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From: Ann Douglas <>
Subject: AnnD: Special Delivery - (1/1) - MF
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Hello once again.  As in the past, comments are
both appreciated  and encouraged.  Suggestions
are also welcome. Please respond by E-Mail as it
makes it easier for me to get your reaction.   One 
thing I do ask is that you now include your first
name and age in  your comments.  It gives me a
better idea who my audience is.  Thanks and enjoy
the story.

	 Special Delivery
	      By Ann Douglas

	Amy Choi stood by the open window of
her 16th floor apartment and watched the sun
slowing fade beneath the horizon.  It was Friday
night and the 36 year old Korean was not looking
forward to another night of what the television
networks insisted in calling ‘must see TV.’ 
	She really hated the winter, with darkness
falling as soon as she got home.  That and the
long hours she had been putting in at work lately
had given her a first class case of the blues. 
	 She’d left work early in order to stop off
at D’Angelo’s book store to pick up the latest
Anne O' Donnell book that she ordered.  In
keeping with the way this day had unfolded, the
book had not come in.  Amy had been really
looking forward to reading that novel over the
	 A successful businesswoman, the short
black haired woman had been divorced for four
years.  The cause had been listed in the court
papers as irreconcilable differences.  In reality it
had come down to her husband’s inability to
accept the fact that she been more successful in
her chosen career than he had been in his.  
	Originally she’d had a dinner engagement
for this evening, but that had fallen through when
her date had hurt his back playing handball.  It
was no great loss she told herself. Stephen
Shapiro was a nice guy and all, but he wasn’t
really anything more than someone to have dinner
with. Dancing afterwards was also a possibility. 
Then again, if things really went well, an early
morning breakfast might’ve been in the cards as
	In retrospect, Amy thought it was the last
possibility that she was really missing. It had been
too long since she’d had male companionship in
her life.  She might as well be honest with herself,
she was looking forward to having a man in her
bed come the morning. 
	“Might as well face it,”  Amy said to
herself.  “Looks like its another Friday night with
a couple of D batteries for companionship.”

	That idle thought made her remember that
the last time she had wanted to used her “old
reliable”  the batteries had been dead.   
	“There should be a fresh pack in the junk
draw.” she recalled, deciding to make sure while it
was still early enough to go out to the corner
store if there wasn’t. 
	The junk draw, as Amy liked to call it, was
the large top draw of the buffet in her small dining
room. Filled with papers, small booklets, old bills
and assorted odds and ends, she was always
promising herself that she would sit down one day
and clean it out.  As it was, it was so full that she
was barely able to open the draw.
	“I really have to clean this.”  she admitted
as she finally pulled it open, sending some of the
overflow spilling onto the floor. 
	Sifting through the pile, she quickly found
the batteries.  She also found two years worth of
birthday and various other holiday cards.  Enough
pens and pencils to equip a first grade class.  A
combination lock to which she had long ago
forgotten the combination to,  and a varied
collection of souvenirs. 
	Carefully she sorted through a pile of
envelopes.  Old bills, advertisements, two letters
she had written to friends, but had forgotten to
mail.  A bright red envelope caught her eyes. 
Popping it open and shaking it out, a card fell into
her hand.

	“I can’t believe I kept this.” Amy said as
she turned over the small embossed business card.
	She remembered the day she had won the
card.  She had been attending what was supposed
to be a serious business luncheon, but instead
turned out to be just another meeting of the old
boys network.  Originally, Peter Larson was
supposed to be her companies representative, but
he had a family emergency at the last moment. 
	The other members of the circle were quite
surprised when she walked in and sat down.  Still,
she always tried to fit in and keep her contacts
current.  In was in that spirit that she tossed in her
twenty dollars for their monthly raffle, even if she
wasn’t exactly sure what they were raffling off.  It
must be something worthwhile, she concluded.
With over twenty people around the table, the pot
was almost five hundred dollars.
	The funny look on the face of the guy
collecting the money should have told her that
something was wrong.  That look was reflected
across the table when it turned out she was
holding the winning ticket.
	“I guess this is my lucky day.”  Amy
laughed as she reached for the prize envelope in
the middle of the table.”
	She wondered what the prize was as she
dropped the envelope into her purse. Probably
theater tickets or something like that. She
wondered why were some of the men around the
table were grinning from ear to ear.   
	She noticed Jim Shoeman, the unofficial
leader of their little association, wasn’t smiling as
he whispering something to George Haleman. 
He’d been a late arrival to the meeting and hadn’t
been in on the raffle.  The silver haired gentleman
seemed none to happy about it all.
	Twenty minutes later when the luncheon
was breaking up, George pulled her over to the
side and told her what Jim had told him.
	“There’s been a little mistake.” George
said in a quiet tone.  “You really weren’t
supposed to be in that raffle.”
	“I don’t understand.”  Amy replied, a little
	“You haven’t looked in the envelope yet,
have you?”  George asked. 
	Now very curious, Amy reached into her
purse and pulled out the bright red envelope. 
Opening it, she found a small business card.  It
simply read, ‘Special Delivery’ and had a small
twelve digit number in the lower left hand corner.
	“I still don’t understand.”  Amy repeated.
	“How do I explain this...”  George said
	“I’ve always found that straight out is the
best way.”  Amy suggested. “I’m a big girl, I
don’t offend easily.”
	“Well simply put, that card you’re holding
is sort of a gift certificate.”  he said.
	“What’s ‘Special Delivery’?”  Amy asked,
more than a little curious now.
	“It’s sort of an escort service.”  George
said a little embarrassed.
	It all made sense now.  They were raffling
off a night with a hooker.  No wonder Shoeman
was so worried when she won.  If that kind of
thing got around it would be trouble for everyone
at that table. 
	“Mr. Shoeman said he offers his apologies
and he’d be happy to replace the card with
something more appropriate.”  George said with a
	Amy thought about it a little and then
smiled back.  She didn’t get where she was by
making enemies over little things.  You fought the
battles that were important and let the little ones
slide on by.
	“Tell Shoeman that his apology is
accepted.”  she said.  “But I think I’ll keep this
little card as a souvenir.  One of these days I
might have to ask him for a favor.”
	“Of course.”  George agreed.  He knew,
after all, how the game was played.    
	Amy had never called in that favor, but it
was nice to know she could have.   

	“Maybe I should just call Special
Delivery.”  Amy joked as she tossed the card on
top of the buffet. “That’s one sure way to get
	A half hour later, three quarters of the junk
draw filled the waste paper basket.  She picked up
the last few papers that were left and one by one
they followed into the trash.  Then only the gift
card was left.
	“I must be really bored.” Amy mused. 
“I’m wondering how this works.”
	She stared at the card for a while and then
	“What the hell, it couldn’t hurt just to call
up and ask.  Not that I’d really do anything like
	Making herself comfortable on the end of
the couch, Amy dialed the number.  It rang a few
times, then a soft feminine voice came on the line.
	“Special Delivery, Laura speaking” she
said. “May I have your certificate number?  
	Impressed by the professionalism in her
voice, Amy read off the twelve digit number.  
	“Thank you.”  Laura replied as she paused
a few moments, no doubt checking the number on
her computer.
	Amy tried to picture what Laura might
look like, but came up blank.  The stereotype
would be to imagine her as some scantily clad,
sexy young thing.  The reality was more likely that
she was someone’s grandmother.  A second later,
Laura came back on the line.
	“How may I help you this evening?”  she
	“I’m not very sure.”  Amy replied.  “I sort
of won this as a prize in a raffle and I was
wondering how it works.”
	“Well I’ll be happy to explain it to you.” 
Laura went on.  “Are you interested in a male or
female escort?
	The question took Amy by surprise. 
Female?  She didn’t think she could ever be that
	“Definitely male.”  Amy answered.
	“All right.”  Laura said.  “Any preferences
... age, race, body type.”
	“I’m not sure, I really haven’t given this
much forethought.” the 36 year old replied.
	“Perhaps I might make a few suggestions.” 
Laura said. “We do like our clients to enjoy their
	“Well I do like surprises.”  Amy said, a
little surprised that she was really getting into this.
	“Perhaps a fantasy then.”  Laura offered.
	“That sounds right.”  Amy replied.
	“We do specialize in making fantasies
come true.”  Laura said.  “Can you tell me a little
about yourself?”
	Without even thinking about it, Amy did
just that.
	“I think I have just the thing for you.” 
Laura said, the smile on her voice evident in her
voice. “If you could just give me your address and
phone number, we could have your package
delivered in about an hour.”
	This should have been the point where
Amy simply hung up the phone. Her little game
had gone as far as it should have.  Instead, she
heard herself giving Laura her address. The phone
representative thanked her and hoped she had a
good time.
	“Oh shit, what did I do?”  Amy asked
herself as she looked at the receiver in her hand in
shock.  “What did I do?”
	A little voice in her head said to call them
back, cancel the order.  Then a second, more
urgent voice told her not to.  After all, what was
life without a little adventure.

	It took a few more minutes for Amy to
become fully comfortable with the idea of what
she had done.  Surprisingly, that acceptance came
easier that she would’ve expected.  A few months
without sex did wonders for the lowering of
	The decision made, Amy turned her
thoughts to what kind of fantasy Laura had in
mind for her. It was so exciting, knowing that is
less than an hour, she was going to share a fantasy
with a man she’d never met.  A man who wanted
nothing more than to bring her pleasure.  It was
crazy.  It was absurd. It was intoxicating.

	The night was still early, the clock on the
wall just nearing seven.  Amy had taken a few
minutes to have a quick bite to eat and clean
herself up. She was still wearing the simple gold
blouse and blue skirt she’d worn at the office. 
Since she didn’t really know what form her little
adventure was going to take, it made little sense
to change.
	Every few minutes she glanced at the wall
clock.  It was been almost an hour since she’d
hung up the phone.  At times, she could hear both
the rise and fall of her breaths and the excited beat
of her heart.

	When the intercom buzzer to her
apartment finally went off at seven nineteen, Amy
jumped as if someone had dropped a hot poker in
her lap.  She took a deep breath before hitting the
talk button on the intercom by the door.
	“Yes.”  she said a little nervously.
	“I have a special delivery for ...a Amy
Choi.”  the voice over the intercom said.
	“Young, the voice sounds young.”  Amy
thought as she pressed the access button.  “Come
on up.”  she said.
	Standing behind the door, Amy wondered
how she would react when she opened the door. 
Would she slam it shut and tell him to go away? 
Or would she drop to her knees and blow him
right there and then?  Hopefully her reaction
would be something in between.  She heard the
elevator door opening just two doors down, but
resisted the urge to look through the peephole. 
Better to get a good look when she opened the

	“Who is it?”  Amy called out automatically
as three strong knocks rapped against the door.
	“I have a delivery for ....”  the intercom
voice began to say as Amy pulled open the door,
unable to take the suspense any longer.
	“I’m Amy.”  she said as she looked into
the face of her fantasy.
	He looked as young as his voice had
suggested, no more than 17 or 18. Of course he
really wasn’t that young, she thought, just one of
those people who still look like a teen even into
their twenties.
	At least two inches taller then her own
5’6”, he had a nice smile and was generally cute in
appearance.  Short black hair framed a handsome
dark face, which in turn sat atop a trim body. 
Dressed in sneakers, jeans and a red sports jacket,
he really looked like a delivery boy.  Right down
to the plain brown package he was carrying in his
	“Please come in.”  Amy said, her own face
flush with excitement.
	“Thank you.”  the young dark skinned man
said as he stepped inside.  
	“It must be pretty cold out there?” Amy
said, thinking that his jacket was way to light for
this time of year.  
	“It’s cold enough to freeze your ... I mean,
yes, it’s pretty cold out there.”  he replied.
	“I have some hot chocolate if you’d like
some.”  Amy offered.  “It’ll only take a minutes in
the microwave.”
	“That would be nice, thank you.”  the
young man said, his smile ever brighter.
	“I assume this is your last delivery for the
night.”  Amy said as she mixed the drink, enjoying
getting into the fantasy more that she expected.
	“”Yes it is.”  he said. “Where should I put
this?” he asked, remembering the package in his
	“Oh just drop it on the table.”  Amy said,
dismissing the prop from her mind, concentrating
more on the physique beneath his jacket.  “Why
don’t you take off your jacket and warm up.”  she
	“Thank you again.  I wish all my
customers were as considerate as you.”  he replied
as he took off his coat and draped it over the back
of the kitchen chair.
	While not muscle bound, the body beneath
his jacket had a smooth, well defined look to it. 
More a swimmer’s form than a weightlifters.  The
white shirt formed a start contrast against his
midnight skin.  One which Amy found very erotic.
	“Here you go.”  the older woman said as
she handed him a large mug of steaming liquid.  
	“I keep having to say thank you.”  he
grinned. “I feel I should be giving you something
back for your kindness.”
	“What don’t we start with your name?
Amy suggested.
	“Tyree.”  he said as he took a sip of the
drink.  “Tyree Greene.”
	“Well then your welcome, Tyree Greene.” 
Amy said warmly.
	As Tyree enjoyed the hot chocolate, Amy
took a good hard look at the young man.  What
lovers she’d had before and after marriage had all
been either Asian or White.  She’d never before
considered the idea of a black lover and now
found herself wondering why.  Clearly she found
him attractive, his dark skin being a turn on just as
some men were turned on just by the fact that a
woman was a blonde or redhead.  Or in her own
case, just because she was Asian.
	It wasn’t prejudice she thought, at least
she hoped it wasn’t.  As a Korean, she’d been
subjected to racial comments in her life but they’d
been few and  far in-between.  In that regard she
knew that she’d been lucky.  For every taunt of
gook or slant-eyes she heard in her life, there’d
always been a dozen more people who saw her as
a person first.  
	The pretty woman was also intelligent
enough to realize that she was more accepted in
some situations because she was just that - a
pretty woman.  Had she been male or unattractive,
she might not have fared as well.  There was still a
great deal of racial discrimination in the world and
not all of it was obvious.  In fact, the one racial
comment said to her that bothered her above all
others was when one of her roommates during her
single days had made a joke about little brown
people.  Amy had pointed out to her that as a
Asian she was technically one of those little brown
people. Her friend had replied that she always
thought of her as white - or almost white
anyways.  That had bothered her the most, her
friend’s denial of what she was and being
recategorized into something she found more
	Yet that was a thought for another day,
right now she had a fantasy to live out.  If she was
reading the scene right, as the older woman, she
was in the position of seducer.  Not a position she
ever expected to find herself in, but after all, this
was all make believe.  No matter what happened,
they would wind up in bed together, but she had
always thought that getting there was half the fun.

	“I guess I’d better be going.”  Tyree said
as he finished his chocolate.
	“So soon?”  Amy asked in a pout.  This
was really getting to be fun.  “If you could stick
around a little while, maybe we could come up
with another way to warm you up.”
	Tyree seemed taken back by Amy’s
suggestion.  He was a pretty good actor, she
thought as she wondered that maybe he actually
was one.  She’d heard that struggling actors took
all kinds of jobs to make ends meet.
	“Do you think I’m pretty?”  Amy asked as
she moved to within a few feet of her guest.  
	“Err .. yes.”  Tyree said a little hesitantly.
	“Do you think I’m sexy?”  Amy asked.
	“Yes.”  Tyree replied.
	Amy felt an exotic thrill in being so bold.
A thrill that was reflected in the moist feeling
between her legs.  In real life she had never acted
so decisively in a situation like this. Not even
when she had been married.  Then again, in a
situation like this, she couldn’t do any wrong.
Even if she suddenly reached down Tyree’s pants
and grabbed his cock, the young man would react
favorably to the action.  But where would be the
fun in that.
	“My tits are too small though.”  Amy
continued as she pushed her small rounded breasts
up with her hands.
	“No, not at all.”  Tyree said as he looked
down at her breasts.
	“You don’t think they’re too small?”  she
	“No, I think they’re fine, just like they
are.”  he stammered.
	“Really?”  Amy said, of course he was
going to agree with her.  He was being paid to do
so -- well paid she added as she remembered how
large the raffle pot had been.  “I thought all men
liked big boobs.”
	“I don’t know, I just think they look nice.”
	“Do you have a girlfriend, Tyree?” she
	“Yes, I mean, well ... not really.”  he
replied. There’s a girl I go out with but she’s not
really my girlfriend or anything.”
	“What’s her name?”  asked a curious Amy.
	“Beverly.” Tyree answered.
	“Does Beverly have big tits?”  Amy again
asked inquisitively.
	“Not really.”  he said.
	“What’s not really, bigger than mine,
smaller?”  Amy probed further.
	“A little bigger than yours.”  he admitted.
	“Then you do prefer bigger breasts?”  
	“No, I mean I think they’re bigger.”  the
excited young man said.
	“You think?  You mean you’ve never seen
them.”  Amy asked.
	“No.”  he said, the disappointment in his
voice clearly evident.
	“Have you ever seen any woman naked?”
	“Well, I’ve seen my sisters a few times --
by accident.” he admitted, hoping that counted.
	“You’ve never been with a woman before,
have you?”  she asked.
	“No, well, one of the women in my
building have me a handjob once but she moved
out after that.”  said Tyree.
	“This is too much.”  Amy thought.  “Not
only do I get to seduce the delivery boy, but I get
to deflower a virgin as well.  This is worth every
dollar the guys paid for it.”
	“Would you like to see my breasts?”  Amy
asked as she undid the top two buttons of her
	Tyree was so taken by the question he
couldn’t answer.  Instead he just nodded his head
	Amy could feel his eyes glued to her
bosom as she continued to undo her buttons.  It
wasn’t long before her blouse hung free and only a
small white bra covered her mounds.  She reached
behind her back and undid the small clasp, letting
the undergarment fall free.  
	Tyree’s eyes popped as her dark brown
nipples came into view.  Amy’s nipples were
already standing erect, looking for all the world
like a pair of pencil erasers.
	“Do you like them?”  she asked as she ran
her hands across them.
	“They’re beautiful.”  Tyree said, taking in
every aspect of them.
	“You can touch them if you want.”  she
	Immediately, before she had a chance to
change her mind, a pair of coal black hands closed
on the soft golden orbs.  His touch was a little
rough at first as he just squeezed them, but with a
little urging, he began to massage them instead,
	“That’s feels nice.”  Amy said.  “You can
kiss them too if you want.”
	.  Raising one to his mouth, he began to
suck on it. Like with his hands, he was rough at
first, but Amy guided him in a soft understanding
voice, teaching him how to use his tongue.  Then
how to suck the aureole into his mouth and use
his teeth to give just the right touch of both
pleasure and pain.
	Moving to the other breast,  Tyree showed
that he was indeed a quick learner.  Amy arched
back and closed her eyes in enjoyment as the boy
continued to suckle at her tits.   She really missed
things like this and couldn’t wait until Tyree's
cock was buried in her already wet pussy.

	“Now its your turn.”  Amy said as she
grabbed the edges of his shirt and pulled it up over
his chest.
	“Very nice.”  she noted as she reached out
and ran her fingers across Tyree's hairless chest. 
"So sexy.."  Amy mused as she played
with his nipples.
	Tyree was surprised that felt so good, he'd
never thought of men having sensitive nipples. 
	"That feels nice..." he said.
	"That's only the start."  Amy said as she
bent forward and licked the nipple with her
	Then she moved to the other nipple,
sucking it just as she had taught him to do a little
while before. Her ex-husband used to love it when
she did this to him. Yet at the same time he was
reluctant to surrender control of their lovemaking
to her.  It was just one of their many problems. 
	Amy moved up from his chest and reached
behind his head, caressing it with her fingernails. 
Pulling him toward her, she kissed him for the first
time.  Gently at first, then harder.  A second kiss
followed, then a third.  Finally she opened her
mouth and slid her tongue into his.
	Tyree quickly reacted to the warm,
slippery tongue in his mouth.  It wasn’t the first
time he had been kissed that way, but it was the
best.  Instinctively he began to reach out with his
own tongue.  Both tongue mixed as they licked
each other, exploring the new tastes.
	"Are you ready for more?"  Amy asked
after a final kiss.
	"Oh yes. he said excitedly.
	“Call me Amy.”  she said.
	“Oh yes, Amy”  he responded.
	“Then lets get you a little more
comfortable.” she laughed as she began to undo
his belt buckle and pulled down his pants.
	The outline of his youthful cock was
already clearly evident in his white briefs.  At a
quick glance, Amy would’ve guessed he was
about 7” fully hard.  Grasping the elastic of his
underwear and pulling it down as well, her guess
was proven correct.
	“Now that looks yummy.”  she grinned as
the Asian woman  ran her fingers up and down his
young manhood, tickling it with her fingers as she
did.  Reaching down to cup his balls, she played
with them as well.  “Feels good, doesn’t it?”  she
	Not expecting an answer, Amy reached
down into her underwear with her free hand and
lightly stroked her saturated mound.  It was like
touching a match to gasoline.  The 36 year old
couldn’t remember the last time she’d felt so
	“I gets better.”  Amy promised her young
captive as she held tight to his cock. 
	Tyree quickly lost himself in the pleasure
Amy's finger's brought him.  Her experienced
touch was quickly evident as she brought him to
the verge of orgasm.  
	"I think I'm going to come..."  He said as
he closed his eyes.
	A sudden warm wetness engulfed his cock,
causing Tyree's eyes to spring open.  To his
astonishment, Amy had taken his hard cock into
her mouth and was now sucking it with vigor. 
Tyree felt the sensation of her sucking down to his
toes.  He was so close it hurt.  Amy clamped her
fingers around the base of his cock, another trick
she had learned while married, preventing him
from ejaculating.  Every lick of her tongue, every
time she mouth him whole, caused Tyree to feel
like he was going to explode.  But it was such a
wonderful feeling.
	Finally, Amy released her hold on his ball
sac and felt the rush of hot cum erupt from them
-- a second before it began to shoot into her
mouth.  She deep throated his cock, catching
every spurt of salty cum. It was a taste to be
	After what seemed like an endless supply
of  cum, his cock began to soften and Amy let it
slip  from her mouth.  She wiped her lips with her
tongue, catching the few drops with had escaped
	"Did you enjoy that?"  She asked.
	"I don't think enjoy is the word......"  Tyree
panted.  "I feel like I've had a revelation."	
	“Maybe we both did.”  Amy chuckled.
	Just then, the phone in the living room
rang, but Amy wasn’t about to get up and answer
it.  She told Tyree to ignore it as well, the
answering machine would pick it up on the third
ring.  Nothing could be as important as what she
was doing right now.  Sure enough, the machine
came on as predicted and she turned her full
attention to the matter at hand -- or mouth as the
case might be. 	

	"Are you ready for more?"  Amy asked
after a final kiss.
	"Oh yes!!"  
	"Then follow me."  she said as she led him
into her bedroom and sat him down on the edge of
her bed.  
	“I'm going to teach you one of the most
important thing a young man can learn about
pleasing a woman." she said as she took off first
her skirt, then the panties beneath it.
	The look in Tyree’s eyes as she raised one
leg up onto the bed to give him a good look at her
hairy pussy was almost enough to make her think
it was the first time he’d ever seen one up close. 
Of course she knew better, but it was nice to get
caught up in the fantasy.  
	Amy reached down and parted her cunt
lips with her fingers, allowing Tyree easy access. 
Following her instructions, the boy reached out
with his tongue and touched her wetness.  Like
everything else he tried, his first attempt was
awkward but improved under Amy’s instruction.  
	Encouraged, he reached out again and
drove his tongue in as deep as it would go. Amy
let out a soft moan.  It was here that his
experience showed, the older woman thought. 
There was no way someone who’d never done
this before could be that good. 
	Tyree then ran his tongue up and down the
length of her cunt, stoking the fire building within
Amy.  At times it was only a touch, only a caress,
but it was enough to cause the older woman to
shake with abandon. There was no doubt about it,
the ebony skinned young man was a skilled
	"Oh me...."  Amy yelled
as she grabbed hold of his head and pushed his
mouth deeper between he legs.  "Eat my
	A steady flow of nectar now coated his
tongue and mouth as he attacked Amy's
womanhood once more.  He wanted it to never
end, so he was momentarily disappointed when
Amy pulled him up from between her thighs.	
	"I want you inside me.."  she said before
he could say a word.  "I want to fuck me!"
	Amy quickly took hold of his now rock
hard cock and guided it to her dripping hole. 
Lubricated with pussyjuice it slid deep within her,
as her cunt wrapped around it.  For this he needed
no instruction, he'd done in his dreams a thousand
	With boyish energy he repeatedly slammed
his pelvis against hers, slapping his balls against
the outer walls of her pussy.  
	Amy grabbed his asscheeks and added her
own energy to his thrusts.  They moved like a well
lubricated machine, each responding to the other's
body.  With each movement, both could feel the
eruption building inside.	
	Tyree's body tensed up, telling Amy that
he was about to cum.  She took firm hold of his
ass and rammed his body into her, just as the first
hot spurts of cum filled her pussy.  Her arms held
him tight as they continued to trash wildly for
several more seconds, until Amy was sure she had
pumped every last drop from his cock.  Then they
both laid silent and still.
	After a minute or two, Amy eased the boy
off her and onto his back.  His cock was once
again semi-soft, coated with a thick mix of both
their juices.  Bringing her mouth down to it, she
began to lick it clean.  
	As soon as she was done, Tyree, now
forever changed,  confidently pulled her up and
kissed her.  The kiss was both long and tender.
	“That was fun.”  Amy beamed as they
finally broke their embrace.  “More fun than I’ve
had in a very long time.”  Mentally she added, “A
lot more fun than I ever would’ve had with
	“I guess I really should be going.”  Tyree
said, all of a sudden feeling a little self conscious
at what had just happened.
	“Do you really have to go?”  Amy asked.
	“My parents were expecting me a half
hour ago.”  Tyree replied.
	“Keeping in character to the end.”  Amy
thought.  “Do you have a personal business card?” 
she asked, thinking she might want to try this
again sometime.
	“No, I don’t have anything like that.” 
Tyree replied as he dressed, his response
projecting a feeling that he thought it was a
strange question.
	“Oh well, I guess I could always just call
the main business number.” She mused.
	“I guess.”  Tyree said as she searched for
his shoes.  “But they really don’t like us getting
personal calls.”
	“Oh I understand.”  Amy said as she
covered herself with a robe.  “Business first, I
understand that all too well.”
	Escorting Tyree to the door, Amy couldn’t
resist kissing him one last time.  Even though this
was no more real than a movie, it was still going
to be a night to remember.  Keeping the door
open a crack, she watched him until her temporary
lover disappeared into the elevator.

	“I should call them back and compliment
Laurie on her choice of fantasies.”  Amy reflected
as she strode back into the living room.  
	Sitting down next to the phone, Amy
remembered the flashing light on the answering
machine and hit the play button.  To her surprise,
it was Laurie’s voice on the tape.
	“Ms. Choi, this is Laurie at Special
Delivery.”  the tape began.  “I’m afraid we’re
going to have to cancel your appointment this
evening.  The young man who was scheduled to
come over was involved in a minor traffic accident
while enroute.  Nothing too serious, but he did
require a couple of stitches when he banged his
head.  Again we apologize.  Please call us back
and we’ll be happy to schedule a new appointment
as well as upgrade you to make up for tonight’s
	“What?!?!?!”  Amy called out.  “He wasn’t
from Special Delivery?”  
	Almost in a state of panic, the normally
cool business woman jumped up -- filled with the
need to do something.  But what?
	Then she remembered that Tyree had been
carrying a package when he first showed up.
	Running out to the kitchen, she ripped the
plain paper wrapping away to reveal the copy of
the new Anne O' Donnell book she’d been waiting
for.  Attached to it was a small handwritten note.
	“The book you ordered came in not 15
minutes after you left. Since you’re such a good
customer and I know you said you were looking
forward to reading it this weekend, I’m asking one
of my stockboys to drop it off on his way home.  I
do appreciate your business and hope to serve you
as well in the future. ... James D’Angelo.”   

	“Omigod!!!”  Amy gasped as she covered
her mouth with her hand.  “It was all real!”



Priorities ....

	A hundred years from now....
	  	 It won't matter how much money I had....
			What kind of house I lived in ....
				Or what kind of car I drove...	

	What will matter is that the world might be a better place...
		Because I was important in the life of a child. 	

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