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Subject: RP: Raping Amy by Wiley06
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(Note from Imma: I did write this story. I do not know where tere is more,
or if there is more....I just know this man knows how to write!)


This story describes a college coed getting raped in her dorm-like room.
Itis graphic, and, at least physically, reasonably realistic.

Raping Amy
By Wiley 06

During my second year of college I moved into a group living situation,
muchlike a dorm, but without big brother looking over your shoulder all
thetime.  Well, after about a month, one of the girls there caught my
eye.  Itwas a co-ed place, so there was a lot of fucking going on, with
everyoneseeming to be fucking everyone else, hooking up, breaking up, and
all that,playing the game for all it was worth.  I hadn't gotten involved
in any ofthat yet, both from a lack of attractive possibilities as well as
I wanted totake the lay of the land before I dived in.

Well, this girl, Amy was her name, stood out.  There were other girls
whowere better looking, sexier, hotter, hell, a lot more friendly, but Amy
hadsomething which made me want her more than any other chick there.  

I figureit was the haughtiness, the aloofness, the sheer arogance which
only I wasable to see radiating from her.  She walked like she was above
it all,striding across the common areas like a fucking queen, her
shoulders back inperfect posture, her sweet little tits jutting out
provocatively, her blond,frizzy hair bunched in a bun on top of her head,
her face angular, her nosejutting forward, her lips pinched inward as if
in permanent disapproval.  Shewas five foot seven, had hips slender like a
boy's, an ass firm and round,and perfect ivory skin.

I tell you, whenever I saw her my sight blurred with lust and hate--I so
muchwanted to take the bitch down a peg, tear that prissy white princess
from her pedastal and make her squirm under my pounding cock.  

I got hard just fromlooking at her, she was that much under my skin.  I
figure she knew it too,although I kept it to myself, because I would catch
her looking at me, herthin lips pinched into a slight frown of protestant

It had been six weeks since I had moved in, and I was still not part of
thegame, although I made sure I flirted and hung enough with the
principles tokeep close in case I wanted in, when I found myself across
the table with myice princess, Amy, she who, even though she didn't put
out, didn't flirt,never smiled, seemed to be able to hang with whomever
she wanted.  I thinkshe glanced at me once, a glance which said "you're
nothing" so much betterthan words could have, before talking with everyone
else there--listening, Ishould say, she rarely spoke.

My blood was boiling, but I tried to act normally.  Hell, all I could
think of was taking that bitch and reaming her out, picturing her on her
knees, mycock buried to the hilt in her throat, of her screaming as my
cock split hertight ass, her body arching in pain as I brutalized her, of
her squirminghelplessly under me as I rode her cunt to completion, her
whimpering criesmusic to my ears.  

I was in a fog the whole time, barely myself, each one ofmy club-footed
responses to the conversation whirling about me earning meanother look of
contempt from Amy, sweet, hot, fucking Amy.  Once or twiceshe even went
after me over something, but never obvously.  It was like shewas
purposefully jacking me up, pissing me off, setting me on edge.  A
coupleof times it was all I could do to keep from lunging across the table
andthrowing that bitch to the floor right there.

Over the next couple of weeks it was like she was my fucking shadow. 
Shealways seemed to be in whatever conversation I was in, jacking me up,
cutting me off, jabbing me with a well placed word.  Once or twice I even
got into itwith her, telling her to go straight to hell.  But she kept
coming back, asif she was purposefully seeking me out--most people, after
I tell them tostay the hell away, stay away; she didn't.  

I tell you, the bitch had me so worked up I wasn't thinking straight.  All
Icould see when I closed my eyes was her sneering face.  I fantasized
aboutwiping that sneer from her face, about making her beg and plead as I
tore atthat hot little body she kept from everyone.  It was all I could
think about,what I wanted to do to that bitch, how I would do it.  God, it
was eating meup.

One evening, after she had spent most of it fucking with me, I decided to
dosomething about it.  The bitch was too far under my skin.  I waited
untilabout one a.m., until the place had quieted down a bit.  Then I
simply wentover to her room and knocked on the door.

The cunt opened the door a crack, which I pushed open all the way,
knockingher back a step, confusion and anger mingling on that pure white
face.  Inthat instant, as I shut the door to  her room behind me, the
words, "Whatthe..." fading in the air, I saw everything around me:  hot,
bitchy Amy,wearing button-fly jeans tight around her waist loose around
her firm appleof an ass; Amy, her tits thrusting out against a plain white
v-neck; Amy'sbooks on her desk, her desk against the wall of her small
room--she had beenstudying, her feet bare; Amy's bed, perfectly made, to
my right, her left, infront of me; Amy's closet, closed, the light
overhead dim, shadows from thelight on her desk filling the room; her
hair, blonde, kinky, fanning acrossthe back of her head, tied in a loose
pony-tail near her neck.

I stepped forward, my hand reaching around her neck, my other hand
reachingaround her back, pulling the bitch toward me even as she cried
out, my handscrushing her hips against mine, crushing her lips against
mine as I grimaced,those soft, pink lips parting as she gasped in surprise
and panic, my tonguesnaking out into that warm, wet cavity of her mouth,
sending chills down myspine as I tasted her gasping, struggling form,
holding her there for longseconds as she squirmed in my grasp, feeling
smaller, thinner, stronger thanI had expected, pushing away from me,
gasping, her blue eyes bright and widein shock, her chest heaving as she

She looked wild, beautiful, hot,like a trapped animal waiting for the

"All you have to do is scream," I said, my shoulders hunched, my eyes
lidded,my breath coming in ragged gasps, speaking my thoughts, knowing
that she knewthat a scream, a yell, would bring people to her door, would
bring people whowould stop me, stop me from doing what we both knew I was
going to do.

"Get out," she said, her eyes hardening, her backstraightening, her hair
flying behind her as she jerked her head back, herarm pointing forcefully
toward the door.  She didn't scream.  I steppedforward suddenly, swinging
my left arm hard, up and across her face, theretort of flesh against flesh
sharp in the small space of her room, theforce of the blow staggering her,
her head falling to her chest, her handscoming up to ward me off as she
slumped to the ground, leaning against theside of her bed, her legs folded
under her.

I stepped close to her, towering over her, over Amy, over that hot,
snottybitch who had tormented me so much.  My blood was boiling, surging,
my headpounding, my sight locked on Amy, as she turned her head up to look
at me,her bright blue eyes filled with fear, her delicate white hand
against theside of her face where I had slapped her, her neck smooth and
white to myeyes, her pale lips glistening, slightly parted as she gazed up
at me.  Shestill didn't scream.

I reached down, a feeling of power and lust rushing through me as I felt
herhair twine about my fingers, and jerked the bitch to her feet, pulling
herhead back savagely to taste her hot mouth, her hands pushing against
myshoulders exciting me as I gripped her ass through her jeans, her
buttocksfirm and tight and hard as I pressed her slender body against
mine, feelingthe softness of her tits against my chest, the hot wetness of
her mouth as Iran my tongue inside it, tasting her breath, her panting,
grunting gasps asshe struggled against my grasp.

My whole body was tingling as I threw the bitch onto the bed, watching as
shecollapsed onto her back, one leg dangling off the bed, watching as she
beganto sit up, her eyes wide with fear and hate, glistening with them,
her hairwild about her face, her lips pulled back into a sneer.  I put one
knee onthe bed and grabbed a handful of her hair, jerked her back down
onto herback, loving the way her face twisted in pain, loving the way she
whimperedas I put my face inches from hers, my other hand pressing against
herstomach, firm, flat, heaving up and down as she sucked in breath
afterpanicked breath through her nostrils.

"I'm going to fuck you, bitch," I hissed.  She whimpered.  It was all I
hadto say, all I needed to say as I stared into those big blue frightened
eyes,waiting for the scream which didn't come, my hand tearing down,
popping thebuttons on her jeans open even as I kissed her brutally, my
head swimmingwith power and lust as I ground my teeth against hers, her
whimpering,squirming body delicious beneath my hands.  I held the kiss for
a long time,my hand digging its way to her groin, past the scratchy curls
of her pubichair, my fingers digging at the soft flesh of her labia.

I broke my kiss, leaving Amy gasping, and said "Slut," my middle finger
sunkdeep in her slick cunt, my hand mashing down her clit as her thighs
squirmedweakly and her hips gyrated, trying to expel my finger from her
sweating,drooling snatch.  She turned her head away, her teeth pulling on
her lowerlip as I dragged my finger slowly from her box, dragging across
her swollenclit, making the slut's hips buck up uncontrollably, a hiccup
making herslender body spasm as I grapped either side of her jeans and
panties at thehips and dragged them down to her thighs, her firm, silky
smooth, milk whitethighs, muscles bulging and sliding under her skin as
she kicked against meweakly.

I flipped her over bodily, not able to wait, my blood racing through my
earsas I thought about raping Amy, hot, sweet, beautiful fucking Amy, her
ass soround and firm, her cunt drooling for my cock.  I dragged  her until
she wason her knees, her torso laying across the bed, her head turned so I
could seethat gorgeous profile, that haughty, stubborn profile, with her
hair hangingin front of her face while I undid my belt and freed my cock,
swollen andthrobbing as I leaned into Amy, sweet Amy.

"Please, don't, don't," she begged, but she didn't scream.  She didn'tscream.

I grinned a death's head grin, pulling her head back viscously by her
hair."Shut up, cunt.  You want this, slut.  Now take it."  I reached down
guided my cock between her straining, milk white thighs, even as she
buckedand squirmed against my grasp, trying to squirm away from my cock,
my cockwhich I drove deep into her slippery, smooth, hot, grasping cunt
with onestroke.

"Ahh..." she gasped, her back arched unnaturally by my hand in her hair. 
"Ohgod oh god no," she whispered, and I could have sworn the cunt came
even as Ipulled out of her spasming cunt and slammed my cock back into her
womb, thefeel of her ass squirming and working against my groin, the way
she gasped asI drove deep into her, the feel of my cock buried in that
silky smooth wetgrasping cavern of a cunt, sucking on my cock like a
living thing, stunned mymind, sent pleasure spiraling higher and higher
through my body as I fuckedAmy, Amy the slut coming on my cock.

Again and again I slammed into her, her asscheeks quirvering beneath
theblows from my hips, her hands clawing as the sheets as I pressed her
facehard against the bed, her breath coming in short gasps as I fucked

"Bitch.  Cunt.  Whore.  Slut" I chanted with each stroke, quickly,
tooquickly building to orgasm, my whole body held rigid as I spasmed deep
insideof her, my hands gripping her hair harder and harder until she cried
out frompain even as her body shuddered again as the slut came, my hot
spew spittingdeep up into her slut belly, my hot Amy coming on the end of
my cock as Ifilled her full of seed.

I held my cock inside her, still shuddering from the magnitude of it.  I had
raped Amy, and Amy had loved it.  She was a slut, a no good fucking whore,
mybitch Amy.  She was making sobbing sounds, and I reveled in them.  I
hadshown the cunt, had shown her what she was good for; I had given the
bitchher medicine, and she had gulped it down like the slut she truly was.

I pulled my cock from her drenched hole, wincing at its sensitivity. 
Lookingdown at her there, laying with her white ass exposed, her cunt
swollen andgaping, her head turned sideways and pressed into the bed, I
wanted heragain.  I wanted to keep her and fuck her and use her slut body

"Please go," she gasped out between her sobbing gasps, and I couldn't
helpbut grin.  Amy, haughty Amy was begging me to leave.  I didn't think I
would.I whipped my belt off and leaned over her to grab her wrists.  "What
are youdoing, what are you doing," she cried as she struggled as I bound
her wristsbehind her with my belt.

"Shut up, bitch," I snarled, slapping the back of her head when her
handsthreatened to escape the binding, until I was sure she couldn't get
loosewithout some work.  "You and me, bitch, we're not finished, not by a
longshot."  I leaned over her prone body so I could talk directly into her
ear,seeing her flinch away from me exciting me as much as seeing her bound
beforeme did.

I rolled her over and laid her flat on her back on the bed, climbing so
thatI was straddling her hips, staring down into that pretty, no longer
soarrogant face of hers.  "Please, no more," she begged, "no more. 
You'vealready raped me, just go.  I won't tell anyone."  I let the bitch
finish herbegging.  "AHH!" she yelped as the retort of my palm across her
face echoedabout the room.  "AHH!" again as I slapped her again, hard,
jerking her headfrom side to side.

"Bitch.  You come like a whore and you tell me no more?  Fucking
goddamnedslut.  Tell me you came, slut.  Tell me!"

""  I started slapping her, my palms stinging from each blow as
herbody jerked under mine, her hips twisting, her head jerking back and
forth asI rocked her head with my blows.

"Tell me!  Tell my you got off!"

"Okay!  Okay!" she practically yelled, and I stopped slapping her, her
whitecomplexion now pink, her breath coming in gasps.  "I liked it,"


"I liked it," she said, her faced turned away from mine.

I grabbed her face and forced her to look at me.  "You liked what, Amy?"

"I...I...oh god...I liked you raping me."  The sight of those words
comingfrom those pale thin lips was almost too much for me.  I felt my
cock throbeven in its soft state and red blur my vision, my hand squeezing
her cheeksuntil she gasped in pain.

I stood, watching her as she lay there, motionless, her head turned away
fromme, defeated, her chest, thrust forward by her arms bound behind her
back,rising and falling provocatively as she breathed.  I shed my clothes,
all ofthem, before climbing back onto the bed.  She didn't move, didn't
react as Islid my hands up her shirt, feeling her shudder slightly as my
hands ran overher hot flesh.  I didn't care.  She was mine.  She admitted
it.  I hadeverything I wanted right under my hands.

"Let's take a look at your tits," I said, sliding her shirt up until
itbunched at her chin, exposing her thin, hard stomach, a smooth expanse
ofcreamy white flesh leading up to her bra, hiding the two soft mounds of
herjutting tit-meat.  I reached around her and undid her bra, pushing that
upagainst her chin also.  She refused to look at me as I squeezed
thoseperfectly hand-sized mounds of flesh topped by two hard pink nipples.

"Nice tits, slut.  Nice," I purred as I kneaded her mounds, feeling the
warmflesh of her stomach massaging my balls as I worked her tits.  "Let's
seeeverything, slut," I said, sliding down her body and sliding her jeans
andpanties from her unresisting legs.  I kneeled over the bitch, staring
down ather gorgeous white flesh, drinking in the sight of her nearly naked
body,from her shapely feet, her strong, thin thighs, the slight bulge of
hermound, sparsly covered with dark blonde hairs, her narrow, boyish hips,
herflat, even narrower stomach, her small, perky tits, her pink, hard
nipples,her supple neck, to her bright blue eyes.

I covered her body with mine, taking one of those perfect nipples between
mylips and sucking it as deep as I could into my mouth, the feel of her
silkysmooth skin against mine filling my cock with blood, hardening me as
I ran mytongue and my teeth across her nipple, drawing soft whimpering
sounds fromher mouth as I switched from one breast to another until I was
fully hard,and until I felt her body squirming ever so slightly beneath
mine, her hipswrithing in obvious need against my stomach.

I mounted her, nestling my cock against her swollen labia, bending my head
sothat I was looking at her turned aside face, her eyes tightly closed,
anintense expression on her face.  I rubbed my cock against her labia,
grinningas I felt her shift her hips slightly, uncontrollably, toward my
cock, achingfor it, aching to be fucked.  I shifted my position above her
until I heldher tits in my hands, and began to squeeze, watching her face
as the painbegan to hit her.

"Ahhh...god.  Stop.  Stop.  Don't hurt me," she whimpered, arching her
backin her pain, her eyes open and pleading to mine as I twisted the
pliableflesh of her tits, my fingers gouging them brutally even as I slid
the tip ofmy cock into her sopping cunt-hole.

"Tell me what a slut you are," I demanded.

"Oh god," she turned her face away from me, "I'm a slut.  I'm a slut."

"Look at me slut!" I commanded, twisting her precious tit-flesh hard,
makingher moan and arch up against me, her hips even then humping against
the tipof my cock.

She looked at me, her eyes wide open, her hair streaked across her face,
herlips moist and open.  "I'm a slut, a fucking slut," she whispered.


"I"M A SLUT!" she gasped out as I gouged at her tits and slammed my rock
hardcock deep into her belly, her hips grinding against mine as I buried
my cockin her grasping, tight, sloppy cunt.

"You love having my cock in your slutty belly.  Say it," I said.

"Uh, uh, I love...I love having your...your cock in my slutty belly,"
shesaid, staring straight into my eyes, her eyes filled with humiliation
andshining with lust, her body shaking as I made her degrade herself
beneath me.

"You're a whore, a dirty, slutty whore."

"I'm a whore, a dirty, slutty whore."

"You want cock, you need cock to feed your slutty, whorish cunt.  You're
acock-loving bitch with a greedy cunt."

"Uh uh," she grunted as I ground my cock deep in her belly, reveling in
thepower I had over her, the sensations of her body writhing and shaking
beneathmine making me tingle all over as I used her for the second time, a
time Iwas going to make it last.  I took my hands from her tits and put
them besideher head.  "I wa...want co...cock," she stuttered, "uh
Ina...need...uh...cock feed my slutty, whorish cunt," her back
archingas I withdrew my cock and slammed it home in her belly.  "I'm a
cock-lovingbitch with a greedy cunt," she finished, her eyes locked on
mine, her face amask of lust and hate and humiliation as I raped her,
sweat breaking out onher body, easing my movement atop her.

"Keep it up, whore," I said, grinning down at her.

"Oh god," she closed her eyes, only to open them again, "oh god...fuck
me...fu...fuck me the sl...slut I am.  Uh uh my god my god I'm
a whore, a dirty whore.  Ra...ra...rape me, rape me, rape me," she grunted
intime to my thrusts.  " oh god please oh god
I'm aslut oh god," her eyes shut and her face twisted and her body arched
andshook beneath me as I ground my hips against hers, stirring my cock in
thepit of her cunt, "oh god I'm comming comming slut slut whore coming oh
god,"she said over and over, her body collapsing beneath me, panting as
she turnedher head away.

I let her lay like that for a minute, still working my cock in Amy,
sweet,slutty Amy's cunt, before lifting myself up on one elbow and
backhanding herviolently across the face, making her body go rigid in
shock and pain as hereyes stared up at me in fear.  "Who said you could
stop, cunt?" 

She stared at me for long seconds, a gasp escaping her as I dragged my
cockacross her swollen clit.  Then she said, softly, "Don't stop.  Don't
stopfucking your slutty cunt.  Don't stop raping me, don't stop using me
as yourfuck hole, don't stop hurting your fuck hole," she finished with a
whine as Itwisted her tit hard, making her squirm beneath me.

I rode her for long minutes, watching her face, her eyes, as her lips
spewedfilth, spewed humiliation and degredation, begging me to rape her,
to hurther, to beat her, but  most of all to use her over and over again. 
It wasincredible, snotty, arrogant Amy debasing herself, humilating
herself,beneath me, squealing out as she came, her thighs pulled to my
sides,squeezing my hips as she bucked in orgasm for a third time this
evening, andstill I didn't stop, still I kept fucking and kept demanding
her soft, silkyvoice spew profanities as I fucked her slowly and
methodically, feeling mycome build up ever so slowly from deep within my
belly, the writhing andshaking of her soft flesh driving me higher and
higher in lust until Igrunted and buried my head in her neck, biting and
sucking as I came deepwithin her even as her ankles locked behind my ass
and she bucked beneath me,gasping and panting "I'm coming I'm coming
coming oh god oh god coming cunt'scoming" into my ear over and over as my
guts seemed to be pulled out from mycock as I spewed deep inside Amy,
sweet Amy.

"You're mine," I said as I lay on top of her limp body.  "You're
mine,whenever I want, wherever I want.  Mine."  I wanted her to hear it,
becauseit that was how it was going to be.  Amy, cold, distant Amy, was
going to bemine whenever and wherever I wanted her.

I stood unsteadily on my feet and dragged the bitch by her hair until she
waskneeling before me, my semi-hard cock weaving in front of her face,
coveredwith her come and mine.  "Clean it, slut."  Simple, direct.  She
glanced atme from behind heavily lidded eyes, and opened that sharp, soft
mouth andtook my cock inside it, making me wince as she took the softening
member allthe way into her mouth, sucking hard on it, cleaning it with her
tongue asshe pulled her head away, finished by cleaning my balls with her
tongue.Just standing there, watching Amy on her knees, cleaning my cock
with thatsmall pink tongue of hers made me want to take her again,
brutally,visciously, but that could wait.  I pushed her away from me and
put on myclothes.

"Remember," I said, "whenever and wherever I want."  Then I left.


Why shouldn't a woman like to read and write rape fantasies/stories? I
am a woman, but I'll admit that I love rape fantasies. I love to
imagine that I have been taken my force......Why should I be ashamed
of that? 

And I rather find myself turned by men who fantasize about rape.....

Fantasies harm no one.

"here I wonder, if my fantasy were to become a reality: If a Totally
bald man were  to take me against my will, to punish my poor pussy
with his powerful pistonlike prick, would I not find freedon and joy?" 

Visit my Story Web Site: or got to

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