---------- Forwarded message ----------
Date: Mon, 21 Oct 1996 10:40:47 -0400
From: The Chief <sandford@southeast.net>
Newsgroups: alt.sex.stories
Subject: New Adventures in Omaha -- Part 1 (ff, masturbation)

Part One

	WARNING!  The following story contains descriptions of consensual
sexual encounters between adults.  If you're under 18 or are offended by
material of this nature, it's time to stop reading.  And hey, if you're
offended by this kind of material, why are you reading alt.sex.stories
	The events, characters and even the universities in this story are
fictional.  Any resemblances to actual persons, places or events are

	I've posted this story a couple of times, but people keep e-mailing me
saying they couldn't find all of the parts.  I don't know why I'm having
problems posting, but it seems like my posts are gone in less than two
	In any case, there are eight parts to the story.  If anyone finds PART
of the story and can't find the rest, feel free to e-mail me and I'll
help you out.
	As I stated before, I wrote this because I'm tired of the "Does God
Care if I'm Gay?" and "Why do Canadians Hate the U.S.?" posts that have
taken over this newsgroup and others.  As more and more
non-story-related crap leaks onto this newsgroup, it seems that the
title "alt.sex.STORIES," is becoming less and less apropos.
	Again, this is my first attempt at writing such a work, and I welcome
all comments both critical and complimentary.  And as usual, that rule
doesn't apply to flames, which will be read, laughed at and deleted. ...
Enjoy the story.

	Chapter One

	As Holly drove to the place she'd be calling home for the next four
years, a million thoughts were flying through her head.
	Why did I let my parents convince me to live someplace cold? she
thought.  And why do I have to move so far away from home?
	The month was August, and Holly was en route to the University of Omaha
in Nebraska from her home in Sarasota, Florida.  
	Although she'd wanted to stay in the Tampa Bay area to attend college,
her parents had insisted she go to a private school with a good
reputation.  And since her parents were paying her tuition, Holly wasn't
in any position to argue.
	Still, that didn't mean she had to be happy about it.  In her mind,
making the jump from sun, palm trees and sand to snow and corn was none
too appealing.  As that thought passed through her mind, she looked out
the passenger-side window just in time to see a sign that read "Welcome
to Iowa."  
	What the hell am I doing in IOWA? she thought angrily.  How the hell
did I get myself into this crap?
	The only bright side about the move was getting FAR away from her
high-school classmates. Holly had hated high school because she'd been
overweight, which was an open invitation for her classmates to ridicule
	But Holly worked hard over the summer to change that, and it wasn't
long before three months of lowfat foods and tennis had paid off.  By
the time she was ready to leave for college, Holly had dropped to a
svelte 122 pounds.
	The results were nothing short of astounding.  Her newly proportionate
body made her beautiful smile, sparkling blue eyes and long brown hair
all the more attractive.
	Even Holly had to admit she liked what she saw in the mirror. 
Nevertheless, the feelings of self-doubt that she'd been branded with in
high school continued to dwell deep inside her.
	One hour later ...

	When Holly finally reached Omaha, she was surprised to see several
skyscrapers and a large number of people downtown.  Maybe this isn't as
much of a "hick town" as I thought, she mused.
	After locating the University of Omaha campus, she was pleased to see
how UNcrowded it was.  After all, more than 3,000 people had attended
her high school, and she was a little tired of large crowds.
	It didn't take her long to find her dorm room.  Although she was
somewhat disappointed with its small dimensions and outdated furniture
(the curtains looked like something straight out of a 60s horror movie),
she realized she was fortunate she didn't have to share it with anyone. 
She had heard nightmare stories about students at public universities
having to SHARE 10-foot by 10-foot rooms, with no kitchens or bathrooms.
	After she finished unpacking, she laid back on her bed and sighed.  I
hope I meet a guy here, she thought.  I can't believe I'm 18 and I STILL
haven't had a boyfriend.
	Her thoughts were interrupted by a knock at the door.  She was nervous
for a second before realizing she was in Omaha, not Florida, and her
chances of being burglarized were considerably slimmer.
	"Come in!" she said loudly.
	The door opened and a girl who appeared to be around Holly's age walked
in.  She was wearing a Minnesota Twins baseball cap and had wavy brown
hair that flowed halfway down her back.
	"Hello there," she said with a smile as she extended her hand to Holly.
"I'm Lisa."
	Holly smiled back as she shook Lisa's hand, but she immediately felt a
pang of jealousy.  Lisa had beautiful blue eyes, a beautiful face ...
even her HAIR was beautiful.  That frustrated Holly, who'd put so much
work into looking good but STILL wasn't as pretty as Lisa.
	"I'm Holly," she responded unenthusiastically.  "Nice to meet you."
	"Cool!  It looks like you and I are gonna be neighbors," Lisa said. 
"so I thought I'd come over and introduce myself."
	Holly nodded, but she was tired and didn't really feel like talking.
	"Say, I'm headed for a party over at one of the fraternity houses,"
Lisa asked.  "Wanna come along?  I don't know anybody here yet, and I
don't feel like going alone. ..."
	"Um, no thanks," Holly responded.  "I think I'm gonna finish unpacking
and go to bed. ..."
	"Oh ... all right," Lisa said, sounding disappointed.  "I'll see you
later then!"
	Holly was relieved when Lisa left.  Lisa had seemed to perfectly fit
the description of a "party girl," and those were the people who had
teased Holly the most in high school.
	God, I sure hope she doesn't come in here again, Holly thought.

	Chapter Two

	 After she had dozed off, Holly was awakened by a knock on the door
around 11 p.m.  This time she got up to answer it.
	Sure enough, it was Lisa again.  Holly was even more annoyed with this
person now.  But Lisa apparently didn't notice, as she smiled and walked
past Holly into her room.
	"I thought you were going to some party tonight," Holly said, blinking
her eyes to adjust to the light.
	"Nah, there wasn't anything going on," Lisa responded. "And since my
TV's not unpacked yet, I got bored after sitting around in my room for
awhile. So I thought I'd come over here and get to know my new
neighbor.  Is that cool?"
	Holly nodded halfheartedly.
	"So," Lisa said, "tell me: Where are you from, and what brings you to
the University of Omaha?"
	Holly reluctantly told Lisa about her move from Sarasota.  She was
surprised when Lisa actually showed interest in her story.
	It turned out Lisa was in a similar predicament: she had lived with her
father in Minneapolis before he decided that going to school outside of
Minnesota would "help her experience the world."  She had lobbied for
the University of Phoenix in Arizona, but her inability to get any
scholarships there forced her to settle for the University of Omaha.
	The ensuing conversation about the girls' home states got the ball
rolling, and before she knew it Holly found she was actually ENJOYING
her conversation with Lisa.
	In the hour that followed they managed to discuss everything from their
favorite colors to who played the best villain (the eventually agreed on
Kevin Spacey, with John Malkovich a close second).  And although there
was some giggling, Holly was pleased to find that "party girl" Lisa was
actually pretty good at making intelligent conversation.  
	When Lisa finally left around 1 a.m., Holly was thrilled that she'd
made a friend on her first day in Omaha.
	Chapter Three

	Lisa and Holly talked for three hours the next night, and the day after
that they went shopping at Twin Pines Mall in Council Bluffs.  By then
Holly was pretty excited about the friend she'd made in Lisa.
	That night they got together in Holly's room for another of their
typical "long talks."
	After they'd discussed their hometowns for a few minutes, Holly decided
to tell Lisa about the only thing she'd avoided discussing until then –
her painful experiences in high school.
	Lisa looked sympathetic after hearing a couple of Holly's horror
tales.  "I ... I'm glad you're comfortable telling me this," Lisa said.
"I'm always here if you want to talk."
	"Thanks," Holly said as she stared at the floor.  Lisa looked at Holly
for few seconds. 
"Tell me, Holly, when's the last time you had a boyfriend?" she
	Holly was silent for a second.  "Never," she said quietly. "I've never
had one before."  
	Lisa looked horrified.  "WOW.  That's amazing!  So ... oh, I hate to
ask this!  Holly, have you ever even ... you know, 'done the deed'?"
	Holly blushed and shook her head again.  "NO.  But I'm only 18," she
said defensively. "It's not like I'm a 40-year-old virgin!"
	"Still ... good Lord," Lisa said.  "So what's the furthest you've ever
gone – just kissing?"
	"NO!"  Holly snapped.  "I've never even kissed a guy before!  I TOLD
you, no guy has ever been interested in me!"
	Lisa was quiet for a second.  "I'm sorry, Holly.  I just can't
understand that," she said.  "I mean, you're BEAUTIFUL – at least that's
what I think."
	Holly blushed and was silent.
	"So you've never had sex before," Lisa continued. "Wow.  OK, here's
another kinda embarrassing question.  Hmmm, how do I ask this?"
	"You might as well ask it," Holly said. "I can't get any more
embarrassed than I am already!"
	"OK," Lisa said.  "You don't have to answer this, but uh ... do you
even masturbate?"
	Holly had been mistaken – she WAS even more embarrassed than before. 
Her cheeks turned red and she wondered how they'd gotten on the topic of
masturbation in the first place.
	"Eew!  Of course not!" she responded, wrinkling her nose. "I'm not a
	Lisa laughed long and hard, shaking her head.  
	"Holly, masturbation isn't any more perverted than ... I don't know,
eating ice cream," she said. "And I've got news for you:  just about
everybody you know does it."
	Holly didn't know what to say, but she felt really awkward.
	"I'm sorry, Holly," Lisa said.  "I didn't mean to embarrass you!"
	"Don't worry about it," Holly responded, sighing. "I don't know why I'm
such a prude."
	"No biggie," Lisa responded.  "But I'm curious – why DON'T you
masturbate?  Just because you think it's 'perverted?' "
	"Well ... I mean, even if I wanted to I really wouldn't know what to
do," Holly said, her cheeks still burning.

	Chapter Four

	Lisa was quiet for a second.  
	"WOW," she said.  "Don't take this the wrong way ... but did you grow
up in Amish country or something?  I mean ..."
	Holly smiled.  "I don't think they have Amish country in Florida," she
said with a laugh. "I guess my parents were just a little
	The several seconds that followed proved quite uncomfortable for both
girls.  Suddenly, Lisa shattered the ice.
"I'll teach you if you want," Lisa said quietly.
"Teach me what?" Holly replied, unsure of Lisa's intentions.
Lisa sighed. "YOU know ..."
	A red flag went up in Holly's mind immediately.  This one's a
no-brainer, Holly thought.  Say no!
	"Umm, I don't ..." Holly responded quietly.
	"Look, Holly, it's really no big deal," Lisa sighed. "I showed my best
friend in high school how to do this when we were 15, and believe me,
she thanked me for it."
	Holly didn't say anything.  Lisa seized the opportunity and began
removing her own jeans.
	Oh my God, I can't believe this is happening, Holly thought.  But
despite her nervousness, she sat as still as a statue, watching Lisa.
	Pretty soon Lisa was wearing nothing but a sweatshirt and a pair of
	"Um, Holly?" she said.  "This would probably be easier if YOU took off
some clothes too."
	Holly couldn't believe what she was hearing.  Nevertheless, she
remained still when Lisa leaned over and began unbuttoning her jeans. 
She didn't know what to make of the situation, since everything was
happening so fast.  But she surprising herself with the fact that she
HADN'T protested yet.
	Lisa coaxed the already-nervous Holly onto the bed and laid down next
to her.
	"All right, just watch what I do," Lisa said.  Holly watched in horror
as Lisa began teasing her own clitoris with two fingers, rubbing up and
down as she moaned.  She closed her eyes and leaned her head back, and
Holly watched intently as Lisa pleasured herself. 
	Despite feeling extremely uncomfortable, Holly was surprised at just
how much she was ENJOYING watching Lisa.  She especially enjoyed it when
Lisa would stop massaging her clit just long enough to lick the juices
off her fingers.  
	Holly was barely conscious of her own hand, which had drifted down to
her pussy.  She began mimicking Lisa's motions, keeping her eyes on
Lisa's pussy.
	Since she hadn't known what to expect, Holly was surprised at how good
it felt.  "Mmmmm," she moaned aloud.
	That got Lisa's attention, who until then had been concentrating on
herself.  She opened her eyes.
	"Mmm ... so, am I doing this right?" Holly asked without stopping.
	Lisa was silent for a second.  "Almost.  Here, let me show you."
	Before Holly knew what hit her, Lisa had leaned over and was stroking
the inside of Holly's thigh.
	Oh my God, Holly thought.  What have I gotten myself into?
	"Are you nervous?" Lisa whispered, smiling reassuredly. "Don't be.  I'm
just gonna help you do this right.  That's all."
	Suddenly, Lisa's hand was between Holly's legs, stroking her clit
softly and slowly.  Never one to forget her own needs, Lisa reached down
and stroked her own pussy with her left hand.
	Holly quickly forgot any reservations she had about Lisa's actions. "Oh
... my God," she exclaimed. "That feels fucking GOOD."
	Holly was surprised at her own use of "the F-word," as she had only
uttered it a few times in her life.  But having Lisa's hand between her
legs was making her feel like a slut anyway, and she was surprised to
find she rather enjoyed that feeling.
	Holly kept uttering "oh God" and "don't stop" once every three or four
seconds.  Although she hadn't envisioned this happening, Lisa was
beginning to like the idea of giving Holly her first orgasm.
	Just as that thought crossed her mind, Holly's body shuddered and Lisa
knew she was coming.  She continued rubbing Holly's clit for all she was
worth until Holly let out a big sigh.
	Lisa moved her right hand over to her own pussy and went to work, and
it only took her 20 seconds before waves of pleasure hit her own body. 
After she came she opened her eyes and looked at Holly, who had a
sheepish grin on her face.
	"Oh my God," Holly said. "That was really ... GREAT."
	Holly giggled as Lisa opened her mouth to respond.
	"And the best part is, you can do that to yourself any time you want,"
Lisa said, smiling.
	Holly's reaction surprised both girls.
	"I ... I want YOU to do it again," she said.  "You do it much better
than I do."
	Lisa grinned. "All right," she replied. "I'll tell you what. I'm going
home now, and I'll leave you here to ... practice. I'll stop by after
class tomorrow night, and we'll see if you're ready to learn more."
	Holly was still smiling as Lisa got up to leave.  She was surprisingly
comfortable with her own lack of concern that she'd just had what was,
at the very least, a semi-lesbian experience.
	As Lisa closed the door behind her, Holly reached down, spread her legs
and began practicing.

	Continued in Part Two ...

---------- Forwarded message ----------
Date: Mon, 21 Oct 1996 10:42:49 -0400
From: The Chief <sandford@southeast.net>
Newsgroups: alt.sex.stories
Subject: New Adventures in Omaha -- Part 2 (ff, anal, masturbation)

Part Two

	WARNING!  The following story contains descriptions of consensual
sexual encounters between adults.  If you're under 18 or are offended by
material of this nature, it's time to stop reading.  Go the library
instead and check out a book.

	Chapter Five
	The following day, Holly could hardly wait for 6 p.m.  That's when
Lisa's last class ended, and Holly was really excited about Lisa's
promise to "teach her more" -– even though she wasn't sure exactly what
that meant.
	When six o'clock finally arrived, Holly reached down and began stroking
her clit.  Even though she'd probably masturbated four times in the past
24 hours, it still felt really good. 
	Then the knock at the door that she'd been waiting for finally arrived.
She eagerly bounced up to open it, and she found a smiling Lisa waiting
on the other side.
	God, she looks so good, Holly thought as Lisa walked past her.
After the girls exchanged pleasantries, Lisa sat down on Holly's bed.
	"So, have you been practicing?" Lisa asked.
	"Yeah, I have," Holly responded with a nervous laugh.  "Quite a bit,
	"And are you ready to continue last night's 'lesson'? " Lisa asked.
	Holly nodded.
	Lisa looked up at her and continued smiling. "Why don't you come over
here and sit next to me?" she asked, patting the area of blanket next to
her.  Holly was extremely nervous, but she felt herself sitting down
next to Lisa anway.
	Lisa looked at Holly, who had trouble returning her gaze.  The girls'
faces were only about 20 inches apart.
	"So," Lisa said, her voice growing quiet. "What do you want to learn
	Holly could feel herself trembling slightly as she opened her mouth to
respond.  "I don't know," she said.
	"Well, I can think of a few things I'd like to teach you," Lisa said as
she scooted closer to Holly.  Holly sat perfectly still and stared
straight ahead as Lisa put her arm around her.
	Suddenly Lisa's face was only about six inches away, and Holly wasn't
sure what to do.  She couldn't believe how good Lisa's perfume smelled
and how warm her breath was.
	Lisa put a finger on Holly's chin and turned her friend's head to face
	"Don't be nervous," Lisa whispered as she looked into Holly's eyes.
"I'm not going to bite!" 
	Oh my God, she's going to kiss me, Holly realized.  But before she
could even think about protesting, Holly felt Lisa's soft lips pressing
against hers.
	Lisa kissed Holly for four of five seconds before pulling away, once
again looking Holly in the eyes.  This time Holly was able to meet her
	"Would you like me to do that again?" Lisa whispered.
	"Yes," Holly whispered back.
	Lisa didn't need to be told twice.  She cupped Holly's beautiful face
in her hands and began kissing her friend's lips repeatedly.
	Holly couldn't believe how soft Lisa's lips and tongue were.  She'd
seen people kiss in movies and on television a thousand times, but she'd
never figured it felt this good.
	She tried her best to mimic Lisa's actions by rolling her tongue around
in Lisa's mouth as Lisa was doing in hers.  She also tried to hold Lisa
as tightly as Lisa was holding her, which was a difficult task.
	Twice Lisa offered to go on to "the next part of the lesson," but Holly
wanted to continue kissing.  
	"Believe me, Hol, it gets even better than this," a heavily breathing
Lisa said as she finally pulled away and started unbuttoning Holly's
	Once Lisa had removed Holly's shirt and bra, she began massaging
Holly's nipples as they kissed.  Lisa than kissed a path down to Holly's
right nipple and began licking it in a circular pattern.
	"Ohh, LISA," Holly purred.  "That feels sooooo good."
	Lisa spent the next few minutes alternating between Holly's nipples,
but she was growing impatient for something more tasty to suck on.  She
reached down and began unzipping Holly's fly.
	"Mmm, are you gonna help me masturbate again?" Holly asked excitedly.
	"Something even better than that," Lisa responded. "Help me get these
pants off you!"
	After Holly's pants and panties had fallen to the floor, Lisa once
again began massaging Holly's inner thighs.  But to Holly's surprise,
this time Lisa was using something a little softer and wetter than her
fingers to massage her friend's clit.
	"Holy SHIT!" Holly exclaimed as Lisa's tongue began fluttering up and
down her pussy.  "Oh my God, Lisa, FUCK me!"
	Lisa was getting even more turned on listening to her formerly prudish
friend's requests, and she started licking Holly's pussy in a circular
pattern, the way Lisa herself enjoyed being licked.
	Lisa continued massaging Holly's pussy with her hand as she looked up. 
"Oh, yes, Holly.  Say it.  Say 'lick my pussy.'  Say 'lick my fucking
clit.' "
	Holly was more than happy to comply.  "Ohhh, lick my fucking pussy,"
she moaned loudly.  "Lick my fucking CLIT. ..."
	Lisa ate that up – quite literally.  Holly continued moaning and
pleading for the next several minutes as Lisa ate her out.  Lisa,
meanwhile, continued to stroke her own pussy with her hand as she licked
	Finally, Lisa could feel by Holly's quivering that she was getting
ready to explode.  She quickly reacted, as she had one more surprise
left for Holly.
	As Holly's body began quaking, Lisa abandoned her clit and reached down
to pull her friend's ass cheeks far apart.  She proceeded to stick her
tongue as far up Holly's asshole as she could.
	"Oh YES, lick my ASSHOLE!" Holly exclaimed. "Yes, oh, FUCK yes!"
	Lisa continued feverishly licking Holly's ass until she was certain her
friend had finished coming.  She gave Holly's ass one last lick before
coming up to look at her friend.
	Holly's head was leaning back on her pillow, and she had an extremely
contented smile on her face.  She opened her eyes to look at Lisa.
	"My God, Lisa, that was SO awesome," Holly said, shaking her head in
disbelief.  "Where the hell did you learn how to DO things like that?"
	Lisa smiled and leaned over to French kiss Holly, making sure Holly got
a taste of her own juices.
	Holly accepted her wet kiss, and Lisa got up to leave.  She figured
Holly was still to much of a novice to have much interest in returning
the favor, so she decided she'd head back to her own dorm room to finish
the job herself.
	"Wh ... where are you going?" Holly asked dejectedly.  "I didn't get to
do anything to YOU!"
	Chapter Six

	Lisa grinned and turned around.
	"Oh, REALLY?  You wanna please ME, do you?" she asked playfully as
Holly eagerly nodded.
	Lisa sat back down on the bed. "All right, Holly," she said.  "I'm just
gonna sit here and let YOU figure out what to do.  We'll see if you've
learned anything. ..."
	Holly laughed and pulled Lisa to her.  "I want to do everything to you
that you did to me," she said.  "I want to lick your tits, your pussy
AND your asshole."
	"Well in that case, hold on a minute," Lisa said.  "I'm going to make
that last job a little more enjoyable for you."
	She got up and rushed to the bathroom to wash her ass.  After using a
little soap, warm water and her finger (and getting quite turned on in
the process), Lisa was ready for Holly to fulfill her promise.
	When she returned to the bedroom, she immediately got down on all fours
and stuck her ass high in the air.
	"All right, Holly," she said, trembling with anticipation as she pulled
her ass cheeks far apart.  "I'm all yours!"
	Holly didn't hesitate.  She grabbed Lisa's hips and stuck her tongue as
far as she could into Lisa's asshole.
	"YES!" Lisa exclaimed.  "Fuck yes, Holly!  Just like that ... don't
stop licking my asshole!"
	Holly was getting quite turned on again, and as she tongued Lisa's ass
she began longing for Lisa's tongue to be between her legs again.
	After a couple of minutes of licking and moaning, Lisa pulled away from
Holly.  Holly watched as Lisa reached back and pushed her index finger
as far into her own asshole as she could.
	She continued to finger fuck her asshole for another minute or so as
Holly watched.  Holly was enjoying Lisa's little show quite a bit, and
she reached down and started stroking her clit again.
	When Lisa opened her eyes and saw this, she stopped her
self-satisfaction and reached for Holly.
	"So, I see you're ready for more!" Lisa said as she lied down flat on
her back.  "Lie down on top of me – like this."
	After Lisa demonstrated with her hands, Holly complied.  She found
herself lying face-down on top of Lisa, staring directly at Lisa's
	"This is called '69,' " Lisa said, although her face was much closer to
Holly's pussy than her ear. "It's quite simple: you eat my pussy and
I'll eat yours.  This way we both get it at the same time."
	What a great idea, Holly thought as Lisa's tongue penetrated her
vagina.  Holly's first instinct was to close her eyes and moan, but then
she remembered that she also had a job to do.
	She immediately reached down and pushed Lisa's pussy lips apart,
exposing Lisa's clitoris.
	Well, here goes nothing, Holly thought as she lowered her mouth toward
Lisa's waiting clit.
	After running her tongue up and down Lisa's clit a few times, Holly
found the experience more pleasurable than she'd expected.  Lisa's pussy
tasted a little like watermelon, and the pleasure Holly was getting from
Lisa's tongue made her even more eager to eat Lisa out.
	The two girls continued to lick one another and moan for the next few
minutes.  Finally, Holly felt an orgasm approaching.
	"I ... I'm gonna come, Lisa," she breathed.  "Oh God, don't stop."
	Lisa put every ounce of energy she had into licking Holly's clit, and
Holly's moans of pleasure were all she needed to know her friend
appreciated it.  Lisa once again felt Holly start to quake, but this
time she kept her tongue on Holly's pussy.
	Holly forgot all about satisfying Lisa and raised her head into the
air, moaning and tweaking her own nipples.
	"Oh, LEEEESA," she exclaimed as she erupted.
	Lisa was glad she'd satisfied her friend again, but she couldn't help
but feel slightly cheated.  After all, she hadn't even had her FIRST
orgasm yet.
	After the girls kissed again, Holly sensed Lisa's disenchantment.  When
Holly realized that Lisa still hadn't come, she immediately got on her
hands and knees and started licking her friend's clitoris.
	"Oh, yes!" Lisa sighed.  "Keep licking my fucking clit!"
	Since Lisa had been building all night, it didn't take her long to
reach orgasm.  She felt waves of pleasure splashing over her body as
Holly's tongue accomplished its mission.
	"Mmmmmmm," Lisa moaned as she boiled over.  Holly lapped up as much of
Lisa's juices as she could.
	"Now it's YOUR turn!" she said playfully before tongue-kissing Lisa. 
Lisa continued kissing Holly for nearly a minute, as she really liked
tasting her own juices.	
	After they finished kissing, they proceeded to hold each other quietly
for several minutes.  After having had sex for nearly an hour, both
girls were in a tired and somewhat dreamy state.
	"Well, I'd better get going," Lisa finally said as she rose.  "I've got
class tomorrow morning."
	"Yeah, me too," Holly said.  "I guess I'll talk to you tomorrow."
	"I think you will," Lisa said as she opened the door to leave. "After
tonight, I think you'll be seeing a LOT more of me!"
	Both girls giggled one last time.  
	"Goodnight," Lisa whispered from the door.  Just before she closed the
door, she leaned her head in and blew Holly a kiss.
	 Holly was nothing short of elated as she realized her efforts to
improve her looks and attract people had paid off –- albeit in a rather
unconventional way.  And even though she had been pining and praying for
a boyfriend only a week earlier, she felt she had found something much
	She fell asleep with a smile on her face.

	Continued in Part Three ...