not quite as inquisitive as yours truly, since
I found no evidence of his interest in the matter. Needless to say that the rest
of the well intended, moralistic and utterly insipid contents of the open
bookshelves were regarded by me as 'filler' and therefore hardly worthy of my

The hairpin still worked fine, and with that important issue resolved, and
quietly thanking my dear little sister, I felt free to fully dedicate my
attention to the attic.

I loved being in the attic. It had a romantic and mysterious feeling about it
with its vast collection of clothing chests, boxes, crates and stored furniture
and things that in places were stashed all the way up to the rafters. It also
provided access to the small rooms at the top of the two towers that flanked the
house entrance and ran all the way up to rooftop-level. One of the rooms
appeared locked, but here the trusty hairpin proved again invaluable. The door
apparently had been closed for many years and unlike its counterpart this tower-
room was accessed through a short passage of about 10 feet. The room appeared to
be empty, but something seemed odd about it and it took me until much later to
figure out. Giving it not further immediate thought, I dedicated my attention to
the other partitions of the cavernous space that ran all across the square
layout of the house.

Weaving around piles of boxes and miscellaneous items, occasionally stopping to
examine things that caught my attention for one reason or the other, I wandered
around until I found myself back to where I started.

Repeating the operation, now paying attention as to where I was and where I was
going, I noticed that a part of the attic was missing, meaning that a part was
shut off and made inaccessible to the average visitor. This peaked my attention
and I started pacing out dimensions and estimating positions and bearings.

Scribbling on a piece of paper, and applying my math skills, I figured that an
area of roughly 1500 square feet, smack in the middle of the attic was
unaccounted for.

Crisscrossing the attic I ran into wood-paneled walls that ran all the way up to
the rafters. At regular intervals there was vertical molding and at one point I
found a gaslight fixture sticking out of the wall that did not make any sense to
me at all.

It was getting dark anyway, and I decided to light it since it looked as if it
was still good enough to be used, the glow-wick and glass cover dusty but
intact. I struck a match, turned on the valve, and while doing so inadvertently
pushed on one the scarcely clad ladies that appeared to be part of the
ornamentation. I then was startled nearly to the point of wetting my pants.

With a muffled clunk, one of panel sections receded about 4 inches. Softly
rumbling as if it rolled on wooden rollers or bearings, it slid sideways,
leaving an opening or doorway into a dimly lit room with windows on the far side
that were frosted over with dust, grime and cobwebs. Recovering from my scare
and softly mumbling some unholy incantations I peeked inside and carefully I
entered the room. When I was about two feet into the room the panel rolled shut
and receded back into the wall, thus for the second time jolting my nerves. I
felt somewhat excited, so as to avoid descriptions like 'being terrified out of
my wits', and turned around to find my way out again.

Next to, what now appeared as a normal door, was another gaslight fixture,
identical to the one outside. Upon manipulation of the equally revealing female
figurine, and to my not insignificant relief, the entryway slid open again. I
found that tripping the doorstep closed the door. After making sure that all
worked smoothly by repeating the operation of opening and closing a couple of
times, I first lit the lamp inside the room, extinguished the one outside, and
returned into the room while closing the entryway behind me. I was rapidly
overcoming my first excitement and gleefully realized that this was a secret
room with me, to my knowledge, the only person aware of its existence. This
effectively and rightfully made it my territory, and I decided to further
investigate my newly found realm. The room was square and covered roughly half
the missing attic-space.

Directly opposite to the entry there was another door with a window on each
side. The floor consisted of bare wooden planks, a well-worn, dusty but by no
means tattered rug covered most of it, and in the middle of the rug was a table
with several wooden chairs around it. The table was cluttered with dust-covered
books, papers, a dried out inkwell, a bottle and a glass and several pens and
pencils. Along the left wall were cabinets containing books, instruments and
clothing, neatly stacked and ordered as if with military precision.

The right wall had a double bed, night-stands with candles upon them and 2
narrow doors, one on each side of the bed, and each with the by now familiar
gaslight fixture next to it. I decided to leave those doors for what they were
for the time being, and look around further.

Next to the entry there was a panel with pipes sticking out of it. Each pipe had
a carefully and neatly enameled plate, describing what appeared to be rooms and
localities in the house, all pipes were carefully plugged with a each a closely
fitting brass cover. On one side of the pipe panel was a map of the house,
finely drafted in black ink with the different rooms described in a fine precise

On the other side of the entryway was a small washbasin with a single brass
faucet that upon my trying, first gurgled, then spat out a stream of rusty and
blackened muck, which after leaving it running for a while turned to clear
normal water.

Whoever had occupied and used this room was no slouch and apparently left it the
last time expecting to return to it and finish the glass that was sitting next
to the bottle on the table. Its contents by now long gone and replaced by a fine
layer dust.

Despite the dust, cobwebs and general appearance of age and abandonment, the
whole room made a meticulous and neat impression on me, and I was going to keep
it that way, I told myself. I normally like things tidy and made a mental note
to bring a broom and rags the next time I would visit my newly found kingdom.

I noticed that it was entirely dark outside, and decided to test the tube panel
to figure out what was going on in the rest of the house. More specifically,
I was interested in what the status of diner was, so I plucked the cover off
the tube labeled 'Kitchen'. I was greeted with dim but clear noises normal to
the Kitchen operation. Rattling pot and pans, the hearty cursing and swearing
of our giant black cook Joseph, and the familiar whining of our equally
formidable maidservant Miss Biggle.

Then I tried the tube saying; 'Dining Area' and there was the grumbling,
growling voice of my father who was, as normal, arguing with my mother who in
turn quipped back with her familiar, precise, clipped and razor sharp remarks.
The fact that I could hear without being seen or even be present and the
opportunities that this presented to me clearly outlined themselves in my mind
and highly amused me.

The general nature of the conversation changed from the customary skirmishes to
more practical matters clearly indicating that diner was imminent and the
presence of my sister and me would soon be expected. I reluctantly and wistfully
closed the pipes, extinguished the gas-lamp, opened the entryway, and left for
my room to clean myself up and prepare for participation in the evening meal.

CHAPTER 4: Clear vision

Joseph our tremendous cook, stable-hand, and general factotum, was slightly
amazed and highly amused when I asked him for cleaning materials, like brushes,
a broom, and a bucket with mop.

Sheepishly smiling, thanking him and giving some hogwash answers to his
inquiries, I made off to the attic. On the way up I picked up a couple of
blankets and bed-sheets that I thought to fit the bed in the attic. I carefully
kept from being observed or followed to the hidden room, went into it and closed
the door before making light.

I and started cleaning. Without having to go into details about the cleaning
process itself, it suffices to say that I got to know my new hidey-hole very
well that first night, but after that it was clean.

Not 'Eat-from-the-floor' clean, but good 14/15-year-old-boy clean, which in my
case was appropriate and therefore good enough. I decided to keep the cleaning
stuff up here because it was handy, nobody would miss them anyway, and if they
did; things get lost when you move, so get over it.

I put the stuff from the table in a box and shoved it under the bed for the time
being and for future reference. I closed the cabinets, although I, kind of, sort
of, wanted to go through them, but decided to check out the other doors that I
had not tried yet.

First I tried the door with flanked by the windows on the south side of the
room. It was not locked, and it led to a gravel and moss covered roof-area that
was fully enclosed and hidden from sight by the rest of the roof-line so that it
would be impossible to be seen from anywhere else but straight up. I thought
that this was neat because it allowed me be to be outside practically whenever
it took my fancy in whatever I cared to wear, even be stark raving naked. Having
cleaned the windows from the inside I also mopped the outside so that I could at
least look through them.

I then proceeded to study the map on the panel with the pipes and looked up the
hidden room to figure out whether the doors were shown. It took me a while, but
when I finally realized what I was looking at, it made my mouth go dry and sent
shivers up and down my spine.

Through an intricate network of hollow walls, passages, with trapdoors, and what
I thought to be sliding panels, I could go practically anywhere in the house
without being seen. The mirrors, as present in most every room of the house
apparently had some function in this whole setup as well and the basement had
several entryways. There was also an outside access so as to be able to
discreetly leave and enter the house. The outside carriage-house was  connected
through a tunnel that ended in what I knew to be one of the closets that, as far
as I knew, was in use by Joseph to store the gardening tools. Again my
admiration went out to the person who must have spent tremendous time and effort
to design, work out, and create this infrastructure. The door on the left side
of the bed gave access to the network of passages to the rest of the house,
while the door on the right was marked on the map as; "WC/GUNS".

Relieved to find that there apparently had been thought of the mundane functions
of bodily relief, I first went there, because I had an urgent private matter to
attend to. Opening the door by means of the by now very familiar female
figurines was no problem. Though dark and smelling very musty the small room or
closet contained the expected porcelain stool with a rather straightforward
looking brass bucket that apparently was to be used after performing 'business'.
Having done so I applied it to its intended function.

Built into the walls of the closet were shallow cabinets that upon opening
showed me a collection of 13 revolvers in the left cabinet and the right cabinet
contained 6 rifles, three of which I recognized as Sharp's and the three
remaining ones were Winchesters.

I noticed on the bottom of the cabinets there were wax-sealed tin boxes that
contained cartridges, percussion caps and cleaning tools for the respective
weapons. Though the weapons had spots of rust here and there, for the better
part they looked as if ready for use. There was enough firepower and ammunition
there to start a small civil war.

Just to be certain, I checked the individual pieces and took out any ammunition
that was in there. There were only one revolver and one Winchester that
contained rounds and complying with the apparent neatness and discipline, I
stashed the retrieved cartridges in their corresponding boxes.

By now it must have been late, very late. Although I wanted to continue my
exploration, I thought it better to avoid suspicion and go back downstairs and
mingle with the rest of the family, drink the obligatory cup of tea, swallow my
daily cod-liver oil, and go to bed.

Over the next couple of months, I restlessly attended the normal education
sessions together with my sister, after which I invariably would go off to
my room to do my homework.

I had found a way to circumvent suspicion while performing my domestic
explorations by feigning terrible fatigue and claiming to go to bed early so
that I could spend as much time in my hidden realm as I pleased. Nobody checked
on me, nobody asked any further questions and I was happy as a clam while
charting out and exploring the extensive hidden network.

One of the things that I found out was that the mirrors in the rooms performed a
double function besides their obvious one. They were both hidden doors and see-
through panels so that a person could observe the rooms from within the hidden
passage-ways without being seen. Also each mirror had its own listening pipe
from which conversations in the rooms could be conveniently monitored.

My devious mind came up with many possible uses of these features, although I
have to admit that it took me a while to set aside the decency instilled in me
by my Victorian upbringing so far.

It was not before my confidence and belief in the Victorian ethics and morals
was badly bruised, that I felt released from my moral constraints. Something
happened that made me abandon these and fell free to apply whatever means, short
of immediate physical abuse, to further my causes as they presented themselves.
I guess that I reverted to a time-adjusted version of Machiavellism. An attitude
that served me well in the decades that were to come. It still does, be it in a
milder, kinder and more mature manner than it did then, when raging hormones
combined with the brash uncompromising drive of adolescence ruled my life.

CHAPTER 5: Revalations and Gathering of Spirits

Our daily lessons were attended under the unwavering attention and unblinking
eye of our sour but excellent teacher Mrs. Barnacle who at one time in life must
have been almost human, but by now had developed distinctively lizard-like
characteristics, though her crustacean name suggested otherwise.

She was possibly the least lovable woman that I ever laid eyes upon. This,
combined with her apparent dislike of everything male, to which she referred to
as base and vile, made me wonder how and, if so, under what circumstances she
had reproduced. I knew that she had a son and a daughter who were both older
than myself, but I was totally oblivious of the existence of a lawful and
reproductively required counterpart of her. The mere thought of her performing
reproductive acts, and the resulting imagery that came to mind, made me shudder.

The old bat clearly favored my little sister, and where she could do no wrong, I
generally found myself at the receiving end of her wrath. She had it in for me.
Well you live and learn, as they say, and I had adjusted to an attitude of

Her personal likes and dislikes aside, she did a good job of teaching us and I
had gained mastery of most subjects that she, be it sometimes hard-handedly, had
brought to our attention.

Biology was clearly not her forte.

This was possibly due to the fact that she could potentially end up having to
explain the 'Base and vile' aspects of life in general and those of human life
in particular. However, at one point she had to bite the bullet and explain to
us the pomps and works of several biological mechanisms, floral reproduction in
plants being one of them.

It was during this memorable session that our dogs Sargent and Lizzy, who
normally would accompany us during the study sessions, saw the 'holy light',
both got restless and started sniffing and licking each other in most obvious
Sargent was clearly agitated and showed off his red and swollen reproductive
implement, while Lizzy made whimpering noises of desire and put her behind up in
the air with her tail to one side.

This all happened behind Mrs. Barnacle's back, and although she must have been
fully aware of the situation she chose to ignore this potentially volatile
constellation of events. At one point she could no longer feign ignorance and
attempted to evict both clearly lusty animals from the study.

Alas, it was too late. With a lustful grin on his face Sargent first mounted,
then entered and proceeded with pumping motions into Lizzy who in turn loudly
exclaimed her approval. My sister and I viewed this revealing and highly
educational display. My sister watched it with wide open eyes and seemingly
innocent lack of understanding, whereas I did so with mild interest and feigned

For at least 5 full seconds Mrs. Barnacle stood there speechless. Then she
exploded. With a voice that I before only had heard at the fish-market she
shrieked: "You...You...You FILTHY Satans breed, you despicable fornicating
maniac... Stop that, Stop that Hear you, you abomination...." and on and on she
went. She clearly only addressed Sargent, who with apparent pleasure and with
ultimate abandon, not to mention total disregards for Mrs. Barnacle's
protestations, was working on his posterity.

Mrs. Barnacle, seeing that her verbal efforts apparently lacked the quality of
command then proceeded with sterner measures by applying her much hated rattan
cane to Sargent. The fact that Sargent was a big Black Labrador whose thick
healthy coat of fur probably prevented him from feeling very much from the
intended abuse, did not matter very much to me. I just happened to love that
dog, and the sight of someone trying to hit him with a stick made me go livid
with anger.

"Mrs. Barnacle please contain yourself!" I shouted.
I stood up, gripped Mrs. Barnacle's arm, took the rattan cane out of her
shuddering hand, and broke it into pieces over my knee.
"You will NOT hit our dogs!" I growled, and proceeded to drive it home to her by
continuing with a sneering: "I find your display of total lack of control highly
unbecoming, and would suggest that you will abstain from using this
objectionable language in front of my dear sister! "

Despite the intended abuse and the verbal altercations, Sargent had finished his
task and both he and Lizzy were now standing butt to butt,  joined by Sargent's
organ that was still tightly lodged in Lizzy's tightly cramped gender. They both
stood there, panting, and sheepishly blinking at us when my mother burst into
the Study.

"What in heaven's name is going on here?" she shouted in demand of explanation,
and frowned in wrath upon us and Mrs. Barnacle who, completely confused by my
unexpected actions, had cowered into a corner of the study.

Now, sensing that the relief-column had arrived, Mrs. Barnacle quickly composed
herself and after dramatically shuddering while re-arranging her dresses much
like a chicken ruffling feathers she complained, pointing at the broken pieces
of the rattan pointer on the floor; "Your son assaulted me when I was defending
your daughter's chastity!". She then vehemently continued while pointing to
Sargent and Lizzy; "These wicked creatures willfully attacked our good virtue by
engaging in a filthy display of lustful behavior, undoubtedly instigated by your
son's malicious and malevolent influence.
Your son, who then proceeded with restraining me in most violent ways from my
righteous yet kind efforts to terminate this vile and despicable display".

Both my sister and I drew in our breath over such mean spirited and deceitful
misrepresentation of what had really happened, but we remained quiet, waiting to
be addressed to tell our side of the story.

Well, short and good, we did not get to explain our version.

"You, Both of you, Off to your room" My mother ordered us. "Your father will get
to hear of this" she hissed at me. "He will teach you to become AND STAY
obedient. He has regrettably omitted doing so long enough. " She added
ominously. "And you and I, young lady, will have a talk later on how to
eliminate this evil abomination once and for all." She told my sister in order
to cut off protestations from my sister's side. To Mrs. Barnacle she mildly
stated; "Now Mrs. Barnacle, I would like to have a word with you, so as to avoid
these unfortunate inconveniences in the future."

Sargent and Lizzy, by now released from their intimate bond, scampered off into
the hallway and out of sight, and my sister and I quietly went upstairs.
"It's not fair." My sister sobbed.

"No Mim, it's not fair, but then on the other hand, what's fair anyway." I
muttered rhetorically, and continued. "I want you to promise me that you will
tell me what Mother and you will be discussing however. We've got to become
comrades, you see. Since no one is going to give us a fair treatment anyway we
will have to stick together and help each other. Sharing all information will be
a good start for that."

We were at my sisters room, I held the door for her, ruffled her long black
curls, patted her on her buns, and went of to my own room. Just as I entered my
room, Mim poked her head outside hers, looked me straight in the eyes and asked
innocently; "By the way Francis, what were Sargent and Lizzy doing anyway?".

Carefully weighing my options in what and what not to say, I answered in
whispers: "They were making puppies", "If you want I will explain that later
tonight when we have time to talk in private.". On second thought I cautioned
her and added: "Please be a good sport, and do not tell mom and papa that we are
going to talk about this. They may not approve and get frightfully upset about

Mim flinched, but acknowledged, and from downstairs our mother called; "Miranda,
I want to speak to you now. Come and meet me in the lounge at your earliest
convenience." Miranda made off to the stairs and I went into my room, pondering
about the events, and feeling strangely odd about the emotions that I felt at
this point.

CHAPTER 6: Hammer and Iron.

Until now my sister had been in my life as a neutral force for whom I felt
affection and love but who existed in her own right within our family thus, if
and when included in my affairs, representing liabilities to my so treasured

As must have transpired by now, I valued my independence highly and at this
point I felt that I had already compromised on two points. Number one, being my
proposed pact to further our mutual goals by asking her to team up with me on
certain issues.  Number two, being my offer to explain and subsequently having
to divulge my sources on certain sensitive matters and facts of life. I agonized
about this for a while, but finally concluded that Mim was a smart girl. At
least as smart as I was, and she had always given evidence of her unwavering
trust and loyalty to me in things that had come up before.

Besides that, I berated myself that her lack of knowledge was not necessarily
evidence of lack of intelligence, but more so that of ignorance of those
responsible for her education. I had recently turned 15, and Mim was 12 going on
13. As things went, she was presently much more mature and composed than I was
at her age, and in some respects I viewed her as equal to me.

This is not an easy thing for a 15 year old to admit to himself, and it took me
the better part of the afternoon to first grasp and then come to terms with it.
Since I had room-arrest anyway it was possibly the best that I did that day, and
I felt moderately good about myself again when my father came home and sent for
me to see him in his home-office.

This was not a good sign.

My father sat behind his desk, his coat hanging from the back of his chair, his
collar and tie removed and his shirtsleeves rolled up. He was clearly not in a
good mood, and certainly not going to extend his normal slightly condescending
joviality towards me.

His big face was ruddy with anger, and his jowls quivered in pent-up rage. He
took his time glaring at me with his eyes boring into me through his 'pince-nez'
glasses like an owl surveying a mouse before striking. He looked like a bad
imitation of Teddy Roosevelt except that he did have neither the formidable set
of teeth, nor powerful build and stature of the earlier mentioned statesman.

"Young man, you are to listen and only speak when specifically asked for." he

"You are a disgrace and blemish on our family.
 You have brought sinful influences in our virtuous home.
 You have lowered our standing in the esteem of our peers.
 You have soiled your little sister's mind by the outrageous act as performed by
 you during  study time.

 I am at a loss so as to find reasons or omissions in the virtuous upbringing
 that would  warrant such wanton acts by an ingratiate the likes of you. (Here
 he pointed at me, his  finger like a cannon of battle-ship.)

 I am going to chastise you by means of physical punishment.

 Subsequently, you will have  house-arrest for one full month, during which you
 are not to  leave the premises without explicit permission on behalf of which
 you are not to apply by yourself. "

Pausing for breath, he reached behind him and firmly took hold of the razor-
sharpening belt that for one reason or the other (possibly my presence) had
found its way into my father's office. I knew what was coming from earlier
encounters of this nature, but this time it felt so utterly unfair and
demeaning. In the past this treatment generally had followed upon my actions,
some of which I acknowledged as being guilty of and mainly concerning myself
only. This time, however, I definitely did not feel guilty at all, my sister was
involved, and I stood wrongfully accused. You could hardly blame the dogs,
though. Yet, I could not do anything. Not even speak up because that would be
seen as flippancy which was immediately and violently retaliated upon, and would
make matters only worse.

"Lower your pants and bend over" my father commanded.
I obeyed.

"I will have you know that this hurts me more that it will hurt you." he

He then proceeded by dealing me 25 lashes on my bare bottom, each hurting me
doubly because they were unjustified. I did not say a word or utter any sound. I
would rather have bitten off my tongue than demean myself further by admitting
guilt, defeat or even suffering but something snapped inside of me. When he was
done, I pulled up my pants, and hoarsely commented; "Father, you are in error,
and you have not given me the right of presenting my version of the events."
I righted myself, turned on my heels and left. If at that time my father would
have dropped dead, I could not have cared less.

It was war from now on.

I marched off to my room, and only then allowed myself to give vent to my rage
and grief. Not that I became violent or started yelling and cursing, but I
proceeded with what had worked before by performing strenuous exercise. I
performed push-ups and pull-ups with a towel between my jaws so as to avoid
gritting and gnashing my teeth too much. The sit-ups and knee-bends I performed
despite my intensely burning, and at places, raw to the point of bleeding

My thoughts became a whirlpool of independent shards of feelings, chasing each
other with a ferocity of wild animals, devouring each other in intense rage
until nothing was left but intense grief. After an hour or so I was spent,
washed myself and went to bed and only then I allowed myself to cry.

CHAPTER 7: Forge and Anvil.

I woke up in the middle of the night because something woke me up. I am a light
sleeper and if so much as a mouse stirs, it is bound to wake me up. I remained
lying down but carefully checked out the room trying not to give away the fact
that I was awake. Mim was sitting in a chair at the far end of my bed and was
quietly sobbing.

"Hi Mim" I quietly said, trying to get her attention. "I'm awake now, What's
up?" She didn't immediately answer or acknowledge me, but continued sobbing
deeper now, her head bowed and her shoulders shaking and heaving at the rhythm
of her apparent distraught.

"Mom told me that I am dirty and sinful and that something has to be done to
make me clean again, or else I would become a harlot or a lustful wench.
Francis, what is a harlot or a wench? I don't even know what those words mean.
Is it that bad?" I lit the lamp on my night-stand, still lying down and
painfully aware of burning sensation there where back is no longer called
'back'. I winced due to the pain in my muscles that had followed upon the
uncharacteristically strenuous exercises that I had forced my body to comply
with. I got up and out of bed, not caring what would show to anyone since
I was in no mood to go through the false modesty of getting dressed. I slept
naked and I felt that I had nothing to be ashamed off.

I was still mad as many hells, I was in my own room, and my sister had seen me
naked before, although that had must have been 6 or 7 years ago by now. I
trusted her to avert her eyes if and when modesty would compel her to do so.

"Don't worry sis." I said and walked across the room to get my housecoat,
because it was chilly. I hadn't eaten for a while, having missed diner and I
also was a little feverish with my body trying to resolve the damage in the
affected areas.

"I won't let anything happen to you." I continued. "We are comrades now aren't

Getting clear view on by battered stern-section in the light of the night-lamp,
my sister gasped and softly exclaimed:

"My god Francis, you are bleeding!
 What in heaven's name happened?
 What a mess!
 You must be dying with pain!"

"Father was less than pleased with me, and thought it better to apply some
corrective  fatherly measures."  I remarked dryly and gave my sister a sardonic
smile. "It appears that the word of a son is not called for, seen in the light
of unfounded accusations." I fastened the housecoat and walked over to my
sister who had risen from the chair, and now stood there in her nightgown
looking sad, forlorn and clearly appalled by what had passed in daddy's office.

"Hey Mim, lighten up, it will heal and while doing so it will leave callouses so
as to be prepared for the next time. It's all a learning process you know.
The mind develops and the body learns the hard way."

I put my arm around her and hugged her lightly, trying to reassure her. The fact
that I felt chewed up and spit out did not mean that I had to take it out on

"Now what about you?  Apparently mommy's corrective measures have been less
damaging, because you look fit as a fiddle. Has she spanked you with the
feather-duster?". I joked.

She started to sob again, and looked up at me.

"Mommy says that I am a depraved sinful and lustful person.  I don't know what
she means with that.  Lustful....It just doesn't make sense to me. I haven't
known of any kind of 'lust' that I am aware of in my whole life. I take my cold
baths when mommy tells me and I do take my spoonfuls of cod-liver oil.  What
does she mean with that Francis?"

I cupped her face in my hands, and looked her straight in the tearful eyes.
"Dear, Dear Mim, It's nothing that you did or did not do. It is something
between their ears, in their head that makes them act this way.  They are
scared, scared of sex and everything that has to do with it."

There, It was out in the open now. It became clear to me as the words came over
my lips. It also dawned on me that having said 'A', I was bound to have to say;
'B','C','D' and the rest of the whole bloody alphabet, in upper and lower case,
and preferably with the numerals and interpunction included, if I knew my sister
correctly, but I'll be damned if I would do that on contested territory. For
that I wanted to be on my own turf.

"Mim, put something on your feet." I said.

"We are going somewhere where you'll need that, and you might want to wear a
housecoat. You can use one of mine and you might as well use my old slippers,
they shouldn't be much too big for you."

Mim made off to the closet that I pointed to, and seeing her body outlined
against her thin nightgown by the light of the lamp on my nightstand, I couldn't
help noticing that she really had become a nice looking young lady. I whacked
myself mentally, because being angry with my parents is one thing, but taking it
out on your sister by lusting after her is quite another. I had put on my
slippers and walked off to the mirror. My sister seemed confused, and started
towards the normal door of my room.

"No, Mim, follow me, but first promise me to NEVER, EVER tell ANYONE what you
are about to  see. Not to mom, Not to dad, not to Jarvis if and when he returns,
absolutely nobody bar none!"

Mim looked at me quizzically. "Yes Francis" she said obediently. "I promise you
with my hand on my heart that I will keep it entirely to myself, now what are
we standing at the mirror for?"

While she was asking that, I wiggled the tail of the squirrel-figurine on the
paneling next to the mirror, and quietly it slid sideways into its pocket. The
entryway to my private domain lay open for me and now also for my sister.
Mim let out a gasp of astonishment, looking at the dark opening in the wall,
then to me and then back again.

"Is it safe to go there Francis?" She asked with a tiny quivering voice.

"Sure, as safe and solid as the rest of the house. Now get your butt over here.
 We are going on a journey, by the way, what time is it?"

My alarm-clock showed 12.30 PM. and I dashed out to bring it with me so that I
could keep track of the time. When we were both inside, I closed the mirror by
wiggling the corresponding squirrel-tail on the inside of the passage and
started off, leading the way to my secret Empire. I had my sister in tow,
holding her by the hand and coaching her around the obstacles and pitfalls that
I by now was fully familiar with. It felt good to feel her small warm hand into
mine and to be able to impress her with my adventurous discoveries. After a
short walk though the dark corridors and passage-ways, and going up a hidden
stairs, we landed in the secret room. I picked up the matches that I had left
for situations like this, and lit one of the gaslights. My sister curiously
looked around and tried to get her bearings so as to find out where we actually

"Don't even try, dear sister." I said. "You are up in the attic in a room that I
discovered just after we came to live here. Come sit down on the bed here with
me. I will explain everything, but it is going to take a while." Despite my sore
back I sat down cross-legged on the bed. Mim did likewise, facing me. "We have
to talk, and I will have to explain a couple of things that you  may or may not
like  to hear about."

CHAPTER 8: The Game and the Rules.

"What do you know about how babies are made?" I started out bluntly.
Mim looked strangely at me and answered; "Why, Francis, They grow in a woman
when she is married and when her  husband loves her". "Yes, but do you know how
it all starts?" I asked further.

"Um..., not exactly. Mom said that it would be explained to me later when I am
ready for  it." Mim said.

"Let's go back to this morning. Remember when you saw Sargent and Lizzy this
morning? They  were making babies.

 You know that Sargent is a male dog, and that Lizzy is a female one?"

"Yes Francis, but...."

"Very well. You also saw that Sargent put a piece of himself in Lizzy, and
Lizzy most obviously liked that. Correct?" I continued.


"Well, in a couple of weeks, you may see Lizzy get bigger and after a  while she
will have a  litter of baby-dogs or puppies." I curtly  explained. "The thing
that Sargent put into Lizzy is called a 'penis', and the part  where Sargent put
it into is called a 'vagina'. There are a lot of different other words for
either of them, but these will do for now.  By putting it into Lizzy and shaking
it, Sargent put seeds into Lizzy that may grow into puppies if Lizzy was ready
for it.  Do you understand?"

"Hmm, Yes." Mim answered. "But they really seemed to enjoy themselves..."
"Sure they liked it. I'll come to that later. Dogs and people are not really
that much different. I mean to say that with people it works on the whole
exactly the same. A man puts his penis into a woman's vagina, he shakes it and
squirts seeds into her and  sometimes the woman will get pregnant. It is called;
'Having Sex'. Am I going to fast for you?" I continued my  lecture.

"No, you are not going to fast, but don't they have to get married first?"
Mim objected.
"Good question but no, not necessarily. Marriage is something that  people
invented to keep couples together, but it is not really  necessary to be married
to make children and many people do it  together, I mean 'having sex', except
people call it 'making Love',  because they like doing it so much. Sounds a
little more romantic that way. Anyway, it is supposed to be very pleasurable
with and without being married, and people generally like doing it, much like
Sargent and Lizzy do. Except that people don't get physically stuck to each
other afterwards like with Sargent and Lizzy." I droned on with my explanation.

"Making Love...." Mim said as if trying to taste the words. She smiled and said:
"I like the way you explain this. 'Making love' makes it easier to understand.
It is a friendly way of saying things. But what does it have to do with me?"
I knew that she would ask this question in one way or the other, and I gave her
the answer that I honestly thought to be the correct one.

"Well, I think the reason why mom and dad obviously became so upset is because
you are a  girl who is rapidly growing into a young and beautiful woman.
Possibly they think that seeing these things happen I mean, you seeing  Lizzy
and Sargent  make love, will give you ideas that they think you  should not
have. They think that making love or 'having sex' as they call it is  something
that young girls should not know of until right before they get married, and
even then they see it as  something dirty that should  be kept secret."

Mim gravely thought about  that for a while. Then she looked up at me and said;
"They may be right about it were made me think about these matters. I mean, I
started feeling very strange. Not unpleasant, mind you, but  just like my mind
was  telling me that it was kind of not right to see  this, but with my body
telling me that it  was good that they did it. Kind of naughty, you see? It felt
good to see that Lizzy apparently had such fun with it. Now you tell me is that
it is the same for people, but somehow mom and dad think it is also  something
really bad. Can you explain that to me, or do I just have to accept that?"

That had me thinking for a while.

My thoughts about sexuality were clearly those of a young male adolescent.
That is to say, I yearned to know more about it, not to mention, gain a little
firsthand experience with it myself. Preferably in other ways than the by now
twice daily masturbation sessions that I normally indulged in. I was feeling a
little uncertain about what to answer to the very valid and adult question that
Mim presented.

I decided to start from the ground up.

"Let's leave the Sargent and Lizzy thing for what it is." I said. "Let's look at
the human side of things, because other rules apply there.  As you know our
society regulates the way we do things. Some with written laws and some with
rules that everyone is supposed to   know and live by, but that are not written
down anywhere. How we deal with sex is one of those areas where the unwritten
ones  rule the game. I am not going to mess with the rules, but let's just start
from the  point that I feel most  comfortable with that is in my view the basic
differences between a man and a woman, or me and you, O.K.?"

Mim smiled an nodded her approval, upon which I, with a reddening face, started
to explain. "You know that between my legs and at the underside of my belly, I
have something sticking out. That's my penis, because I am a boy I have one. It
sticks out."

Mim smiled wider now, and commented; "So I saw earlier this evening. Go on."
I continued "You are a girl and you have something different there. Your thing
is like a small mound, split in the middle and with little  lips that are folded
close together.  Where the two lips meet at the top, you have a little nub,
called a clitoris. Under that there is the place that you pee from and deeper
down there  is a little hole.  That little hole is the opening of your vagina.
As long as you have not made love to anyone, people say that you are a  virgin.
Now, I assume that no-one did ever make love to you, or did anyone?" I asked.

Clearly flustered by this direct question Mim answered: "No. Nobody did, or ever
tried,  and I would not have let them Francis, because it would have been

"Dirty... dirty... Nah, you strike me as a clean little sister, so dirty it
will not be, but  the important thing is that you are still a virgin.  Now for
boys the same saying goes as long as they have never  made love. That makes me a
virgin as well.  I never did it with anyone, although to be honest, I would not
mind  trying it. For one reason or the other people think it is important for
girls to  remain virgin until  they get married, whereas in the case of boys
nobody seems to worry or even care too much about that. Now something else; Have
you ever touched yourself there, and do you  know what things look  like there?"

"No!.Ummm, yes, Of course I have touched myself there when washing  myself, but
it's a little hard to see and I haven't really tried to  look there too much
Francis. Mom always says the less I touch it the better it is, and that it is a
dirty place anyway,  so it is best to stay clear of it, but sometimes it feels
nice to rub it when I clean myself with warm water. Why do you ask these

"I ask you this because it is important for you to know what you have  and how
your body  sticks together. The reason why it feels nice when you rub it, is
because that is the  way  your body tells  you when you are doing something
good. It is very important for you to remember that. If it feels good it
generally is not a bad thing to do. I do it all the time and it hasn't done me
any wrong or damage. Now think back to what you saw Sargent and Lizzy do and
what it did to them. They made  love, and by Sargent putting his penis into
Lizzy's  vagina, they rubbed each other and that made them feel very good. They
enjoyed that very much. With making love this is normal, and it is the reason
why people and animals like doing it. It is the way nature rewards people and
animals to try to make more babies, or puppies as the case may be.
Do you understand this ?".

"Yes, so if you put your penis into my vagina it is supposed to feel good, but
then I am not a virgin anymore. Is that what you are driving at?" Mim asked

I clearly had not quite expected this deduction, but the course of the
conversation had brought me thoughts about this possibility. However, that's not
what I intended at this point, and now it was my turn to grow red in the face
and become flustered again. I felt hot, and my penis was swelling and righting
itself under my housecoat. "No, my darling little sister, That is not what I am
getting at. There are certain things brothers and sisters are not supposed to do
and  according to the rest of the world that is one of them. It is called
incest, and it is supposed to be a terrible sin. I for myself am not too sure
about all that though, since even the old Egyptians and the present Dynasty of
the Russian Czar, among many other examples in history, share the  tradition of
sexual relations and even valid marriages between brother and sister. I have
read in many books that through time it hasn't been very much of a problem in
many  cultures and that even now it is a fairly common practice that is mostly
kept secret. In some parts of India it is still regarded as being one of the
highest forms of unions however.

I love you. You are a very beautiful girl and I have to admit that I find you
very attractive, but that is not what I'm planning on doing. I just want to
explain a couple of things so that you and I are talking about the same things
when discussing these matters."

I explained, painfully aware of my male part that by now was growing into the
biggest erection that I ever had, thus belying my words.

CHAPTER 9: Sweet Discoveries

"I see." Mim said with a mysterious and mischievous little smile on her face
while she meaningfully glanced at the more than obviously emerging bulge in my
housecoat. "I am wondering, however what is going on under your housecoat. You
didn't bring any bananas with you, did you, or should I check that out for
myself?" She asked teasingly while reaching out and rubbing softly over the
extended part.

That was enough for me.

I had had it. I was done with being hypocritical about it and I decided that we
had enough formal discussion on the subject. I stiffly said. "Yes, that is what
you think it is. It would be handy however if we could see what we are talking
about, and I suggest that we both get undressed and investigate the subjects at
hand." I stood up and before she could protest, untied the knot of my housecoat
and let it drop to the floor. My young manhood had fully erected itself and
stood under an elevation like a piece of field artillery.

Mim looked at it with wide open eyes. "Now, that looks different than what I saw
earlier this evening. I mean, it's huge Francis and it looks kind of funny. "Mim
observed. "Obviously it is now my turn to reveal myself." She giggled, and
without taking her eyes off it, stood up as well, dropped her housecoat and
pulled her night-shirt over her head. She stood there in front of me, naked and
in the full glory of her young body.

She did not yet have the pronounced curves that I remembered from women on the
pictures in the library, but her lithe body had already very much developed and
had formed her waistline and hips. The place where her breasts were soon to grow
showed two small mounds with her nipples showing as small strawberry-like
nubbins. Her skin was a flawless creamy white and her shiny black curls framed
her beautiful heart shaped face with her large blue-green eyes that now looked
straight into mine.

Her arms were relaxed as she held them alongside her body and her legs were
perfectly shaped with full thighs, nice knees and firm calves, her feet small
and just slightly apart. Her face with her high cheekbones, her small pointed
chin and her small generous mouth, now with her lips slightly apart an her
perfectly white teeth showing, was now turned up towards mine. I looked down to
the place between her legs and could just see where her hairless little mound
was split.

Aside from having seen my sister naked as a very young child, this was for me
the first time to see a budding young woman in real life. Nothing in my father's
lurid collections could have prepared me for this, and frankly speaking, all
those pictures paled in comparison with the reality of Mim's beautiful slender
body. I was breathless and hoarsely whispered; "You are so beautiful. Much more
beautiful than I thought Mim."

We stepped closer and she put her hands into mine and we remained standing there
for quite some time, letting our eyes roam over each other's body. Observing and
discovering similarities and differences between us. Without speaking, almost
afraid that the magic of the moment would crack and shatter we let our hands
wander and stroke our arms, first the hands themselves, then the lower arms and
elbows, finally the upper arms and shoulders and neck. Min bowed her head
slightly when I touched the side of her beautiful slender neck as if to make my
warm hands more welcome to touch her there.

She sighed softly and stepped closer resting her head on my upper chest and
shoulder and stroked my upper back with her soft and exploring hands barely
touching my skin. My blood now gushed and roared through my veins and I felt my
heartbeat drum a wild primitive rhythm inside me.

We put our arms around each other and hugged tenderly, my erected manhood
resting against her belly, its tip reaching up to above her little belly-button.
We moved towards the bed and releasing each other we lay down facing each other
and letting our eyes again roam an wander over one another's body.

"I feel strange and warm Francis, and it feels as if my body wants you to touch
me." Mim said.

"Same here." I breathlessly whispered, and reached out to stroke her hair,
letting my hands stroke her neck, arms and torso. Her hand had found its way
towards my hard and fully swollen member, gripped it and softly stroked it,
rolling the foreskin back and revealing my purplish red tip. My hands roamed
towards her still unformed breasts, and she drew in her breath when I caressed
her little nubbins. "That feels so good" Mim said. "It feels as if I am opening
up in my belly, as if my body tells me to press myself against yours and become
one with it." I moved my hand on towards her belly button, onward to where her
legs started and her pudenda formed a fold with her thighs. I touched the bare
curves of her pudenda and cupped my hand over it, feeling it react to my touch
and softly press itself into my hand.

She opened her legs and guided my hand towards her by now moist and warm gender.
I put my index finger between her small labia and moved lightly up towards her
clitoris that had erected itself and stuck out from her small lips. I very
gently stroked her clitoris and played tenderly with the little fold that was at
the base of her swollen pleasure point. Mim moaned and crooned softly, her hips
softly pressing more towards my hand, and bringing her face closer to mine so
that our lips met. We kissed, and I let my tongue touch her lips. We stopped for
a moment and looked at each other. "See? This is what your body tells you when
you allow yourself to listen to it." I said.

"Yes, I see, and I don't want it to stop. Please Francis go on and show me
more." Mim sighed and pressed her body entirely against mine, her soft, warm and
moist femininity now touching my longing gender, enveloping its tip with her
small lips and her clitoris softly nudging my glans.

"Let's take our time and don't do anything that we may regret later." I barely
managed to utter, but I couldn't help but push my penis against her tiny moist
vulva, and rub it against her clitoris in a continuous rocking motion. I felt my
shaft become moist and slippery where it met her warm inside of her little love-
temple. Mim reacted by tilting her pelvis and rhythmically ride in counterpoint
against my warm lust-club.

Wilder and wilder her motions became, and her breath became jagged and deeper.
Her eyes still looking in mine with a look of bewildered joy and eagerness. An
eagerness to be fulfilled and find the peak of this new to be discovered part of
life, an eagerness to fulfill my cravings and share the intense feelings that
went through her body. She closed her eyes and "Franc, I feel as if I am all
clitoris.... I feel as if I am a huge wave of joy and, and.... Ohhhh,...Ungh....
Oahhh,....Yes!!!, More! Oohhh, Harderohhhhhh,."

Mim's movement became longer and slower with the fading of her first orgasm
ever, and rubbed harder to my member that was by now aching for release. Her
moisture now covered the inside of her thighs and the lower part of our bellies,
as well as my throbbing joystick and my testicles.  The feeling of this and
seeing my little sister experience satisfaction of her lust for the first time
in her life excited me so much,  that I felt my hot sperm racing through the
shaft of my member, gather and build up pressure in the tip of it, and then with
intense feelings of delight and release explode against her belly and pudenda.
I must have almost passed out, and remember seeing stars and feeling as if my
member had grown to be of tremendous proportions, wave after wave of passion and
lust coursing though me, radiating from where my sister and me shared our
fluids. My still hard penis slipped, and landed in the portal of her vagina and
the feeling of her tight, warm and moist femininity against the tip of my penis
made me spasm with another release that added more of my young semen to where
our young and yearning bodies met.

We lay back, breathing deeply, our eyes closed, our hands finding each other,
our minds still whirling and slowly spinning down to awareness, alertness. Our
eyes opened and we looked at each other, smiling a slow, deep and warm smile and
looking into one another's eyes searching and finding recognition and
affirmation of feelings even before our recognition as persons set in. Much like
a pre-conscious instinct-like remainder of our progenitors' mind-patterns to
confirm the deep enjoyment of sharing sexual release.

We both sighed, I hugged my little sister and she cuddled up to me as if to find
warmth and protection in my arms. "Mmmmmmm, that was goooood," Mim crooned
lazily. "If this is sex, I think I want lots of it. I never, ever felt sooo
goooood, and now I feel soooo heavy and friendly, and I don't want to get
married ever, and I always want to stay with you, and you can take care of me,
and we will have sex as often as we can, and we will live in sin and lust and
still be good people because nobody will know, and it will be our wicked little
secret that we only share each-other in lust.." She almost sang these words,
hugging me and rocking herself and me, while teasingly squeezing my half-limp
organ. Suddenly as if she just now realized something she held still.

She looked me in the eyes, and with her lovely face in mock pouting expression,
her moist lower lip sticking out just a tiny little bit, she said: "And I'm
still a virgin. You didn't go into me. Quick take my virginity...," and she
bumped and rubbed her deliciously wet and messy little split over the full
length of my already growing and re-erecting penis. She rolled me on my back by
tickling me and mounted me by teasingly holding the growing top of my manhood
against the entrance of her vagina.

Jokingly I thrust upwards driving it in between her little labia, into the mouth
of her vagina, and while her labia again enveloped my swollen tip, I started to
move inside until I met her maidenhood. Containing my arousal, I pulled back and
out of Mim, who played as if she was clearly disappointed by this.

"I don't think that this is a good idea right now Mim. Much as I would like to
take your virginity right now, losing you virginity is not an undivided pleasure
and it tends to be a bit messy as well with blood and pain and all that. At
least that's what I read about it, and I have no evidence that with you it will
be otherwise." In my thoughts I returned to where we left off before our
mutually satisfying distraction. Mim also sobered up a bit, and sat on the bed
with her legs wide, knees crooked, and the soles of her feet pushed together,
her tiny little split gaping wide open.

Chapter 10: Intents and Purposes

"There is still this matter of what Mom said." I said "Or else I will have to
secretly keep you here as my love slave." I continued jokingly. Mim laughed
coquettish and mock modestly and said: "Oh yes, and you will have your way with
me, you lusty male you.. in exchange for the food that you brought with you, and
I will devour the food and we will couple like crazed minks afterwards."
Something dawned on me now: "Couple Like Crazed Minks??? Where did you get that
from, my innocent and chaste little sister? Did Mrs. Barnacle explain something
that I missed by any chance?"

With an innocent little smile Mim answered: "Dad's private little corner in the
library. To be found in the newly arrived section. You don't think that you are
the only one who can wield the hairpin with some proficiency, now do you?"

"Well, well, well, so my dear little sister knows more than she cared to admit
at first. Naughty, Naughty!
However, I gladly welcome thee into the honorable guild of  'the Lurid
Lockpickers'. Thy proof of mastery has been appropriately evidenced by such
eloquent recital of found materials, to be left there so as not to distress its
rightful owner." I bantered, and Mim continued with; "I graciously thank thee,
oh Sir Francis, honorable partner in our newly acquired brother-and-sistership.
I will reward thee by offering myself to be at your disposal so as to learn and
lessen our mutual thirst in incestious lust and may we in this find never ending
climaxes with ever lasting satisfaction until our next union in the flesh."

"I wonder if I should write that down." I mused. "Sounds kind of good."

More seriously now I continued. "If I'm not mistaken, you mentioned that mother
said something had to be done so as to make you clean you again. I wonder what
she means with that, and knowing her we'd better find out since she tends to be
a tad drastic at times. What would she do, send you off to a boarding-school, or
a convent?  Not much chance of the latter with our family being vaguely and non-
practicing protestants."

I remembered the listening pipes on the panel next to the door, and decided to
try to apply it in a practical and meaningful manner. "Mim, let's first see how
our parents are doing, and what they are discussing. Do you happen to know where
they were just before you went to your room?"

Mim answered; "They were in the Lounge, but dad was going back to his office to
finish doing the books, and would return later because mom said that there were
important things to be discussed." I walked over to the pipes and took of the
lid from the pipe named 'Lounge'. My father and mother were clearly audible to
both of us and were discussing things. Mim, clearly interested, came closer to
the pipes and we stood there listening to the conversation that had obviously
started a while before we started listening in.

Mom: "I gave you three children so what do you have to complain about?"
Dad: "Yes, but not after I had to force myself upon you and submit you by sheer
      force. You were as welcoming as Duluth Harbor in January. I was amazed
      that I did not encounter ice-floes on the way in..."
Mom: "That is of no significance, husband, the results count and I have more
      than fulfilled my obligations."
Dad: "You are such a cold cow of a woman. There was no love or tenderness from
      your side, only blunt rejection and you intended merely receiving my seed,
      be a mere recepticle nothing more, after which you wanted nothing to do
      with me."
Mom: "If you were not such a disgustingly lusting specimen of a man, you might
      appreciate the any union in the flesh other than for creating your
      offspring amounts to just fornication and is therefore sinful. I do not
      have to comply with your vulgar and over-extensive yearning for sexual
      release, or be expected to indulge in it myself for that matter."
Dad: "You couldn't even if you wanted to anyway. You don't even have what makes
      other women be as nature allows them to be. That was taken away from you
      long before your parents arranged our marriage."
Mom: "Yes, I was sanitized before it could overwhelm me and make me become a
      slave of passion like those loose women that you reverted to and you
      apparently know so well so as to make that comparison. Is that where you
      picked up that filthy disease that makes you order and use those vials of
      mercury and cart-loads of pills?".
Dad: "My illnesses and impairments in this regard are clearly not your business
      anymore. Our doctor says that all is under control, and I should
      recover... In any case you do not have to worry about that. My desires to
      consume my marital rights with you have died longer ago than I care to
      remember. "
Mom: "I am glad to hear that because I am not going to comply with your indecent
      sex-drive ever again. Let's close this vulgar subject and talk about the
      serious situation that faces us. Miranda is getting into the age where her
      bodily desires may awaken any day now."

Mim an I exchanged mischievous smiles at this assessment and we quickly hugged
and kissed each other before returning to listening to mom's conversation.

     "The party we have in mind for her is the good Mr. Arbuckle. He has, as
      per representation by his parents, clearly stated that a possible
      matrimonial union of our daughter with him can and will only take place if
      and when her chastity and virtue are still warranted and in place. She
      must remain a virgin, my husband, or else the whole deal is off. Today's
      events may already have put things in her mind that expanded her
      perspective and perception in ways that we always sought to avoid, do you

Dad: "Yes, might very well be. The Arbuckle deal must go through, or else we are
      dead meat. We need their cooperation to get the government contracts and
      they have access to the right people. What do you have in mind?"

Mim shuddered and whispered: "Good heavens, Slime-face Arbuckle...They want me
to marry Slime-face. That man is forty years old, he limps, he lisps and clearly
misses a marble or two. He is horrid and he... No, I will not do that. Please
Francis, don't let them do that. I will rather die than be married to that..,
that..., that pig."

"Quiet Mim, lets see what they are up to." I said whispered back. "I won't let
that happen. There are ways around it, you know. Let's continue listening
because the more they say on the matter, the more we get to know how to get
around it."

Mom had resumed the conversation and from the pipe we heard: "Exactly. I am glad
that your soggy brain has registered that without them we will not gain the
additional profits, and may potentially lose some business to the Jacksons. I
suggest that we push the projected date of the marriage to when Miranda turns 14
and in the meantime make sure that she will be sanitized as soon as possible.
Actually, the sooner the better and I have already taken steps to let Dr.
Hirnzweig prepare the operation to remove her 'lust' as soon as his schedule
allows. He is the one of the few physicians in town, or even in this state who
is known to be available for female circumcision.  Since this state has passed
those silly marriage laws to raise the legal age marriage to 14 we don't really
have a choice. We can't afford the risk."

Now it was my turn to be appalled, because the 'sanitation' or female
circumcision that my own parents referred to meant that Mim would be mutilated.
They intended to have her clitoris and minor labia surgically removed so that
she would never have sensations of stimulation, as the books had taught me. This
barbaric custom is quite common in less developed societies like in the Muslim
countries, and basically turned a healthy woman into an eunuch while keeping her
reproductive capabilities intact. I had not had the vaguest idea that it was
commonly practiced in our country. I growled: "Damnation, this is sick! This
must not be allowed to happen." Mim looked puzzled and asked: "What are they
talking about Francis? What is 'sanitation' and what has it to do with me?"

Dad answered mom: "My lord, did you have to enlist the services of that butcher?
I would refer that clown only to my worst enemies! He became field promoted to
physician during Teddy Roosevelt's Cuban campaign'. Talk about a lunatic... he
will actually enjoy doing this. I will not stand for this."

"It is too late, husband." Mother purred. "I already sent him our letter of
intent with a check in your underwriting which he cashed immediately. The
evidence is already in place. As you see, I fully intend for my daughter to
inherit my virtues, and it will take place as I planned. I also urge you not to
interfere in any way, shape or form because I just might find ground for divorce
in your by now fully documented escapades with the wenches of Mrs. Flaherty's
sports-club. She was so kind as to disclose all her records to me. It only took
her the loss of 2 of her toes to convince her and comply with our demands. She
was very cooperative after that."

I had heard enough. I plugged the pipe, disgusted about the base, mean and
vulgar things that I had heard. I thanked providence that we were in the
position to hear all this, and already a simple but effective plan began to form
in my mind.

"Mim, You will have to trust me completely and I cannot give you any evidence or
specific proofs of what I am going to tell you at this point. There simply is
not enough time for that. I love you and all that I do, or plan to do is because
I do not want horrible things to happen to you." I said gravely.

Mim looked frightened by the angry and serious way that I said this, and sat
down at the edge of the bed.

"The situation is really serious, and we still have a lot of things to cover
before we are in the clear. What I am going to tell you now is not pleasant, and
I want you to be aware of all the consequences because they mostly will be
yours. First I have to know, Do you have even the faintest idea what mom and dad
mean with 'sanitation or sanitizing'?" Mim shook her head "No, but from the way
they mentioned it, and that you are so disgusted by it, it can't mean much good
for me. Spell it out for me, and tell me what it is all about." she replied

"Well by now you at least halfway know what you have between you legs, and what
it's for. 'Sanitation' as intended by mom and dad means that they let your
little clitoris and you little labia be surgically removed so that you will not
learn to have lusty feelings. Mom apparently had hers removed when she was about
your age, and basically that's why she and dad don't get along.."

Mim became ash-grey in the face, and first her mouth opened in disbelief, then
tears of anger and fear came into her eyes. "But...But, Francis that is
monstrous...barbaric." Mim started to cry: "They won't get mine! Ever! They are
so base and mean, and cold, and things!! You won't let them, now will you

CHAPTER 11: Plan

"Of course not, and I think I have a plan that is feasible. Risky, simple, but
feasible. Beauty of it is that none of the risk is yours my dear little
sister..." and with one hand I ruffled her beautiful black curls and with the
other I tickled her little pink split. "The risk will be all mine and you and I
will be safe. If everything goes well, that is. If not, then I will have to go
to jail or talk real fast, because I would have had to shoot the doctor." I
dryly concluded my outline and expose.

"You? Shoot the doctor? With what? You even don't have a gun.." Mim commented
skeptically. "Oh, No? , and what does your excellence think of our arsenal?" I
mentioned, opening the toilet closet and flipping open the gun cabinets, showing
the revolvers, rifles and the boxes of ammunition. "I could potentially become
very dangerous if I put my mind to it.  Specifically if and when my sister is
involved." I stated grimly, making clear that there was no room for jokes. "Do
you know how to use them?" Mim wanted to know.

"Sure, Joseph and I have been goose, deer and pheasant hunting a couple of
times, and he taught me a thing or two." I bragged, not mentioning that I
purposely never hit anything because I don't like hurting animals that haven't
done me or mine anything wrong.

Doctors were an entirely different matter though. Specifically, if and when seen
in relation to potentially carving up my little sisters' gender. Besides that,
it will be very close range, and my plans might just work so that I wouldn't
have to kill him at all, I thought by myself.

"Tell me more about this plan. I want to know exactly what's going to happen. I
have a lot at stake here. It's going to be my juicy parts that they intend to
have sliced off, in a manner of speaking. Now that I know what they are for and
how they make me feel, I'm rapidly getting very much attached to them." Mim said

"All right then, The main thing is that nobody must know that we know about
this. We will have to be sweet as pie, and play stupid for a while and see how
this is going to develop. We have to keep close track of each other and share
our information so as to figure out the exact Where and When the operation is to
take place. My estimate is that it will happen here on the premises in order to
safeguard discretion and avoid the logistics of hauling you to and from the
doctor's office. As to the When, I think we will see some action within a month
from now, that is to say, right around your 13th birthday, since mom is clearly
worried about taking care of this before your first period sets in."

Mim grimaced and remarked; "Which I already had a couple of weeks ago. The good
Miss Biggle explained a thing or two and taught me how to handle it."

"My, you are ahead of your class dear sister." I said, taking mental notes about
possible implications in the basic reproductive line of things. "Do you know
whether the Miss Biggle reported this to anyone?" I asked.

"It could be that she mentioned it to Joseph. They seem to be pretty close, and
Joseph has been very nice and kind to me when my moods were a little prickly
around that time. It is not very pleasant thing, you see." Mim answered.

"Well in any case, as soon as the doctor arrives to perform what he is supposed
to do, I will go off to this room, get one of the revolvers, and go wait behind
the mirror corresponding with the room where the operation is planned to happen.
You will have to trust me completely, and do as the doctor says even if that
means that he will put you to sleep. He will most probably use ether or
chloroform as anesthetics for that before anything else. As soon as you are
asleep, I will get in and convince the good doctor that he should keep his hands
to himself, or meet with an acute lead poisoning."

I was getting angrier by the minute about the whole sordid affair, and must have
sounded as grim and determined as I felt. "I will also make sure that he will
have something to show if and when asked, although I doubt it that mom and dad
will sink to such depth to ask for that, but then again you never really know
for certain." I added.

"Then when you wake up, you will have to act normal for the situation. Be timid,
sad and sick. You will feel sick anyway but you should walk only when absolutely
necessary and then even with intense display of great and painful effort.
Remember we do not want to clue them in on what or, better still, what not took
place. I give you my word that I will not let anything bad happen to you. Do you
believe me Mim?".

Mim sat quiet and was clearly not happy with the whole situation. "You are only
just 15 Frank, what can you do when he tries to bluff you out of it. Can't we
just run away and stay out of sight until he's gone?" She asked with despair in
her voice. I thought of that for a while and responded: "That would be a
solution for the moment, and might at best delay things a bit. They would simply
rearrange and reschedule the operation, possibly under circumstances that we
cannot control as easily as we do now.

We know their intentions now, but we would have to keep constant vigilance on
possible further efforts from their side. At worst this way we give away that we
are on to something, in which case we cannot even start to oversee what the
consequences for both of us, but mostly for you will be. Besides that, I will be
only just 15 with a gun that I know how to use in my hand. That should put some
additional weight in the scales. I want you to know that I'd rather lose the
light in my eyes than let something happen to you."

Mim sighed and nodded in resignation. "I just feel so helpless and I don't like
that I cannot do anything because I'll be unconscious. Can't we avoid the
putting to sleep part of things?"

I pondered this, knowing well that this would complicate matters. A sleeping Mim
would be a great diversion and would guarantee the effect of surprise and keep
the initiative on our side. I could however fully understand her worries and
reluctance to be sedated and be completely powerless.

"I see your point and I'll have to work on that. We still have time, but not
very much." I said softly. I moved over to her and held her gently, stroking her
hair and kissing her on the side of her neck. "You have to trust me Mim. This is
not going to be easy, and we will have to watch our every step. I want you to be
with me for as long as you wish and I want you to be whole and complete. Not
like the sorry excuse of a woman that our mother has grown into. It's going to
be us against the world."

Looking at the alarm-clock, I saw that it was well past 2 am. "Let's go back to
our rooms before Joseph and Miss. Biggle get up. We will have to act as if
we slept. I will show you how to use the mirrors so that if anything happens, or
when you feel like it, you can either come over to my room unseen or go up to
this room where you will be safe, but let's first clean up the mess we've made."

I helped Mim get up from the bed, and held her for a moment, pressing her
tightly against me. Her warm and smooth skin felt good against mine. It made me
start to grow hard again. She shivered a bit, but responded by raising her face
up to me and kissing me full on my lips. We kissed and we felt like lovers.

"I trust you Frank. It's just that there are so many against us. It all seems so
overwhelming and unreal. I feel sad that we can't trust mom and dad anymore and
that they seek to damage me for their own causes, yet I feel pity for them as
well because of the way that they were made to be." She said softly.
"On the other hand I am glad that you are on my side. I would not have known
what is coming at me and even less on how to deal with it, but you seem to know
what you are doing. In more than one way, that is."

On a lighter note she continued, smiling now "I also like your 'Frankie' and
what it does to me, and I am looking forward to do more with it." She rubbed
herself against me. "I think I'm wet again. How about doing something tomorrow
after study? What we did made me feel so good that I still have that tingling
warm glow inside of me despite all the nasty things I heard." She put her arms
around my neck and pulled herself up, lifting her legs up and folding them
around my waist, she clung on to me and let her obviously wet and warm parts
rest on my erected member. "Take me now, and let me take your virginity as well
so that we are one in incest." She hotly whispered in my ear.

I lifted her up, and put her back on her feet again. "My, my, we are learning
fast, but no my dear and lusty little sister. I really want to make love to you
and would like nothing better than pick your delicious little cherry while
giving you mine at the same time, but we will have time enough after the thing
with the doctor is settled. I think we should wait because losing virginity can
be messy and literally bloody business for girls. We don't want to run the risk
of alarming anyone by having bloodstains showing up in your underwear, now do

An addition to the plan was budding in my mind, but at this point I did not
think it the right moment to discuss it with Mim.

Mim pouted and acted a bit disappointed. "Promise me that I will be the one to
pick your cherry, as you describe it, should I so desire. That way I know for
certain that you will do your utmost to keep me from being carved-up." She

"You have my word." I said. "Even without that, I would try my very best to
prevent that from happening, though. I hope that you trust me well enough to
know that by now Mim." I continued gravely. "Now let's get moving before it gets
too late." I kissed her, and helped her into the housecoat that I had retrieved
from the floor. I pulled on mine, and we were off to our rooms.

CHAPTER 12: From unwitting Evil and Treasures.

The next morning we tried to act normal. I myself had no problem with acting
normal under the circumstances considering the beating that I received from dad
the night before. I paid careful attention as to where I parked my sore
posterior, and moved with great deliberation.

Mim on the other hand had considerably more problems to stay within her normally
so composed behavior. I noticed that she was very cheerful and affectionate to
me. When she walked ahead of me into the study it was obvious that she moved her
hips so as if to accent her femininity to me. This and the looks she gave me
would have caused overcooked noodles to erect themselves, so it is not
surprising what it did to me. I suffered through classes that day with a near
constant firmness in my pants, and only Mrs. Barnacle's more than usual sourness
and abrasiveness mitigated my sexual drive and attraction to my sister into
manageability. Fortunately Mrs. Barnacle had prepared several tests for us so
that the attention was somewhat deflected. Yesterday's tumultuous events were
meticulously avoided and without further incidents we dragged ourselves through
the hours filled with math, geography, Latin and Greek. Biology seemed to have
vanished from the curriculum, most likely due to my mother's corrections in the
composition of our classes.  Meekly we took notes for our homework and tried to
hide our impatience with the hands of the clock that never seemed to reach the
moment of freedom, being 2pm.

At the expected time of our 'delivery from studious boredom' Mrs. Barnacle
dismissed me, but indicated that Mim was supposed to stay because she had to
discuss certain matters with my sister.

I complied with this, only to use the first safe mirror to return to the study's
observation post behind the mirror.

Mrs. Barnacle was sitting next to Mim on the couch and addressed Mim with an
attitude of friendly, almost motherly concern as if confiding her into some
great mystery. "Mim, now that we are amongst ourselves, that is without the
intrusion of your insolent brother, I would like to explain a couple of things
that are to happen in the week after your birthday. In that week, on the
Wednesday if I'm correct, you will undergo a cleansing operation that will
strengthen your resolve towards wayward male attention. This is nothing to be
afraid of, and consists of the removal of some useless tissue that would
otherwise hinder you to maintain physical cleanliness. A doctor will visit you
here and will execute the operation, there where you are most at ease with your
environment. That is, in the loving companionship of your family." Mim became
visibly pale and shifted uneasily. She avoided looking Mrs. Barnacle in the eyes
by averting her view and looking intently at the mirror from the corners of her

Mrs. Barnacle droned on "While you will suffer from some temporary, but minor
discomfort, afterwards you will feel much relieved knowing that your virtue will
be strengthened and you will more clearly be aware of the vile and filthy
intents of most men. This way you will be able to preserve your virtue for the
only man that can rightfully make claims upon your chastity, this being the good
Mr. Arbuckle to whom your parents have betrothed you." Mim was clearly nearing
panic now, and I took a risk by showing her that I was fully aware of Mrs.
Barnacle's explication by moving the tail of the squirrel figurine that
corresponded with the mirror's door-function while carefully avoiding to trigger
the opening mechanism. Mim saw that and vaguely smiled as if to acknowledge this
and subsequently addressed Mrs. Barnacle.

"Dear, dear Mrs. Barnacle, Thank you so much for the kind support and moral
strengthening that I so dearly need in these times of great changes in my life,
my mind and in my body. By confiding with me in these matters you have shown me
the importance of your loyal role to our social circle in general and to me, one
of your pupils, in particular. You have served me most splendidly by so
thoughtfully preparing me for the things to come and explaining me the perils
that lie in the evils ends of most men that aim to bring women down in sinful
lust." Mrs. Barnacle was visibly pleased by these stroking remarks, and
concluded "You are most kind to me, young lady. It is merely my duty as your
tutor and Mentrix to safely steer you past the perils of gullibility and self-
indulgence that come with reaching adolescence. I live only to serve." She
concluded piously with a expression of intense self satisfaction on her face.

Mim now became bold and inquisitive and continued sweetly "This is very clear to
me dear Mrs. Barnacle. Now can I ask you in confidence whether you perchance
also underwent this cleansing operation?"

Mrs. Barnacle clearly had not expected this question. Her face flushed red and
she was clearly uneasy with this direct question from her student. "Well , er,
No, of course not, that is to say, er, this operation is only set aside for the
benefit of the upper circles like the one you so clearly belong to my dear.
I am merely a humble teacher, employed and instrumental to prepare you for the
glorious roles that you will have to perform in the truly grand designs of your
parents. Mine has never been the honor of this so meaningful initiation into
adulthood." She was very relieved to have resolved my sister's inquisitiveness
with such agility and cunning.

Mim decided to drop the matter at that point and performed a tactical retreat by
saying "That answers my question sufficiently my dear Mrs. Barnacle. Will you
have any further matters to bring to my attention, or can I retreat so as to
dedicate my time to my homework and prepare for tomorrow's study?"
Mrs. Barnacle gracefully dismissed my sister, and Mim left the study.

Upon this I carefully and swiftly made my way to my hidden room where I found a
fuming Mim waiting for me. "That slippery old snake. That despicable slimy
secretion posing for a human being, That loathsome lizard...."
"Yes Mim, I heard it all and thanks for acknowledging my presence. You are a
quick learner and very apt in matters of secrecy. For a moment I thought that
you had gone too far when you asked the old hag about her preparations against
lust and sin.
I thought that I'd pee in my pants when I saw the flabbergasted look on her
face. In any case we have a date and a place now, and that's the one saving
grace of this exchange. My estimate of one month, and the place of operation was
correct and we can continue to prepare for action as planned. I will be the
proverbial, if well concealed, fly in their ointment, in a manner of speaking."

"Are you still very sure that you can pull it off Frank? I am very worried and
the fact that Mrs. Barnacle is apparently also in on this leads me to wonder who
else we may have to look out for." Mim asked.

"It was possibly on that derelict piece of human refuse's instigation, this all
started, although I don't put it past dear mom to come up with it herself. I
think that Joseph and Miss. Biggle can still be trusted, but I wouldn't hold my
hand into the fire for that. In any case the plot thickens and it again makes it
overly clear that we have nowhere, and no one to turn to, except each other." I

"Now, as to your display of female prowess this morning, my dear little sister,
please be a little more careful on what to show. You almost made me explode with
lust after you by wiggling your beautiful posterior in front of me. I had a
literally hard time not to show my 'evil' intents towards you."

"But Frank, I was so completely horny. When I woke up this morning I touched
myself and tried to fantasize what you would be doing there and how you would
make me feel there. I almost took the matter in my own hands and use a candle to
manipulate myself so that there would be no reason to wait. I want you. I hunger
for you. A month seems so long, and considering what we will still have to go
through.... "

"I know Mim, but stay clear of the candle for a while, that may not be the best
way of doing things." I said and put my arms around her. We kissed and fondled
each other through our clothes.

This became old very rapidly, though, and within minutes we were naked and on
the bed. My element was already brimming with a pearly drop of my semen showing
at the swollen top, while Mim was more than moist.

Suddenly I noticed Mim's smell. Her fragrance was so sweet and exciting that I
wanted to enjoy it to the fullest. I brought my head between her legs and
studied her soft and beautiful parts from very close by. With my fingers I
spread her little lips to the sides and peeked at her deliciously moist inside.
Mim shivered with delight when I touched her there and proceeded to investigate
my almost painfully swollen and erected member from equally close by. Her
precious little corner of delight opened itself due to the erection of her
clitoris and the small fold of soft skin that normally envelopes her 'nibble of
lust' had receded to the base of it. I could no longer contain myself and I
pressed a kiss on it. My lips parting and my tongue touching her clitoris, I
tasted her fluids, and I continued to lick her there. Mim had a spasm of
unexpected enjoyment and pressed her femininity into my face, her moisture
covering my face and her tiny vertical lips kissing mine. Mim also proceeded to
pull back my foreskin completely and put her warm moist lips on the swollen top
of my manhood. Now it was my turn to cringe and thrust with the intense feelings
of arousal, and drive my shaft into her beautiful mouth. We were now both only
aware of each other's parts, fragrances, and textures and we immersed ourselves
into the intense feelings of loving stroking and the drive towards release. I
feverishly licked her labia, her clitoris, inserted my tongue into her until I
met her virginity and even then probed for deeper access to her delight.

Mim moved my member in and out of her mouth, carefully making sure that the tip
did not leave her lips, and let her tongue pry as deep into my tip as was
possible. Very soon we were both ultimately stimulated. Groaning I thrust my
manhood into her mouth and released my semen there while she convulsed and
released a gulp of her fluids into my face and mouth in our shuddering combined
orgasm, that left both of us with a sensation of complete and intense
satisfaction that it seemed to make us float together in an ocean of pleasure,
surrounded by the fragrance and rolling waves of lust.

We lay there. It seemed that time and our bodies had turned into one, while the
breakers of our orgasms broke and rolled on the beach of desire. Receding and
returning in full renewed force. We drank each other's fluids and remained
intoxicated with the fullness of the release that it brought us for what seemed
ages until we were spent and everything quieted down to a peaceful and warm
soothing tranquillity that both never had felt before. Words were too much, and
we just lay there, bewildered and admiring each other and what we meant to each
other. I turned around and facing Mim now, I held her, letting my body feel
hers. Her nipples touching mine, her belly against mine, our warmth and moisture
mingle and become one. I kissed Mim, now letting my tongue explore her lips,
meet her tongue, and roam inside her mouth as if searching for oneness tasting
all that was there. We shared our breath and felt our bodies rise in arousal
again. My manhood revitalized, rubbing against her soft, swollen lips and
clitoris, coating itself with her moisture, and sending lightning-bolts of
pleasure through our bodies. Again the tip of my manhood rubbed through her
soft, warm and inviting femininity, pushing into her pulsing and sucking opening
until the head was fully buried into her, and again I felt a storm of my semen
rush through my shaft and spend itself against her maidenhood. Mim moaned
despite our intimate kiss and rocked and bucked as if to impale herself on my
organ. Her tight opening kneading me, and clasping me as if to swallow me and
never to let me go.

We lay quiet again. Looking into each other eyes, exchanging feelings of
ultimate love and longing by merely looking at each other. There was no need to
talk. We already knew that we were made for each other, notwithstanding the fact
that we were brother and sister. We would never leave each other and we were
strong. Strong enough to withstand the pressure from the outside world. Stronger
than the forces of ignorance that sought to mutilate and force bonds where none
should be. Stronger yet than those who sought to separate that what ought to be
one through enforcement of ridiculous conventions and useless rules. We could
take them all on, and we would do so on our own terms and according to our own

After a while we sat up and grinned at each other, knowing that we could do
things that none would expect, feeling a sense of lightheadedness coming up we
giggled and ended up tickling each other in playful enjoyment of one another.
"You know" I said. "I never really went through the cabinets and all the stuff
in there. I never even opened the drawers. Mim will you do me the honor of your
assistance in investigating these? Equal part of the finding for each of us, no
matter who finds it. O.K.?" Mim nodded, and eagerly started out to the first

The cabinet itself contained many of the literary works that my father so
diligently had collected, except that these books were without exception
leather-bound, gold embossed and gilded. Most were first editions and often had
lengthy dedications on the inside of the front cover.

"With ultimate respect: The Fortune of the man who sits on his Ass, Sits on its
ass as well. Sir Richard Francis Burton. Let despicable Speke rot in Hell!" read
one, written in a spidery angular and flamboyant handwriting.

"That's my favorite discoverer and writer" I exclaimed "He discovered the true
source of the river Nile, and he dressed himself up to get into an Arab brothel,
just to see what was going on there. Let's see what this book is called."
I paged to the Contents and Introduction page and softy whistled. It read :
"The Kama Sutra of Vatsyayana.; Cosmopoli, 1883; in assignment of the Kama Sutra
Society of London and Benares; Not to be sold."

Following was the complete and unabridged version of the "Arabian Nights", Also
first edition, also by Burton. And on it went. Some of the titles were unknown
to me but leafing through the contents they shared the sexually explicit and
exploratory line that had obviously attracted the original owner.

"Mim, this makes for good reading and many good ideas to be tested by both of
us. This is a true treasure. Highly illegal in publication, and often banished
books. They are often the breeding place of true intellect."
Since there were so many books and we could not read them all at once anyway, we
just kept them in the cabinet for further reference. The drawers were equally
interesting in from a different perspective, be it mostly Mim's.

In boxes, some small, some larger, were all kinds of jewelry stored.  Some of it
must have been of oriental origin, while some of it must have been from ancient
Greece and the Roman Empire. Some of the boxes had neatly written labels in
them: "Pompeii, Bathhouse. 1872. Possibly from Caius Pilatus the elder, Praeses
of the forum and possible father of Pontius Pilatus" read one containing a ring
with seal. "Phew, the guy who compiled this collection must have traveled quite
a bit." I mentioned admiringly. "Yes, and it's all so pretty." Mim remarked.

"Not to mention extremely valuable and possibly priceless. There must be museums
and private collectors who would gladly part with an arm or a leg for just a few
of those trinkets." I added.

Stunned by this unexpected wealth we sat down and just browsed through the
contents of the three drawers of the first cabinet. Elaborate sketches of
unknown places, with and without secret passages and tunnels.
Strange maps made of parchment in unknown languages and indecipherable
characters. Reams of identical notebooks containing diary entries that we for
now left unread. The bottom drawer was less filled than the others, and
contained a case with old-fashioned dueling pistols, the years, places and
initials of duelists in the encounters engraved and in filigree on each barrel.
The oldest date was 1662 (Breda, JvdE vs. QdlC), and the latest date was 1835
(Antwerpen, JvdE III vs. MdL).

"Nice family, Must be European, possibly Dutch or Belgian, or both. To be stored
for further reference." I remarked dryly, experiencing slight sensory overload
from our newly found treasures. "Let's not get carried away, and leave something
to be discovered for later." I told Mim who was evidently overawed with all the
strange and exquisite items we discovered this afternoon.

"As it stands right now, we could possibly very conveniently retire on what is
stored in this cabinet, provided that we could find the proper buyer for it, and
the original owner doesn't claim it. As from this moment we are basically
independently wealthy. Besides this it is getting quite late by now and we have
to avoid raising suspicion at all costs. I love you AND your parts too much,
Mim." I concluded "And I do yours, my dear brother in lust. I feel almost guilty
rummaging through these things." Mim replied.

We hugged and admired each other for a while longer after which we dressed
ourselves and left our hidden realm to return to the rest of the house. It felt
as if we left a safe place and ventured into hostile territory, but we knew that
we had each other in support. With that in mind we could not be conquered.

CHAPTER 13: Interlude.

I the next month we explored each other deeper, both in body and mind and Mim
and I became closer and more intimate as we ever held for possible. We shared
our deepest feelings and fears with the upcoming and threatening event. I guess
it made us stronger and laid the basis for the lifetime bond that we were to
share as it turned out to be.

Mim had another of her periods, and I became aware of the subtle and not so
subtle changes in her moods. Having her periods was clearly a difficult aspect
of life for Mim. She was in pain, felt weak and irritable and she was ashamed of
the messy nature of the events. Being messy did not bother me very much,
although I felt protective and tried to comfort her as much as was within my
power and means. For one reason or the other her period lasted almost a full 2
weeks before the discharge finally subsided, and I helped her with cleaning the
affected area. It made me worry a bit, because according to what I knew about
it, it was normally only to last for a week at most. Since we had no one to turn
to or to confide with, we had to make do and improvise.

The days went by and we attended our classes, spent much time in our hidden room
and took inventory of the remaining two cabinets. The instruments were mostly
nautical instruments, surveying tools and optical equipment as well as a
complete photographic camera with glass plates. The clothing in the third
cabinet was mostly outdoors gear, clean, but old and obviously well used. In the
drawers we found additional treasures amongst which a significant amount of gold
coins that still was legal tender, several bars of minted gold and silver and
leather pouches with cut and uncut diamonds. We were rich by any comparison, and
several times we toyed with the idea of simply leaving the house and disappear
to live a life of our own. The logistics of this defeated us however, and it is
just as well that we did not venture out into the real world of which we had so
limited knowledge and the dangers of which we had been so thoroughly shielded

Mim had her 13th birthday, which we spent in growing despondency and
trepidation, not to mention the hideous presence of the Arbuckles who brought
their son to share in the festivities. Zebedeus Arbuckle visibly gloated over
Mim, being his betrothed party he almost started taking liberties with her,
which in turn I sought to prevent by staying conspicuously present and attentive
wherever he went. At one point he turned towards me and was obviously going to
send me away, but then Joseph, our giant cook and butler ominously positioned
himself between Mim and young master Arbuckle upon which Miss. Biggle further
cooled him down by 'accidentally' spilling an assortment of beverages over him.
Joseph, Mim and I exchanged knowing winks while Miss Biggle proceeded while
cheerfully apologizing to complete the ruin of both his mood and his outfit. He
gave up at that point and remained the rest of the day sulking at his parents'

So the fateful day grew nearer, and I spent nearly every free moment in feverish
planning, preparation, and practice for the role that I had assigned myself to
play in the upcoming event. At the same time I tried to remain confident and
comforting to Mim, who by now lived in a near constant state of intense fear.
These were definitely not the best days of our life, but looking back now, they
brought out the best in us and drove us together with such force that is hardly
conceivable to withstand.

CHAPTER 14: Deus Ex Machina.

Doctor Hirnzweig was a rail thin man, who spoke with a deliberate and clearly
German accent. He wore a long shiny black leather coat and his instrument-case
matched the coat. His face was gaunt with parchment-like skin that looked as if
tightly stretched around his skull and face. This gave him an evil and ominous
appearance, which was accented by his steel-rimmed spectacles through which his
constantly moving, but hardly ever blinking pale grey eyes disdainfully observed
the world. His mouth was a straight horizontal gash in his face that seemed to
have no lips.

The man clearly dressed for effect and I found him to be distasteful to the
point of being abhorrent. Of course I was prejudiced. This doctor was invited to
perform a mutilating operation on my dear little sister's genitals. That in
itself was enough to make my blood boil, although I carefully avoided to voice
or show my animosity, but the doctor had a clear and obvious disdain for anyone
who even remotely crossed his path.

Today was the Wednesday after my sisters' 13th birthday, and the doctor had
punctually shown up at the moment that our study had ended at 2pm. Despite the
doctor's repulsive countenance and demeanor Mrs. Barnacle was if not respectful,
then at least deeply awed by the man's presence, and bent over backwards so as
to please the doctor while he was in the study to summon Mim for the operation.

Mim and I had dreaded this day and had prepared in detail how to avoid Mim from
being neutered into something less than female eunuch. We looked at each other
and exchanged desperate but resolute glances when the doctor led Mim out of the

Mrs. Barnacle dismissed me from classes almost as an afterthought and with my
heart pounding in my chest and throat, I chose the nearest safe entry into the
network of tunnels and passages that led to the secret domain, as Mim and I
called our hidden room in the attic.

I burst into the hidden room and hurried to the WC/GUNS closet. I opened it and
hastily opened the cabinet where the revolvers were stored. The revolver that I
selected was a small viciously looking piece that accepted 7 instead of 6
cartridges, and I had meticulously prepared it for operation a couple of days
before. I had even tested the ammunition and fired some practice-rounds in the
woods, not far from where we lived. It worked fine, but I simply do not like
guns. They are noisy and generally applied for the wrong purposes. This one
however, I hoped to have redeem itself, by serving the good cause of saving my
sister. Hopefully without living up to its designed function, I thought, because
that would signify that I had failed and would therefore be knee-deep in the
proverbial fecal matter, and so would my dear little sister.

Another item that was essential for the proper execution of my plans was stored
in the brass bucket next to the stool. The bucket contained mostly ice, needed
to keep the box with its contents from decomposing. The box contained the labia
and what I assumed to be the equivalent of a clitoris of a sheep. An almost full
grown lamb, to be precise, that Joseph had purchased on my request and had
disassembled and prepared for consumption.

The pieces as stored in this box looked almost exactly as their human
equivalents and would certainly fool my parents who by any stretch of the
imagination were no experts in human anatomy. Whatever was further needed to
convince them about the authenticity of these pathetic little fleshy scraps was
context. Context was what I was going  to provide them with, I thought when
hurrying through the maze to Mim's room where the operation was to take place.
The box with fake labia I had in my left pocket, and the revolver was heavily
bumping on my right thigh where it sat in my right hand pocket.

Arriving at Mim's room I saw that all was still in progress to prepare for Mim's
circumcision. Mim was sitting in a chair in her nightgown. She shivered and
looked pale and frightened. Every once and again she'd peek at the mirror, and I
performed our, by now, standard signal; One twitch of the figurine means I'm
here and all's fine, whereas 2 twitches means; I'm here, but things suck! Please
divert attention so that I can find a different solution. I carefully twitched
the figurine once and Mim picked up on it immediately. For a moment she showed a
look of relief and defiance on her face.

The doctor had laid out his array of knives, scissors, clamps and scalpels and
was doing something with a bottle and a little cap that I recognized as a
chloroform cap. On a chair next to Mim's bed sat my mother. To my horror, she
did not show any inclination to leave and viewed the proceedings with intense

I broke out in sweat. I hadn't counted on my mother being in the room. This was
serious and my mind raced to come up with a suitable plan for diversion.
Set the house on fire. Shoot the gun in the hallway. Do something!!! I agonized
and in terrified fascination as I watched the doctor walk to the bed with the
terrible deliberation of a preying mantis.

In his left hand he held up the cap that was drenched in chloroform, and in his
right hand he held a scalpel, its cutting edge wickedly gleaming and glittering
in the light that streamed through the tall windows.
Tears of rage and frustration welled up in my eyes, but I was petrified. I knew
I had to tear myself away and do something, but my body would not respond. It
was as if I was drugged and paralyzed by this horrible spectacle.

Mim was stirring restlessly and now had a look of complete panic and desperation
on her face. Her breath was coming in gasps out of her half open mouth. She
pleadingly looked at her mother, then to the doctor, and back to my mother
again. Both did not show any signs of letting up and my mother had a strange
serenely unblinking smile on her face. Her had eyes fixed on my sister's gender.

The doctor did not show any emotion at all. He could have been an automaton, a
dreadful machine completely dedicated to the task ahead. He turned to my mother.
"You vill stay here und assist me, Frau Scariff?" He asked in his terrible
falsetto voice.

"Zat vill not be required. I am perfectly capable of performing zis minor task
by myselff. I vould razzer haf you be outside to keep ozzers from unduly
interrupting my vork."

"No, no, no, my dear doctor." My mother objected without taking her gaze off

"I will stay here and try to calm my dear young daughter for the things that
will come to pass shortly now."

"Very vell, but I vill haf to warn you zat zis vill not be a pleasing sight."
The doctor said while a mirthless smile swept the corners of his mouth slightly
upwards. "It never is." He added with somber satisfaction.

"It is all right." My mother said. "This will be such a relief to have it behind
us, my dear." Now addressing my sister. "You will not believe that you ever had
any doubts or fears about this. It will make you strong and virtuous in many
ways, like it did with me."

Mim's look now turned to terror. She tried to get up from the bed and get away
from mom and the doctor. "No!" She screamed. "I don't want this to happen to me!
Get away from me! Somebody HELP ME!" She struggled to get loose and flee, but my
mother pushed her back into the bed, now holding the squirming Mim down.

The doctor now quickly pushed the cap over Mim's nose and mouth and firmly kept
it in place, muffling Mim's cries.

"Zis is actually much better. Zis vay she cannot hold her breath and she vill be
asleep now very soon." The doctor commented dryly.  Mim's movements became
slower and less coordinated, and finally she became limp and sunk back into the
pillows on the bed.

This seemed to break the spell that my mother appeared to be under, and she
stood up, straightened her hair and her dresses and she said to the doctor; "I
am truly sorry about this display that she made out of this, doctor. We have
done our best to prepare her as good and thoroughly as possible. She has always
been a touch wayward. I would even say selfish and ungrateful at times, but
that will be over soon. You can proceed now."

The Doctor disagreed: "No, I cannot proceed now for about 10 minutes, since your
daughter vas so much emoted, I vill haf to vait until her system has relaxed
completely, and the blood circulation has fully returned to approximately normal
conditions. You vil haf to take some distance for now. I do not care to operate
vhen people are vatching on my hands. I haf to able to move free of
obstructions. You obstruct my working area. Please receed, and sit yourself down
in zat chair." He pointed to a chair near the door.

Obediently my mother moved to the chair, and I , knowing that I had some 10
minutes to come up with something, was getting ready to do something drastic so
as to prevent the doctor from performing his works. I had almost decided to set
fire to part of the house and thus divert attention by urging everyone to
evacuate the premises, since that would be the only way I could possibly hope to
get my mother to leave. I was just leaving my observation post when Miss Biggle,
who was clearly agitated and in distress, burst into Mim's bedroom.

"Madam, Please come with me. Young master Jarvis has returned, and he is in
terrible shape. He has called for you to meet him. Oh, madam he is so hurt, and
he is in so much pain, please quickly come with me. He needs your attention so
much!" Miss Biggle was in tears now, and wrung her hands in distress.

"Well, all right then." Mother answered. Now that Mim was totally unconscious
her appetite for attending the operation had dwindled, and vague doubts about it
had slowly began to emerge and were rising "I will come with you. Doctor you can
proceed at your discretion. I will not be back until later. I would suggest to
lock the door so as not be disturbed or distracted again."

The doctor nodded in approval. "I can certainly do wizzout ze disruption. You
can go now, and I vil lock ze door. I vill open it again if your daughter has
fully regained her consciousness, which vill probably take 60 to 90 minutes.
Until zen I vill appreciate if no one vill furzer distract me or distress ze

I had stopped dead in my tracks when Miss Biggle made her entry, and was now
back at the mirror, my hand at the lever to open it as soon as my mother had
made herself scarce.

"So this is where Jarvis gets to play his best role in life sofar. At least from
our perspective. He may have a different view on this." I mused. Mother left the
room and the doctor who had already walked to the door quickly locked it as soon
as it closed.

"Und jetzt, mein Liebchen, ze matter is now entirely in my hands." Doctor
Hirnzweig murmured as he walked back to the bed. "I do not like to do zis to
such a beautiful young child like you, but ze money is good, and ze task easy.
Zat is too bad for you. You will lose your pleasure...."

At this point I opened the mirror and with the revolver pointed straight ahead
of me I entered the room and said "Not necessarily doctor. I urge you to lay the
scalpel down on that table there" and I pointed to the table near the windows.
The doctor grew even paler than his normally already parchment like complexion,
then when seeing that it was a mere boy that threatened him, he became red in
the face and shouted "Was?, Is zere no end to the lunacy in zis house? How am I
to perform my services if each and every inhabitant of zis verfluchtes building
comes bursting in on me."

The veins on his temples grew and showed themselves as  blue cracks in the skin
of his head. "Vhat do you want, you little urchin?" He demanded while
demonstratively laying down the scalpel and backing away from the muzzle of the
revolver that I kept within 3 feet of his face. I was not in the least impressed
with his blustery attitude that was clearly intended to bluff me off. I felt
strangely calm and in complete control of the situation.

"It seems to me that there is a difference in interests, doctor. My sister has
decided that she does not wish to part with that what nature provided her with,
whereas my parents are of a different opinion. I myself find the whole procedure
barbaric, and therefore seek to keep you from performing it." I carefully and
patiently explained.

"Nature, Nature, vhat does a young whippersnapper like you know about nature? "
The doctor demanded to know.

"Not nearly enough doctor, but I have many years ahead of me to learn about it,
whereas you may have preciously little time if you decide that you cannot fall
in with my plans. This revolver is of excellent design, in perfect working
condition and I am quite proficient in its use." I cocked the hammer and made
sure that the doctor had a clear view of the bullets that showed their tips in
the cylinder.

"So, now that the introductory pleasantries have been properly taken care of, I
suggest that we get down to business." I grimly remarked and continued with my
planned expose to the doctor.

"As I said before, this operation is not to take place, and in addition to that,
I aim to keep my parents from knowing that my sister will still be intact after
this, so I made my preparations. From you I need to know now if you are willing
to co-operate or if you are willing to risk my willingness to defend my sister.
It is up to you. Your answer please." I demanded.

"Vhat is your plan, you young fool. Your parents may very vell demand to see
proof of ze operation, and it normally is quite bloody and messy you know." The
doctor angrily retorted.

"I have thought of that, doctor." I replied and pulled the box with the sheep's
parts out of my pocket. "Here inspect this and present it as the fruit of your
intended labor." The doctor opened the small box, and a sly but admiring smile
formed itself on his face.

"Not bad, you young fool, not bad, except that zere is no blood to account for
the cutting." He spat out dismissing my plans.

"Of that I have also thought." I said. "This operation is supposed to be of a
sanitary nature, Correct?" The doctor nodded.

"But it isn't by a far stretch, it is actually quite dangerous due to infections
that can occur. Correct?" Again the doctor nodded, be it reluctantly.

"So, why don't you perform one that is at least conceivably beneficial from a
sanitary point of view. My sister has had her first periods and complained that
the discharge was rather prolonged and at times painful. Am I correct to assume
that this can be due to a near complete seal by the hymen that normally allows
passage of the discharge?"

The doctor kept on nodding. And his face lit up in a wicked smile.
"You mean zat you vant me to rupture your sister's hymen? Vhat a deliciously
vhicked idea. I vill haf to remember zis. Go on you little criminal." And a
genuine smile of unholy glee came upon his face. "No vait, I get ze drift, and I
vill perform zat vhat you ask of me.

Vhat a great vay of getting back to zose conceited and condescending so called
Upper Class. Let me get my scalpel you rascal, and stay out of my vay."
I felt as if I had lost control of the situation. The doctor's obvious delight
with the developments of this affair kind of startled me and threw me off

"O.K. doctor, but no games and no sudden moves. I will first get into a position
where I can keep a clear view of what you are doing and then I will tell you to
proceed. Stay where you are until then." I said nervously.

The doctor stayed put, keeping a respectful gaze on the muzzle that still
pointed to roughly between his eyes, while I moved into position. When I was
satisfied with the view and possibilities to cover the doctor at the same time,
I said. "Go ahead, doc, but be careful with my sister, very careful."

Now the doctor enthusiastically neared the bed with the scalpel that he had
picked up along the way. He put Mim's legs to each side, carefully parted her
labia, peeked inside and inspected her femininity.

"Exactly as you said, you little vise-ass. Her hymen is very much closed indeed.
Much more closed zan normally is ze case. Zere are only two very small natural
punctures zat I can see. She could easily contract very severe infections.
Besides zis, even ze most violent an insistent man vould haf serious problems
negotiating zis barrier.  Zis, I vil solve immediately."

The doctor quickly moved the scalpel into position and made a quick circular
motion. A tiny piece of what looked like piece of skin with small veins in it
came loose and blood welled up from my sister's young womanhood.

I became nauseous at the sight of my dear little sister bleeding there and
gagged slightly. My hand that held the revolver shook uncontrollably and
visibly. The doctor apparently noticed that and said "You can put zat instrument
avay now, you indolent little sod. I am committed as it is.
If zis becomes known I vill loose my reputation and business and thus ze means
to maintain my expensive vices. As for you, I urge you not to mention zis to
anyone or else I vill haf to tell your parents, who in turn may invite a
different physician under circumstances zat vill undoubtedly be less favorable
for your intervention. Do ve understand each other very clearly?"

While saying this he put some of my sister's blood in the box containing the
sheep's parts, and he carefully soiled the sheets and my sister's night gown.
"Zere, zat should fool zem. Donnerwetter, it has been long since I had such fun.
I commend you for your perfidious mind, your control, and your loyalty to your
sister you little criminal. You vill go far if you keep it up like zis." He
commented more cordially now.
"I read Machiavelli,." I said shakily, but relieved that all seemed to go as
well as it did.
"Oh, zat explains part of it, but zere is much more to learn as you stated
before. Your sister vill vake up shortly. It is best zat you be ze first one to
tell her not to vorry. She may not trust me after vhat happened earlier.  Zere
is plenty of time. I vill retreat to ze far corner of zis room so as not to
disturb her too much." Demonstratively the doctor seated himself with his back
to us in a chair facing the windows.


Mim started to stir, she moaned and mumbled incoherently until she opened her
eyes. Her eyes swam in tears, as she tried to focus and comprehend where she
was. Suddenly she realized where she was and a look of panic and fear came on
her face. She started to sit up, but was still too weak to do so. I gently
pushed her back into the pillows.

"It's O.K. Mim. Nothing serious happened. You're still complete. The doctor has
not taken away anything that you wouldn't want to get rid of anyway. I love you
and everything will be O.K." I tried to comfort and relax her.

"But I was gone. I was put to sleep, and Mom held me down, and you were not
there, and the doctor came at me with a knife....It stings a little down
there...What happened? Am I still..." Mim anxiously asked while she searched my
face for whatever might have shown her bad news.

I was happy that she had fully awakened now and I told her in short what had
happened. "You are O.K. You still have everything, except your hymen. It was too
much closed and would have caused you much discomfort anyway with your periods
and all."

I cautioned her with a meaningful glance into the doctor's direction who was
still sitting with his back towards us. "The doctor decided to share my view on
matters, and has resolved this 'sanitary' hazard. It also is a perfect cover-up
since it actually looks a tad ghastly down there right now. I will have to go
now, because mom can come back any minute now and then it will be up to you to
play the hurt little bird. I will be back later."

Having her fears and worries put to rest, Mim quickly stole a kiss, and managed
a wicked little smile. "I will be such a sweet little hurt bird. You will not
believe how hurt I will pretend to be. I will milk this for what it's worth, you
can rely on that."

I stood up, wondering what to do next, but the doctor had also risen and now
came up to the bed. "I vould suggest zat you make yourself scarce now my small
desperado, but I vould also suggest that you first release the hammer of your
revolver into a more safe position. Nasty things can happen vith zings like zat.
Now be off. I vill not look vere you go to, provided zat it vill be within a
very short time." The doctor advised.

"Thanks doc, I will do that. I will keep a close look at what you are doing
though." I still did not really like him and had the notion that I could only
trust him as far as I could keep track of him.

"You vill not haf to vorry. I vill clean up now. You, young lady, vill haf to
wear zis diaper-like garment inside your panties for a day or zree. Zere vill be
no furzer bleeding, but you may want to leave some blood-stains anyvay, so as to
make ze impression zat ze operation has actually taken place. Ask your brozzer
to donate some. It may strengthen his ego."

The doctor continued sourly. "Are you still here? Be gone, you stupid little
boy. Go play ze cowboy, or something similarly stupid. Go away and leaf me in
peace wis my patient." He commanded.

I made off to the mirror and slipped away into the safety of the maze, where I
took up my position as observer again. The doctor and Mim quietly talked for a
while, the doctor giving Mim advise on how to properly fool my parents and
anyone else for that matter. After an hour, the doctor unlocked the door to
Mim's room and waited.

Not long after that, both my mother and father entered Mim's room, and talked to
the doctor before even looking at Mim. "How did it go?" My dad gruffly demanded
to know.
"No problems at all Mr. Scariff. Vould you vish to be presented viz ze proof of
ze operation?" The Doctor replied. My father grew pale and shook his head, but
my mother clearly could not contain her morbid fascination and with unbecoming
eagerness indicated her interest in the matter.

The doctor showed the fake set of pitiful remains, and that caused my father to
gag, turn away and leave the room without a word, whereas my mother looked at
it briefly with an almost disappointed look, upon which said coldly to the
doctor. "Very well, doctor. You can take that away now, and dispose of it in an
appropriate manner. We have no further use for it."

"As you vish, madam." The doctor said while packing away the box into his
instrument-case. "I vill haf to charge you additionally for disposal of human
remains, however. I vill send you ze bill shortly. Good day." The doctor did not
wait for replies or protestations and swiftly left the room.

In my hiding place I quietly chuckled. I did not begrudge the rascal his
additional income at the expense of my parents. He had served our goals
perfectly and splendidly. I hoped to have seen the last of him, though.

My mother went to Mim's bed and sat down on the chair next to it. "My poor
little darling." She addressed Mim while stroking Mim's hair. "You will have
some pain there, but it was really necessary for you to go through this. Even
more so now your poor brother Jarvis has returned from France, being less than
half the man than when he went to it. You are now the hope of our family empire.
Your marriage with the good young master Arbuckle will guarantee the position of
our family within the trade. Rest now, my dear. I will return later."
Not waiting for any possible replies from my sister's side, she stood up and
strode out of Mim's bedroom and closed the door behind her. Leaving Mim to her
own thoughts and, were it not for the real course of events, her despair and her

I felt free to quickly open the mirror, poke my head in and say. "I will be with
you as soon as possible Mim. I will come through the normal door though." Mim
smiled and nodded acknowledgement, and I went off again, this time to the hidden
domain to finally rid myself of the revolver.  After that I returned to my own
room through which I entered the normal house environment. I left my room into
the hallway and noticed that the door to Jarvis's suite was open.

CHAPTER 16: How to mend the Broken and the Warped

Curiously I peeked inside and saw that there were many cases and boxes inside.
"Come in, Francis." I heard my older brother's voice from the private quarters
in the adjacent room. "It is you Francis, isn't it?" He asked. I walked into the
bedroom and looked at Jarvis who was sitting in a wheelchair. Jarvis was a
shadow of himself. His left leg was missing and his face looked ashen, severely
scarred and four times his real age. His breath came out in short wheezing gasps
and he had an unhealthy cough that wracked his posture and contorted his face
whenever he had to cough, which was often. I was appalled. "My Lord, Jarvis what
has happened to you?" I softly asked as I walked over to him and took his frail
and pathetically thin hands in mine. He didn't answer straightaway, but somebody
else did in an un-mistakenly British voice.

"By courtesy of His Emperial Highness Kaiser Wilhelm poor old Jarvis was honored
with ever so much more than a whiff of poison gas, kindly and lovingly delivered
by the grenade that equally lovingly relieved your brother from his leg. By the
way, I'm Captain Reginald Aldershot of His Royal Majesty the King's Own Ulster
Fuseliers. You can call me Reggie for short. No, you can't give me a hand,
because I have none left, but those are the only things I'm missing, whereas
your brother has to do with less than his originally issued equipment. I decided
to be a good sport and drop him off at home. We have become quite close, you
know. Hospitals tend to do that. Well in any case, here we are. Nice to meet you
anyway, old chap."

Reginald was tall, thin, sandy haired with a  short clipped sand-colored
moustache. He was dressed in a British officer's uniform with his hands showing
as unmoving black gloves.

I walked up to him and without offering a hand I said." Nice to meet you
Reginald, I am as you know Jarvis's brother Francis, and I am dreadfully sorry
to see both of you in the condition that you are. If there's anything that I can
do for both of you, please let me know. I will do anything within my means to
help. "

"Jolly good of you. Old sport." Reginald answered with a stoic smile.
"We will talk later, Francis. Please leave us alone for now." Jarvis added

"All right, Jarvis. I will leave now, and I'll see both of you later." I
replied, simply not knowing what to add further to the conversation, and I left
the room and Jarvis's study.

I was shocked and sad about what had happened to Jarvis and his friend Reggie.
Deep in thoughts I went into Mim's room, and quietly walked over to her. "What
took you so long Francis and what is eating you?" Mim asked seriously, seeing
the somber look upon my face.

"I went to see poor old Jarvis. He lost a leg and is in a very bad shape. I feel
very sorry for him, but I think that he doesn't want that." I replied. "He
brought a friend with him who lost both of his hands. British officer called
Reginald. Nice guy, but totally out of his mind I'm afraid." I told Mim.

"But Francis, that is horrible. Mom came by as well and acted as if Jarvis is
nothing more than an inconvenience and a liability by now." Mim said
disgustedly. "They now think that I'm the only one to save the family fortune,
given the Arbuckle deal. I think they will be in for a surprise." She continued
grimly and asked me in a serious way "Is there any way we can possibly get
Jarvis involved in our pact so that he will not be so terribly alone? I mean,
right now he's not one of us, and apparently mom and dad dropped him like a hot
brick. That leaves him with no one to turn to in this house, except maybe that
Reginald character that he brought along."

I was truly touched by her immediate and unselfish concern for Jarvis and
impressed with her practical approach in the matter, because it made a lot of
sense. "My lovely Mim, there is a reason why I love you so much, aside from your
looks that is. You are so right about that, but I would like to practice a
little more caution. I'll try to figure out a little more about Jarvis and
Reggie before we make any opening moves allright?" I explained and Mim nodded
gravely in agreement and soon her beautiful face took on a look of joyful

"And now something different, my dear brother." She said. "All is found to be in
good working order with me. I ran a complete set of tests, and all appears to be
in perfect operational status, except that by now I can stick my finger all the
way in whereas that was not possible in the past. So when can we do something
about that terrible hunger that I feel inside of me? Right now, I am salivating
like a maniac from my second little mouth. If my 'bunny' doesn't get its carrot
very soon, I don't know what I will do. I am almost desperate with lust."

I felt my member jumping and start swelling. "Be careful my little sister."
I said, "We are not in the clear yet, although we passed the worst, we are not
to raise any suspicion, or we will have an entirely different ballgame on our
hands.  I lust after you as well, and possibly we can do something about that
tonight, if you feel up to it." I kissed her lips and mischievously played with
my tongue over her lips and briefly met hers, tasting her sweet mouth.

"I could have you here and now. My body is ready for you and my belly is crying
out for you." Mim said longingly. "Except that that would be very risky, since I
am to get my diner here any moment now."

"I'll check later tonight, and if you still feel that way we can go up to the
hidden domain." I said, standing up and walking to the door. "Until then play
the hurt little bird, sweet sister. Play it to the limit and with conviction.
Your parts depend on it." I blew her a kiss and opened the door, only to bump
into the massive hulk of Miss Biggle who carried Mim evening meal.

"Goodness Gracious me, Young master Francis, you gave me quite a scare there.
Everyone has been looking for you and diner is served. They are all waiting for
you. How is the poor young lady doing by now?" She asked quietly with pity and
compassion in her voice.

"She's suffering Miss Biggle, she is really hurting presently. Hopefully your
kind services, a good meal and a sound night's rest will do her good." I gravely
said, straining not to let my real feelings transpire.

"Please go ahead and serve her the meal, she is great need of it in order to
recover." After this I made off and went to the dining area to take part in the
family diner.

Diner was set, and all were waiting for me to join them. Mom and dad sat on the
opposite ends of the table, as far away from each other as decency allowed.
Jarvis sat slumped in his wheelchair glumly staring at nothing in particular.
Reginald sat stiffly and ramrod straight in his immaculate officers' diner
jacket, his back free from the chairs' back and let his gaze wander across all
gathered at the table letting it briefly rest on each of us so as to muster the
individuals in detail. I attempted to appear as my normal self, and quietly and
quickly took my place at the table.

 Mother eyed me with obvious disapproval and addressed her aggravation regarding
my tardiness with sarcasm. "Well, now that young master Francis has found it in
the goodness of his heart to join us for the evening meal.  Let me welcome our
dear son Jarvis back into our family home. He went  through great and terrible
ordeals and joins us here as a hero and a champion of freedom after having
served so bravely on the battlefields of France."

Jarvis stirred nervously and let his eyes wander across the table with a haunted
look that made me almost feel his pain and suffering. "You can leave it at that
Mother, It is of no significance." He wheezed.

Mother raised her eyebrows and glared at him, but continued. "Also we would like
to welcome the honorable Captain Sir Reginald Aldershot, who likewise served in
France and made his sacrifices to freedom in service of His Royal Majesty King
George with the Kings Own Ulster Fuseliers.

He was so good as to accompany Jarvis on his way home and has our deep respect
and affection for the kind care that he extended to our son. Sir Reginald
deserves our friendship and support and will be welcome to stay here as long as
he desires. For the time being he will share Jarvis's quarters until more
fitting arrangements can be made."

Sir Reginald showed us a smile that did not reach his eyes, and acknowledged all
at the table by politely nodding to each one of us. "Thank you for your kind and
welcoming words, my lady, I am deeply indebted by your hospitality and extend to
you my services as honor dictates." He said, his voice sounding formally and
ultimately correct. He almost let sound like a parade-ground exercise.

Mother did not deem it necessary to further acknowledge my presence, or mention
anything about Mim for that matter and the meal was served.

For a man without hands, Sir Reginald was remarkably agile and proficient in
dealing with the meal and to any unaware observer he would show hardly any clue
that would betray his handicap. He also was quite sociable and kept up a steady
stream in the conversation. As it turned out, he had been educated mostly in
boarding schools because his parents lived mainly overseas while being
commissioned in the respective colonial administrations. At the age of 14 he had
entered Officer's school and had capped off his education with the Sandhurst
Academy, where he received officers' commission at the top of his class.

Jarvis remained quiet and ate his meal in silence, his attention directed to his
plate and would only respond when directly addressed to. He made the impression
of being burdened under intense guilt and something else that I could not quite
put my finger on, but I thought that that would come later. For now, I felt very
sorry for him and tried to cheer him up a bit by chit-chatting away about the
few things worth mentioning that took place during his absence. He clearly
feigned his interest in the matters that I brought up, and at one point
indicated that he was tired and wanted to left alone.

Father had struck up a conversation with Sir Reginald, and clearly had problems
keeping up his end of it under the mercurial storming pace that Sir Reginald
set. Father looked worried, pale and I suddenly noticed that he had lost quite a
bit of hair as of lately. At some places it looked as if whole chunks of his
hair had simply vanished, and his look had a strange haunted quality over it. It
was as if he was not quite there.

It dawned on me that he must be sick and remembering the conversation between
him and mother, a month ago I suspected that it could very well have to do with
his frequent visits to Ms. Flaherty's 'Sports-club'. Father had syphilis, I
concluded and I strained to remember what I had read about it in the library and
in the collection in the attic. What immediately came to mind was not very
reassuring, but I decided to look it up and get more detailed information. The
meal was winding down to its end, with Father, Sir Reginald and Jarvis
retreating to the smoking room to indulge in cigars and brandy, and mother
enjoying her customary glass or port in solitude.

I myself was, as normal, subjected to the much dreaded and disgusted indignity
of the cod-liver oil treatment before I was allowed to excuse myself and make
myself scarce.

Sucking on the customary peppermints that, as far as I could remember, followed
on the spoonful of cod-liver oil I left the dining area, and went to my own
room. I had found that to be the safest route to wherever I wanted to go
afterward, because I could lock my own door, and then choose the mirror to gain
access to the network.

My thoughts of dinner were still swirling around in my mind and I needed some
time to sort them out and let them settle where I thought them to appropriate.
Of course Mim was never far away from my thoughts, and I felt very warm towards
her. This day had been something that we had dreaded so much, and the feeling,
that it was over and done with in the way that we wanted it to, made me feel
very powerful and confident. Even the disturbing reappearance of Jarvis and the
introduction of Reggie did not seem to take away much of the glow that I felt.

After locking my door, I went to the mirror and disappeared into the safe
darkness of the network to make my shortest route to Mim's room. As by now
customary, I first checked whether the coast was clear and since all looked
peaceful and quiet in Mim's room, I entered it through her mirror.

Mim was delighted to see me and we kissed and hugged each other for a while. It
was still too early for the rest of the house to settle down for the night and
it was theoretically possible that visitors would come and see Mim in her room.
We decided to be cautious and at least keep up an appearance of correctness and
modesty. It was no secret, by now, that  Mim and I were close as brother and
sister, and the fact that I would spend time with her after the presumed
operation would be seen as very normal and even laudable. Except by my mother of
course. She came in after about an hour, evidently after having enjoyed more
than her normal single glass of port.

Her gait was slightly unstable, her hair was in disarray and She was utterly
dismayed to find me in Mim's bedroom.  She did not hesitate a second to give
vent to this in a slurred avalanche of venom, which for the sake of good order
and decency, I will not, even now after so many years, repeat.

Mainly she vented her wrath in accusations and innuendo to my address that,
frankly speaking, were not too far of the mark, combined with generalizations
about the male variety in general, and my father's offspring in particular. She
then proceeded with unholy glee to list and explain the extent of the operation
that she perceived as having taken place and it portent on the rest of Mim's
life in most vulgar details.

Mim and I exchanged glances and we decided to play it along for the sake of
safety. Although the last month had taught us a lot about my mothers prevailing
attitudes and preferences and to keep our cards close to our chests, this was
not an easy thing to do. Both of us had limited knowledge of the effects of
alcohol, let alone ways of dealing with clearly intoxicated and belligerent
individuals. So we complied and resorted to expected behavior by me throwing a
tantrum and Mim starting to cry and sob.

This apparently only seemed to aggravate the situation because Mom intensified
her diatribe, and soon the altercation started to attract a more general

First the kind Miss Biggle appeared and while wringing her hands in despair she
tried to calm mother with soothing remarks with the effect of only aggravating
things further and by inviting herself to be included in mom's vituperations.

Next in line was poor Joseph, who by simply appearing was added to the roll-call
of vices and insults, although here several racial epitaphs were added to the
already very colorful and descriptive tirade.

Finally father, Jarvis and Sir Reginald joined the fray, and the pandemonium was
complete. Suddenly it seemed as if mother had run into a brick wall. She stopped
dead in her tracks and looked around at the congregated inhabitants of our
house. Without a further word she marched out of Mim's room and slamming doors
behind her, she went off to her own wing of the house. If nothing else, mom had
by now managed to antagonize everyone on the premises. The dogs and our carriage
horses were already unpleasantly disposed to her anyway.

Father and Jarvis seemed only marginally shocked by all the things that had
passed review in mother's eloquent descriptions. Sir Reginald now, for the first
time, showed some kind of emotion by being completely flabbergasted after which
he asked while showing a toothy grin. "Good Lord, Jarvis, have you spilled the
beans on me already, or were these the general assumptions?  She would do well
in the house of commons, or with the trade-unions for that matter."

We left it at that and all except me left Mim's room. I sat down again beside
Mim's bed. We were both quiet and did not really know what to think of this
whole undignified affair. Mim was still sniffing a bit and was slowly regaining
her emotional balance. "What a horrid experience!" She said. "What filthy,
degrading and uncompromisingly hateful thoughts does she have. Francis, is
that what 'it' has done to her?".

"No, Mim it can't be only that. There must have been a world full of frustration
within her that made her say these things. She probably never had any other way
of expressing them and now, being intoxicated, she lost her inhibitions to keep
them inside. She'll be sorry if and when she realizes what she said, but I doubt
it whether she's ever going to admit that. It is best not to think too much of
it and remain within our normal patterns of behavior. Speaking of which; How do
you feel by now?"

"I feel O.K. Francis, but please don't go away now. I need to have you with me
after this disgusting event. Just to get it out of my thoughts." Mim answered
quietly and continued "She really wants me to go through what she underwent in
all those years. It is so sad, so intensely sad." I remained quiet and simply
held and stroked her hands.

We sat there for I don't know how long. Finally we heard Jarvis and Reginald go
to their quarters, about half an hour later followed by dad's heavy footsteps
indicating that he too was retiring for the night. I turned down the lights and
lit the candle on Mim's nightstand. "It looks like things are settling down a
bit." I said and kissed Mim softly on the side of her neck. "Mmmmm, I thought
you'd never get around doing that. It makes never fails to make me want you."

Mim replied, clearly having dealt with what previously happened. "Let's go up
and play a little." She added lightheartedly in whispers, and got out of the
bed. "I don't need that for tonight, I think." She said, and pulled down her
underpants with the bloody diaper in it, after which she put on her housecoat
and her slippers. Looking intently at me she whispered in a seductive voice "Are
you coming with me, dear brother of mine? We have some cherries to pick. I think
it is harvesting season." If I wasn't sure whether this night was to be the
right one, I was now and I was glad that I let her set the pace. I could have
waited a lot longer, but now that she made it clear that she was up for it, I
was not going to back out of it. "Coming, Dear!" I whispered back, while my
member was quickly erecting itself. I got up, took her hand and together we
walked to the mirror.

CHAPTER 17: Sweetness of forbidden fruit

Once we were in our secret room, I led Mim to the table where I had placed a
little box. I the box were 2 rings that I bought earlier that week. I had left
the house and had Joseph take me to one of the jewelers in town. Joseph did not
ask questions, but was truly surprised that I wanted to go there. I had asked
him to wait with the carriage while I was selecting the rings.

The jeweler had been a short, bald friendly man with a pleasant accent. He had
shown me several examples of his selection. I finally settled for a pair of
exquisitely crafted rings that consisted of two identical golden bands
intertwined in each other. The jeweler was shocked that I chose those since they
were by far the most expensive pair in their weight category.

He was even more shocked that I paid him in cash with four of the gold pieces
that I had taken from the hoard in the attic. "Young man, this is most unusual.
You embarrass me greatly, because I cannot accept these pieces. You are
overpaying me in such magnitude that I cannot hope to have change for it." I was
in no mood for complications, so I said. "Keep them and do something nice with
them. The rings that I bought are expected to represent and last a lifetime. The
four pieces are a pittance compared to that. Good day to you and yours."

Mim's eyes went wide when she saw the rings, and she brought her hands to her
mouth as she gasped. "Oh, Francis, those are the most beautiful rings I have
ever seen! They are so fine and .... They are perfect!"

"I thought so as well. I only had to think of you, divide your loveliness by a
million-gazillion and match the result. These barely made it." I whispered in
her ear, while nibbling her earlobe. "I love you, I want you and I want you to
be mine forever, my dear little sister." Mim said nothing. She just stood there,
and watched the rings. Then she turned to me, with tears in her eyes, and her
lower lip trembling. "And I want you Frank. No 'buts and ifs'. I will be yours."

We embraced and kissed, our hands holding, then stroking,  searching, holding
again. Reluctantly we let go of each other, and started to undress. Mim being
dressed only in her housecoat and nightgown helped me and slowed me down just
enough to make me want her even more. Her small soft hands caressing me wherever
she got hold of me. My blood sang in my ears, and to me it felt as if she was
magical, radiating warmth and love to me. We did not say anything, since there
was nothing to be said.

She led me to the bed and embraced me as we stood there. I let my hands play
through her hair and I smelled the fine sweet fragrance of her hair and her
body, feeling her skin touch mine very lightly. Her small nipples and the firm
softness of her developing breasts pressing against my chest made me ache for
her and I kissed her shoulders and her neck. She raised her head and her eyes
met mine in an infinitely loving gaze. I did not want this ever to end and I
felt so full of love towards her. I felt it fill me and build up like a giant
wave, except that it never seemed to crest, it just kept on growing.
My manhood, already fully erected for I don't know how long, made wet spots on
her belly where it touched her, and I felt her warm wetness where she pressed
her hairless gender against my thigh.

I covered her face with kisses, and let our mouths meet, part, then meet again,
our lips parting and our tongues meeting joyfully, touching, tasting, exploring.
We were in no hurry, but we were hungry for each other. We wanted to make this
last a lifetime, but we wanted to be one.

We knew that we would not be understood by others, that we would be outcasts,
freaks, despised by our society. We could never hope to gain recognition for our
feelings and our bond, but we felt strong and we knew our feelings to be true. I
held her face and drank in her loveliness through my eyes, see the fine tiny
droplets of sweat on her forehead, the perfect lines of her eyebrows and her
deep blue-green eyes that I could gladly lose myself in. We let our lust for
each other ebb a little and provide us with some room for seriousness.

"You realize that we are going to do something that others will not fully
understand and if they do, reject as being abnormal, don't you?" I quietly
asked. "Yes Frank, I know, but I am decided, and I want this to happen. It feels
so right now that it seems inconceivable that it will ever feel wrong to me. We
are so close, have so much trust, and are so convinced that this is good for us.
I want this to happen, no matter what happens afterwards. Even now there is no
road back. " Mim answered, and stated as a matter of fact.

"By the way, it is safe to do it now, since I will not be fertile in the coming
week. I did some reading up on that, and if I understand correctly, I am not
supposed to be fertile anyway, but theoretically the fertile part of my cycle
will be about ten days from now. Let's keep that in mind for the future."

I was startled and felt stupid and guilty at first. Mostly because this aspect
had actually escaped my attention, and I admired Mim for having done her

"Good thinking sweet sister of mine, you were way ahead of me in this respect. I
had not even thought of that. Now let's be lovers and pledge ourselves to each
other. I have prepared something to that effect." I solemnly stated, and I
pulled two sheets of parchment from under a pillow on which I had written our

I handed one over to Mim who quickly read it and nodded with a smile. "You are
so romantic and thoughtful. I consider myself lucky to be with you." She said
with tears in her eyes. "It touches me very deeply. So deeply that it almost

I did not quite know where to start at this moment, so I just started to read
out the vows from the parchment. "Do you, Miranda Melinda accept from your
brother Francis Theodore, his virginity in proof of the love, trust and comfort
that you find in the bond of brother and sister, in spirit, mind, soul and body.

To love and relish him, in health as well as in sickness, in prosperity as well
as in need, in acceptance as well as under adversity until providence, fate or
death do us part." I read with a shaking voice.

Mim raised her head and looked me straight in my eyes "I do." she replied barely
audible and started to read out her part.

"Do you, Francis Theodore accept from you sister Miranda Melinda, her virginity
in proof of the love, trust and comfort that you find in the bond of brother and
sister, in spirit, mind, soul and body. To love and relish her, in health as
well as in sickness, in prosperity as well as in need, in acceptance as well as
under adversity until providence, fate or death do us part." She finished
radiantly looking up at me.

"I do" I said hoarsely, feeling tears well up in my eyes.

I got up, walked to the table and picked up the box with the rings. Back on the
bed I took out the smallest one and put it on Mim's hand. Mim took out the other
ring and put it on mine. "For all intents and purposes, I consider myself as
being married to you my, dear little sister. " I told Mim happily.

"As I to you, my dear little brother. Forever" She replied softly.

We kissed, and let the fire of our lust rekindle and flame up. We lay down on
the bed again and looked at each other, admiring and wanting. Seemingly letting
our hands live a life of their own, stroking, exploring, wandering off and
returning, their sole purpose to give warmth and comfort and receive it at the
same time. We kissed and let our mouths explore where our hands could not be. It
felt as if we flowed together, our joy and ecstasy intertwining, our sweat and
other fluids mingling, our drive becoming one all consuming urge to become
physically one and perform the ultimate act of sexual unity. My manhood was as
big as it would ever get, and Mim's femininity was brimming over with her
welcoming lubricating juices. Even without direct stimulation we were both on
the verge of an orgasm, and I felt my testicles tightening, preparing for the
rush the release that I sought to withhold for as long as possible.

"Now, Francis, let me have you now. I have waited for so long, I want you!
Please, get into me now!" Mim pleaded. She rolled on her back, spread her legs
as wide as she could and tilted her pelvis so as to give me as easy access to
her vagina as possible. "Yes, I want you too my dear! I will go deep into you,
and we will be one!" I sighed, while getting between her beautiful legs. Seeing
her small, delicate and moist love-temple open to me with her small lips swollen
and her clitoris fully erected in expectation of me, almost made me orgasm.

I leaned over her and rubbed the top of my shaft through her delicious juices. I
rolled my foreskin fully over the top, while putting it at the entrance of her
vagina. Then I gently pushed forward and went into her a little bit almost as if
afraid to hurt my sister, who soon would be my woman. Her labia parted further
and let me into her. I lifted my head and looked Min in her eyes while I hung
over her lithe young body, resting on my arms, slowly lowering myself on top of
her longing and squirming belly and chest.

The entrance of her vagina made a tight little circle at the top of my thrusting
member and I felt it growing wider. Wider and wider still, until it snapped
tight around the head of my shaft and I slowly started pushing into my sister-
wife-woman. I was past where her virginity used to be and felt her warmth and
moistness envelop me, churning, sucking me into her, urging to fill and fulfill
her completely. I pulled back slightly, and went forward again. This time a
little further, deeper, warmer.

CHAPTER 18: Quickening

I looked at Mim's face. Her eyes were closed now and she crooned in ecstasy, her
lips slightly apart. Her were hips moving now, thrusting upwards to meet me, her
pelvis tilting to work me deeper into her. I kissed her full on the mouth now,
our mouths opening and hungrily letting our tongues meet and dance a wild dance
of passion and delight. I pulled back again, and felt her tight femininity hold
me and only reluctantly letting me go, her lubricating moisture coating my
shaft, making it feel cooler when moving out, inviting me to return to the
warmth within her. Groaning, I pushed in again, deeper and deeper. Her warm
vagina kneading my member, her tightly contracted muscle pulsing and rippling,
causing waves of pleasure to course through my body.

With sudden clarity it struck me that I was really making love to my thirteen-
year-old sister. The reality of that combined with the love that I felt for Mim
and the primitive ecstasy brought me to a higher level of consciousness. One
where mind, spirit and body become truly one, one with Mim's as well. This time
I did not pull back and just kept going deeper and deeper until I could go no
further. Mim's wide open gender and labia kissed and fully enveloped my surging
manhood, her clitoris grinding against the base of the shaft and the top of my
penis rubbing her cervix. We started moving, rotating and grinding. We were
stimulating each other in ways that our fingers and mouths were never able to
and will never be. One in rhythm, one in love, one with each other, completely
fulfilled and fulfilling.

Our mouths parted and we kissed shoulders, neck and chest of one another. Mim
pulled up her legs and folded them behind my back while her hands grasped me on
my back. Our union became a blurring feast of feeling, smelling, tasting, its
rhythm increasing with our ecstasy. Our breathing became deeper and our moans
less controllable. Faster and deeper, more intense until I felt Mim buck under
me and she bit me in my shoulder until it bled. The nails of her fingers dug
into the muscles along my spine. A primitive cry of lust welled up from her,
after which she found my mouth and wildly kissed me.

Her vagina contracted in a series of the tightest spasm so far and, in turn, I
felt my semen course through my shaft, building up pressure and with tender
violence, stroke after stroke, I pumped my seed into my ecstatically receiving
sister. "Ooohhh, AAAHHHH, Mim, you are finally mine. HHHAaaahhh, We are one in
blood and one in incest. OOOHHhhh I will love you the end of time." Panting and
sighing Mim answered "And if you think.... that can get away with less,.... you
are dead wrong. HooOOooohhhh, I will have you every night. Don't stop now, I
want you to continue I feel another....  AAAHHH, Yes,.. Yes,.... Yes ...Ooohh
This is the best thing I ever did!!! Deeper, Yes, Fill me, IIIEEEEAAAaaahhh! 
Ohhhhhhhh," And again her deliciously tight vagina milked my throbbing organ so
that my lust exploded again within her with waves of my young semen coursing
from me into her hungry body.

We rested a while with me inside her and we tenderly caressed each other.
Wordless songs of love, leaving no place for other thoughts, went through our
mind in celebration of our deepest feelings for one another. The flames of our
incestuous lust flared up and raged high again when we both had our third orgasm
in our first carnal union, before we were spent. I stayed in her as long as my
softening and shrinking organ allowed me to. Even when I finally slipped out of
her, I remained on top of her, hearing her breath and heartbeat slowing down and
return to normal. I felt dizzy and at the same time so peaceful, so much filled
with love for my sister that it brought tears of joy to my eyes.

Mim lay quiet after the waves of her orgasms had settled down to a peaceful and
satisfied glow. Her eyes were closed and she had a broad lazy smile on her face.
"Don't move darling." She murmured  "Just don't move. I feel sooo gooood. I want
this to last as long as possible. This was the most powerful feeling that I ever
had and I want more of it pretty soon."

So I remained where I was for I don't know how long, and very tenderly kissed
her face, noticing the single teardrop that ran from her eyes. I kissed away the
teardrop that I knew to be of joy and not of hurt, and she opened her beautiful
eyes to look at me. "It was good for me too." I said softly, my voice cracking
and showing the first signs of dropping my voice from a young adolescent to that
of a young man. "We are man and woman now, and you have part of me still in you
where it will become part of you. I feel so completely one with you...."

Mim put a finger on my lips. "Hush now, I want to hear and feel your heartbeat,
and just lie here with you while we rest until we are ready again. This is going
to be a night for us to remember and relish, and I want it be memorable to the
limit. So get your rest while you can, my sweetheart and my savior, because I
intend to have all of you tonight." She sounded so much older and mature, now
that I allowed myself to see her in her own strength and with her own desires,
which soon were to be mine as well. My member thought so anyway and started
growing again. I pressed it against Mim's open vagina and, even while it had not
even half erected itself, it effortless found its way into her, firming up as it
went. "Hmmmmm, that feels heavenly. Keep up the good work, my love." Mim
crooned, playfully working her love-muscle. "Just keep it there. Ready for me to
enjoy it. I will make it worth your while." I continued to let my penis grow
into her, feeling everything get into place, remembering and recognizing. I felt
her stretch around me, her clitoris pressing to the front at the base of my
shaft. The depth of her vagina fitting perfectly around the tip of my penis, and
kneading it with every tiny move that we made. Her cervix resting as a soft and
firm knot on top of my penis's tip. Rubbing it and send early streaks of
pleasure through me like the first light stirring in the air before a nearing
hot summer's thunderstorm, promising of the things to come. I lifted myself a
bit and let my mouth find her hard little nipples, sucking them in, and
playfully nibbling them. Mim kissed my arms, and let her hands roam over them,
feeling them and here and there playfully pinching them as if to sample the

"You've got nice arms." Mim remarked, smiling affectionately. "I noticed that
they are very strong when you held me. It feels good when you hold me that
tightly. It makes me feel safe, secure, as if you can defend me and protect me,
like I know you would." She started moving her hips and worked her exquisite
little love muscle as if to make it feel the best for both of us, and I answered
her movements while continuing to caress her wherever I could touch her.

Mim continued on a happily pensive tone "Funny, that just over a month ago, we
barely knew each other, although we have lived together for as long as I know."
I answered her "Well, I guess maybe that's why we are now like we are. I mean,
something drove us together and kept us there until we finally got to know each
other. It kind of forced us to open up and when that happened we fell in love
and also in lust for that matter." I lowered my face to hers and gently kissed
her again and Mim answered the kiss enthusiastically, after which she went on
with "You know, I think I always liked you and was attracted to you. You always
seemed to have a purpose, drive, something to do. I wanted to be with you, just
to share in that." We continued to move in unison, letting our bodies enjoy in a
relaxed, lazy, yet very intimate fashion. The pleasure was not less, though and
very soon our conversation made place for our lustful moans and sighs of
enjoyment. Still we kept the same leisurely pace, my manhood hardly moving in or
out of Mim's femininity, but our most sensitive parts almost constantly
stimulated by our slow and easy movements. It took immense efforts from both of
us, to keep control and not take off on the mad dash towards release, and we
paced each other with caresses, kisses, touching and holding. Mim and I
continued to look each other in the eyes, in wonder and deep enjoyment of one
another. Our orgasms, when we finally reached them, were devastating, like
tornadoes. Suddenly striking, with dizzying, devastating, primitive power.

Overwhelming us and sweeping us up and away from our consciousness and into a
maelstrom of loving, lusting, and intense pleasure. When we finally came to, it
felt like an awakening, a quickening, a barrier had broken and we felt free.

Our bodies felt as if aglow from our intimate embrace. Our minds were clear,
clean and bright with purpose and dedication to each other.

It felt like the opposite of being spent. Mim giggled "That was fun, and highly
rewarding my lover. We have to do this again some time." And she tickled me,
until I was squirming and giggling myself.

My member slipped out of her and a huge gulp of my semen mixed with Mim's juices
flowed out of her vagina, spreading over us and over the bed. The sweet and
exiting smell of our lovemaking became almost tangible and when it reached us,
it intoxicated us, revitalized us. We smeared it all over us and started kissing
each other where we could, feeling and tasting each other and our love juices.

At one point I lay on my back with Mim lying halfway over me. My erection was
pointing up into the air at an angle when Mim caught sight of it, she looked
back at me and smiled mischievously. "What? Not done yet? Well my dear little
brother, neither am I. I think I'm going to take you for a ride, my stud." She
stood up on the bed, firmly planted her feet on either side of me, and lowered
herself upon me, straddling me and leading my manhood between her reddened and
swollen labia, into her warm and dripping little hole.

"Li'l bunny is hungry, gotta feed li'l bunny some carrot, or else li'l bunny
will be sad." Mim said in a little girly voice. "Brother has a nice carrot for
li'l bunny. Nice juicy carrot that makes poor hungry li'l bunny feel good. Li'l
bunny's mouth is watering for brother's carrot. Go ahead, li'l bunny and have
some of brother's juicy carrot. It is nice and healthy for you."

While saying this she lowered herself over my shaft and slowly it went in. The
sight of my sister's beautiful young, lithe and supple body, and my erected
member entering her, slowly sliding entirely into her until our bodies met
exited me tremendously. So much that I almost provided her immediately with a
fresh serving of my seed. "Oh no, you don't!" Mim said playfully, apparently
sensing my lustful excitement, and squeezed my testicles. "Li'l  bunny first
wants to chew on it a li'l bit before li'l bunny wants the juicy part of it."

Savoring her own stimulation she continued "Ooooh, MMMmmmm, that feels different
and nice, different perspective, you see...Yes, this is gooooood..."

I started to move inside of her, feeling different pressures and workings of her
tight love-muscle. Mim performed some acrobatics to try out a couple of
different angles. I pulled up my knees slightly so that she could lay back
against them, and I let my hands roam over the front of her body. I played with
her small erected nipples and let my hands slide down to her hips holding her
there regulating the rhythm of our copulation.

Mim clearly liked that and indicated this by riding me to the fullest, deepest
and with enthusiasm. "HMMMmmmmm, This is nice for a long, long ride for the sake
of riding, but I prefer to feel your warm and strong body when we make love."

She commented, and without letting me out of her, she came forward and laid
herself on top of me. She covered me with her radiating warm body, and letting
her long black curls hang so that it formed a sweet smelling shroud around both
our heads, she kissed me. I put my arms around her and let my hands retake their
position on her hips. Mim now started to pump me, riding her clitoris over the
full length of my shaft. "How's that for a change, your nice little sister
humping you." She asked with a naughty smile on her face. "Well, my horny and
lusty little nymph-sister, I guess that variety is the spice of life, in which
case we are headed for a spicy life." I responded with difficulty because my
release was imminent. Whether Mim heard me or not, was uncertain since she had
reached a point where her stimulation had gotten the better of her. I responded
to her frantic movements and we rode each other to the oblivion of sexual
rewards. Her delicious young body straining, bucking and kneading while my body
emptied itself into her with my last sperm coursing into her. We lay still now,
still one in flesh. Mim was still on top of me and straddling me, her knees
pulled up high alongside my body, her head resting on my chest.

I had my arms around her and held her as if I never was to let her go. Not in a
single instance in my life had I felt so contented and close with anyone before.
Mim started moving, rocking me gently, and I followed her movements. They were
not intended to prepare for another release. Her vagina was relaxed now, still
holding my member, and softly massaging it with the contractions due to our
rocking together. Words were too much at that point so we remained quiet for
quite a while, savoring the tranquillity and intimacy that we shared.

Finally she said "I think that I now had you completely, all for myself and all
within me. I can not think of a better and more complete way to lose my
virginity to the one that I love. I love you so dearly Frank and I think that I
will be a good partner to you, like you are to me. I am never going to let you
go." "Mim, you already were my partner long before this night, at least that's
the way I feel it to be. I am dedicated to you and will be until I die.
Never in my wildest fantasies and dreams did I expect this night to be like it
turned out to be. I feel happy, lucky and completely fulfilled with and by you
all at once. We are one!" Mim shuddered and sobbed once, a tear or two dripping
on my chest.
"It's not because of grief, sweetheart, it is because I am so happy." She looked
up and her face cleared up now, a tender and warm smile broke through like rays
of the sun. "The sex was fabulous though, and although I am through with it for
now, I'm sure that I'll be hungry for you again by breakfast." Switching to her
little girly voice now she continued "Li'l bunny liked brother's carrot very
much. Li'l bunny found brother's carrot nice and juicy, but li'l bunny's mouth
is a little tired and sore from eating brother's carrot so voraciously. Li'l
bunny will now go to sleep, and dream of big brother's big juicy carrot." She
giggled and let her head rest on my chest again. "I guess that we'll have to go
back to our rooms pretty soon now, and play the hurt little bird thing. Well
that's O.K. It could have been a lot worse, I guess, and I don't really have to
play very hard. I feel kind of lived in by now, so to speak. I'm sore."

I had merely listened to her babbling, with an occasional smile and a nod of
acknowledgment. I was glad that she was so smart and wise for her age with the
sense of humor. My penis, which was still half erected and inside Mim, felt
definitely well used, although sore was hardly the word for it.

My foreskin was a little stretched, I guess. "Yes, we'll have to go back, and
appear as normal as possible. I'll make sure that I'll be the one to take care
of you and bring up your food. I don't think that anyone will object and I want
to be as close to you as I can manage." I told her.

"As to the sex, I think that you are a natural Mim. I had never expected it to
be like this, but I also think that not many have ever had sex as open and
uninhibited as we had. I mean, we consciously made the decision and we have
looked forward to it together as equals. Under pressure from outside, but still
as equals. That, in itself is not normal in our culture where girls and women
are normally sexually repressed to the extreme and where masculinity is measured
by the forcefulness, violence and re-productivity of a man. I want you to be
equal to me and I certainly don't want to force you into doing things that are
against your own interest or even slightly against your will. I trust you too
much for that." I seriously concluded, hugging her and kissing her tenderly on
her forehead.

"Let's get going. It will be getting light very soon now and I wouldn't wonder
if Joseph and Miss Biggle aren't already rattling the pots and the pans." Mim
reluctantly got up and with a sigh let me slip outside her. "Ouch, My muscles
ache in places where I never assumed I had any. This must be pretty good
gymnastics, dear brother of mine. Let's keep our head with it though. Much as I
love to have sex with you, I don't think that I'm ready to carry your child. I
think that we are in the clear for the next week, but after that I will be off
limits for a while. That should keep you hungry, shouldn't it?"

I chuckled and nodded while helping her getting dressed. "Sure my darling, we
will hold off on kids for the time being if not indefinitely, but you don't have
to worry about keeping your li'l bunny happy. I can always rub its nice li'l
nose until it starts running. I am certain that I won't run out of carrot

On a more sober note I continued. "You will need something to show for the
operation that did not take place, remember? I'll take care of that when we are
in your room. The good doctor left one of his scalpels on your dresser. I doubt
it that was unintentional. He struck me as a little bit too deliberate for

CHAPTER 19: The Blood that Binds.

Stealthily Mim and I went through to the room that we had left as siblings but
now returned to as lovers and partners in incest. The certainty of having shared
the initiation into carnal union and the mutual savoring of the natural rewards
of the ultimate acts in our incestuous coupling made me feel stronger than ever
in my love for Mim.

Feeling her warmth and the softness of her body next to me, casually brushing me
while we came through our secret network, deepened my desire to protect her and
my resolve to withstand the workings towards the objectives of our parents. I
felt strong in our rebellion against them and was looking ahead with confidence
in our victory over their dark designs. The sense of breaking the rules, and
secretly stepping outside our society's norms and conventions gave me a very
pleasant thrill. Apparently Mim felt similarly because she whispered in my ear.
"I feel so fresh and new, Francis. I know that what we have done condemns us in
other peoples mind, should they ever find out, but to me it feels like a newly
found freedom. If we stay together, we will never have to worry about courting,
marriage, in-laws or the problems that come with setting up new households."

I chuckled and replied. "Yes, and we can remain living here in this house,
secretly plotting against our parents' desperate attempts to market us amongst
their friends and relations. In the meantime we will continue to enjoy our
secret sexual bond."

We had reached the mirror at Mim's room, and I cautiously peeked through the
silvery glass to check whether the coast was clear. All seemed to be in order,
and we entered the bedroom. Through the windows I could see the darkness of the
night lessen into the early dawn. In the pale light of the fading stars and
setting moon, I went to Mim's dresser and picked up the scalpel that Dr.
Hirnzweig so conveniently had left behind. Yesterday seemed almost an eternity
in the past, but its legacy was still valid. "Now we have top do something about
the dressings that are supposed to be bloody, now aren't we?" I mused.
"Well let's get on with it then.."

Mim looked on with dread in her eyes as I took one of her diaper-like dressings
and after cutting myself in my arm spill a sizable serving of my blood on the
place where it would fit against her supposedly removed parts. "So that should
do it, I think." I mumbled and used a handkerchief to cover the self-inflicted
wound. "Here Mim, put this on and go to bed. My blood and seed, so gladly
sacrificed, will stay with you and shield you from the evil intents." I bantered
Mim shuddered and gagged at the coppery smell of my blood when she applied the
blood-drenched cloth to her femininity. I myself found it strangely arousing to
know that my shedding blood actually furthered our cause. Must be our Irish
background. The bandage made a squishing sound as Mim pushed it against her
femininity and pulled up her underpants.
"You do have the tendency to overdo things sometimes, my lover and brother, but
it feels kind of sexy to have your living blood there. Kind of messy as well
might I add." Mim remarked with a mischievous and sensuous smile on her lips.
"Onward Ho! And play the hurt little bird with your blood to show for it! I
think I will sleep well, although I have to admit that I could do with another
serving of your rod, my lover-brother. I am horny again." Mim concluded
longingly reaching for my again halfway erected member and gently squeezing it.

"You are incorrigible, but you'll have to wait until tonight before we can
safely continue our explorations in the fields of incestuous lust en sex and
enjoy each other again. In the meantime I will have to gather my strength and
replenish my juices while acting as normal as possible. I love you Mim and I
lust after you, but I will have to get some food and sleep soon or else I'll
keel over." I told her, gave her a lingering kiss and went to the mirror in
order to leave for my own quarters. "Rest well my horny and sexy little
sister-wife. You will need it when I return to consume our incestuous bond
tonight. Yes, we will couple like crazed minks! Sleep well, I'll be back later
to visit my poor hurt little sister after breakfast." I said and disappeared
through the mirror to leave for my own room.

To be continued.

Note: 	This story is derived from the diaries that I found in the estate of my
	parents	who have recently and sadly left this life. My sister and I have
	known about their loving bond as long as we can remember. They never
	kept it a secret from us, nor will we keep it a secret from ours.
	We have found the example of their loving and free-spirited but very
	practical lifestyle to be a fitting one for ourselves and continued upon
	the road that they went before us.

To be expected:

	Death in the family.
	The Pact is extended.
	More illicit liaisons.
	The story of the `Secret Domain'
	Gathering of kindred spirits.

Reposter's note: This story is from Mr. Double's collection.
Now with him gone, I don't know if there's any way to contact the author.
-- CJ
I don't write any stories. I'm just a reader, and sometimes a reposter.

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